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Sumec Ae = S2 ss bis Graduate ‘Business Schoo’ fora Sustainable Tomorrow ADC 602 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Graduate School of Business Universiti Sains Malaysia COURSE OUTLINE Lecturer: ZURINA BT MOHAIDIN & DR SHAIZATULAKMA KAMALUL ARIFFIN Semester: Semester 1, Academic Session 2020/2021 ‘The infomation inthis documents important nd should be noted by al students underasng the Master of Business Administaton Approved by OE san 68 sist mature competent and Pls shes drs equiped wih te lv sand Ine rato oma frre rst bad cage drt af canoe ere Ts ‘achieved through 8 combination of globalsed and integrted currcula, contemporary management practes, and apaledcolabrave reasearch, Reviewed by: prog. anova on SALM HOHDISA ADC 602 Marketing Management Course Outline Teaching Panel Name Room# ar a Email DrZurina | 05, Graduate Schoo! | 04-6536643 | mzurloa@uem my Mohaidin of Business Dr Shaizatulakma | Kabin B, No 17, USM_ | 04-6535916 | shaizatulaqma@usm my ‘Kamalul Ariffin ‘The Rationale for Inclusion of the Course in the Programme Welcome to ADC 602, Marketing Management at Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia. This course is essential for those undertaking the Master of Business Administration and it wil lay a strong foundation in your understandings on Principles, theories, concepts, practices, interpretations and issues of Marketing Management. You will be taken on a journey to understand what the marketplace i all about, especially concerning consumer needs and wants; and industry responses in terms of application of the marketing mix elements in the world of ade to ensure marketing success. Effective matkeling does not just happen. It recuires effective ‘management processes in relation to produc, price, place and prometion decisions. Marketing Management aims to enhance business performance by aaplying market ‘orientation strategies either internally andlor externally for the purpose of achieving ‘organization objectives. Since marketers must Know the ‘what’ and ‘how of marketplace Works, this course is designed to provide in-depth coverage of all the matketing mix flements and thus ilustrale to students through cases how they are applied in the business world. To make this happen, everyone are expected to stare their own workplace experience in class, ‘Semester and Year Offered: Semester 1 and Semester 2 Year 1 Student Learning Time (SLT): Total Student Learning | Face to Face | Total Gulded and Independent Time (SLT) Lectures. Learning 20 hours 48 hours. 72 hous Credit Value: 03 Prerequisites: No prerequisites for this course Learning Goal, Learning Outcome and Course Learning Objectives: Aler successful completion ofthis course, learners should be able to st Dewiop Understanding of vowed on the | rerkeing ‘Lot evalatevaous concent and strategie of Mate Sroknowecgein ‘ppicaton (102 tpl tei ndestanding in Market Man eresing varus compos bess seas, GS Develop atecive | LOT Oemansratea fommuneaton sis | hahprotesrcyn Communication | Develop effete communieaon sil In Misting eh pefconcyin ‘ra conmuniation Note ‘Students are given clear guidelines as to expected outcomes and objecves of each topic, thereby being made aware of their responsibilty in undertaking the required reading and additional work requirements for each topic. This promotes an explaining of the principles in each topic and is an important part ofthe learning process. Students are Notified of the basic requirements for progress but they are also encouraged to work at their own pace, withthe provision that they maintain contact with me so as to enable ‘uidance and ciarfication if needed Transferable Skills: This course is almed to ensure leamers could appreciate experience and have knowledge on the principles, theories, concepts, practices, interpretations, techniques, Strategies and issues of Marketing Management which are essental for business leaders as well as entrepreneurs. The course will also enhance the learners’ confidence to explain and develop your skills in analyzing and interpreting marketing management particularly in the context of the organization’ strategy, its competitors and is industry. Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy: Self instructional Course Materials * Course Outline * Course Guide * Main text book * Additional text books * Antcles Face to Face Interaction * Lectures + Group presentations + Glass discussion + ProblemsiCases Analysis Assessment Strategy * Continuous Assessment (Coursework) 60% Semester End Exam (Final Exam) 40% Course Synopsis: {nits simplest form, marketing isthe bridge between customers and products of services, Marketers must know how to study and analyze markets and their environment, Tools include: marketing research methods, consumer and industrial buying be aviour models, ‘competitive strategy principles, and market segmentation techniques. Gased on this ‘market analysis, marketing managers recommend the appropriate marketing mix, consisting of decisions about product, price, channel, and promotion (iniegrated ‘marketing communication), Understanding what options are avaliable and how to choose is integral tothe role ofthe marketing manager. To provide value to consumers and businesses, marketers must create offerings that achieve multiple objectives: satisty the market, deal with compatition, meet the fim's objectives such as revenue generation or profitabllly, and meet societal expectations. While the results of the decisions made by marketers are seen dally by consumers in retail stores, online, and in their homes, the decisions matle behind fhe scenes are rarely obvious. Technology has had an enormaus impact on the field of marketing: the Average consumer would likely be amazed by how many options were considered and lutimately discarded to bring their favourite product to market Professionals in integrated marketing communications have even more decisions, as IMC tools have proliferated with changing technology. Making sound rezommendations for integrated Marketing Communications requires a strong foundatien of marketing Strategy and marketing management. Finally, marketing managers interact with many functions in the organization, and must understand what drives the priorities of their functional counterparts, to successfully convert marketing strategies into implementation Plans. Mode of Delivery: ‘Totally based on Student-centred Learning + Seif Leaming Activites as prescribed in the Course Guide, Face to Face Interactions. + Approximately 1 1/2 hours of debateldiscussion and 1 1/2 hours of interactive lecture based on predetermined casels for each topic + The sessions will outline the main theoretical issues and will sometimes involve practical ilustrations ofthe application of concepis and principles, + Cases will be used to illustrate the application of theory, concepts and principles to practical issues ' Note: It is neither possible nor intended that all aspects of every issue will be ‘covered in each session. It's expected that students will need {> do additional reading Assessment Methods and Types: Continuous assessment 1. Coursework 0% i Mig Term (20) i. Quizzes (10) li. Projects (Written report and presentation) G0) Individual Project (10) Group Project (20) 2. Final Exam TOTAL he Contents Outline of the Course and the SLT per Topi search) Course materials Sef study (net Lit Case Stuay Facet face interactions Lecture and group “Total SLT (ours) Par A Inreduton To ie Sous Par 8: Lesson 1: The Marketing Management Process and The Mi atons of Corporate and Business Stateses (LO- (€8) (LO2:A4}(LO3-A5) L058 ‘+ Why are marketing decisions important? ‘© Marketing Creates Value by Faciltating Exchange Relationships ‘+ What does Effective Marketing Prac Look Like? ‘= Some Recent Developments Affecting Marketing Management| + What is Marketing's Role in Formulating and implementing Strategies? ‘+ Three Levels of Strategy: Simi Components, But Diferent Issues ‘+The Marketing Implications of Corporate and Business Unit Strategy Decisions Lesson 2: Understanding Mar sumer 5 ing Behavior (LO1-C8) LOZ AS LOS.A ‘+ Market and Industies: Whats the aiference ‘+ Assessing Market and Industry Atracveness 4 ‘Macro Trend Analysis: A Framework for Assessing Market Atractveness, Macro Level Your Markets Atractive: What About Your Industy? ‘+ Challenges in Macro-Level Market and Industry Analysis ‘+ The Psychological importance ofthe Purchase Affects the Decision-Making Process ‘+The Marketing Implications of Psychological and Personal Infuences ‘The Marketing Implications of Social nfvences Lesson 3: Understanding Organizational Markets and_ wing Behavior anc lunes. Forecast ‘Market Kaowedge (01-05) (LO2-A4)(LO4-AS\LOS-A3) Whois the Customer? ‘+ How Organizational Members Make Purchase Decisions? ‘© Sling Different Kinds of Goods and Services to ‘Organization Requires Ditferent Marketing Programs 1 AForecasia’s ToolKit A Too for Every Forecasting Seting ‘+ Rate of Diusion of Innovations: Another Perspectives on Forecasting ‘© Cautions and Caveats in Forecasting * Customer Relationship Management and Market Knowledge Systems ‘+ Marketing Research n 1 racive Market_Segments and Difereniaion and Grand Postioning (LO'-c8) (LOzshd) (Os: ‘ABYLOS:AS) How are Market Segments Best Defined? Choosing tractive Market Sagmenis: A Fe Step Process Diferent Targeting Strategies Sut Different Opportunites Differentiation of Sands Physieal Pesttoning Perceptual Posioning “The Brand Postioning Process ‘The Outcomes of Etfectve Positioning esson 5: Business Strategies: A Foundtion for Marketing Program Decisions (LOH-C8)(LO2-R4) (LO“AS)LOS-AS) ‘+ How Do Business Compete? ‘How Do Compete Strategies Dilfer from One Another? ‘+ Decicing When A Strategy is Appropriate: The Fit between [Business Strategies and the Enwronment + How Diferont Business Strategies Influence Marketing Decisions ‘Lesson 6: Product Decisions (LO'-Cé) (LO2-A4)(LOS.A3) ‘© Procit Design Decisions for Competitive Acvantage ‘+ Managing Product Lines |__+_New Product Development Process Decisions ‘Product Desisions over the Product Life Cycle ‘Lesson 7: Pricing Decisions (LO1-08)(L02-A4) (05-43 '+ A Process for Making Pricing Decisions + Methods Managers Use fo Determine an Appropriate Price Level ‘+ Deciding on 2 Price Structure: Adapting Prices to Market Variations Lesson 8: Channels Decisi (Lo2-Aa (LOsAd ‘= Why Do Mutifims Marketing Channels Exist? ‘+ Designing Distroution Channels: What Are the Objectives to Bo Accomplished? ‘Designing Distibution Channels: What Kinds of Instone Might Be Includea? Channel Design Alternatives ‘+ Which Attoratives is Best? It Depends on the Firm's (Objectives and Resources ‘+ Channel Design for Global Market ‘= Channel Design fr Services + Chane! Management Decisions Lesson 9: Integrated Promotion Decisions and Dalal Marketing LO-08) LOZAA]LOEAS) ‘©The Promotion Mix: A Communication Tookt ‘Developing An Inigrated Marketing Communications Plan * The Nity.Grity of Promotional Decision Making ‘+ Evaluating and Contoling Sales fore Performance Lesson 10: Marketing Strategies for the New Economy (01.08) 1LOzAa) CO4-A5| OSA) + Does Every Company Need A New-Economy Strategy ‘+ Threats o Opportunites? The inherent Advantages and Disadvantages ofthe New Economy for Marketers + Developing A New-Econemy Strategy: A Decision Famer ‘+ Managing New: Economy Strategies: The Talent Gap + Developing Strategies to Serve New-Economy Markets Lesson 11: Si Markets (Lo1.ct (LOz-Ad) (LO4AS)(LOBAS) How New is New? ae eee Market Enty Strategies: Is t beter to be a Pioneer or 2 Follower? + Strategic Marketing Programs for Pioneers ‘+ Growth-Market Stratogios for Market Leaders ‘+ Share-Growth Strategies for Folowers 800 12: Strategies for Mature and Ds Loree (LOZ-AA) (LO5-AS) 4] os -fal o 4 Strategic Choices in Mature Markets 4+ Marketing Strategies fr Mature Markets ‘+ Stratogios for Decsning Markets 18: Organizing and Planning for Effective ny on (01:8) (LOZ) LOA + Designing Appropriate Administrative Relationships for the Implementation of Diferent Compatiive Stratgies ‘+ Designing Appropriate Organizational Stctures and Processes for Implementing Dilerent Strategies ‘+ Marketing Pans: The Foundation for Implementing Marketing Actions Lesson 14: Measuring and Delivering Mark nce "+ Designing Marketing Metrics Stop By Step ‘+ Design Decisions for Strategic Monitoring Systems ‘+ Design Decisions for Marketing Metrics ‘+ A Tool for Periodic Assessment of Marketing Performance: ‘The Marketing Aug ‘© Measuring and Delivering Market Performance Total SLT (hours) 120 Precribed Text: KolerP, Keller K.LAngSH.Leong, SM. and Tan.