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Lesson-1 Q.8. Did Norma remain normal on hearing the news

of accident of her husband?
Button, Button Ans: No, she didn’t remain normal. She could hardly
Exercise Questions walk and breathe. She felt as if her body had become
Q.1. Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude
of Mr. Steward offensive? (imp)
Additional questions
Ans: She told Mr. Steward that she was busy but he
insisted on having some time. That’s why she did not Q.9. What moral lesson does the story ‘button,
like his attitude and was offended. button’ teach?
Ans: This story teaches us a lesson that greed can only
Q.2. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife? (imp)
lead us to a terrible end. One who thinks evil for
Ans: He disagreed with his wife because he
others has to face the music.
considered it immoral to kill someone for the sake of
money. He considered it a murder.
Q.3. Why did Norma try to persuade her husband to
agree with her? (imp)
Clearing in the Sky
Ans: She wanted to have money to improve their life Exercise Questions
style. She thought that Mr. Steward’s offer was a Q.1. Why didn’t old man followed the advice of the
research activity. So, she tried to persuade her doctors? (imp)
husband to agree with her. Ans: He did not follow the advice of the doctors
Q.4. What were the reasons Norma gave to her because he had firm belief in God. He thought if he
husband to accept the offer? (imp) had sit idle, he would have become weak. Moreover
Ans: She told him that it would make no difference to he did not believe in what doctors told him.
kill someone unknown. She argued that the offer was Q.2. What had the doctors told the old man?
a part of psychological research. She said that money Ans: They told him not to travel long distances. They
will bring about a prosperous life for them. told him that he had a few days of his life left. They
Q.5. Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading advised him to spend these days with his family.
Norma? (imp) Q.3. Where did the old man take his son? (imp)
Ans: He continued persuading Norma because he Ans: The old man took his son on the top of a high
wanted her to push the button. He believed that she mountain to show him his secret garden.
was curious about his offer.
Q.4. Had the son ever been there before?
Q.6. What was the message Norma received on Ans: Yes, the son had been there many times except
pushing the button? the last three years.
Ans: She received a call from Lenox Hill Hospital. They
told her about the death of her husband in an Q.5. What were the names of the vegetables the old
accident. man grew on his farm?
Ans: He grew yams, tomatoes and potatoes on his
Q.7. What is the significance of Arthur’s life- farm.
insurance policy? (imp)
Ans: Arthur’s life insurance policy has great Q.6. Why did the old man take the steep path? (imp)
significance for Norma. She would get $ 50,000 in case Ans: He took the steep path to measure his physical
of Arthur’s accidental death. This amount will be fitness and health status. It was a way of knowing that
enough for her to live a better life. he was getting better day by day.

Q.7. Why did the son at the age of six cry? Q.4. What was the condition of the Bittering family
Ans: He cried because he lost his wooden plough in a on hearing the of war on the Earth? (imp)
furrow while playing. He loved his plough so much. Ans: They were confused and astonished at hearing
the news of war on the Earth. They felt themselves
Q.8. What were the feelings of the old man at the
stranded on that alien planet forever.
age of seventy?
Ans: The old man in the story is really an optimistic Q.5. What did they want to grow?
person. He wanted to die in harness. He wanted to Ans: They wanted to grow crops, onions and peach.
see the places he knew and loved. He always recalled They also wanted to grow their number by producing
the pleasant memories of life. He loved the land and children.
the things he grew in it.
Q.6. What was the condition of their house?
Q.9. Why did the old man plant his secret garden? Ans: The condition of their house was very bad.
Ans: The old man planted his secret garden because Blazing wind at day and dense fog at night destroyed
he believed that the things planted in virgin land had it.
sweet taste and unique flavour.
Q.7. What was the advice Harry gave to the people?
Additional questions (imp)
Ans: He advised the people to build a new rocket to
Q.10. Why did the old man make a fence around the go back to Earth.
Q.8. How dangerous can a Martian virus be? (imp)
Ans: The old man fenced the garden to protect it from
Ans: A Martian virus can be very dangerous. It can
astray cattle.
totally change them.
Q.11. Why did the old man made so many paths
going up the mountain? Lesson-4
Ans: He wanted to know whether he was regaining his Thank You Ma’m
health gradually. So, he kept on making steeper paths Exercise Questions
as he got healthier. In this way, he kept himself in
gradual physical exercise. Q.1. What was the time when the boy tried to snatch
the purse of the woman?
Ans: It was about eleven O’clock at night when the
boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman.
Dark they were and Golden-eyed Q.2. What happened to the boy when he tried to
snatch the purse? (imp)
Exercise Questions Ans: When the boy pulled the purse, its strip was
swapped with the sudden jerk. As a result the boy lost
Q.1. Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth? his balance and fell on the side-walk.
Ans: He wanted to go back to the Earth because the Q.3. What was the reaction of the woman?
Martian climate was strange. It was changing them all. Ans: She simply turned around, kicked the boy the
Moreover, some mysterious and ghostly feelings boy to the right square on his blue jeans sitter. She
captured his mind and he decided to go back to the bent down and gripped the boy by his collar and gave
Earth. him a few jerks until his teeth rattled.

