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EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156

Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

Review article:


(PART 1)
Sompon Wanwimolruk1*, Virapong Prachayasittikul2
Center for Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Faculty of Medical
Technology, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand
Department of Clinical Microbiology and Applied Technology, Faculty of Medical
Technology, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand

* Corresponding author: Dr. Sompon Wanwimolruk, E-mail: sompon.wan@mahidol.ac.th;

Tel.: +66 2 441 4370, Fax: +66 2 441 4380

It is well recognized that herbal supplements or herbal medicines are now commonly used. As
many patients taking prescription medications are concomitantly using herbal supplements,
there is considerable risk for adverse herbal drug interactions. Such interactions can enhance
the risk for an individual patient, especially with regard to drugs with a narrow therapeutic
index such as warfarin, cyclosporine A and digoxin. Herbal drug interactions can alter phar-
macokinetic or/and pharmacodynamic properties of administered drugs. The most common
pharmacokinetic interactions usually involve either the inhibition or induction of the metabo-
lism of drugs catalyzed by the important enzymes, cytochrome P450 (CYP). The aim of the
present article is to provide an updated review of clinically relevant metabolic CYP-mediated
drug interactions between selected herbal supplements and prescription drugs. The commonly
used herbal supplements selected include Echinacea, Ginkgo biloba, garlic, St. John's wort,
goldenseal, and milk thistle. To date, several significant herbal drug interactions have their
origins in the alteration of CYP enzyme activity by various phytochemicals. Numerous herbal
drug interactions have been reported. Although the significance of many interactions is uncer-
tain but several interactions, especially those with St. John’s wort, may have critical clinical
consequences. St. John’s wort is a source of hyperforin, an active ingredient that has a strong
affinity for the pregnane xenobiotic receptor (PXR). As a PXR ligand, hyperforin promotes
expression of CYP3A4 enzymes in the small intestine and liver. This in turn causes induction
of CYP3A4 and can reduce the oral bioavailability of many drugs making them less effective.
The available evidence indicates that, at commonly recommended doses, other selected herbs
including Echinacea, Ginkgo biloba, garlic, goldenseal and milk thistle do not act as potent or
moderate inhibitors or inducers of CYP enzymes. A good knowledge of the mechanisms of
herbal drug interactions is necessary for assessing and minimizing clinical risks. These pro-
cesses help prediction of interactions between herbal supplements and prescription drugs.
Healthcare professionals should remain vigilant for potential interactions between herbal sup-
plements/medicines and prescription drugs, especially for drugs with a narrow therapeutic in-
dex are used.

Keywords: Herbal drug interactions, CYP, dietary supplements, herbal medicines, botanical
supplements, drug interactions

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

INTRODUCTION teractions are documented as case series or

individual case reports (Sood et al., 2008).
Products containing biologically active
The common misconception is that herbal
phytochemicals are often defined as “herb-
medicines or supplements are prepared
al” or “botanical” supplements. They are
from natural plants so therefore are safe to
derived or extracted from a broad range of
be taken concomitantly with prescription
plant sources. Herbs and herbal supple-
drugs. However, this does not guarantee
ments are used by people for purpose of
that they are safe, free from adverse effects
treating medical or psychiatric disorders.
or toxicity, and devoid of any drug-drug
Herbal supplements are now commonly
interaction potential (Hermann and von
used in both Eastern and Western countries.
Richter, 2012). The overwhelming majority
Herbal medicines or traditional medicines
of herbal use involves “self-medication”
have a long history of use in the Eastern
and these herbal products and supplements
countries, such as China and India, and con-
are commonly taken concomitantly with
tinue to be used today (Philp, 2004). The
conventional medications with little or no
use of herbal supplements in the United
information available on potential herbal
States has grown at a rapid rate with a
drug interactions. Patients may feel embar-
380 % increase between 1990 and 1997
(Brevoort, 1998; Eisenberg et al., 1998). rassed that they are self-medicating with
The Dietary Supplement Health and Educa- complementary therapies and others may
tion Act (DSHEA) of 1994 permits the di- not consider that herbs are medicines in the
rect marketing of herbal products and sup- conventional sense. A study in the United
plements without prior proof of safety or States revealed that only one-third of pa-
efficacy. Herbal supplements can be pur- tients told their physician they were taking
chased in several forms. The most common herbal remedies or supplements (Kennedy
formulation of herbal supplements are en- et al., 2008). In fact, there have been in-
capsulated extracts. Herbal extracts, be- creasing reports on herbal drug interactions.
Drug interactions can be caused by some
cause they are crude products, usually con-
natural products which are not be consumed
tain many natural phytochemicals. They are
as medicines. Grapefruit and grapefruit
also accessible as tinctures and beverages
juice is a common example. The first major
(Markowitz et al., 2008). They can be in-
concern of herbal drug interactions was
gredients in nutrition and sport drinks;
recognised in 1989 when grapefruit juice
powders, and “energy” bars. Patients may
was reported to increase the blood concen-
also consume food products containing cer-
trations of felodipine, an anti-hypertensive
tain phytochemical ingredients to treat
calcium channel antagonist (Bailey et al.,
common diseases. For instance, cranberry
1998). Later in 1996, a similar grapefruit
juice is widely used for urinary tract infec-
drug interaction was found with terfena-
tions and garlic for hyperlipidemia (Mar-
dine, a non-sedative antihistamine (Bailey
kowitz et al., 2008).
et al., 1998; Benton et al., 1996). Succes-
The perception that herbal supplements
sive studies implied that these effects of
and medicines, legally categorized as over-
grapefruit were caused by inhibition of in-
the-counter dietary supplements, may re-
testinal CYP3A4 and a drug transporter
duce or enhance the effects of prescription
protein, P-glycoprotein (P-gp) by furano-
drugs has earned our attention slowly (Cott,
coumarins (e.g. 6’, 7’-dihydroxybergamot-
2008). Herbal supplements usually have
tin, bergamottin and bergapten), naturally-
many active phytochemical constituents.
occurring ingredients in grapefruit (Bailey
Therefore, the possibility of interactions is
et al., 2000; Goosen et al., 2004; Ho et al.,
increased when compared with the likeli-
2001; Lin et al., 2012; Paine et al., 2005).
hood of interactions between two prescrip-
Serious adverse drug reactions arising from
tion drugs. Presently, most herbal drug in-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

grapefruit and terfenadine interaction was toms of illness. For example, the wide-
one of the main reasons for withdrawal of spread use of St. John’s wort for relief of
terfenadine from the market in 1998. These depression, the use of Echinacea for relief
adverse drug reactions were due to inhibi- of cold symptoms, and use of Ginkgo bi-
tion of CYP3A4 by grapefruit active ingre- loba for improvement in cognition (Wargo-
dients led to marked increase in blood ter- vich, 2001). The second reason is that herb-
fenadine concentrations. This subsequently al supplements are used specifically with
caused prolonged QT intervals and follow- the hopes of preventing disease or reducing
ing cardiac arrhythmias. Grapefruits have the risk for certain diseases. Examples of
also been shown to increase the plasma this include green tea, grape seed extract
concentration and bioavailability of several and other flavonoid-rich botanicals which
drugs that are substrates for cytochrome are taken because of their natural antioxi-
P450 (CYP) 3A4 enzyme (Bailey et al., dants (Mandlekar et al., 2006). The use of
2007; Greenblatt et al., 2003). This means garlic and its supplement preparation is an-
that grapefruit interacts with most clinically other example, which has been demonstrat-
used drugs as more than 50 % of prescrip- ed in animals, to prevent cancer (Wargo-
tion drugs are metabolized by CYP3A4 vich, 1997; Wargovich et al., 2001).
(Guengerich, 1999; Nebert and Russell, With respect to cancer chemopreven-
2002). This made substantial concern re- tion, herbal supplements can act through
garding food or herbal drug interactions, several mechanisms to provide a protective
and has also stimulated numerous research effect. Induction of phase I and phase II
to fulfill the knowledge in this particular metabolic enzymes by herbal products is
area. Cruciferous vegetables is an addition- one of the common mechanisms (Wargo-
al example, it has been involved in the in- vich et al., 2001). Garlic as well as many
teractions with a number of CYP1A2- organosulfur compounds derived from gar-
substrate drugs (Ioannides, 1999; Zhou et lic have been demonstrated to possess
al., 2004). An understanding of these herbal strong chemopreventive activity against ex-
drug interactions has great benefit for drug perimentally induced cancers of the skin,
therapy as it helps us to predict herbal drug esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, lung and
interactions. mammary gland (Cerella et al., 2011;
Chandra-Kuntal et al., 2013; Wargovich,
Herbal supplements and cancer 1997; Wargovich et al., 2001). One of the
chemoprevention active constituents in garlic, diallyl sulfide,
For many years it has been recognized is a potent inhibitor of the phase I enzyme
that the use of herbs as medicines plays an CYP2E1 (Brady et al., 1988). CYP2E1 is
important role in nearly every culture, in- involved in the metabolic activation of sev-
cluding Asia, Africa, Europe and the Amer- eral environmental and dietary carcinogens,
icas. Recent surveys suggest that one in e.g., nitrosamines (Yang et al., 2001; Zhou
three Americans use dietary supplements et al., 2003). In addition, diallyl sulfide sig-
daily. It is interesting that the rate of herbal nificantly increases a number of phase II
usage is much higher in cancer patients enzymes, including glutathione S-trans-
(Pierce et al., 2002; Richardson et al., 2000; ferase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, and
Rock, 2003; Wargovich et al., 2001), in quinone reductase. These phase II enzymes
some cases, up to 50 % of patients treated are responsible for the detoxification of
in cancer centers. Many of these supple- many carcinogens (Wargovich, 1997; War-
ments are herbal in nature (Wargovich et govich et al., 2001).
al., 2001). Herbal supplements are general-
ly taken for two main reasons. The first rea-
son is that they are used to alleviate symp-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

Cytochrome P450 (CYP) sprouts and cauliflower), induce CYP en-

CYP enzymes are responsible for detox- zymes; namely CYP1A1 and CYP1A2
ification of a wide range of xenobiotics in- (Murray, 2006; Yoshida et al., 2004; Zhou
cluding drugs, environmental pollutants, et al., 2004). Cigarette smoking is known to
and cancer-causing agents (i.e., carcino- induce CYP1A1 and CYP1A2; the high
gens). They are also involved in the biosyn- levels of these CYP enzymes have been
thesis of cholesterol and other important linked to an increased risk of lung and co-
lipids such as prostacyclins and thrombox- lon cancer (Guengerich and Shimada, 1991;
ane A2 which are implicated in the causa- Smith et al., 2001; Zhou et al., 2010).
tion of many cardiovascular diseases CYP3A4 is the most important human
(Guengerich, 1999; Nebert and Russell, CYP isozyme as it is involved in the me-
2002). In fact, the role of CYP enzymes in tabolism of most clinically used drugs
protecting the body against foreign chemi- (Guengerich, 1999; Nelson et al., 1996;
cals is as crucial as that of antibodies in Nebert and Russell, 2002). Human
dealing with invading organisms. Most CYP3A4 is expressed in the prostate,
chemical carcinogens require metabolic ac- breast, gut, colon and small intestine. How-
tivation by CYP, to their genotoxic inter- ever, its expression is most abundant in the
mediates (Guengerich and Shimada, 1991; liver which accounts for 30 % of the total
Badal et al., 2012). In some instances, these CYP protein content (Guengerich, 1999;
activated metabolites are subjected to de- Lown et al., 1997; Shimada et al., 1994;
toxification by conjugation reactions. Thus, Watkins et al., 1987). CYP3A4 plays an
activities or levels of CYP enzymes may be important role in the oxidation of both tes-
one of the important host factors which de- tosterone and estrogen. Activity of
termine whether exposure to the carcinogen CYP3A4 can be inhibited or induced by
results in cancer or not (Maliakal et al., drugs, herbs, pesticides, and carcinogens.
2011; Nebert, 1991). The CYP1A subfami- Individual variation in CYP3A4 levels may
ly (CYP1A1 and CYP1A2) plays a vital play a role in breast and prostate carcino-
role in the metabolism of two important genesis through modulation of sex hormone
classes of environmental carcinogens: poly- metabolite levels. Alternatively, CYP3A4
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aryla- can be involved in bioactivation of exoge-
mines. Many clinically-important drugs are nous carcinogens. It has been shown that
metabolized by this specific isoenzyme CYP3A4 is involved in activation of many
such as caffeine, theophylline, verapamil environmental carcinogens. These include
and clozapine. CYP2D6 is responsible for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hetero-
the metabolism of more than 30 clinically cyclic amines, aflatoxin B1, and nitrosa-
important drugs, such as metoprolol and mines (Guengerich and Shimada, 1991;
several other β-blockers, antiarrhythmics, Patten et al., 1997; Shimada et al., 1994).
antidepressants, neuroleptics and morphine- Furthermore, ingestion of polycyclic aro-
related drugs (Gonzalez, 1992). More than matic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic
50 % of all prescription drugs are metabo- amines, and their metabolism mediated by
lized by CYP3A4 (Guengerich, 1999; Ne- CYP3A4 has been shown to result in the
bert and Russell, 2002). The activity of formation of carcinogen DNA adducts in
CYP can be influenced by many factors; mammary tissues (Lightfoot et al., 2000).
including genetic composition of the host, It has been hypothesized that alcoholic
certain medications, and exposure to certain beverages, particularly red wine, offer extra
dietary and environmental chemicals cardiovascular protection due to their rich
(Weisburger and Chung, 2002). It has been content of antioxidant flavonoid com-
demonstrated that vegetables, particularly pounds. Many flavonoids, such as querce-
cruciferous ones (e.g., cabbage, brussel tin, resveratrol and naringenin, have been

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

shown to alter the activity of CYP enzymes size the relevance and clinical importance
(Chan and Delucchi, 2000; Niestroy et al., of pursuing research on herbal medicines.
2012). This effect could also be associated
with a protective property against cancer. Mechanisms of herbal drug interactions:
One target of the chemopreventive effect of general considerations
naturally occurring flavonoids, such as Like drug-drug interactions, herbal drug
grape constituents, could be inhibition of interactions result from the same principles.
xenobiotic metabolizing phase I enzymes, These principles are based on the same
i.e., CYP. Alternatively, it could be the in- pharmacokinetic (i.e. changes of plasma
duction of phase II conjugation enzymes, drug concentration) and pharmacodynamic
such as UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and (i.e. drugs interacting at receptors) interac-
glutathione S-transferase, that are responsi- tions. The currently recognized pharmaco-
ble for the detoxification of carcinogens. kinetic interactions between clinical drugs
Among the main human CYPs, CYP1A1 and herbs or herbal dietary supplements in-
and CYP1A2 isoforms are involved in the dicate that a number of herbs, most remark-
activation of many procarcinogens; includ- ably St. John’s wort, can alter the plasma
ing polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons, poly- concentration of different conventional
cyclic amines and aflatoxin B1 (Gonzalez medicines metabolized by CYP, and/or are
and Gelboin, 1994). Resveratrol, a phyto- transported by P-gp (Izzo, 2012). P-gp is
alexin present in grapes, has been demon- presented in the intestine, liver and kidney;
strated to be an aryl hydrocarbon receptor it performs an important role in the absorp-
antagonist which inhibits the induction of tion, distribution, or excretion of drugs. P-
the CYP1A1 enzyme (Chan and Delucchi, gp appears to limit the cellular transport
2000). CYP2E1 is responsible for the acti- from intestinal lumen into epithelial cells
vation of volatile organic solvents and pre- and also enhances the excretion of drugs via
carcinogenic N-nitrosamines (Gonzalez et hepatocytes and renal tubules into the adja-
al., 1992, Yang et al., 2001; Zhou et al., cent luminal space.
2003). Human CYP3A4 activates aflatoxin Many probe drugs have been used to as-
B1 and the biotransformation of many clin- sess potential effects of herbs on the activi-
ically used drugs (Gonzalez, 1992). More- ty of a specific CYP enzyme. These probe
over, it has been shown that resveratrol in- drugs include midazolam, alprazolam, nife-
activated CYP3A4 in a time- and NADPH- dipine (CYP3A4); debrisoquine, dextrome-
dependent manner (Chan and Delucchi, thorphan (CYP2D6); chlorzoxazone
2000; Chan et al., 1998). The data suggest (CYP2E1); tolbutamide, diclofenac and
that resveratrol is an effective mechanism- flurbiprofen (CYP2C9); caffeine, tizanidine
based inactivator of CYP3A4. (CYP1A2); and omeprazole (CYP2C19).
From the above information, it clearly Fexofenadine, digoxin and talinolol have
shows that developed countries recognize been extensively used in pharmacokinetic
and value the importance of research on studies as P-gp substrates (Izzo, 2012). Po-
complementary alternative medicines, in- lymorphisms in the genes for CYP enzymes
cluding herbal medicines. This is the case and P-gp may influence the interactions
especially in the USA and UK where there mediated through these pathways (Lei et
are established research funding agencies, al., 2009a). Pharmacodynamic-based inter-
such as the Office of Dietary Supplements actions between herbs and drugs have been
(ODS) under the National Institutes of less investigated. However, the outcomes of
Health (NIH) and the “Prince of Wales pharmacodynamic interactions may be ei-
Foundation for Integrated Health”, respec- ther additive or synergetic (i.e. the herbal
tively (The Office of Dietary Supplements medicines potentiate the pharmacologi-
website, Ernst et al., 2006). These empha- cal/toxicological action of conventional

