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Sp ec i nl Resett rc lt Histo ri es
Record Gr oup (RG) 457.

:..::::::: Title

: l. u'ili.ri'iF.-i\;; s.;;;';;t; Etr,,;;-f

';;;i' ;i G.;;
.,.:: i-..r 'pr.:r ,ryptnlogic hrstorr l90E-l01i]
: i_'s: ii r CX \'ISS Lrf TR.A) bY rhe Linired Starec \\-ar De|rnnrent.
- : --,rr.: , - E\',eiiercc( irt i cl.eo: I ltra lnte.lilerrce L.' l'S
'.: -Fie i Crrrrrrrand ir :l,e :e..rr flreater. f Oper;riorrs
. t'_-rl
.'I _- - .. :: -::_i
- . : B:.;rle oi the ,{tlanric. \'ol II [L--Bcat Orerations--Decen.iber I9.12
r: \Ial i9-11 includin,q Gemran L -l-'oers al.l raiders in the Indran
. " u. ean.l
,: -r'o1
E:,:tle oithe -{tlantic. I -\111:: C rlm,.inii::iols Intellieence,
D:::rll. er I it.1l-l.Iai lo-15.
l-:: Role of Comurunications hrellig:uc: rir Surmarine \\:aifare In
:i: P:crtlc. [\'ol I. Jan t9+]. l9S pp: \-ol tr. Feb 19.11. ?02 pp .
lI1. \Iar. 19+i. \-ol I\'. Apr -\Ial l9l,r. l7l pp.: \,'ol.
163 p.'p.
.Trrn 19-1i. 390 pp..: \'ol VI. -Iul l9:ll. i6: pp:\rol ViI. Aur -
The Role of Radjo Intelligence in tire An:erican-Tapanese \ar al
\\'ar i\:ol I ALrg. 19,{l-Jun. 19:12, 338 pp , \/ol II, Jun. .1. 19-11-
,Iul 15. 1942. 420 pp , Accretion to Vol. II, 283 pp., \rol. IIi.
Sr lorrron Islrnds Caltpaien. Jtrl 1 lo-ll-.Aug o. lo{1. oo: pp .

Yol iV, Par-t 1, Solomon Islancls Can.rpaign, Aug. 9 1942--{ug 1 -1,

,194:, 383 pp., Vol. IV, Pad 2, Solonon Islands Camfraiqn. Aus
l!lq!4!s. ?i . l2!?,
q!.? pp,),
.r S-1 Ultra-History of U S Strategic Air For ce Europe vs Gernan -{rr

Fofce June 1945.

:: t,,r"l Rpnnrr nf rhe Rqrlin lnrell oenrc \er'rinn f'encr:l (rrrf
General Headou arlels. Arlerican itionan'Forces 191 8 - 1919.
:Lj . : +: )-ore.199-c-e1911g_lq9"lPo-siqroq!y_q 2_lllf!r Ll?_lil
.r':l- | | lre Need tor Nerv Le;jslar.on .\3ainst l-lraLrrhoriz<d Di:clo.ure:
iR H- ,l - )6d Alliprl c Air Force Tareet Plannins. t1913-19451.
SRH-rrl 3 97 Collection of Japanese Diolonatic Messaqes 12 lu1. 38-21 Jan
DOCI D : 3806909

SRH-(,):0 ll \ar ratir e Courbat lntelli,eellce Center. Joint lntelligence Center,

Pacitlc Ocean Area [8 Nov 1945].
SRH-O] I -161 C ontroil ed A_uent Commr"urications Activiti es I 91+- I s45
SRH-O]3 Repolts b-v U.S. Almy Ultla Repfesentatives *'itli Annv Field
Comurands in the European Theatre of Operations. 1s45. [Part I.
c'7 pp . Pan II. ll0 pp I
sRH-02'+ 69 Battle of tlre Atlantic, Vol. III [German Naval Communication
hitelligence, by OP-20-G. 1942- l 945.1.
SRH-025 78 Battle ofthe Atlantic, Vol. lV [Technical Intelligence fiorn Allied
c t. toJ r- toJ5 I
SRH-026 4 lr,{arshall Letter to Eisenho',ver on the Use of "[Iltra" intelligence,
lr Iarch 15. lo-ll.

SRH-028 i5 Navv Departuient, Code ancl Signal memoranda No. I, Code and
Signal Section, Division of Operations. 1917.
SRH-029 19 Friedman, William F. A Brief History of the Signals Intelligence
Sel r ice. Jrrrre lo. lq-l:.
SRH-O3O l3 A History of the Code and Cipher Section Dr-rring the First World
War. Prepaled in l919 by N4ajor Herben O. Yardley.
sRH-03 I l:11 Trip Reports Concelning Use of Ultra in the lvleditelanean
Tlreater. loli- | q-+-l
SRH-032 89 Repol'ts by U.S. Anny LIltra Representatives with Field Comnrands
in the Sor-rthwest Pacif'ic, Pacitic Ocean and China Burnra India
Theaters of Operations, 1944-1945.
SRH-O-33 7 History ofthe Operations of Special Security Off-1cers Attached to
Field Commancls, l94i- l9:15.
SRH-03;l 20 Marshall Letter to MacAfthur on the tlse of "Ultra" h.rtelligence,
Mav 23 1944 and Related Corespondence.
SRH-OJ5 6.1 Historl of the Special Branch, I\{iS, War Departrnent , 1942-1914
SRH-036 693 Radio Lrtelligence in WWII. Tactical Operations in the Paciflc
Ocearr .Areas. Januarv loli
SRH-037 35 Reporls Received b_v U.S. War Depaftment on Use of Ultra in the
European Theater, World War II. [October 1945.].
SRH-038 193 A Selection of Papers Pertaining to Herbert O. Yardley. [1889-
le58 l
SRH-0'+0 80 "N{agic" Diploniatic Extracts, hrly 19.15
SRH-04] 82 ThiLd Almy Radio Intelligence History in Campaign of \\iestern
Europe. Prepared by Signal Intelligence Sen'ice of Headquarlers,
Third U S Army [1e.]-3-1e45.]
SRH-O]] l5 Conrment on l\'{arshall-Deivev Erchange Concerling Pearl Harbor.
Septenber 19.14
SRH-O]5 60 Reminiscences ofLieutenant Colonel Honard P Bros,n. Prepcred
Ln<ler the Direction of Chief Signal O11lcer. -1 August lllJr
SRH-,-)lr' l-l Procedure tbr Hanclling LIltra Derter IntelLisence in the CBl. [11
\larch lqls l
DOCID: 3806909

SRH. _\ -.' ri Operari.rnal .\ctii in oi Si,gnal Securin Detachnent

D . il:L \rnri Gr.'rLp. ETO. Cr-tierine rhe period I Seprember
, :{f :o .{pril ie'+5
SRH- r, rI fu'. er'o.rni LirL,oraton Correspondence I919.
SRH-.: iS I:::er. ie',i .,iith \Ir. Ralph T. Briggs 13 January 1977. coucerninr.:
SRH- r: .:'S Fstinrated Japanese.{ircraft Locations, 15 Julv l9;l-l-9 August
.l< l'rrited Strtes Fleet
SRH- r-l t Special Report by: Joint Arrny-Navy Cornnittee on the Japanese
Air Forces. Estirnate ofJapanese Air Situation as of23 1945,
Unrted States Fleet
SRH-i)51 I 6 Eff-ects of B-29 Operations In Supporl of the Okinawa Canrpaign,
I 8 Nlarclr-ll Jurre lo{ i

SRH.O55 44 Estimated Unit Locations ofJapanese Navy and Amry Air Forces
as of20 Jrrly 1945, United States Fleet.
SRH-056 224 Preliniinary Report to Pacific Order of Battle Conl'erence, l5
ALrurrst loJ5
SRH-058 I I Callimahos, Lambros D., The Legendary William F. Friedman.
SRH-059 69 Selected Eraurples of Couunendations and Relatecl
Correspondence Highlighting the Acltievements and Value of U. S.
Signals Intelligence During World War II.
SRH-O6O I I i Notes on the Japanese Theatre Coordination Section, Signal
Security Agency, l6Nov. 1943-25 Feb. 1944.
SRII-062 I lo History of Military hrtelligence Serv'ice, W D G S, Reports Unit.
SRH-O63 47 Japanese Surface and Air Operations, I January 1942-31 January
SRH-O64 33 Japanese Subrnarine Operations. 2l January 1942 to 25 Marctr
SRH-O65 56 Japanese Surlhce and Air Operations, I February 1942-3 I Marcli
SRH.O66 1l Eramples of Intelligence Obtained Frorn Cryptanalysis. I August
SRH-O67 20 Japau as Nlediator irr the Russo-Ger rnrn t'onflict, 19 Decernber
SRH-O68 26 Japanese Estimates of Genlaul''s Abilin to Continue the Stnrggle.
22 January I 9.15.
SRH-069 i7 The Problem of the Prolongation ofthe Soliet-Japanese Neutralitv
Pact. 1l Febmary 19.{5
SRH-a)-0 l-l \otes on the Crinrea {\-alta) Conference. l-l \larclr l9-15.
SRH--,- I 1S -\brogation olthe Soviet-Japanese \eutralin -\ct. Lr April l9-+5
SRH-.,-: l- Recenr Poliricrl Dereltf rnents in Thailand {Siarrl). I \lai l9l5
sRH-, -l 1l \\ hite Russiiins in \lanchukuo- S \Ia1 io-15
sR-Ft- -r l- -lapan:se Burniese Relatlons. q \laj l0l5
DoCID: 38O6909

SRH- -J -) -ii:::-:aa Re:;t:.'r- :.. Gennan Deteat- I I \Iar l9-15

:RH- -: - I J:::r: se-P.-r.::ue:e Rel:i:cns :nd the '\lacao Problem"
, i::i--:;-. -\[:i -i-l: r. ]_1 \lal l9-15
!RH-. -- ,- S-:.-'S.-', iet Relari.ns. I June l9-{5.
SR.H- -S -- R,s s.r-,l,rF.r:ese Relations. I8 June 1945.
SRH. -', L, Russ,>J:f arese Relations (June 19,15).2 July 1945.
SR}I- 'S ' .1 Ccmpilalion ci Intelliqence Data, Japanese Submarine Forces (U.S.
\as Brirish -{dmiraltr Letter). g February 1945.
SRH- rS i I -l IntbrmariLrn iiLrIn Captain Geolge W Linn. USNR (Ret. ).

