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Health to Youth
Group 18

High Committee Members:

Muhammad Harith bin Sahak (18000413)
Amar Rasyidi bin Zulkefli (16003739)
Nor Jumanah Said Mohamad (18001671)
Syahmi Fakhrullah bin Abdul Halim (16003600)
Nurkhalisya Aqila binti Shahrulnizam (24628)

Amzairi bin Amar

May 2020

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

No Contents Page
1 Executive Summary 3
2 Introduction 4
2.1 Background of Project work 4-5
2.2 Problem Statements 6
2.3 Objectives and Aims 6
2.3.1 Aim of Project 6
2.3.2 Main Objectives 6
2.3.3 Aim of High Committees 7
2.3.4 Objectives of High Committees 7
3 Alignment with UTP University Social Responsibility (USR) Framework 8
4 Project Implementation 9
4.1 General Project Ganttchart 9
4.2 Project Organization 10
4.3 Project Workflow 11 - 12
5 Outcome of Project 13
5.1 Sustainability Factor 14
5.2 Impact Factor 14
6 Project Financial Report 15
6.1 Acknowledgement of Funds 15
6.2 Financial Budget Report 16 - 17
7 List of Networking 17
8 Press Release 18-20
9 Conclusion 21
10 Recommendation 22 - 23
11 Appendices 24
12.1 List of Committees 24
12.2 Departmental Report 25
12.2.1 Website Department 25 – 39
12.2.2 Fitness Department 40 – 46
12.2.3 Diet Department 41 – 58
12.2.4 Lifestyle Department 59 – 66
12.3 Minutes of Meeting (MOM) 67 – 83
12.4 Receipts 84
12.5 Pictures of Project 85 - 90


The Health to Youth Project, often referred to as the H2Y Project is an initiative that aims
to create an online platform for the students as a way to assist them in leading a healthy life
especially during the Covid-19 season. This is to create a focal point for the youths as the schools
might be closed as a social distancing initiative. Alongside social media platforms like Instagram,
Whatsapp and potentially more important, the website provides enhanced information on various
aspects of lifestyle, diet and fitness.

Three parties that are believed to have gained benefits from this project are the youths,
which in this case are students that have accessed the website and the respective social media
platforms, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and the H2Y project team members. Firstly, the
student can obtain various useful information in the form of videos, articles and interesting
slideshows such as cooking videos and self-care tips. Other than that, the students were able to
find articles related to Covid-19, safety and prevention tips that are from reliable sources like
World Health Organization (WHO) and Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Next, UTP has
established a positive image among the society by encouraging its students to organize CSR
programs. Lastly, as the team members, we learned how to communicate effectively and cooperate
with each other to achieve common goals within the team. We also learnt proper research methods
and ways to present the information effectively from trusted sources.

The H2Y project has also aligned to the UTP USR framework of Education by providing
a platform filled with relevant facts and details for the youths to gain knowledge on how to lead a
healthy and meaningful life.


2.1 Background of Project Work

The Covid-19 Pandemic has been rising dramatically all over the world. This pandemic
has not yet been resolved as the cases keep on rising day by day globally and affecting various
sectors economically and socially. Our country, Malaysia used to be the number three country in
Southeast Asia to be affected with thousands of cases. Although, the number of cases in Malaysia
are reducing after months of fighting this pandemic. However, the decreasing cases do not
guarantee the virus is completely vanished or cured. Recently, the government had announced to
continue from the Movement Control Order to Restricted Movement Control Order starting June
2020 until August 2020. Hence, Malaysians need to adapt to this new norm until the government
has officially announced the end of this war.

Education is also one of the affected sectors in Malaysia. The students ranging from all
sorts of backgrounds are restricted to perform normal learning activities. It has been a few months
since the lockdown started which means universities and schools have been shut down temporarily
for a few months and students are urged to do online learning at home all learning activities have
been highly affected. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has informed the school parties to
perform teaching and learning processes through an online platform. Hence, this initiative is a
good way to ensure all students are able to catch up to their studies.

Moreover, we may have taken granted regarding their health. Since they will spend most
of their time staying at home and their outdoor activities are highly restricted, their health may be
threatened. Therefore, we decided that every student must know how to stay healthy and be fit
from home. In this digitalized era, any information can be easily obtained from any internet source.
All information is just one click away.

Due to these cases, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS students have decided to create a
website to help the students to change their lifestyle healthily throughout this Restricted Movement
Control Order (RMCO). Their health becomes the main concern due to lack of physical activity.
In order to curb this issue, our initiative Health to Youth is one of the alternatives for them to
understand better about health and fitness.

Health to Youth is a platform where the students can understand better on how to keep their
body system healthy throughout this RMCO period. This website is user friendly and students are
able to browse to find all about health and fitness tips. Besides, any interesting healthy diets ideas
are available as well. They can even share their comments below the post. This website will change
their way of thoughts on the importance of taking care of their health.

Besides, students need to have one platform where they can share their daily routine of
workouts or diet. This Health to Youth website is a platform where there is just one click away to
be healthy and fit without any contact from the outsides. Above all that, this website will also
provide them with all health information ranging from workouts and diets as well as lifestyle.

Moreover, this website serves them the best information about the health information on
how to keep them safe from Covid-19. This virus is not easy to curb. Being cautious all the time
at any places will help them to be free from this virus. Health to Youth is a website where the
students are able to gain knowledge that has not been taught in class. Hence, they can gain new
knowledge throughout this quarantine period as well as being healthy.

Lastly, Health to Youth is a trusted website where it will be handled by experienced

students. The students’ health is our main priority. As our slogan goes “Go Green, Go Fit, Go

2.2 Problem Statements

The young people in the age group of 10-24 year in Malaysia constitute one of the precious
resources of Malaysia characterized by growth and development and is a phase of vulnerability
often influenced by several intrinscation professional have recognized the impact that a student's
health and public health professionals have. In fact, most of them have minimum awareness when
it comes to leading to healthy intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect their health and safety.
Nearly 10-30 percent of young people suffer from health impacting behaviors and conditions that
need urgent attention of policy emerging diseases such as Covid-19 are contributing to a deadly
mix that is changing the picture of healthy youths. According to the article ‘Adolescents: health
risks and solutions’ by the World Health Organizations, nearly two-thirds of premature deaths and
one-third of the total disease burden in adults are associated with conditions or behaviors initiated
in their youth such as tobacco use and physical inactivity. The behavioral patterns established
during this developmental phase determine their current health status and the risk for developing
some chronic diseases in later years. Therefore, promoting healthy behaviors during adolescence,
and taking steps to better protect young people from health risks are critical for the prevention of
health problems in adulthood, and for countries’ future health and ability to develop and thrive.

2.3 Objectives & Aims.

2.3.1 Aim of Project

To encourage students to practice a healthy lifestyle by creating awareness of health through a

platform for students to get ideas and information easily to stay healthy during quarantine period.

2.3.2 Main Objectives:

1. Create the awareness among the students regarding healthy lifestyle although in quarantine.

2. Share with students some information and videos regarding fitness and workout that can
be easily practiced at home.

3. Open the mind of students by showcasing interesting information regarding their diet and
ways to improve them.

2.3.3 Aim of High Committees

1. To achieve strategic goals, systematically and in a controlled manner in order for the main
objectives of the project would be achieved.

2.3.4 Objectives of High Committees

1. Mastermind the entire project by setting directions, task distributions, deadline of tasks,
providing instructions, supervision and criticism in order for the project to be successfully
executed in this project

2. Manage and supervise the departments existing in this project and solve the problems that
arise by consistently meet-up with the members.

3. Proofread all the tasks and materials proposed or presented by the departments for the
approval and before proceeding to the next step.

4. Planning of proposal and the workflow approval for the project.


The Health to Youth Project is a program which was initiated by Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS (UTP) and Centre for Student Development (CSD), in collaboration with UTPrihatin
Club. The purpose of Health to Youth Project is to encourage students to practice a healthy lifestyle
by creating awareness of health through a platform for students to get ideas and information easily
to stay healthy during quarantine period.

The Health to Youth Project (H2Y Project) aligns with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
University Social Responsibility (USR) Framework: Education

a) Education

This project focuses on educating the youth regarding the importance of healthy lifestyle during
the quarantine times. How we try to achieve this purpose is by creating awareness about health
and lifestyle through online education. Through the Health to Youth website, youths are able to
learn 3 different health aspects which are Lifestyle, Diet and Fitness. Lifestyle is crucial to a person
as it defines how a person lives their life. Hence, the H2Y website provides information on how to
live a healthy and active lifestyle even when movements are restricted during these quarantine
times. To name a few lifestyle informations provided are the importance of taking care of mental
health, ways to live in the new norm of Covid-19 pandemic and also how to take care of hygiene.

The importance of learning proper eating is also crucial as it affects our diet. This includes
our calories intake, amount of protein intake and many more regarding food. That is why Diet is a
relevant aspect to be thought. Diet information such as ways to cook certain foods and Calories
intake counters are all included in the Diet session of the website for the youths to learn. Fitness
will always be a part of any health-related issues. Fitness contributes a lot to the human body and
determines the capability of the body to do at a certain extent or known as endurance. Although,
Fitness tackles more than that aerobic and balanced are also included in creating a healthy body.
That is why the contents of the Fitness include the exercises that can be done properly and
effectively even during this pandemic.


