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(An English Action Classroom Research at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 8
Bengkulu in the Academic Year of 2018 / 2019)

Atikah Aprilliani, Elfrida

Teacher Profession Pedagogy Study Program
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Universitas Bengkulu
This study was aimed at improving the students’ writing skill of the Grade XI Science
1 at SMA N 8 Bengkulu by using picture series. This research was an English Classroom
Acrion Research (ECAR) that was consisted of two cycles. Each cycle had one meeting
respectively. The subjects of the research were 32 students of Grade XI Science 1. The data
collection techniques were interview, observation and tests. The data were analyzed
qualitatively and quantitatively. The result of the research shows that the use of picture series
and the supporting materials improved the students’ writing skill. Based on the qualitative
data, the students could develop their ideas to produce an explanation text with better
vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. They also enthusiastically
joined the teaching and learning activities. Furthermore, their involvement in writing
improved because the series of pictures could attract the students’ attention. Based on the
quantitative data, the students’ mean value for the writing skills improved. In the pre – test,
the students’ mean value was 55. Then, after Cycle 1 (post – test 1), the students’ mean value
of post – test 1 was 69,7. At last, after Cycle 2 (post – test 2), the students’ mean value in the
post – test 2 was 87,2.

Keywords: Writing, Picture series

INTRODUCTION In English learning, writing is one of
productive skills that should be mastered
Writing involves many aspects to learn by the students. Writing as one of the
about how display students’ writing skill language skills is very important for some
in english on the papers correctly. Students reasons for senior high school students.
can explore their english ability in the The first reason is that writing is important
same time by writing. Brown (2003) has for students to communicate or share
explained that the students are strived to be information and idea such as to write letter
able: using acceptable grammatical or to compose stories. Secondly, writing
systems, using appropriate word, using helps the students to prepare the global
cohesive tools, using good spelling and competition for their future, for example to
mechanics, organizing logical thinking, get a job in a foreign country.
and developing their ideas, to make their Furthermore, writing can help the students
writing can be readable. So, from the to focus on accurate language use, such as
definitions above, those can be concluded grammar and vocabulary. It may well
that writing is a process while the students provoke language development of the
are communicating their ideas, feelings, or students because they think as they write.
thoughts without neglecting linguistic Though writing is one of the four
aspects that are related to language feature language skills which is very important to
of the text. learn, but this skill is not easy. As Jack C.
Richard and Willy A. Renandya (2002) these ideas into readable text.” Among the
said, “writing is the most difficult skill for skills, writing is the most difficult skill to
second language learners to master. The be learnt, because it needs hard thinking in
difficulty lies not only in generating and producing words, sentences, and paragraph
organizing ideas, but also in translating at the same time.
That statement is also supported by the were expected to be able to produce
Standard of Competency and Basic explanation texts appropriately.
Competence of curriculum 2013 of According to the previous explanations,
English learning. According to the the students have to master writing skill.
curriculum, the writing skill is placed in However, based on the observation and
the last part after three skills namely interview conducted in SMA Negeri 8
listening, speaking, and reading. It can be Bengkulu, especially in Grade XI of
said that the learners have to apply Science 1, the researcher found some
everything that they have got in the three problems related to teaching and learning
stages before. So, writing can not be learnt writing in the field. The problems are
spontaneously. explained as follows.
For Indonesian students who learn The first problem was related to the
English as a foreign language write teacher. The teacher must have four
paragraphs in English can easily become competencies to teach. They are technical
overwhelming when the students lack competency, pedagogical competency,
vocabulary, grammar, and knowledge. interpersonal competency, and personal
They do not know what they must write competency (Brown, 2001). The teacher
first as the topic sentence, generate the should give a good quality in terms of their
topic by supporting sentences, conclude professionalism in teaching. Moreover, she
the paragraph by concluding sentence has to be able to maintain an inquisitive
without ignoring the other major elements mind in trying out new ways of teaching.
such as grammatical items, vocabulary, However the researcher found some
and mechanics that should be mastered by problems related to pedagogical and
the students. personal competency based on the
One scope of English learning at senior observation conducted in SMA Negeri 8
high schools is that students can Bengkulu. In pedagogical competency, the
understand and produce a short functional teacher must be able to decide the best
text and short essays in the form of certain technique and media that will be used in
text types. They are procedure, descriptive, the teaching and learning process. She
recount, narrative, report, news item, must be able to make the lesson plan and
analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, manage the class. In fact, the teacher rarely
explanation, and discussion (Depdiknas, combined the teaching process with any
2013). In this research, the researcher interesting media like picture or video.
focused on improving students’ ability in Most of the activities of writing were
writing an explanation text because it is dominated on using student’s worksheets.
one of the texts which should be mastered Therefore, the teaching and learning
by the eleventh grade students. The process seemed to be monotonous.
researcher also realized that writing an The next problem was related to the
explanation text was not an easy thing to students. Based on the observation, the
do. Through this research, the students researcher found that the students showed
low motivation to learn. It could be seen
from their attention to the teacher’s
explanation. When the teacher explained in
front of the class, some students did not
pay attention but they had unnecessary
interaction with others. In addition, they
still had difficulties on applying grammar,
lacking vocabulary, and generating idea.
