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P9803 Flood Potential.

qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 1

Preparing for
Flood Potential
For additional copies of this publication or other
FM Global resources, contact customer services: If You’re Not Prepared,
• Toll-free: (877) 364-6726 (United States and Canada)
• By phone: (781) 255-6681 A Flood Could Cost You
• By fax: (781) 255-0181
Or order online:
Your Business

P9803 (Rev. 2/02) Printed in USA (2/02)
© 2002 Factory Mutual Insurance Company
All rights reserved.
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 3

looding has many faces, all of

F them potentially menacing to

business property owners. Flash
flooding strikes local areas randomly.
A major windstorm dumps a record
rainfall — 20 in. (0.5 m) or more —
on a coastal area within a few hours.
Waters from mountain snow-melt fan
out as a sheet flood moving across an
alluvial plain, where steeper gradients
create deep rapids and a more danger-
ous event. Saturated areas with porous
soils below flood levels can trigger
landslides, mudslides or massive silt
flows during flooding — flows that
topple buildings and shift foundations.

Intense rain isn’t the only cause of

flooding. Ice jams can dam a river,
causing it to spill its banks like an
overflowing bathtub. Long after rains
have subsided, rivers clogged with
ice or debris can continue to rise.
Flooding can strike any time, leaving behind water damage and a muddy residue that can render sensitive equipment — and your
The greatly feared tsunami, a wave facility — inoperable, threatening the existence of your business.
triggered by undersea seismic activity,
can be severe enough to devastate property loss, plus months of • Tanks floating on floodwater
widespread coastal areas. Sudden downtime, taught workers one damaged valuable machinery
drops in barometric pressure can create lesson: Never assume a river will and presses, shutting production
a seiche, a rare event involving an stay within predicted flood levels. down for three months. Earlier,
inland lake surging from one shore • A drainage ditch overflowed its this facility had been flooded 4 ft.
to another like a bowl of water tipping banks from heavy rain and began (1.2 m) deep on the ground floor,
back and forth. flowing across a parking lot toward where water deposited heavy
two buildings. In one building, layers of mud. When heavy rain
Floodwater is one problem. Human workers moved pallet loads from hit again, the river rose well above
error is another, as these flooding the floor to upper racks and sealed the 500-year flood estimate. The
losses illustrate: spaces under the doors to protect company was unaware of the
• Forecasters had predicted that the storage areas; however, this need to anchor tanks and other
the river would rise 34 ft. (10.4 m) failed to work for the second build- items that can float in floodwater.
in the local area — the same level ing, where almost 200 pallet loads Failure to promptly remove the
as the warehouse floor. Workers stored on the floor were destroyed mud and fine silt made the situation
elevated stock on skids, but it by rising waters. The error leading worse. The manufacturer faced
collapsed when the river rose 2 ft. to this US$2.6 million loss? approximately US$12.4 million
(0.6 m) higher than predicted. Workers miscalculated the floor in damage costs.
The emergency-response team elevation in the second building.
was unprepared. This US$7 million

This brochure is made available for informational purposes only in support of the insurance relationship between FM Global and its customers.
This information does not change or supplement policy terms or conditions. The liability of FM Global is limited to that contained in its insurance policies.
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 3

looding has many faces, all of

F them potentially menacing to

business property owners. Flash
flooding strikes local areas randomly.
A major windstorm dumps a record
rainfall — 20 in. (0.5 m) or more —
on a coastal area within a few hours.
Waters from mountain snow-melt fan
out as a sheet flood moving across an
alluvial plain, where steeper gradients
create deep rapids and a more danger-
ous event. Saturated areas with porous
soils below flood levels can trigger
landslides, mudslides or massive silt
flows during flooding — flows that
topple buildings and shift foundations.

Intense rain isn’t the only cause of

flooding. Ice jams can dam a river,
causing it to spill its banks like an
overflowing bathtub. Long after rains
have subsided, rivers clogged with
ice or debris can continue to rise.
Flooding can strike any time, leaving behind water damage and a muddy residue that can render sensitive equipment — and your
The greatly feared tsunami, a wave facility — inoperable, threatening the existence of your business.
triggered by undersea seismic activity,
can be severe enough to devastate property loss, plus months of • Tanks floating on floodwater
widespread coastal areas. Sudden downtime, taught workers one damaged valuable machinery
drops in barometric pressure can create lesson: Never assume a river will and presses, shutting production
a seiche, a rare event involving an stay within predicted flood levels. down for three months. Earlier,
inland lake surging from one shore • A drainage ditch overflowed its this facility had been flooded 4 ft.
to another like a bowl of water tipping banks from heavy rain and began (1.2 m) deep on the ground floor,
back and forth. flowing across a parking lot toward where water deposited heavy
two buildings. In one building, layers of mud. When heavy rain
Floodwater is one problem. Human workers moved pallet loads from hit again, the river rose well above
error is another, as these flooding the floor to upper racks and sealed the 500-year flood estimate. The
losses illustrate: spaces under the doors to protect company was unaware of the
• Forecasters had predicted that the storage areas; however, this need to anchor tanks and other
the river would rise 34 ft. (10.4 m) failed to work for the second build- items that can float in floodwater.
in the local area — the same level ing, where almost 200 pallet loads Failure to promptly remove the
as the warehouse floor. Workers stored on the floor were destroyed mud and fine silt made the situation
elevated stock on skids, but it by rising waters. The error leading worse. The manufacturer faced
collapsed when the river rose 2 ft. to this US$2.6 million loss? approximately US$12.4 million
(0.6 m) higher than predicted. Workers miscalculated the floor in damage costs.
The emergency-response team elevation in the second building.
was unprepared. This US$7 million