4.1 General Project Gantt Chart

WEEK of MAY20 Semester Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hicom Election
Gathering team members
Online Proposal Presentation
and Submission
Hicom and Board Meetings
Departmental Division
Online MPU4 Briefing to
Task Distribution
Research and Content
Developing Website and
Online Platform
Contents Compilation and
Posting Materials Preparation
Uploading of Materials by
Project Networking and
Quiz and Contest Preparation
Quiz and Contest
Announcement of Winners
Final Report and Reflection
Oral and Video Presentation

4.2 Project Organization

Position Name Main Objectives
Supervise and advising regarding the
Supervisor Amzairi bin Amar project work progress
Project Director Muhammad Harith Bin Sahak 1. Mastermind the project
A. Project 2. Manage and supervise the team
Director Amar Rasyidi Bin Zulkefli members
Secretary 1 Syahmi Fakhrullah Bin Abdul Halim 3. Proofread all materials
Secretary 2 Nurkhalisya Aqila Binti Shahrulnizam 4. Planning proposal and project
Treasurer Nor Jumanah Said Mohamed workflow
Position Name Main Objectives
Hod Haziq Zamri 1. Provide online platform for
Committee Mohamad Hazim Bin Mohamad Zaid
2. Ready all posting materials
Committee Hafizhun Husna Binti Abdul Razak 3. Manage the websites and social
Committee Rishi Shangker Pillay medias
Position Name Main Objectives
Hod Ahmad Azam Shamsuddin 1. Research and findings contents
Shaick Ahmad Irfan Bin Shaick regarding healthy lifestyle
Committee Dawood 2. Editing and compilation of
Committee Jasmeen Binti Baharuddin materials to be uploaded online
Muhammad Sharulizwan Bin Anang
Committee Othman
Committee Farah Ilyana Binti Raizal
Position Name Main Objectives
Hod Adam Imran Bin Nor Azlan 1. Research and findings contents
regarding healthy diet.
Committee Fikri Aiman Bin Che Hamid
2. Editing and compilation of
Committee Muhammad Izz Hakim Bin Tumiran materials to be uploaded online
Muhammad Omar Farouk Bin
Committee Muhadzir
Position Name Main Objectives
Hod Muhammad Haziq Fikri Bin Roslan 1. Research and findings contents
Committee Farhan Irfan Afiq Bin Johan regarding health fitness
2. Editing and compilation of
Committee Isaac Anak Andria
materials to be uploaded online
Committee Muhammad Raqib B Mohd Shajahan
Committee Stacy Primus

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4.2 Workflow

Recruition of Team Online MPU4

Election of Hicom Series of Meetings
Members Briefing

Online Proposal
Department Contents Research
Presentation and Task Distribution
Division and Findings

Editing and
Online Platform Uploading and Community and
Compilation of
Development Posting of Contents Project's

Submission of Final
Quizzes, Contests Oral and Video
Report and Done
and Feedback Presentation

Preparations, Research and Findings

Health to Youth project formed a team that comprises of the High Committees and the
necessary departments according to the topics we want to bring in which is

1) Fitness Department
2) Diet Department
3) Lifestyle Department

Not only that, we also have

4) Website Department, which in charge of preparing online platform

We searched for advisors, as well supervisors that will help the project to run smoothly with
their experience and guidance which we found Dr Faizairi from Mechanical Department.
For the time being our supervisor then change to Sir Amzairi from Management and
Humanities Department also as our MPU staffs.

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Our topic departments team did some research and findings to get more input to be exhibited
to the targeted audience which are the youths in Malaysia. The information that we need to
search is related to the topics according to the existing department such as Fitness, Diet and

Creating and Editing

The Website Department have created a website named which

anyone can access to it to get the info about health regarding the topics we want to share. It
is a medium or platform for us to display and exhibit any of the contents that necessary
regarding to the focusing topics under Health. Not only that, we also have an Instagram
account to attract the youths. With this, the Diet, Fitness and Lifestyle Department have
produced contents through videos, slides and articles which we edit and compile from the
findings we got and upload it to the website created.

Posting and Updating

Our representatives from the Website Department will post the edited and compiled
contents in the website for the viewers and spread throughout the social medias fro
attraction. We also keep updating and posting the new contents periodically in the website
so that the website will always keep up to date until this project are scheduled to be


After all the set up in the website has completed and the contents are already there, the
interface and link of website have been posted and spread to the social medias especially
through Instagram and Whatsapp because most of the youths are active in these platform
as we are targeting the youth. From time to time, the new contents will be updated and
uploaded in the website so the students will keep up to date with the website. We also done
some quizzes and contests to attract more teenagers and youths interested and get benefits
from our Health to Youth project.

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In general, The Health to Youth MPU4 project has been quiet successful owing to the hard
work of all of our team members. Everyone manages to contribute and play their part well in this
project. Base on the feedback that we collected from our last activity which is Health Quiz Contest
held on 16 July 2020, we conclude that we successfully delivered our project objective which is to
create the awareness among the student regarding the healthy lifestyle and open their mind with
interesting information regarding their health.
Our Health Quiz Contest manage to attract a total of 25 participant. The quiz consists of
15 question with few topic (Diet, Fitness, Lifestyle). From the quiz result that we mark the average
marks for all the participant is 11.12 (75%). Most of the participant manage to do well in the quiz.
Based on the survey that we collect at the end of the quiz, they have showed their interest to join
again our quiz or contest in the future, and most of them also left amazing positive feedback.

Figure 5.1: 23 out 25 participants showed their interest in joining our future contest

1. I gained experience through this website and quiz as it helps me to think out of the box,
besides making me to understand on the current situation. Having a quiz related to current
issues is a good way to let the younger generations to spend their time on reading and
exploring the current issues related to the world, besides making them to participate
actively towards education with online- based learning.
2. It's a good platform to spread awareness of staying healthy and keeps me motivated
3. I have learnt a lot about how to maintain our good health, tips, many facts about exercises
and also how to take care not only our physical health but mental wellness.

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5.1 Sustainability

The project will be sustained by collaborating with UTPrhatin from University Technology
PETRONAS, Perak. Every month, UTPrihatin will continue promoting and updating the website
portal to the student with more interesting and beneficial content. This website also can help
UTPrihatin to have a better flowchart and good explanation to the student, because this website is
very user friendly and easy for the person in charge to update it. Maybe in the future, if we can
start to change our target audience from the youth and focus on the whole Malaysia community.
This is because health is very important to everyone.

5.2 Impact Factor

This project will give good impact to the student and also for the whole community. The
students can understand better in one short time at one website only. This website really help the
student who are underprivileged. Every content that we writing has been summarized and explain
precisely about the health and safety lifestyle. Besides, this website will ease everyone because it
minimizes the time and cost to print on a piece of paper.
We plan this project based on current pandemic situation which is COVID-19 where people
need to stay at home and keep themselves safe from the virus. Regarding this issue education and
health sector is heavily affected. Therefore, this website is an initiative to help and give awareness
to the youth regarding their lifestyle during at home. Through this website we manage to delivered
information to the student and help them to improve their lifestyle and health.

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Project’s Title Health to Youth Project

Main Supervisor Amzairi bin Amar
Treasurer Nor Jumanah bt Said Mohamed
Phone No. 012-6338010 Email

6.1 Acknowledgement of Fund

A. Funds Received
I. Internal Fund (Eg: UTP, YUTP, PETRONAS, PETRONITA, etc.)
No. Sponsor’s Name (Organizations/ NGOs/ Company/ Total Amount
Individual) Received (RM)
1 MPU4 RM 1203.20
Grand Total RM 1203.20
II. External Fund (Eg: TNB, Jabatan Kemajuan Masyarakat, etc.).
No. Sponsor’s Name (Organizations/ NGOs/ Company/ Total Amount
Individual) Received (RM)
1 - -
Grand Total -
III. Fund Received in terms of Merchandise (Eg: Food, Printing Service, etc.)
No. Sponsor’s Name (Organizations/ NGOs/ Company/ Total Amount
Individual) Received (RM)
1 - -
Grand Total -

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6.2 Financial Budget Report

B. Financial Expenditure
I. Website Department
No. Item Price per Month Quantity Total (RM)
(1USD= 4.26
1 Wixsite Monthly $ 12.00 x RM 12 months RM 613.50
Premium subscription 4.26=
RM 51.12
2 Domain $ 14.50 x RM 1 RM 63.70 4.26
= RM 63.70
Grand Total RM 677.20
II. Diet Department
No. Item Price per Unit Quantity Total (RM)
1 Salmon fillet RM 35.00 2 RM 70.00
2 Honey RM 21.00 1 RM 21.00
3 Lemon RM 1.00 5 RM 5.00
4 Garlic RM 5.50 1 RM 5.50
5 Carrots RM 0.90 5 RM 4.50
6 Romanian Lettuce RM 1.90 4 RM 7.60
7 Cucumber RM 1.30 3 RM 3.90
8 Bread RM 3.00 1 RM 3.00
9 Eggs RM 0.50 10 RM 5.00
10 Pasta RM 4.50 1 RM 4.50
11 Tomato RM 0.50 10 RM 5.00
12 Broccoli RM 5.00 3 RM 15.00
Grand Total RM 145.00

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III. Fitness Department
No. Item Price per Unit Quantity Total (RM)
1 Dumbbell 3.0kg RM 14.90 2 RM 29.80
2 Yoga Mat RM 18.50 1 RM 18.50
3 Resistance Band RM 26.50 1 RM 26.50
4 Abs Roller RM 38.00 2 RM 76.00
5 Balance Board RM 35.00 1 RM 35.00
Grand Total RM 186.00
IV. Prizes for Quiz held
1 1st prize RM 70.00 1 RM 70.00
2 2nd prize RM 50.00 1 RM 50.00
3 3rd prize RM 30.00 1 RM 30.00
4 Consolation RM 15.00 3 RM 45.00
Grand Total RM 195.00