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

drugs) or antagonistic (i.e. the herbal medi- viewed elsewhere (Izzo and Ernst, 2009;
cines reduce the efficacy of the drugs). Johne and Roots, 2005).
Warfarin and herbal interactions are a clas-
sical example of pharmacodynamic interac- Echinacea
tions. Theoretically, augmented anticoagu- Echinacea is a genus of herbaceous
lant effects could be likely when warfarin is flowering plants (purple coneflowers), and
administered concomitantly with coumarin- belongs to Asteraceae family. It comprises
containing herbs (some plant coumarins of nine species, which are native and en-
exert anticoagulant effects) or with anti- demic to eastern and central North Ameri-
platelet herbs (Izzo, 2012). On the other ca. Marketed preparations of Echinacea
hand, vitamin K-containing herbs can an- arise from underground as well as aerial
tagonize the effect of warfarin (the action of parts of three different species (E. pur-
warfarin is due to its ability to antagonize purea, E. angustifolia, E. pallida), whereby
the cofactor function of vitamin K). the majority (i.e., about 80 %) of the pro-
A number of recently published review ducts are based on E. purpurea. Due to its
articles have comprehensively written and immunostimulant properties, echinacea is
exclusively drawn attention to the mecha- commonly used for the prevention and
nisms of herbal drug interactions (Colalto, treatment of acute virus infections of the
2010; Izzo, 2012; Tomlinson et al., 2008; upper respiratory tract, such as the common
Zhou et al., 2004, 2010; Zhang et al., 2009). cold and influenza (Capasso et al., 2008;
They have provided evidence of herbs that Ernst et al., 2006, 2008). Recommended
can modify CYP or P-glycoprotein. daily doses of echinacea products vary
broadly depending on the formulation and
CYP mediated herbal drug interactions: content of the product. Usually daily doses
evidence in humans of echinacea for adults range between 900
Evidence is emerging that particular to 1000 mg, to be taken in 3 to 4 divided
herbs and herbal medicines may contain doses.
specific phytochemicals which can modu- Echinacea is considered to be one of the
late the activity of drug metabolizing en- safest herbal medicines, with few reported
zymes CYP and drug transporting protein, adverse effects and very few reports of in
P-glycoprotein (P-gp). These modulations vivo drug interactions. Echinacea seems to
may lead to potential interaction between cause no serious risk for drug interactions
herbal medicines and prescription drugs. in humans (Izzo, 2012). No verifiable case
This review will focus on important herbal reports of herbal drug interactions with any
drug interactions having clinical relevance echinacea product have been published to
and discuss the mechanism of drug interac- date. The effect of echinacea (E. purpurea
tions which is mediated by CYP enzymes. root) on specific CYP activities in humans
Some interactions mainly involved with was evaluated by using a single dose ad-
function of P-gp are omitted, but may be ministration of the CYP probe drugs in 12
mentioned. Studies in animals are generally healthy subjects (Gorski et al., 2004). These
excluded because of the marked species, CYP probes included caffeine (CYP1A2),
which makes extrapolation of such results tolbutamide (CYP2C9), dextromethorphan
to humans difficult (European medicines (CYP2D6), and midazolam (hepatic and
Agency, 2013; Hermann and von Richter, intestinal CYP3A4). The probe drugs were
2012). Herbal drug interactions caused by administered before and after a short course
pharmacodynamic mechanisms including of Echinacea [E. purpurea root extract
partly cover toxicities, while not less im- 400 mg, 4 times daily (= 1600 mg/day) for
portant, are outside the scope of this review 8 days], and respective plasma concentra-
article. Nevertheless, these have been re- tion-time profiles of the probe drugs were

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

determined. In this study, it was found that in variable responses from a decrease in
echinacea dosing significantly decreased efficacy due to CYP3A4 induction to tox-
the oral clearance of the CYP1A2 probe icity as a result of CYP2C9 inhibition to no
caffeine by 27 % (Gorski et al., 2004), indi- effect (offsetting changes). Gorski and co-
cating inhibition of in vivo CYP1A2 cata- workers (Gorski et al., 2004) commented
lytic activity. Theophylline is a widely pre- that the co-administration of other echina-
scribed CYP1A2 drug that has a narrow cea products that differ in phytochemical
therapeutic window. Therefore modest content to the brand they studied (E. pur-
changes of 20 % in clearance of theophyl- purea root, Nature's Bounty) with CYP2C9
line are considered to be clinically signifi- substrates having a narrow therapeutic in-
cant (Gorski et al., 2004). There was con- dex such as phenytoin and warfarin may
siderable inter-individual variability in this require to be cautiously monitored.
interaction, with 2 individuals (out of 12 In the same study, it was also shown
subjects) presenting a greater than 50 % that echinacea co-administration did not
reduction in caffeine oral clearance (Gorski significantly affect the pharmacokinetic pa-
et al., 2004). The co-administration of rameters (i.e., AUC0-∞, oral clearance, t1/2)
echinacea and theophylline may give rise to of the CYP2D6 probe dextromethorphan
an increased incidence of toxicity develop- (Gorski et al., 2004). This suggested that
ing from increased plasma theophylline co-administration of echinacea does not al-
concentrations. Other CYP1A2-metaboliz- ter the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of
ed drugs which have adverse effect con- drugs metabolized by CYP2D6.
cerns, such as clozapine, tacrine, and cyclo- The systemic clearance of intravenously
benzaprine, may be influenced by taking administered CYP3A4 probe midazolam
echinacea concomitantly (Gorski et al., was significantly enhanced by 42 %, and
2004). there was a corresponding significant de-
Echinacea dosing also significantly re- crease in mean AUC0-∞ of 23 % (Gorski et
duced (average by 11 %) the oral clearance al., 2004). Collectively it indicates that he-
and enhanced the systemic exposure of tol- patic CYP3A4 activity was increased. On
butamide (Gorski et al., 2004). This indi- the other hand, the oral clearance and the
cates that the in vivo hepatic CYP2C9 activ- AUC0-∞ after oral midazolam dosing were
ity was slightly inhibited by echinacea. not significantly changed by echinacea co-
However, the maximum plasma tolbutam- administration. Nevertheless, the mean ab-
ide concentration was not significantly solute oral bioavailability of midazolam
modified by echinacea. These results was increased from 24 % to 36 % (i.e., by
showed a minor change in the pharmacoki- 50 %). This is consistent with the inhibition
netics of tolbutamide which is mainly me- of intestinal CYP3A4 by echinacea. The
tabolized by CYP2C9. The observed mag- distinction effects of echinacea on intestinal
nitude of changes in tolbutamide pharma- and hepatic CYP3A4 activity may possibly
cokinetic parameters, though statistically be due to a diversity of mechanisms. These
significant, is most likely lack clinical im- include, for example, locally acting
portance with this echinacea product. Thus CYP3A4 inhibiting constituents of echina-
it suggests that co-administration of echina- cea that do not become systemically availa-
cea has no considerable effect on the activi- ble, or fast absorption of CYP3A4 inducing
ty of CYP2C9 enzyme (Gorski et al., 2004). constituents of echinacea, thus limiting in-
However, the co-administration of echina- testinal exposure and intestinal CYP3A4
cea with warfarin, a substrate known to be induction (Gorski et al., 2004). Alternative-
metabolized by multiple CYP enzymes in- ly, it may be due to a systemically formed
cluding CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 (Abernethy metabolite of an echinacea’s constituent
et al., 1991; Rettie et al., 1992), may result that is capable of inducing hepatic CYP3A4

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

but not intestinal CYP3A4. In spite of this, purea extract on CYP3A4 and CYP2D6,
these mechanistic considerations remain the findings of Gurley et al. (2004) are con-
hypothetical and warrant further research. sistent with those of Gorski et al. (2004).
A further study by Gurley and col- This consistency happened regardless of
leagues (Gurley et al., 2004) employed sin- differences in the type of E. purpurea prod-
gle-time point phenotypic metabolic ratios ucts used (root extract versus whole plant
to determine whether long-term supplemen- extract), duration of supplementation (8
tation of Echinacea purpurea affected days versus 28 days), and CYP phenotype
CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, or CYP3A4 assessment methodologies (AUC versus
activity. This clinical study was performed single-time point phenotypic ratio). The
in 12 healthy volunteers. They were ran- lack of or little effect of E. purpurea sup-
domly assigned to receive E. purpurea plementation on human CYP2D6 was sup-
(800 mg twice a day, or 1600 mg daily) for ported by a clinical study by Gurley et al.
28 days. Probe drug cocktails of midazolam (2008b). The evidence has shown that sup-
(CYP3A4) and caffeine (CYP1A2), fol- plementation of a standardized E. purpurea
lowed 24 hours later by chlorzoxazone extract (267 mg three times a day = 801
(CYP2E1) and debrisoquine (CYP2D6) mg/day, for 14 days) caused no significant
were administered before (baseline) and at inhibition of CYP2D6 in 16 healthy sub-
the end of echinacea supplementation. Ac- jects using debrisoquine as the CYP2D6
tivities of CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, probe.
and CYP2D6 enzymes during pre- Taken together, the study showed that
supplementation and post-supplementation an 8-day treatment with relatively high dos-
were assessed by use of 1-hydroxymida- es of E. purpurea root extract (i.e., 400 mg,
zolam/midazolam serum ratios (1-hour four times daily = 1600 mg/day) displayed
sample), paraxanthine/caffeine serum ratios differential effects on the activity of various
(6-hour sample), 6-hydroxychlorzoxa- CYP enzymes. There were no alterations of
zone/chlorzoxazone serum ratios (2-hour CYP2D6 noted, negligible to modest inhi-
sample), and debrisoquine urinary recovery bition of CYP2C9, modest inhibition of
ratios (8-hour collection), respectively. In CYP1A2, and differential (i.e., inductive/
this study, high-dose E. purpurea given inhibitory) effects on hepatic and intestinal
over 28 days did not significantly change CYP3A4.
the activities of CYP3A4, CYP2E1, and Although the observed mean effects on
CYP2D6 as estimated by single timepoint CYP1A2 and CYP2C9 activities were gen-
metabolic ratios. The only appreciable al- erally moderate, they displayed some more
teration in mean phenotypic ratios appeared pronounced effect sizes in individual sub-
with 6-hour paraxanthine/caffeine values. jects. Considering CYP-based Echinacea-
Co-administration of Echinacea purpurea drug interactions of potential clinical signif-
caused an approximately 13 % decrease in icance, the study suggests that the bioavail-
the ratio of paraxanthine/caffeine, this sug- ability of orally administered CYP3A4 sub-
gested that there was a possible inhibitory strates with low oral bioavailability may be
effect of E. purpurea on CYP1A2 enzyme. significantly increased by Echinacea co-
This minor difference, however, was not administration. Also the exposure to
statistically significant (P = 0.07), nor was CYP1A2 and CYP2C9 substrates (e.g., the-
it thought clinically relevant. This finding ophylline, clozapine) may be modestly in-
suggests that prolonged use of E. purpurea creased, at least in some individual sub-
poses a minimal risk of producing jects. The observed effects of high doses of
CYP1A2-, CYP2D6-, CYP2E1-, or CYP- E. purpurea root extract on CYP1A2 and
3A4-mediated herbal drug interactions in CYP2C9, however, are overall small.
humans. In respect to the effects of E. pur- Therefore, this is unlikely to be of clinical

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

significance in clinical practice, unless h, for 14 days) were concomitantly given

drugs with a narrow therapeutic index are on top of their antiretroviral treatment. In
involved. These examples are theophylline general, supplementation of Echinacea
in case of CYP1A2 and (S)-warfarin in case purpurea did not affect the overall pharma-
of CYP2C9. cokinetics of darunavir and ritonavir, alt-
A clinical study was conducted in 16 hough individual patients did show a de-
healthy volunteers received lopinavir- crease in darunavir concentrations (Moltó et
ritonavir (400/100 mg) twice daily for 30 al., 2011). While no dose adjustment is re-
days (Penzak et al., 2010) to determine the quired, monitoring darunavir concentrations
effect of Echinacea purpurea on the phar- on an individual basis may give reassurance
macokinetics of lopinavir-ritonavir, and on in this setting. Their findings with darunavir
CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) activity exposure was reduced in some individual
using the probe substrates midazolam, and patients by 30 to 40 % after E. purpurea
fexofenadine, respectively. Echinacea pur- supplementation, would be harmonious
purea extract was given in a dosage of 500 with the finding of a modest induction of
mg three times daily, which they continued hepatic CYP3A4 by echinacea administra-
for four weeks, the first two weeks in com- tion previously reported by Gorski et al.
bination with lopinavir-ritonavir. The HIV (2004). This evidence would be further
protease inhibitor lopinavir is extensive me- consistent with the assumption that low-
tabolized by CYP3A4, whereas ritonavir is dose ritonavir (100 mg twice daily) might
a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. Ri- not efficiently inhibit hepatic CYP3A4 ac-
tonavir is combined with lopinavir to boost tivity in individual patients (Hermann and
(i.e., increase) its systemic exposure. The von Richter, 2012).
results have shown that neither lopinavir Overall, the outcomes from both studies
nor ritonavir pharmacokinetics were signif- (Moltó et al., 2011; Penzak et al., 2010) re-
icantly altered by 2 weeks of Echinacea co- garding the noticed changes in CYP3A4
administration (Penzak et al., 2010). How- activity is consistent for the effects of E.
ever, with respect to activity of CYP3A4, purpurea supplementation on a darunavir-
Echinacea co-administration considerably ritonavir combination. These studies relia-
reduced AUC0–12h and increased oral bly suggest that E. purpurea co-admini-
clearance of midazolam, a CYP3A4 probe. stration is unlikely to considerably alter the
These suggested that the Echinacea co- pharmacokinetics of ritonavir-boosted pro-
administration induced CYP3A4 enzyme tease inhibitors. This is most likely due to
activity and this in turn increased the clear- the presence of the potent CYP3A inhibitor
ance of midazolam (Penzak et al., 2010). ritonavir, but may be capable to moderately
Thus co-administration of Echinacea pur- induce hepatic CYP3A activity.
purea may cause moderate decrease in Abdul and colleagues (Abdul et al.,
plasma concentrations of other CYP3A4 2010) studied the pharmacokinetic and
substrates. pharmacodynamic interactions of Echina-
The above finding was also supported cea with warfarin in 12 healthy subjects
by a study conducted by Moltó et al. (2011) who received a single oral 25 mg dose of
in which they determined the potential of warfarin alone and after 2 weeks of pre-
Echinacea purpurea to interact with the treatment with high-dose Echinacea
boosted protease inhibitor darunavir- (1275 mg four times daily = 5100 mg/day).
ritonavir in 15 HIV-infected patients. Pa- Pharmacodynamic parameters including the
tients were receiving antiretroviral therapy international normalized ratio (INR), plate-
including darunavir-ritonavir (600/100 mg let activity) and pharmacokinetic (warfarin
twice a day) for at least 4 weeks. E. pur- enantiomer concentrations) end points were
purea root extract capsules (500 mg every 6 evaluated. The apparent oral clearance of