©.T (2012). Marketing Management : An ‘Asian Perspective. St alton Singapore : Pearson Education South Asia Pie Lid Additional Readings: Kotler. P. and Keller, KL (2016) Marketing Management 15° edtion: Pearson Education Limited (Enoland) Mulins, JW. and Walker Jc, 0.€. (2010) Marketing Management: Strategie Decision Making ‘Approsch. 7” Edition. Singapore McGraw Hil Edveation (Asa) Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne,R.(2006), lue Ocean Strategy: How fo Create Uncontested Market ‘Space and Make the Compettion irelovant US: Harvard Business Seheol Publishing Ferrel, 0. C. and Hartine, M.D. (2011). Marketing Management Strategies, 5 Eton, Canada: ‘South Western Cengage Learning, Holensen, $, (2010). Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach, 2© Edition, United Kingsom: Pearson Marshall, G.W. and Johnston, M. W. (2010). Marketing Management. Singapare : MeGraw-Hil Education (Asia) Kotler, P_and Keller, K. L, (2012). Marketing Management. 14% Eatin. Uppar Saddle River: Peareon Prentice Hal Kotter, P.. Kelle, KL. Ang, 8. H., Leong, S.-M. and Tan, ©. T. (2008). Markting -Management: An Asion Perspective. 5° Eetton. Singapore: Pearson Education Souk sia ‘Supplementary Readings on Articles Journals: ‘To supplement your presentation, case analysis and term paper, you may ike to consult some Important journals and erimagazines inthe area and related areas, The folowirg is 8 ist of just few of them + doural of Marketing ‘Journal of Marketing Research Harvard Business Review Sloan Management Review ‘Academy of Management Journal ‘Academy of Management Review ‘ural of inerationa Marketing ‘Journal of Consumer Academy of Management Executive & etc. ‘Siudents Fave to if 60% cass alandance requirement for thlrecture sessions. Failure to observe this rue wil resutin the stugent not sing able fast for the fina exam. Assessment Details: 4. Mid Term Exam (20%): Mid Term exam wil be conducted inthe mide of the semester and i ermal wil over topics and ciscussion trom the bagining ofthe semester. Participation and Quizzes (10%): Each sludent wil need to participate actvely in avery lessons during the discussions land quizzes wil be given primarly seeks fo gauge student's general understanding of the course and to examine student abitys te Identity and afecenate portant terme land concepts 3. Course Project (30 %): This course project consists of individual Pojact and Group Project Inlvisuo! Project: Each student will wile a brief overview of the Marketing Management in Practoe in their organization and share on salient topical Issues covered in class on the appoiniod day of particular intrest to be reported fs unigue benchmark of Marketing Management Practices. ‘The writen report shouldbe about 5 o 10 pages covering the folowing: ‘+ Company profile (bri, incude number and profi of employees); ‘+ Profle of Marketing Department (incude no. of marketing/sales staf, theie function and responsibities, marketnghesdcount ao, ‘+ Marketing Management Pracices (briefly describes the Markelirg Management Practices or fcus on benchmark practices) ‘+ Matketing Management Issues (what do you see as major Marketing Management issues faced by your company?) Group Project : A team must consist of 3 to 5 persons and a leader is o be selected for each team. Tho team has to come outwith thelr own product and brand. By appjng the Marketing Management pracices that they have learnt, each t2am fe requied to dO 8 report wih presentation to elaborate and discuss on the product and marketing sttatogy that they develop. 