Total Expenditure
No. Items Total Price (RM)
1 Website Department RM 677.20
2 Diet Department RM 145.00
3 Fitness Department RM 186.00
4 Cash Prizes RM 195.00
Grand Total RM 1203.20
(Refer to Appendix 11.4)


1) UTP
2) UTPrihatin

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Go Fit, Go Green, Go Clean

By: Health to Youth Project

These are the tagline that have been used by the Health to Youth organizers. We are a team
that consists of 23 students of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) where we are from various
field of engineering and lead by Muhammad Harith bin Sahak, student from Mechanical
Engineering Department. As per in academic structural of UTP, we need to do a USR project under
MPU4 subject which we decided to become a team and organize a project for youth name as Health
to Youth on 20th June 2020 to 17th July 2020. This project was been done by online and have their
own website and social medias as a platform to be visited by anyone. Health to Youth was focusing
on how to take care of our health in many aspects which are healthy diet, lifestyle and fitness and
we target youth as the first audience since we know that the youth is our next generation to lead
the world. Basically, this project was organized solely because of the pandemic occurs in the world,
the people could not do much work or move everywhere so the person’s health might be affected
as we just need to stay at home.

In this project we have uploaded various contents in form of videos, slides and articles in
the website for everyone to get benefits from it. The contents consist vast of information and facts
regarding the healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and maintaining fitness of body every day. The Covid-
19 that hit hard our world also actually will attack the person with low antibody and weak to resist
the immigrants in the body and that is why more than 60% of the total cases happens are victims
age of 45 and above. This is also why it is important to have healthy body and what we are doing
is going for that mission, providing ways to have a healthy body and mental in life. Not limited to
that, we also have shared ways for them to take initiatives want to change their unhealthy body,
lifestyle or diet to a healthier way and be more confidence doing life routine. For attraction in this
period of project, we also create a quiz contest for people to join and get know more about health.

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Figure 1.2: Feedback

Figure 9.1: Instagram Account

Based on the Figure 1, this project actually got a quite support from people when our
Instagram account got some response from people. Our representatives from Website Department
in our team handle this account and have about 15 posts now. Also, we got about 78 followers and
the average likes for the posts we got about 15 - 40 likes. Other than that, about 24 out of 25
response to the feedback during quiz contest in one day period for the first time. This shows that
Health to Youth has reached some of the interested persons in our project as a starter.

In the future, we hope that this effort will get much more participants and support from
everyone. Together, we live a healthy life and say goodbye to unhealthy stuffs.

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Figure 9.3: Interface of website homepage

Figure 9.4: Interface of fitness topic in website

Figure 9.5: Interface of Diet topics in website

Figure 9.6: Interface of Lifestyle topic in



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In a nutshell, our University Social Responsibility (USR) online version has played
the role to deliver a better education on health to the youth especially the students. They
will have more information regarding to this by having one-click to the website. Maybe in
other ways, this project will not give a perfect solution for them to rely on, but at least it
will be one of the ways for students primarily get know and be aware to their health. Since
health education sometimes hard enough for the students to get information about it, so this
is a platform and opportunity for them for the sake of their health.

Nevertheless, we believe that this project is able to achieve the University Social
Responsibility (USR) specification online version which will give a positive impact to the
society in context of students’ health by producing a medium for them to take note about
their health. Certainly, if the students really taking a serious thought about this, this will
make their life better bit by bit. Based on the project and outcomes, the objectives and
mission of this project which become the reason for students start on healthy lifestyle living
in this pandemic situation and even for any or no situation at all is achieved.

At last, we all want to thanks to all our committees on this big effort to run the
project successfully. Although with the hard and tough situation of this new norm, we still
go for the best in this project. Without the great teamwork from us, Health to Youth cannot
be simply achieved just as what we achieved now. Go Fit, Go Green, Go Clean, stay safe
and stay healthy in the future.

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Firstly, recommendations to improve the quality and smoothen the process of the project is
to collaborate with Ministry of Health Malaysia. This process is possible if only the online project
is to be implemented earlier. However, this initiative can be done through emailing the respective
representative from The Ministry of Health Malaysia. By doing so, we are able to obtain recent
updates about COVID-19 as well as prevention ways in order to alert the readers or the public.
Early awareness can be spread to the communities with the updated news so they will obey the
Standard of Operation (SOP) and Safety precautions in fighting the COVID-19. Hence, our
website or project will gain more trust and support from the community and even the government.

Besides, another recommendation to add is to approach more schools and universities

regarding the collaboration to spread the awareness of the importance of Health to Youth.
Nevertheless, our project did achieve its target where most of the visitors and participants are from
students. In other word, this project had achieved its target. Yet, this could be improved by
increasing our audience throughout Malaysia from various range of age. They will be aware of the
current COVID-19 issues as well as obey the safety guidelines issued by the government.

Furthermore, it is pleasure if there are more contests and quizzes regarding the topics in this
project. This is because it is one of the ways to attract more people towards this kind of topics
which mostly and commonly when it comes to educational core such as Health Education, not
much people interested into it. Due to that with the contest and quizzes or any online activities that
they could get something from it can attract more participants thus the website will be more
viewers and visitors to get the benefits.

Last but not least, in the future we will like to produce more contents, videos and sources to
be shared with everyone regarding this big topic Health. With time constraints, our team are limited
in manpower and time to produce more materials that can be uploaded in the website. The
information can be very helpful as the contents that will be shared is very friendly and impressive
to get rid the boredom when reading or view the topics.

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Lastly, to vary platform not only limited on Instagram and Website. The other option maybe,
we could do Youtube videos to reach more viewers and at the same time can spread the information
in interesting way. In addition, another platform to be used is maybe Twitter or published our
project in the newspaper. By doing so, various kind of age can read our article daily and will further
support our project in the nearest future.

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Appendix 11.1: List of Committees


1 Muhammad Harith Bin Sahak 18000413 ME 980702-10-6341
2 Amar Rasyidi Bin Zulkefli 16003739 CE 991003-04-5037
3 Syahmi Fakhrullah Bin Abdul Halim 16003600 ME 990621-06-5305
4 Nurkhalisya Aqila Binti Shahrulnizam 24628 PG 981006-56-5098
5 Nor Jumanah Said Mohamed 18001671 AC 980811-14-5614
6 Ahmad Azam Shamsuddin 18000635 ME 980308-01-6807
7 Muhammad Haziq Fikri Bin Roslan 16003724 ME 991016-08-6209
8 Jasmeen Binti Baharuddin 16003206 PG 991222-14-5820
9 Muhammad Sharulizwan Bin Anang Othman 17000401 CE 990819-01-6365
10 Farhan Irfan Afiq Bin Johan 16004660 ME 990123-43-5019
11 Muhammad Raqib B Mohd Shajahan 18000687 ME 961113-14-6069
12 Stacy Primus 17005116 PG H50524974
13 Haziq Zamri 16003045 ME 990927-14-5877
14 Muhammad Izz Hakim Bin Tumiran 16000672 PG 990306-01-5199
15 Mohamad Hazim Bin Mohamad Zaid 16003645 ME 991213-02-6467
16 Hafizhun Husna Binti Abdul Razak 17000096 ME 991015-14-7444
17 Fikri Aiman Bin Che Hamid 16001374 ME 990602-14-5115
18 Farah Ilyana Binti Raizal 16001697 PG 990601-10-5146
19 Isaac Anak Andria 16002521 PG 990414-13-5577
20 Shaick Ahmad Irfan Bin Shaick Dawood 16002533 ME 990406-01-5161
21 Rishi Shangker Pillay 18001686 ME 960916-08-5891
22 Adam Imran Bin Nor Azlan 16004762 ME 991027-14-6035
23 Muhammad Omar Farouk Bin Muhadzir 16004313 CE 980329-06-5077

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Appendix 11.2: Departmental Report
Appendix 11.2.1 Website Department




HAZIQ ZAMRI (16003045)




May – September 2020 Semester

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

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1.1 Background of project work
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Problem Identification
1.4 Minutes of Meeting


2.1 Approach to solutions
3.1 Reflection
3.2 Discussion on impact and sustainability of
3.3 Conclusion
3.4 Recommendation
4.1 Progress monitoring (Gantt Chart)
4.2 Task allocation
4.3 Financial report

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The website department was established to take care of displaying the contents to the
audience. It is called as stated because mainly website department is the department that takes care
of the website for the project This department is responsible for presenting and illustrating how
the overall look of not just the website but the whole project and the team behind it to the audience.
The department consists of a 4 persons team. The team is led by Haziq Zamri (16003045) and the
three team members under him are Muhamad Hazim (16003645), Hafizhun Husna (1700096) and
Rishi Shangker (18001685). The department plays a crucial role in posting, updating contents as
well as engaging to the audience.

The website department is in charge of creating a website for the project. The
department is also in charge of writing, reviewing and editing the researched information
submitted by other departments and presenting them in the most suitable manner on the website.
The website is used to engage with the audience, respond to questions or complaints and to
promote and focusing topics in this project. It is also used to posting and updating contents so that
it is always kept up to date for the audience and viewers search into it. Moreover, the department
is also responsible in proofreading researched contents from other departments and also analyzing
the needs of audience and recommending new topics.