SRH.NS] 11 Siruation in Thailand (April-June 1945), 7 June 1945.

SRH-LTSJ l8 The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, l0 May 1945.
SRH-08] l1 Russo-Japanese Relations ( I - | 2 Jnly 1945), l4 July 1945.
SRH-085 24 Russo-Japanese Relations (13-20 Jtrly 1945),2l Jnly l9;t5.
SRH.O86 22 Russo-Japanese Relations (21-27 July 1945),2 Augnst l9;15
SRH-O87 14 Nlongolian Independence. 3 August 1945.
SRH.O88 20 Russo-Japanese Relations (28 July-6 August 1945), 7 August 1945.
SRH.O89 14 Military and Political Plans for tlie Southern Pacific Area
Formulated by the Japanese Prior to l4 Ar-rgust 1945, 24 August
t 945
SRH-O90 46Japarr,sSttrrettdet]\Ialtueuvers.2oArrgusllq,15.
SRH-OgI 18 The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, Clirollological Report, 8
Septerrrber 1445.
sRi-oe2 28 Japan (Reaction to Defeat and Current Problerns), 28 September
sRH-0c)3 2l Sino-Japanese Relations (Japan's China Policy), 2 October l9'15.
sJ3ll-0e1 3 I French lndo-China (Political Situation)" 1 1 October 1945.
SRH-O95 20 Recent Political Developrnents iu Frencli Indo-China, 6 April 1945.
SRH-096 with the Renraining "Listeniug Posts" in Europe
l;1 Japanese Relations
(May-mid-July 1945), I August 1945.
SRH-097 133 Proceedings ofthe Pacific Order of Battle Conference, 3-19 Jul.v
l oll.
SRH-098 366 Report ofPacific Order of Battle Coni-erence (Ground Forces). l5-
l8 August 1945.
SRH-099 155 Historl of the Intelligence Group. I\'1IS (N'IID) W D.G S.. 7
December 19.11-6 Septeurber 1945. Graphic Presentation of
SRH- I OO I I The .\flermath ol Japanese Occupatron of French Lrdo-Chrna.
(\Iarch-\Iar lcJ5 )
sRH-1i) I ll Estimated Disposition of-lapanese Fleet. \aval \ircrait and
\lerchant Shippinc. l-l .{uqust l9-1-1 and IS \o\ enrber la+-+
sRH- 1t)l -{l Ideniilicrirons. Locirtioll\ and Comnrand Function-: oi Srlnrtl,:ant
rJ/rrrs:s 1-,... \^
r.....,,, D,,,..!nttel
SRH- l -r-r l l Srrr. rde \n3,k Srurlf 'n Orlrniz.rii.'n- Jult li'l5
DOCID: 3806909

sRH-10.+ l5 Enemy Combat Ship Losses, I August 1qi5.

SRH- I 05 25 Japanese S'"vept Channels and Sunken Vessels as Indicated
Ultra. (maps), 18 August 194).
SRH-IO6 3 Specific lnstructions for tlie Handling and Dissemination of Special
Iltelligence. [25 Januaq, l94l ].
SRH- I 07 42 Problems of the SSO, svstelll \
in World
Svstenr ll1 War IL [post-\\'\\'II]
SRH-I IO 58 Operations of the Military Intelligence Ser.;ice, War Deparlmeru.
London (MlS WD London).
SRH-II I 3 3 l\,Iagic Reporls for the Attention of tlie President. t s43 - l

SRH-I I2 47 Post ivlorlen.r Writings on Lidications of Atdennes Ofi-ensir e.

Decernber 1944.
SRH-I I3 29 Selected Docunlents
Spring 1943
SRH-I14 l6 China's Position Today, 19 August 19.15.
SRH.I I5 i87 U.S. Arury Investigatio s into the Handlilg of Certain
Conmunications Prior- to tlie Attack on Pear-l Harbor. l9.l-1- l9-15
SRH-1I6 56 Origin, Functions and Problerns ofthe Special Branch. lti.I S. [ 5
Apr il I o-li l
SRH.I I7 l2 History of Special Blanclt, M.I.S., June 194.l-Septenbef lqli
SRH-I I8 421 Incidental Exlibits. RE Pearl Harbor Investigation. 1ll1IS \\'DGS )

I.August la41l.
SRH-I I9 95 Military Intelligence Sewice, War Departrrent, Special Securiq
Office and other Correspondence Relating to Special Intelligence
in the Pacific Ocean Area [5 Septenrber 1944 to ]0 Jull' 19-l5l
SRH-120 107 Utilization of Anerican Indians as Coulnunication Linguists [1-]
October 19501.
SRH-I21 45 Japanese Ship List "Knorv Your Enemv". l8 December I 9-14
SRH- I22 Japanese Messages Concel ninc th e Hoshi ltlartr and.-lrr.r \,[rrir.
December 19,14 through August 19:15.
SRH-I23 236 Brownell Conrmittee Report, 28 December 195 I
SRH-12'l 212 Operational History ofthe 8.19th Signal Intelligence Sen rce.
Ir4editerranean Theater-of Operations. Lrited States .\nlr [',Iull
SRH- I]5 75 Friedrrran. Willianr T. Cenain Aspccts oi "\lagic in the
Crlptological Background of the Various Ofllcial Inlesti-sations
Into the Pearl Harbor Atlacri
SRH-1]6 .17 Histon'and Organization of PAC\IIRS. 6 September i9-l-l-lJ
August l 9-{ 5.
SRH-I]7 196 Itse and Dissenrination of L ltra in the Sr.ruthn esr Pacitlc Area.
lq-+-r- I ql5
SRH- 1]8 lq Studi olPearl Hart'or Hearinss. \lilitan lntelligence
Depannrent. Gener:l Statj-. I o-l-
SRH- 1l:l l-l -I:n:lese OrJer ..i B:rle Bulleijrs. hiellig ence Ser. ice
DocID: 3806909

[\ l:r r;l -June Iol{]

SRH- l -r'-l Sl Histon ofthe Intellisence Group. N{ilitary Intelligence Service,
\\'DG5 \eicrrrrtlc B rrrrc lr
sRH-i_1 I Hrston of tlre lntellisence Group. Nlilitary Intelligence Sen ice,
\\'DGS \Iilitarr Branch fPart I. 2q pp.: ParIII.226 pp.' Paft II],
105 pp.: Part I\'. l5l pp.: Part V. 14.+ pp.. Part VI, 16l pp.l
[Ocrober lo{:l
sRH-l-rl 7 History of tlre Special Distribution Brancli Military Intelli-qence
Sen ice, \\' D.G.S.. Part 3, Section 7. [January 1946]
SRH- I34 29 Friedman. \\rilliarrr T Erpansion ofthe Signal Intelligence Service
from 1930-7 Decenber l9.l L
SRH- I35 188 Historl ofthe Second Signal Service Battalion, 1939-1945
SRH-136 715 Radio Intelligence in World War II, Tactical Operations in the
Pacific Ocean Areas. December'. 19,12.
SRH- I 37 26 Llnit History, lst Radio Squadron, Mobile, U.S. Air Force Securitv
Service, 1-31 August l9'+9 and 1 Marcli-30 April 1950.
SRH-I38 56 Llnit History. 2nd Radio Squadron Mobile, U.S. Air Force Secr.rrity
Sen'ice. I Febnraryto3I July 1949.
SRH-I39 186 Unit History, 3rd Radio Squadron, N4obile, U.S. Air Force Securrh
Service, I January-3 I Deceniber 1950.
SRH.I40 18 History ofthe "Language Liaisou Group", Military Intelligence
Service, Wal Department. 22 September 1 945.
SRH-14I Papers fron the Personal Files of Alfred McColniack, Colonel.
A[JS. Special Branch, G-2 Military Intelligence Branch. \Var
Departnient. [Part I, 228 pp.; Part 2, 352 pp.] [5 Febn-rary 19.12 to
29 August 19zl5l.
SRH-I42 44 Russell, Commancler Jerry C., Ultra and the Canpaign Against the
U-boats in World War II. [20 May 1980].
SRH-I43 74 Smitli, Tornmy J.. Ultra in the Battle of Britain: The Real Key to
Success? [18 NIay 1980].
SRH-144 Radio lntelligence in World War II Tactical Operations in the
Pacific Ocean Area, February 1943. [Pan I, 331 pp.. PartIl. il5
SRH-1,16 9 Haudliug of Ultla Within the Military Inteliigence Senice (l\'1lS).
1941- 1s,13. [29 January 1946].
SRH-I47 ;1zl Communications Intelligence Summaries. I November-6
December' 19:ll. Commandant, l-lth Na\.al District. United States
Nar1 .