Q.3. What climate did they face on the Mars? (imp) Q.5. What was the conduct of the people when they
Ans: They faced dangerous climate on Mars; the harsh saw the incident?
wind and severe heat.

Ans: The incident took place on road. The people did

not pay much heed to it. A few of passer by stopped
and turned to look. Anyway , they remained as Lesson-5
neutral observers.
The Piece of String
Q.6. How did the boy look physically? (imp) Exercise Questions
Ans: The boy was a teen ager. He was weak and thin.
He was wearing jeans and tennis shoes. He had frail Q.1. Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the
body and dirty face. lost pocketbook? (imp)
Ans: Mr. Manana had seen Hubert picking up
Q.7. What was the condition of the boy when the something from the road. He believed that Mr. Hubert
woman gave him a few jerks? had picked up the very pocket-book. So, he accused
Ans: When the lady caught the boy and gave him a him of picking up the lost pocket-book.
few jerks, the sweat popped out on his face with fear.
He tried to get free but could not succeed. He got Q.2. What did the people think of Hubert when they
passive at the end. heard the return of pocketbook by some other
Q.8. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his Ans: When the people came to know that the lost
face? (imp) pocket-book was returned by someone else, they did
Ans: The woman wanted the boy to realize the moral not absolve poor Mr. Hubert. They termed it as a
ethics and manners. She wanted him to look like a deception by Mr. Hubert. They did not believe him.
nice boy before she advises him. So, she asked him to
wash his dirty face. Q.3. Why did George give the pocketbook to his
employer? (imp)
Q.9. Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the Ans: George was an uneducated person. He could not
woman? (imp) read the name of the owner of the pocketbook. So, he
Ans: The boy did not run from her house because he gave it to his employer out of ignorance.
had got an impression that the woman would not
punish him anymore. He did not want to betray her Q.4. What made Hubert shameful? (imp)
trust. Moreover, he wanted to satisfy her with good Ans: The delusion of people about him made him
behavior. shameful. It was disgrace to his ego and self esteem.
This thing grieved him a lot.
Q.10. Why didn’t the woman watch the boy while
preparing a dish? Q.5. Why did the people make fun of his innocence?
Ans: She didn’t watch the boy while preparing a dish (imp)
because she had already given an impression to the Ans: People believed that Mr. Manana could not be
boy that she would not punish him anymore. She wrong. They believed that Mr. Hubert had picked up
wanted to show the boy that she trusted him. So, she the lost pocket-book but he was just not ready to
hoped that he would not run. confess. So, they made fun of his arguments.

Q.11. What was the nature of the woman’s job? Q.6. Why did he keep claiming his innocence before
(imp) his death? (imp)
Ans: She worked in a hotel beauty shop. She worked Ans: Mr. Hubert was very sensitive and touchy fellow.
till late at night. She had to deal with all type of He did not want to die with a spot on his character.
women customers. So, he kept claiming his innocence till the last breath.