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

(S)-warfarin was found to be significantly pathways such as CYP2C19 and phase II

higher during concomitant treatment with metabolism (e.g. glucuronidation).
echinacea but this did not lead to a clinical-
ly significant change in INR. Because (S)- Ginkgo biloba
warfarin is metabolized by CYP2C9 and Leaves from the tree Ginkgo (Ginkgo
CYP3A4, whereas (R)-warfarin is metabo- biloba; family Ginkgoaceae) have been
lized by CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 (Wittkow- used for 4000 years to improve mentation
sky, 2003), it was proposed that a 2-week and respiratory function (Philp, 2004). The
treatment with high doses of echinacea (i.e., Ginkgo tree, also known as maidenhair tree,
5100 mg/day) does not appreciably alter the is the surviving member of ancient family
activities of these CYP enzymes. Generally, Ginkgoaceae, with no close living relatives.
the small extents of the effect observed are Ginkgo biloba is claimed to improve cere-
doubtful to be of clinical relevance. bral and peripheral blood flow. Currently
In summary, the existing in vivo evi- available pharmaceutical products of Gink-
dence reveals that echinacea products at go biloba represent leave extracts. Ginkgo
recommended doses have little potential to biloba extract contains two constituents:
produce clinically relevant or worrying me- flavonoids and terpenoids, which have anti-
tabolism-based pharmacokinetic interac- oxidant properties (Kennedy et al., 2011;
tions involving CYP1A2, CYP2C9, Pierre et al., 2008). Oral standardized dry
CYP2D6 and CYP2E1. Sequentially, there extracts of Ginkgo biloba generally contain
is reasonable clinical evidence suggesting between 22-27 % flavones glycosides; 5-
that Echinacea products in fact have poten- 7 % terpene lactones, and should contain
tial to moderately induce hepatic CYP3A4 not more than 5 ppm of ginkgolic acids,
activity. However, at the same time Echina- constituents with known allergic potency
cea products also may inhibit the pre- (Kressmann et al., 2002). Many studies
systemic (intestinal) metabolism of have been conducted using EGb 761, a
CYP3A4 drugs. As both mechanisms work well-defined extract of Ginkgo biloba.
against each other in terms of the net effects Ginkgo biloba extract is widely used in
on the systemic exposure of CYP3A4 some countries by patients with cognitive
drugs, the onset of each mechanism proba- disorders such as memory decline with age-
bly occurs at different times (i.e., onset of ing and Alzheimer's disease. Early studies
inhibition occurs faster than onset of induc- showed that the extract was superior to pla-
tion), and also will vary in their extent of cebo in improving symptoms of dementia,
effect on specific substrate characteristics and this has been confirmed by more recent
(e.g., oral bioavailability of CYP3A4 research (Andrieu et al., 2003; Ihl, 2012).
drugs). General predictions on the clinical Standardized ginkgo biloba extract has a
relevance of Echinacea and CYP3A4 drug good safety profile, although some case re-
interactions are complicated to generate. In ports have suggested an increased risk of
spite of this, warning is advised when bleeding.
CYP3A4 drugs with low oral bioavailabil- Ginkgo biloba preparations may con-
ity due to pronounced intestinal CYP3A4- vene appreciable anti-platelet effects that
mediated metabolism (e.g. verapamil, cy- are evidently caused by various gink-
closporine A and tacrolimus) or CYP3A4 golides. Consequently, information from
drugs with narrow therapeutic index, are case reports or controlled trials revealed
co-administered with Echinacea supple- that Ginkgo biloba extract potentiates the
mentation. There are no clinical studies ad- effects of anti-coagulant or anti-platelet
dressing the potential impact of Echinacea drugs such as warfarin (Bone, 2008; Vaes
products on other important metabolic and Chyka, 2000). However, these interac-
tions are related to the pharmacodynamic

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

interactions. While they are clinically im- daily) to 12 healthy subjects over 28 days.
portant, the pharmacodynamic interactions In this particular study, probe drug cocktails
are outside the scope of the current review of caffeine, debrisoquine, chlorzoxazone,
on CYP mediated herbal drug interactions. and midazolam were administered before
There were various studies showing the and at the end of Ginkgo biloba supplemen-
in vitro effects of Ginkgo biloba extracts or tation. Activities of CYP1A2, 2D6, 2E1,
specific constituents to alter activities of and 3A4 were assessed by the use of par-
CYP enzymes. However, these results were axanthine/caffeine serum ratios (6-hour
generally inconsistent. Overall, the obtained sample), debrisoquine urinary recovery ra-
findings indicated no effect and either inhi- tios (8-hour collection), 6-hydroxychlorzo-
bition or induction of various human CYP xazone/chlorzoxazone se-rum ratios (2-hour
enzymes. Some reports found the effects of sample), and 1-hydroxymidazolam/mida-
Ginkgo biloba extracts on CYP are concen- zolam serum ratios (1-hour sample), respec-
tration-dependently (i.e. inhibition at low tively. Comparisons of pre-treatment and
concentrations, induction at high concentra- post-treatment ratios revealed that Ginkgo
tions). In some studies, a substrate- biloba did not cause any appreciable change
dependent fashion effects have been de- of CYP1A2, 2D6 and 3A4 activity. In con-
scribed. Of note, the results derived from in trast, Ginkgo biloba appeared to moderately
vitro studies have been obtained in part at increase the activity of CYP2E1 by 23 %,
very high concentrations of the herb (Gink- even though this effect was not statistically
go biloba). Such concentrations are unlikely significant (Gurley et al., 2002). This sug-
to be achieved in humans (in vivo) after gests a trend of CYP2E1 is being induced
recommended doses of Ginkgo biloba ex- by Ginkgo biloba. A similar study was con-
tracts. This particular aspect is considered ducted by the same group of researchers
to be a major disadvantage of in vitro stud- (Gurley et al., 2005a) but in 12 elderly sub-
ies. Together, the buildup of evidence from jects, using the same Ginkgo biloba prod-
in vitro studies offers little guidance in the uct, dose and treatment duration, as well as
reliable prediction of relevant metabolic- the same CYP probe drugs. Surprisingly,
based Ginkgo biloba mediated drug interac- Ginkgo biloba had no significant effect on
tions in vivo (Hermann and von Richter, the activity of CYP1A2, 2D6, 2E1, and
2012). 3A4 in this elderly subjects. Thus these re-
Luckily, there are a number of clinical sults do not confirm the earlier observed
studies that have been carried out to deter- trend regarding a moderate CYP2E1 induc-
mine the effects of Ginkgo biloba on many tion (Gurley et al., 2005a).
CYP isoforms and other drug metabolizing Lack of effect of Ginkgo biloba on the
enzymes including phase II conjugations. activity of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 was sup-
These investigations mainly employed spe- ported by the evidence derived from a clini-
cific probe drugs as substrates for CYP en- cal study conducted by Markowitz and col-
zymes in which it allows the identification leagues (Markowitz et al., 2003a). This
and quantification of changes of specific study was similar in nature to those previ-
CYP enzyme activity. Gurley et al. (2002) ously conducted by Gurley et al. (2005a).
employed single-time point phenotypic However, they assessed the influence of
metabolic ratios to determine whether long- standardized Ginkgo biloba extract on the
term supplementation of St. John’s wort, activity of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 in
garlic oil, Panax ginseng, and Ginkgo bi- healthy young adults, instead of elderly
loba affected CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, volunteers as used in Gurley and co-
or CYP3A4 activity in healthy young vol- workers’ study (Gurley et al., 2005a). In the
unteers. Dosages of 60 mg Ginkgo biloba trial by Markowitz et al. (2003a), dextrome-
dietary supplements were given (four times thorphan (CYP2D6 activity) and alprazo-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

lam (CYP3A4 activity) were employed as 90 mg of Ginkgo biloba do not have signif-
specific substrates for the CYPs of interest. icant inhibitory or inducing effects on the
These probe drugs were co-administered CYP2D6- and CYP3A4-mediated metabo-
orally at baseline, and following treatment lism of donepezil in the target population.
with Ginkgo biloba extract (120 mg twice a This finding supports previous studies by
day) for 14 days. There were no statistically Gurley et al. (2005a) and Markowitz et al.
significant differences between baseline (2003a) in regard to the lack of interaction
and post-Ginkgo biloba treatment on dex- between Ginkgo biloba and drugs that are
tromethorphan metabolic ratios. This indi- metabolized by CYP2D6 or CYP3A4.
cated a lack of Ginkgo biloba effect on Robertson and coworkers (Robertson et
CYP2D6 activity. Regarding the CYP3A4 al., 2008) also used a similar methodology
activity, a statistically significant decrease to determine whether Ginkgo biloba extract
in the AUC of alprazolam was detected af- causes any alterations in the activity of hu-
ter treatment with Ginkgo biloba. The man CYP3A4. Midazolam was employed
AUCs were decreased by 17 %, an amount as a probe drug for human CYP3A4. Be-
that could be clinically significant for drugs sides midazolam, the investigators also
with narrow therapeutic indices. However, used fexofenadine as a marker drug to mon-
when the effects of Ginkgo biloba are com- itor the influence of Ginkgo biloba on the
pared with synthetic medications known to activity of drug transporter protein, P-
induce alprazolam metabolism such as car- glycoprotein (P-gp). Effect of Ginkgo bi-
bamazepine and rifampin, the magnitude of loba extract on pharmacokinetics of mid-
Ginkgo biloba effects were quite small azolam and fexofenadine (after a single
(Markowitz et al., 2003a). Therefore, the dose), and lopinavir’s pharmacokinetics at
authors concluded that standardized ex- steady-state, in healthy subjects was as-
tracts of Ginkgo biloba, when taken in sessed before and after the subjects re-
normally recommended doses, do not sig- ceived Ginkgo biloba at a dose of 120 mg,
nificantly alter the activity of human two times daily (for 4 weeks). Lopinavir,
CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 enzymes. Thus, ritonavir, and fexofenadine exposures were
there appears to be little likelihood of sig- not significantly affected by Ginkgo biloba
nificant herbal drug interactions between co-administration, while total AUC and
Ginkgo biloba and drugs predominantly maximum plasma drug concentration
metabolized by CYP2D6 or CYP3A4 (Cmax) of the CYP3A4 substrate midazo-
isoforms (Markowitz et al., 2003a). lam were both significantly lower post
In addition, the effects of Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba supplementation, i.e. by
supplementation (90 mg/day for 30 days) 34 % and 31 %, respectively, as compared
on the steady-state plasma concentration of to baseline. The apparent oral clearance of
donepezil were examined (Yasui-Furukori midazolam increased in 10 of 13 subjects
et al., 2004) in elderly patients with Alz- studied post Ginkgo biloba supplementa-
heimer's disease; the patients received tion. These results suggest that Ginkgo bi-
donepezil 5 mg/day. Donepezil, the 'first- loba moderately induces CYP3A4 metabo-
line' cholinesterase inhibitor, in the treat- lism. The authors commended that as the
ment of Alzheimer's disease, is metabolized reductions in midazolam AUC and Cmax
by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 (Jann et al., were similar, with no change in half-life of
2002). The results from this study demon- midazolam, it appears likely that the inter-
strated that taking relatively low doses of action occurred secondary to CYP3A4 in-
Ginkgo biloba (90 mg/day) in elderly Alz- duction at the intestinal level (Robertson et
heimerʼs Japanese patients did not alter the al., 2008). However, it cannot be ruled out
steady-state plasma concentrations of that hepatic induction of CYP3A4 may also
donepezil. This implies that daily doses of have contributed. These findings obtained

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

from the study of Robertson et al. (2008) Ginkgo biloba extract is also widely
are in contrast with those previously report- used as herbal dietary supplement in Japan.
ed by Gurley et al. (2005a) who found that The effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on the
28 days of Ginkgo biloba extract (60 mg, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
four times daily) had no apparent effect on of nifedipine, a calcium-channel blocker,
midazolam metabolism in 12 healthy sub- were studied using 8 healthy volunteers.
jects. Robertson and co-authors (Robertson Concurrent oral ingestion of Ginkgo biloba
et al., 2008) thought that it is unlikely that extract (240 mg/day) did not significantly
the disparity in their findings is due to dif- affect any of the mean pharmacokinetic pa-
ferences in Ginkgo biloba extract formula- rameters of either nifedipine or its major
tion, as the total daily dose of Ginkgo bi- metabolite dihydronifedipine (Yoshioka et
loba (240 mg/day) was the same in both al., 2004). However, unexpected observa-
studies and both products were standardized tion was found in which the maximal plas-
to the same flavonol glycoside and terpene ma nifedipine concentrations in 2 subjects
lactone contents. To our knowledge, as were approximately doubled during these
herbal dietary supplements generally have subjects were taking Ginkgo biloba extract
problems with quality control aspects, in- concomitantly with nifedipine. The authors
cluding Ginkgo biloba (Draves and Walker, also observed that these 2 subjects had ex-
2003; Foster et al., 2005; Haller et al., perienced more severe and longer-lasting
2004), thus the differences in the content of headaches during Ginkgo biloba extract
active ingredients, dissolution and absorp- phase than the control phase (Yoshioka et
tion characteristics of the formulation used al., 2004). The mean heart rate after oral
cannot be excluded. administration of nifedipine with Ginkgo
However, the two studies were different biloba extract had a tendency to be faster
in their approach to assessing CYP3A4 than that without Ginkgo biloba extract at
phenotype. Robertson and colleagues (Rob- every time point. The adverse drug reac-
ertson et al., 2008) assessed CYP3A4 activ- tions observed were coincident with the ab-
ity by determining midazolam AUC before normally high maximum plasma nifedipine
and after 4 weeks of Ginkgo biloba extract concentrations in these particular two sub-
administration. Whereas, in Gurley et al. jects. From this it was concluded that Gink-
(2005a) investigation, a 1-h post-dose go biloba extract and nifedipine should not
plasma concentration ratio of 1-hydroxy- be simultaneously administered, and careful
midazolam/midazolam was used to assess monitoring is necessary when nifedipine
human CYP3A4 activity. Use of this ratio and Ginkgo biloba extract need to be taken
to determine human CYP3A4 activity has together in humans (Yoshioka et al., 2004).
produced inconsistent results in previous Although the authors emphasized the find-
studies, perhaps caused by significant inter- ing of abnormally increased maximal plas-
patient heterogeneity in the glucuronidation ma nifedipine concentrations in two sub-
of 1-hydroxymidazolam. This can alter the jects upon co-administration of Ginkgo bi-
1-hydroxymidazolam/midazolam ratio in- loba extract, they also discussed possible
dependent of CYP3A4-mediated metabo- underlying mechanisms. Nifedipine has a
lism (Eap et al., 2004; Rogers et al., 2002; well recognized pharmacokinetic variability
Streetman et al., 2000). Therefore, it has this together with the overall study results
been suggested that using midazolam con- implies the absence of any Ginkgo biloba
centrations alone, as opposed to 1-hydro- effects in respect of the total nifedipine ex-
xymidazolam ratios, offers a more accurate posure (i.e., AUC). This supports the hy-
assessment of CYP3A4 activity (Nafziger pothesis that there is no systematic effect
and Bertino, 2007; Penzak et al., 2008). due to Ginkgo biloba on the bioavailability
of nifedipine. As nifedipine is an antihyper-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

