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M1: (Algebra, Trigonometry, & ProbStat)

1. Log of the nth root of x equals log of x to the 1/n power and also equals to: Ans: log(x)/n
2. Delia can finish a job in 8 hours. Daisy can do it in 5 hours. If Delia worked for 3 hours and
then Daisy was asked to help her finish it, how long will Daisy have to work with Delia to finish
the job? Ans: 1.923 hrs
log ❑10 x
3. If =2 ,what is the value of x? Ans: 25
1−log ❑10 2
4. If 1/x, 1/y, 1/z are in arithmetic progression, then y is equal to: Ans: 2xz / (x + z)
5. If logx2 + log2x = 2, then the value if x is: Ans: 2
6. A merchant has 3 items on sale: namely, a radio for P50, a clock for P30, and a flashlight for
P1. Ath the end of the day, she has sold a total of 100 of the 3 items and has taken exactly
P1000 on the total sales. How many radios did he sell? Ans: 16
7. The population of the Philippines doubled in the last 30 years from 1967 to 1997. Assuming
that the rate of population increase will remain the same, in what year will the population
triple? Ans: 2027
x +10 A B
8. Find A and B such that = + Ans: A = -3; B = 2
x❑ −4 x−2 x +2

9. The sum of the logarithms of two numbers is 1.748188 and the difference of their logarithms
is -0.0579919. One of the numbers is Ans: 8
10. In a certain department store, the monthly salary of a saleslady is partly constant and varies
as the value of her sales for the month. When the value of her sales for the month is
P10,000.00, her salary for that month is P900.00. WHen her sales goes up to P12,000.00, her
monthly salary goes up to P1,000.00. What must be the value of her sales for the month so
that her salary for that month will be P2,000.00. Ans: P32000
11. Multiply (3 - 2i)(4 + 3i). Ans: 18+i
12. Find the value ofx in (3^5)(9^6)=3^(2x). Note: The expression ^ means power. Ans: 8.5
13. A shoe store sells 10 different sizes of shoes, each in both high-cut and low-cut variety, each
either rubber or leather, and each with white or black color. How many different kinds of shoes
does he sell? Ans: 80
14. The only root if the equation x2 = 6x + k = 0 is: Ans: 3
15. If ¼ and -7/2 are the roots of the quadratic equation Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0, what is the value of
B? Ans: 26
16. An engineer was told that a survey had been made on a certain rectangular field but the
dimensions had been 100 ft longer and 25 ft narrower, the area would have been increased
by 2500 sq ft, and that if it had been 100 ft shorter and 50 ft wider, the area would have been
decreased 5000 sq ft. What was the area of the field? Ans: 20000 ft^2
17. If log8x = -n, then x is equals to: Ans: 1/(8^n)
18. Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Ana was when Mary was as old as Ana is now.
How old is Ana? Ans: 18
19. Nonoy can finish a certain job in 10 days if Imelda will help for 6 days. The same work can be
done by Imelda in 12 days if Nonoy helps for 6 days. If they work together, how long will it
take for them to do the job? Ans: 8.4
20. Expand: [2=sqrt(-9)]^3 Ans: -46 + 9i
21. If f(x) = x2 + x + 1, then f(x) - f(x-1) = Ans: 3
22. Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (x+2y-z) 8. Ans: 256
23. A 40-g alloy containing 35% gold is to be melted with a 20-g alloy containing 50% gold. How
much percentage of the gold is the resulting alloy? Ans: 40
24. Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster then Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they
can paint a given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Pedro to paint the same fence if he
had to work alone? Ans: 10 hrs
25. The population of the country increases 5% each year. Find the percentage it will increase in
three years. Ans: 15.76%
26. Log6845=? Ans: 3.761
27. If 2x+3y=x+y, then x2:y2= Ans: 1:16
28. What is the lowest common factor of 10 and 32? Ans: 2
29. Brown can wash his car in 15 minutes, while his son John takes twice as long to do the same
job. If they work together, how many minutes can they do the washing? Ans: 10
30. The ages of the mother and her daughter are 45 and 5 years, respectively. How many years
will the mother be three times as old as her daughter? Ans: 15
31. Find the value of log(aa)a? Ans: a^2 log a
32. There are 6 geometric means between 4 and 8748. Find the sum of all the terms. Ans: 13120
33. If log21000=x, what is the value of x?
Ans: 4.19 **Engineering Mathematics Vol.1 by DIT Gillesania
34. The arithmetic mean of 80 numbers is 55. If two numbers namely 250 and 850 are removed,
what is the arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers? Ans: 42.31
35. What is the magnitude of the vector F=2i + 5j + 6k? Ans: 8.06
36. The sum of five arithmetic means between 34 and 42 is: Ans: 190