Additional questions

Q.7. Why didn’t the mayor believe the innocence of


Ans: The mayor was not ready to accept that Mr.

Manana, who was a credible man in the eyes of the
mayor, would have taken a piece of sting for a pocket- Q.6. What were the arrangements made for the
book. So, he didn’t believe in Mr. Hubert’s story of function of inauguration?
Ans: The great throne room was turned into a kind of
gymnasium. Hurdles were erected on its polished
Q.8. What was the effect of Mr. Hubert’s protesting? floor. The swings were hung down the ceiling. The
(imp) doors and windows were decorated with red and
Ans: His protesting could not win the trust of the golden curtains.
people. The people made fun of what he said in his
clarity. Q.7. Describe the scene of inauguration. Write five
Ans: The men and women were clad in jazz dress.
Lesson-6 Lights were glittering brilliantly and a band was
The Reward playing softly. The door opened with a flood of golden
Exercise Questions light and the old man appeared in his brilliant
costume. The people gave him red-carpet welcome.
Q.1. What was the subject discussed at the club?
(imp) Q.8. What were the feelings of Gorgios on the
Ans: The subject discussed at the club was whether occasion of inauguration?
opportunity or determination was needed to achieve Ans: Naturally, Gorgios was very happy at the
life’s goals. realization of his lifelong dream.

Q.2. What did Terbut think of Jorken’s argument? Q.9. Did Gorgios use any short cut to achieve his
Ans: Jorkens was all for determination. Turbet did not ambition?
agree with him. He declared that opportunity played a Ans: No, he did not use any shortcut to achieve his
winning in the arena of life. ambition. He proved his worth after the dedication
and determination of 60 years.
Q.3. How did Jorkens convince that a man can
become skating champion of the Sahara? Additional questions
Ans: Jorkens said that a really determined man would Q.10. What did Terbut think was needed for success
raise money somehow or the other. He would build a in life?
skating ring in the Sahara. He would organize a skating Ans: He thought that the opportunity was needed for
competition over there. Ultimately he would come success in life.
out as skating champion.
Q.4. How did Gorgios persuade his people to make
his country strong? (imp)
Ans: To persuade his people to make his country
strong, he urged them to teach acrobatic art to the The Use of Force
young men of his country. He told them that acrobatic Exercise Questions
art will make them physically strong and sturdy. These
physically fit young men will better defend the court Q.1. What was the condition of the parents on the
and the right of the nation. arrival of the doctor?
Ans: When the doctor reached, the parents were
Q.5. What was the view point of the parents of quite upset. They were worried on the illness of their
Gorgios? (imp) daughter.
Ans: The parents of Gorgios were of the view that an Q.2. What was the behaviour of the girl with the
opportunity was necessary for success. They thought doctor? (imp)
that only determination could do nothing.

Ans: The girl was violent with the doctor. She was Additional Questions
rude and repulsive. She did not cooperate with the
doctor. Q.11. Under what circumstances the use of force can
Q.3. She had a fever for three days. Hadn’t she? be justified?
Ans: Yes, she had fever for three days. Ans: The use of force for the solution of the problem
is neither good nor desirable. It should be used as a
Q.4. Did the girl change her expression when the last option when there is a threat to life of the
doctor said, “Does you throat hurt you?” subject.
Ans: The sick girl did not promptly respond to the
doctor. Her expression did not change. She remained Q.12. How did the sick girl look by appearance?
silent. Ans: The child look beautiful. She was strong and
sturdy. She was fully dressed. She had magnificent
Q.5 Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first long hair, in profusion.
name? (imp)
Ans: The doctor called the child by her first name
because he wanted to win her attention. He wanted
to show his closeness to her to get a favorable The Gulistan of Sa’adi
response from him. Exercise Questions

Q.6. Did the sick girl promptly respond to the Q.1. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his
instructions of the doctor? people? (imp)
(See answer of question No.4) Ans: Nushirvan advised his people to be kind and just
to others. He advised them to nip the evil in the bud.
Q.7. Why did the parents rebuke her?
Ans: The girl was misbehaving with the doctor. She Q.2. What was the remedy suggested by the
struck at the glasses of the doctor and they fell several physicians for the disease of the king? (imp)
feet away. The parents felt ashamed of this act. That’s Ans: They suggested the king to use the bile of a
why they rebuked her. person with certain qualities to treat his disease.

