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1. A

RATIONALE:Questionnaire, observation and physiologic measurement are methods to collect primary

data from actual respondents.

2. B

RATIONALE:The study will determine the causes of childhood obesity- the diet, activity and parental
support given to children to be able to formulate a program on Child Wellness. Obesityhave occurred
prior to the initiation of the study.

3. B

RATIONALE:Since the study is about obesity, a dietary record can be utilized for secondary data analysis
to examine the intake of the research subjects.

4. B

RATIONALE: The data is primary-retrospective. Questionnaire, observation and physiologic

measurement will be utilized to collect data from actual respondents. It is retrospective as the condition
already occurred prior to the data gathering.

5. A

RATIONALE:Physiologic measurement will be gathered once as the researcher gathers present data
occurring at that time.

6. D

RATIONALE: A Case Study on TB Patients Drug Resistanceis an ex poct facto research as the drug
resistance has already occurred prior to data collection. Randomized controlled Trial on Frozen Plasma
Treatment for COVID Clients

andExperimental Study on Drug Treatment for Flu are Prospective researches while Descriptive
Study on Best Practices to Prevent Pneumonia is a cross-sectional study.
7. D

RATIONALE: Unstructured Interview guide will yield qualitative fata which will not measure level
of knowledge.

8. A

RATIONALE:In a follow-up study, the same tool with the primary research is used for the point of
comparison on data analysis.

9. A

RATIONALE:Data obtained from the civil registry are records of the government for thevital events of the

10. D

RATIONALE: An endorsement logbook is a secondary data which is composed of a set of instructions for
incoming nurses to guide the nursing management.


1. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. This is done to prevent Hawthorne effect and prevent participants’

2. F

RATIONALE:The covert observer does not interact with the subjects and observes their behaviour
without their knowledge.

3. T

RATIONALE:This is correct. In a Delphi technique,there is a series of rounds where information is fed

back to panel members using questionnaires.

4. F

RATIONALE:The researcher attempts to describe the events or behaviour with no preconceived

ideas of what will be seen or observed in anunstructured observation.
5. F

RATIONALE:Mr.G’s data collecting method is self-recording or reporting approach.

6. T

RATIONALE:This is correct. Mortality and recovery rate are pertinent reports and other documents of an

7. F

RATIONALE:When a codebook is utilized, critical incident technique is used, not a Delphi.

8. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. The participant observer may be a member of the research group assigned
to collect data while taking part in the activity of the subjects.

9. F

RATIONALE: In unstructured observation, the researcher attempts to describe the events or behaviour
with no preconceived ideas of what will be seen or observed so that a checklist becomes impertinent.

10. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. Apolicy Delphi is used to examine arguments by a panel to formulate policy.


1. Marital Status. This is a nominal data. The variable can be classified/categorical.

2. Income. This is a ratio data. There is an absolute zero value for income.

3. Stress. This is an ordinal data. Stress can be shown using relative rankings of variables.

4. pH.This is an interval data. The zero point remains arbitrary and not absolute

5. Level of Knowledge. This is an ordinal data. The word level connotes relative rankings of variables.

6. Perception. This is an ordinal data. are used to show relative rankings of variables, ordering
observations according to magnitude or intensity.

7. Year Level. This is a nominal data. The variable is categorical.

8. Storm Signal. This is a nominal data. The variable is categorical.

9. No. of nurses per shift. This is a ratio data. There can be an absolute zero nurses on duty.
10. Type of bacteria. This is a nominal data. Bacteria can be classified/categorized.


The possible errors of measurement are the following:

1. Environmental contaminants. The data gathering day for the group is cloudy. An anticipated rain
might be a barrier to reach the area to float their questionnaire. Hence, this inconvenience might affect
the respondents as they might rush to answer the questionnaire so that they will not take the
researchers wait too long as they still have a class.

2. Variation in data collection. A group of 6 will obviously be composed of different personalities with
different ways of instructing respondents. Since the adviser is not aware of the data gathering schedule,
the researchers’ skill in data gathering is yet to be validated so as to prevent error.

3. Clarity of the instrument. A research instrument has to be floated to a group of people with similar
characteristics to the respondents. Confusing questions can be revised so as to ensure that respondents
will have the same interpretation of the questions.


1. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. Test of stability is not is not useful in the measurement of changeable or
transient states.

2. F

RATIONALE: In the test-retest, if the results are not consistent, the questionnaire is not considered
reliable and will need to be revised until it does measure consistently.

3. F

RATIONALE: Intra-rater reliability measures the consistency one researcher at measuring a constant

4. F

RATIONALE: Repeated observation is a test of stability.

5. T

RATIONALE:This is correct. Anxiety level does not remain constant over time, so it is unstable.

6. F
RATIONALE: An established instrument should be tested for internal consistency each time it is used
with a new population.

7. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. Scores on one half of a subject’s responses are compared to scores on the
other half. To test if they are highly correlated in split half technique.

8. F

RATIONALE: A high level of agreement between two observers is an assumption that measurement
errors have been minimized in equivalence.

9. T

RATIONALE: This is correct. Two tests are administered to subjects at the same time for comparison in
alternate form.