The grammatical problem was related to
the use of tense. According to the
interview, the students were still confused the ideas in composing the text. Another
in applying the tense in their writing. In problem faced by the students in writing
addition, they told that they found was the lack of vocabulary. In observation,
difficulties in generating and developing the researcher found that the students met
difficulties in completing the task with the Through this activity, the students were
appropriate words. expected to be able to generate and to
The third problem that the researcher develop their idea through the series of
found in the field was related to the pictures about how something happened.
method. Method is directly related to the The pictures could stimulate the students
teaching and learning process because it about what they want to write. Pictures
influences the students’ learning mastery. could be good guidance for them when
Referring to the observation, the researcher they get stuck in finding and developing
found that the method applied in teaching ideas. Then, the rubric of listing
and learning process was less attractive vocabularies was hoped to help the
due to the domination of the teacher. students when writing based on the
Hence, the students were passive in the pictures. Those must help them in
teaching and learning process because the composing an explanation text.
teacher explained the materials taught too The researcher applied media as a
often rather than allowed the students to means to overcome the obstacles found in
practice. the field. According to Harmer (2008)
The last problem that researcher found media can effectively help students to
in the field was related to the media. From improve their writing skills. One of media
the observation and interview with the that can be used to improve the students’
teacher and the students, the use of media writing skill is pictures. In this research,
in teaching and learning writing skill was the researcher used picture series to
limited. The school facilities like LCD improve the writing skill of the students.
were not available in every class. So, in According to Wright (1992), picture series
delivering the materials, the teacher always has two advantages. First, picture series is
used student’s worksheets. It made the very useful to help the students retell or
students less enthusiastic and interested in understand something since they can
learning writing. Furthermore, the teacher represent places, object, and people.
did not use various media like picture to Second, picture series helps the students to
encourage the students in teaching and understand general context. The use of
learning process. Thus, it made them look picture series was expected to solve the
so bored to attend the lesson. problems and to improve the writing skill
Based on those found problems, there for the students.
must be new formulas as a solution of the As the result of the problems that have
problems to improve students’ writing been talked and according to the
skill. The researcher worked explanations that the researcher had been
collaboratively with the English teacher to written above, it is a scientific reason to
overcome the problems through picture conduct a classroom action research which
series with a combination of vocabulary is entitled: IMPROVING STUDENTS’
lists in the form of rubric. Picture series is SKILL IN WRITING EXPLANATION
a visual media that consists of sequenced TEXT BY USING PICTURE SERIES.
pictures and rubrics is a list of
vocabularies related to the pictures. RESEARCH METHOD
This research has an aim to improve the
students’ writing skill on explanation text.
So, this research can be categorized as
action research study. According to Bassey
(1998) in Koshy (2005), action research is
a research in which the purpose is to
evaluate and then to change something in
order to improve the educational practice.
Action research, according to Kemmis be continued until the research achieves
and Robin McTaggart (2010), involves the satisfactory goal. The four stages of
four stages in a cycle; planning, action, action research can be seen in the schema
observation, and reflection. The cycle can below.
Figure 1: Cyclical Action Research of the research was achieved. The action of
Model by Kemmis and McTaggart the previous cycle was observed and the
result was then reflected as a reference to
improve the quality of the later cycle.
There are two kinds of instruments used
to collect the data of the research: writing
test and assessment teaching observation.