Q.8. What was the threat of the doctor to the child if Q.3. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?(imp)
she did not show her throat? (imp) Ans: The boy was helpless. He was on the mercy of
Ans: The doctor was greatly annoyed at the ill the King. When he saw to the sky, he was appealing to
behaviour of the child. He asked her to open his God for justice.
mouth but she wouldn’t. So, he threatened the child
Q.4. What should be the role of a Qazi? (imp)
that he would open it by force if she didn’t show her
Ans: Qazi is considered the last hope of justice. He is
responsible to do justice in every case in order to keep
Q.9. Why did she break the wooden blade? (imp)
peace and stability in the society. He should decide
Ans: She had tonsils in her throat. Her throat hurt
badly. She didn’t want it to be opened. So, she broke the cases on merit.
the wooden blade. Q.5. Why did the king weep?
Ans: The king felt ashamed of his selfish and cruel
Q.10. What was the condition of the tonsils of the
behavior. He moved to tears when he realized that he
sick girl?
Ans: The condition of the tonsils was alarming. They was about to shed the blood of an innocent boy.
were covered with membrane, which was the clear Q.6. How did the diseased king recover? (imp)
symptom of diphtheria. Ans: The king had realized his sense of injustice and
cruelty. He forsook the life of the innocent boy. The
spiritual satisfaction of this noble deed became source
of King’s recovery.

Lesson-9 Additional Questions

The Foolish Quack Q.10. Why did the quack come back to the camel-
Exercise Questions men?
Ans: He returned to the camel-men to learn the exact
Q.1. What is a clump of trees? method of curing goiter.
Ans: A clump of trees means a group of trees growing
together at a place.
Q.2. What was struck in camel’s throat? A Mild Attack of Locusts
Ans: A melon was stuck in camel’s throat.
Exercise Questions
Q.3. What did the quack pretend to cure?
Q.1. What are locusts?
Ans: The quack pretended to be a doctor. He
Ans: Locusts are winged insects just like grass hopers.
pretended to cure goiter.
They fly in swarms. They eat up the entire vegetation.
Q.4. What did the quack do with the old woman?
Q.2. Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on the
How did the quack try to cure the old woman?
fire? (imp)
Ans: The quack tied a blanket around the neck of the
Ans: The farmers threw wet leaves on fire to produce
old woman and hit hard with a mallet. As a result, the
black and acrid smoke. This smoke would frighten
poor woman expired at once.
away the insects.
Q.5. What was the result of the cure?
Q.3. What was the desire of every farmer? (imp)
Ans: As a result, the poor woman expired at once.
Ans: Every farmer desired that the swarms of locusts
Q.6. What was the punishment inflicted upon the should overlook his fields and settle somewhere else.
quack by the villagers? OR How did the villagers
Q.4. Did Margaret know what to do to keep the
punish the quack?(imp)
locusts away?
Ans: The villagers were seriously annoyed at the
Ans: Margret had not experienced such natural
death of the old woman. They forced the quack to dig
calamity before. She did not know what to do. She
the grave of the woman. Then they beat him well and
just attended phone calls.
turned him out of the village.
Q.5. What was the condition of trees?
Q.7. For whom did the quack dig the grave?
Ans: The trees were teamed with insects. They
Ans: The quack dug the grave of the old woman who
became leafless and finally their branches weighed to
died as the result of his treatment.
the round.
Q.8. What did the quack do in the next village? (imp)
Q.6. How did the old Stephen treat the stray locust
Ans: In the next village, he again set himself up for a
which he found on his shirt?
Ans: He crushed it between his thumbnails. He found
Q.9. Why didn’t the villagers let the old man get that it was clotted with eggs.
cured? (imp)
Q.7. Are the hoppers different from locusts?
Ans: When the quack refused to dig the grave of the
Ans: Hoppers are the young locusts. They differ from
old man before he started the treatment, the villagers
them in size and age. They cannot fly but hop.
realized that he was a man of doubtful ability. So, they
did not let him cure the old man. Q.8. Did Margaret lose heart on the loss of crops?
Ans: No, she did not lose heart. She faced the natural
calamity with patience and courage. She even
encouraged others to face the tragedy.

