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SEM 109



1st Semester 2020-2021

Name: Robeliza Christine D. Pol

Score: Section: 2SEDE-B

Instructor/ Professor: Ms. Shane Aguirre


Answer the following questions: (5-8 sentences only)

1. Define Teaching.

Teaching is a communication between two or more person, who influences each other
by learning something in the process of interaction. It is a system of actions that produces
learning. Or it is simply concerted sharing of knowledge and experience. It is a process in which
individual makes something known to another individual. There are different types of teaching,
first is Teacher Centered which teacher is looks upon by the learners as an expert or an
authority. Second is Learner Centered which the teacher/instructor is both a teacher and a
learner at the same time. The third one is Content-Focused which both teacher and learner
have to fit into the content that is taught. Lastly, Interactive/ Participative which these method
are driven by the situational analysis of what is the most appropriate thing for us to learn.

2. Define Assessment:

Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate
and measure the learning progress, skills or educational need of students. Its purpose is to
gather the information about the students’ performance or progress to determine their interest
about their learning process. There are 3 types of assessment. The first one is the Assessment
for Learning that allows the teachers to monitor the students on a day to day basis and modify
their teaching based on what students need to be successful. Next is Assessment of
Learning, it is the time that lets the teacher, students, and their parents know how well each
student has completed the learning tasks and activities. Last is the Assessment as Learning,
which develops and supports students’ skills. This form of assessment is crucial in helping
students become lifelong learners.

3. What is grammar?

Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases and
words in a natural language. Grammar helps the readers’ comprehension. It is usually
considered to consist of syntax and morphology. There are 2 main types of grammar. The first
one is Descriptive Grammar that refers to the structure of language as it’s actually used by
speakers and writers. The second is Prescriptive Grammar that refers to the structure of a
language as certain people think it should be used.

4. What is the connection between assessment and grammar?

Assessment is a tool that educators use to evaluate the students learning progress while
the grammar is usually consist of syntax and morphology. Grammar is one of those exercises
that the teachers gave to their students. In learning, when you’re a student, you need to
complete or comply an activity. So for the educators they use the assessment for them to know
the ability or skills of a student. Also assessment is a key component of learning because it
helps students learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in a class, they are
able to determine whether or not they understand course material. Assessment can also help
motivate students. If students know they are doing poorly, they may begin to work harder.

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