SRH-I48 l l General Information on Local Ultra Picture as Backsround fbr

Si-enal Intelligence Cont'erence. 6 IIarch l9-1-1
SRH- I-+q l5 Saftbrd. Laurance F . A Brief Histon' ol Communications
Intellilrence in the L nited States
sRll- l i0 i The Brnhdar of tlie \a,al Securitl Groupr [Hrsttrn t,,r looS]
SRH.I J] lb \IiIitJn Snrdi. Conrmunication Iniellcence Research -\ctii iiies.
DoCID: 38O6909

,l Cl June 193 7.
SRH- I rl l-l Hrstorical Rerie\\,of OP-20-G. !7 Febnrary 19.141.
sRH-l i-r l0 \llS. \\ ar Depafirnent. Liaison Activities in the UK. lsli-lol5
Ill )o-l5l
Oe roLrcr
sRH-15-+ -18 Srcnal Intelligence Disclosures in the Pearl Harbor Inr estisarions

! Juh I e-l7l
SRH- I5 5 5c) Intelli,qence Summaries^ Japanese Slipping, Januarl -Februan
SRH-I56 98 \\'eekly Listing ofNferchant Vessels Sunk in Far-Eastern \\'arers
l4 Decenrber ls.l4-15 March 1945. PSIS 120-2-PSIS l:0-ll
SRH- I5 7 67 N{onthll Listing of Sinkings ofJapanese Ships, April-September
19.+5 PSIS 12l-l fthrough] 12l-6
SRH- I58 A List of Japanese Nlerchant Ships Second Edition, PSIS I 00- I . I
February 1945. [Part I. Alv ]v,t. to Kyr(haka:e Al. 330 pp : Pen II.
Lui Hsirrg to Zturo A4.283 pp.)
SRH-159 9 Preliminary Historical Repor-t on tlie Solutio[ of the "B" \ lach ine
u4 October l9;lol.
SRH-I60 37 History 0f Weather Unit (1942-i9,13).
SRH-I6I 10 Permanent Organization fbr Code and Cipber Investieation and
Attack (Plans fbr lvI.L 8). [May l9l9].
SRH-I62 l5 History of Securit-v Nlonitoring. WWI to t955.
SRH.163 I I I Joint Army-Navy Assessment Cournrittee (JANAC). \liscellaneous
It4euroranda, I 9.+i - I 9,17
SRH-164 65 Menioranda from COMINCH, (F-20) to Joint Armv-Nas'
Assessment Committee (JANAC), I 944- 1945.
SKH- Ib5 Mernoranda lrorn Ofli ce of Naval Conrmunications to Joinr .\nni -
Nav-v Assessment Committee (JANAC). 19.1i-lq4l. [Pan L lo]-r-
1944,245 pp., Pad II, 1945, 404 pp.. Paft III. l9-16. :05 pp l
SRH-166 Joint Armv-Navy Assessment Courmittee (JANAC). \Iemoranda
to Office ofNaval Conmunicatiou. [Part l. September l9]{-\lav
1946, 331 pp ; Part 2, April 1946-January 1946. 31i pp l
SRH.I67 34 N4emolanda from Army Signal Corps to Joint .A.rnrr'-\air'
Assessnlent Conrmirtee (JANAC). 1945- I 9+6
SRH-I68 Agenda lvlinutesiAssessments, Joint Annv-Navr Assessnent
Committee (JANAC). fPaft I, meetings I-l]. 1-i Februan-ll
December 1943. l7l pp.. Part II. nleetilrgs li-10. l8 Februan-ll
August 1944" 302 pp. Part III. rneetings I l-18. llAucusI-lj
Decenber lS.l'1. -lr: pp.. Part I\i. nteetings l9-16. 5 JanLran -ll
April l9-{5. 332 pp :Part \'. meetincs 37-l+. 10.\pril-o \ovenber
ls-15. -173 pp.: Part \-I. nreetings l5-+7. ,10 \ lo-l:-ll
JanLran l9-16. 311 pp.. Pan VII. meetinqs l3-rl.l5 FeL'maq-l
\lav l9-1c.. lq7 pp : Pan VIII. nreetincs 5l-55. l1 -Iune-]5 -Iuli
1ql:. :q0 p!-. Part l\. nreetinlrs !1r-1ro. a.\nsu51 l"-1o-ll -lanuarl
t al6. :gl pp l
DOCID: 3806909

SRH- i ot) --1 C entrrlrzei Contr.rl of L S Arnrr Signei Inielliqence,\crii rtres

I ro]51
SRH.l :O Shipping and Economic \otes. \lilitan' Intellicence Sen ice. \\'ar
Depannrent [Prn L Indices. 31 pp . Pan II. l8 October I.r]-1-11
Januan l9-15. {i5 pp . Part III. 2l Januan -15 \larch lo-lr. -11-ltr
pp : Pan [\. l-lo .{pril lq]5.466 pp . Part \'. 10 {pril-l \Iar
I 915. .+51 pp . Pan VI- 2- I 5 i\,Iay 1945. rl:10 pp : Part VII. I S-iO
\1a1, le-15. ,{57 pp.. Pan \iIII. :-16 June 19.15. J3.l pp.. Pan I\. 19
June-2 Jr-rlv 1945. .159 pp.. Part X, 4-18 Julv 1945. 4.+5 pp.: Pan
XI, l9 July-.1 August 19.15. 500 pp.. Part XII. 8-10 -{ugust I9J5.
578 pp.. Paft XIII, 28 August-28 Septenber 1945. 186 pp.l
SRH-I7I 64 Navy Department. Office of tlie Chief of Naval Operations.
Secondary Course in Cryptanalysis. [1939].
SRH-17] OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Army Order of Battle
lnfbrniation, 5 October 1943-31 May 1944. [Par1 I. 5 October-7
Decernber 1943. 410 pp.'Part II, 8 Deceniber 19:13-25 Januan
1944. i85 pp.. Pafi III.26 January-25 N4arch 1944, -386 pp.. Paft
IV, 27 N4arcli-3 I May l9.lzl. 371 pp.l.
SRH.I73 OCSigO Signal Securitv Agency. Japanese Order of Battle. First
Edition. ( l5 lVlarch 19.121). lPart ]. 3.+l pp : Part II. ;128 pp.l
SRH.I74 OCSigO Signal Security Agenc_v, Japanese Order of Battle. Second
Edition, (31 March l9zl5. [Pad I, 405 pp.. Part Ii 443 pp.].
SRH-175 Signal Security Agency. Japanese Order of Battle, 26 NIa5' l9.l.l-3 1
Ir4arcli 1945. [Pan I, 26 N{ay-17 Noi.'eniber l9-1.1,.171 pp.. Part II,
l8 November- 1944-3 I Nlarcli 1945, 473 pp l
SRH-I76 OCSigO Si,qnal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, Fifth
Edition, (12 January 1945). fPart I, 361 pp.;Pan lI. 358 pp.: Parr
III, -l I 5 pp , Part IV, .l 16 pp l
SRH- I77 l6 Literrogation of Japanese Concerning Possible Broadcast of the
"Winds Execute" Messages. October-November l9;15.
SRH-I78 I 0 Radio Security Station, N{arine Detachnrent, Peliing. China, I S2 7-
SRH- I79 50 Radio Security Station (STA "A"). 4tli N{arine Reqiment.
Shanghai, Chiua. ls2'1-ls29/1935-19.10. [photo alburn and map].
SRH- I80 100 U.S. Nai'al Ple-World War II Radio lntellicence Activities in the
Philippine lslands. I l e29- 19"15]
SRH.I8 ] OCSigO Signal Securitv.A.eencv. Japanese Order of Battle. Fourth
Editior. (10 October Iq+4) [Pan I.27i pp.i Part I]. lql pp.. Part
III. .,1:,: pp : Pan I\'. ll3 pp : Part \'. :-13 pp l
SRH-1S] lo L S \ai al C onrllunrcations. Supplementan' .\ctii in. \'aitogr.
santo.l. lo-t r)_ lo_+a
SRH-1ST I - OCSi:O Si3n.... Securitr A,cencr. Location of ,lapanese \lilitan
I::st-ri ::i..1s. -r Ig"-3n1f s1 |Q-{1
sR.H-. !: C\O. P.i:i:L: l:,:e..irer;e Sectron. Allied Clainrs and Enenrr
DocID: 3806909