Q.9. Why are the locusts compared with bad Q.4. What should be the faith of Negroes? How
weather? (imp) should Negroes continue to work?
Ans: Locusts are compared with bad weather because Ans: They should have faith in final deliverance. They
they, like bad weather does, can spoil the crops. Both should continue to work with the faith that unearned
the bad weather and the locusts are changing agents suffering is redemptive.
of farmers.
Q.5. What was the necessity of pleading the case of
Q.10. Why did the men eat their supper with good the Negroes’ freedom?
appetites? (imp) Ans: Freedom is the basic right of every man. Negroes
Ans: The men had been fighting against the locusts. were treated as slaves. So, there was a need to speak
They were tired and hungry. So, they ate their supper for their freedom and provision of equal rights to
with good appetite. them.

Additional questions Q.6. What should be the criterion of judgment for a

person? (imp)
Q.11. Why did the farmers want to kill the locusts? Ans: A man should be judged by his character.
Ans: They wanted to prevent the locusts from settling Outward appearance does not endorse the inner self
in their fields. It was because the locusts would finish of a person.
all of their crops.
Q.7. Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all the part of
Q.12. What did old Stephen tell Margaret? their country?
Ans: He told Margret that they were finished. The Ans: No, they do not enjoy liberty in all the part of
locusts ate every leaf of their farm within half an hour. their country.

Q.8. From which part of the country did the Negroes

Lesson-11 gather there?
I have a Dream Ans: It was a big show off and gathering of Negroes.
Exercise Questions They gathered from different parts of the country.
Most of them had come from southern parts of the
Q.1 What was the cause of Negroes discontentment?
Ans: Negroes were not given basic human rights. They
had no worth and value in the society. They were Lesson-12
treated as slaves. This thing produced discontentment The Gift of Magi
in Negroes. Exercise Questions
Q. 2. What are the qualities of veterans of creative Q.1. How much did Della save for Christmas?
suffering? (imp) Ans: She saved one dollar and eighty seven cents for
Ans: The veterans of creative suffering have the Christmas.
power of faith and hope. They never lose heart. They
are confident of redemption. Q.2. Why did she feel proud in the beauty of her
Q. 3. What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.? Ans: She felt pride in the beauty of her hair because
(imp) her silky and golden hair could burn in fire of jealousy.
Ans: Martin Luther has a dream that one day America
will become a democratic state in real sense. People Q.3. Why did Della sell her hair? (imp)
will be judged by the character and not by the colour. Ans: Della loved Jim from the core of her heart. She
Justice, equality and brotherhood will prevail in the could not think of celebrating Christmas without
society. giving a gift to Jim. So, she sold her hair to get money
to buy a gift for him.

Q.4. Why did Jim sell the gold watch? (imp) Lesson-13
Ans: Jim loved Della from the core of his heart. He
could not think of celebrating Christmas without
God be Praised
giving a gift to Della. So, he sold her gold watch to get Exercise Questions
money to buy a gift for her.
Q.1. What was Abul’s full name?
Q.5. Why did they want to exchange the gifts? Ans: Abul’s full name was Maulvi Abul Barkat.
Ans: Presenting gifts on Christmas is a tradition. They
Q.2. What was his turban known as and where did it
wanted to exchange gifts to communicate their love
originally come from?
to each other.
Ans: His turban was known as Mashadi Lungi and it
Q.6. Why did Della feel sad on losing her hair? (imp) originally came from Mashad in Iran.
Ans: She was greatly proud of her hair. Jim also liked
Q.3. What did he always carry with him?
her hair very much. So, she felt sad on losing such
Ans: He always carried with him a walking stick, which
precious thing.
was bedecked with bands of brass and silver.
Q.7. Why did Jim not welcome her when he stepped
Q.4. Describe Maulvi’s appearance. (imp)
Ans: Maulvi had bulging eyes. He wore a turban on his
Ans: As Jim stepped in, he was astonished to see Della
head. He always carried with him a walking stick. He
without hair. He had sold his gold watch to buy combs
wore studded rings on his fingers.
for Della’s hair. Now there was no use of these combs.
Q.5. How much did the Maulvi collect on every Eid?
So, he did not welcome her out of sadness.
Q.8. What did Jim bring out of his coat? Ans: He collected 150 to 200 rupees on every Eid.
Ans: He brought out beautiful combs studded with
Q.6. How much was distributed among the needy
jewels wrapped in a paper from his coat.
and the poor?
Q.9. How beautiful was the gold watch chain? Ans: Out of the collection of 150 to 200 rupees, he
Ans: The chain was simply made but its true value lay distributed 40 to 50 rupees among the needy and the
in its pure and rich material. poor of the village.

