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1: What were the problems faced by Ipininder Singh in the transport system of

But the main problem in transport management is rostering as, it is the act of creating a plan
of who is going where, from which location, at what time, on which day.
He find one of the biggest problem was that the sheer size of the project, with its multiple
layers of intricacies.

Ques. 2: How does the HR-IS improve rostering?

The system helps them in billing. Initially, after every trip, cab drivers filled up a trip sheet
with the number of kilometers they had run. To decide how much a driver needed to be paid,
the transport department needed to enter trip data into their Excel sheets, cross it against the
cost of hiring that specific vehicle and add on extra costs like over-time, or 24-hour rates &
built an application that had all the parameters and metrics pre-loaded into the system.
The system give them costs by department and by employee. It brought down the billing time
significantly, moreover the application cut roster-making time from three days to one. And
allowed the transport to adjust rosters on demand, thereby improving cab utilization.
QUES3:- How does the routing solution lower transport costs?

ANS:- Singh bought an off-the-shelf routing solution which had 10-12 algorithms to do basic routing.

Then he roped in Eicher World Maps to get digital versions of their printed maps. "We got the
algorithm to work on those digital maps. Also we got all employees to geo-code their locations," he

 "The transport solution helped us reduce and optimize costs and provides a positive experience
for our employees, something which is of so much importance to us. It enables us to manage the
entire transport service chain from rostering, routing to billing, thereby creating a seamless end-
user and vendor experience," says Gaurav Kalra, head of transport, Convergys. Overall, Singh
says that a modest estimate of how much the project lowered transport costs is 30 to 40

Q.4 What are the various solutions implemented by Ipininder Singh to improve the transport system
at Convergys?

Ans- • They introduced a host of self-service portals to reduce the burden on the transport team in
which they started the concept of SMS-based workflow which sends short codes such as "CP" for
cancel pick up and "CD" for cancel drop, employees could notify the transport team without having
to talk to the call center or help desk.

• They also experimented with barcodes. Assigning a barcode strip to each cab and trip sheet
made it possible for the guard to scan both with a handheld scanner. Also, the arrival of specific cabs
is flashed on the respective supervisor's screen

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