( cninuar:.-.n ci Drnra_,:e ts -lapalese Ships (Januan l9-l-l-

Septenrber i.l: [Prn l. Januarr'-Septernber Iq-+-].198 pp.. Part 1I.
OctoL'er-December l9+-1. i1; pp. Pan III. Januan-Februan. l9-1.1.
i,,'5 pp . Part I\'. \[aich-\Iar l9+.+. :87 pp.. Part \'. June-Jul1'
l.l.l-1. ll0 pp : Pan \ I. August-October 19-1.1. -lt-1 pp : Part VII.
\or eurber-Deceurber l9-1,1. 26 I pp.. Part VIII. Januan -February
1c-15. l0l pp.. Part lX. Nlarch-April 1945, 3:18 pp.: Part X. NIay-
.\usust lo{5. -i:{ pp ].
SRH- I85 85 War Erper-ience of Alfled McCormack. [] I July 19471
SRH- I 86 l.l U.S. Naval Supplementary Radro Station ,l',vo Jima, N{arch-
Decenrber 1945.
SRH- I87 9 U.S. Naval Supplenentary Raciio Statiorr. Palml ra Island. Territorv
ofHarvaii, 28 April 1942-16 January 1946.
SRH.188 8 U.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Guadalcanal,
Novernber 1942-.1 December l94zl.
SRH-I89 l9 U.S. Naval Supplenrentary Radio Station, Jol lston Island, I
Decernber 1942-l January 1946.
SRH-I90 6 Ll.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Tararva Atoll.
l3-19 December' 1943--27 November 1944.
SRH-I9I 8 U.S. Nar,y Supplenentary Radio Station, Kwajalein, 29 Febr-uary
I o-l-l-8 Decenrber 1915.
SRH- I92 32 U.S. Naval Supplementarv Radio Station, Manus Island, l7 Jurre
lq44- l0 October loJ5.
SRH-I93 20 U.S. Naval Radio Direction Finder Station. Morotai Island, 24
Ja nuary- j February loJ5.
SRH-I94 6 U.S. Naval Supplenientary Radio Station, Leyte, Philippine
Islands, l6 July-17 Septerlber 1945.
SRH-I95 War Departnient (l\4ID) N4ilitary Intelligence Sen'ice, Japanese
Ground Folces Order of Battle Br,:lletins fPart I, 7 April-2 June
1945. 405 pp., Paft II, 9 June-l I Augr-rst 1945, i94 pp.l.
SRH-I96 25 Reports on the Activities of Dr. N4arshall Stone in the China,
Buma and India Theaters. 20 Januarl-31 lr'Iarch 19.15.
SRH-I97 44 U.S. Navy Comu.nnication lntelligence Organization. Liaison and
Collaboration. 1 94 1 - 1 945.
SRH- I98 47 File ofNlessages Erchanged rvith U.S. Ir{ilitary lr,lission to
I\.{oscorv. [25 Octobef 1945].
SRH-I99 122 Japanese Arnry Shipping Organization, I l\{arch l9'15. Nlilitrn
Intelligence Sen,ice. \\'-ar Depaftment
SRH-]t)O OP-l-G File On Armr'-Navv Collaboration. lqi 1-19-+5. [Paft I. l8
.Tull 19.3 l--l I \la1 lo1-1. 3-15 pp . Pan l. 9 June-l I .\ugust 191i.
lel pp l
SRH-Ial1 I I 0 -\ Collection of German L -Boat -\dnronition Erperience \lessages
( I !r-+-l-le+5 ).
SRH-: -'l l- Location oiPrincipal Conbar Ship; (JaFanese). ii Seprenrter-i.r
DocID: 38O6909

Detemt'er I Jll OP-lr-1-G

SRH-:'-r,l General He:dquaners. Southrrest Pacitlc .\rea \lilitan
Inrelliuence Section. General Sta1}. Sp96131 Intellicence Bulletins
[Pan l. \o l-]rra. I \Iar' 19-li-,r0 NoremL'er 194-i. -r5l pp. Pan
l. \tr lln-.:10. I Decenber l9l.l-.ll Nlarch l9-+1. l5-1 pp. Pan l.
\Lr rr,.r-rq0. I .\pril 19.11-3 I NIay 19.1.1. 187 pp l.
General Headquaners. South$'est Pacific Area. \lilitan
Inrelli-cence Section. G-:, LIltra Intelli,sence Bulletrns [Pan 1. \o
3s I-510. I June-i0 September 1914,467 pp.. Part 5. No 5l l-5s9.
I Octobei-18 Deceurber I944,427 pp.l.
Part 6, GHQ. SWPA- Ivlilitary Intelligence Section. G-1. I-tltra
Intelligence Summaries. [No. l-137, l5 April-29 AugLrst l9-15. 575
SRH-204 600 A List of Japanese Nlerchant Ships. First Edition -- Jr-rlv l9-1-1. and
First Supplenent -- August 1944, OP-20-G.
SRH-205 49 OP-2O-GA Compendiuni of Available Italian Suburarine Message
Translations (30 Januarl-10 Septenber 1943).
SRH-206 l5 U.S NaD' (OP-20), Report on Orange Navy's Reaction to
Changkut-eng Incident, August 28, 19.i8.
SRH.2O7 1 06 Evacuation of LISN CONIINT Personnel fi'on Corregidor in

WWII [post WWII]

SRH.2O8 United States Navy Suburarine Warfare N{essage Reports,
CON{INCH to Admiralty. [Pan I, 3 June 1942-31 May I943,
Serials l-118, 122 pp.: Paft II, I June 1943-30 Decernber 19,13,
Serials 119-149, l4l pp.; Part lII, I January 1944-3 I N4ay 1944.
Serials 150--324. 80 pp.: Part lV. 2 June 1944-9 June 1945, Serials
,i l5--{ 5 S lott pp.l.

SBLL-:10 60 Collection of Papers Related to the "Winds Erecute" Message,

U.S. Navy, 19215. [Deceurber 1945].
SRH-2I I 36 Japanese Radio Corrrrnunications and Radio Intelligence.
CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bullettu 5-45, I Januaqt l9;15.
SRH-2I2 24 Elementary Cipher Solr-rtion, Navy Depaftment, Office of Chief of
Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, 1930.
SRH-2 I3 40 Office of Operations Bulletins, Olfice of Chref of Naval
Operations, Navy Depafiment, 1935-1941. Icryptography and
SRH-2I4 4,1 Elenentan Course in Cryptanalysis. Otlice of Chief of Naral
Operations. Na\ \, Department. Circa l9ig
SRH-] I5 5l U.S. Navi'. Comnunication Seculit.v Group. Training Paniphlet
No. 17. Ciphers. 1937.
SRH-] IO 7i Elementan Course in Cryptanalysis. of Chief of \aral
Opelations. Na\'\' Departurent. Circa 19-10.
\KH- I lL.l L S \arv Basic Course in Elementan Cryptanall,sis. lq-+l-19-+l
SRH.: IS lro \a\ \ Depanment- Elenreutan' Course in Cn'ptauall sis. l9+o
DOCID: 3806909

SilH-- I : :: L -r:., \1.:.::::;.1 ::: ilie Blante.. P:.rers [,lLrne ]9-151

SRH-:: \[e.s:.::es Bet,i:e:r L S Philippine Guenlla Forces and HQ.
S\\'P\. rDecenit,er 19Jl-\r'rr enr[ 1q-+-]) lPart I.67 pp.. Part II.
Irc Fp. Pan III- 5-+-r pp. PxrtI\'. 330 pp. Part \'. 518 pp.. Part
\1. iEt- pp l
SRH-]] 1 I I S IS -{ctivities ol Captain Harrison and Captain Koerner. ETO 1944-
SRH-:]] :ll OP-20 Report on Japanese Grand FIeet l\'{aneuvers (l\'fay-June
loi0 r

sRH-ll-l 280 \'alious Repofts on Japauese Grancl Fleet Nlaneuvers (June-AugLrst

1qi3 )
sRH-22.1 120 Valious Reports on Japanese Graud Fleet Maneuvers (August-
October loi I t
SRH-225 81 !'arioris Reports on Japauese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (July-
Septerrrber lO.i 51.
SRH-226 l6 Japanese Naval Resen,e Cornrlunications Intelligence Specialists
r lq-+l-lo+5 r. f lrrly le-l5l
SRH-227 105 Unit History. l26th Signal Radio Intelligence Cornpany, Febnrary
I 94 1 -Septenrber I 9.15.
SRH.228 398 Histories of Radio Intelligence Units, European Theater of
Operations. Septen.rber 1944-N4arch 1945. Vol. L
SRH-22S 210 History olthe l36th Radio Security Detachrnent, 7 Febmary 1942-
i0 .A pril loJ6
sBlliiq l0 The Role of CONIINT in the Battle of N'lidrvay. [June 1972].
SRH-231 I l5 Monitoring of Allied Wireless
Japanese Reports on
Corlrlunications in the Philippines (January-Noveurber I9zl3).
iRutil l0 U.S. Navy CON{INCH, Radio Intelligence Appreciations
Concerning German U-boat Activity in Far East (January-April
l94s ).
SRH-233 46 United States Navy. Directol of Naval Comurunications,
N,Ieurolanda on the Con,eressional hrvesti,gations ofthe Attack on
Pearl Halbor. [Deceurbel I946].
SRH-2]4 69 The Zinimern.ran Telegrani and Related Papers. [970].
.-sl!H-rtr 6 CONIINT Contributions, Submaliue Walt-are in WWII, l7 June
1947, VADN4 C.A. Lockrvood, USN. CONISLTBPAC.
SRH-236 United States Navy. Sut.rmarine Warfare N{essage Repofts.
Adrniralt_v to COl\{INCH. fPart l. 2.1 lt4av 194]-3 I December
I9;12. Serials 001-i70. 156 pp : Part II. I Januarl 19.1-i-3 I ]\iarch
19-1,:. Serials 171-18:.. 310 pp. PanIII. I April 19-13-30 June
l9.l-1. Serials l8-1-510.283 pp.: Part l\r. I Julr' 19{-i-20 Septernber
l9-1-1. Serrtrls rll-c'76. 252 pp : Part \'. I October l9-1i-,1 l
Decerrber 1.1-l-1. Serials 677-857. 310 pp . Part Vl. I Januan' l9-14-
l0 trlalch 1911. Serials 3r8-101r. i56 pp:Part \'1i. I -{pril l9l-l-
19 June l9-l-1. Senals ll)-1r-l l q7. :tl pp.. Part VIII. I Julr l9-1.1-
DoCID: 3806909