tensive drug known to be primarily metabo- CYP2C9 induction and some inhibition of
lized by CYP3A4 (Bailey et al., 2013; Ne- intestinal CYP3A4 were achieved with su-
bert and Russell, 2002), this interpretation pra-therapeutic doses (360 mg/day) of
would be in agreement with previous re- Ginkgo biloba extract. The study results of
ports from other investigators showing lack drug interactions with Ginkgo biloba ex-
of effect of Ginkgo biloba on metabolism tract on CYP3A4- and CYP2C9 metaboli-
and pharmacokinetics of CYP3A4 metabo- cally cleared drugs show minimal effect
lized drugs. due to Ginkgo biloba extract (Hermann and
Effects of a higher daily dose (360 mg/ von Richter, 2012). Thus, this is in agree-
day, for 28 days) of Ginkgo biloba extract ment with reports from other studies that
on CYP3A4 and CYP2C9, were evaluated suggested there was no effect by Ginkgo
(Uchida et al., 2006). CYP3A4 probe (mid- biloba extract on the activity of these en-
azolam) and CYP2C9 probe (tolbutamide) zymes at recommended doses.
were orally administered as a single dose to Zuo et al. (2010) employed diazepam as
10 healthy volunteers before and after in- a probe substrate of CYP2C19 and
take of Ginkgo biloba extract. AUC(0- CYP3A4 to determine the effects of Ginkgo
infinity) for midazolam was significantly biloba extract on the pharmacokinetics of
increased (25 %) by Ginkgo biloba extract diazepam. A single oral dose (10 mg) of
intake and oral clearance was significantly diazepam was given either alone or con-
decreased (26 %). These results suggested comitantly with oral Ginkgo biloba extract
that Ginkgo biloba extract may inhibit the (120 mg twice daily) for 28 days to 12
activity of CYP3A4, therefore it increased healthy volunteers. They found that total
exposure to drugs cleared by CYP3A4 AUC for diazepam and the main metabolite
(Uchida et al., 2006). Furthermore, these N-desmethyldiazepam were essentially un-
researchers examined the potential interac- altered. This data indicate that the disposi-
tion between Ginkgo biloba extract and tion of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 substrates
CYP2C9-metabolized drugs using tolbut- is unlikely to be markedly modified by re-
amide as a CYP2C9 probe. Their results commended doses of Ginkgo biloba prod-
have shown that the AUC(0-infinity) for ucts (Zuo et al., 2010).
tolbutamide after Ginkgo biloba extract in- The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on
take was slightly but significantly (16 %) the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynam-
lower than that before Ginkgo biloba ex- ics of warfarin was investigated in 12
tract intake. Co-administration of Ginkgo healthy subjects (Jiang et al., 2005). A sin-
biloba extract with tolbutamide tended to gle 25-mg dose of warfarin (Coumadin™)
reduce AUC(0-2h) of blood glucose- was given to each subject with and without
lowering effect of tolbutamide. Therefore, pretreatment with multiple doses of Ginkgo
the authors suggested that the combination biloba for 1 week (Tavonin™; 40 mg three
of Ginkgo biloba extract and drugs should times a day = 120 mg/day). Dosing of
be cautiously in terms of the potential inter- Ginkgo biloba was continued for a further
actions, especially in elderly patients or pa- week after warfarin administration. S-war-
tients treated with drugs exerting relatively farin is mainly metabolized to S-7-hydroxy-
narrow therapeutic windows (Uchida et al., warfarin by CYP2C9, and R-warfarin is
2006). When considering the magnitude of metabolized by CYP1A2 and CYP3A4. Us-
changes in pharmacokinetic parameters of ing warfarin as a probe substrate, thereby
CYP3A4 and CYP2C9-metabolized drugs allows for a separate mechanistic assess-
caused by taking Ginkgo biloba extract ment of any potential change of these meta-
concomitantly with the drugs, it revealed a bolic pathways by concomitant Ginkgo bi-
minor alteration in the activities of these loba treatment. Co-administration of rec-
CYP enzymes of interest. This minor ommended doses of a commonly used

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

herbal supplement, Ginkgo biloba did not case reports having documented possible
affect the pharmacokinetics and the phar- interactions between Ginkgo biloba and
macodynamics of warfarin enantiomers af- warfarin (Fugh-Berman and Ernst, 2001;
ter a single dose of warfarin in healthy male Izzo and Ernst, 2001). Such an interaction
subjects (Jiang et al., 2005). Also, Ginkgo is mostly relevant to elderly patients on an-
biloba did not affect blood clotting status or ticoagulant therapy. However, this interac-
platelet aggregation. tion appears to be attributable to the inhibi-
In addition, the effect of Ginkgo biloba tion of platelet activating factor by various
on the activity of CYP2C9, the isoform re- ginkgolides (Zhu et al., 1999). That is me-
sponsible for S-warfarin clearance, was as- diated by a pharmacodynamic mechanism.
sessed in 11 healthy volunteers who re- Explanation by a CYP-mediated metabo-
ceived single 100-mg doses of the non- lism for the Ginkgo biloba and warfarin in-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) teraction looks less possible based on the
flurbiprofen, a probe substrate for CYP2C9 clinical data described above (Gurley et al.,
(Greenblatt et al., 2006a). Subjects also re- 2002; Jiang et al., 2005).
ceived either a standardized Ginkgo biloba Yin and coworkers (Yin et al., 2004)
leaf preparation (Ginkgold, 3 doses of investigated the potential herbal drug inter-
120 mg) or matching placebo in a random- action between Ginkgo biloba and omepra-
ized crossover study. The study showed that zole, a widely used CYP2C19 substrate, in
pretreatment of healthy subjects with usual subjects with different CYP2C19 geno-
clinical doses of Ginkgo biloba has no de- types. Eighteen healthy Chinese subjects
tectable effect on the pharmacokinetics of a previously genotyped for CYP2C19 were
single dose of flurbiprofen or on the appar- studied. All subjects received a single
ent extent of formation of the principal hy- omeprazole 40 mg at baseline and then at
droxylated metabolite. The findings suggest the end of a 12-day treatment period with
that short-term exposure to Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba (140 mg, twice a day). Mul-
does not inhibit CYP2C9 activity in vivo tiple blood samples were collected over
(Greenblatt et al., 2006a). As the study in- 12 h, and 24 h urine was collected post
volved only short-term exposure to Ginkgo omeprazole dosing. Plasma concentrations
biloba, it was not intended to capture possi- of omeprazole and its metabolite omepra-
ble CYP2C9 induction that could occur zole sulfone were significantly decreased,
with long-term treatment. The results con- and 5-hydroxyomeprazole significantly in-
firm previous controlled clinical studies creased following Ginkgo biloba admin-
showing no effect of ginkgo on the pharma- istration in comparison to baseline. A sig-
cokinetics or pharmacodynamics of warfa- nificant decrease in the ratio of AUC of
rin which is metabolized by CYP2C9. This omeprazole to 5-hydroxyomeprazole was
finding is also supported by an in vivo study observed in the homozygous extensive me-
conducted by Mohutsky et al. (2006). They tabolizers, heterozygous extensive metabo-
carried out two pharmacokinetic studies in lizers, and poor metabolizers, respectively.
healthy subjects using tolbutamide and di- The decrease was greater in poor metabo-
clofenac as probe substrates of CYP2C9. lizers than extensive metabolizers. No sig-
They found there were no interactions be- nificant changes in the AUC ratios of
tween Ginkgo biloba extract and these omeprazole to omeprazole sulfone were
CYP2C9 probe substrates in vivo as observed. Renal clearance of 5-hydroxy-
demonstrated by the lack of effect on the omeprazole was significantly decreased af-
steady-state pharmacokinetics of diclofenac ter Ginkgo biloba, but the change was not
and the urinary metabolic ratio of tolbutam- significantly different among the three gen-
ide (Mohutsky et al., 2006). This evidence otype groups. Their results show that Gink-
seems to be contradictory to a number of go biloba can induce omeprazole hydro-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

xylation in a CYP2C19 genotype-depend- CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP-

ent manner and concurrently reduce the re- 3A4. In random order, the following pre-
nal clearance of 5-hydroxyomeprazole. Co- treatments were administered to 18 healthy
administration of Ginkgo biloba with ome- men and women for 8 days each: placebo
prazole or other CYP2C19 substrates may twice daily, EGb 761® 120 mg twice daily,
significantly reduce their effects, but further and EGb 761® 240 mg in the morning and
studies are warranted (Yin et al., 2004). placebo in the evening. The phenotyping
Possible effects of Ginkgo biloba as an cocktail was orally administered before and
inducer of CYP2C19 on single-dose phar- after the EGb 761®/placebo pretreatment
macokinetics of voriconazole were exam- periods. CYP probe drugs and metrics used
ined in 14 Chinese volunteers genotyped as were: tolbutamide (CYP2C9, plasma con-
either CYP2C19 extensive or poor metabo- centration 24-h postdose), omeprazole
lizers (Lei et al., 2009b). Pharmacokinetics (CYP2C19, omeprazole/5-hydroxy omepra-
of oral voriconazole 200 mg after admin- zole plasma ratio 3-h postdose), dextrome-
istration of Ginkgo biloba 120 mg twice thorphan (CYP2D6, dextromethorphan/
daily for 12 days were determined for up to dextrorphan plasma ratio 3-h postdose), and
24 hours in a 2-phase randomized crossover midazolam (CYP3A4, plasma concentra-
study. For extensive metabolizers, the me- tion 6-h postdose). EGb 761®/placebo rati-
dian value for voriconazole’s AUC(0 to in- os for phenotyping metrics were close to
finity) after administration of voriconazole unity for all CYP enzymes studied, except
alone was not significantly different from for CYP2C9, which may suggest a weak
that after voriconazole with Ginkgo biloba trend towards induction of these CYP2C
(P > 0.05). The other pharmacokinetic pa- family enzymes (Zadoyan et al., 2012).
rameters of voriconazole such as time to Their data obviously show that even a rela-
reach maximum concentration, half-life, tively high dose of 240 mg daily doses of
and apparent clearance also did not change EGb 761® extract, it has no inhibitory ef-
significantly for extensive metabolizers in fect towards CYP1A2, CYP2C9,
the presence of Ginkgo biloba. Pharmaco- CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4, irre-
kinetic parameters followed a similar pat- spective whether the product is given once
tern for poor metabolizers. The authors or twice daily (Zadoyan et al., 2012). The
concluded that 12 days of treatment with study also demonstrates that EGb 761® ex-
Ginkgo biloba did not significantly alter the tract does not induce the activity of human
pharmacokinetics of voriconazole in either CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 enzymes.
CYP2C19 extensive or poor metabolizers. Supplementation of Ginkgo biloba (EGb
Thus, the pharmacokinetic interactions be- 761® extract) may present a weak induc-
tween voriconazole and Ginkgo biloba may tion of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 enzymes,
have limited clinical significance. Based on which, however, seems very small to be of
these results, it can be assumed that - even clinical relevance (Hermann and von Rich-
at the highest recommended doses - Ginkgo ter, 2012; Zadoyan et al., 2012).
biloba-mediated CYP2C19-based pharma- Together, the existing evidence reveals
cokinetic drug interactions appear to be that taking Ginkgo biloba extract at re-
light and may have restricted clinical signif- commended doses up to daily doses of
icance. 240 mg do not have substantial or clinically
In recent study, cocktail phenotyping meaningful effects on the activity of human
design was used to evaluate the metabolic CYP enzymes including CYP1A2, CYP-
drug interaction profile of Ginkgo biloba 2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and
extract EGb 761® with respect to the ac- CYP3A4. Apparently, CYP2C19 enzyme
tivities of major CYP enzymes (Zadoyan et was shown to be moderately inducible by
al., 2012). These included CYP1A2, Ginkgo biloba extract products. This effect

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

appears to occur at the highest recommend- some have a narrow therapeutic index. Also
ed dose of level of 240 mg/day (Lei et al., approximately 50 % of clinically used
2009a). Also the induction effect on drugs are metabolized by human CYP3A4.
CYP2C19 may become somewhat more Therefore, lack of drug interaction (via
prominent with increasing doses of Ginkgo CYP metabolism) between majority of clin-
biloba extract (Yin et al., 2004). Further- ically used drugs metabolized by CYP2D6
more the extent of this induction effect and CYP3A4, and Ginkgo biloba provides a
might depend on the individual CYP2C19 safety for patients who currently take this
genotype of subjects (Yin et al., 2004) and herbal supplement.
possibly on characteristics of that particular Ginkgo biloba happen to be at this time,
CYP substrate. The existing evidence on the second best studied natural health prod-
this issue appears not to be consistent and uct, in regards to the clinical investigation
further investigation is warranted. of its metabolic and transporter-based
Findings on pharmacokinetic alterations pharmacokinetic drug interaction potential
of CYP3A4 due to taking Ginkgo biloba (Hermann and von Richter, 2012). The
concomitantly are not entirely consistent. available array of published mechanistic
Some studies suggested the possibility of herbal drug interaction studies permits rea-
presystemic induction of CYP3A4 with a sonable interpretations on the particular
high-dose treatment of Ginkgo biloba, drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter
whereas some data suggest CYP3A4 inhibi- effects of Ginkgo biloba products in vivo.
tion. For example, a study by Robertson et The information derived from these studies
al. (2008) showed a significant induction is largely consistent, with some minor dis-
effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on CYP3A4 agreements that may be accounted for dif-
enzyme, but the extent of enzyme induction ferences in study design, population stud-
(approximately 30 % reduction in AUC of ied, dose size, treatment durations, and per-
midazolam) was relatively small as com- haps differences in the composition of
pared to a large inter-individual variation in products investigated (Hermann and von
CYP3A4 activity observed in humans Richter, 2012).
(Watkins, 1994; Wrighton et al., 1993;
Zhang et al., 1997). Thus the overall extent St. John’s wort
of CYP3A4-related effects produced by St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum
Ginkgo biloba are usually weak and doubt- L.; family Clusiaceae) is a popular medici-
ful to be of clinical relevance, unless for nal herb used for the treatment of depres-
CYP3A4 drugs with a narrow therapeutic sion. Hypericum perforatum is a yellow-
index are involved. flowering, perennial herb native to Europe
The evidence described previously also which has been introduced to many temper-
suggests that standard daily dose of Ginkgo ate areas of the world and grows wild in
biloba extract has no appreciable effect on many meadows (Gurley et al., 2012). The
the activity of two important drug metabo- common name comes from its traditional
lizing enzymes, human CYP3A4 and flowering and harvesting on 24th June, the
CYP2D6. Human CYP2D6 enzyme is in- birthday of John the Baptist (St. John's
volved in the metabolism of approximately Day). St. John's wort is the most studied
25 % of drugs on the market (Zhou, 2009). botanical dietary supplement in the world.
It metabolizes several clinically used drugs With more than 2000 peer-reviewed articles
such as antidepressants (imipramine, published on its safety and efficacy (Gurley
desipramine and fluoxetine), cardiovascular et al., 2012). Many clinical trials have
drugs especially antiarrhythmic drugs (en- shown antidepressive efficacy of St. John's
cainide, flecainide), opioid analgesics wort superior to placebo and comparable to
(morphine, codeine and tramadol) in which standard antidepressants but with fewer side

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

effects than conventional antidepressive induced P-gp, a drug transporter protein.