1. If sec 2A = 1/sin 13A, Determine the angle of A in degrees. Ans: 6 deg
2. If the supplement of an angle is 7/2 of its complement, find the value of the angle. Ans: 54
3. Stations A and B are 1000m apart on a straight road running from east to west. From A, the
bearing of a tower at C is 32° west of north and from B, the bearing of C is 26° north of east.
Find the shortest distance of the tower at C from the road. Ans: 378.81 m
4. Find the side opposite the given angle for a spherical triangle having b = 60°, c = 30°, A = 45°
Ans: 42.34 deg
5. Find the side opposite the given angle for a spherical triangle having a = 45°, c = 30°, B =
120° Ans: 64.18 deg
6. The angles B and C of a triangle ABC are 50°30’ and 122°09’ respectively and BC = 9, find
the length of AB. Ans: 59.56
7. If sin2x + y = m and cos2x + y = n, find y. Ans: (m + n - 1)/2
8. An angle in standard position and whose terminal sides falls along one of the coordinate axes
is called a Ans: quadratic angle
9. A clock has a minute hand 16 cm long and an hour hand 11 cm long. Find the distance
between the outer tips of the hands at 2:30 o’clock. Ans: 21.6 cm.
10. If, determine the angle A. Ans: 6
11. Find the value of A between 270° and 360° if sin^2A - sinA = 1. Ans: 330°
12. Two cities 200 km apart lie on the same meridian. Find their difference in latitude if the Earth’s
radius is 3,960 km. Ans: 5/99 n
13. The value of x in 38.5x = 7.5x-2. Ans: -2.46
14. A pole which leans to the sun by 10° 15’ from the vertical casts a shadow 9.43 m on the level
ground when the angle of elevation of the sun is 54°50’. The length of the pole is. Ans: 18.3m
15. A flagstaff stands on the top of a house 15 m high. From a point on the plane on which thee
house stands., the angles of elevation of the top and bottom of the flagstaff are found to be
60° and 45° respectively. Find the height of the flagstaff. Ans: 10.98 m
16. A pole cast a shadow 18 m long when the angle of elevation of the sun is 61 deg. If the pole is
leaned 15 deg from the vertical directly towards the sun, determine the length of the pole.
Ans: 54.23 = 55
17. The point P(x,y) where x = 0 and y > 0 is located in quadrant Ans: III and IV
18. A tower 28.65 m high is situated on the bank of a river. The angle of depression of an object
on the opposite bank of the river is 25°20’. Find the width of the river. Ans: 60.52 m
19. Two cars start at the same time from the same station and move along straight roads that
form an angle of 30°, one car at the rate of 30 kph and the other at the rate of 40 kph. How far
apart are the cars at the end of half an hour? Ans: 10.27 km
20. A ladder leans against the wall of a building with its lower end 4 m from the building. How long
is the ladder if it makes an angle of 70° with the ground? Ans: 11.7m
21. Twelve round holes are bored through a square piece of steel plate. Their centers are equally
spaced in the circumference of a circle 18 cm in diameter. Find the distance between the
centers of two consecutive holes. Ans: 4.66cm
22. The angle of triangle ABC are in the ratio 5:10:21 and the side opposite the smallest angle is
5. Find the side opposite the largest angle. Ans: 11.43
23. The point P(x,y) where x 0 and y > 0 is located in quadrant Ans: I or II
24. If tan x = ½ and tan y = ⅓, find tan (x + y). Ans: 1
25. If cot(80° - x/2) cot(2x / 3) = 1, find x. Ans: 60 deg
26. If Arctanx = Arctan(⅓) = 45°, find x. Ans: 1/2
27. The trigonometric expression (1 - tan2x) / (1 + tan2x) is equal to Ans: cos 2x
28. If sin A = ⅗ and cos B = 5/13, find sin (A+B). Ans: .969
29. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on level plane. The angles of depression of the top and
bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower are 20° and 35°, respectively.
The height of the tower is 50 m. Find the height of the monument Ans: 24
30. A spherical triangle ABC has an angle C = 90° and sides a = 50° and c = 80°. Find angle A.
Ans : 51.07 deg
31. The angle of elevation of the top of the tower B from the top of the tower A is 28° and the
angle of elevation of the top of the tower A from the base of the tower B is 46°. The tow
towers lie in the same horizontal plane. If the height of the tower B is 100 m, find the height of
tower A. Ans : 66
32. At a certain point, the angle of elevation of the top of a flagpole, which stands on level ground,
is 40 deg. Seventy-five feet nearer the pole, the angle of elevation is 50 deg. How high is the
pole? Ans: 213
33. A measure of 3200 mils is equal Ans: 180 deg
34. If sin A = -7/25 where 180° < A < 270°, find tan(A/2). Ans: -1/7
35. Simplify (sin θ/ 1 - cos θ) - (1 + cos θ/ sin θ) Ans: 0
36. If sin A = 2x, cos A = 3x, and sin 2A = 4x, find the value of x Ans: 1/3
37. Convert 200 grads to degrees. Ans: 180
38. The angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees has Ans: negative secant and tangent
39. If the cosine of angle x is 3/5 , then the value of the sine of x/2 is Ans: 0.447
40. It is an angular unit that is equal to 1/6400 of four right angles. Ans: mil
41. The bearing of B from A is N20°E, the bearing of C from B is S30°E and the bearing of A from
C is S40°W. If AB = 10, find the area of the triangle ABC. Ans: 13.94
42. In which quadrant will angle A terminates if sec A is negative and csc A is negative? Ans: Q3
43. Two sides and the included angle of a triangle are measured to be 11 cm, 20 cm and 112°
respectively. Find the length of the third side. Ans: 26.19cm
44. What is the value of A between 270° and 360° if 2sin 2 A - sin A = 1? Ans: 330
45. If cscθ = 2 and cosθ < 0, then (secθ + tanθ) / (secθ - tanθ) = Ans: 3
46. If x + y = 90°, then ( sinx tan y) / (sin y tan x ) is equal to Ans: 1/tanx
47. In the second quadrant, which of the following is true? Ans: The sine and cosecant are
48. The conference angle of any angle A is the positive acute angle determined by the terminal
side of A and the Y-axis. What is the coreference angle of 290 degrees?. Ans: 20 degrees
49. In what quadrant does an angle terminate if its cosine and tangent are both negative? Ans: 2
50. Which of the following angles in standard position is a quadrantal angle? Ans: 2
51. Evaluate cos( Arcsin 3/5 + Arctan 8/15 ) Ans: 36/85
52. If sin A = 3/5 and A is in the second quadrant while cos B = 7/25 and B is in the first quadrant,
find sin(A-B). Ans = -0.602
53. If Arcsin( x – 2 ) = π/6, find x. Ans = 5/2
54. Within what limits between 0 degrees and 360 degrees must the angle θ lie if cos θ = -2/5?
55. If sin A = ⅗ and A is in the second quadrant while cos B = 7/25 and B is in the first quadrant,
find sin(A-B). Ans: -0.602 0.936
56. *insert problem here*
1. Suppose that X and Y have the following joint probability functions:

f (x , y) x

2 4

y 1 0.10 0.15

2 0.20 0.30

3 0.10 0.15

Find μz. Ans: 3.20

2. The density function of coded measurements of pitch diameter of threads of a fitting is

ƒ(x )= , 0< x <1 ,0 ,elsewhere . Find the expected value of X. Ans: 0.441
π (1+ x 2 )
3. Registrants at a large convention are offered 6 sightseeing tours on each of 3 days. In how
many ways can a person arrange to go on a sightseeing tour planned by this convention?
Ans: 18
4. If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabet, find the probability that the letters is
listed somewhere ahead of the letter j. Ans: 9/26
5. The total number of hours, measured in units of 100 hours, that a family runs a vacuum cleaner over a
period of one year is a continuous random variable X that has the density function f(x) = x, for 0 < x <
1 ; f(x) = 2-x, for 1 ≤ x < 2 ; f(x) = x, elsewhere. Find the probability that over a period of one year, a
family runs their vacuum cleaner less than 120 hours. Ans: 0.680
6. The waiting time, in hours, between successive speeders spotted by a radar unit is a
continuous random variable with cumulative distribution function

0, x < 0
F (x) =
1 - e-8x, x ≥ 0
Find the probability of waiting less than 12 minutes between successive speeders using the
probability density function of X. Ans: 0.7981
7. An investment firm offers its customers municipal bonds that mature after varying numbers of
years. Given that the cumulative distribution function of T, the number of years to maturity for
a randomly selected bond, is,

0, t < 1

¼, 1 ≤ t < 3
F (t) =
½, 3 ≤ t < 5

¾, 5 ≤ t < 7

1, t ≥ 7
Find P(T=5) Ans: 1/4

8. An attendant at a car wash is paid according to the number of cars that pass through,
suppose the probabilities are 1/12, 1/12, 1/4, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/6, respectively, that the attendant
received $7, $9, $11, $13, $15, or $17 between 4:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. on any sunny Friday.
Find the attendant expected earnings for this particular period Ans: $12.67
9. Consider the density function

√k x , 0< x <1
ƒ (x) =
0 , elsewhere
Find F(x) and use it to evaluate P(0.3 < x < 0.6). Ans: 0.3004

10. In a regional spelling bee, the 8 finalists consist of 3 boys and 5 girls. Find the number of
sample points in the sample space 5 for the number of possible orders at the conclusion of
the contest for the first 3 positions. Ans: 336
11. In a regional spelling bee, the 8 finalists consist of 3 boys and 5 girls. Find the number of
sample points in the sample space 5 for the number of possible orders at the conclusion of
the contest for all 8 finalists. Ans: 40320
12. The following measurements were recorded for the drying time, in hours, of a certain brand of
latex paint. 3.4 2.5 4.8 2.9 3.6 2.8 3.3 5.6 3.7 2.8 4.4 4.0 5.2 3.0 4.8 Assume that the
measurements are a simple random sample. Compute the sample standard deviation of the
data set. Ans: 0.971
13. How many three-digit numbers greater than 330 can be formed from the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6, if each digit can be used only once? Ans: 105
14. According to the journal Chemical Engineering, an important property of a fiber is its water
absorbency. A random sample of 20 pieces of cotton fiber was taken and the absorbency on
each piece was measured. The following are the absorbency values:

18.71, 21.41, 20.72, 21.81, 19.29, 22.43, 20.17, 23.71, 19.44, 20.50, 18.92, 20.33,
23.00, 22.85, 19.25, 21.77, 22.11, 19.77, 18.04, 21.12

Compute the sample mean for the above sample values. Ans: 2.5345

15. According to the journal Chemical Engineering, an important property of a fiber is its water
absorbency. A random sample of 20 pieces of cotton fiber was taken and the absorbency on
each piece was measured. The following are the absorbency values:

18.71, 21.41, 20.72, 21.81, 19.29, 22.43, 20.17, 23.71, 19.44, 20.50, 18.92, 20.33,
23.00, 22.85, 19.25, 21.77, 22.11, 19.77, 18.04, 21.12

Compute the sample variance. Ans: 2.5345

16. According to the journal Chemical Engineering, an important property of a fiber is its water
absorbency. A random sample of 20 pieces of cotton fiber was taken and the absorbency on
each piece was measured. The following are the absorbency values:

18.71, 21.41, 20.72, 21.81, 19.29, 22.43, 20.17, 23.71, 19.44, 20.50, 18.92, 20.33,
23.00, 22.85, 19.25, 21.77, 22.11, 19.77, 18.04, 21.12