-:, Decernb.:: l'-1-l Serirrls I l.S-llirs. ili pp . Pan l\. I Januan

l.-li- rl ,lune l.-1i Senals i-1,-ro-1.-5. ioc pp. p211\. L-L,oat
Sr:, Reptrs Pan I l-r \lar 1q-+l-lS April l!l'-+3. lCrl pp ]
SRH-] T - l: Gei..rer-\ Iuller C.r'rnrer lor Detecrion of Radioactii e Secret Ink.
t.rl l- t9-.15
SRH-:,i8 :+ \llS SS.\. .{r:is Anah sis of Oi er-the-Hump U S Air Transpoft
Trattlc. 15 June l9-15.
sRH-l,tq 18 \\'ar Departrnent. \llS. Japanese Annv Signal Centers and Oftcer
Lists. I Seprember lg-15
sRH-2.10 30 Detachnrent B. 5th Radio Squadron Nlobile, Weekly RiT Technical
Surrrnarv. I9-2: November 1944.I'7-23 December I9,1.1.
SRH-241 l9i Historical Data Repon. l6th Radio Squadrol I\4obile, I January
1953 -3 0 June 195.1.
SRH.242 317 History ofthe l2th Radio Squadron, Ir{obile, I January 1951-31
December 195 I , I Janr-rary 1953-3 1 N'Iarch 1953.
SRH-243 I 0 I Historical Reporl, I 5th Radio Squadron, Mobile, I April-3,
Decembel 1951. I August-3 1 December 195;1.
SRH-244 27 I Historical Reporl. 8th Radio Squadron, Mobile" 2 I November 1947-
28 Febmary 1954.
SRH-245 123 Historical Data Report, 696lst Communications Squadron, I
January 1953-31 Decenber 1953.
SRH-246 ?8 Historical Data Report, 6962nd Supply Squadron, I Septernber-3 I
Decerr rber lo5l
SRH-247 70 Historical Data Repoft. .l4th Radio Squadron Mobile, 1 Jamrary-3O
Qentpnrher I Ail
SRH-248 1 li
Historical Data Report, lst Cornnrunications Security Squadron, 8-
3l December 1953.
SRH-2"Io 5l Hisron ofthe illcl Corrrrrrrrnicalions Seculitl Squacllon. I July-3 |
Deceniber 1953
SRH-250 49 Histolical Data Report, 8,1th Radio Squadlon Mobile, I January
la5i-i I Decerrr ber lo5-l
SRH-25I I 0 History of Communications Security in Korea, September 1950-
JtllY loi I
SRH-252 219 Hud, John B., A Version ofthe Japanese Ploblem in the Special
Intelligence Sen ice (iater Signal Security Agency), 1930-1945.
SRH.253 (r Historical Data Repon. 85th Radio Squadron Mobile, 8-31
Decetttlret I o< i
SRH-254 172 The Japanese Intelligence System NIIS/WSCS, 4 September 1945.
SRH-255 85 Oral History Inten,iew with Mr. Roben D. Ogg. [May ]9831.
SRH-256 7 I Attack on the U. S. S. Zl6cr{r'.
SRH.257 i30 Analvsis of Japanese Air Operations Duriug Oliinau'a Catrpai-vrt
[October I o-l5l .

SRH-258 i6l Japanese Arrny Air Forces Order-of-Battle. 19.15

DoCID: 3806909

SRH-:1 : r. tlP-:,-G F:.::: Re:..i:..:,lf,FJnese \;ial AirOrderof Banle

,\\ -t- i\.: Il, l.r:_.:: --
SRH-I: . :lS OP-: -G F:,::: \ 1::r-r..rrl]..-.. R.poa. rnd \,.:es on Gernran
Bicck:de Run:-.r: ,\\..rij \\'ar lIr t lol:-1q-+-+t
SRH-t.-.1 :l \linc,: Crnb'aiani Vessels Lsed tbr Deep-Sea Escort. l
.Iune loJ5. Pacitic Strare,sic Intelligence Section. OP-]0.
SRH-:67 11 Japanese Submarine Sinkings Durin_e \\-\\'II, OP-23. fNovember
SRH-:6,+ g-l A Lecture on Con.imunications Intelligence by Capt. J.N. Wen,uer,
['S\. l] \u..:ttst I oio
SRH.265 96 Status ofJapanese Naral Vessels as ofNovenrber 1945,
SRH-266 67 Japanese Sienal Intelligence Sen'ice, Third Edition (SSA, I
Nor enrber lo]l l.
SRH-267 28 Histor-y ofEngineering Research Associates. I6 August 19461.
sRH-:68 I I Advanced Intelligence Centels in the U.S. Navy, June 1942.
SRH-269 6 U.S. Atuly COI\4[NT Policy. Pearl Har.bor to Surnmer 1942.
SRH.270 5 Anii-v-Navy-FBI COMINT Agreements of 1942.
SRH-27 ] 9 Plesidential Memoranduur on Comurunications lntelliger.rce
Actir ities.
SRH-272 124 CINCPAC, Enerny Activities File, April-May 1942.
SRH-275 159 OP-20-G File of Fleet Radio Unit, Melboume (Frr-rmel), 28 June
l9:13-2 September 1945.
SRH-276 162 Centralized Control of U. S. Arny Signal Intelligence Activities, 30
Janran l9 rq- l6 April loJ5
SRH-277 52 A Lecture on Comurunications Intelligence, By RADM E.E. Stone,
DIRAGFA. 5 Jurre Io5 I
SRH-278 l9.l War Diary Combat Intelligence Lhrit (Pacific-1942.t. [7 Dec l9;11-
25 July 19421
SRH-]7q 86 OP-20-G File, Communication Intelligence Organization, 1942-
SRH.]80 1.1I An Erhibit of the Lrportant T-vpes of lntelligence Recor,erecl
Through Readilg Japanese Cryptograms. fAugust l9'14].
SRH-]8I l8 I United States Navv File of Correspondence rvith Departrlrent of
State. l9l9- 1950.
SRH.]8] 1-17 Fliednan. \\ illian D . Itlilitary Cryptanalysis Part l--
\fonoalphabetrc Substitutioll 51'stenis |938].
SRH-]8] 1l-1 Friednran. \\'illiam D . N{ilitarl Cryptanallsis Part II -- Simpler
Yarieties of Poh alphabetic Substitutions ! 938]
SRH-]8] 5-+0 OP-:0G Radio lntelligence in W\\rll. Suburarine Operations in the
Paciic Ocean -\reas. November 19.13
SRH-:85 l,+7 OP-:0G Radio Intelligence in \\i\\'II. Submarine Operatrons in the
Paciic Ocean -\reas. Decenrber 19J3
DoCID: 38O6909

SRH-]86 l-17 OP-:0G Radio Intelli_sence in \YW[- Submarine Operations in the

Paciic Ocean Areas- January'1february l9 a (!n part)-
SRH-]S- ++- OP-IC|G Radio Intellieetrce in \\'llTI, Tactical Operations in the
Pacifrc Ocean -{reas (-{ppendir only). Marqh l943.


I re: r-r9i8]
SRH-]gI qL S Naral communications stati;;, cu;m, St"iii"ii.Trqis-
r9J rl
SRH-]9] 16 f .S. \aval
Radio Direction Finder Station, Point St. George,
C rescent Cily,
Cat ifq:1! 4,[ !-2 3 ; !9_aa ].,-
SRH-:9-T .f -l U S. Na1ql Radig Q!C!iq!, As19!4, qrgcqr1, [.19-]2:.t23!1
SRH-:9J 8 U S Naval FIFDF Station, Chincoteague Island, Virginia. [1942-

SRH-:96 llUS Naval FIFDF Station, Farallon Islands, California.. [1923-
snn-:o: 19 U.S. Naval IIFDF Station, Pg,nt Argr.rello, California. U906-1943
SRH-]S8 7 U.S Naval FIFDF Station, Cape Lookout, North Carolina. [9i5-
sRH-:99 Jar.r Mayen Island,
37 U.S. Naval Supplernentary Radio Station,
Novgmber l943-Deqeryleq 19-45. . ..
SRH-]OO 8 U.S. Naval SUPRAD Station, Antigua, British West Tndies. [943-



Alaska Ia4|-lo45l
SRH-]O-| 11. u.S, Nqyq_l utD-!!tq!c--q,_Q3bq.\oj_9.P!9i1q Rico-, L!?12:1e.4!-1,
SRH-J05 34 Safford, L.F., Tlie Undeclared War,, "History of P.I.", 15
November 1943.
SRH-J06 I 5 l,OP-20G, Exploits and Cornmendations, World War II. |942-
. 1e4ql,
SRH-JO7 oo C H.q , SWPA, Special rnt.if ig"'i;iP;;ia [February-November
snn :oa 26 Fleel R4dlo.Unit Detach.1q94l, C._oqktolrn, Ar:q!1a!!1.-1]24]-..19441 _
SRH-309 Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1945. [Part
I. 24 | pp : Parl II, 282 pp i Pan tII. i49 pp l
DOCID: 3806909

: - Ge::::.- \1:.r::r. C:phers t:om Feoruan to \o\emlrer 1918.