1. Creating a professional image for the project by creating a logo, website and Instagram
2. Building a website and an account on social media platforms for the project as a medium
to interact with the audience and analyzing audience needs.
3. Presenting and publishing the researched contents from the other departments in the most
suitable and user-friendly manner using platforms such as website and Instagram. In
addition, reviewing them for errors and flaws.

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The website department has been tasked to create a website, social media account,
and posting contents from other departments on the website and Instagram account. We were also
tasked to proofread and correct any contents submitted to us by other departments. Most
importantly is displaying the contents to the audience. Throughout the process, the department
faced many problems and challenges, but we were able to handle them effectively as a team.
In the early stages of our workflow we faced challenges on starting and creating the
website and Instagram account itself. There were too many website editing platforms to choose
from. Each platform has their pro and cons to us. We also had to consider our budget to subscribe
to platforms monthly to gain access to the important features in building a website such as having
our own domains and the limitations of website bandwidth. Furthermore, we also had to learn how
to use the website editor that we chose as the team barely had any experiences in using the editor.
The team also had to discuss on choosing the theme of the website, the color theme of the overall
look and each department to be displayed on the website and Instagram, and which template to use
as a starting point in building the website and our contents posted on our Instagram account. In
addition, we also had to create 3 drafts of logo for the project as requested by the high committees.
On week 4 onwards we had a meeting to discuss about other issues. Firstly, we
proofread the contents submitted to us, but they were unsatisfactory enough to be posted on the
website. We also encountered issues about how to display the contents to the audience whether to
treat it like a blog or not. Furthermore, we also discussed about which domain to use for our website
and which premium plan to choose according to our budget. We needed to finalize our theme and
colour theme for our website, logo and the overall look of our Instagram. We also faced an issue
where the domain that we bought cannot be connected to the website that we built.
After finishing building and finalizing the little details of our website, we received a
report that our website looked unmanaged and scattered it is viewed on mobile. Moreover, during
the week where The Quiz Contest was held, we faced an issue where the quiz
application created by Wix itself was functioning well, but it cannot collect data of users who
answer the quiz and their answers. This was realized just before the event was about to happen.
We also were tasked to create and edit posters for the audiences at our social media account to be
posted before the quiz was held.

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Website Department Minute of Meeting
9pm - 10pm
No Name ID
1 Haziq Zamri 16003045
2 Mohamad Hazim bin Mohd Zaid 16003645
3 Hafizhun Husna Binti Abdul Razak 1700096
4 Rishi Shangker Pillay 18001685

Meeting Agenda
• Discuss email, Instagram name of H2Y
• Discuss theme of website, color of website and logo
• Discuss and shortlist which logo to choose from drafts
• Task Distribution
Problem & Solution

No Problem Solution
1. Email address and Instagram name Chosen,
Ig name : healthtoyouth
2. Logo Shortlisted 3 logo drafts from 5 to
be presented to hicom
3. Website task distribution Haziq – Diet page
Hazim – Fitness page
Husna – Lifestyle page
Rishi – Home and about page
4. Template to choose Chosen a template from wix

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Website Department Minute of Meeting
8.30pm - 10pm
No Name ID
1 Haziq Zamri 16003045
2 Mohamad Hazim bin Mohd Zaid 16003645
3 Hafizhun Husna Binti Abdul Razak 1700096
4 Rishi Shangker Pillay 18001685

Meeting Agenda
• Discuss contents postings
• Discuss when to post
• Discuss which subscription plan to choose
• Task Distribution

Problem & Solution

No Problem Solution
1. IG still no posts Haziq tasked to create and
edit of posters for
introductory posts
2. Premium plan subscription Chosen $8/month plan to
unlock premium features
3. Finalize color theme Chose dark blue, bright mint
green and white

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Every task that we wish to carry out will always encounter slight problems. As mentioned
above, the website department have come through various when carrying out the tasks handed to
us but we have managed to handle every problem in a calm and smart manner. We managed to
come up with solutions for each problem that we stumbled upon and what is better is that we
manage to do that as a team.

Our approach to solutions is a very simple concept. A concept that many have used to
overcome certain problems that we may stumble across when carrying out various tasks. The first
step we would take is to obviously identify the problem. We did this by individually doing our
given tasks and when came across a problem would keep the problem in mind and then later in the
night, we would have a meeting among all the members in our website department. When doing
this, we would then discuss about the problems that we may have come across when carrying out
our delegated tasks. By doing this, we would all be aware of each other’s problem that was
occurred in regard to whether or not any other member had to go through the same problem. We
were also able to improve our communication ability as a website department in the process of this

The next step to approaching a solution would be that we would gather all the information
that we obtained from earlier and we would all put our minds together and brainstorm solutions.
By doing this, we were able to come up with various solutions for each problems. Therefore, we
would have multiple solutions to overcome a problem that we faced. We would come up with
amazing solutions that will really help overcome the problem faced by each individual. Again, we
do this as a team because that way we will all know what each of us went through when carrying
out our tasks.

After we are done with generating our solutions, we move to selecting the best solution.
This is the next step to approaching a solution. When we select the best solution that would really
overcome the problem that we are having, we would discuss thoroughly about the various solutions
that each of us came up with. By doing this, we are able to clarify what each of us have to say
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about each solution. Sometimes a solution may seem right to one person but to another person,
they feel like the solution might have a certain flaw and when pointed out will open the eyes of
the first person. Thus we were able to select the literal best solutions to overcome a certain

The last and final step that we carry out would be for us to test our solution and evaluating
if the solution we thought of would actually solve the problem that we were facing. When we carry
out the solution and then it solves the problem we were facing, we would then get back to our team
members to inform that the solution we came up with works fine and that if anyone else was facing
the same problem, would be able to use this exact solution to overcome it. We were all able to
communicate with each other fine and gave the best solutions for each problem.

In the early weeks of our departmental tasks, we faced various problems. For the first
problem we faced was that we were uncertain about the building of a website and we did not know
which platform we were going to use to build our website. Our solution to this problem was that
we each did research on one of the platforms that we were looking at and then come back with the
pros and cons of each and decide together on which platform we were going to use to create our
website. For this, we ended up choosing the Wix platform to build our website.
Another problem that we faced was that none of us were familiar with the editor that was used in
Wix to build your website. So we decided to dedicate a certain portion of our time to browse
YouTube on tutorials about using the Wix editor. We did this because when you have someone
teaching you to understand a whole platform that is new to you, then the usage of the editor will
be much simpler for each of us to use. We also shared tutorial videos that we found to each other.
Besides that, we also had to come up with suitable colour schemes to make our website presentable
and attractive. For this, we did a simple meeting via Zoom to decide on which colours we wanted
to select and the reasoning behind said colours. We chose different colours for our home page, our
diet page, our lifestyle page, and our fitness page so that each page would look different.

And after the 4th week and so on, we would receive content for us to post on our website
from each respected department. When receiving this content, we have to recheck the grammar as
well as the spelling in case of any errors that may be on the content that we wish to post. This we

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delegated to the person who was most proficient in English among our department. Besides that,
we faced problems in deciding the plan we wanted to choose for our website. For this we had a
small meeting with our high committee, because this premium plan would also have to be decided
by the committee because it involves money that is to be provided by the committee. Apart from
that, we also received feedback that our platform looked unmanaged and scattered when it was
open via mobile phones. We then proceeded back to our website editor and noticed that there was
a mobile option to enable and so we did.

For our most recent problem we had, was that we wanted to have a quiz for our visitors to
take as part of our small giveaway. Unfortunately, the quiz application provided by Wix was
unable to show us the data of the answers for the quiz. We noticed this problem before we opened
the quiz to the public and we rectify the problem by switching our quiz into a Google Form basis.
This way we were able to collect the answers and information for each person who took part in the

Even with all the problems faced, we still managed to overcome each problem with a bright
solution and that is because we discuss and managed it as a team and that’s what is most important
in team work. We went through thick and thin together and therefore we were able to rise from
any problem without any hesitation.

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Health to Youth is the project for students to keep aware that their health is very important
to take care during this pandemic season. During this pandemic, especially when the quarantine
happened, people must have the social distancing and schools are closed for a certain period time.
Due to that, online learning platform is applied to the students. Therefore, we decided that every
student must know how to stay healthy, be fit and have a good lifestyle from home. With that,
website is the best platform to obtain for any information in just one click away.

From our project, there are a few reflections that we can learn. For the website department,
our ability to completing this project is we get to learn how to create the website page on the
internet. In which none of us had done this before, so we work hard to learn it and manage to
complete it by the time given. Besides that, we also had a lot of meetings and discussions together.
Therefore, our website was done successfully by the website department and all of the group
members of Health to Youth team are proud of the website.

Health to Youth is a trusted website where it will be handled by experienced students. The
student health concern is our main priority. Also learning about health is also part of education and
it is unique as they will not find this subject in their curriculum.

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The website department team members are already did our part to create contain on the
website. Therefore, there some of the impact from the project which is the effectiveness of creating
website has been improved. Our mission is to create awareness of health to youth life on the
website. It is more effective in which when creating the website, students can easily checkup for
the information and the contain in any time, especially when they have nothing to do in the
quarantine time at their home. With this way, the students can occupy their free time at home by
watching the video or read the attractive article that had been made on the website. This is also
can improve their productivity at home.