Compute the standard deviation. Ans: 1.592

17. In a poker hand consisting of 5 cards, find the probability of holding 3 aces.
Ans: 0.00174
18. In a poker hand consisting of 5 cards, find the probability of holding 4 hearts and 1 club.
Ans: 0.0036
19. A coin is biased so that a head is three times as likely to occur as a tail. Find the expected
number of tails when this coin is tossed twice. Ans: 1/2
20. Consider the density function

4 xy , 0< x , y <1
ƒ (x) = 0 , elsewhere
Find the expected value of Z=√ ❑ Ans: 0.9752

21. It is common in many industrial areas to use a filling machine to fill boxes full of product. This
occurs in the food industry as well as other areas in which the product is used in the home, for
example, detergent. These machines are not perfect, and indeed they may A, fill to
specification, B, underfill, and C, overfill. Generally, the practice of underfilling is that which
one hopes to avoid. Let P(B) = 0.001 while P(A) = 0.990. What is the probability that the
machine either overfills or underfills? Ans: 0.010
22. A certain polymer is used for evacuation systems for aircraft. It is important that the polymer
be resistant to the aging process. Twenty specimens of the polymer were used in an
experiment. Ten were assigned randomly to be exposed to an accelerated batch aging
process that involved exposure to high temperatures for 10 days. Measurements of tensile
strength of the specimens were made, and the following data were recorded on tensile
strength in psi:

No aging: 227, 222, 218, 217, 225, 218, 216, 229, 228, 221

Aging: 219, 214, 215, 211, 209, 218, 203, 204, 201, 205

Calculate the sample mean tensile strength of Aging Group. Ans: 209.9 psi

23. A pair of fair dice is tossed. Find the probability of getting a total of 8.
Ans: 5 / 36
24. A pair of fair dice is tossed. Find the probability of getting a total of at most 5.
Ans: 5 / 18
25. Registrants at a large convention are offered 6 sightseeing tours on each of 3 days. In how
many ways can a person arrange to go on a sightseeing tour planned by this convention?
Ans: 18
26. Two tire-quality experts examine stacks of tires and assign quality ratings to each tire on a 3-
point scale. Let X denote the grade given by expert A and Y denote the grade given by expert
B. The following table gives the joint, distribution for A and Y.

f (x , y) y
1 2 3

x 1 0.10 0.05 0.02

2 0.10 0.35 0.05

3 0.03 0.10 0.20

Find μx. Ans: 2.16

27. A certain polymer is used for evacuation systems for aircraft. It is important that the polymer
be resistant to the aging process. Twenty specimens of the polymer were used in an
experiment. Ten were assigned randomly to be exposed to an accelerated batch aging
process that involved exposure to high temperatures for 10 days. Measurements of tensile
strength of the specimens were made, and the following data were recorded on tensile
strength in psi:

No aging: 227, 222, 218, 217, 225, 218, 216, 229, 228, 221

Aging: 219, 214, 215, 211, 209, 218, 203, 204, 201, 205

Calculate the sample variance strength of Aging Group. Ans: 42.12

28. A certain polymer is used for evacuation systems for aircraft. It is important that the polymer
be resistant to the aging process. Twenty specimens of the polymer were used in an
experiment. Ten were assigned randomly to be exposed to an accelerated batch aging
process that involved exposure to high temperatures for 10 days. Measurements of tensile
strength of the specimens were made, and the following data were recorded on tensile
strength in psi:

No aging: 227, 222, 218, 217, 225, 218, 216, 229, 228, 221

Aging: 219, 214, 215, 211, 209, 218, 203, 204, 201, 205

Calculate the sample variance strength of No Aging Group. Ans: 23.62

29. A certain polymer is used for evacuation systems for aircraft. It is important that the polymer
be resistant to the aging process. Twenty specimens of the polymer were used in an
experiment. Ten were assigned randomly to be exposed to an accelerated batch aging
process that involved exposure to high temperatures for 10 days. Measurements of tensile
strength of the specimens were made, and the following data were recorded on tensile
strength in psi:

No aging: 227, 222, 218, 217, 225, 218, 216, 229, 228, 221

Aging: 219, 214, 215, 211, 209, 218, 203, 204, 201, 205

Calculate the median tensile strength of Aging Group. Ans: 210psi

30. Interest centers around the nature of an oven purchased at a particular department store. It
can be either a gas or electric oven. Consider the decision made by six distinct customers.
Suppose that the probability is 0.40 that at most, two of these individuals purchase an electric
oven. What is the probability that at least three purchase the electric oven? Ans: 0.60
31. Interest centers around the nature of an oven purchased at a particular department store. It
can be either a gas or electric oven. Consider the decision made by six distinct customers.
Suppose it is known that the probability that all six purchase the electric oven is 0.007 while
0.104 is the probability that all six purchase the gas oven. What is the probability that at least
one of each type is purchased? Ans: 0.889
32. From past experience, a stockbroker believes that under present economic conditions a
customer will invest in tax-free bonds with a probability of 0.6, will invest in mutual funds with
a probability of 0.3, and will invest in both tax-free bonds and mutual funds with a probability
of 0.15. At this time, find the probability that a customer will invest in either tax-free bonds or
mutual funds. Ans: 0.75
33. From past experience, a stockbroker believes that under present economic conditions a
customer will invest in tax-free bonds with a probability of 0.6, will invest in mutual funds with
a probability of 0.3, and will invest in both tax-free bonds and mutual funds with a probability
of 0.15. At this time, find the probability that a customer will invest in neither tax-free bonds
nor mutual funds. Ans: 0.25
34. Interest centers around the life of an electronic component. Suppose it is known that the
probability that the component survives for more than 6000 hours is 0.42. Suppose also that
the probability that the component survives no longer than 4000 hours is 0.04. What is the
probability that the life of the component is less than or equal to 6000 hours? Ans: 0.58
35. Interest centers around the life of an electronic component. Suppose it is known that the
probability that the component survives for more than 6000 hours is 0.42. Suppose also that
the probability that the component survives no longer than 4000 hours is 0.04. What is the
probability that the life is greater than 4000 hours? Ans: 0.96
36. There are 6 people lining up to get on a bus. In how many ways can 6 people be lined up to
get on a bus? Ans: 720
37. There are 6 people lining up to get on a bus. If 3 specific persons, among 6, insist on following
each other, how many ways are possible? Ans: 144
38. There are 6 people lining up to get on a bus. If 2 specific persons, among 6, refuse to follow
each other, how many ways are possible? Ans: 480
39. In a game of Yahtzee, where 5 dice are tossed simultaneously, find the probability of getting 4
of a kind. Ans: 0.0193 or 150 / 7776
40. In a game of Yahtzee, where 5 dice are tossed simultaneously, find the probability of getting
all of the same kind. Ans: 0.0007716 or 6 / 7776
41. The probability that an American industry will locate in Shanghai, China, is 0.7, the probability
that it will locate in Beijing, China, is 0.4, and the probability that it will locate in either
Shanghai or Beijing or both is 0.8. What is the probability that the industry will locate in both
cities? Ans: 0.3
42. The probability that an American industry will locate in Shanghai, China, is 0.7, the probability
that it will locate in Beijing, China, is 0.4, and the probability that it will locate in either
Shanghai or Beijing or both is 0.8. What is the probability that the industry will locate in neither
city? Ans: 0.2
43. Aaa
44. aaa
45. Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution:

x -2 3 5

f (x) 0.3 0.2 0.5

Find the mean of X. Ans: 2.5

46. Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution:

x -2 3 5

f (x) 0.3 0.2 0.5

Find the variance of X. Ans: 9.250
47. Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution:

x -2 3 5

f (x) 0.3 0.2 0.5

Find the standard deviation of X. Ans: 3.04

48. *insert problem here*

49. *insert problem here*
50. *insert problem here*

Yahtzee diagram:


1. If 2x-3y=0, what is x/y Ans: 1.5(3/2)

2. One pipe can fill a tank in 5 hrs and another pipe can fill the same tank in n4 hrs. A drain pipe
can empty the full content of the tank in 20 hrs. With all the three pipes open. How long will it
take to fill the tank? Ans : 2.5 hrs
3. Given: sec2θ = √10 and 2θ in quadrant IV. Find : cos4θ Ans:0.8(4/5)?
4. If 2x-3y=x+y, then x^2:y^2 Ans: 16
5. By selling balut at P5.00 each, a vendor gains 20%. The cost price of egg rises by 12.5%. If
he sells the balut at the same price as before, find his new gain in percent. Ans: 6.58%
6. Stations A and B are 1000 m apart on a straight road running from east to west. From A, the
bearing of a tower at C is 32° west of north and from B, the bearing of C is 26° north of east.
Find the shortest distance of the tower at C from the road. Ans. 374 m
7. At a certain point, the angle of elevation of the top of a flagpole, which stands on level
ground, is 40 deg. Seventy-five feet nearer the pole, the angle of elevation is 50 deg. How
high is the pole? Ans: 212.67
8. To determine the width of a river, a surveyor measures a line AB 100 m long on one bank. To
a point C on the other bank he determines the angle BAC = 48’36’ and the angle ABC =
54’42’. Find the width of the river. Ans: 74
9. Which of the following is an undirected distance? A. The distance of a point from the origin.
B.The distance of a point from the x-axis C.The distance of a point from a line. D. The
distance of a point from the y-axis.
10. Given cos θ = √3/2, find the value of 1 - tan² θ. Ans: 2/3
11. If cos A = -15/17 and A is in quadrant III. Find cos ½ A. Ans : -0.51?
12. From the top of a lighthouse 37 m above sea level. The angle of depression of a boat is 15
deg. How far is the boat from the lighthouse? Ans : 138.09
13. Evaluate cos(arcsin ⅗ + arctan 8/15)? Ans : 36/85
14. The conference angle of any angle A is the positive acute angle determined by the terminal
side of A and the Y-axis. What is the coreference angle of 290 degrees?. Ans : 20 degrees
15. If sinA = -7/25 where as 180 deg < A < 270 deg. Find tan(A/2). Ans : -7
16. A spherical triangle ABC has an angle C=90 deg and sides a=50deg and c=80deg. Find angle
A. Ans : ?
17. If log of 2 to the base 2 plus log of x to the base 2 is equal to 4, then the value of x is? Ans : 8
18. Simplify (sin (½)(x) - cos (½)(x))^2. Ans : 1-sin(x)
19. The geometric mean and the harmonic mean of 2 numbers are 12 and 36/5 respectively.
What are the numbers?. Ans : 36, 4
20. Find the value of x in (3^5)(9^6)=3^(2x). Ans : 8.5
21. A merchant has 3 items on sale: namely, a radio for P50, a clock for P30, and a flashlight for
P1. At the end of the day, she sold a total of 100 of the 3 items and has taken exactly P1000
on the total sales. How many radios did he sell?

Ans : 16
21. Solve for w from the following equations :

3x-2y+w=11 ; x+5y-2w=-9 ; 2x+8-3w=-6 Ans : 3

22. If tanθ = √3, θ in quadrant III, find the value of (1 + cosθ) / (1 – cosθ). Ans. ⅓
23. Find the value of x if log8x = 2. Ans. 64
24. A quadrilateral ABCD has its side AB perpendicular to side BC at B and its side AD
perpendicular to side CD at D. If angle BAD equals 60°, AB = 10 m and AD = 12 m, find the
distance (diagonal) from A to C. Ans. 19.54
25. Two points A and B, 150 m apart lie on the same side of a tower on a hill and in a horizontal
line passing directly under the tower. The angles of elevation of the top and bottom of the
tower viewed from B are 42° and 34° respectively and at A, the angle of elevation of the
bottom is 10°. Find the height of the tower. Ans: 7.3m
26. sec2θ = √10 and 2θ in quadrant IV. Find : cos4θ Ans. ?
27. A spherical triangle ABC has an angle C = 90° and sides a = 50° and c = 80°. Find angle A.
Ans. 51.06?
28. The angle of elevation of the top of the tower B from the top of the tower A is 28 o and the
angle of elevation of the top of tower A from the base of the tower B is 46 o. The two towers lie
in the same horizontal plane. If the height of the tower B is 100 m, find the height of tower A.
Ans: 66.09m
29. Solve the other sided c of the spherical triangle whose given parts are a= 75 deg 27 min; b =
65 deg 49 min and C 90 deg. Ans: 84.1
30. From the top of a tower 18 m high, the angles of depression of two objects situated in the
horizontal line with the base of the tower and on the same side, are 30 and 45 degrees. Find
the distance between the two objects.Ans : 13.18
31. Find the value of i^9 Ans. i
32. Find A and B such that (x+10)/(X^2 +4) = A/(x-2) + B / (x+2) Ans. A =3 B =-2
33. Find the mean proportion to 5 and 20 Ans. 10
34. In two hours the minute hand of the clock rotates through the angle of Ans. 720 degrees.
35. Find the sum of infinite geometric progression 6, -2, ⅔ Ans : 9/2
36. The positive value of so that 4x, 5x+4, 3x^2-1 will be arithmetic progression is
37. A tower 28.65m high is situated on the bank of a river. The angle of depression of an object
on the opposite bank of the river is 25degree and 20 mins. Find the width of the river?
38. If sin A = -7/25 where 180 degree < a<270, find tan(a/2). Ans: -8
39. The sides of triangle ABC are AB=-5, BC=12 and AC=10. Find the length of the line segment
drawn from vertex A and bisecting BC Ans: 5.15?
40. If cos A=-15/17 and A is quadrant 3, find cos ½ A. Ans: 0.24254
41. If sin x + sin y = ½ and cos x - cos y = 1, find x Ans : -85.45926 = X, Y = -29.447
42. Peter and Paul can do a certain job in 3 hours. On a given day, they worked together for 1
hour then Paul left and Peter finished the rest of the work in 8 hours. How long will it take for
Peter to do the job alone? Ans : 12hrs
43. Of the 316 people watching a movie, there are 78 more children than women and 56 more
women than men. The number if men in the movie house is: A.98 B.176 C.210 D.42 Ans : 42
44. If sinA = 2x, cosA = 3x, ans sin2A =4x, find the value of x Ans: ¾
45. An angle in a standard position and whose terminal side falls along one of the coordinate
axes is called a? Ans: Quadrilateral Angle
46. In which quadrant will angle A terminate if secA is negative and cscA is negative
47. In a certain department store, the monthly salary of a saleslady is partly constant and partly
varies as the value of her sales for the month. When the value of her sales for the month is
P10,000, her salary for that month is P900, when her monthly sales goes up to P12,000, her
monthly salary goes up to P1,000. What must be the value of her sales for the month so that
her salary for that month would be P2,000? Ans: P32,000
48. Expand: (2+sqrt(-9))^3 Ans: -46+9i
49. The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of
its diameter. If a wire 600 meters long and 25 mm in diameter has a resistance of 0.1 ohms,
find the length of a wire of the same material whose diameter and resistance are 75mm and
⅙ mm, respectively. Ans: 9000m
50. Find the length of the vector (2,1,6) A. sqrt(23) B. sqrt(28) C.sqrt(21) D.sqrt(24)
51. Peter’s age 13 years ago was ⅓ of his age 7 years hence. How old is Peter? Ans: 23
52. Solve for w: 3x-2y+2 = 11, x+5y-2w = -9 Ans :3
53. Solve for simultaneous equation : 3x-y=6, 9x-y =12 Ans: x=1, y+ -3
54. The fist, 4th and 8th term of an QP are themselves geometric progression. What is the
common ratio of the geometric progression Ans : 4/3
55. Evaluate ln(5+12i) Ans: 2.565+1.176i
56. A pldt tower and a monument stand on level plane. The angles of depression of the top and
bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the tower are 20deg and 35 deg. The height
of the tower is 50 m. What is the height of the monument Ans: 24
57. It is an angular unit that is equal 1/6400 Ans : mil
58. There are 6 geometric means between 4 and 8748. Find the sum of all the terms. Ans: 13120
59. If the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are 3 and 2 and a, b, and c are all whole
numbers, find a + b + c. Ans:2
60. If cos A = -15/17 and A is in quadrant 3. Find cos A Ans: .24254
61. A ladder leans against the wall of a building with its lower end 4m from the building. How long
is the ladder if it makes an angle of 70 deg Ans : 11.7m
62. If sin A= ⅗ and cos B = 5/13 find sin(A+B) Ans: .969
63. If sin A = -7/25 where 180<A<270, find tan(A/2) Ans: 8?
64. Which of the following angles in standard position is a quadrantal angle Ans :270
65. Which of the following is an undirected distance Ans: the distance of a point in a line
66. Two cars start at the same time from the same station and move along a straight road that
form an angle of 30 deg, one car at the rate of 30kph and the other at 40kph. How far apart
are the cas at the end of half an hour Ans: 10.27
67. Expand (2+sqrt(-9))^3 Ans: -46+9i
68. A point P is at a distance 4,5, and 6 from the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side x. Find
x. Ans: 8.5
69. If x+y = 90, then (sinx*tany)/(siny*tanx) is equal to Ans: 1/tanx
70. If Arctan z = x/2, find cosx in terms of z. Ans: (1-z^2)/(1+z^2)
71. Find the value of a in the equation loga(2187) = 7/12 Ans: 9
72. Log of the nth root of x equals log off x to the 1/n power and also equal to: Ans: log(x)/n
73. ln(5+12i) Ans: 2.565 + 1.176i

