Insights From The Interview

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- Private schools
- Very positive outlook (I felt very positive towards the end)

- Ability to stay calm, adjust (sudden change of modality)

- -kindness top to bottom (deal with aprents stakeholders)

- Sensitivity to needs of all stakeholders

- Social workers for counselling – caring sincerely

- - late listening to parents talaga

- Resilient God expanded learning con

- Step one as biggest challenge

- Sacrifice closing school sensitive to parent

1. Your school mission, your grip to the school mission will guide you
amidst the pandemic
- Don’t lose your identity, don’t lose who you are in this pandemic because it
will lead you and guide you
- Embrace your school’s mission. The method may be different, but the
mission stays the same.
- Her moving story that at the start of pandemic she was on sick leave and as
she was watching the news she felt the need to wake up and pro-actively
do something to reach out to the parents who may be in need of
reassurance from the school that they are partners in carrying out the
school’s mission.
2. Don’t lose your core values (being kind and sensitive)
- Kindness, courage and sensitivity to the needs of all their stakeholders
- Kindness and sensitive to the students, teachers, parents, staff and the
- She mentioned about #BSCarise that this is their expanded learning
continuity plan wherein their belief that their core values are loud enough
to be heard.
- Basically being human. She mentioned crying as she let go of her janitors
- She also mentioned that this year, she closed her school for special children
and let the teachers directly teach them. Because instead of deducting SSS
or philhealth of the teachers at this time, she let the teachers directly
contact the sped students so the whole payment can be given to the
3. Sense of community
- Now is the time to be relevant to the society
- We cannot do this alone
- Be on the helping side
4. Something good comes out of a pandemic
- There is innovation, being bold enough and adaptable to try something
new. She mentioned about wanting a enrolment registration system before
the pandemic happened but was declined previously. But this time during
pandemic, they were able to upgrade their enrolment and registration
5. Stay strong that we will get through this. #BSCArise



- I used to do brand marketing research face-to-face interview

- Now that it’s online, it is a whole new experience for me
- I believe that although face to face and online are different in terms of
medium, but nonetheless, if you have the right interviewee (the one who
knows the topic by heart), the content, the substance (the very meat) will
be the same regardless of the medium.
- I had limitations prior the interview such as
o the type of video conferencing used was zoom. Fortunately I got a
premier account wherein it is unlimited but if its basic I will have to
settle to the free 40mins.
o At first, the link provided was invalid, I had to resend again
o The interview was going smoothly with no interruptions, clear audio
and video but about 10 minutes towards the end, the interviewee
got disconnected for about 30 seconds. Good thing zoom has
automatically reconnected the interviewee and the gap or the
disconnection was not long enough that we just continued as soon as
she got back online. The 30 seconds disconnection gap did not
interfere the momentum of the interview
o It rained during the interview so there is a limitation with regard to
audio. I had to make sure I was using headphones.

- There can be limitations such as the ones I experienced. However, I am very

satisfied with the outcome of the interview. I believe that the interviewee
has provided substantial first-hand information and insights on the topic
and I am very satisfied with the information that I got. I was very content
and pleased on how she has naturally answered the questions based on her
own knowledge and experience. Because of this, it created a more natural,
“fluid?” flow of conversation.
- The way she has answered the questions, I got a vivid picture on my head
on the condition of her school before the pandemic, while on ECQ and now
that they have started their classes.
- Even though I was just referred to her by a colleague and our
correspondence before the interview was through email, we were very
ease with each other. I believe that we have both connected.
- Her answers and inputs on my questions got very interesting that there
were instances, my follow up questions were not part of my outline. The
follow up questions came out naturally out of my interest on her answers. I
was however, still very mindful about the structure and discipline of the
research process.

- Martin pls add the interview that has to be systematic and sustained,
disciplined, careful and accurate

For discipline, this is my thoughts:

- Another learning is for me to be a disciplined interviewee throughout the
process. There was an instance the interviewee was asking if it was BIR or
SSS which gives financial support to schools. She then mentioned she thinks
its BIR. I knew it was SSS but then I kept it to myself to respect the whole
interview process.

- After the interview, you could feel how much passion she has for the
school, stakeholders and the community. I could still vividly picture in my
mind how the interviewee was passionately answering the questions.
- That positive vibe and outlook struck me so much that I too got the
positivity and was very hopeful towards life in general at the end of my

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