Besides that, the sustainability of the project is when we creating the website, all we need
to do are by clicking the search bar on the internet. By this way, it is easier to access by any people
from any places, state or country. It is also applicable to look up for any age of students. We also
felt it is more easy to update the contain without have any big problem. Moreover, the price for
creating the website is also affordable that we think it is a good choice for us to use this platform.


In conclusion, the website department is in charge of displaying the contents to the

audience to promote Health to Youth. We also, exhibit researched information through suitable
mediums such as videos, articles and slides. Moreover, there are also some of minor job to
writing, reviewing, and editing researched information such as videos, articles and the slides.
Besides that, we are not only updating on the website, but also on the Health to Youth Instagram
page. We are still posting and updating the contents in the website and Instagram so that it is
always keep up to date for the audience and viewers search into it. With that, the website
department has been work hard together from day one until now and we still keep updating on
the website every week. Therefore, our mission to accomplish this project is almost done and the
impacts of the audience are also quite big. With that, we can conclude that everything on our part
has been done successfully by our team members.

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The website department has been tasked to create a website, social media account, and
posting contents from other departments on the website and Instagram account. The task that we
were given also update and correct any contents submitted to us by other departments. Most
importantly is displaying the contents to the audience. Throughout the process, our aims and
mission are accomplished and done successfully. Therefore, there are a few recommendations that
we would suggest. One of it is about how well the website communicates with the user. For this,
our recommendation is everything on the site should be clearly explained, especially anything that
requires users to take action. A list of external links should include short descriptions that tell users
what they can expect from these other sites. Besides that, we can also put the links on our Instagram
page and also on the student group WhatsApp to get more audience for students,

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Project Briefing
Website planning
Website Draft
Upload Content
Publish Website
Content Update
Active Learning
Activity and report


Member in charge Role / Task

⁃ Managing operation cost for Wix Website
⁃ Allocate task and ensure all members participate and
contribute in every task.
Haziq Zamri ⁃ Responsible to set a meeting with supervisor from High
Committee members.
⁃ In charge for to upload content from Diet Department to
the website.

⁃ In charge to upload content from Fitness Department to

Mohamad Hazim Bin the website.
Mohamad Zaid ⁃ Produce graphic design that related with Fitness
Department for Instagram and website.
⁃ Design Project Logo.
⁃ In charge to upload content from Lifestyle Department to
Hafizhun Husna Binti the website.
Abdul Razak ⁃ Monitoring and managing social media (Instagram).
⁃ Design graphical template for Instagram feed post.
Rishi Shangker Pillay ⁃ Design and manage material for website homepage.
⁃ Set up for Quiz in the website.
⁃ Caption writer for Instagram.

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Week Task Task Description
1 Project Briefing Briefing given by Supervisor of Website department
2 Project Brainstorming ⁃ Discuss idea for design concept including pattern
and colour for graphical material that will post in
Instagram and website
⁃ Conceptual our idea to suit with our audiences
especially secondary school’s students.
⁃ Discuss various types of website platform to use
with consideration of pros and cons.
⁃ Evaluation made by Head of Department (HOD)
and decide to use Wix where it has most
advantages among all.
3 Website Draft ⁃ Learn and explore Wix tool for editing.
⁃ Create layout draft to place the content properly.
⁃ Allocate specific task on each member.
4 Upload Content ⁃ Content were prepared by each particular
department and place in google drive before
upload by Website departments’ members.
⁃ Each content need to post according to schedule
that already prepared by HOD. Accurate timing can
enhance audience to visit Health to Youth website.
5 Publish ⁃ During this phase, each members were finalised
‘Health to Youth’ their own part in the website.
website ⁃ Discuss to choose a more professional domain,
finalise and chose at the end.
⁃ Announcement of publish also posted in Instagram
to make sure our followers were aware about our
6 Content update Many content were actively post during this week.
Instagram and website become main platform for sharing
and interact with visitors and followers
7 Active Learning ⁃ Discussion are made and decide to choose quiz as
Activity and report part of active learning activity.
⁃ An apps for the quiz were explore, experiment and
try to run it to avoid any difficulties during
⁃ Report are made to record our progression as well
for required submission.

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Expense Date Cost (RM)

Wix website - Premium plan July 13, 2020 51.15
Wix website – Domain July 13, 2020 63.72
Total Expense 114.87


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Appendix 11.2.2 Fitness Department



Muhammad Haziq Fikri Bin Roslan (16003724)

Isaac Indria (16002521)
Farhan Irfan Afiq Bin Johan (16004660)
Stacy Primus Liew (17005116)
Muhammad Raqib Bin Mohammed Shajahan (18000687)

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

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Aim of Project:
1. To create a website that provide some contents about Fitness, Dietary and Lifestyle which
contribute to society to gain some knowledge and information during the pandemic Covid-

Aim of Fitness Department

1. Find a suitable and relatable content for fitness topics.
2. Find the facts and all necessary information on the contents from articles, videos,
recognized webinar and other trusted source.
3. Display the information and facts for the viewer or targeted audience, according to the
suitability of the contents can be showed to the audience.

Objective of Logistics Department

1. To act as departments that provides sufficient sources regarding fitness throughout the
2. To ensure the flow of the project in terms of coordination to be as smooth as possible.
3. To provide materials about fitness throughout this project.
4. To ensure the source and information is suitable (trusted source, facts, etc.), and can be
imply for the targeted audience in daily life.

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For the fitness department, we are mainly responsible to prepare some information that
focusing on fitness topics. Firstly, our department was formed with the appointment of Head of
Departments (HOD) and committees. Next, task delegation took place where every member had
to complete their own tasks with a given deadline. For the fitness part, we have selected some
contents based on the topics chosen that can be post onto the webinar from the results obtained
through department’s meeting. To get things easier, each of the member in the department must
find three different contents for article, infographics and video that must relate to the topic.
Therefore, the contents from the findings of the members can be used and make flow of easier as
they will be more aware which contents will be cover for upcoming week. Before posting all the
contents to the webinar, all the contents must be approved by the Head of Departments and High
Committees to make sure the contents are precise and suitable for the audience.
Furthermore, our department was assigned to make a set of question about fitness topics for
the quiz competition. The question was made based on the contents that had been posted into our
webinar which is After collecting all the answers, with the help of board, we
managed to mark all the answer based on the marking scheme and had been marked by the Head
of Departments (HOD). Thus, we needed to make sure that the answers had been marked correctly
without any mistakes as it was a quiz competition.

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2 3 4 5 7
Meeting Introduction to Health to Youth
Introduction to members and
Task for departments
Brainstorming ideas for topics
Finalising topics and contents
Strength Introduction to Fitness (Slide)
Exercise Advantage and disadvantage of
weight- lifting. (Article)
Types of strength exercise
Flexibility Risk and disadvantage of
Exercise flexibility exercise. (Slide)
Benefits and importance of
flexibility exercise. (Article)
Types of flexibility exercise.
Aerobic The concept of aerobic exercise.
Exercise (Slide)
Benefits of aerobic exercise.
Type of aerobic exercise.
Risk and Common workout injuries.
Injury (Slide)
10 tips to prevent injuries.
Quiz Preparation of question
Marking the answer

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We decided to break down the posting phase into three weeks during the period of our
project Health to Youth. This will make the audience and target audience more informed on each
theme to help comprehend what will be presented. Therefore, there are three themes that each
department wants to confront during the three weeks period. Fitness department have come out
with five topics which the topics are risk and injury while exercising and four types of exercise
(strength, aerobic, flexibility and balancing). All the topics were chosen except balancing exercise.
We chose these topics because we thought that these topics are the popular searching in the internet
among the society and they willing to know more about it. For our department, we find some
research and information together and managed to find few contents that is important and popular
based on the selected topics.
All the contents must be referred to the facts, research, and statistics. These are quite
important because our theme really affect the physical and mental of our audience. For them to get
a better result from our sharing contents, therefore, all the contents must be valid based on the
research. The research was taken from the trusted source and all the data included were from the
research we got from the articles based on the experiment.
Throughout this project, we have achieved in raising awareness about topics that are
essential for everyday lives. The articles and videos we posted received numerous views and
reviews from students at schools and universities. We also organized a quiz competition that
enhances the knowledge they gained from the articles and videos we posted. Based on the
feedbacks, we successfully reached many audiences with our posts and the audiences also gained
a lot of information from our website.

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For our project, we post articles and videos based on the topics that were chosen. From the
selected topics and contents, it will then be posted to the website. The website was promoted in
social medias so that our website will reach a wider range of audience. There are a lot of
recommendations that we think should be taken into consideration by upcoming groups that want
to do online MPU4.
Firstly, the contents must be delivered in a good way and must have the equipment for
making the sharing become more successful. This is because some of the topics need some
demonstration for the video to be delivered with certain equipment. In the fitness department, all
the contents for the video are mainly focusing on various of exercises. Therefore, it is quite
important to have a suitable equipment for the members to make the video much clearer.
Secondly, as for the technicality, some of the members from our project must be good in
the medium of internet and technology. This is because our project was fully based on online and
we really had to know which medium is suitable our project. Some of issues need to be resolve
immediately for our project running smoothly.
Lastly, it is important to make sure all the information was delivered to all the members.
Therefore, due to the pandemic Covid-19 it is important to select the right platform to handle the
meeting and make sure all the members have no difficulties to do the task given. The high
committees and Head of Department play an important role for all the members to understand the
purpose of the project.