M2: (Analytic Geometry & Solid Mensuration)

1. The center of the circle x2 + y2 - 4x + 2y = 0 is: Ans: (2 , -1)
2. What is the distance between the line x + 2y + 8 = 0 and the point (5,2)?
Ans: 7.60 *wala sa choices
y 2 x ❑2
3. Identify the foci of the hyperbola with equation − =1 Ans: (0,9) and (0,-9)
49 32
4. What is the focus of the parabola (y - 1) = 16x? Ans: (4,1)
5. The equation of the parabola with directrix x=2 and focus at the point (-2,0) is Ans: y^2 =-8x
6. What is the equation of the circle concentric with circle (x - 2) + (y +1) 2 = 5 that is tangent to
the line 2x - y + 2 = 0? Ans: (x - 2)^2 + (y + 1)^2 = 49/5
x2 y ❑2
7. Find the center of the hyperbola whose equation is − =1 Ans: (0,0)
4 9
8. An oblique isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle. If one side of the triangle has a length of 10
cm and the angle subtended by the side is 15 deg, determine the area of the circle.Ans: 1172
9. What is the center of the curve x2 +y2 - 2x - 4y -31 = 0? Ans: (1,2)
10. If the point (x,4) is equidistance from (5,-2) and (3,6), find x. Ans: 12

x2 y ❑2
11. Find the vertices of the hyperbola whose equation is − =1 Ans: (2,0) and (-2,0)
4 9
12. What is the axis of symmetry of the parabola: y 2 - 4y - 8x -28 = 0? Ans: y=2
13. Find the vertices of the hyperbola given by 4x 2 - 32x - y2 - 4y = 24 = 0? Ans: (1,-2) and (7,-2)
14. An arch 24 m high has the form of parabola with a vertical axis. The length of a horizontal
beam is placed across the arch 12m from the top is 64m. Find the half width of the arch at the
bottom. Ans: 90.5
15. Find the area of a circle circumscribing an equilateral triangle having each side measuring 9
cm. Ans: 85
x2 y ❑2
16. Find the transverse axis of the hyperbola whose equation is − =1 Ans: y=4
4 9
17. The equation of parabola with vertex (5,1) and directrix y=7 is: Ans: (x - 5)^2 = -24(y - 1)
18. What conic section is represented by x2 +4xy + 4y2 + 2x = 10? Ans: parabola
19. An arch 18 m has the form of parabola with a vertical axis. The length of a horizontal beam
placed across the arch 8m from the top is 64 m. Find the width of the arch at the bottom.
Ans: 96m
20. What is the axis of symmetry of the parabola (y - 1) 2 = 16x? Ans: y=1
21. What is the length of the latus rectum of the parabola (y - 1) 2 = 16x? Ans: 4
22. Determine k such that the line 3x − 2y − 7 = 0 is parallel to the line 6x − ky + 2 = 0. Ans: 4
( y +1)❑2
23. Find the center of the hyperbola 3(x−1)❑ − =1Ans: (1,-1)
24. Find the equation of the circle with center O(−2,3) and radius r=4.Ans: (x+2)^2 + (y-3)^2 = 16
25. Find the distance between coordinates (5,-3) and (6,6). Ans: 9.06
26. What conic section is represented by 4x2 – y2 + 8x + 4y = 15? Ans: hyperbola
27. Find the area of the largest circular garden which can be made from a triangular lot measuring
6, 8 and 12 m, respectively. Ans: 8.5
2 ( y +1)❑2
28. Find the foci of the hyperbola 3(x−1)❑ − =1Ans: (1 - √21/3, -1) and (1 + √21/3, -1)
29. What is the axis of symmetry of the parabola (x + 5) 2 = - 4(y + 1)? Ans: x = -5
30. The coordinates of a polygon are (2, 0),(0, 8),(5, 4), and (-3, 4). What is the area? Ans: 32
31. Which of the following is the equation of the circle with center at (2,3) and radius 4?
Ans: (x - 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 16
32. Find the distance between coordinates (-4,5) and (3,2). Ans: x = 7.62
y 2 ( x−2)❑
33. What is the equation of the asymptotes of the hyperbola − =1
16 9

4 8 −4 8
Ans: y= x− ∧ y = x+
3 3 3 3
34. What is the center of the circle x2 + (y – 3)2 = 49? Ans: (0,3)
35. A circle with center at (−4,3) touches y-axis. What is the equation of the circle? Ans:
(x + 4)^2 + (y - 3)^2 = 16
36. If D ⊥ D', D: (2a-3)x + ay - 2 = 2y + 3a and D': (3a-1)y + 2(3a+1)x = a-1 find the value of a. Ans:

21± √❑

*typo sa doc file, dapat 21±❑√❑ OR 1.57 or -0.17 sa choices
37. What is the length of the latus rectum of the parabola: y 2 – 4y – 8x – 28 = 0? Ans: 8
38. The intersection of the parabola (y+4)2=4(x+1) with coordinate axis is at:
Ans: (0,-2) ; (0,-6) ; (3,0)
39. Find the focus of the parabola: y2 – 4y – 8x – 28 = 0 Ans: (-2,2)
40. What is the diameter of the circle: (x - 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 16? Ans: 8
41. What is the directrix of the parabola (x + 5) 2 = - 4(y + 1)? Ans: y=0
42. What is the vertex of the parabola (x + 5)2 = - 4(y + 1)? Ans: (-5, -1)
43. A circle with center at (5,6) touches x-axis. What is the equation of the circle?
Ans: (x - 5)^2 + (y - 6)^2 = 36
44. The center of the circle x2 + y2 – 4x + 2y = 0 is: Ans: (2, -1)
45. What is the center of the curve x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 31 = 0? Ans: (1, 2)

(x +3)2 ( y−1)❑2
46. What are the vertices of the hyperbola − =1Ans: (-5, 1) and (-1, 1)
4 9
47. Find the area of a circle circumscribing an equilateral triangle having each side measuring 9
cm. Ans: 84.823 or 27π
48. What is the length of the latus rectum of the parabola (x + 5) 2 = - 4(y + 1)? Ans: 4
49. The segment (-1,4) to (2,-2) is extended two times its own length. Find the terminal point.
Ans: (8, -14)
50. What type of triangle is made by the coordinates of these vertices: (-3,-2), (4,-5), (5,7)?
Ans: isosceles triangle
y 2 ( x−2)❑
51. Find the center of the hyperbola − =1 Ans: (2,0)
16 9
52. Find the distance between (4, -3) and (2, 5) Ans: 8.2
53. If D is parallel to D’, D:2x - y=1 and D’:(a-1)x + 2y = x-2, then find the value of a. Ans: -2
54. What is the center of the conic section given by 4x 2 - 32x - y2 - 4y +24 = 0? Ans: (4, -2)
55. What is the center of the circle (x+2)2 + y2 = 36 Ans: (-2,0)
56. The equation of the parabola with directrix x=2 and focus at the point (-2,0) is Ans: y2=-8x