Writing test was used to measure students’
writing progress. The test was given at the
end of each cycle. In this test, the students
were given a series of pictures and further
asked to write a simple recount text based
Based on the figure above, the research on the pictures. The picture series were
was done in two cycles. In this research, adapted from Chabot’s Sequences: Picture
the researcher and the English teacher as a Series for ESL (2006). The result of the
collaborator formulated the problem writing test was then scored by the
related to the writing skill of the students researcher and the collaborator by using
based on the observation then identified Jacob et al’s (1981) scoring profile (in
the research problems. After that, they Weigle, 2002: 116). Moreover, assessment
planned and carried out the actions, teaching observation was used as a means
evaluated and reflected the actions to collect information about the teaching
implemented in the study. and learning process of writing by using
The participants of the research were picture series. The assessment included
the students of XI Science 1 class of SMA students’ and teacher’s activities in the
N 8 Bengkulu, the researcher, and the classroom. Moreover, the checklist was
English teacher as a collaborator. There fulfilled by the collaborator during the
were 32 students in XI Science 1 class. teaching and learning process. In other
They were 13 males and 19 females. The words, the collaborator observed the
researcher chose this class as the subject of process and assessed whether the activities
the research randomly because the all XI (i.e. observation items) are suitable in the
classes had equal competency. The classroom. The collaborator also wrote
research was conducted in the middle of some information in note columns to give
the second semester of the academic year detail information about the items
2018/2019. The observations were done on observed. In other words, the data was
Feb, 25th 2019. Then, the action was collected quantitatively and qualitatively.
conducted from March 04th to April 15th The quantitative data was collected
2019. through test, and the qualitative data was
This research was conducted in two assembled by using observation and
cycles whose each consisted of four stages: questionnaire.
plan, action, observation, and reflection. The data obtained from the writing test
These four stages were performed was in the form of scores. The quantitative
continuously until the indicator of success data that was taken from the test (pre-test
and post-test) would make a conclusion
whether picture series can improve
students writing skill or not. The
researcher determined the mean by using
formulas as follows:

Mean: x= ∑ fx
N which:
x = Mean of Pre-
y=∑ fy Test
y = Mean of Post- Test The result of the pre-test showed that
∑ fx = The sum of Pre-test score the writing skills of the students were
∑ fx = The sum of Pre-test score still low. Students writing scores of pre-
N = The Number of Students test were between 45 – 70. It is still lower
than the minimum standard score. The
The reflection was useful to show the minimum standard score of English is 75.
effectiveness of the action conducted in the None student who got score more than
teaching and learning processes. The 70. It means that all of the students got
influences of the implementation on the scores under the minimum standard. The
student’s involvement were identified. The highest score in pre-test was 70, and the
results of the identification were lowest score was 45. So, the result of pre-
determined as successful or unsuccessful test above showed that the students
ones. The successful actions were used and writing skills were needed to be
reapplied in the next cycle, but those improved. The researcher decided to
which were unsuccessful would be improve it by using picture series.
changed or improved into the suitable one. A. Cycle 1
The first cycle was conducted on
FINDING AND DISCUSSION Monday, March 11th 2019 at 09.45 a.m.
1. Finding There were 29 students in the XI science
The researcher conducts the action 1 class, consisting of 13 male and 16
research into two steps. First, the female students. In this cycle, the
researcher does the observation and researcher played a role as a teacher. The
conducts the preliminary data (pre-test). teacher did the teaching-learning process
Then, the second, the researcher conducts in three phases; pre-activity, main-
the action research. The test was activity, and post activity. The pre-
conducted on Monday, March 04th 2019. activity phase covered all the thing done
There were 31 students in the XI science as the openinng such as greeting, cheking
1 class, consisting of 12 male and 19 the student’s attendance, and giving
female students. Pre-test was given in the motivation for students to learn English
first meeting to know the student’s and practice more. Then, the researcher
writing skill before giving the treatment. did the brainstorrning or give some
This test took 30 minutes long before the questions to simulate students
meeting ends. The researcher asked the participation in the lesson.
students to write an explanation text. In The result of this cycle, the researcher
this case, they wrote an explanation text concluded that implementing picture
by choosing the topic that they interested series could improve the students’
about. writing skill based on comparison
between pre test and 1st post test. During
the observation in teaching and learning
process, the researcher did not only teach
the students writing skill but also the
researcher gave a motivation. They got
motivation to be better in writing class,
and they had braveness to make
explanation text. The result of the first
post-test also showed that the students’
writing skill score had improved.
