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LineAl: LINEAR ALGEBRA | 3 units

Student Name: _____________________________ Score: ______________ Date: ____________

Instructor: Mr. Jimbo J. Antipolo Student ID: _________

Directions: Answer the following problems on matrices, matrix operations, and linear systems.
Submit your answers through the Canvas on October 4, 2020, Sunday.

1. Put each of the following matrices into row echelon form.

a. b. c.

2. Use Gaussian Elimination to find all solutions to the following systems of linear equations.
a. b.

3. Use Gauss-Jordan reduction to find all solutions to the following systems of linear equations.
a. b.

4. For each of the following matrices, either find the inverse or prove that the matrix is singular.
a. b. c.

5. Use quadratic interpolation to find a quadratic function passing through the points (0, 2), (1, 0), and (2, 4).

1 0 2
6. Find all values of a for which the matrix A = [2 0 𝑎 ] has an inverse.
0 2 −𝑎
Find the form of A−1 (in terms of a) for the cases where it exists.

7. Carefully explain why this system of two equations and two unknowns has no solution (x,y):
2𝑥 − 𝑦 + 1 = 0
6𝑥 − 3𝑦 + 4 = 0

−4 2 5
8. Given with matrix A = [ 6 3 7] , solve the S and V below and identify each as symmetric or skew
−1 0 2
1 1
a. S = 2 (A + AT ) b. V = 2 (A - AT )

9. A company stocks items A, B, and C at each of its two stores. Use matrix multiplication to determine the
value of the inventory at each store.

END OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST… Submit your answers on or before October 4, 2020.

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