agents (Linde et al., 2008). When used as a Co-administration of St. John’s wort also
single agent, a risk/benefit ratio has made markedly induced human CYP3A4,
St. John's wort one of the most readily con- CYP2E1 and CYP2C19 whereas it had no
sumed dietary supplements in the world. appreciable effect on CYP1A2, CYP2C9
St. John's wort affects the pharmacoki- and CYP2D6 (Arold et al., 2005; Dresser et
netics of several drugs by inducing CYP al., 2003; Hafner et al., 2010; Markowitz et
isozymes, such as CYP3A4, CYP2C19, al., 2003b; Roby et al., 2001; Wang et al.,
CYP2C9, and the drug transporter protein 2001, 2004, 2009; Wenk et al., 2004; Xie et
P-gp. This causes St. John's wort to be a al., 2005).
highly problematic botanical with regard to Induction of activity of CYP enzymes
CYP-mediated herbal drug interactions and P-gp is produced by hyperforin through
(Ang-Lee et al., 2001; Brazier and Levine, activation of the PXR (Hall et al., 2003;
2003; Gurley and Hagan, 2003; Izzo and Mai et al., 2004; Mueller et al., 2006). In-
Ernst, 2001). St. John’s wort contains nu- terestingly, it has been reported that the
merous pharmacologically active com- CYP induction effect of St. John’s wort was
pounds, including hyperforin, hypericin, dependent upon the active hyperforin con-
pseudohypericin, and flavonoids (e.g., tent (Mai et al., 2004; Mueller et al., 2006,
quercetin, quercitrin and I3,II8-biapigenin). 2009). Mai et al. (2004) found that co-
Hyperforin, the principal mediator of St. administration of cyclosporine A with the
John’s wort antidepressive action, and is the conventional St. John’s wort preparation
main reason for St. John’s wort herbal drug contained high-hyperforin content (7 mg) to
interaction potential. Hyperforin is a good renal transplant patients led to the expected
ligand for the pregnane xenobiotic receptor 40 % to 60 % decrease in AUC, Ctrough,
(PXR) and thus acts as a potent inducer of and Cmax values of cyclosporine A. This
CYP3A4 and P-gp, the gene product of significant decrease in cyclosporine A’s
MDR1 (Moore et al., 2000; Watkins et al., AUC values caused by the interaction with
2003). According to one estimate, hyperfor- St. John’s wort necessitated a substantial
in is the most potent PXR activator discov- increase in cyclosporine A dose to maintain
ered to date. The clinical severity of St. sufficient immunosuppression. In contrast,
John’s wort-drug interactions was first doc- the St. John’s wort preparation contained
umented in 1999-2000 (Gurley et al., with low-hyperforin content (0.1 mg) did
2005a). At that time, numerous clinics not significantly affect cyclosporine A
around the world reported that concomitant pharmacokinetics and did not require cyclo-
use of St. John’s wort and cyclosporine A sporine A dose adjustments compared with
produced remarkable reductions in blood baseline (Mai et al., 2004). The magnitude
levels of the immunosuppressant among of CYP3A4 induction mediated by St.
organ transplant recipients resulting in graft John’s wort correlated significantly with the
rejection. Since that time, an overabun- content of hyperforin in the St. John’s wort
dance of clinical studies has investigated extracts but not with the content of hyperi-
the effect of St. John’s wort on the pharma- cin (Gödtel-Armbrust et al., 2007; Komoro-
cokinetics of several medications (Gurley et ski et al., 2004; Mai et al., 2004).
al., 2005a). Interactions of St. John’s wort with an-
Clinical data revealed that St. John’s other immunosuppressant, tacrolimus
wort may cause both pharmacokinetic and (FK506), in renal transplant patients were
pharmacodynamic drug interactions. Em- also tested (Bolley et al., 2002). During
ploying well-established probe drugs, a long-term treatment with 2 mg/day of tacro-
large number of clinical studies have con- limus, the blood trough levels of tacrolimus
sistently demonstrated that St. John’s wort in the renal transplant patient had been sta-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

ble in a range from 6-10 mcg/L. The patient forin content St. John’s wort extract does
started a self-medication with St. John’s not change the plasma concentrations of
wort extract at a dosage of 600 mg per day oral contraceptives (Will-Shahab et al.,
because of a depressive mood disorder. Ap- 2009). Concomitant use of St. John’s Wort
proximately a month later, tacrolimus (at a daily consumption of 2.7 mg of hyper-
trough levels decreased sharply to a mini- forin) was associated with a significant in-
mum level of 1.6 mcg/L during St. John’s crease in the oral clearance of nore-
wort co-administration (Bolley et al., 2002). thindrone and a significant reduction in the
A re-evaluation of the patient’s drug history half-life of ethinylestradiol (Hall et al.,
revealed the above-mentioned antidepres- 2003). Serum concentrations of follicle-
sive self-medication, which was conse- stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone,
quently stopped. Tacrolimus trough levels and progesterone were not changed by St.
returned to the previous range of 6– John’s wort. Breakthrough bleeding hap-
10 mcg/L without change of dosage. Since pened in 7 of 12 women consuming St.
tacrolimus is a substrate for CYP3A4 and John’s wort compared with only 2 of 12
P-gp (Zhou, 2008), the decrease in the women in the control group (Hall et al.,
blood trough concentrations of tacrolimus is 2003). Changes in the plasma concentra-
likely to be due to the induction of tions of ethinylestradiol might also explain
CYP3A4 and P-gp by St. John’s wort. Low several reports of breakthrough bleeding
tacrolimus blood levels may present with (Hall et al., 2003; Murphy et al., 2005;
the risk of under-immunosuppression and Pfrunder et al., 2003). Induction of ethinyl-
result in rejection episodes with the risk of estradiol and norethindrone metabolism
graft loss. caused by St. John’s wort is in agreement
Another clinical relevance example is with increased CYP3A4 enzyme activity.
the interaction of St. John’s wort with the The authors also suggested that women tak-
oral contraceptive pill. Several cases of ing oral contraceptive pills should be ad-
women becoming pregnant unintentionly vised to expect breakthrough bleeding and
while taking oral contraceptives and St. should consider adding a barrier method of
John’s wort have been reported by authori- contraception when using St. John’s wort.
ties in the UK (7 cases), Germany (4 cases) With regard to the herbal drug interac-
and Sweden (2 cases) (Murphy, 2002). An tions via CYP caused by St. John’s wort co-
interesting case report described a 36-year- administration, there were many case re-
old woman became pregnant unexpectedly ports in humans. Some of these are that are
while using a combined oral contraceptive, worth mentioning are as follows. Concomi-
ethinylestradiol/dienogest (Schwarz et al., tant administration, St. John’s wort causes a
2003). An evaluation revealed that she be- significant decrease in the blood concentra-
gan self-medicated with the over-the- tions of cyclosporine A (Dresser et al.,
counter St. John’s wort extract Helari- 2003) as previously mentioned. It was sug-
um®425 (Bionorica) with daily doses up to gested that this was due to St. John’s wort
1700 mg approximately 3 months prior to inducing human CYP3A4 and also the drug
conception. Prior to conception no other transporter protein P-gp. This in turn in-
medication was taken except the hormonal creased the elimination of cyclosporine A.
contraceptive pills. The clearance of hor- Long term co-administration of St. John's
mones such as ethinylestradiol, nor- wort with amitriptyline, reduced the plasma
ethindrone and ketodesogestrel has previ- concentrations of amitriptyline (Venkata-
ously been shown to be increased by St. krishnan et al., 1999). Similarly the mecha-
John’s wort (Hall et al., 2003; Murphy et nism was proposed to be attributed to the
al., 2005; Pfrunder et al., 2003). Even induction of CYP3A4. In addition, con-
though, co-administration with a low hyper- sistent observations were found with other

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

CYP3A4-metabolized drugs. These includ- cause unnecessary discomfort to the patient,

ed the anti-HIV agents indinavir, nevirapine leading to resumption of illicit drug use.
and ritonavir, in which co-administration of Methadone is mainly metabolized by hu-
St. John's wort produced a considerably man CYP3A4 enzyme. Thus, co-admini-
lower blood concentration of these anti- stration with St. John's wort, as expected,
HIV agents (Piscitelli et al., 2000). The caused induction of CYP3A4 and increased
suggested mechanism was attributed to the the metabolism and clearance of metha-
induction of CYP3A4 by St. John's wort. done. Another CYP3A4-metabolized drug
Furthermore, short-term (1-3 days) ad- that was reported to significantly affected
ministration of St. John’s wort did not in- by St. John's wort administration, was
duce CYP3A4 or P-gp, and long term (14 simvastatin. Taken with St. John's wort
days) treatment is generally required to concomitantly, St. John’s wort caused a
show the inductive effect (Markowitz et al., marked decrease in the blood concentra-
2000; Markowitz et al., 2003b). Wang et al. tions of simvastatin (Sugimoto et al., 2001).
(2001) used midazolam as a specific The induction of CYP3A and P-gp by St.
CYP3A4 probe and found that long-term John's wort was attributed to an increase in
(300 mg, three times a day for 14 days) St. the elimination of simvastatin, and this
John's wort administration caused a signifi- caused a decrease in the blood concentra-
cant increase in oral clearance of midazo- tions of this drug during St. John's wort co-
lam. While short-term administration of St. administration. Besides causing induction
John's wort (900 mg single dose) did not of CYP3A4, St. John's wort may also in-
have significant effect on CYP activities. duce two other human CYP enzymes,
This significant increase in oral clearance CYP1A2 and CYP2C9. A case report de-
of midazolam was due to the induction of scribed a 42-year old female started self-
CYP3A4 mediated by St. John's wort co- medicating with the over-the-counter St.
administration (Wang et al., 2001). The au- John’s wort extract supplement. This
thors commented that reduction in thera- caused a significant decrease in the plasma
peutic efficacy of drugs metabolized by concentrations of theophylline possibly due
CYP3A4 should be anticipated during long- to the induction of CYP1A2, the major en-
term administration of St. John's wort. The zyme responsible for the metabolism of
induction of CYP3A4 initiated by St. John's theophylline (Nebel et al., 1999). However,
wort was demonstrated to be time- this observation was not confirmed by a
dependent. This was illustrated by evidence well defined pharmacokinetic study con-
showing that oral clearance of midazolam ducted by Morimoto et al. (2004). They
was significantly increased after admin- found that a 15-day treatment with St.
istration of St. John's wort (300 mg three John's wort did not cause any significant
times daily for 14 days), and CYP3A4- change in the pharmacokinetics of theo-
induced activity progressively returned to phylline (Morimoto et al., 2004). Thus, in-
basal levels approximately 1 week after dicating that the effect of St. John’s wort on
completion of St. John's wort treatment the activity of human CYP1A2 needs fur-
(Imai et al., 2008). ther investigation.
In addition, a case report of drug inter- Evidence suggesting a possible induc-
action between St. John's wort and metha- tion of CYP2C9 was derived from a clinical
done was documented (Eich-Höchli et al., study carried out by Jiang et al. (2004).
2003). In this particular report it was found Their results have shown that St. John's
that prescription of St. John's wort de- wort significantly induced the clearance of
creased methadone blood levels and in- both S-warfarin and R-warfarin, which in
duced withdrawal symptoms which, if not turn caused a significant reduction in the
correctly identified and handled, might pharmacological effect of racemic warfarin.

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

On the other hand, St. John’s wort does not interactions between St. John's wort and
have a significant influence on the pharma- drugs include: (1) reduced blood cyclospor-
cokinetics of drugs such as ibuprofen (Bell ine A concentration associated in some cas-
et al., 2007) and carbamazepine (Burstein et es to rejection episodes; (2) reduced effica-
al., 2000). Even though CYP2C9 is primari- cy of the oral contraceptive pill, resulting in
ly responsible for the clearance of ibu- unwanted pregnancy, and (3) reduced
profen and carbamazepine. plasma concentration of antiretroviral, e.g.
A case report described a psychiatric indinavir, nevirapine, and anticancer drugs,
patient who experienced adverse reactions e.g. imatinib, irinotecan (Izzo, 2012). Fur-
from clozapine and St. John’s wort interac- thermore the use of St. John's wort prepara-
tion (van Strater and Bogers, 2012). This tions is not recommended in patients taking
patient was stable on a fixed dose with sta- immunosuppressants or cardiovascular
ble plasma level of clozapine. Her psychiat- drugs. When St. John’s wort needs to be
ric condition deteriorated after she started taken with other medications, it is recom-
self-medicating with St. John’s wort. This mended that practitioners should only use
was consistent with a decreased plasma St. John's wort preparations with a low hy-
clozapine concentration during the St. perforin content and ensure a careful moni-
John’s wort’s co-administration. After the toring scheme. It is also suggested that be-
withdrawal of St. John’s wort, the reduced cause of the reduction in the bioavailability
plasma clozapine level and the psychiatric of oral contraceptives administered concur-
condition normalized. It is likely that St. rently with St. John's wort, women taking
John’s wort induced CYP3A4, leading to a St. John's wort preparations should utilize
decrease in plasma clozapine levels in this additional preventive methods to avoid un-
patient. However, some studies have shown intended pregnancy. When compared with
that plasma clozapine levels would decrease earlier studies that employed young sub-
in interaction with St. John’s wort as a re- jects, the data suggest that some age-related
sult of induction of CYP1A2 enzyme (Ne- changes in CYP responsivity to herbal sup-
bel et al., 1999; Miller, 2001). Physicians plementation may be present (Gurley et al.,
should be alert to patients self-medicating 2005a). Therefore, concomitant ingestion of
with over-the-counter medicines, especially herbal supplements with prescription medi-
St. John’s wort which can lower clozapine cations should be strongly discouraged in
concentrations below the therapeutic range the elderly.
(van Strater and Bogers, 2012).
In summary, a great number of studies Garlic
have shown that St. John's wort can pro- Garlic (Allium sativum; family Amaryl-
duce both pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- lidaceae) is the third best-selling herbal
dynamic interactions. The clinical conse- supplement in the United States. This is
quences of such St. John's wort-drug inter- mainly due to the number of its clinically
actions are dependent upon a range of fac- established pharmacological properties –
tors such as the dosage, duration and thera- antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, antiathe-
peutic range of the treatment. Hyperforin rogenic, antitumorigenic, fibrinolytic, anti-
appears to play an important role in the in- carcinogenic, immunomodulatory, antimi-
duction effect on CYP and P-gp caused by crobial and hypoglycemic activities (Foster
St. John's wort. As the potential for St. et al., 2007). Garlic is widely used around
John’s wort-drug interactions is very signi- the world for its pungent flavor as a season-
ficant therefore, patients taking prescription ing or condiment. It is also taken in the
drugs should be strongly advised not to take form of an extract in dietary supplements.
herbal products containing St. John's wort. Fresh garlic and garlic in dietary supple-
Well-documented and clinically relevant ment form may have different physiological

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

effects and properties, with both forms pur- enzymatically converted to allicin, the ma-
ported to have antibacterial and cholesterol- jor garlic component, which displays con-
lowering properties. Daily dosages general- siderable chemical instability and is quickly
ly recommended in the literature for adults degraded to an array of organosulfur com-
are 4 g (1-2 cloves) of raw garlic, one 300 pounds (e.g., diallyl sulfide, diallyl disul-
mg dried garlic powder tablet (standardized fide, diallyl trisulfide) that are supposed to
to 1.3 % allicin or 0.6 % allicin yield) two ultimately present the main pharmacologi-
to three times per day, or 7.2 g of aged gar- cal effects (Lam and Ernst, 2006).
lic extract per day (Tattelman, 2005). Oil- Even though the use of garlic prepara-
soluble compounds also present in garlic, tions is extremely popular, preclinical evi-
mainly allicin, sulfides, ajoenes, and vinyl- dence and clinical case reports on the po-
dithiins, are quickly metabolized in the tential garlic drug interactions have been
body after consumption and are not found documented. There were also some sus-
in the urine and blood. pected pharmacodynamic-based drug inter-
Organosulfur compounds, flavonoids, actions associated with garlic use. Well-
sapogenins and saponins, selenium com- designed clinical studies assessing drug in-
pounds and fructosamines have been recog- teractions with garlic preparations are re-
nized as the main bioactive principles in markably very limited (Hermann and von
raw garlic and different garlic supplements Ritcher, 2012). Fukao et al. (2004) investi-
(Berginc and Kristl, 2012). Polyphenolic gated the in vivo effect of garlic allyl sul-
compounds (i.e., flavonoids) apigenin, fides on the phase I and phase II drug-
quercetin, nobiletin, tangeretin, rutin, allix- metabolizing enzymes in rats. A highly pu-
in, myricetin and bergamottin from garlic rified form of each sulfide was adminis-
are good antioxidants with potential cardio- tered i.p. as a bolus to rats at a concentra-
preventive and anticancer activities (Berg- tion of 10 or 100 micromol/kg body weight
inc and Kristl, 2012). Flavonoids have also for 14 consecutive days. As to the phase I
been shown to modulate the activities of enzymes, diallyl sulfide (100 micromol/kg)
intestinal/hepatic transporters (P-glycopro- slightly but significantly increased CYP2E1
tein – P-gp, multidrug resistance-associated activity (1.6-fold vs. control), whereas dial-
protein 2 - MRP-2, breast cancer resistance lyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide did not
protein - BCRP, organic anion-transporting affect it or the hepatic total CYP level or
polypeptide - OATP) and enzymes (mainly CYP1A1/2 activity. With regard to the
CYP) in vitro. Therefore, these increase the phase II enzymes, diallyl trisulfide (10 mi-
probability of garlic-drug interactions. cromol/kg) and diallyl disulfide at a 10-fold
Pharmaceutical products developed higher dose (100 micromol/kg) significant-
from garlic bulbs/cloves are made available ly increased the activities of glutathione S-
in the forms of powders, oily preparations, transferase, quinone reductase, and antioxi-
or aqueous-alcoholic extracts of fresh or dative enzyme glutathione peroxidase;
aged garlic. Due to the complex chemistry, whereas diallyl sulfide did not. The authors
different manufacturing processes result in suggested that the upregulation of glutathi-
preparations of quite different chemical one S-transferase enzyme by garlic sulfide
composition and pharmaceutical properties. constituents may have been implicated in
This in turn may yield the products with the detoxification of carcinogens (Fukao et
different pharmacological, safety, and bio- al., 2004). On the other hand, conflicting
availability characteristics (Greenblatt et results have been reported in which garlic
al., 2006b; Johne and Roots, 2005). was shown to inhibit the activities of
Up to now, the identified active constit- CYP2E1, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 (An and
uents of garlic include alliin, allinase, dial- Morris, 2010).
lyldisulfide, ajoens, and others. Alliin is

