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Lab 1: Introduction to Signals and Signal Operations

Name: Mostafa Abdelwahed

Subject: Signal and Systems

Exercise 1: Implementing Basic Signals

Part 1: Unit Step

Figure 1

The Heaviside function is the built-in MATLAB function for plotting the unit step function. The
function take the range of unit step and plot the unit step accordingly.
Shift the signal to the right by three units

Figure 2

In the above code the unit step function is shifted towards right by 3 points it means now unit
step will start from 3 and the axis are set so that a good visualization of the signal can be seen.
Shift the signal to the left by four units

Figure 3

In the above code the unit step function is shifted towards right by 4 points it means now unit
step will start from 4 and the axis are set so that a good visualization of the signal can be seen.
Flip the signal on the y-axis

Figure 4

The signal is flipped on y-axis just by putting the negative sign in Heaviside function variable
because by putting negative sign the signal will be mirrored around y-axis.
Flip, multiply and shift the signal

Figure 5

In this above task the signal is first shifted towards left 2 points and then the whole signal is
mirrored around the y-axis by putting the negative sign.

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