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As for our project the results obtained will give such an impact for the audience. This is
because all the major theme was contributed to build a healthy lifestyle for every individual. All
aspects about hygiene, physical and mental were covered through this project. This will help the
audience to seek new knowledge and will improve themselves to become a better person. Most
importantly, they also gain some guidance to build the confidence in themselves from the contents
obtained through our project. Nowadays it is important to make sure all the sources we get from
the internet must be trustful, therefore, from our project they do not have to be worried about all
the information given from the website as all of our members already make sure the information
are true and from the trusted source. Lastly.this project really gives a lot of benefits for the
members also the audience.


As for the conclusion, from this project, our objective to spread awareness and knowledge
to our target audience has successfully achieved which cover a few topics about fitness exercise.
The main reason of this fitness topic is important because we must stay healthy and fit during the
MCO. This method of spreading through media social and webinar was done for the audience to
gain something and apply to daily life.
Lastly, we hope that by this sharing of contents will help the audience to gain some
knowledge and will spread to others to make all of us stay healthy. It is also hoped that our effort
may help someone to change their lifestyle for a better living.

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Appendix 11.2.3 Diet Department



Adam Imran Bin Nor Azlan (16004762)

Fikri Aiman Bin Che Hamid (16001374)
Muhammad Izz hakim Bin Tumiran (16000672)
Muhammad Omar Farouk Bin Muhadzir (16004313)

May – September 2020 Semester

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

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1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………………….……..3

1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives

2.0 Project Discussion……………………………………………………………………..4

2.1 Problem Statement and Approach to Solution

3.0 Implication……………………………………………………………….....................6
3.1 Reflection
3.2 Discussion
3.3 Conclusion

4.0 Project Management……………………………………………………………...……8

4.1 Gantt Chart and Task Allocation
4.2 Financial Report

5.0 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………...10
5.1 APPENDIX A: Pictures of Receipts
5.2 APPENDIX B: Minutes of Meetings (MoM)

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Health to Youth is a project with the main objective to spread the awareness and to provide
proper ways on how to maintain a heathy lifestyle among youth. This project was initiated as youth
nowadays are lacking with the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle. With an online platform that
contains information related to diet, fitness, and lifestyle, youngsters and teenagers has more
accessibility to obtain the knowledge as it is accessible everywhere.

The practice of consuming healthy diet is lacking among the young society. One of the
main reasons is they are lacking the knowledge of how diet could affect their life. Despite the vast
development of technologies over the centuries, most youngsters think that eating is just to avoid
hunger since they are eager to spend more time by having fun with gadgets. Having unproper
meals everyday could lead to serious health disease. As human, our main health defense system is
our immunity and a good body immunity requires sufficient nutrition. Therefore, healthy diet is
very crucial in order to maintain our good health.

Diet department focused more on providing the most important things on the importance
of having a proper diet which will affects our health. Consuming good nutrition is the key of having
a healthy lifestyle as food is our main source of energy. Our task is to provide a dietary guideline
that able to be applied among youngsters and teenagers. Youngsters and teenagers are the most
valuable assets of a country. Therefore, we aim to have all youngsters and teenagers to consume
healthy foods which could help them to be more productive every day.

Objectives of Diet Department

1. To increase awareness among students regarding the importance of healthy diet in our life.

2. To share the knowledge on how to have a healthy lifestyle by having a proper meal.

3. Providing contents related to healthy diets as media of the project’s website.

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Problem Statement and Approach to Solutions:

Recently, Covid-19 cases has been escalating all over the whole wide world and gave a
great impact on many aspects in people daily life. To reduce this Covid-19 cases, the government
in each country urges people to apply social distancing and continue staying at home unless there
are any urgent matters to do at the outside world. Due to this enforcement, some other problems
had risen because lack of physical activity at home especially on people health.

Firstly, eating habits and lifestyle had changed rapidly during the Covid-19. For instance,
many people tried new recipes during the Covid-19. Thus, the consumption of food had increase
swiftly among the society. Dalgona coffee, banana bread, brownies and cheesecake are among the
viral food during the lockdown. As a result, more people had trouble maintaining at a healthy
weight. In addition, some people have little knowledge or no knowledge at all about dieting.
Consequently, they did not meet the expected result of their diet. For instance, some people become
fatter even after diet because they are doing it the wrong way. Lastly, there are some people who
are taken lightly regarding their health. They have little awareness on the importance of having a
healthy diet.

In order to solve this problem, MPU4 Health to Youth project feel responsible to provide
an informative platform with all kind of health information to the public. Eventually, a website
called Health to Youth was introduced. This website aims to create awareness among the students
regarding healthy lifestyle and encourage to apply healthy lifestyle in their daily life. In addition,
this website showcases three fundamental aspects of human everyday life namely diet, fitness, and
lifestyle. This website is a user friendly. Students able to browse through to find all about health
and fitness tips. They can indeed share their comments underneath down the post. In addition, this
website is added on with a quiz for people to answer. People tend to be more focus on the input to
answer the quiz and wins the prizes. There are 3 ways this website delivers messages about healthy

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The first method is sharing inputs using infographics. Indeed, infographics is a great way
to tell visual stories in an attractive way. Moreover, they are more eye-catching than texts, since
they usually combine pictures, colors, and content that naturally draw the eye and are very fun and
engaging medium that can generate a unique connection with visitors in the website Among the
topics covered in the Health to Youth Website using infographics are “The Benefits Of Healthy
Eating”, “Healthy Eating Plan” and “5 Foods You Should Never Eat”.

Next method is using articles to provide information. An article refers to a piece of writing
distinct from the journal, magazine, or collection of writing it is a part of. Usually, articles are a
great way to convey any message academically. People can learn deeply and valuable information
regarding health tips in the website. Moreover, reference of journal also provided to learn more
about the topics. Among the topics cover using articles are “How Does Unhealthy Food Effects
Your Body”, “Nutrition and Nutrient”, “Know Your Food Calorie” and “Building A Food

The final method is to share information is through videos. Videos are one of the most
engaging mediums. Not only do videos grab people’s attention, they can either keep it. Videos can
convey huge amount of information and make it easy to interpret in a short amount of time. They
strike a deep connection and illicit strong emotional responses that make people want to share,
comment, and like. Among the topics covered are using videos are “Diet”, “8 Tips of Healthy
Eating”, How to Make Salmon Honey Garlic” and “Myth and Fact About Diet.”

To conclude, many people received essential information to improve their healthy lifestyle
through this website. Most of the topic covered has totally improved their daily lifestyle. Based on
the feedback form from the visitor, they really satisfied with the website. It is very accessible and
well arrange. The layout and navigation are user friendly and the content is super beneficial. They
gained new knowledge from the infographics, articles and videos provided.

51 | P a g e


For our Health to Youth project, the team decided to create a website where the community
can access the website and gain knowledge about a healthy way of life among youth. We decided
to make 3 main components for our website which is fitness, diet, and lifestyle. For every
component, we will have each department with several committees to create a content to be posted
for three weeks so that all the audience that have access our website will have excellent knowledge
about fitness, diet, and lifestyle. For diet department, we did some research about diet online by
reading some articles and watch some videos to find new topics and themes to be posted in the
website. Therefore, for the first week of posting, we decided on a simple theme which is ‘Healthy
Diet’. In this theme, consist of 3 main topics which is ‘5 Foods You Should Never Eat’ for slides,
‘20 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods’ for article, and ‘Myth VS Fact: Diet Edition’ for video. We
decided to choose these topics because we want youth to have a basic idea about diet and learn
more about how food can help maintaining their ideal body mass index.

Next, for the second week, we choose a better theme which is ‘Food Management’ so that the
audience can have some knowledge about what kind of nutrition that they get by eating certain
foods. For the article, we shared about ‘Food Pyramid and Calorie’. In this article, it explains about
how to create a balance food pyramid for good eating, food calorie and the difference between
nutrition and nutrient. For the slides, the topic given is ‘Healthy Eating Plan’ where the audience
can manage their food schedule for diet and what is the best food portion for diet. Finally, for the
video we have a simple recipe of salmon where everyone at home can try it with a simple
ingredient. The topic is ‘Salmon Honey Garlic’. It is a simple healthy food as salmon is a good
source of protein in the planet.

For the last week of posting, we suggested a theme that is very important in diet which is
‘Healthy Eating’. This topic is important as eating is related with your diet. To have a better diet,
eating more healthy food is important. For the 3 main topics, we choose ‘Benefits of Eating
Healthy’ for slide, ‘How Does Unhealthy Food Affects Your Body’ for article, and ‘8 Tips of

52 | P a g e
Healthy Eating’ for video. Audience can learn a lot from these topics as its help them to avoid
taking food with high amount of salt and sugar. In the slide also, we are going to look for benefits
of healthful diet as well as the evidence behind them.

During this project, we managed to spread awareness about health topics that are important
in daily life among the youth. We received a lot of feedbacks from our slides, videos and articles
from university students and school teenagers. In the end, we also organized a quiz competition so
that we can test their knowledges from what they have gained from the articles, slides, and videos.
Based on the feedbacks, we successfully reached many audiences with our contents and many
youths also gained a lot of knowledges from our website.

This project gives a huge impact towards many parties such as the students, community,
and people around it. From the diet department’s side, we have achieved many things such as new
knowledge on diet itself, how to edit a video, and more. In order to keep the project a success, the
website have been created so that the students and youth can have awareness about the health of
the youth. We also implement the sustainability in mind and as result, our created website will be
referred for further references in the future even after the completion of the MPU 4 project. This
is to make sure that everyone can access our website to review the slides, articles, and videos so
that it will benefits them.

