Banking Laws: Inst Ruct Ions T O Candidat Es

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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
M.Com. (Sem.–4)
Subject Code : MCOPBI421-18
M.Code : 77944
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 30


1. Attempt any FIVE question(s), ea ch que stion ca rrie s 6 ma rks .

1) As per the Banking Regulation Act 1949, “Commercial Banks in India performs wide
range of functions”. Elaborate the statement with relevant examples.

2) There exists a strong relationship between banker and its customers as per the Banking
Regulation Act 1949. Discuss various types of relations with appropriate examples.

3) “The Negotiable instruments 1881 have discussed various important features of Negotiable
Instruments which make them legal documents.” Elaborate this statement.

4) “As per the Negotiable instrument Act 1881, Holder and Holder in due course enjoy
different position in various respects.” Discuss this statement in the light of this Act.

5) “RBI is not mere a central bank, it is called BANK OF LAST RESORT”. Elaborate and
critically evaluate the functions of RBI.

6) All Non-banking Financial Companies are controlled by RBI in India. In the light of the
above discuss various guidelines issued by RBI for the Non-banking Financial Companies.

7) Discuss the special features/highlights of Recovery of Debts Due to Banking and Financial
Institutions Act, 1993.

8) What do you understand by Banking Ombudsman? Also elaborate the important features of
Banking Ombudsman as per the banking Regulation Act. 1949.

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