This brochure is made available for informational purposes only in support of the insurance relationship between FM Global and its customers.
This information does not change or supplement policy terms or conditions. The liability of FM Global is limited to that contained in its insurance policies.
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 2

The Losses Reveal Several Facts • Always include yard storage,

dumpsters, equipment and
given year. A 50-year flood is twice
as likely to occur in any year as a
• services, utilities and
Loss of access to your facility also can
be sudden. If roads to the property are
• When selecting a site or expanding outside tanks in flood evaluations. 100-year event. A less frequent, but • access, shipping and receiving impassable, you have no guarantee of
operations, locate the facility or A floating tank filled with a more devastating, 500-year flood has • tunnels and below-grade moving raw materials or components
key areas and equipment above the flammable substance can become a 0.2 percent chance of happening one occupancies in or finished product out. Railroad
500-year flood level, if possible. a floating fire hazard that can or more times a year. In addition, as a tracks often run parallel to or across
• Simply moving stock to higher expose anything in its path. river or its watershed characteristics Loss of utilities often happens fast. streams and can be washed away by
ground often prevents a loss or • When anticipating the result change, the actual probability of a A flooded electrical substation, flood. Trucks can be held up in another
minimizes damage, but it might of flooding and planning an major flood might be even greater telephone utility building or sewage flooded location. Employees could be
not be enough to avoid lengthy effective response, don’t forget than that of a predicted event treatment plant might have to shut halted on their way to the facility.
interruption to normal operations. about deposits from rivers, (see table below). down production suddenly. If the local
• Flood predictions are only a particularly those with small water plant floods, your water supply Yard storage (yours or your neighbors’)
guideline. Rarely are they accurate elevation changes and slowly Your next step is to look closely at the could be cut off immediately. Flood- can sustain major damage. Anchoring,
within a few inches. When plan- moving water. Floodwater ways a flood could impact: waters from cresting rivers and down- bracing and relocating equipment is
ning for an emergency, allow for carries fine sand, contaminants • the site, buildings, equipment, pours could quickly submerge fire essential. Any object not tied down can
a 1- to 3-ft. (0.3- to 0.9-m) error Moving stock and process equipment to higher ground can
and various chemicals, which prevent or minimize damage, but it might not be enough to stock and suppliers hydrants and knock alarm systems out float — propane tanks, yard storage,
in predictions. will collect in your facility and avoid an interruption to operations. • fire protection systems, water of service. Outside access to ground- vehicles or river barges torn free from
• Accurate floor and equipment on sensitive equipment. supply and alarms level and basement service areas could moorings. Vehicles, truck trailers and
elevation estimates are essential
when evaluating potential flood
• Effective flood response is site- Engineering Analysis • yard equipment and storage be prevented. Can you cope without
specific. Be certain the appropriate utilities and services?
losses. If you’re close to a poten- Do You Understand the True Risk
advance warning and adequate
tial exposure, know the elevation to Your Facility?
staffing is available for the
of your buildings, equipment, The first step to take is the most
utilities, yard storage and access
routes, as well as the key flood

potential flood scenarios.
Make sure the flood emergency-
response plan mandates thorough,
important — consult a qualified
engineer who can evaluate your
Probability of One or More Events
elevations. FM Global engineers property for all local and regional
regularly scheduled employee
can provide information about what flooding potentials. Under what
training. 60%
you can expect at your property. conditions will that river, seashore,
dry arroyo, small ditch, drainage
culvert, process water reservoir or 50%
aesthetic pond become a real threat?
Your FM Global engineer can evaluate 40%
Flammable liquids can leak from containers and become a floating contamination and fire hazard.
the property and provide information
on the proper approach and valuable 30%
resources, depending on your situation.
Next, understand exactly what
magnitude of flooding you could face 10%
and what the likelihood might be.

A 100-year flood recurrence interval 5 Years 10 Years 25 Years 50 Years

does not mean a flood occurs every
500-Year Flood 100-Year Flood
100 years. It means that level of
flooding has a one percent chance of 200-Year Flood 50-Year Flood
happening one or more times in a