53 | P a g e
In conclusion, it is assured that the Health to Youth project is a success as it have achieved
the objective by educates the youth in healthy lifestyle. The knowledges that they gained can be
useful in the future.
For this short period of time, the diet department have successfully managed to spread the
knowledges and awareness about healthy diet, food management, and healthy eating to our
targeted audiences which is the secondary school students. The main reasons we choose these
topics because the rate of obesity in the country is increasing as people are lack of knowledge on
what they are eating daily. By introduce them the way to manage their food intake, we are helping
the community to realise what kind of food is good and bad for their body and what portion suitable
for everyone. The method of sharing our content is by spreading the information in our website
and on our Instagram page. On the Instagram, we notify the followers on what have been updated
in the website. While in the websites, all the articles, slides, and videos have been posted according
to their schedule. Other than that, a quiz competition also has been done to attract more people to
visit our website as the quiz offers a cash prizes as reward.
Finally, we hoped that our efforts spreading knowledges and awareness among the youth
can benefit them and our country in the future. We also hope that our effort can be a steppingstone
in developing a health-conscious community.

54 | P a g e

Gantt Chart and Task


MPU4 Diet Department

No Title Task TIME
Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
1 5 Foods Video Adam
2 You Should Powerpoint Omar
3 Never Eat Article Fikri
4 Video Amar/Izz
5 Powerpoint Fikri
Eating Plan
6 / Diet Plan Article
7 Benefits of Video Omar
8 Powerpoint Adam
How does
9 unhealthy Article Fikri
Food Affect
your body
Adam /
Adam / Izz/
10 General Meeting 1.0 Omar/Amar
ar /Fikri

General Meeting 2.0
Adam / Izz/
12 Omar/Ama
First Department Meeting r /Fikri
Adam / Izz/
13 Omar/Amar
Quiz Preparation /Fikri

55 | P a g e
Financial Report

Budget Table for Dept Diet (Healthy Menu)


1 Salmon fillet RM30 1 RM30
2 Honey RM12 1 RM12
3 Lemon RM1 1 RM1
4 Garlic RM0.30 1 RM0.30
5 Broccoli RM5 1 RM5

56 | P a g e
Notes: Total expenses is the one that are tick in the resit. Total expenses for diet department
is RM72.55.

57 | P a g e
58 | P a g e
Appendix 11.2.4 Lifestyle Department





Ahmad Azam Shamsuddin 18000635

Shaick Ahmad Irfan Shaick Dawood 16002533

Farah Ilyana Binti Raizal 16001697

Jasmeen Binti Baharuddin 16003206

Muhammad Sharulizwan Bin Anang Othman 17000401

May 2020 Semester

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

59 | P a g e



5.1 Background of project work

5.2 Objectives

5.3 Problem Identification


6.1 Approach to solutions


7.1 Reflection

7.2 Discussion on impact and sustainability of


7.3 Conclusion

7.4 Recommendation


8.1 Progress monitoring (Gantt Chart) and Task


60 | P a g e

The Lifestyle department was established to give exposure and knowledge about healthy
lifestyle regarding selected topics based on the themes that we think is suitable for youths. Each
topic was thoroughly researched so that the materials that we posted on the website serves only
correct and beneficial information to the youths. After a committee member of this department
have done the material, our supervisor of this department will carefully check the materials so that
there are no mistakes. There are two types of materials that we posted which are videos and

In order to achieve healthy life, people especially youths tend to emphasise on diet and
exercise. Lifestyle routines are often neglected resulting poor physical and mental healthiness.
Youths need to take care of their body and mind so that they can achieve healthy body.

This department consists of 5 committee members; Ahmad Azam, Shaick Ahmad Irfan,
Farah Ilyana, Muhammad Sharulizwan and Jasmeen while our supervisor for this department is
Nor Jumanah.


1. To conduct research on the current trends, development and perception regarding the
selected topics.
2. To write, edit and update researched information such as videos, articles and slides.
3. To assists the creative team with design of the specific webpage.

61 | P a g e

While we were doing tasks in this group, we found that we had experienced some
challenges throughout our work as a team. One of the challenges that faces is the extra time and
energy taken to execute one task due to the lack of coordination between the team members. Tasks
which in group members are heavily dependent on each other at all stages is the crucial part in
order to achieve same collective objectives. For example, this happens when we carry out the task
of completing our study material tasks consisting of video making, slide production and writing
articles based on the topics provided.

Next, our department head will divide us into 3 groups each of which has 2 members and
then delegate tasks based on a predetermined schedule. Each group will be assigned a different
task each week and we have to complete it in the allotted time by uploading the task on our project
google drive. This problem arises because we desperately need each member's commitment to
work together to complete the task on time. Each member in their respective groups should work
together and communicate with each other to ensure that the task can run smoothly.

Furthermore, we are also faced with unexpected circumstances such as the incidence of the
COVID-19 pandemic which forced us to proceed this project task at our respective homes. This,
in turn, has a profound effect on our department which will create a communication gap between
members due to our difficulty in gathering and discussing projects effectively. We also had to
leverage the use of technology to communicate with each other and hold virtual meetings where it
was a bit less effective compared to physical meetings.

Lastly, because each of us is in our own home, it somewhat distracts our focus to remain
proactive and committed to a given task. This happens because at home has its perks: it’s a
comfortable, low-pressure environment. It happens because there are many challenges at home
that allow us to get distracted and to be in the comfort zone that would allow us to lose
concentration and delay the tasks assigned.

62 | P a g e

Regarding the problem mentioned in the section above, we tried to come up with different
solutions to each problem. So for the problem, we need to train ourselves to communicate more
with team members so that even the slightest problem can be solved within a short period of time.
We used Whatsapp platform for our communication method which makes it easier for us to know
problems from others, or even check each other’s works. We also divided the departments into 3
smaller groups to make it easier for the smaller groups to communicate with each other thus time
to do each task will be shorter.

Due to the circumstances, we solely rely on online platform in order to do meetings for
discussion session. We used Discord app to do our meeting and we found out that it is hard to
make everyone available for the meeting due to various reasons. So we decided that it is better to
do only one meeting that is short and precise to discuss all of the matters. This will save a lot of
time for our tasks. Due to this pandemic also, we find it hard to balance between personal life at
home and also academic matters. Thus, we keep reminding each other about the tasks that needs
to be done so that we will try to do our tasks within allocated period.

63 | P a g e

During the period of our Health to Youth project, we decided to break down the posting
period into three weeks. This will make the viewers and target audience to focus more on each
theme to fully grasp what will be presented to them. Therefore, there are three themes that each
department needs to come up with during the three weeks period. For our department, we did some
research together and managed to find few topics that is important and popular amongst teenagers
and youth. Therefore, for the first week we chose ‘Hygiene’ theme. This topic includes three main
topics, which are articles of ‘Hygiene 101’, ‘Importance of Healthcare: Body Hygiene’,
‘Importance of Healthcare: At Home Hygiene’, and a video of ‘Basic Haircare and Skincare
Routine’. We chose these topics because we felt that youths nowadays should concern about their
hygiene as their body are experiencing physical changes that they need to be fully aware of.
Knowing how to take care their body and environment is an important step to be a healthy youth.
For the second week, we chose a very crucial theme globally which is ‘Covid-19’. Under
this theme, there are articles about ‘Covid-19: What You Should Know’ and ‘Tips on Taking
Online Class’. We also posted a video about how to effectively social distancing. We take the
responsibility to educate and give exposure to the society about these topics because everyone
should know about this pandemic and why do we have to do social distancing, wear mask and
keep hygiene all the time. It is possible to fight this pandemic but we need to do it together and
with the correct knowledge. For the third or last week. We chose a theme that is also important in
daily lives of youths which is ‘Mental Health’. This topic is so important because for the past few
years, the rate of mental health issues keeps increasing especially among youths. So, we manage
to post an article about ‘How to Deal with Your Anxiety’. Anxiety is something that youths
experience on regular basis so they need to know how to deal with it.
Throughout this project, we managed to spread awareness about topics that are crucial in
our daily lives. The articles and videos that we posted received a lot of views and feedbacks from
university and school students. We also organized a quiz competition which enhances the
knowledge that they gained from the articles and videos that we posted. Based on the feedbacks,
we successfully reached many audiences with our posts and the audiences also gained a lot of
information from our website.

64 | P a g e
3.2 Discussion on Impact And Sustainability Of Project

The impact that this project carries is very huge as the topic that we have chosen will always
carry a significant role in the world especially the youth as they are the future generations of the
world. While conducting this project we have kept sustainability in mind and as a result, our
created website will be always running even after the completion of the MPU 4 project. This is
done so that everyone can access our website and the articles, power points and videos uploaded
to the website will always be a benefit to someone.

3.3 Conclusion

In conclusion, it is believed that this project has successfully achieved its objective that is
in educating the youth in healthy lifestyle options that they can make a habit off. From this short
period of time, we have successfully managed to spread awareness and knowledge to our target
audience which are secondary school students on a few major topics such as about personal
hygiene, COVID-19 and on mental health. The main reason that we choose this topic is due to
during that time we were under quarantined due to COVID-19 and taught that these are the things
that they are currently facing. The method of spreading information was done mainly through our
website and on our Instagram page. There, we shared articles, power points and videos which were
created by each group member. A competition was also held at the end of the period and cash
prizes were given out to the winners in order to attract a larger audience.

Lastly, it is hoped that our effort in spreading knowledge among the youth may benefit our
country and the future. It is also hoped that our effort may be a steppingstone in helping to develop
a health-conscious community.