-: i Prrii:-:s ..: Sc;u::on c.: \liiitan Field Codes Used br the German

-i:::-,,, in -i--
SRH.: I: l- LS \:.:l Flf DF Srati.u. Ermouth Gulf. -\ustralia. It{a1' 19.13-
\.srt:b;- I-l-{
sRH--i 1l +l Pacir-rc Ocean\krbile Radio Intelligence Llnit Reports. I942.
sRH--r t-l llr,! Paciic Ocean \lobile Radio Intelligence Llnit Repots. 1944.
SRH---: lr' ll L'.S Naial SupplementarJ Radio Statron. Adelaide River.
Northern Territon . 25 l\,tarch 19'13-2 I Septerrber I 945
SRH-] I7 -108 Pacit-rc Ocean X'Icbile Radio Intelligeuce Unit Reports, 1943.
SRH-J I8 -r95 LI.S. Navy Repofis on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers, 1936.
SRH-J I9 l4 Various Repoits on Japanese Grand Fleet N{aneuvers, 1937.
SRH-320 59 Varior-rs Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Manelrvers. 1927-1q29.
SRH-3]3 COMINCH, Combat Intelligence Division, File on Hospital Ships,
Jar.ruary 12, 1943-April 30, 1945. fPart I, General File, January 12,
1943-April 30, 1945, 192 pp.; Part II, Submarine Patrol Reports
Related to Hospital Ships, 305 pp.; Part IIl, File on Misuse of
Hospital Ships by the Japanese Navy, la3 pp.l.
SRH-3],1 284 U.S. Navy Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio h.rtelligence Units, Related
Correspondeuce, I 943-1945.
SRH-326 60 U.S. Naval Radio Station, Libugon, Guam. !926-19381.
SRH-327 106 Studies in Gen.ran Diplomatic Codes Etnployed During the World
\\ ar f \\'wll I loj 7]
SRH-J35 88 The Contribution of the Cryptograpliic Bureaus in the World War .

[rvwi] !e35l
SRH-34I 6l Latin Arnerican Clandestine Radio, 1942.
SRH-348 3l U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the European Tlreater,
wwTT. I c)-ll- I qt 5

SRH-3]8A 87 U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the Er,rropean Theater,

\\rWII, June l94l-JLrly 1945.
SRH-.:+q I 16 The Achievements oithe Signal Security Agency in World War IL
IFeLrrua11 :0. lo]ol.
sRH-,r51 16 U.S. Naval Radio Station, Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska.
SRH..i: ] irt)9 \ar al Securitv Group History toWorlcl WarII(PartII) [ql6-
r -l3l

>KH-'l ll5 Histon'. Signal lnteliigence Division (ETO). June 1942-Jul1, 1945. I 8a Histon of Invention and Der,elopnrent of the N'lark II EC\'f
(Electric Cr pher \lachine).
SRH-.r.1 -{ll Hisron of e Si_snal Securitv Agenn'. \'olume Three. the Japan
Arnrr Prt-rblerns Cn ptanall sis l9+l-19+5
sRH--l6l Histon oldie Signal Securitl'.{genc\'. \'olume One. lq39-19-+5
[Parr I. ]10 pp . Pan II. 1c.+l-1q15. -.i60 pp.l


SRH--rr- :l -,P::: -: :-. :::r:-:F..::'D::^.;::. l-::. :_:e:.ce tr,

:-: 1- :.::: ::.-_ ?-::: :: ::: B:r-: :i::.e .\:,.:ntic. L- S \ai1. OEG
D=--- --- i i'

SRH.i,.S . , -: E . :.ueiic.=. i'i i:.e Rr-,le oi Decn ption Intellisence in the

Oper:tional Phase oi the Battle of the .\tlantic. U.S Navy OEG
Report =trs. lq5l
SRH-] t ct il Selected Docunrents From OKLrDirector General of Signals (Third
Reich) [ I945]
sRH--r 70 5 Order Concerning Cq,ptanalytic and Cipher Work (Third Reich),
SRH.371 6 Designations of Germal Intercept Stations (Third Reich).
[] :3 rjl
SRH-372 I i N,{emoranda on Allied Order of Battle as Obtained Frour Radio
Intercept (Third Reich). [February,-March 1942].
SRH-3 73 97 Conespondence Between OKW/CHI and hrtercept Stations (Third
SRH-J74 11 W/T Reporr of German Tanker "Altmark" (Third Reiclt). 1940.
SRH-3 75 4 Gerrnan and Italian Correspondeuce on Miscellaueor"rs Cyphers
(wWIl) f lo+ ll
SRH-J76 5 Observations on French Diplomatic Style (Third Reich). 9411.
SRH-377 5 Order of Battle of OKW/CHI (Third Reich). 1945.
SRH-378 ,10 Radio Situation Reports, Arrny Group South (Third Reich), 19211.

SRH-379 14 The Gennan Navy Signal Intelligence Service (Ttrird Reich), 1944.
SRH-380 58 Final Report on the "Rote Kapelle" Case (Third Reich). 22
Decenrber loll
SRH-385 20 Soviet Long Range Bornber Folce (Third Reich). [November
t olll
SRH.389 18 Speech Scrambler and other itens (TliiLd Reich). [942].
SRH-39I 2 l6 American Signal lntelligence in Northrvest Atiica and Western
furope l\\'\\'lll.
SRH-403 8l Selections ti-om the Cryptologic Papers Collection of Rearr Admiral
J N Wenger'. USN. [1943-l95i]
SRH-:+0,+ .13 Notes on the Liaison Service and the Liaison Intelligence Sen'ice
of the Germany Arn.ry Service During the World War. [WWI].
SRH-405 History of the Signal Intelligence Division, European Theater of
Operations. United States Army, Narative History. [Voluue I, Paft
I, 30.+ pp.: Volume I, Part II, 362 pp.. Volunle I, Paft III. 227 pp.:
Appendir A. Technical History, 190 pp ; Appendix B, Part I,
Erhibits and Appendices. 188 pp.l.
SRH-'106 186 Pr-e-Pear'l Harbor Japanese Naval Dispatches. ISepterlber-4
Decerrrber I o-l l].
DoCflD: 3aO69O9

SRH-{09 l{G*erraos.u Si:nel lrrell'*.r: Cscd Frcu \sd -{-fii';an

Threatrr oe Oprrrus [Dcoeda l9A-;l
SRH{IO -l Lisr c \rmed lpcsc 9ips [f-\lT-arter ] Jull- l9-t3l
SRH+I I -l-l R+q-t-<crfu Press f,lisparcbes cf Rodriquez Francisco Lucientes.
Janua4 l9{i.
SRH-II-{ 5l \lessaqes froar \ Poss to Tokvo on U.S. Fleet lv{ovelnents.
q{L l9J I
SRH{I5 24 Haruna Nlessages From Various Japanese Offices Abroad
_ -lrg4ilglestrugg
glqr c 9!=9-s,!99e9!.t.1211.-... . . -..-== . .,,1

Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic [mpg_r! U,S, 4"*y . . - . .,-

Reference Pages Title

SRMA- 36 Enemy Analysis of Allied Communications, 15 December 1944.
SRMA- 7,Use of Balloons by Japanese, WWII. [1944-1945].
,09.q._ _ ..,.. . i ._._=__..,,.__
SRMA- 6lFrench Knowledge of Gennan Cryptanalysis, 1927. i

iSRMA- 452 SSS/SSA/ASA, Staff Meeting Mir.rutes, 25 Noveniber 1942-17
t_ , febry4_ry 194Q,
ISRMA- 35 Surrender on the Air. [Japan] [19 AugLrst 1945].
r Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: Joint Server and/or U.S,
; Govglnment Clyp{olqglq Age4cigs
lRafa""rraa i Pog".' Title
SRMD- r l36 Estimates of Empire Air Distribution, 5 June-14 Aupust 1945.
... .
i00-1 :

