Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the Problem

Some geological hazard like the tornado usually do not show enough signs that will warn us for
its occurrence. We cannot predict when will it comes or where will it form. Although even if we
are now in 21st century, meaning having new technology that can help us in monitoring the
hazards, still there are a lot of people who are in danger and dies. Some of the following
unanswered question are also included in the problem of the Philippines regarding the tornado:
1. Why is that people cannot get announcements or warnings about the occurrence of the
tornado immediately?
2. How the forecast team of the Philippines set information about the tornado?
3. Why is it essential for students to have knowledge about the precautionary measures
before, during, and after the tornado?
4. Is it possible for us that we can predict tornadoes?
5. What are some possible ways in order for us to improve or develop warning
communication and coordination process?
6. When the tornado hits in the Philippines, why the government don’t have enough funds
to help the victims?
7. Do we have an adequate evacuation center in our country?
8. Many injured person survived after the tornado but why do they still die eventually even
they surpass the risk?
9. Why is it that the forecast team find it difficult when predicting the tornado?
10. Is it possible for the tornado to avoid the places with many tall buildings like the Metro
11. If you’re not home and there’s a tornado, what is the best thing to survive in this
12. Why does the Philippines prone to natural disasters like the typhoon, earthquakes and
even tornadoes?
13. Is it possible for the Philippines to have tornadoes that is disastrous as the tornado in the
movie “Into the Storm”?
14. Why is it that we keep on getting false alarm about the hazards from the forecast of the
15. We are all prepared when there are fire and earthquakes happen because of the
program implemented by the government to have a nationwide fire and earthquake drill.
But why we don’t have a drill regarding tornadoes?
16. What will happen when the tornado hit the water?
17. Is it possible for a tornado to lasts in one to four hours here in our country?
18. Are we or rather the government of our country aware enough and not to worry about
the tornado?
19. What places in the Philippines are really prone to tornadoes?
20. Can we still survive if we are carried by the tornado?
21. Are we always going to rely on the forecast team of our country?
22. What are the possible ways in order for the students to have knowledge about the
tornado? Is it really important to learn this?

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