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

Two in vitro studies on cell-free en- supplements or garlic dietary constituents

zymes demonstrated that garlic constituents on the activities of human CYP enzymes.
competitively inhibit several recombinant The effects of acute administration of die-
CYP enzymes, namely CYP2C9, CYP2C19 tary supplement garlic oil extract, diallyl
and CYP3A4 (Foster et al., 2001; Zou et sulphide on cytochrome CYP2E1 activity in
al., 2002). Aqueous extracts from odorless healthy volunteers were evaluated using the
garlic products inhibited CYP3A4 to a selective CYP2E1 probe substrate, chlor-
slightly greater extent than CYP2C9. zoxazone (Loizou and Cocker, 2001).
Steam-distilled garlic oil inhibited CYP2C9 These studies have demonstrated that garlic
and CYP3A4 to a comparable extent, while dietary constituent diallyl sulfide, adminis-
freeze-dried garlic tablets did not inhibit tered at dietary concentration can inhibit
CYP2C9 activity (Zou et al., 2002). Allicin, human CYP2E1 activity. The inhibitory
a major organosulfur constituent of some effect of diallyl sulfide may be additive
garlic supplements, was a more potent in- with daily consumption of allium vegeta-
hibitor of cDNA-expressed CYP2C9 than bles in particular. This may explain the
CYP3A4 (Zou et al., 2002). On the other lower CYP2E1 phenotypic metabolic ratios
hand, a study using human liver micro- measured in various European and Mexican
somes found that only two garlic constitu- cohorts and is consistent with the lower in-
ents, S-allyl- or S-methyl-L-cysteine at cidence of stomach, liver and colon cancers
0.1 mg/mL significantly inhibited CYP3A4, observed in southern Europeans (Loizou
with no appreciable effect on CYP2C9, and Cocker, 2001). These results are con-
CYP2C19 or CYP1A2 (Foster et al., 2001). sistent with an earlier study on effects of
Another in vitro study investigated the ef- garlic oil extract on CYP2E1 activity,
fects of garlic phytochemicals and aged which also employed chlorzoxazone as a
garlic extract on the hepatic pharmacokinet- selective CYP2E1 probe (Gurley et al.,
ics of two antiretroviral drugs (saquinavir 2002, 2005b). Repeat administration of gar-
and darunavir) which are primarily metabo- lic oil over 28 days was shown to moderate-
lized by human CYP3A4 (Berginc et al., ly reduce CYP2E1 activity by 39 % in
2010). The results have shown that the gar- healthy adult subjects (Gurley et al., 2002)
lic phytochemicals including diallyl sulfide and by approximately 22 % in elderly indi-
and S-methyl-L-cysteine, and aged garlic viduals (Gurley et al., 2005a). Of note,
extract inhibited CYP3A4-mediated metab- these data derived from human study are in
olism of both anti-retroviral drugs, saqui- contrast with those results obtained by Fu-
navir and darunavir. kao et al. (2004) in which they investigated
In addition, Ho and co-workers (Ho et the in vivo effect of garlic allyl sulfides on
al., 2010) used an immortalized human the CYP2E1 enzyme in rats. Fukao et al.
hepatocyte, Fa2N-4 cell line, to evaluate the (2004) reported that diallyl sulfide (100 mi-
effects of garlic extract on the activity of cromol/kg) significantly increased CYP2E1
CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 in the cells. They activity (1.6-fold vs. control) in rats sug-
found that garlic extract suppresses gesting garlic diallyl sulfide induced rat
CYP2C9 activity without affecting CYP2E activity. This difference in their
CYP3A4. These results suggest that the results could simply be due to species dif-
concomitant administration of garlic sup- ference in CYP activity and specificity.
plements with drugs metabolized by The benzodiazepines alprazolam and
CYP2C9 may lower metabolic clearance of midazolam, as well as the anticancer drug
the CYP2C9 drugs and potentially cause docetaxel are extensively used as probes for
adverse drug reactions. CYP3A4 activity because they are exclu-
A number of clinical studies were con- sively metabolized by intestinal and hepatic
ducted to determine the effects of garlic CYP3A4. Markowitz and co-workers ex-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

amined the influence of a garlic extract on containing alliin and allicin significantly
the activity of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 in 14 decreased the AUC and Cmax of the prote-
healthy volunteers (Markowitz et al., ase inhibitor saquinavir (Piscitelli et al.,
2003c). Probe substrates dextromethorphan 2002a). It suggested that garlic supplement
(CYP2D6) and alprazolam (CYP3A4) were caused an induction of human CYP3A4.
administered orally at baseline and again This was not consistent with the findings
after treatment with garlic extract (3 x described previously (Jacek et al., 2004;
600 mg twice daily) for 14 days. They Markowitz et al., 2003c). The induction ef-
found no significant differences in the ac- fect of garlic supplement could be a result
tivity of CYP2D6 between the baseline and of the use of higher doses, at least with re-
garlic phases. For CYP3A4 as assessed by spect to allicin content, or possibly the
using alprazolam, there were no significant longer dosing period (20 days versus 14
differences in pharmacokinetic parameters days in Markowitz et al.’s study). Another
of alprazolam at baseline and after garlic study with supplements devoid of allicin,
extract treatment. These results indicate that for a period of 4 days, also indicated chang-
garlic extracts are unlikely to alter the dis- es in pharmacokinetic parameters of ri-
position of co-administered medications tonavir, although the results were not statis-
primarily metabolized by CYP2D6 or tically significant (Gallicano et al., 2003).
CYP3A4. Latter study also showed that a The authors also commented that as the ef-
28-day treatment with garlic oil did not fects of both ritonavir and garlic on enzyme
have a significant effect on the pharmaco- inhibition and enzyme induction are com-
kinetics of midazolam in the elderly plicated, the results of their study should
(Gurley et al., 2005a). Moreover, Cox et al. not be extrapolated to steady state condi-
(2006) have demonstrated that a 12-day tions, where the possibility of an interaction
treatment with garlic did not affect the still needs to be evaluated (Gallicano et al.,
pharmacokinetics of a CYP3A4 substrate, 2003). Both saquinavir and ritonavir not
docetaxil in 10 women with metastatic only are metabolized by CYP3A4 but also
breast cancer. The lack of garlic treatment are substrates for P-glycoprotein (Lee et al.,
on the activity of human CYP3A4 in 1998). It was proposed that the pharmaco-
healthy subjects was further confirmed by a kinetic changes observed for saquinavir and
clinical study using another CYP3A4 sub- ritonavir after garlic treatment may not be
strate drug, saquinavir. In this study, the due to induction of CYP3A4 but rather the
results have shown that garlic extract had influence of garlic constituents on another
no significant effect on saquinavir pharma- enzyme or transporter such as P-
cokinetics and hepatic CYP3A4 function glycoprotein (Markowitz et al., 2003c).
measured by the erythromycin breath test However, any conclusions on the metabolic
(Jacek et al., 2004). Collectively, these tri- effects of garlic based on inter-study com-
als signify that garlic has no effect on the parisons are somewhat restricted. This is
CYP3A4 enzyme in humans. These find- mainly because all published interaction
ings are consistent with an in vitro observa- studies have used different garlic formula-
tion in which a number of water-soluble tions, treatment durations, and probe sub-
garlic components of aged garlic have been strates (Markowitz et al., 2003c).
shown to not affect the activity of human The well-known adverse interaction be-
CYPs in vitro (Greenblatt et al., 2006b). tween garlic and warfarin is probably due to
These suggest that drug interactions involv- the antiplatelet effects of garlic. A number
ing inhibition of CYP3A4 enzyme by aged of case reports have proposed that garlic
garlic extract are very unlikely. may influence platelet function and blood
Conflicting results were reported in a coagulation which can lead to a risk of
clinical study showing a garlic supplement bleeding (Borrelli et al., 2007). Two pa-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

tients having the international normalized tected effects of garlic on CYP2E1 do not
ratio (INR) previously stabilized on warfa- emerge to have crucial clinical implications
rin were found to have changed INR values (Hermann and von Ritcher, 2012; Yuan et
after garlic intake (Sunter, 1991). There is al., 2004). This viewpoint is further sup-
also evidence that some of the antiplatelet ported by a study in healthy adult subjects,
activity might be irreversible and thus it has in which a 3-month administration of aged
been suggested that patients stop ingestion garlic extract (10 mL once daily) did not
at least seven days prior to surgery (Ang- have any significant effect on oxidative me-
Lee et al., 2001). Few case reports have tabolism of acetaminophen, to which
highlighted the possibility that garlic may CYP2E1 is known to be an important con-
increase the risk of bleeding, particularly in tributor, besides CYP3A4 and CYP1A2
patients undergoing surgery. In contrast, the (Gwilt et al., 1994).
results obtained from two clinical studies Collectively, there is sound consistent
have suggested that garlic (enteric-coated evidence that recommended doses of many
tablets or aged garlic extract) did not alter varieties of garlic preparations do not have
the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics any significant effect on CYP3A4 activity
of warfarin and that garlic had no serious in vivo. To our knowledge, the question of
haemorrhagic risk for adequately monitored whether garlic preparations might be en-
patients receiving warfarin (Macan et al., gaged in transporter-based drug interactions
2006; Mohammed Abdul et al., 2008). has not yet been dealt with in human phar-
Astonishingly, garlic has been suggested to macokinetic studies. Additionally the pre-
decrease the INR of the anticoagulant flu- clinical evidence regarding this question is
indione in an 82-year-old man (Pathak et still not well recognized (An and Morris,
al., 2003). A rational explanation is not 2010). With the limited existing evidence
known for such an interaction. from human in vivo drug interaction stud-
The above evidence indicates reliably ies, there is no indication that garlic may
that neither single nor repeat dose admin- present any remarkable or clinically im-
istrations of several garlic formulations up portant metabolism-based pharmacokinetic
to 28 days might have the ability to exert interactions with drugs, mainly cleared by
important alterations (i.e., inhibition or in- CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, or CYP3A4
duction) of the activities of CYP1A2, enzymes. Therefore, many of the findings
CYP2D6, or CYP3A4 in humans. These from in vitro studies still need to be con-
CYP isozymes play an important role in the firmed by results from clinical interaction
metabolic pathways of many drugs that are studies before we can implement recom-
likely to be co-administered with garlic mendations for herbal drug interactions.
supplements. In clinical expressions, these
findings reveal that garlic preparations are Goldenseal
unlikely to modify the disposition of co- Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis, or-
administered drugs which are metabolized angeroot) is a perennial herb in the butter-
by these CYP enzymes. In contrast, repeat cup family Ranunculaceae, indigenous to
administration of garlic oil over 28 days southeastern Canada and the northeastern
appeared to moderately decrease CYP2E1 United States. Botanical goldenseal sup-
activity in healthy and elderly individuals plement is used for the common cold and
(Gurley et al., 2002, 2005a). However, as upper respiratory tract infections, as well as
the overall extent of CYP2E1 inhibition by stuffy noses and hay fever. Some people
garlic is moderate, and scarcely any clini- use goldenseal for digestive disorders in-
cally used drugs are dependant on CYP2E1 cluding stomach pain and swelling (gastri-
as an exclusive or predominant metabolic tis), peptic ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, consti-
pathway (except chlorzoxazone), the de- pation, and hemorrhoids, as well as men-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

strual disorders. In addition, goldenseal is al., 2005b) in 12 healthy volunteers. They

being used as a topical antimicrobial reme- were given a pretreatment of goldenseal
dy to disinfect cuts and scrapes (Weber et dietary supplement for 28 days. Probe drug
al., 2003). Goldenseal contains a number of cocktails of midazolam (CYP3A4) and caf-
isoquinoline alkaloids such as hydrastine, feine (CYP1A2), followed 24 hours later by
berberine, berberastine, hydrastinine, tetra- chlorzoxazone (CYP2E1) and debrisoquine
hydroberberastine, canadine, and cana- (CYP2D6), were administered before (base-
lidine. Hydrastine and berberine are the line) and at the end of supplementation.
main active constituents (Weber et al., Presupplementation and postsupplementa-
2003). Commercial dietary supplement tion phenotypic trait measurements were
preparations of goldenseal standardized ex- determined for activity of CYPs of interest
tracts are available in liquid, tablet, and as previously described (Gurley et al.,
capsule forms. Recommended doses of the 2005b). Comparisons of pre-supplementa-
powdered root vary widely and range from tion and post-supplementation phenotypic
750 mg to 6 grams in tablet or capsule form ratio means revealed significant inhibition
per day, to be given 2 to 3 times daily. (approximately 40 %) of CYP2D6 and
Goldenseal preparations possess wide- CYP3A4 activity for goldenseal. Whereas,
spread popularity and are among the top 20 there was no considerable effect of golden-
bestselling botanical products in the United seal on CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 activities.
States (Ettefagh et al., 2011). Thus, this was the first clinical study con-
Evidence obtained from in vitro studies vincingly indicating that goldenseal root
have suggested that goldenseal root was the extract, given at recommended doses,
most potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 among 21 showed to remarkably inhibit CYP2D6 and
popular herbal products tested for the inhi- CYP3A4 in vivo. Accordingly, serious ad-
bitory potential. A number of clinical stud- verse interactions may rise from the con-
ies on goldenseal and drug interactions comitant intake of goldenseal supplements
have been reported. Sandhu et al. (2003) and drugs that are metabolized by CYP2D6
investigated the influence of goldenseal and CYP3A4 (Gurley et al., 2005b).
root on the pharmacokinetics of the Researchers from the same group have
CYP3A4 substrate indinavir in 10 healthy continued studying the effects of goldenseal
volunteers. The pharmacokinetics of a sin- supplementation on human CYP3A4 activi-
gle oral dose (800 mg) indinavir were char- ty (Gurley et al., 2008a). This was evaluat-
acterized in subjects before and after 14 ed by using midazolam as a phenotypic
days of treatment with goldenseal root probe for human CYP3A4 and studied in 16
(1140 mg twice daily). No statistically sig- healthy volunteers. The subjects were ran-
nificant differences in peak concentration domly assigned to receive either goldenseal
(11.6 vs. 11.9 mg/L) or oral clearance (26.8 or placebo for 14 days. Midazolam (8 mg)
vs. 23.9 mg*h/L) of indinavir were detected was administered before and after golden-
following treatment with goldenseal root. seal supplementation, and pharmacokinetic
These results suggest that patients being parameters were assessed. The results have
treated with indinavir can safely take gold- shown that means of midazolam’s AUC0-∞
enseal root and that interactions with other and Cmax were increased by approximately
drugs metabolized by hepatic CYP3A4 are 63 % and 40 %, respectively, upon golden-
unlikely (Sandhu et al., 2003). seal supplementation. These indicated that
Single-time point phenotypic metabolic goldenseal supplementation caused signifi-
ratios were used to determine if long-term cant inhibition of CYP3A4 (Gurley et al.,
supplementation of goldenseal (Hydrastis 2008a). In contrast, the potent CYP3A4 in-
canadensis) affected CYP1A2, CYP2D6, hibitor clarithromycin produced about 5.5-
CYP2E1, or CYP3A4 activity (Gurley et fold (i.e., 548 %) and about 2-fold (217 %)

