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Sajili II, Makiri S.

Socio 104

BSAC 5 Saturday 8:30-11:30

The Paradox of Culture

Culture is universal yet unique

Culture is defined by its sense of values, learned behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that characterizes the
people within it. Every civilization that came to existence has customs and tradition that its people
practice a basis on how they live their life turning it to be their own culture. And each and every
civilization has developed their own distinct culture that differs from other nation due to many factors
such as their values, beliefs, norms, folkways and etc. Culture is universal because every society practice
their own beliefs and understanding on how to live their life since it has been taught to them by their
ancestors and it is unique due to the fact that these people who has been influenced by their respective
culture has prominent features that differentiates their beliefs and tradition from those of other people.

Culture is dynamic yet stable

Culture is dynamic as it never stays the same as time pass by. Some components of it will be altered in
order to fit into the current era. Certain things will be discovered, specific objects will be created and
with these new inventions around, it must be integrated into the existing culture so that it will prosper
and grow. Culture is stable since it is still practice even when times change and it will stay with the
people since it is as old as humanity itself. Culture will not just fade away as it has become a framework
for people as to how they must live their life and despite it being changeable throughout the ages, it will
always remain as part of a society's life.

Culture is learned yet seldom perpetuated into the subsconscious mind

Culture is learned since we humans acquire culture through language by speech and writing and that
gives the capability to pass it into the succeeding generations. We are influenced by our culture by
means of formal communication, mass communication, suggestion and by a system of rewards and
punishments. And culture has been hardly ever immortalized within our subsconscious minds due to
reasons that these customs and traditions are pliable and slight alterations will occur as time flies. It
doesn't stay the same as it originally was but it evolves and adapts to the current situation. If it ever was
etched inside our minds, then we are bound to be preserve in our old ways of thinking and fail to meet
the demands of progressing times and we shall remain stagnant in our primitive ways.

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