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Jamuna Bank Limited

General and Common Services Division

Head Office, Dhaka

Office Note: August 16,2017

Subject Approval of making payment of a negotiated amount of Tk. 9,900.00 only for
: A. Supply, fitting, fixing of new materials
B. Repairing of servicing of 01 (One) unit air conditioner of NRB and FRD, Head Office, Dhaka
through Maa Refrigeration of Engineering Works

NRB and FRD, Head Office, Dhaka has informed through their requisition ref no. Nil dated 09.01.2017 that air conditioner of
NRB of FRD Division, Head Office, Dhaka was not functioning properly. Accordingly they have taken initiative of examined
the air conditioner through Maa Refrigeration and Engineering Works of collected quotation from them.
Considering the urgency of the situation NRB and FRD , Head Office, Dhaka has taken initiative of completed the job through
Maa Refrigeration and Engineering Works NRB and FRD, Head Office, Dhaka has also confirmed so through their certificate
ref no. Nil dated 16.01.2017
However, upon negotiation from G&CSD Maa Refrigeration and Engineering Works has agreed to trim down of settle the
offer at an amount of Tk. 9,900.00 only. Comparison of the quotations is as follows:

MREW (Maa Refrigeration of Engineering Works)

Particulars - Part A (Supply) Unit Qty Total cost
No. Unit rate
01 2.5 ton heavy compressor terminal clip No. 3.00 1,000.00 3,000.00
02 Supply of Fixing 2.5 ton outdoor fan motor Set 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
03 Supply of Fixing 2.5 ton outdoor fan Blade No. 1.00 2000.00 2,000.00
Total 7,500.00
Discount through Negotiation 600.00
Total after Negotiation 6,900.00

MREW (Maa Refrigeration of Engineering

Sl. No. Particulars - Part B (Servicing) Unit Qty Works)
Unit rate Total cost Tk.
01 Indoor & outdoor Servicing overhauling 3 1000.00 3000.00
Total 3,000.00
Discount through Negotiation ------
Total after Negotiation 3,000.00

Quoted Amount (Tk.)

Sl. No. Particulars
01 Part – A 6,900.00
02 Part – B 3,000.00
Total 9,900.00
The rates have been duly verified and found competitive regarding current market trend.

Jamuna Bank Limited

General and Common Services Division
Head Office, Dhaka
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Subject: Approval of making payment of a negotiated amount of Tk. 9,900.00 only for
A. Supply, fitting, fixing of new materials
B. Repairing of servicing of 01 (One) unit air conditioner of NRD and FRD, Head Office, Dhaka
through Maa Refrigeration and Engineering Works
Additional Detail of the air conditioners are as follows:

S. No. Particulars Detail

01 Installation Year May 2013

02 Last Major Servicing June, 2016

03 Book Value as on 31.12.2017 Tk. 95,200.00 as on 31-03-2017

Considering above, it is proposed that approval may kindly be accorded for a negotiated amount of Tk. 9,900.00 (Taka Nine
Thousand Nine Hundred) only (Part - A: Tk. 6,900.00 of Part - B: Tk. 3,000.00 only) for Supply, fitting, fixing of new
materials; Repairing of servicing of 01 (One) unit air conditioner of NRB and FRD, Head Office, Dhaka through Maa
Refrigeration of Engineering Works.

This is within the delegated financial authority of the honorable Managing Director.
Placed for kind approval

Subas Chandra Das Khurshid Hassan

Electrical of Electronics Engineer Senior Executive Officer

Md, Abu Morshed Chowdhury

In charge, Engineering Department

Vice President Pls.

Senior Executive Vice President Pls.

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