2 3
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 2

The Losses Reveal Several Facts • Always include yard storage,

dumpsters, equipment and
given year. A 50-year flood is twice
as likely to occur in any year as a
• services, utilities and
Loss of access to your facility also can
be sudden. If roads to the property are
• When selecting a site or expanding outside tanks in flood evaluations. 100-year event. A less frequent, but • access, shipping and receiving impassable, you have no guarantee of
operations, locate the facility or A floating tank filled with a more devastating, 500-year flood has • tunnels and below-grade moving raw materials or components
key areas and equipment above the flammable substance can become a 0.2 percent chance of happening one occupancies in or finished product out. Railroad
500-year flood level, if possible. a floating fire hazard that can or more times a year. In addition, as a tracks often run parallel to or across
• Simply moving stock to higher expose anything in its path. river or its watershed characteristics Loss of utilities often happens fast. streams and can be washed away by
ground often prevents a loss or • When anticipating the result change, the actual probability of a A flooded electrical substation, flood. Trucks can be held up in another
minimizes damage, but it might of flooding and planning an major flood might be even greater telephone utility building or sewage flooded location. Employees could be
not be enough to avoid lengthy effective response, don’t forget than that of a predicted event treatment plant might have to shut halted on their way to the facility.
interruption to normal operations. about deposits from rivers, (see table below). down production suddenly. If the local
• Flood predictions are only a particularly those with small water plant floods, your water supply Yard storage (yours or your neighbors’)
guideline. Rarely are they accurate elevation changes and slowly Your next step is to look closely at the could be cut off immediately. Flood- can sustain major damage. Anchoring,
within a few inches. When plan- moving water. Floodwater ways a flood could impact: waters from cresting rivers and down- bracing and relocating equipment is
ning for an emergency, allow for carries fine sand, contaminants • the site, buildings, equipment, pours could quickly submerge fire essential. Any object not tied down can
a 1- to 3-ft. (0.3- to 0.9-m) error Moving stock and process equipment to higher ground can
and various chemicals, which prevent or minimize damage, but it might not be enough to stock and suppliers hydrants and knock alarm systems out float — propane tanks, yard storage,
in predictions. will collect in your facility and avoid an interruption to operations. • fire protection systems, water of service. Outside access to ground- vehicles or river barges torn free from
• Accurate floor and equipment on sensitive equipment. supply and alarms level and basement service areas could moorings. Vehicles, truck trailers and
elevation estimates are essential
when evaluating potential flood
• Effective flood response is site- Engineering Analysis • yard equipment and storage be prevented. Can you cope without
specific. Be certain the appropriate utilities and services?
losses. If you’re close to a poten- Do You Understand the True Risk
advance warning and adequate
tial exposure, know the elevation to Your Facility?
staffing is available for the
of your buildings, equipment, The first step to take is the most
utilities, yard storage and access
routes, as well as the key flood

potential flood scenarios.
Make sure the flood emergency-
response plan mandates thorough,
important — consult a qualified
engineer who can evaluate your
Probability of One or More Events
elevations. FM Global engineers property for all local and regional
regularly scheduled employee
can provide information about what flooding potentials. Under what
training. 60%
you can expect at your property. conditions will that river, seashore,
dry arroyo, small ditch, drainage
culvert, process water reservoir or 50%
aesthetic pond become a real threat?
Your FM Global engineer can evaluate 40%
Flammable liquids can leak from containers and become a floating contamination and fire hazard.
the property and provide information
on the proper approach and valuable 30%
resources, depending on your situation.
Next, understand exactly what
magnitude of flooding you could face 10%
and what the likelihood might be.

A 100-year flood recurrence interval 5 Years 10 Years 25 Years 50 Years

does not mean a flood occurs every
500-Year Flood 100-Year Flood
100 years. It means that level of
flooding has a one percent chance of 200-Year Flood 50-Year Flood
happening one or more times in a