ISRMD- 160'War Plans Section Comments on Communication Intelligence l

::002 ' rSumrnaries, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area

(JICPOA). 2l June-2 December 1942.
SRMD- 43iSuurmary of Orange Ship Traffic by Ports for December 1942.
SRMD- 30 Cornbined Cornmunications Board, Washington Subtractor Table
i004 ,.for Use With the Combined Field Code Pacific and Australian
Edition Jurte 1944]
SRMD- 5 l9 United States Navy File of SIGTOT Messages lrorn JICPOA
005 Estiniates Section to CINCPAC Advanced Headquarters, March-
Augls! 194!
SRMit- 285 United States Naw File of SIGTOT Messaees CINCPAC
006 Advanced Headquarters to JICPOA, Estirnates Section. March-
August 1945.
DOCID: 38O6909

R\fiL Jft0f S-l dtaTR\ Tre6c Jean f I I Seprember-31

l-l-r Ib* t9ll- 331 p - Prt lL l January-i l l\{arch 1945, 240
l- h lI- I -{Fil--3O Jrme 194. :54 pp-: Part IV', I July-31
__ _ -{FB l9r5- l{spJ
TrJl(ltDl Arll:is of Frem_v Shipping, lv{ining and Mine
Cc-rmsnes. 15 Febnnry-l7 {ugqst l!!5. ,
sr> {{9 JICFO.{ F-21 Frle of Administrative Letters/Corresuondence.
Januan- l9-ll-September I 945.
Icinr Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area (JICPOA), Estirrate
olo ofEnemy Distribution and Intentions. [Part I, April 1943-July
l!aa. 338 pp.;.f4!__!I, August l9_,14-J!€ust l9{5, 30Q 1

5R\ 272 JICPOA. Estimate of Japanese Arrny and Navy Fighter

oll D-gplsyqq_41,8Agsre_!a.-22_\p-l_rJ.!9J),
SRMD- 233,JICPOA, Eneny Combat Ship Losses, I January 1944-l August
012 :1945.
'SRMD- 1l2,JICPOA, Japanese Merchant Ship Losses, December 1941-April
0ll t944
:SRMD- , 53 JICPOA, Various Reports and Memoranda on Mining, April 1944-
;014 I iJanuarv 1945.
iStlzO- I tZ8lneports and Memoranda on a Variety of Intelligence Subjects,

tql! _ _..=._-i. 1Ja.nu4ry_-.l9,4_1-Auc!-!1.].9.4:1._:=.:

ISRMD- TJICPOA, Weekly Location Report, (Japanese Fleet, Air Forces, ,

i016 I |Ground Forces), July 1942-August 1945. [Part l, July-October 1

i , 1t1.942, 273 pp.; Part 2, November-Decernber 1942,303 pp.; Part 3, i

i I lJanuary-March 1943, 446 pp.; Part 4, April-June 1943, 502 pp.; l

I tPart 5, Jr-rl;r-Septeniber 1943, 5i6 pp.; Part 6. October-December

Ii , t.1943, 569 pp.;Part 7, January-February 1944, 420 pp.; Part 8, i

I lMarch-April 1944,406 pp.; Part 9, May-June 1944.403 pp.; Part

i I t10, July-August 1944,499 pp.;Part 11, September-October 1944, l

i I lSZ I pp.; Part 12, November-December 1944. 491 pp., Part 13,
i I lJanuary-February 1945,493 pp.; Part 14, March-April 1945,516 f
part 15, May-June 1945, 531 pp.; Part 16, July-August 1945,
,i I tpp.; I

;SRMD- I l02 Fundarnentals of Traffic Analysis (Radio Telegraph), October l

0l7 t948
SRLD- 7i3 ih" !'nn^' r".ia."i. Irozoj
o!9 r:
sm,rp-oot is AQ xxi eo*ber Commind, M"moranda Conceining E;.-y- l

. _. Bg_ryligl t9u !,_-,e9_'"qrgglzlrlg|o.l-'.'-11J,g,u_oly__!Q.lr4ef."! !9.11=,..:l

D!99ret9_\e9or-!s q{ His!o1!ca!.C_ 1ypqq!gg!_c !apqrt: U.S. {avy
Reference Pages Title
DoCID: 3806909

lSi{MN--:' i: fr4ifrtu.y StuAl'of racsi-rte- b1 J-\ \A e€r- LL LS\ t9:$'

ISRMN- 9 Convoy Ror.rtes of Japanese \lerfu- T*cr d Cdc
lOO2 Ships in the Pacific.-l,rea Decembcr l- lgli.4der l9+l [Fcr-
i pages are folded chans]
ISRMN- for Safegrrarding and Using \ar_r Cipher Bolc \tar* tr
9 Instructions
00i le t8
ISRMN- . I l3 OP-20G, File of CINCPAC Intelligence Bulletins (16 March-1
004 June 1942)
rSRMN- 270 OP-20-G, File of Mernoranda and Reports Relating to the Battle of
;q0l_. . .
. .__ .\..{idway praylQ-_toal._1o}QJqn_e !!+ll l
ITSRMN- , 286'Royal Australian Nary Support to United States Navy through .

;006 iAustralian Commonwealth Naval Board Summaries/Translations i

: i rof
of Japanese
J4;ranesel4essa-gg" Februarv-December 1942. _
Messaees. I9.b411ly:p_.99,.gqb=e!Lg.
__- l_:*_
]SRMN- '
188:Japanese Espionage Activities in the United States, 1941-1943. l
,SRMN- i
37o;United States Naw. CfNCPAC and COMFOURTEEN. CI


.SRMN- 385] States Navy, Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, 1948-

,01I tq50
SRMN- ,Combat Intelligence Unit, l4th Naval District, Traffrc Intelligence
0t2 Sumrnaries with Comments by CINCPAC War Plans,{Fleet
:Intelligence Sections, 16 July 1941-30 lune 1942. [Part I, l6 Jul.-
3l Dec. 1941, 308 pp.; Part tr, IJan.-31Mar. 1942,592 pp., Part
lII. I Apr l0June 1941.826 pp J

SRITLN- United States Navy Courrnander in Chief, Pacific lntelligence

013 Bulletins #78-#666, I June 1942-28 September 1945. fPart I, #78-
#345, I Jun. 1942-23 F eb. 1943, 393 pp. ; Part II, #3 45 +47 l, 24
Feb.-30 Jun. 1943, 227 pp.; PartII[ #534-#655, 1 Sep..-31 Dec.
1943, 383 pp.: Part IV, I Jan.-30 lun. 1944,414 pp.; Part V, I Jul.-
30 Sep. 1944, 378 pp.; Part VI, 1 Oct.-31 Dec. 1944, 484 pp.t Part
\TL I Jan.-31 N{ar. 1945. 480 pp.; Part VI[, I Apr.-31 May 1945,
Sep, 194S. ia5 pp.l.
SR\oi- 5-{ United States Nar1. FRUPAC "GI Manual", 3 February 1944.
ot{ ,

SR\N- {-{ of Advanced l-ntelligence

L oired Srates Nar1. Tbe Establishment
oli Cearers. \la1- 911--\ugust
I I 9-13.
SR\f\'- l0l U S \-ar1'. CO\INCH {F-22)- File of Intelligence and Liaison.
ot6 P-ific -t€a (BES.{\I). lq Septemler l94l-21 Nore14!c1.:114!. .-
DoCID: 3806909

SR\1\- rl'r L S \:., i. C l\CP\C CI\t POA. .lapanese Repatriation Ship

i,'i- \Io..enrents [Pan t. -3i,Septeniber l9-1-i-]l \oienrber l9-15. -ll9
f.t . Paft II. l,r \oieurlrer L9-l:-15 Febnran l9-16.316 pp.].
SR\N. ll L S \ar r'. (OP-:Lr-G). \\'est Coast Coumunications lntelligence
0lE .\ctii ities. Polic ies ard Procedu res. 20 lune I 9.12-25 December

SR\I\- 83 U S Nai 1,. (CINCPAC/CINCPOA). Estimate of Enerny Sitr-ration,

019 i0 June 19.14-17 August 19t15.
SR\IN. 7q LI.S. Na\y, (CINCPACICINCPOA), Estinrate of Enenry Strength
020 in the Carolines-N{arianas and Adjacent Aleas, 20 lr'Iarch-3 I July
SRI\,IN- 105 U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Enemy Strength
021 in the l\{arshalls. Gilberts and Adjacent Areas, 6 September-27
Decerrber I q-+J.
SRJ\4N- 3 14 U.S. Navy, (COMINCH, F-2 I ). Log of Attacks on U-Boats, 6
0)2 November 1942-30 December 1943.
SRMN- 290 U.S Navl'. (COMINCH. F-21), Log of Attacks on U-Boats, I
022A huulry lo-l-l-< \ln lo-i5
SRMN- U.S Navl', (CON,{INCH. F-21 ). Log of U-Boat Attacks. [Pafi I" 4
023 November 1942-3 I Decenlber 1943.297 pp.; Part II, I January
L9:1.1-10 May l9:15, 285 pp.l.
SRMN- 6 U.S Navy, CINCPACiCINCPOA). Enemy Reaction to Nansel
024 Shoto and Fonnosa Air Strilies, (Special Reporr),20 October 1944.
SRMN- 107 U.S. Navl', (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Post War Summaries of Status
025 ofJapanese Naval \ressels (Sunk and Atloat), November 1945.
SRMN, 14 U S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estirnate of Empire
016 Approaches and Cornbat Air Strength,20 December 1944.
SRMN- 515 U.S. l',f6vy, E5limated Disposition of Japauese Fleet, Aircraft
027 ir''lerchant\Shipping and Economic Notes. 2 December 1944-3
August 1945.
SRl\{N- U.S. Navy, Reports of the West Coast F{F/DF Strategical Net. fPart
028 I. I July--3 I December 1942, 147 pp.. Paft II, I January-30 April
1943, 530 pp.; Paft III, I May-13 August 19.15, 531 pp.l
SRIIN- 67 U.S. Navy, Daily Radio Intelligence Snmmaries Net Control, West
0lq Coast R I Net, 22 August- I Septenrber I I'1.3.
SR\IN- l: I CON{INCH File of Bi',veekly lVessages on U-Boat Trends, I
0i0 September 19.12- l \4av 1945.
SR..\N- lrl CONIINCH i\lessages oll Genran U-Boat Posrtion Estilrlates. i0
0lt Jure l9ll-6 Nor ember 19.12.
SR\N- :8-r CO\ll\-CH File ol \lemoranda Concerninq Lr-Boat Trackrng
rl-l: Roonr Oprerations. I Januan lqll-6 June lc.+5.
SR.\I\- C O\lNt H File of \lessages on L-Boat Estinates and Situation
arli Reports. lOcitrl-er lq-+l--lJune l9-lr fParr l. Oct lq-+l-Sep.
lu-ll. -lll pp . Part i. Ocr l9-ll-\Iar l9-+,1. q-+l pp.. Part 3. Apr.-
DoCID: 3806909

