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Essay №1

How often do you give presentations in your job?

Presentation is one of the most convenient options for presenting an object or
topic. At the moment I work at the academy, where it is very convenient for me to
use presentations to explain the material. With the help of the presentation I
explain the lesson in detail and the children perceive the information more easily.
Because the presentation consists of pictures and descriptions to them. I prefer to
make presentations for each lesson, because it is convenient and practical.
Therefore, I can answer 3-4 times a week to the question how often I use the
presentation in my work.
The most important thing in the presentation is the structure, because it is possible
to make different presentations, but not everything will be useful and necessary,
but what would be done correctly - you need to fill 80% of the context with
relevant pictures. Then it is easier for a person to perceive information and to
browse interestingly.
And also, it is of little importance. The presentation gives the teacher the
opportunity to independently compose the training material based on the
characteristics of this class, theme, subject, which allows you to build a lesson so
as to achieve the maximum educational effect.

Essay №2
How do you prepare your presentations?
A good presentation helps to understand the speaker, and a bad one only bores you.
A good presentation is very simple: it helps to keep the attention of listeners. In a
bad presentation, everything is in a heap: eyes scatter on bright slides, the brain
tries to process the text, and at this time the speaker mumbles something about
himself. To make a good presentation, you do not need to be able to draw, own
Photoshop and spend hours assembling slides. A good presentation is a clear
presentation and good presentation above all. It works the same way in public
speaking and website presentations.
A good presentation begins with questions to yourself. The most important part
you can do in a notebook, even without turning on the computer. First, you choose
a topic, define a goal, distribute the arguments in the desired order. And only now
you can open the program and search for pictures for the presentation. I
use fewer colors, more contrast. One slide is one thought. This slide is easy to read
and remember. If you speak publicly, he will keep the attention of the audience.
How much text will be on the slide depends on the size of the audience. If a person
is reading a presentation on the screen, a paragraph of text will not frighten him. If
you speak to an audience of one hundred people, it will be difficult to read more
than ten words on a slide. Beautiful presentation is a powerful tool with a long-
term effect. Good speech is remembered, and a good presentation is stored on a

Essay №3
How do you feel about the question period at the end of a presentation?
Most presentations are forgotten as soon as viewers leave the hall. When you invest
time and energy in the presentation, then you want the audience to remember
something. When you plan to complete a PowerPoint presentation, there are certain
strategic steps that you want to avoid. There are also styles for the final slides of a
PowerPoint presentation that are not aimed at completion. You need both the correct
completion technique and the design of the final slide for collaboration.
If the presentation is properly framed and narrated, then as a rule there are no
questions. But there will always be someone who wants to put an additional question,
and of course it must be answered. If a person asks a question at the end of a
presentation, often this person is included in the work, and he is interested. Therefore,
I am positive about the questions at the end of the presentation.

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