2 3
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 4

Floating flammable liquids leaking • Piping. Floodwater flows through Drainage Barriers Flood Emergency-Response Plan
from broken piping or drums can animal burrows or canals formed Downed trees, ice jams or other debris
pose contamination and fire threats. by tree roots. This weakens A paper plan is one created in isolation
can obstruct drainage as they move
Flammable liquids, which are lighter the levee. and never tested. A smart plan is created
down a stream or river. Be sure to:
than water, can float and ignite, • Saturation. Floodwater permeates with teamwork and regularly updated
• Check culverts or bridges that
creating moving rivers of fire. How the levee or its foundation and tested. It’s well-conceived and
could affect your facility. They
will you control these hazards? material, leaving it too weak to comprehensive, has strong manage-
should be in good condition, free
withstand its own weight. ment support and ensures an adequate
of debris and properly maintained.
number of people are trained to take
Watch for water ponding behind an
Man-Made Protection the right actions at the right times.
Perhaps that levee built many years obstruction. If the bridge or culvert
Levees and floodwalls either can
ago no longer affords the same level is upstream, look for the flow path
curtail damage or make it worse.
Levees are earthen walls constructed of protection. Has the area developed? that could divert high water around Months Ahead of Flooding Season
Have new bridges been built? Is there the obstruction to a low point. Management writes and endorses
parallel to a river or stream. Concrete
heavy vegetation along the stream? • If ice jams are possible, stay alert a sustainable step-by-step flood
floodwalls are installed where limited
Who owns the flood protection to local and regional forecasts emergency-response plan for all A flood emergency-response plan provides procedures for
space prevents building a levee of
system? Who maintains it? Do you for their location. Flooding can monitoring weather forecasting.
proper size. Sound design, construc- potential flood scenarios, providing
know how well you’re protected? occur quickly if the jams break specific responses for each one. The
tion, operation and maintenance are Training includes instruction about
up, move downstream, or block plan details the educational goals of the
essential. Unusual volumes of water all exposures and requires employees
Your FM Global engineer can bridges or culverts. training program for the emergency-
that inundate the area can cause levees to be completely familiar with the
and floodwalls to fail in several ways: examine your levees and floodwalls response team. It also provides flood plan. Train them (with drills)
and determine if more extensive procedures for:
• Underseepage. Floodwater erodes Building Construction to respond to all emergency scenarios
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security because your the soil under the wall or levee, evaluation is needed. You also can • monitoring weather forecasting
Walls, basements and structures are identified in your plan. Training will
property is protected by a levee or floodwall. Either can fail.
creating sand boils. Continued contact the agency that oversees • working with local emergency-
susceptible to damage, especially enable them to:
soil erosion undermines the wall levees and floodwalls in your area. management agencies to
when they are poorly designed or • recognize signs of change or
trailer offices can become battering or levee. In the United States, the U.S. Army integrate plans
unreinforced, and interior drainage deterioration on the property that
rams or float away entirely. How can • Overtopping. Floodwater flows Corps of Engineers designs, constructs • moving critical equipment to
systems can become overtaxed. could affect flood potential
you prevent this? It’s essential to over the top of a levee or wall and inspects federal levees. safe areas, i.e., higher ground
Generally, the lighter the construction, • know how and where to install
decide and take action before any and erodes the other side. • deciding work hours and number flood doors, flood logs, flood
the greater the damage. A structural
flood event strikes. of personnel needed windows and essential barriers
engineer should determine the adequacy
• accessing names, addresses, • know the sequence in which water
of walls, basements and structural
Inside your plant, process equipment phone and fax numbers, and may enter your facility and arrange
elements to determine the extent
and stock also can become floating e-mail addresses of vendors your flood-fighting efforts in a
floodwater and any associated wind
hazards. Storage racks may lift up and supplying business operations similar sequence to stop the entry
A typical bayou during calmer times. can be tolerated. FM Global Property
tumble into one another. Outside tanks and salvage services of water
Loss Prevention Data Sheet 9-13,
(above and below ground), foundations • obtaining supplies for preflood • provide proper means to elevate
Evaluation of Flood Exposure,
and exterior walls are susceptible to preparation and post-flood property or move it to higher
provides more information.
hydrostatic forces. Unanchored silos recovery: pumps, generators, ground
can be light enough to displace and sandbags, tarpaulins, cleaning
New construction can change the
float away. Floodwaters could supplies, first aid kits
drainage profile of your property
undermine paving, landscaping and • assigning security and surveillance
or adjacent areas. If you made, or
ground cover or enter outside electrical • prioritizing salvage and
are in the process of making, any
wiring systems. cleanup activities
changes, reassess drainage during
the design stage and throughout the
construction process.

4 5
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 4

Floating flammable liquids leaking • Piping. Floodwater flows through Drainage Barriers Flood Emergency-Response Plan
from broken piping or drums can animal burrows or canals formed Downed trees, ice jams or other debris
pose contamination and fire threats. by tree roots. This weakens A paper plan is one created in isolation
can obstruct drainage as they move
Flammable liquids, which are lighter the levee. and never tested. A smart plan is created
down a stream or river. Be sure to:
than water, can float and ignite, • Saturation. Floodwater permeates with teamwork and regularly updated
• Check culverts or bridges that
creating moving rivers of fire. How the levee or its foundation and tested. It’s well-conceived and
could affect your facility. They
will you control these hazards? material, leaving it too weak to comprehensive, has strong manage-
should be in good condition, free
withstand its own weight. ment support and ensures an adequate
of debris and properly maintained.
number of people are trained to take
Watch for water ponding behind an
Man-Made Protection the right actions at the right times.
Perhaps that levee built many years obstruction. If the bridge or culvert
Levees and floodwalls either can
ago no longer affords the same level is upstream, look for the flow path
curtail damage or make it worse.
Levees are earthen walls constructed of protection. Has the area developed? that could divert high water around Months Ahead of Flooding Season
Have new bridges been built? Is there the obstruction to a low point. Management writes and endorses
parallel to a river or stream. Concrete
heavy vegetation along the stream? • If ice jams are possible, stay alert a sustainable step-by-step flood
floodwalls are installed where limited
Who owns the flood protection to local and regional forecasts emergency-response plan for all A flood emergency-response plan provides procedures for
space prevents building a levee of
system? Who maintains it? Do you for their location. Flooding can monitoring weather forecasting.
proper size. Sound design, construc- potential flood scenarios, providing
know how well you’re protected? occur quickly if the jams break specific responses for each one. The
tion, operation and maintenance are Training includes instruction about
up, move downstream, or block plan details the educational goals of the
essential. Unusual volumes of water all exposures and requires employees
Your FM Global engineer can bridges or culverts. training program for the emergency-
that inundate the area can cause levees to be completely familiar with the
and floodwalls to fail in several ways: examine your levees and floodwalls response team. It also provides flood plan. Train them (with drills)
and determine if more extensive procedures for:
• Underseepage. Floodwater erodes Building Construction to respond to all emergency scenarios
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security because your the soil under the wall or levee, evaluation is needed. You also can • monitoring weather forecasting
Walls, basements and structures are identified in your plan. Training will
property is protected by a levee or floodwall. Either can fail.
creating sand boils. Continued contact the agency that oversees • working with local emergency-
susceptible to damage, especially enable them to:
soil erosion undermines the wall levees and floodwalls in your area. management agencies to
when they are poorly designed or • recognize signs of change or
trailer offices can become battering or levee. In the United States, the U.S. Army integrate plans
unreinforced, and interior drainage deterioration on the property that
rams or float away entirely. How can • Overtopping. Floodwater flows Corps of Engineers designs, constructs • moving critical equipment to
systems can become overtaxed. could affect flood potential
you prevent this? It’s essential to over the top of a levee or wall and inspects federal levees. safe areas, i.e., higher ground
Generally, the lighter the construction, • know how and where to install
decide and take action before any and erodes the other side. • deciding work hours and number flood doors, flood logs, flood
the greater the damage. A structural
flood event strikes. of personnel needed windows and essential barriers
engineer should determine the adequacy
• accessing names, addresses, • know the sequence in which water
of walls, basements and structural
Inside your plant, process equipment phone and fax numbers, and may enter your facility and arrange
elements to determine the extent
and stock also can become floating e-mail addresses of vendors your flood-fighting efforts in a
floodwater and any associated wind
hazards. Storage racks may lift up and supplying business operations similar sequence to stop the entry
A typical bayou during calmer times. can be tolerated. FM Global Property
tumble into one another. Outside tanks and salvage services of water
Loss Prevention Data Sheet 9-13,
(above and below ground), foundations • obtaining supplies for preflood • provide proper means to elevate
Evaluation of Flood Exposure,
and exterior walls are susceptible to preparation and post-flood property or move it to higher
provides more information.
hydrostatic forces. Unanchored silos recovery: pumps, generators, ground
can be light enough to displace and sandbags, tarpaulins, cleaning
New construction can change the
float away. Floodwaters could supplies, first aid kits
drainage profile of your property
undermine paving, landscaping and • assigning security and surveillance
or adjacent areas. If you made, or
ground cover or enter outside electrical • prioritizing salvage and
are in the process of making, any
wiring systems. cleanup activities
changes, reassess drainage during
the design stage and throughout the
construction process.