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

increases in midazolam’s AUC0-∞ and months) on the pharmacokinetics of cyclo-

Cmax values, respectively (Gurley et al., sporine A. Blood trough concentration of
2008a). Therefore, according to current cyclosporine A and biochemistry indexes
FDA drug interaction guideline recommen- for hepatic and renal functions were deter-
dations (US Department of Health and Hu- mined. For the comprehensive pharmacoki-
man Services, Food and Drug Administra- netic study, 6 renal-transplant recipients
tion Center for Drug Evaluation and Re- were treated with a 3-mg/kg dose of cyclo-
search 2012), these data classified golden- sporine A, twice a day, before and after oral
seal root extract, at the given recommended co-administration of 200 mg berberine three
dose, as a weak inhibitor of CYP3A4 (i.e., times a day, for 12 days. The trough blood
< 2-fold increase in AUC of the sensitive concentrations and the ratios of concentra-
CYP3A4 probe midazolam). tion/dose of cyclosporine A in the berber-
Gurley et al. (2008b) also conducted a ine-treated group increased by 88.9 % and
similar study to determine the effects of 98.4 %, respectively, compared with those
goldenseal supplementation on in vivo ac- at baseline (P < 0.05). For the berberine-
tivity of another human CYP enzyme, free group, these parameters rose by 64.5 %
CYP2D6. Healthy subjects (N = 16) were and 69.4 %, respectively, when compared
randomized to receive a standardized gold- to those at baseline (P < 0.01). However,
enseal extract for 14 days on separate occa- the final blood concentrations and the ratios
sions. The CYP2D6 probe substrate, de- of concentration/dose of cyclosporine A in
brisoquine (5 mg), was administered before berberine-treated patients were still 29.3 %
and at the end of supplementation. Pre- and and 27.8 %, respectively, higher than those
post-supplementation phenotypic trait in berberine-free patients (P < 0.05). No
measurements were assessed for CYP2D6 significant effects on liver or renal func-
activity (Gurley et al., 2008b). Comparisons tions were detected under co-administration
of pre- and post-supplementation, results of berberine. For the comprehensive phar-
revealed significant inhibition (approxi- macokinetic study, the results showed that
mately 50 %) of CYP2D6 activity caused following co-administration of berberine in
by goldenseal supplementation. Conse- six patients for 12 days, the mean AUC of
quently, adverse herbal drug interactions cyclosporine A was increased by 34.5 % (P
may result with concomitant ingestion of < 0.05). The average percentage increase in
goldenseal supplements and drugs that are the steady-state drug concentration (Css)
CYP2D6 substrates (Gurley et al., 2008b). was 34.5 % (P < 0.05). The mean half-life
In addition, there were other two clini- (t1/2) of cyclosporine A was increased by
cal studies evaluating the effect of berber- 2.7 h (P < 0.05). In addition, the average
ine, a major alkaloid constituent in golden- percentage decrease in apparent oral clear-
seal extract, on the pharmacokinetics of cy- ance (CL/F) of cyclosporine A was 40.4 %
closporine A. An immonosupressive agent, (P < 0.05). This study has demonstrated that
cyclosporine A is a drug with narrow thera- berberine can markedly elevate the blood
peutic index and primarily metabolized by concentration of cyclosporine A in renal-
CYP3A4. These studies were conducted in transplant recipients in both clinical and
Chinese renal transplant patients (Wu et al., pharmacokinetic trials. This combination
2005) and in healthy Chinese subjects (Xin may allow a reduction of the cyclosporine
et al., 2006). The first study was a random- A dosage. The mechanism for this interac-
ized, controlled clinical trial in 104 renal tion is most likely explained by inhibition
transplant recipients, in which Wu and col- of CYP3A4 by berberine in the liver and/or
leagues (Wu et al., 2005) examined the ef- small intestine (Wu et al., 2005).
fects of oral berberine supplementation The second study on effects of berber-
(tablets 200 mg, three times a day, for 3 ine on the pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

A was carried out in 12 healthy Chinese described findings on these enzymes. This
volunteers (Xin et al., 2006). Six volunteers particular study was conducted in 18 Chi-
were orally treated with 0.3 g berberine, nese healthy subjects who received orally
twice daily for 10 days. Pharmacokinetic either placebo or berberine capsules at a
studies of cyclosporine A at 6 mg/kg dos- dose of 300 mg three times a day (= 900
age were performed before and at the end mg/day) for 14 days (Guo et al., 2012).
of the berberine treatment period. Another Phenotypic effects of berberine supplemen-
six healthy volunteers participated in the tation on the activities of various CYP iso-
pharmacokinetic study with 3 mg/kg cyclo- zymes were evaluated by the administration
sporine A, in which the second single dose of the CYP-specific probe substances
of 3 mg/kg cyclosporine A was given con- namely caffeine (CYP1A2), losartan
comitantly with a single oral dose of 0.3 g (CYP2C9), omeprazole (CYP2C19), dex-
berberine. The blood cyclosporine A con- tromethorphan (CYP2D6), and midazolam
centrations were monitored. In the pharma- (CYP3A4). A remarkable decrease in
cokinetic study with 6 mg/kg cyclosporine CYP2D6 activity was observed followed
A and time-separated intake of the last ber- berberine supplementation, as the CYP2D6
berine dose, berberine did not cause any index, 0-8 h urinary dextromethorphan/
significant changes in the pharmacokinetic dextrorphan ratio increased about 9-fold
parameters of cyclosporine A. However, in (P < 0.01). In addition, the losartan/E-3174
the trial with 3 mg/kg cyclosporine A and ratio doubled (P < 0.01) after berberine ad-
the concomitant administration of cyclo- ministration, indicating a notable decrease
sporine A and berberine, the average per- in CYP2C9 activity. In contrast, CYP3A4
centage increase in AUC of cyclosporine A activity was only modestly inhibited, as the
was 19.2 % (P < 0.05), without altering Cmax, AUC0-∞, and AUC0-12h of mid-
elimination half-life, and apparent oral azolam were significantly increased after
clearance (CL/F). The present results sug- berberine treatment. Accordingly, the oral
gest that berberine can increase the oral bio- midazolam clearance was also modestly
availability of cyclosporine A at the dosage decreased by 27 % (P < 0.05). There were
of 3 mg/kg (Xin et al., 2006). The berber- no significant changes of the other probe
ine-mediated increase in cyclosporine A substances caffeine (CYP1A2) and ome-
bioavailability may be partly attributed to a prazole (CYP2C19). These results suggest-
decrease in liver and/or intestinal metabo- ed that repeated administration of berberine
lism through the inhibition of CYP3A4 in (900 mg/day) markedly decreased the activ-
the liver and/or gut wall. ity of CYP2D6, and appears to modestly
The outcomes derived from these two inhibit CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 activities. On
clinical studies even though are not totally the other hand, berberine administration
consistently, but the evidence pointed to a does not change CYP1A2 and CYP2C19
moderest inhibition of human CYP3A4 iso- function. Herbal drug interactions should be
zyme by berberine. However, with even considered when berberine is concomitantly
small changes in pharmacokinetic parame- administered with drugs that are metabo-
ters including AUC, Css and apparent oral lized by CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYP3A4
clearance, caused by co-administration with (Guo et al., 2012).
berberine, it may be important to consider In summary, a number of pharmacoki-
in case of concomitant treatment with nar- netic interaction studies with different gold-
row therapeutic index drugs that are sub- enseal root extract products at daily doses
strates of CYP3A4, such as cyclosporine A. up to 4 g revealed overall consistent results
With regard to the effects of goldenseal and categorized goldenseal root extract as a
root extract constituent, berberine on other weak inhibitor of CYP3A4 and CYP2D6
human CYP enzymes, a recent study has enzymes, according to FDA drug interac-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

tion guideline criteria. Of note, the existing and Girish, 2006). Milkthistle, along with
evidence for this assessment is most vigor- dandelion and other extracts are often re-
ous for CYP3A4, and based on phenotypic ferred to as hangover cures as the bitter
serum ratios or metabolite urinary recovery tincture helps organs clear toxins after
data only, for CYP2D6 enzyme. Moreover, heavy drinking.
results from single studies suggest that Milk thistle is one of the oldest and
goldenseal root extract does not alter the most extensively studied plants in the
activities of CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 en- treatment of alcoholic, toxic, and viral liver
zymes. To our knowledge, there is no in- diseases. Many years of research disclose
formation available in respect to potential the active flavanoid-lignan (flavanolignan)
in vivo effects of goldenseal on CYP2C9 group of constituents, called silymarin has
and CYP2C19 enzymes. In addition, the liver-protective and regenerative properties,
effects of goldenseal root extract constitu- as well as antioxidant effects. Silymarin
ent, berberine were similar to those of gold- represents a mixture of the flavonolignan
enseal root extract. The evidence suggests constituents’ sylibin (silibinin), isosilybin,
that berberine products have weak potential silidianin, and silichristin. Silymarin is ex-
to inhibit CYP3A4 and CYP2D6, but is un- tracted from dried milk thistle seeds, in
likely to alter CYP1A2 and CYP2C19 en- which it is contained at higher contents than
zymes. However, these findings and their in other parts of the plant. Silymarin has
clinical implication have to be confirmed structural similarities to steroid hormones,
by future studies. To be safe, care should be which may be linked to its pharmacological
applied when goldenseal root extract or actions. Silybin is the predominant and
berberine products are co-administered with pharmacologically most active component,
narrow therapeutic index drugs, which its constituting approximately 60-70 % of the
major metabolic pathway is catalyzed by isomers, followed by silychristin (20 %),
CYP3A4, CYP2D6 or CYP2C9 enzymes. and silydianin (10 %) (Pradhan and Girish,
2006). The silymarin content in milk thistle
Milk thistle extracts may range from 40-80 %. Recom-
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a mended daily doses of milk thistle extract
thistle of the genus Silybum, a flowering range between 210 to 800 mg, depending
plant of the daisy family (Asteraceae). The on patient characteristics and therapeutic
plant is native to the Mediterranean regions objectives (Pradhan and Girish, 2006). The
of Europe, North Africa and the Middle terms milk thistle, silymarin, and silybin are
East. The name "milk thistle" originates generally used interchangeably.
from a feature of the leaves, which are no- In the United States and Europe, about
tably banded with splashes of white. Histo- 65 % of patients with liver disease take
rically, these milky bands were said to be herbal preparations. The cost of the use of
Mother Mary's milk, and this is the origin silymarin reaches $ 180 million in Germany
of another common name, St. Mary's this- alone. In spite of the wealth of literature,
tle. For many centuries extracts of milk there is no firm clinical evidence to endorse
thistle have been recognized as “liver ton- the use of these substances in clinical prac-
ics”. Milk thistle has been reported to have tice (Loguercio and Festi, 2011). This dis-
protective effects on the liver and to greatly crepancy is attributed to various factors,
improve its function. It is typically used to such as quality of clinical trials, heterogene-
treat liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, toxin- ity of diagnoses, lack of standardized prepa-
induced liver damage including the preven- rations, and frequently inconsistent dosing
tion of severe liver damage from Amanita and outcome parameters.
phalloides ('death cap' mushroom poison- A number of in vitro studies revealed
ing), and gallbladder disorders (Pradhan that silymarin and silybin can exhibit inhi-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

bition of various CYP enzymes such as determined for activity of CYP3A4,

CYP3A4, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP2D6. The re-
CYP2D6 and CYP2E1 (Budzinski et al., sults from this study showed that daily dos-
2007; Etheridge et al., 2007; Sridar et al., es of 350 mg of a standardized milk thistle
2004; Venkataramanan et al., 2000). The extract did not affect human CYP1A2,
existing data suggest that the clearance of a CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4 enzyme
variety of drugs may be reduced by con- activities in vivo. Therefore, the long term
comitant use of milk thistle via inhibition of use of usual recommended dose of milk
CYP enzymes. In contrast, there is no con- thistle does not appear to cause a significant
clusive in vitro evidence that milk thistle interaction potential for drugs which are
would have considerable effects on the ac- metabolized by these enzymes (Gurley et
tivity of the drug transporter protein P-gp al., 2004).
(Budzinski et al., 2007; Etheridge et al., The same group of researchers conduct-
2007). ed another similar pharmacokinetic study in
A number of clinical studies have been 19 healthy young subjects (Gurley et al.,
performed to assess the in vivo effects of 2006). The difference was the subjects were
milk thistle products on various CYP en- dosed with substantially higher daily doses
zymes. Most of these were done by using of a standardized milk thistle supplement
specific probe drugs, so this allows us to (900 mg/day) for 14 days. The subjects also
identify and characterize the effects of milk received rifampin (300 mg twice a day) and
thistle on specific metabolic pathways. In clarithromycin (500 mg twice a day) for 7
the very early work, silymarin at the lower days as positive controls for CYP3A4 in-
end of usually recommended daily doses duction and inhibition, respectively. Identi-
(Legalon®, 70 mg three times a day = cal oral dose of midazolam (a CYP3A4
210 mg/day) was given orally to 16 healthy probe substrate) was administered before
subjects for 28 days. Their results have and after milk thistle supplementation and
shown that co-administration of silymarin control periods (Gurley et al., 2006). Unlike
had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of those observed for rifampin and clarithro-
the two non-specific CYP probes, aminopy- mycin, midazolam pharmacokinetics were
rine or phenylbutazone (Leber and Knauff, unaffected by milk thistle. Milk thistle sup-
1976). plementation appears to have no clinically
Later on, a defined pharmacokinetic relevant effect on CYP3A activity in vivo.
drug interaction was conducted (Gurley et Thus, these results confirm the previous
al., 2004) to determine whether long-term finding that milk thistle extract is not a clin-
supplementation of milk thistle (Silybum ically relevant modulator of human
marianum) extract affected CYP1A2, CYP3A4 enzyme activity in vivo. However,
CYP2D6, CYP2E1, or CYP3A4 enzyme given the inter-product variability in phyto-
activity. The study was performed in 12 chemical content, potency, and formulation
healthy subjects who were randomly as- among herbal supplements, these results
signed to receive milk thistle (175 mg twice may not extend to regimens utilizing higher
a day = 350 mg/day, standardized to 80 % dosages, longer supplementation periods, or
silymarins) for 28 days. Probe drug cock- brands with improved dissolution and/or
tails of midazolam (CYP3A4) and caffeine bioavailability characteristics (Gurley et al.,
(CYP1A2), followed 24 hours later by 2006).
chlorzoxazone (CYP2E1) and debrisoquine Furthermore, a similar observation re-
(CYP2D6), were administered before (base- garding the effect of milk thistle extract was
line) and at the end of supplementation. found with another CYP3A4 probe drug,
Pre-supplementation and post-supplemen- nifedipine (Fuhr et al., 2007). This pharma-
tation phenotypic trait assessments were cokinetic study was conducted to determine