(x +3)2 ( y−1)❑2
57. Find the center of the hyperbola − =1 Ans: (-3, 1)
4 9
58. Find the vertex of the parabola y2 - 4y - 8x - 28 = 0 Ans: (-4, 2)
59. What is the equation of the circle with center O(2, -1) that is tangent to the straight line r:
y=x+2 Ans: (x-2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 25/2
60. Determine the area of the triangle bounded by the straight lines x + 2y = 7, 3x-4y = 1, and 2x-
y = -6 Ans: 20
61. The equation of parabola with focus at (0,7) and directrix y = -7 is Ans: x2 = 28y
62. What is the vertex of the parabola (y - 1)2 = 16x? Ans. (0,1)
63. Identify the foci of the hyperbola ((x+3)^(2))/(4)-((y-1)^(2))/(9)=1
Ans. (-3 + √13, 1) and (-3 - √13, 1)
64. Find the inclination of the line passing through (2,1) and (3, 3) Ans. 63.43
65. Compute the length of latus rectum of parabola y 2 + 8x – 6y + 25 = 0. Ans. 8
66. What is the equation of a circle with center at (0,0) that passes through (−1,−2)? Ans.
x^2 + y^2 =5
67. *insert problem here*
68. *insert problem here*
69. *insert problem here*
70. *insert problem here*
71. *insert problem here*
72. *insert problem here*

1. A cube of edge 25 cm is cut by a plane containing two diagonally opposite edges of the cube.
Find the area of the section thus formed in sq. cm. Ans: 883.9
2. If the surface area of the sphere is increased by 21%. Its volume is increased by?
Ans: 33.1%
3. A tank, open at the top, is made of sheet iron 1 in thick. The internal dimensions of the tank
are 4 ft 8 in long.; 3 ft6 in. wide; 4 ft 4 in deep. Find the weight of the tank when full of salt
water. (Salt water weighs 64 lb/ft3 and iron is 7.2 times as heavy as salt water.)
Ans: 7983.64 lb
4. The height of a right circular cone with circular base down is h. If it contains water to a depth
of 2h/3 the ratio of the volume of water to that of the cone is: Ans: 26:27
5. A cubical container that measures 2 in. on each side is tightly packed with 8 marbles and is
filled with water. All 8 marbles are in contact with the walls of the container and the adjacent
marbles. All of the marbles are of the same size. What is the volume of water in the
container? Ans: 3.8 in^3
6. Find the diameter of the base of the pint tin can whose height is 4 in (231 cu. In. = 1 gal).
Ans: 3.0317 in
7. Given a sphere of diameter d, what is the percentage increase in its diameter when the
surface area is increased by 21%? Ans: 10%
8. A tank, open at the top, is made of sheet iron 1 in thick. The internal dimensions of the tank
are 4 ft 8 in long.; 3 ft6 in. wide; 4 ft 4 in deep. Find the weight of the tank when empty.
Ans: 3453.87 lb
9. A log 18 ft. long is 2ft. in diameter at the top end and 3ft. in diameter at the butt end. How
many cubic feet of wood does the log contain? Ans: 89.54 ft^3
10. The volume of the frustum of a regular triangular pyramid is 135 cu. m. The lower base is an
equilateral triangle with an edge of 9 m. The upper base is 8 m above the lower base. What is
the upper base edge in meters? Ans: 3
11. The diameter of a sphere is 18 in. Find the largest volume of the regular pyramid of altitude 15
in that can be cut from the sphere if the pyramid is a square. Ans: 450 in^3
12. A circular cone having an altitude of 9 m is divided into 2 segments having the same vertex. If
the smaller altitude is 6m, find the ratio of the volume of big cone to small cone. Ans: 27 / 8
13. The surface area of a regular tetrahedron is 173.2 square centimeters. What is the altitude?
Ans: 8.2 cm
14. A cone and hemisphere share base that is a semicircle with radius 3 and the cone is inscribed
inside the hemisphere. Find the volume of the region outside the cone and inside the
hemisphere. Ans: 28.274
15. A regular pentagon has sides of 20 cm. An inner pentagon with sides of 12 cm is inside and
concentric to the larger pentagon. Determine the area inside and concentric to the larger
pentagon but outside of the smaller pentagon. Ans: 440
16. A trapezoidal figure has an altitude of 40cm and a length of 72cm. The upper base is 25cm.
and the lower base is 37cm. What is the volume of the figure? Ans: 89.280 cm^3
17. A boy who had discovered that 20 mm marbles fitted snugly into the bottom of a cylindrical
jar, dropped in a fourth on top of the three and poured water enough into the jar to just cover
them. Find the depth of the water. Ans: 36.33 mm
18. A goat is tied to a corner of a 30 ft by 35 ft building. If the rope is 40 ft long, what is the
maximum area the goat can cover. Ans: 3868
19. A solid spherical steel ball 20 cm in diameter is placed into a tall vertical cylinder containing
water, causing the water level to rise by 10 cm. What is the radius of the cylinder? Ans: 11.55
20. A cubical container that measures 3 in on a side is tightly packed with 8 marbles and is filled
with water. All the 8 marbles are in contact with the walls of the container and adjacent
marbles. All the marbles are the same in size. What is the volume in the container?
Ans: 12.86
21. The frustum of a regular triangular pyramid has equilateral triangles for its bases. The lower
and upper base edges are 9m and 3m, respectively. If the volume is 118.2 cu. m., how far
apart are the base? Ans: 7 m
22. In the figure shown rectangular parallelepiped whose dimensions are 2,4,6. Points A, B, C, E,
F, and L are each at the midpoint of an edge. Find the area of each of the section ABEF.

Ans: 4 sqrt (10) sq. units

23. How many cubic inches of lumber does a stick contain if it is 4 in by 4 un at one end, 2 in by 2
in at the other end, and 16 ft long? Ans: 1792 in^3
24. In the figure shown rectangular parallelepiped whose dimensions are 2,4,6. Points A, B, C, E,
F, and L are each at the midpoint of an edge. Find the area of each of the section ABEF.

Ans: 3.5 sq. units

25. The surface area of a sphere is 4pir 2. Find the percentage increase in its diameter when the
surface area increased by 21%. Ans: 10%
26. If the gravity whose cross-section is shown in the figure weighs 150 lb/ft 3, find the total weight
of a section of a dam 50 ft. long.
Ans: 510 short tons