4 5
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:19 PM Page 6

Be aware of long-term weather Check temporary flood protection supplies and personnel. As applicable, Temporary Levees or Barriers
predictions. Could snowpack be equipment and make sure it operates check river stages periodically with Part of emergency-response team
heavier-than-usual this year? Have properly. Stockpile supplies for the government agency that has this training may include building a sand-
local or upstream conditions changed? building temporary dikes, levees information. In the United States, the bag emergency levee (see instructions
Have you made any construction or floodwalls. Identify the need for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could on page 6). Make sure sufficient sup-
changes to the property that might protective coverings, such as tarps. be helpful, while the U.S. Geological plies and equipment are readily avail-
have lowered any land elevations? Survey (USGS) posts continual water able. Obtain temporary water-filled
Or, have there been any additional Identify equipment that will need level information online. tubes for constructing a water barrier.
storm water or process water drains anchoring. Check any item that cannot
installed on site to remove water to be elevated or moved to higher ground. Temporary Protection
swollen rivers or streams? Are there Provide flood protection procedures and Precautions
During the Flood
Activate your well-planned emergency-
any shutoffs provided on these pipes for this equipment. • Check and test flood doors and
response efforts. Management co-
to prevent the backflow of water onto barriers and other temporary,
ordinates outside assistance, repairs,
a site? Contact your FM Global Plan flood warning monitoring, flood-related protection equipment.
salvage and business-resumption plans.
engineer to evaluate your potential notification and response. Ensure • Check all access roads. Which
The emergency-response team begins:
flood exposures. your flood emergency-response plan are most likely to flood? Are there
• installing flood doors and barriers Damage due to rushing water is evident in this warped wall frame.
describes your company’s response alternate routes for employees?
and other temporary, flood-related
to flood warnings. Monitor early Can any roads on your property
protection equipment
flood warnings and prepare equipment, be built up to ensure access? • relocating critical equipment to • obtain trucks and tractors to
• monitoring potential flood damage
temporary storage areas move hazardous material drums
(no access to property, interrupted
• lubricating machinery before to safe areas
fire protection, utility outage,
floodwater exposes it • plug storm sewer culverts
shutdown, etc.)
• mark sprinkler water control
• securing outside equipment
How to Construct a Sandbag Levee • checking utility backup and fire
One Company’s Action Plan valves with long poles for easy
As one component of your overall identification
protection equipment
1. Fill sandbag one-half to two-thirds 3. Wrap sandbag levees with plan, consider devising an action plan • fill tanks so they don’t float away
• organizing cleanup supplies
full and tie at top. Overfilled bags polyethylene sheeting to prevent similar to this one that worked well or damage other facility contents
• setting up emergency communica-
leave gaps in the levee, allowing seepage. Do not lay sandbags for one company: • prepare high-volume/low-
tion equipment in the event of total
water to penetrate through. You entirely on top of the sheeting or head pumps to pump water
utility loss
need approximately 60 sandbags they may lose traction and slip At the 25-ft. (7.6-m) local flood stage: from the facility
per linear foot (0.3 m) to build a back, causing the levee to fail. • contact employees who will con-
levee 5 ft. (2 m) high. duct emergency flood operations When local floodwater reaches
2. Place sandbags flat on the ground, Keep in mind the sandbag levee is • contact flood emergency property floor level or higher:
then overlap and pack them into extremely labor-intensive. It takes one Sandbagging can be effective, but labor-intensive and equipment suppliers • move equipment identified in the
person to hold the bag, another to fill vulnerable to supply shortages. • conduct maintenance checks
place in a stair-step design. The plan as critical to higher ground
bottom of the levee should be it, and a third to tie the bag and take it of outside areas and supplies • move stock and supplies to
wider than the top. Be sure to to the staging area. To build the wall,
higher ground
lay the tied ends of the bags many people are needed to pass the
At the 30-ft. (9-m) and higher local • provide interior barriers and
facing the protected side of the bags person to person from the filling
flood stage: seal door openings as needed
sandbag wall. site to the levee construction area.
• install flood logs at doorways • follow company policy for
and ramps ensuring employee safety
• begin sandbagging (including
constructing a sandbag dike to
protect the road)

