Desvarro M2 Activity-23679 Red PDF

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Sherlyn V.

Answer the following questions. Activity 02

The one was Mindanao story of creation and the other one was tagalog story of
creation. They are the same literary piece, their differences was the story of
Mindanao creation is melu create everyone by his dead skin. And the tagalog
story explains that the two person (man/woman) was given by the bamboo.

The tagalog story of creation, If I’m not mistaken they made a movie about that
named “si maganda at si malakas”. This story is same as it because it shows that
the bamboo felt in the woods and then inside of the bamboo there was a man and
woman. But this movie didn’t show how humans multiplied.

The creation of how humans was made at. For me We need to include the 7days

Yes, the 7days creation of God. For me that was the right explanation on how the
world was made. We humans know how we separate anything because God gave
us the power of dominion among all of his creation.
Answer the following questions. Activity 03

Idea of doctor Sancianco. some people are degrading Filipinos, specially their

Rizal write for Filipino rights. He defend us by his writings. He seek some ideas
and then he write it with all his heart and intelligence. He raise our nationality.
That all Filipinos has their own unique clever that no other county will have.

Rizal argument that contain the Filipino talent that even if it’s hot in here they are
all working, because that was true Filipinos are hardworking than other
nationalities .They are doing it not just for the money but to benefit the other

In what I’ve seen in my daily lives I notice that even some of Filipino people did
not finish their study they are all “maabilidad”. Always finding a way on how will
they earn a money for their families and doing all their best even they don’t have
enough knowledge as what graduated people have.
Answer the following questions : Activity 06

Answers if It’s not clear on the picture.

Sir some of my answer was changed thankyou. 

Pablo is sentenced to death, his internal Struggles are more difficult than his clashes with
other characters. Because Pablo faces Family problem.

There are difference relationship with the three women, the closest was tia chedeng.

Yes, his character experience significant change in the end because we all know that
Pablo doesn’t want his mom to call her mom, but in the end after his death his last word
was “mother’’.

Guerrero use a language that can make us feel the awful effect of the story. Yes, because
all of us need to face our mistakes and make right with it. But remember that we don’t
have the right to take anyone life.
Answer the following questions : Activity 07

They used a free words that make their story more easy to do, or much better than others
that are following many standards.

This poem has a story name the ‘odyssey’ if I’m not mistaken and it is a story that talk
about the Greek mythology. Published before Christ.

The persona of the poetry was a dramatic dialogue. The words must be delivered

They are same because their works has an awful effect especially to the readers. They use
a literary piece by writing a story.
Answer the following questions: Acticity:09


“Simbang Gabi” yes everytime we went to the church to have a mass in the evening we
always buy a puto bungbong. Or lavander colored food.

The author focus of the event and he explain that the culture of filipino people was they
are always buying puto bungbong after the mass.

In the past decades we all know that we are colonized by many country and that’s the
reason why we have different belives.

Birthday, everytime that there was a birthday my family cooks pancit. Because we
believe that if we eat pancit our life will last longer.

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