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

whether inhibition of CYP3A4 by silymarin sure of indinavir, as evidenced by only 9 %

is present in vivo. Immediate release nifedi- reduction in the indinavir AUC after 3
pine (10 mg) was administered as a weeks of dosing with milk thistle (Piscitelli
CYP3A4 probe drug either alone or with et al., 2002b). This suggests that milk this-
co-administration of silymarin (560 mg) to tle in commonly recommended dosages
16 healthy volunteers. It was found that ni- should not interfere with indinavir therapy
fedipine AUC was 13 % higher in the si- in patients infected with the human immu-
lymarin period, and Cmax values were nodeficiency virus.
30 % lower than those of the baseline peri- In the second study (DiCenzo et al.,
od. There was a trend to delayed absorption 2003), pharmacokinetic drug interactions
of nifedipine in the silymarin period. Intra- were evaluated in 10 healthy volunteers.
individual variability especially for Cmax Indinavir (800 mg, three times a day) was
(intra-subject CV 120 %) was surprisingly given for four doses on days 1 and 2. Si-
high. Overall, this study confirmed that si- lymarin (160 mg, three times a day = 480
lymarin is not a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor in mg/day) was given on days 3-15. On day 16
vivo (Fuhr et al., 2007). Their data also and for one dose on day 17, both indinavir
suggest that co-administration of silymarin and silymarin were given at the same dos-
does not considerably alter the extent of ages. Pharmacokinetic parameters of indi-
absorption or metabolism of nifedipine but navir were assessed at steady state both be-
may delay the absorption rate (Fuhr et al., fore and after co-administration of si-
2007). This potential effect of silymarin co- lymarin for 14 days. The results showed
medication very much resembles the effect that pretreatment with silymarin for 14 days
of food on pharmacokinetics of immediate- had no considerable effect on the AUC at
ly release nifedipine, which probably is steady state and the trough plasma concen-
caused by delayed and more irregular gas- tration of indinavir. So these indicate that
tric emptying in the presence of food (Fuhr silymarin has no apparent effect on the
et al., 2007). pharmacokinetics of indinavir. Taken to-
There were two other pharmacokinetic gether, both indinavir pharmacokinetic drug
studies on milk thistle and drug interac- interaction studies generated consistent re-
tions. These studies determined whether sults, thus denoting that milk thistle extract
milk thistle extract may have the potential supplementation at usually recommended
to alter the pharmacokinetics of the HIV dose does not modify the activity of
protease inhibitor indinavir. Indinavir is a CYP3A4 in vivo to a clinically relevant ex-
known CYP3A4 and P-gp substrate. In the tent (DiCenzo et al., 2003).
first study (Piscitelli et al., 2002b), pharma- Another pharmacokinetic drug interac-
cokinetics of indinavir was investigated in tion study was carried out to evaluate the
10 healthy volunteers. Blood samples were effect of milk thistle root extract on the ac-
collected over 8 hours after the volunteers tivity of CYP3A4 (Rao et al., 2007). This
took four doses of indinavir 800 mg every 8 study used the H2-receptor antagonist
hours for baseline pharmacokinetics. This ranitidine as a model CYP3A4 substrate
dosing and sampling were repeated after the and ranitidine is also a putative P-gp sub-
subjects took milk thistle 175 mg (con- strate. They found that there was no notable
tained silymarin 153 mg as the active in- influence of silymarin on the pharmacoki-
gredient) three times a day for 3 weeks. Af- netics of ranitidine. This was revealed by
ter an 11-day washout, indinavir dosing and evidence showing that concomitant admin-
blood sampling were repeated to evaluate istration of silymarin (140 mg, three times a
the offset of any potential interaction. The day for 7 days) did not alter ranitidine
results have demonstrated that milk thistle Cmax and AUC(0-infinity). So this finding
did not alter significantly the overall expo- of lack of effect of milk thistle on CYP3A4

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

activity, is consistent with those reported ured. After a washout period of one week
previously (Gurley et al., 2004, 2006). silymarin was given at a daily dose of
Van Erp and co-workers (van Erp et al., 140 mg for 9 days. From day 7 both si-
2005) conducted a study to examine wheth- lymarin (140 mg/day) and metronidazole (3
er milk thistle affects the pharmacokinetics x 400 mg/day) were given till the 9th day.
of the anticancer drug irinotecan, a sub- On day 10, blood and urine were collected
strate for CYP3A4 and UDP glucuronosyl- as above and the concentrations of metroni-
transferase isoform 1A1 (UGT1A1) en- dazole and its metabolite were determined.
zymes, in humans. The study involved 6 The results have shown that co-admini-
cancer patients who were treated with iri- stration of silymarin increased the clearance
notecan (125 mg/m2) given as a 90-minute of metronidazole and its major metabolite,
infusion once weekly. Four days before the hydroxymetronidazole both by approxi-
second irinotecan dose, patients received mately 30 %, with a concomitant decrease
200 mg milk thistle capsules, three times a in half-life, Cmax and AUC. These findings
day (= 600 mg/day), for 14 consecutive indicate that silymarin might induce both
days. Each milk thistle capsule contained intestinal P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4 up-
200 mg milk thistle seed extract consisting on multiple dose administration (Rajnara-
of 80 % silymarin. Short-term (4 days) or yana et al., 2004). However, this finding is
more prolonged intake of milk thistle (12 in contrast with all other previous reports,
days) had no significant effect on clearance and reserved further investigations to clari-
of irinotecan. Whereas the extent of glucu- fy the issue and give insight to its underly-
ronidation of the irinotecan’s metabolite ing mechanism(s). In addition, a recent
SN-38 was relatively similar between pre- study has reported that milk thistle extract
supplementation and post-supplementation pro-ducts significantly inhibited PXR-
with milk thistle. These results suggested mediated CYP3A4 induction by rifampicin,
that the concentrations silybin achieved af- erlotinib and paclitaxel at the transcriptional
ter intake of milk thistle at this usual re- level (Mooiman et al., 2013). Their results
commended are too low to produce any demonstrate that milk thistle is able to pre-
significant effect on the activities of vent CYP3A4 induction and that silybin
CYP3A4 and UGT1A1 in vivo (van Erp et and isosilybin are responsible for this ef-
al., 2005). Thus, herbal drug interaction fect.
with milk thistle is unlikely in regard to an- Han et al. (2009) examined the effects
ticancer drugs metabolized by these two of silymarin on the pharmacokinetics of the
enzymes. Moreover, Flaig et al. (2007) pro- angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan
vided the best evidence that silybin can be and its active metabolite E-3174 and its re-
administered to humans at doses producing lationship with CYP2C9 genotypes in 12
anticancer-relevant concentrations, with healthy Chinese subjects. These subjects
minimal or no side effects. were of known CYP2C9 genotype (six
With respect to CYP2C9, an early clini- CYP2C9*1/*1 and six CYP2C9*1/*3). The
cal study (Rajnarayana et al., 2004) was pharmacokinetics of losartan and E-3174
undertaken in 12 healthy volunteers to de- were studied before and after a 14-day
termine the effects of milk thistle extract treatment with 140 mg of silymarin three
silymarin on the pharmacokinetics of met- times daily. The AUC of losartan increased
ronidazole (a substrate for CYP3A4 and (by approximately 2-fold) significantly fol-
CYP2C9). At first, subjects received met- lowing a 14-day silymarin treatment in sub-
ronidazole alone at a dose of 400 mg every jects with the CYP2C9*1/*1 genotype, but
8 h for 3 days. On day 4, blood and urine not in those with the CYP2C9*1/*3 geno-
were collected at different time points and type. Hence, the oral apparent clearance
metronidazole concentrations were meas- (CL/F) of losartan was also significantly

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

decreased by more than 2-fold after a 14- drugs which are metabolized by CYP2D6
day silymarin treatment in these enzyme.
CYP2C9*1/*1 genotype subjects. On the Overall, the existing evidence from clin-
other hand, in carriers of CYP2C9*1/*3, ical interaction studies is reasonably con-
there were no significant differences in any sistent and suggests that milk thistle or si-
pharmacokinetic parameters of losartan be- lymarin products consumed at recommend-
tween the placebo and silymarin treatment ed doses; do not change the activities of
groups. The AUC of E-3174 decreased sig- CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and
nificantly with a silymarin pretreatment in CYP2E1 enzymes. The evidence supporting
both CYP2C9*1/*1 and the CYP2C9*1/*3 a lack of interaction potential is most strong
subjects. The authors concluded that si- for CYP3A4. Also the findings from a sin-
lymarin inhibits the metabolism of losartan gle study in irinotecan-treated cancer pa-
to E-3174, however the magnitude of the tients suggest that co-administration of milk
inhibition on CYP2C9 is different depend- thistle or silymarin products is unlikely to
ent upon CYP2C9 genotypes (Han et al., markedly modify the activity of UGT1A1
2009). The findings from Han et al. (2009) and carboxylesterase 2 enzymes. On the
were followed up by Brantley and co- other hand, the available evidence regard-
workers (Brantley et al., 2010) who did ing CYP2C9 from a well-designed study in
study in vitro and found that silybin A and Chinese subjects (Han et al., 2009) con-
silybin B were the most potent CYP2C9 vincingly proposes the possibility of signif-
inhibiting constituents of silymarin extract. icant inhibition of CYP2C9 by milk thistle
In systematic expressions, the available ev- or silymarin products. These findings invite
idence on CYP2C9-related issue suggests for further studies to confirm the clinical
that milk thistle co-administration might implication of this interaction, especially
have a potential to inhibit the clearance and with narrow therapeutic index CYP2C9
to increase the exposure of other sensitive drugs such as warfarin.
CYP2C9 substrates such as warfarin in vi-
vo. The consequence of this particular herb- Special consideration for elderly patients
al supplement is remaining to be confirmed Herbal medicines and dietary supple-
by clinical investigations. ment use is common in the elderly (Olesen
Gurley and co-workers (Gurley et al., et al., 2013). The concomitant use of pre-
2008b) evaluated the effect of milk thistle scription medications and herbal products
extract on the activity of human CYP2D6 in by the elderly is also a common situation
16 healthy volunteers. Subjects were ran- (Izzo, 2012). Many older patients do not
domized to receive a standardized milk disclose their use of the herbal dietary sup-
thistle extract for 14 days on separate occa- plements to their physicians. In addition,
sions. Debrisoquine (a CYP2D6 probe) was because older adults have multiple health
administered before (baseline) and at the problems, they are particular at risk for
end of milk thistle supplementation. Pre- herbal drug interactions. Special concerns
and post-supplementation phenotypic trait have been raised for elderly patients be-
measurements were determined for CYP- cause of well-documented polypharmacy
2D6 activity. Comparisons of pre- and post- interactions, increased sensitivity to certain
supplementation results revealed no signifi- drugs, and diminished metabolism of many
cant effect of milk thistle supplementation drugs. These can potentially increase the
on human CYP2D6 activity. Accordingly, risk of adverse events from herbal drug in-
adverse herbal drug interactions are unlike- teractions. In spite of this, clinical studies
ly to occur when the patients taking milk targeted at exploring the herbal drug inter-
thistle concomitantly with prescription actions in elderly patients are limited.
Gurley et al. (2005a) found that elderly sub-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

jects, like their younger counterparts, are St. John’s wort represent the best studied
susceptible to herb-mediated changes in drug interactions among the other botanical
CYP activity and that some age-related supplements. The numerous data available
changes in CYP responsivity to herbal revealed that the active ingredient hyperfor-
products may exist. Gurley et al. (2005a) in has a strong affinity for the pregnane xe-
reported that ginseng marginally inhibited nobiotic receptor (PXR) and thus acts as a
CYP2D6 in elderly subjects. On the other potent inducer of CYP3A4. Consequently,
hand, no such inhibition was observed in CYP3A4 induction caused by St. John’s
young subjects (Gurley et al., 2002). It is wort can reduce the oral bioavailability of
recommended that concomitant ingestion of many drugs making the drug less effective.
herbal supplements with prescription medi- If a drug with a narrow therapeutic index
cations should be strongly discouraged in (e.g. warfarin or cyclosporine A) is in-
the elderly. volved, the interactions may cause serious
or occasionally life-threatening adverse ef-
CONCLUSIONS fects. The experience with the St. John’s
wort case shows that there was so much
Abundant research data have shown that
herbal supplements or herbal medicines can useful information that we know about this
modify drug metabolism mediated by hu- interesting interaction. These include the
man CYP enzymes. This causes herbal drug mechanism of the interaction, the active
interaction which has the clinical conse- herbal interaction involved, the particular
quence of adversely affecting the pharma- CYP enzymes induced or inhibited by St.
cokinetics of several drugs. Thus, when die- John’s wort, etc. This information is very
tary supplements are taken concomitantly useful and can help us predict herbal drug
with prescription drugs, this can result in interactions, thus the adverse drug interac-
serious herbal drug interactions. This may tions can be avoided and helps make the
be likely to happen when multiple drugs, use of herbal supplements safe for patients.
With respect to other herbal supplements,
and multiple herbal supplements are taken
this comprehensive data have not been
concurrently. However, as noted in this ar-
completed. For example identification of
ticle, the drug interactions do not appear to
the major active constituents in herbal
happen with every single herbal supplement
products that are responsible for drug inter-
and with every drug. This is somewhat sim-
actions with specific herbal supplement is
ilar to grapefruit drug interactions in which
required to be undertaken. Also characteri-
grapefruit or grapefruit juice does not inter-
zation of the interaction by individual ac-
act with every drug. As we have discovered
tive constituent and mechanism of the in-
the mechanism of the grapefruit drug inter-
teraction need to be studied in detail.
actions, it was revealed that there are cer-
With regard to future research, it is
tain characteristics of the drug required for
worth to note that there are numerous re-
the interactions to happen. These are that
the drug has to be mainly metabolized by search on herbal drug interactions that have
CYP3A4 and possess low oral bioavailabi- been conducted in vitro and in animals. In
lity (Bailey et al., 2013; Ho et al., 2000; vitro studies are useful for providing mech-
Shimomura et al., 2003). Regarding herbal anistic information and assessing various
drug interactions, the clinical implications components in herbal medicines. In general,
of the interaction is dependent on a variety characterization of these processes assists
of factors, such as characteristics of co- prediction of interactions between herbal
administered drugs, the involved CYP en- supplements and conventional drugs that
zymes, active constituents of the herb, the may put the patient’s health at risk. Alt-
applied dosage regimens, and health status hough these experiments are relatively easy
of the patients. The drug interactions with to carry out but they suffer from limitations

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

in extrapolating the results obtained from quality control. Even though sources and
these studies to clinical situations (Goey et specification of herbs have been cited in
al., 2013; Hermann and von Richter, 2012). many studies of herbal drug interactions,
It is not uncommon to find that the findings generally it is very difficult to generalize
observed from in vitro studies were incon- and compare the results derived from dif-
sistent with those found in clinical studies. ferent studies because of this. Often we see
Clinical studies are needed for confirmation contradictory findings obtained from sepa-
and evaluation of the clinical relevance of rate investigations. Occasionally, it was
herbal drug interaction results obtained suspected that the differences in their re-
from in vitro studies. Despite the progress sults were related to different methology
having been attained over the previous approaches used. However, as the herbal
years, the overall number of clinical studies supplements are not precisely regulated, the
on herbal drug interactions still seems inad- difference in the active ingredients of the
equate. A need for additional well-designed particular herbal supplement used cannot be
clinical studies is desirable as these will as- ruled out. Products from different manufac-
sist in confirming the in vitro studies and turers of the same herb may have different
help assess the clinical significance of these chemical compositions and hence different
potential interactions. We agree with Her- biological actions. It has been suggested
mann and von Richter (2012) that there are that the same rigorous regulations that ap-
numerous interactions studies with warfa- ply to conventional drugs with regard to
rin, a narrow therapeutic index drug and a quality, safety and efficacy should be re-
CYP2C9 substrate. Whereas studies with quired for herbal supplements. There is a
other narrow therapeutic index drugs are distinct necessity for well designed clinical
scarce. The exceptions to this were for cy- trials, pre-marketing approvals regarding
closporine A and antiretroviral drugs. Thus, labelling and safety, and comprehensive
clinical studies to verify whether herbal post-marketing surveillance systems for
drug interactions exist with respect to other monitoring the adverse effects of herbal
narrow therapeutic index drugs are warrant- drug interactions.
ed. An important herbal drug interaction is
There is also limited information on the St. John’s wort drug interactions. St. John’s
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics wort is remarkably problematic in relation
of herbal supplements or herbal medicines to its ability to induce CYP3A4, an enzyme
per se. Without this comprehensive data, it that metabolizes more than 50 % of all pre-
is difficult to characterize and predict the scription medications. The extraordinary
interactions that may occur. It is also neces- effect of St. John’s wort clearly shows the
sary to understand the mechanisms of herb- caution is needed when this herb is used by
al drug interactions to assist this process. patients who are taking other drugs that are
The study of herbal drug interactions is fur- metabolized by CYP3A4. Garlic and milk
ther complicated by the nature of the herbal thistle extracts do not cause severe drug in-
supplements. The manufacture of herbal teractions in humans. There have been in-
supplements or medicines is not subject to consistent results reported on the effects of
the same regulations as prescription drugs. sylibin, which is one of the active compo-
Thus the content of the active ingredients nents of milk thistle. Currently, we recog-
may vary among manufacturers, potentially nize that many herbal drug interactions are
causing a large variation in efficacy and possible; some of these are a serious risk to
safety. The ingredients specified on the la- the health of our patients. Interactions be-
bels of herbal products may be incomplete tween herbal supplements and drugs often
or incorrect. The herbal ingredients could lead to toxicity and loss of therapeutic effi-
also vary from batch to batch due lack of cacy. Therefore it is essential that health-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:347-391 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: July 12, 2013, accepted: March 20, 2014, published: April 02, 2014

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