6 7
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:19 PM Page 6

Be aware of long-term weather Check temporary flood protection supplies and personnel. As applicable, Temporary Levees or Barriers
predictions. Could snowpack be equipment and make sure it operates check river stages periodically with Part of emergency-response team
heavier-than-usual this year? Have properly. Stockpile supplies for the government agency that has this training may include building a sand-
local or upstream conditions changed? building temporary dikes, levees information. In the United States, the bag emergency levee (see instructions
Have you made any construction or floodwalls. Identify the need for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could on page 6). Make sure sufficient sup-
changes to the property that might protective coverings, such as tarps. be helpful, while the U.S. Geological plies and equipment are readily avail-
have lowered any land elevations? Survey (USGS) posts continual water able. Obtain temporary water-filled
Or, have there been any additional Identify equipment that will need level information online. tubes for constructing a water barrier.
storm water or process water drains anchoring. Check any item that cannot
installed on site to remove water to be elevated or moved to higher ground. Temporary Protection
swollen rivers or streams? Are there Provide flood protection procedures and Precautions
During the Flood
Activate your well-planned emergency-
any shutoffs provided on these pipes for this equipment. • Check and test flood doors and
response efforts. Management co-
to prevent the backflow of water onto barriers and other temporary,
ordinates outside assistance, repairs,
a site? Contact your FM Global Plan flood warning monitoring, flood-related protection equipment.
salvage and business-resumption plans.
engineer to evaluate your potential notification and response. Ensure • Check all access roads. Which
The emergency-response team begins:
flood exposures. your flood emergency-response plan are most likely to flood? Are there
• installing flood doors and barriers Damage due to rushing water is evident in this warped wall frame.
describes your company’s response alternate routes for employees?
and other temporary, flood-related
to flood warnings. Monitor early Can any roads on your property
protection equipment
flood warnings and prepare equipment, be built up to ensure access? • relocating critical equipment to • obtain trucks and tractors to
• monitoring potential flood damage
temporary storage areas move hazardous material drums
(no access to property, interrupted
• lubricating machinery before to safe areas
fire protection, utility outage,
floodwater exposes it • plug storm sewer culverts
shutdown, etc.)
• mark sprinkler water control
• securing outside equipment
How to Construct a Sandbag Levee • checking utility backup and fire
One Company’s Action Plan valves with long poles for easy
As one component of your overall identification
protection equipment
1. Fill sandbag one-half to two-thirds 3. Wrap sandbag levees with plan, consider devising an action plan • fill tanks so they don’t float away
• organizing cleanup supplies
full and tie at top. Overfilled bags polyethylene sheeting to prevent similar to this one that worked well or damage other facility contents
• setting up emergency communica-
leave gaps in the levee, allowing seepage. Do not lay sandbags for one company: • prepare high-volume/low-
tion equipment in the event of total
water to penetrate through. You entirely on top of the sheeting or head pumps to pump water
utility loss
need approximately 60 sandbags they may lose traction and slip At the 25-ft. (7.6-m) local flood stage: from the facility
per linear foot (0.3 m) to build a back, causing the levee to fail. • contact employees who will con-
levee 5 ft. (2 m) high. duct emergency flood operations When local floodwater reaches
2. Place sandbags flat on the ground, Keep in mind the sandbag levee is • contact flood emergency property floor level or higher:
then overlap and pack them into extremely labor-intensive. It takes one Sandbagging can be effective, but labor-intensive and equipment suppliers • move equipment identified in the
person to hold the bag, another to fill vulnerable to supply shortages. • conduct maintenance checks
place in a stair-step design. The plan as critical to higher ground
bottom of the levee should be it, and a third to tie the bag and take it of outside areas and supplies • move stock and supplies to
wider than the top. Be sure to to the staging area. To build the wall,
higher ground
lay the tied ends of the bags many people are needed to pass the
At the 30-ft. (9-m) and higher local • provide interior barriers and
facing the protected side of the bags person to person from the filling
flood stage: seal door openings as needed
sandbag wall. site to the levee construction area.
• install flood logs at doorways • follow company policy for
and ramps ensuring employee safety
• begin sandbagging (including
constructing a sandbag dike to
protect the road)