65 | P a g e
4.1 Progress monitoring (Gantt Chart)

66 | P a g e
Appendix 11.3 Minutes of Meeting (MOM)


Date and Time 3rd May 2020/10.00PM- Meeting No. 1

Platform Discord

Title Briefing on online implementation of MPU4 project on May 2020



• Muhammad Harith
• Amar Rasyidi
• Nor Jumanah Syahmi Fakrullah
• Syahmi Fakhrullah
• Nurkhalisya Aqila
• Haziq Zamri Khalisya aqila
• Haziq Fikri SECRETARY 2


Harith sahak

67 | P a g e


The board members as well as the High Committee of the
projects were briefed about the new structure for MPU4
project. All projects were confirmed to be conducted online
for May Semester 2020. Every project was given a choice
whether to conduct the project through website, videos or
application. The chosen platform must be accessible by the
public for promotional purposes and to smoothen the project
flows. The input given must be beneficial to the public to be
used in daily basis. Every project was needed to obey new
implementation date which was from 20th June 2020 till 17th
July 2020 followed by submission of online proposal on 5th
June 2020. As explained by the project director, the cores
were either education, environment or economy.

USR framework that we agreed was education. The reason

was the core education was easy to implement as the scope
was wide. Education can be categorized in many things. The
theme chosen for the project was health education. The
platforms that were used were website and social media as
marketing tool.
Five departments were formed which includes High
Committee, Website, Diet, Fitness and lifestyle department.
Only Head of Department will be assigned for each team.
Each department will consist four to five members. Besides,
types of contents must include video, articles and

68 | P a g e

Date and Time 13TH May 2020 /10.00PM- Meeting No. 2


Venue Discord

Title Department members and Job scope guidelines


• Muhammad Harith
• Amar Rasyidi Syahmi Fakrullah
• Nor Jumanah
• Syahmi Fakhrullah
• Nurkhalisya Aqila

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak

69 | P a g e


These are the job scopes which are involving research and
findings, creating content to be posted as well as conducting
research to learn more about recent trends about the health
issue and conceptualizing the findings and research. Besides,
each department was required to conduct research purposely
to learn more about developments and perceptions about the
matter. Next, conducting research through various medium
such as videos, articles and slides. When all of these are
completed, the departments were responsible to write, review,
edit and update into these three mediums. By using website,
the learning materials were able to reach the audience in
responding to the questions or complaints and indirectly to
promote healthy lifestyle. Lastly, the head of the department
was responsible to assist the team with the design and
specific knowledge.


Find a suitable content for each department which related to

the department. Every content must get approval from the
HOD and Hicom. The information must contain facts and
apply academic writings to the content. For the slides, each
must contain infographics and statistics. Same goes to
Articles. The videos must be minimum three minutes and
must synchronize with the videos. Once these materials get
approval from HOD and HICOM, the content can be sent to
the website department and ready to be published.

70 | P a g e
HICOM: (5 members)
• Harith
• Aqila
• Jumanah
• Amar
• Syahmi
• Izz (HOD)
• Haziq Zamri (AHOD)
• Husna
• Hazim


• Haziq Fikri(HOD)
• Isaac
• Stacy
• Fia
• Raqib

DIET DEPARTMENT: (4 members)

• Adam (HOD)
• Fikri Aiman
• Rishi Omar


• Azam (HOD)
• Jasmeen
• Farah
• Shaick
• Sharul

71 | P a g e




• Introduction
• Abstract
• Background
• Problem Statement
• Objectives of Project
• Mission and Aims
• Project Planning
• Project details
• Organization of Project
• List of Committees
• Project workflow
• Gantt Chart
• The significance of the project
• Conclusion

Next scheduled meeting will be on 18th May 2020

72 | P a g e

Date and Time 18th May 2020/ 10.00PM- Meeting No. 3


Venue Discord

Title Updates on task given

Meeting with MPU4 members

Attendee All Present MINUTES PREPARED BY:

Syahmi fakrullah

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak

73 | P a g e


Date of implementation is on 20th June 2020 – 17th July



Focus on five departments including HICOM. Checking

on updates about Health Education and job scope of
departments. Diet, Lifestyle and fitness members update
regarding contents to website department. The website
department will upload the contents on social media and
website. The flow of division members to each

74 | P a g e

Date and Time 7th June 2020/10.00PM- Meeting No. 4


Platform Discord

Title Contents Preparation from each department

Attendee All Present MINUTES PREPARED BY:

Syahmi fakrullah

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak

75 | P a g e


Each HOD must update the HICOM what has been done
for the contents of the website. The Articles,
slide/Infographics and video must be prepared following
the topic for that particular week.



• Listing the website developer for MPU4

• Determine the best website design for our MPU4
• Finalize the website on the next meeting


• Madam Jasmine or Madame Izzah

• Last choice stick to Muhd Faizairi as advisor


• Prepare the main contents for the first week

• 3 contents under the main title consists of video,
article and infographics
• Send to Board group for approval


Scheduled on 14th June 2020 on Sunday

76 | P a g e

Date and Time 14th June 2020/10.00PM- Meeting No. 5


Venue Discord


Attendee All Present MINUTES PREPARED BY:

Syahmi fakrullah

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak

77 | P a g e
Fitness Department:
• Five main points selected which were endurance,
strength, balance, flexibility and injury risk.
• Sub contents are needed by Tuesday 16th June

Diet Department:
• Theme: Healthy Diet
What is Healthy diet? (Need to elaborate more)
Besides, the department members are required to
do research on five foods to avoid, Diet edition
(Myth VS Facts)- video
• Theme: Food Management
Do research on Food Pyramid information, Food
calorie, food schedule and food portion for diet.
• Theme: Impact of Bad Diet
What will happen to the body if you have a
wrongly consume a bad diet routine. Next, how
the BMI could affect an individual?

Lifestyle Department:
• Theme: Hygiene
Slides- Body Hygiene
Video- Skincare and head hygiene.
Articles- Importance of hygiene
• Theme: The new norm of COVID-19
Online class implementation
Social Distancing
Why we should adapt new practises?
• Theme: Mental Health
Issues regarding stress, sleeping patterns and

78 | P a g e
Website Department:
• Discussed on suitable website.
Pros: Free
Cons: Not suitable because the interface and
developer tools cannot do much with free
version. Yet, the premium has $13, $14, $22 per
• WIXSITE (free and have domain)
Easy tools to learn
Free version with vast choices can develop the
• Site 123 (free, available package: $5.80/month)
• Square space (no free account, 30 days free trial
2 plan, business $18 per month. Personal $12 per
Suit with IOS system user
➔ Decide the developer will used by Tuesday 16/6
Each department need to edit the video assisted by
website members. All contents are required to be cited at
the end of the slides and articles. Articles will follow
exactly like blog template.
• Posting schedule:
Thursday- Slides
Friday- Article
• Send the content before the posting schedule for
• All departments send the contents every week at
least 3 sub-contents for each title or website by
o MPU4 logo, poster template for
o Send the contents to the google drive link
for respective department
o Budget for each department (if any) by

79 | P a g e

Date and Time 29TH June 2020/10.00PM- Meeting No. 6


Venue Microsoft Team

Title Update on supervised Department

Attendee All Present MINUTES PREPARED BY:

Syahmi fakrullah

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak

80 | P a g e


• Websites
Using wix site as developer. Website has been
created, logo settle, poster settle, IG ready fro
• Website link,
• Other departments
All have sent the contents for each week


• Contents checking and proof-reading. Some of the

contents need to be repaired
• The one has been posted let it be, will update new
one when get the repaired one. The other contents
that need to be fixed will wait for the new contents to
be posted

81 | P a g e

Date and Time 13th July 2020/10.00PM- Meeting No. 7

Venue Discord
Title Contest and Final Report
Attendee All Present MINUTES PREPARED BY:
Syahmi fakrullah

Khalisya aqila


Harith sahak



• Briefing the report for MPU4
• One report one project by 20 July
• Student Individual reflection need to be done by 24

• Quiz in website and open for all
• On Thursday 16/7 from 8am to 8pm
• Each department will send questions regarding that
department 3 MCQs and 1 subjective and the quiz
layout will be created by websites

82 | P a g e
• After post, everybody will repost and share
• Find the follower and spread the quiz
• We have terms regulations and SOP need to be
• Prepare answer schemes as reference for marking
• No review answers
• Total questions 15 Questions, by Wednesday will
be post.


3) 1. Full Name
2. Email
3. Contact Number
4. Birth Date (dd/mm/yy)
5. Gender
6.Level of Education (School/College/University)
7. How did you know about this Quiz? Give
choices (Friend, Instagram, website)
• Quiz:
✓ 1st to 12th Question from the departments.
✓ Question 13: What feedback can you give
based on your experience through this
website and quiz? (Please give answer more
15 words)
✓ Question 14: What improvement can be
done for us to better serve you in the
website? (please give answer more than 15
✓ Question 15: Would you like to join our
future quizzes? (yes or no)

83 | P a g e
Appendix 11.4 Receipts

84 | P a g e
Appendix 11.5 Pictures of Project


Website Health to Youth

Website Homepage Interface

85 | P a g e
Lifestyle Section

Fitness Section

Diet Section

86 | P a g e
Health to Youth Instagram Page

87 | P a g e
Health to Youth Quiz Contest

88 | P a g e
89 | P a g e
Health to Youth Promotional Poster

90 | P a g e

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