4, Final Examination (40%) “his wil be an essay-type examination and wil cover all topics and classroom dlscussions as well as questions om classroom presentations, Iie this adviable to be aentve (0 topic preseatations. Late Submission of Assignments & Resubmission Policy Extensions: All assessment should be handed in at the raquired due date. Extensions are not normaly Granted, but in exceptional cases or whore there is genuine hardship, mtd extensions MAY be ranted. Any applications should be made in wing to me belore the due date, and where Sppropriate 4 medical cericate should be sttache. Plagiarism (Important) Examination and Assessment Misconduct Including Plagiarism ‘Students should note the poly of the Universit Sairis Malaysia on cases of exzminatin or assessment rreguiaty Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submiting or presenting the thoughts, wntings or other work of someone else as though is yout own work. Plagiarism includes any of the fellowing, without ful and appropriate acknowledgment tothe original source) ()_the use ofthe whole or pat of a computer program witten by another person, (©) the use, in essays orotbor assessable work, of the whole of parol a writen work from any soue including But not ited fo @ Book, Journal, newspaper ace, set lecture notes, curent or past student's work any other person's work, a website oc databace, (the paraphrasing of another's work, (@) the use of musical composition, audlo, visual, graphic and photographic model, (e) the use of regalia, thats objects, artifacts, costumes, models and he tke Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work In conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent wotk. This remains plagiarism whether or vot i wi the kknowiedge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that USU encourages is students to talk to staf, fellow students end other people who may be able to contibute to & students academic work but that where independent assignment is requied, submitted or Presented work must be the students own, Enabling plagiarism contributes to plaglarsm and therefore wil be treater as. a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting anther ‘Student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to\a drat OF ‘completed assignment or other work Student Notes: ‘This is the rubries which are used to evaluate your project. Please make sure you have all ‘these criteria in your report to avoid losing any marks, Tet ppetie [Poor alow Berge | Rveane [Gaol Beale [Bipenaion fornia oie ON [Powe [Reow | AvaGe | Good [Fees Company profie (biel, inude ‘number an proieatempoyees) ‘ive bacground of he eampeny & 5 Te nurser and pote oF ompleee 1 Profle af arising Deparment (dude nex of maketing/ sts ta, ‘hele function and responses, rrkaing/neadeunt i) a}The background. of Working Depuriment of the company Ie we cexiines W)The (eal waribe of markeag oF Sales ta induing her unetion aes responses ates 3 Marketing Managenent Padies (tity deserter the Martting benchmark proces) - a] The arkeing Managenant prizes (apples in the comony 1 wel ‘Marketing Management ses (wat (do you see_os major Marketing Management issues Toced by Your ‘ompan?) a) ertcaon ol Wang - Management probe or ise ace thecompany ewe evtated Development and formaatan of ‘suerte cee toe Praca and apples of Your ‘rmnendaons welaratyed 1B} Gear aed coherent wt Up TE ise Sieve eons and ee Te 1 Repworde at rte th eaten [The bckground athe aes Gar a) entiation of he reench probe cl Foruston of ear cate esarch fuestonsand nes industry Anse a) The slic of eran pr forint prfie Gees ate ‘ntoaton for tends prof ‘prepa WaratreYevew fr the Viewew of tha Way onesie OF 4: Company Background [The company bacigrosadisdear B)inude det and ecb ae 5 tase Decipion a Dkaason we ORT Ba robin andes deed 5) Aroprite sage of he ancl foabinthecaee anaes inept nares i tnkages Between aie rae nd fra coleced anayss bases on se ‘witeupand ts cole) Dicuon and Easton a} The pracy ond a 5] ezarmendatin Bard on sii a) Gene and eherent wR Up TE

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