6 7
P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:19 PM Page 8

When you cannot enter your property

for days or weeks, or when utilities
Post-Flood Recovery 5. Dry waterlogged insulation
immediately and thoroughly.
11. Evaluate electric/electronic controls
and replace or repair them as needed.
are shut down, your business shuts of Boiler Systems Wet insulation will hasten external Replace flame safeguard controls,
down — maybe indefinitely. Recovering boiler systems after a corrosion of boilers and piping. If ignition transformers and safety
flood is an immediate task, but it must the insulation must be removed, shutoff valves on the fuel system
Insurance cannot restore power or be done correctly by qualified personnel. remember that asbestos is still that could cause furnace explosions.
access to your property. It cannot The following recommendations are not present in many boiler rooms and Drain and clean other fuel system
bring back customers or valuable all-inclusive, because boiler systems must be handled by licensed per- components as necessary. Examine
personnel. Understand flood potentials and equipment vary in design and sonnel. If the insulation is left in and clean low-water fuel cutoff
accurately. Invest in an engineering operation. You can incorporate this list place and the boiler is fired before devices. All work performed on
analysis. Keep the flood emergency- into your own guidelines and provide being thoroughly dried, steam can the fuel system and safety devices
response plan updated. Train personnel. similar guidelines for other types of generate within the insulation layers must comply with jurisdictional
Ask your FM Global engineer about industrial heating and production equip- and create explosive damage to the requirements.
unique concerns. Flood exposures ment. Be sure to consult an FM Global external lagging. 12. Dry and closely inspect all
rarely go away by themselves. Do engineer from the time you begin until 6. Check refractory and brick for electrical motors and wiring to
This maintenance office, located in a below-grade area, was completely submerged. Valuable maintenance records, service agreements
and other articles were lost. you understand the flood hazards at the moment you have completely deterioration or loosening, and determine if they need to be
your facility? Are you exposed? Are restored the system. clean the fireside surfaces. repaired or replaced. All electrical
you prepared? work must comply with jurisdic-
7. Clean feedwater and condensate
After the Flood Debrief personnel while events are still
1. Turn off all utilities in the boiler tional requirements.
fresh in their minds. What worked and return systems thoroughly of any
The faster you begin salvage and For further assistance, use FM Global’s room until inspection and repairs
what didn’t? Revise the plan or retrain, mud, silt or debris. Require your 13. At startup, fire the boiler for 10
repair, the sooner you’ll be back in Flood Checklist (P9805) as a compan- have been made and you get the go-
if needed. Restock emergency supplies. boiler feedwater contractor to test to 15 minutes on low fire to dry
business. Personnel will be expected ion to this brochure. ahead to reactivate the equipment.
Prioritize improvements. Plan for the feedwater at the source before the refractory. Shut the boiler down
to restore all sprinkler-control valves
next flood event. 2. Inspect the entire boiler system refilling the boiler to make sure and let it cool for 30 minutes. Fire
to make sure they are open and, if An effective flood emergency-response
visually. A careful check of internal the water is not contaminated. it again for 20 to 30 minutes and let
not, check for broken or disconnected plan includes detailed instructions for
and external components by a 8. Check pressure-relief devices it cool again. Then, fire it on low
piping before reopening. Restore restoration of vital equipment. One
Risky Business knowledgeable operator is essential. for corrosion or any damage that for 30 minutes before putting the
impaired fire protection water supply example of such equipment might be
Don’t overlook the adverse conditions Some problems or special equip- boiler online.
quickly. A salvage crew should act the boiler used for heat or process could cause them to bind and fail
in which flooding and cleanup might ment require certified personnel to
quickly to: water that has been exposed to flood- to operate. Only qualified personnel 14. Check air inlets to make sure they
occur. In a major flood, you could make repairs.
• remove water and muck water. The step-by-step recovery plan should disassemble or repair a are clear and gas stacks are free
be wading through murky, stagnant
• clean and dry vital equipment should look something like the one 3. Some equipment may be repaired pressure-relief device. In the of blockage.
lakes with unseen drop-offs. Water
• dehumidify damp areas outlined on the following page. only by the original manufacturer United States, some jurisdictions 15. Test the low-water fuel cutoff and
may be deep enough to lap the
• preserve equipment and materials or its licensed agents to maintain require that only companies with safety valve when the boiler is
rafters of your property — or worse.
that might otherwise be lost warranties and/or certification. This the National Board VR stamp can returned to service.
Earthen levees can become saturated
• segregate wet stock is especially important for cleaning do the work; in other parts of the
and fail unexpectedly, sending a
and inspecting combustion controls world, similar requirements
torrent of water in your direction.
Avoid hot work, such as torch cutting and safeguards. might exist.
Sewers can spout like geysers, lifting
and welding. Use the FM Global 4. Examine the boiler setting or 9. Inspect the outlet and discharge
manhole covers. High winds or
Hot Work Permit System for required foundation closely to determine if line of the pressure-relieving device
freezing temperatures could make
hot work. it has weakened from flooding. Any for blockage.
conditions untenable.
movement of the boiler or building 10. Inspect all drains and blow-off lines
will adversely affect piping and to remove any debris blockage.
other equipment connected to the
boiler and building.

