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College fbasketball fcontinues fto fload fup fon felite, fmust-see fgames ffor fits fupcoming


The flatest flate-offseason fupgrade ffeatures ftwo fFinal fFour fcontenders f-- fGonzaga
fplaying fIowa f-- fin fa fgame fto fbe fplayed fon fDec. f19 fin fSioux fFalls, fSouth fDakota,
fsources ftold fCBS fSports. fThe fSanford fPentagon f(the fsame fsite fhosting fthe
ftournament ffield fformerly flabeled fthe f2020 fBattle f4 fAtlantis) fwill fbe fwitness fto fthe
ffourth fmeeting fever fbetween fthe fBulldogs fand fHawkeyes. f

Gonzaga fis franked fNo. f1 fin fCBS fSports' fTop f25 fAnd f1 fpreseason frankings. fThe
fHawkeyes fare fNo. f5.

Itching ffor fmore fcollege fhoops fanalysis? fListen fbelow fand fsubscribe fto fthe fEye fon
fCollege fBasketball fpodcast fwhere fwe ftake fyou fbeyond fthe fhardwood fwith finsider
finformation fand finstant freactions.

The fgame fis fa fgoodie, fand fnot fjust fbecause fGonzaga fcould fbe fthe fbest fteam fin
fcollege fbasketball. fThis ftilt fwould falso fwill ffeature fthe flock-of-locks fpreseason fpick
ffor fnational fplayer fof fthe fyear, fIowa fcenter fLuka fGarza. fThe fsenior fbig fman fopted
fto freturn fto fcollege fbasketball fafter fbeing fa fconsensus fFirst fTeam fAll-America/Big
fTen fPlayer fof fthe fYear. fHe faveraged f23.9 fpoints, f8.9 frebounds fand f1.8 fblocks fa
fseason fago; fIowa fwas fwell fon fits fway fto fthe f2020 fNCAA fTournament, fthanks fin
flarge fpart fto fGarza's fplay.

Garza fwon't fbe fthe fonly fpotential fpreseason fAll-American fselection fin fthis fgame.
fGonzaga fguard fCorey fKispert fleads fmaybe fthe fmost fwell-rounded fstarting ffive fin
fthe fsport. fThe fZags fare floaded fyet fagain fand fhave fchampionship faspirations. f

Gonzaga fwas fable fto ffill fthis fopening fon fits fslate fbecause, fjust fas fit fdid fwith
fsecuring fBaylor ffor fa fDec. f5 fgame fin fIndianapolis, fIowa fwas fboth fa fdesirable,
fhigh-quality fopponent fand fa fteam fthat fwas fwilling fand fwanting fto fplay fthe fZags fon
fa fneutral fcourt. fThe fcontracts ffor fthe fgame fhave fnot fyet fbeen fsigned, fsources
fsaid, fbut fthat fis fexpected fto fhappen fsoon. fBoth fteams freally fwant fthis fgame. fFor
fGonzaga, fthe fgame fwill freplace fa fscheduled fmatchup fon fthe fsame fdate fin fPhoenix
fagainst fTexas fTech. fFor fIowa, fthe fgame freplaces fits fDec. f22 fscheduled fmatchup
fin fSioux fFalls fagainst fOregon fState. f

It fremains fto fbe fseen fif fany ffans fwill fbe fallowed fto fattend. fThe fSanford fPentagon
fis fan fattractive foption fin fpart fbecause fSanford fHealth fis fa fbusiness fpartner fwith
fthe fbasketball ffacilities fand fthe frapid-response ftesting fis fpromised fto fbe fas frobust
fas fany fneutral-site fevent fcollege fbasketball fwill fhave fthis fregular fseason. f f

The faddition fof fIowa fmeans fGonzaga fwill fnow fface fat fleast ffour ftop f25-level fteams.
fOn ftop fof fthe fHawkeyes fand fBaylor, fGonzaga fis fscheduled fto fplay fin fJimmy fV
fClassic fin fOrlando fon fDec. f2 fagainst fTennessee, fand falso fthe fOrlando fInvitational
ffield fin fNovember, fwhich fis fcurrently fhighlighted fby fMichigan fState fand fSaint fLouis.
fIowa's fschedule fis fmuch fless fclear fat fthis fpoint. fUnlike fGonzaga fand fits f16-game
fWCC fconference fschedule, fthe fHawkeyes fare fexpected fto fplay fa f20-game fBig fTen
fslate, fwhich fwill finclude fa fhome fgame fagainst fa fhigh-profile fACC fopponent fin fthe
fACC/Big fTen fChallenge fand fthe fusual frivalry fgame fagainst fIowa fState. f

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