Students writing scores of first post-test
were between 55 – 85. By comparing the
writing pre – test mean score with the
writing first post – test mean score, the the very good category increased from 0
researcher concluded that the students’ student to 9 students. On the good category,
writing score increased because of the the frequencies increased from
use of picture series. The frequencies on
2 students to `17 students. Meanwhile, on this cycle activities. The researcher
the frequencies on the fair decreased used Three Phase Technique. It is a
from 21 students to 1 student. On the technique or a method that uses three
very poor category also decreased from 3 processes in teaching that are before,
students to 0 student. Moreover, the while and after do the activities. It is used
mean score in the class increased from 55 to improve the all of the studnts skills in
to 69,7. English learning. In this case, the
However, the researcher and the researcher focused on listening and
teacher still found some problems in writing skills. There are three phases that
class, as follow: the students would do; pre-listening
1. Although most of students were phase, whilst-listening phase, and post-
active, some of them were still listening phase (Nunan:2003).
passive. Some students did not write After giving a treatment in second
anything about the material given by cycle to resolve the problems of the first
the researcher. cycle, there were some improvements
2. There were not good cooperation in that can be explained as follows:
between the students. Some students 1.The students’ attention increased, it
did not do the exercises well in the could be seen when the researcher
writing class. They only copied from discussed the first post test the students did
others or from book. not make noises. Besides, when the
3. Some students got difficulties in the researcher gave a scond post-test, the
sentence structure and vocabulary students also paid attention and focused
choice. on their tasks.
4. There were many students who made 2. The students’ motivation and self-
noises, and the class was not confidence increased; it could be seen
conductive. from the enthusiasms of the students
5. There are three students who still got when they made an explanation text
lower than the minimum standard based on the picture series.
score. 3. There was an improvement of the
Based on the result of the reflection students’ writing skill. It was shown from
above, the researcher decided to make yhe result of the second post-test that
second cycle in order to make better 87,2 it was higher than the mean score of
results and better improvements in
the first post-test that was 69,7.
students’ writing skill.
B. Cycle 2 2. Discussion
The researcher implemented the action In the discussion, the researcher
of second cycle on Monday, April 15th, presented the implementation of picture
2019 at 09.45 a.m. There were 31 series in improving students’ writing skill
students in the XI science 1 class, in explanation text, the students’
consisting of 12 male and 19 female responses on the teaching writing and the
students. In the second cycle, The improvement of students’ writing skill
researcher used different technique and after the implementation of picture series,
topic to make students be more focused for the eleventh grade students at SMA N
8 Bengkulu in academic year 2018/2019,
especially at XI science 1 class.
The researcher also conducted
interview with one of the students after
the implementation of picture series
technique to know their responses about
the implementation of picture series. The
result of the interview was that they
enjoyed the writing class. The students them to make a explanation text because
also said their self-confidence built and the sequenced explanation was clear.
increased and that pictures could help Based on the findings of the research,
the first improvement was related to the
content. Picture series which were The improvement of the students’
provided during the process of teaching writing score from the mean score of pre-
and learning of writing could stimulate test / post-test in 1st cycle and 2nd cycle
the students to generate the ideas. It and the percentage can be seen below:
could help them to brainstorm the The Mean and Percentage
important ideas that they had to write. By Comparation of The Tests
looking at the pictures, the students could Pre- 1st 2nd
organize the ideas that they had in mind test Post- Post-
into a good sequence. They could arrange test test
them regarding to the generic structure of Mean 55 69,7 87,2
explanation text and in a chronological Percentage 0% 26,7% 25,1%
order. By providing some exercises about
grammar which were related to the text, Based on the data above, the
the students could have better percentage showed that based on the
understanding about the concept of mean of preliminary test result, the first
simple past tense. By looking at the action research that had been conducted
pictures and looking up at the dictionary, increased up to 26,7%. The second mean
the students could use more appropriate score based on last action research post-
words in writing. They could choose the test also showed the improvement up to
words based on the context that they 25,1%.
needed to be used. It means that the first action could
Based on the analysis of the mean improve students’ writing skill than
score of the writing ability test, it can be without treatment. In the preliminary
concluded that the use of picture series in stage, the mean of the students’ writing
explanation text did improve the skill were still low, but after the action
students’ writing skill. The improvement the students’ writing skill be better and
of the writing skill can be seen from the higher. It can be seen that after the
students’ writing composition. The second action research had been
improvements were in the skill of making conducted, the scores of the tests were
content, choosing the appropriate words improved from preliminary test, first
in vocabulary, and making sentence in cycle post-test, and second cycle post-
correct structure of grammatical use. The test.
result can be seen below: It also happens to the composition of
Mean Score Result of Writing writing such as content, text
Composition organization, vocabulary, language use
Writing Pre- 1st 2nd and also mechanic improved. Besides,
Composition test Post- Post- before the action researcher there were
test test some problems in learning writing, such
Content 10,9 14,1 18,2 as; (1) in differentiating the tense, (2)
Organization 11,1 16,4 19,5 building sentence structure, (3) appllying
Grammar 9,5 13,7 15,8 spelling and punctuation as well as, (4)
Vocabulary 11,7 13,7 18,4 remembering the vocabularies and
Mechanics 11,6 14,5 15,3 composing words into the sentences or
paragraphs, and using transitional signal
or conjunction to arrange their ideas.