Q.10. What was the wisdom in selling the most Q.7. What was the name of his eldest daughter?
valuable things? (imp) Ans: The name of his eldest daughter was
Ans: Love is blind. It does not count loss or profit of Mehrunnisa.
material things. They sold their most valuable things
Q.8. What was the name of the member of the
just to please their beloveds.
District Board where the Maulvi lived?
Ans: The name of the member of the district board
Additional Questions
where Maulvi lived was Chaudhary Fateh Dad.
Q.11. Who were the Magi?
Q.9. Write the names of other two daughters
Ans: Magi were wise men. They came from the East to
mentioned in the story?
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They were the first
Ans: The names of other two daughters of Maulvi are
who set the tradition of presenting gifts on Christmas.
Zabda and Shamsun.
In the story, Della and Jim are called Magi.

Additional Questions Q.7. What kind of music was played in one of the
Q.10. How did Shamim Ahmed come to marry Ans: An orchestra was playing in one of the
Mehrun? restaurants.
Ans: Nobody could restrain Shamim celebrating his
marriage any way he desired. So, he came to marry Lesson-15
Mehrun amidst fireworks with musicians playing gay The Angel and the Author- and Others
tunes. Q.1. At what point of journey in his dream did the
author hear the throbbing sound of wings?
Q.11. Who was Ch. Fateh Dad?
Ans: The author heard the slow throbbing sound of
Ch. Fateh Dad was member of the Distric Board where
wings when he was flying up from the embankment of
Maulvi lived.
the river.
Q.2. What does the author like about Christmas?
Q.1. What was the colour of the overcoat of the
Ans: The author likes the spirit of charity, goodness,
young man?
kindness and brotherhood prevailing at the time of
Ans: Its colour was brown.
Christmas. He liked Christmas because Christmas
Q.2. How did the young man look like? OR Describe makes everyone good and virtuous.
young man’s appearance.
Q.3. Write down the good deeds the author has
Ans: The young man was quite healthy. His hair was
admitted are a great joy on Christmas.
sleek and shiny. He wore side burns. He has thin
Ans: He gave subscription of ten shelling to the fund
moustaches. He was wearing a brown overcoat and
for unemployed. He sent his photographs to charity
green flat hat.
bazaar. He also sent his old clothes to a sale for
Q.3. Why did the people come out on the Mall? charity homes.
Q.4. Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for
Ans: It was very cold in the evening. The people had
the author? (imp)
come out on the Mall to amuse themselves with the
Ans: Good deeds are always a great joy for the author
beauties of the evening.
because they are a source of good reward in the next
Q.4. Why was the cat shivering? world. They also give him a sense of satisfaction.
Ans: The weather was rough and chilly. So, the cat
was shivering with cold.

Q.5. Why did the driver of the truck speed away

after the accident? (imp)
Ans: The driver realized that something serious had
happened. He was afraid of being arrested. So, took
the advantage of darkness and raced away from the

Q.6. Who took the young man to the hospital?

Ans: Some of the passers-by and a traffic inspector
loaded the young man in a car and took him to the
nearby hospital.

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