Noelles Journal Na Buang Atay

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BASIC KNOWLEDGE in Health education

H.E. refers to the act of providing information and learning

experiences for purposes of behavior change and improved for health
of the client. The acquisition of knowledge through exchange of
information from the teacher and the learner facilitates better
understanding of the need for change.

The Process of Health Education

Health Education consists of learning experiences that promote

behavior conducive to good health. It provides the tools for developing
physical, emotional, spiritual and in mental health.

In those tools a support is very important for a mother to have someone

by her side during hard times improving her health in many aspect.

Physical health - learning experiences that helps promote the ability of

the body to function accordingly
Emotional health - the ability of the individual to cope with stress and
strain as one faces the realities and challenges of life.
Mental health - it is the ability of an individual to make correct judgments
or sound decisions to cope with situations or conditions affecting her daily
Social health - it is the ability of the individual to relate well with others
regardless of status or position.
Spiritual health - recognizes the supernatural aspect of divine healing and
the individual’s communion with his/her Creator.


Health education is a system of teaching and learning process. It
facilitates common understanding among people in a society social
structure to modify behaviors, makes decision and change social
conditions in ways that are health enriching. Among its many aims are
the following:

a. Enhance knowledge awareness

 Provide guidance and instruction to all that will help individuals
or group of individuals maintain a high level of wellness
b. Promotes health, safety and security of the people
 Promotes personal hygiene, environmental sanitation and
maintenance of a hazard-free environment for one to avoid
illnesses, accidents and reduce mortality rate.
c. Develop and improve community resources
 Help individuals gain knowledge and understanding of the
different community health services who can provide health
care services. Likewise, develop habits, attitudes and ideals
that will help them live as healthy individuals and members of
the community and share the task of community building and
health care.
d. Increase productivity and strength of character
 Help develop productive individuals who can adjust
successfully and live happily with social groups to which they
belong. Health education further enhances coping patterns
that minimize the effects of stress on individuals and family
e. Disease prevention
 Promotes individual and public health awareness on
prevention of disease using various health care strategies and
for the state to be the home of healthy and productive citizens
f. Minimize cost
 Health education enables the government to attain health
objectives at least cost. Knowledge &
awareness of the people regarding health promotion & disease
prevention minimize health care cost.
g. Self-reliant behavior
 Health education provides information and services necessary
in fostering independent behaviors or self-care attitude
conducive to health.

Today we will be focusing in basic knowledge in maternity before and

after birth and what is important to do during pregnancy.

Mothers need to attend seminars or any orientation in health facilities or

even in barangay since many event in education of health will be there.

What you need to know

 medicine - if you are planning to get pregnant take a iron before
pregnancy and after knowing the pregnancy, take your prenatal
vitamins and don’t take any medicine without doctors order.
 due date - using your LMP (last menstrual period) Identify when is
your duedate when your last but first day of your menstrual period
e.g the begging of my last period is august 9, 2019.
-3+7+1 <----- this is given
5-16-20 so my due date is may 16, 2020
 Breastfeeding - Breast milk helps keep your baby healthy. A law in the
Philippine was implemented on october 20, 1986 signed by former pres.
cory aquino, in every hospital or maternity in the provision of lactating
stations and implementation of a work place policy that protect, promote
support the breastfeeding program. That is why any milk in hospital are
forbid. Besides milk emproves more the babys nutrition especially if you
follow the first 1000 days of the child.
 Things during and after pregnancy - aside from nausea and vomiting
there is also melasma - (that darks spots or skin on the pregnant
mothers face) it's common to develop blotchy spots of darker skin
when you're pregnant, a condition called melasma most it wont
leave anymore.
striae gravidarum - or also known as Pregnancy stretch marks are a
specific form of scarring of the skin of the abdominal area due to rapid
expansion of the uterus as well as sudden weight gain during pregnancy.
About 90% of women are affected.
Pica - this is very rare case in weird cravings to eat subtance other that
food such as dirt, clay, coal or soap. This craving may indicate a nutrition
 Postpartum - in this stage support from love once are very
important. Postpartum have many types and still this require doctors
 Family planning - family planning is very important that this prevent

- if positive in pregnancy kit it is better to get recheck in doctor to
prevent H.mole
- before going up from bed eat some crackers to prevent morning
-have a small but frequently meals
-you must feel the baby 10 time a day
-no caffeine, drugs, alcohol, or smoke
- write birth plans
- it is better to know family planning
-do complete exam for the new born baby.


1st degree burn
-reddened skin
e.g sun-burn, minor scald from kitchen accident
Treatmet : aimed at comfort with the topical soothing agent +/- NSAIDs
2nd degree burn
-Intense pain
No or minimal scarring
- spontaneously re-epithelialize from retained epidermal structures in 7-
14 days.
3rd degree burn
-dry, leathery skin
-loss of sensation (little pain)
-require surgey
4th degree burn

Wound care
It is process of keeping the wound clean and free from microorganisms.

Important Steps in Wound Care:

1. Stop the bleeding
2. Clean the wound

Severe bleeding for Emergency measures:

1. Apply pressure to the wound using a pad or your gloved hands.

2. Squeeze the wound edges together if possible.
3. Raise and support injured part above level of heart.
4. Apply bandage to wound.

First aid for Nose bleeds

-Reassure the person, especially children, as crying increases blood flow.
-Sit the person up straight and drop their head slightly forward.
-Apply finger and thumb pressure on the soft part of nostrils below the
-bridge of the nose for at least 10 minutes.
-Loosen tight clothing around neck and place cold wet towels or ice pack
-on the neck and forehead.
- If bleeding persists, seek medical aid.

- bacteria evolves to antibiotic resistant if you stop your medication.
That is why antibiotic dosage increase.

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