P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:19 PM Page 8

When you cannot enter your property

for days or weeks, or when utilities
Post-Flood Recovery 5. Dry waterlogged insulation
immediately and thoroughly.
11. Evaluate electric/electronic controls
and replace or repair them as needed.
are shut down, your business shuts of Boiler Systems Wet insulation will hasten external Replace flame safeguard controls,
down — maybe indefinitely. Recovering boiler systems after a corrosion of boilers and piping. If ignition transformers and safety
flood is an immediate task, but it must the insulation must be removed, shutoff valves on the fuel system
Insurance cannot restore power or be done correctly by qualified personnel. remember that asbestos is still that could cause furnace explosions.
access to your property. It cannot The following recommendations are not present in many boiler rooms and Drain and clean other fuel system
bring back customers or valuable all-inclusive, because boiler systems must be handled by licensed per- components as necessary. Examine
personnel. Understand flood potentials and equipment vary in design and sonnel. If the insulation is left in and clean low-water fuel cutoff
accurately. Invest in an engineering operation. You can incorporate this list place and the boiler is fired before devices. All work performed on
analysis. Keep the flood emergency- into your own guidelines and provide being thoroughly dried, steam can the fuel system and safety devices
response plan updated. Train personnel. similar guidelines for other types of generate within the insulation layers must comply with jurisdictional
Ask your FM Global engineer about industrial heating and production equip- and create explosive damage to the requirements.
unique concerns. Flood exposures ment. Be sure to consult an FM Global external lagging. 12. Dry and closely inspect all
rarely go away by themselves. Do engineer from the time you begin until 6. Check refractory and brick for electrical motors and wiring to
This maintenance office, located in a below-grade area, was completely submerged. Valuable maintenance records, service agreements
and other articles were lost. you understand the flood hazards at the moment you have completely deterioration or loosening, and determine if they need to be
your facility? Are you exposed? Are restored the system. clean the fireside surfaces. repaired or replaced. All electrical
you prepared? work must comply with jurisdic-
7. Clean feedwater and condensate
After the Flood Debrief personnel while events are still
1. Turn off all utilities in the boiler tional requirements.
fresh in their minds. What worked and return systems thoroughly of any
The faster you begin salvage and For further assistance, use FM Global’s room until inspection and repairs
what didn’t? Revise the plan or retrain, mud, silt or debris. Require your 13. At startup, fire the boiler for 10
repair, the sooner you’ll be back in Flood Checklist (P9805) as a compan- have been made and you get the go-
if needed. Restock emergency supplies. boiler feedwater contractor to test to 15 minutes on low fire to dry
business. Personnel will be expected ion to this brochure. ahead to reactivate the equipment.
Prioritize improvements. Plan for the feedwater at the source before the refractory. Shut the boiler down
to restore all sprinkler-control valves
next flood event. 2. Inspect the entire boiler system refilling the boiler to make sure and let it cool for 30 minutes. Fire
to make sure they are open and, if An effective flood emergency-response
visually. A careful check of internal the water is not contaminated. it again for 20 to 30 minutes and let
not, check for broken or disconnected plan includes detailed instructions for
and external components by a 8. Check pressure-relief devices it cool again. Then, fire it on low
piping before reopening. Restore restoration of vital equipment. One
Risky Business knowledgeable operator is essential. for corrosion or any damage that for 30 minutes before putting the
impaired fire protection water supply example of such equipment might be
Don’t overlook the adverse conditions Some problems or special equip- boiler online.
quickly. A salvage crew should act the boiler used for heat or process could cause them to bind and fail
in which flooding and cleanup might ment require certified personnel to
quickly to: water that has been exposed to flood- to operate. Only qualified personnel 14. Check air inlets to make sure they
occur. In a major flood, you could make repairs.
• remove water and muck water. The step-by-step recovery plan should disassemble or repair a are clear and gas stacks are free
be wading through murky, stagnant
• clean and dry vital equipment should look something like the one 3. Some equipment may be repaired pressure-relief device. In the of blockage.
lakes with unseen drop-offs. Water
• dehumidify damp areas outlined on the following page. only by the original manufacturer United States, some jurisdictions 15. Test the low-water fuel cutoff and
may be deep enough to lap the
• preserve equipment and materials or its licensed agents to maintain require that only companies with safety valve when the boiler is
rafters of your property — or worse.
that might otherwise be lost warranties and/or certification. This the National Board VR stamp can returned to service.
Earthen levees can become saturated
• segregate wet stock is especially important for cleaning do the work; in other parts of the
and fail unexpectedly, sending a
and inspecting combustion controls world, similar requirements
torrent of water in your direction.
Avoid hot work, such as torch cutting and safeguards. might exist.
Sewers can spout like geysers, lifting
and welding. Use the FM Global 4. Examine the boiler setting or 9. Inspect the outlet and discharge
manhole covers. High winds or
Hot Work Permit System for required foundation closely to determine if line of the pressure-relieving device
freezing temperatures could make
hot work. it has weakened from flooding. Any for blockage.
conditions untenable.
movement of the boiler or building 10. Inspect all drains and blow-off lines
will adversely affect piping and to remove any debris blockage.
other equipment connected to the
boiler and building.

P9803 Flood Potential.qxd 2/19/02 1:18 PM Page 1

Preparing for
Flood Potential
For additional copies of this publication or other
FM Global resources, contact customer services: If You’re Not Prepared,
• Toll-free: (877) 364-6726 (United States and Canada)
• By phone: (781) 255-6681 A Flood Could Cost You
• By fax: (781) 255-0181
Or order online:
Your Business

P9803 (Rev. 2/02) Printed in USA (2/02)
© 2002 Factory Mutual Insurance Company
All rights reserved.

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