( O\1I\CH File of \lessages on U-Boat Estimates and Situation

Reports. I Octcrber l9-11--l June l9-15. lPart l. Oct 1q+l-Sep.
lo+:. -+l- p.,p . Pan l. Oct 19.11-irlar. lglj. 9.1j pp.. Part 3. Apr.-
Dec i9"11. l/..tbl pp. Parr.1. Jan.-Aug 1944, 688 pp.: Pat 5. Sep.
lQ-{{-.Iun tq-{:. 183 pp l
SR\I\- CO\INCH File Roush \otes on Daily U-Boat Positions and
r--r-l J .\ctir ities. Januan l943-l\{av 1945. lPartI,Jan.-Dec 1943,531
pp.: Pan l. Jan -Dec. lS4.+. 662 pp., Part 3. Jan.-NIay 1915,247
SR\N- 106 Adnriraltv-CONIINCH. Ultra Message Exchange. 25 June 1942-17
{lr\ october I9.1.1
i*tt I 8 7 CO\'IINCH File of U-Boat Situation Estilliates, I 5 June 1942-2 I
016 l\lar io-15
SR\ T\I- 657 CON{INCH File: LLBoat Intellisence Suururaries, January 1943-
0-l7 1\Iay lo-15
SR]\,IN- l2 Functious of the "Secret Room" (F-21 I ) of CON4INCH Combat
0i8 Intelli,qence Atlairtic Section, Auti-Submarine Warf-are. WWII.
IU rr da tedl.
SRMN- 152 COMINCH Pacific Stiategic Lrtelligence Section (PSIS) File,
019 N4arch | 94.l-Decernber I 945.
SRMN- 54 COMINCH File Assessurent of I -Boat Fleet al tlre End of W'v\ ll,
040 JLrne-Octobel lo-15.
SRN4N- 246 COMINCH File: Liquidated U-Boats, 1942-1945.
SRN,IN- ob COMNCH File. A nti-subrrrarine \\'ar'lare Acrions Acairrsr
0'+2 Japanese Subniarines, 12 September 1944-25 October 1945
SRMN- 30 COMINCH File: Special U-Boat Invasion Sumrraries, 6 June 1944-
04i I8 Jurre lql4
SRIV{N- 212 COIVIINCH File: Weekly Report on Estimated Locations of
04.1 Japanese Fleet Units, I Septernber 1942-9 AugLrst 1945.
SR\I,N- 272 COMINC'H File: Estrmates of Japanese Air Strength 5 Jan.l2-3 I
0+5 Dec 45.
SR\1N- 105 CON'IINCH File: N4essages Dealing \Vith the U-Boat Problem. .1
0+6 Jrr e loo.ll_ I 6 Ma1 1oJ5
SR\N- I CON,IINCH Chafi: German Naval Radio Stations and Estal.lished
0-+ l Conurunicatior.r Lines, I January I 945.
SL\1\- 1.0-r OP-10-G[. Reports on U-Boat Disposition and Status. Deceurber
0-+8 I9-12-1 N.,1a1, 19.15

SR.\ I\. :-:l CO\llNCH File: Llltra Assessments b1'F-12 "Secret Roour". of
0+q Arlacks on U-Boats, Jul}, 19.13-Julv I9{J
SR.\I\- qo OP-10-GI. Japanese CONII\T Reports irs \oted b1 L- S \;rr r
Intercep't. 2l Januari -6 June l!111.
SR\N. 5-l: OP-]O-GI. l\lemoranda to CO\INCH F-,]5. on Gernran U-Boat
,r5l -\cti.. ities. DecenrL'er I c)li-Septemt er I n-13

!u) GennJn L -B lrf,t

:-j: : :: -r::: - :: ---:-\l:-. ; .-:
-,:-: -C' R:: -::s ::. J:;.'-nese Gertlrn Radar aud Electrortics.
s-] -- t,p-- -Gt. R;p..r:s .-,1 German L'-Boats East of Capetoq,tr. July
:. \ f .. 'l l<

iL\N- OP-: -GI Special Snrdies Relating to U-Boat Activitl', l94i-1945.

[P::r l.iJ lpr J9-lj-Sep. 194.+,5li pp. Part 2. ]5Feb. 1944-21
\ I.l l ql5. ,lb I pp l
SR\t\. la OP-l,l-GI--1. Forecast,'Statistics of U-Boat Activities, 26 Januarv-
,,j5 1l Julr I ql.l.
SR\N- 71 Listing ol Ship Sinkings Attributed to Gerurau U-Boat Successes,
0r6 Jarruan lo-ll-.{pril lq I5
Sunrnraries: Japanese Naval Radio Intelligence
Reference Pages Title
SRNS. 123 CNO Surnnaries (of Radio Iutelligence). Japanese Naval Activities
0001-0078 (14 April 1s42-30 June l9'+2).
SRNS- 145 CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities
0079-01 70 ( t July l9'12-30 Septenber 1942).
SRNS- 225 CNO Sumrnaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities
017l-0262 ( I October 1942-3 I December 1942).

SRNS- 230 CNO Summaries (of Radio lntelligence), Japanese Naval Activities
0263 -0i 52 (1 January 1943-31 Marclt 1943).
SRNS- 215 CNO Sumrlaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japauese Naval Activities
03 53 -044,1 (l April 194-l-30 June 1943).
SRNS. 15,1 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities
0.1.14-05-i 5 (l July 1943--30 Septenber 1943).
SRNS- 191 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities
05-16-0627 (l October 1943-3 1 December 1943).
SRNS- 206 CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japauese Naval Activities
Oril8-0718 (January 194.1-31 March 1944).
SRNS. 123 CNO Sur.nmaries of Radro Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities
0? tq-0809 ( I April 19.1,1--10 June 1944).

SR\S- l9l CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japarrese Naval Activities

0S I (,r_0q0 I (l July le,{.{-36 September 19.14).
SR\S- I 1: CNO Summaries of Radio Lrtelligence, Japanese Naval Activities
arrlitl-Drlo: ( I October l9'1.{-i I Decenber l9.l:1).

SR\S- I I5 CNO Suullaries of Radio Intelligence. Japanese Na\al Activitres,

r-,iro-ll- I r.'Sl I Januan, lq-+5-.ll Nfarch 19.{5
SR\S- li-q C\O Sumnraries of Radio Intelligeuce. Japanese \ai. al .\ctir ities.
t,,sr-i 1--+ I April l9-1:-3Ct June 1945
SR\S- :--1 C\O Sunnraries of Radio Intelligence. Japanese \aval Actir ities.

:l jl=.1.I2--82 :-==:.!lr4y.P1=1:?;:Ee!g==ryq.
iSRNS- Fleet Radio Unit Melboume (7th Fleet), Daily Digests. [Part 1, 20
1(r7 iMar.-31 Dec. 1,942,929 pp.;Pur2, I Jan.-31 Jul. 1943, 1021 pp.;
: 3, I Aug.-31Oct. 1943,773 pp.;Parl4, Nov.-Dec. 1943,819
.: Pan 5, Jan.-Feb. 1944,e12 pp.. Part 6, Mar.-Apr. 1944, 1059
.: Part 7, May-Jun. 1944, 1063 pp.; Part 8, Jul.-Aug. 1944, 116

eet Radio Unit Melbourne (7th Fleet), Outgoing/Inconiing

15 l8 fPart l, Mar.-Oct. 1942,537 pp; Part 2, Nov.-Dec.
1942, 680 pp.i Part 3, Jan.-Feb. 1943,632 pp.; Part 4, Mar.-Apr.
1943,,635 pp.; Part 5, May-Jun. 1943,701pp.; Part 6, Jul. 1943,
7 pp.;Paft7, Aug.-Sep. 1943,957 pp;Part 8, Feb. 1944,910
Part 9. Mar. 1944.765

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