27. A truncated prism has a horizontal triangular base ABC, AB = 10 cm, BC = 12 cm and CA = 8
cm. The vertical edges through A, B, and C are 20 cm, 12 cm, and 18 cm long, respectively.
Determine the volume of the prism, in cc. Ans: 661
28. A closed conical vessel has a base radius of 2 m and 6 m high. When in upright position, the
depth of water in the vessel is 3 m. What is the volume of the water? Ans: 22 m^3
29. The volume of water in a spherical tank is 1470.264 cm 3. Determine the depth of water if the
tank has a diameter of 30 cm. Ans: 6
30. A conical vessel has a height of 24 cm and a base diameter of 12 cm. It holds water to a
depth of 18 cm above its vertex. Find the volume (in cm 3) of its content. Ans: 381.70
31. How far from a vertex is the opposite face of a tetrahedron if an edge is 50 cm long?
Ans: 40.825 cm
32. A cone was formed by rolling a thin sheet of metal in the form of a sector of a circle 72 cm in
diameter with a central angle of 210 deg. What is the volume of the cone? Ans: 13504 cc
33. Spherical balls 1.5 cm in diameter are packed in a box measuring 6 cm by 3 cm by 3 cm. If as
many balls as possible are packed in the box, how much free space remains in the box?
Ans: 25.73cc
34. A lateral edge of the frustum of a regular pyramid is 1.8 m long. The upper base is a square 1
m by 1 m and the lower base 2.4 m by 2.4 m square. Determine the volume of the frustum in
cubic meters. Ans: 4.6
35. 20.5 cubic meters of water is inside a spherical tank whose radius is 2m. Find the height of
the water surface above the bottom of the tank, in m. Ans: 2.3
36. The angle of a sector is 40 degrees and the radius is 15 cm. What is the area of the sector?
Ans: 78.5
37. An ice cream cone is filled with ice cream and a surmounted ice cream in the form of a
hemisphere on top of the cone. If the hemispherical surface is equal to the lateral area of the
cone, find the total volume (in cubic inches) of ice cream if the radius of the hemisphere is 1
inch and assuming the diameter of hemisphere is equal to the diameter of the cone.
Ans: 3.91
38. Find the area of a regular pentagon whose apothem is 25 m Ans: 2270
39. Determine the volume of a right truncated triangular prism with the following definitions: Let
the corners of the triangular base be defined by A, B and C. The length of AB = 10 ft, BC = 9
ft and CA = 12 ft. The sides A, B and C are perpendicular to the triangular base and have the
height of 8.6 ft, 7.1 ft and 5.5 ft, respectively. Ans: 311 ft^3
40. By using Pappus Theorem, determine the volume generated by revolving the area in the first
and second quadrants bounded by the ellipse 4x 2+25y2=100 and the x-axis, about the x-axis.
Ans: 83.78
41. 150 posts are used in fencing a lawn. Each post is built in the form of frustum of a pyramid
surmounted by a pyramid whose lower base is common with the upper base of the frustum.
The height of the pyramidal top is 2 in. and the common base is square 4 in. on an edge. The
lower base of the frustum has an edge of 6 in. If the overall height of each is 6 ft, how much
concrete (ft3) will be used in making the posts? Ans: 154.86
42. Find the waste in cutting the strongest square timber from a circular log of uniform diameter 2
ft and length 8 ft. Ans: 9.1327 ft^3
43. A certain wire that weighs 8.5 g/cc has a total mass of 155 kg. If the total length of the wire is
1500 m, find the cross-sectional area in square mm. Ans: 12.16
44. Each side of a cube is increased by 1%. By what percent is the volume of the cube
increased? Ans: 3.03%
45. A certain wire that weighs 8.5 g/cc has a total mass of 155 kg. What is the density of the wire
in kg/m3? Ans: 8500
46. Two vertical conical tanks are joined at the vertices by a pipe. Initially the bigger tank is full of
water. The pipe valve is open to allow the water to flow to the smaller tank until it is full. At this
moment, how deep is the water in the bigger tank? The bigger tank has a diameter of 6 ft and
a height of 10 ft, the smaller tank has a diameter of 6 ft and a height of 8 feet. Neglect the
volume of water in the pipeline. Ans: cube root of 200
47. A circular piece of cardboard with a diameter of 1 m will be made into a conical hat 40 cm
high by cutting a sector off and joining the edges to form a cone. Determine the angle
subtended by the sector removed. Ans: 144 deg
48. A boy who had discovered that 20 mm marbles fitted snugly into the bottom of a cylindrical
jar, dropped in a fourth on top of the three and poured water enough into the jar to just cover
them. How much water did he used? Ans: 36, 248.98 mm3
49. Find the area of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle of radius 12 cm. Ans: 470
50. Two balls, one 15 cm in diameter and the other 10 cm in diameter, are placed in a cylindrical
jar 20 cm in diameter, as shown. Find the height of water necessary to cover them.
Ans: 22.5cm
51. how many cubic yard of material are needed or the foundation of barn 40 by 80 ft., if the
foundation is 2 ft thick and 12 ft high. Ans: 206.22 yd^3
52. One section of the mainline sewer pipe for the city of Annapolis passes through a tunnel 484
ft long. The cross section of the tunnel is shown in the figure. The sewer pipe is 16 in. in
external diameter and is partially embedded, in a mattress of concrete, a cross section of
which is shown in the figure. Find the total cost of digging the tunnel at 5 dollar per cubic yard.
Ans: 1, 083.02 dollars
53. A light bulb is placed at a certain distance from the surface of a spherical globe of radius 20
cm. If it illuminates one third of the total surface of the globe, how far is it from the surface?
Ans: 40cm
54. Two vertical conical tanks (both inverted) have their vertices connected by a short horizontal
pipe. One tank, initially full of water, has an altitude of 6m and a diameter of base 7m. The
other tank, initially empty, has an altitude of 9m and a diameter of base 8. If the water is
allowed to flow through the connecting pipe, find the level to which the water will ultimately
rise in the empty tank. (Neglect the water in the pipe). Ans: 5.151m
55. A chemist’s measuring glass is conical in shape, If it is 8cm deep and 3 cm across the mouth,
find the distance on the slant edge between the markings for 1cc and 2 cc. Ans: 0.79cm
56. A rhombus has diagonals of 30 and 20 inches. Determine its area. Ans: 300
57. A closed cylindrical tank is 8 feet long and 3 feet in diameter. When lying in a horizontal
position, the water is 2 feet deep. If the tank is in the vertical position, the depth of the water
tank is: Ans: 5.67ft
58. The volume of the sphere is 36pi m3. Find the surface area of the sphere in m2. Ans: 36pi
59. A druggist sells a certain kind of powder in a rectangular box 4 by 2 by 1 in. for 25 cents, and
in a cylindrical can 2.5 in high and 2.5 in. in diameter for 10cents. Which is the more
economical to buy? Ans: The cylindrical can is more economical
60. Find the volume of the spherical segment of radius 10 m and altitude 5 m. Ans: 654.5m3
61. The volume of water in a spherical tank having a diameter of 4m is 5.236m 3. Determine the
depth of the water on the tank. Ans: 1.0
62. A circular cylinder is circumscribed about a right prism having a square base one meter on an
edge. The volume of the cylinder is 6.283 m3. Find its altitude in m. Ans: 4
63. Find the radius of the spherical wedge whose volume is 12m 3 with a central angle of 1.8
radians. Ans: 2.15
64. The water supply of a district consists of a lake whose surface area is 1000acres. The number
of household supplied with water is 60,000. Supposing each household to use 25 gal per day,
calculate how many days’ supply (to the nearest day below the exact number) is represented
by a depth of 1ft of water in the lake. (1 acre equals 43,560 sq. ft.) Ans: 217 days
65. A hole 6 in. in diameter was bored through a sphere 10 in. in diameter. Find the volume of
the part cut out. Ans: 255.52 in^3
66. A vegetable bin built in the form of a cube with an edge of 6 ft. is divided by a vertical partition
which passes through two diagonally opposite edges. Find the lateral surface of either
compartment. Ans 122.91 ft^2
67. The volume generated by rotating the curve 9x 2 + 4y2=36 about the line 4x+3y=20 is: Ans:
68. The diameter of a sphere is 18 in. Find the largest volume of regular pyramid of altitude 15 in
that can be cut from the sphere if the pyramid is a hexagonal. Ans: 584.57 in^3
69. A coffee pot is 5 in. deep, 4.5 in. in diameter at the top, and 5.75 in. in diameter at the bottom.
How many cups of coffee will it hold if 6 cups equal 1 quart? Ans: 11 cups
70. A conoid has a circular base of radius 25 cm and an altitude of 30 cm. Find its volume in cc.
Ans: 29452
71. From a cylindrical glass 6 in. high and 3 in. in diameter, water is poured by tilting the glass
until the highest point of the bottom of the glass lies in the plane of the water surface. How
much water remains? Ans: 6.75π in^3
72. Find the number of sq. ft. of tin required to manufacture 10,000 pint tin can (height of 4 in.;231
cu in = 1 gal) with tops. Neglect the waste due to seams, etc. Ans: 3648.26 ft^2
73. If the surface area of the sphere is increased by 21%, its volume is increased by? Ans.
74. The diameter of a sphere is 18 in. Find the largest volume of regular pyramid of altitude 15 in
that can be cut from the sphere if the pyramid is a pentagonal. Ans. 534.97 in^3
75. The inside of a vase is an inverted cone 2.983 in. across the top and 5.016 in. deep. If a
heavy sphere 2.498 in. in diameter is dropped into it when the vase is full of water, how much
water will overflow? Ans. 6.92 in^3
76. How many cubic inches of lumber does a stick contain if it is 4 in by 4 in at one end, 2 in by 2
in at the other end, and 16 ft long? Ans. 1792 in^3
77. A log 18 ft. long is 2 ft. in diameter at the top end and 3 ft. in diameter at the butt end. How
many cubic feet of wood does the log contain? Ans. 89.54 ft^3
78. A tank , open at the top, is made of sheet iron 1 in thick. The internal dimensions of the tank
are 4 ft 8 in long.; 3 ft6 in. wide; 4 ft 4 in deep. Find the weight of the tank when full of salt
water. (Salt water weighs 64 lb/ft 3 and iron is 7.2 times as heavy as salt water). Ans. 7983.64
79. Spherical balls 1.5 cm in diameter area packed in a box measuring 6 cm by 3 cm by 3 cm. If
as many balls as possible are packed in the box, how much free space remains in the box?

