Friction Iv

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Beaconhouse School System


Name: ----------------------------- Class: IV ------------------------- Date: -----------------------

Q1. Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

a. What do you think has happened to the soles on this pair of shoes?


b. What is it caused by? ------------------------------------------------------------

c. From your answers in ‘a’ and ‘b’, why do you think it is important to change
our shoes or to replace vehicle parts such as rubber tyres after using them?



Q2. The picture below shows a skier moving down a slope. Answer the questions that follow.

a. In the above picture, draw an arrow to show the

direction of friction as the skier moves down the slope.

b. If the skier were to move down a grassy slope, how

would the amount of friction change?



c. What does this tell you about the relationship between friction and the type of surface?


Q3. Ziggy decides to go for sky diving. As he jumped out he began to fall down with high speed. It
happened because the forces are unbalanced.

a. What forces were applying on the Ziggy’s body?


b. Why was Ziggy coming fast to the ground? --------------------------------------------------------------

c. What thing he should wear to come smoothly on ground? -----------------------------------------------

d. There are three kites in the picture. Identify that which kite
will come to ground faster and why?


Q4. A force is any influence that causes an object to change its speed or direction. Forces are
measured in Newton (N). When objects fall, two different forces are acting on them: gravity and air
resistance. Gravity is a force which pulls everything down towards earth.

Answer the following questions about gravity.

a. What is gravity? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b. For each picture below, state what the force of gravity does. An example has been done for you.

Q5. Identify the force and fill in the given blanks.

i. The Earth possesses a strong pulling force called --------------------------------.
ii. -------------------- is produced when two objects or surfaces rub against each other.
iii. Most vehicles are built with a streamlined
shape to reduce ---------------------------as much as
Q6. Forces are important to us in our daily lives.
The picture below shows different forces at work.
The forces are labelled A, B and C. What would
happen if these forces were not at work?





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