10. F

RATIONALE: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is not particularly useful in open-ended questionnaires or

interviews, unstructured observations, projective tests, available data, or other qualitative data
collection methods and instruments as this is a test of internal consistency applicable only in
quantitative studies.


1. 3/4= .75

2 4/4= 1

3. 4/4= 1

4. 2/4= .50

5: 3/4= .75

S-CVI= 4/5


1. C

RATIONALE:Concurrent validity refers an instrument’s ability to distinguish individuals who differ on a

present or current criterion. Predictive validity refers to the adequacy of an instrument in differentiating
between people’s performance on some future criterion.

2. A

RATIONALE:Criterion-related validity involves determining the relationship between an instrument and

an external criterion. Construct validity attempts to answer the question – “What is the instrument
really measuring?”Content validity concerns the degree to which an instrument has an appropriate
sample of items for the construct being measured and adequately covers the construct domain. Face
validity refers to whether the instrument looks as though it is measuring the appropriate construct.

3. D

RATIONALE: Predictive validity measures are designed to measure some current characteristic that is
expected to predict something that will occur sometime in the future.

4. B

RATIONALE:Construct validityis tested by determining the extent to which the instrument actually
measures that concept like grief which is a subjective phenomenon.

5. B

RATIONALE:Predictive validity are designed measures to anticipatesuccess in educational programs like

aptitude tests

6. D

RATIONALE:MTMM is is based on the premise that different measures of the same construct should
produce very similar results, and that measures of different constructs should produce very different

7. D

RATIONALE:MTMM is based on the premise that different measures of the same construct should
produce very similar results.

8. A

RATIONALE:In convergent validity, the researchermust have access to more than one method of
measuring the construct under study and that they will yield the same results when tested.

9. B
RATIONALE:In discriminant validity, a researcher must have data from two or more tools designed to
measure the construct you are studying and one or more measures of a different construct.

10. C

RATIONALE: An experiment is designed to test the theory or conceptual framework underlying the


SELF-REPORTED COFFEE DRINKING POSITIVE (Caffeine > 15mcg/ml NEGATIVE (Caffeine < 15mcg/ml

YES, drank coffee A (True Positive)

30 B (False Positive)

22 52

NO, did not drink coffeeC (False Negative)

35 D (True Negative)

29 64

TOTAL A + C B+D 116


or =____TP___ = 30_____ = 0.46 (TRUE POSITIVE)

TP + FN 30+35

SPECIFICITY = D / (B + D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Or= ___TN____ = 29____ = 0.57 (TRUE NEGATIVE)

FP + TN 22+29
(Note: 3 points for the total column inside the table, 6 points for the answer and solution. 1 point bonus)



1. C

RATIONALE:Hawthorne effect is the tendency of the researcher to rate the subject high or low because
of the impression he has on the latter.

2. B

RATIONALE:Halo effectis the tendency of the researcher to rate the subject high or low because of the
impression he has on the latter.

3. B

RATIONALE:Maturationtake place when changes within the subjects occur during the experimental
study thus may influence study results.

4. A

RATIONALE:Experimenter effect is a threat to the study which results when the researcher’s behaviour
influences the behaviour of the subjects.

5. B

RATIONALE:Instrumentation change is the existence of a difference between pre-test and post test
results caused by change in the accuracy of the instrument of the ratings.

6. A

RATIONALE:Mortality happens when a difference exists between the subject dropout rates.
7. A

RATIONALE:External validityis the degree to which study results can be influenced or affected by
external factors or populations and settings.

8. B

RATIONALE:Internal validitymeans the degree to which changes in the dependent variable (effects) can
be attributed to the independent variable (cause).

9. A

RATIONALE:When the subject does not know whether he or she is receiving the treatment or a placebo,
it is called blind study.

10. B

RATIONALE:In a double blind study, neither the subject nor the observer knows the specific research
objective or the specific subjects who belong to the experimental or control group.


1. C

RATIONALE: Participants and research agents alike

might alter their behaviour, a novelty effect which happens when a treatment is


2. D

RATIONALE: If health
care staff or family members try to compensate for the control group members’

failure to receive a perceived beneficial treatment, this results to

compensatory effect.

3. C

RATIONALE: Researcher’s

influence on participant responses through subtle (or not so-subtle)

communication about desired outcomes is called researcher expectancies.

4. B

RATIONALE: Researchers control of extraneous variation through

homogeneity but this can limit the generalizability of study findings.

5. D

RATIONALE: Researcher expectancies is a

threat to construct validity.

6. D

RATIONALE: Any alternative treatment

conditions can get blurred and impede

good construct descriptions of the independents variable.

7. C


RATIONALE: Researchers determine

that intervention was delivered as intended may need to be supplemented by

manipulation check to prevent unreliable

implementation of treatment.

8. A

RATIONALE: Compensatory rivalry arise when the

participants in the study under the control group desire

That they can do as much

as the experimental group where special treatment is given.

9. C

RATIONALE: Restriction of range restricts the range of values on the outcome

variable and can lead to an erroneous inference that the variables are


10. D

RATIONALE: Statistical conclusion validityestablishes

causality by demonstrating that there is a relationship between the independent

and dependent variables by using statistics.

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