M3: (Diff.Calc, Integ.Calc, & Diff.Eqn)

1. The base of a right triangle grows 2 ft/sec, the altitude grows 4 ft/sec. If the base and altitude
are originally 10 ft and 6 ft, respectively, find the time rate of change of the base angle, when
the angle is 45°. Ans: 1/14 rad/sec
2. Find ∂w/∂z: x2y – 10y2z3 + 43x – 7tan(4y). Ans: −30y2z2
3. A balloon, leaving the ground 60 ft from an observer, rises 10 ft/sec. How fast is the angle of
elevation of the line of sight increasing, after 8 seconds? Ans: 0.06 rad/sec
4. Find the third derivative of y=2x3 + 4x2 – 5x + 3 Ans: 12

5. Find the derivative of y=e❑ x❑ Ans: 2xex^2

6. Differentiate: y=log3(3/x) + 3/x. Ans: -(x+3ln3)/(x2 ln3)
7. What is the derivative with respect to x of (x+1)3 - x3 ? Ans: 6x+3
8. Car A moves due East at 30 kph at the same instant car B is moving S 30 0 E, with a speed of
60 kph. The distance from A to B is 30 km. Find how fast is the distance between them
separating after one hour. Ans: 45 kph
9. Water is pouring into a conical vessel 15 cm deep and having a radius of 3.75 cm across the
top. If the rate at which the water rises is 2cm/sec, how fast the water flowing into the conical
vessel when the water is 4 cm deep? Ans: 6.28 m^3/sec
10. Given the function f(x)=x to the 3rd power – 6x + 2. Find the first derivative at x=2. Ans: 6
11. Find the derivative of y = ln x2. Ans: 2/x
12. Differentiate: y=ln(x2 – 2x). Ans: (2x-2)/(x2-2x)
2 2

13. Find the derivative of y=10 ❑x❑ Ans: (5❑ x❑ )(ln 10)(2 x )
14. Find the derivative of y= esin x. Ans: cosx(esinx)
15. A rowboat is pushed off from a beach at 8 ft/sec. A man on shore holds a rope, tied to the
boat, at a height of 4 ft. Find how fast the angle of elevation of the rope is decreasing, after 1
sec. Ans: −2/5 rad/sec
16. A car drives south at 20 mi/hr. Another car, starting from the same point at the same time and
traveling 40 mi/hr, goes east for 30 minutes then turns north. Find the rate of rotation of the
line joining the cars 1 hour after the start. Ans: 0.6 rad/hr
17. A car drives south at 20 mi/hr. Another car, starting from the same point at the same time and
traveling 40 mi/hr, goes east for 30 minutes then turns north. Find the rate of rotation of the
line joining the cars at the time the second car makes its turn. Ans: 2.4 rad/hr
18. Find the derivative of y = (sin x)x by first taking logarithms of each side of the equation.
Ans: (sinx)x (x cot x+ln(sinx))
19. A helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at a constant rate of 4.5 meters per second.
When it is 75 m off the ground, a jeep passed beneath the helicopter traveling in a straight
line at a constant rate of 80 kph. Determine how fast the distance between them changing
after 1 second. Ans: 10.32 m/s
20. A kite is 60 ft high with 100 ft of cord out. If the kite is moving horizontally 4 mi/hr directly away
from the boy flying it, find the rate of change of the angle of elevation of the cord.
Ans: -22/625 rad/sec
21. A man walks across a bridge at the rate of 5 fps as a boat passes directly beneath him at 10
fps. If the bridge is 10 feet above the boat, how fast are the man and the boat separating 1
second later? Ans: 8.33 fps
22. The coordinates (x,y) in feet of a moving particle are given by x = cost - 1and y = 2 sint + 1,
where t is the time in seconds. At what extreme rates in fps is P moving long the curve?
Ans. (2 &1)
23. Differentiate: y=sec(x2+2). Ans. 2x sec (x2+2) tan (x2+2)

24. If F(y) = y(y - 3)^2 ; find F(-1). Ans. -16

25. Find the derivative of y = 2 ln (3x^2 − 1) Ans. 12x / (3x^2-1)
26. An open top rectangular tank with square bases is to have a volume of 10 cu. m. The
materials for its bottom are to cost P15 per square meter and that for the sides, P6 per square
meter. Find the most economical dimensions for the tank. Ans. 2mx2mx2.5m
27. A wall “h” meters high is 2m away from the building. The shortest ladder that can reach the
building with one end resting on the ground outside the wall is 6m. How high is the wall in
meters? Ans. 2.24m
28. Find the derivative of y = sin(e^3x) ans. 3e^3xcose^3x
29. Two railroad tracks are perpendicular to each other. At 12:00 PM, there is a train at each track
approaching the crossing at 50 kph, one being 100 km and the other 150 km away from the
crossing. How fast in kph is the distance between the two trains changing at 4:00 PM? Ans.
30. Differentiate: y=(ln x) / x. Ans. (1-lnx) / x^2
31. Differentiate: (x2+2)^½ ans. x/sqrt(x^2+2)
32. A balloon is rising vertically over a point A on the ground at the rate of 15 ft/sec. A point B on
the ground level with and 30 ft from A. When the balloon is 40 ft. from A, at what rate is its
distance from B changing? Ans. 12 ft/sec
33. Water is flowing into a conical cistern at the rate of 8m 3/min. If the height of the inverted cone
is 12 m and the radius of its circular opening is 6m. How fast is the water level rising when the
water is 4 m deep? Ans. 0.64 m/min
34. Find the minimum distance from the point (4,2) to the parabola y 2=8x. Ans. 2sqrt2
35. A kite is 60 ft high with 100 ft of cord out. If the kite is moving horizontally 4 mi/hr directly away
from the boy flying it, find the rate of change of the angle of elevation of the cord. ans .
22/265 rad/sec
36. Lim x>1 (x^2-1)/(x^2+3x-4) ans. 2/5
37. *insert problem here*
38. *insert problem here*

1. *insert problem here*
2. *insert problem here*
3. *insert problem here*
4. *insert problem here*
5. *insert problem here*
6. *insert problem here*
7. *insert problem here*
8. *insert problem here*
9. *insert problem here*
10. *insert problem here*

1. *insert problem here*
2. *insert problem here*
3. *insert problem here*
4. *insert problem here*
5. *insert problem here*
6. *insert problem here*
7. *insert problem here*
8. *insert problem here*
9. *insert problem here*
10. *insert problem here*

M4: (Surveying)

1. *insert problem here*
2. *insert problem here*
3. *insert problem here*
4. *insert problem here*
5. *insert problem here*
6. *insert problem here*
7. *insert problem here*
8. *insert problem here*
9. *insert problem here*
10. *insert problem here*

1. *insert problem here*
2. *insert problem here*
3. *insert problem here*
4. *insert problem here*
5. *insert problem here*
6. *insert problem here*
7. *insert problem here*
8. *insert problem here*
9. *insert problem here*
10. *insert problem here*

1. *insert problem here*
2. *insert problem here*
3. *insert problem here*
4. *insert problem here*
5. *insert problem here*
6. *insert problem here*
7. *insert problem here*
8. *insert problem here*
9. *insert problem here*
10. *insert problem here*

M 5: (Fluid Mechanics)

M 6: (Hydraulics)

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