After doing the action research, the
students skill increased in vocabularies;
the students also used the words in
correct spelling and punctuation. Besides,
the students could use the grammatical
froms structure in making sentences. arrange their ideas to put in writing
They could produce sentences in correct forms.
structure. Then, the students could The data result above also proved that
the using of picture series could increase
students score to pass the minimum The research was conducted in two
standard score of English, especially in cycles. Each cycle consisted of one
writing explanation text. In the meeting. In every cycle, some research
preliminary stage, none of the students steps namely planning, action and
that pass the minimum standard score of observation, and reflection were
English. In the first cycle, some of the included. In cycle I, the researcher
students’ score were still low. In the last implemented picture-series and some other
cycle, none of them did not pass the actions, such as giving a model of
standard. explanation text and listing difficult
Based on the analysis and explanation words and giving rewards. Some picture
of the data above, it can be conluded that based activities such as sequencing
the use of picture series in explanation jumbled pictures and video were also
text could improve the students writing implemented in order to make the
skills. The researcher considered that learning situation was not monotonous.
most of the students could write Pair work and group work activities were
explanation texts. It can be seen from the also done. In addition, the students also
students’ test results. It indicates that wrote explanation texts individually. In
they could produce a text, and identify cycle II, four sets of picture series were
the generic stucture of explanation text. provided. The students got the
The researcher also asked the English opportunity to write two explanation
teacher as collaborator to observe and texts based on the pictures. The process
evaluate the action while learning of writing namely drafting, revising, and
process ran in the classroom. So, by producing the final product were
considering the improvement, the successfully done by the students. The
researcher concludes that picture series researcher also conducted interview with
technique has improved the eleventh one of the students after the
grade students’ writing skill of SMA N 8 implementation of picture series
Bengkulu. technique to know their responses about
the implementation of picture series. The
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION result of the interview was that they
1. Conclusion enjoyed the writing class. The students
Based on the research findings, it was also said their self-confidence built and
indicated that the writing ability of increased and that pictures could help
Eleventh Grade Science 1 students of them to make an explanation text because
SMA N 8 Bengkulu improved after the the explanation would be more lively and
implementation of picture series in clear. The use of picture series
writing explanation text. The teaching accompanied by picture based activities,
writing using picture series could worksheets, and giving feedback brought
improve the students’ skills in writing some significant improvements to the
explanation text. The response of the students’ writings especially in the aspect
students’ about the implementation of of contents, organization, language use,
picture series were they enjoyed in the vocabulary, and mechanics.
writing class. The students made a quite much
improvement in the aspect of content.
Picture series could help the students to
stimulate the ideas about what they had
to write. As the result, they could
develop their ideas into long paragraphs.
They also could write fluently.
Furthermore, in the aspect of
organization, picture series could help the ideas. The students could arrange the
students organize their ideas. By studying ideas based on the generic structure of
some series of pictures, the students explanation text. As the result, the students’
could understand the sequence of the writing were well written. Picture series
could also improve the students’ use of picture series also promoted the
vocabulary mastery. By looking at the students‟ positive behaviour during the
pictures, the students knew the vocabulary teaching and learning process. The
that they wanted to use and then they learning using picture series was able to
checked in the dictionary to find the enhance the students’ interests and
words in English. The worksheets also preference to do writing activities. Second,
provided some key words to help the The students should manage themselves to
students write. In addition, the students’ always have positive attitudes towards
writing skills also improved in the aspect English. They also should have motivation
of language use. By the explanation and in learning for their own benefits. It is
worksheet given by the teacher the important for them to always practice
students had a better mastery of the use writing so that they could improve their
of simple present tense and passive voice skills. In addition, they should always
in writing explanation texts. They could actively participate in the process of
produce simple but meaningful sentences. teaching and learning and do the tasks
In addition, during the whole class given by the teacher. They should also
discussions the students corrected each manage themselves to work in pairs, in
other so they could realize their mistakes. groups, or individually. Last, This
The research findings also indicated that research is only a small study in
the students’ mean scores in writing improving students’ writing skill. This
increased cycle by cycle. The increase of study was done by implementing picture
the students writing skill was also series as the technique in teaching-
supported by the result of the test scores. learning process. It is expected for the
The mean scores of pre-test was only 55, other researchers that this study can be
it improved to 69,7 and in the final test, it used as additional reference in the future
increased 87,2. It can be concluded that in order to create better teaching learning
the use of picture series in narrative text process, especially for writing skill.
does improve the students’ writing skill.
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