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RE: Rec

3 mensajes

Julieta Higuera M. <> jue., 1 oct. 2020 a las 15:02

 Please did you receive my previous message.?

¿Recibiste mi mensaje anterior?

 Enviado: miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020 11:30

 Asunto: Recordar confirmación uso de chip.
Estimadas y estimados estudiantes:
Junto con saludar, reitero la información de conectividad 2do. Semestre para que puedan activar con tiempo el
beneficio de conectividad a quienes ya lo tuvieron el semestre pasado.

Irene María <> vie., 2 oct. 2020 a las 10:22

Para: Julieta Higuera M. <>


I haven't received any message.

[El texto citado está oculto]

Serge Godin <> sáb., 3 oct. 2020 a las 16:53

Para: Irene María <>

Greetings to you my friend, I have good news for you.

Accept my sincere apologies for contacting you in this manner, I obtained your contact via email prior to a private search as I searched for
worthy recipient candidates for my ongoing humanitarian donation. I am Mr. Serge Godin, born: 1949 (71 years old), from Shipshaw, Saguenay,
Canada, Chairman of the Canadian technology company CGI Group (Information Systems and Management Consultants), founded in 1976.

In 2000, I set up a charitable foundation called Jeunesse-Vie or Youth Life, which aims to help disadvantaged children across Canada through
alleviating poverty and improving their education and health. Having already been inducted into the Canadian Business Hall of Fame, I was also
recognized last year for my business and charity work when I was made an Officer of the Order of Canada, one of the country's highest civilian
honours. And I quote "When you have the chance to have a successful business, it is your duty to give back.":

I have decided to voluntarily donate/giveaway the sum of $12 million US Dollars (Twelve Million US Dollars) to 10 lucky beneficiaries around the
world as part of my humanitarian donation. I am very happy to announce that your email is one of the 10 lucky  selected candidates each
selected to receive a donation of $1.2 Million US Dollars (One Million two hundred thousand Dollars). The donation funds were deposited in a
trusted and reliable bank in the United States to handle the transfer / delivery process to the 10 selected lucky recipients from all citizens
around the world.

I want to congratulate you on having been among the lucky beneficiaries selected to benefit from my humanitarian donation project. Your
benefit funds of  $1.2 Million US Dollars (One Million two hundred thousand Dollars)is for your personal use, and I also want to challenge you to
help support the Acts of Humanitarian and Orphanage Charity Foundations in your region by extending hands of giving to the least privileged
and needy children and the elderly, especially in this world of crisis we are going through hit by this terrible global COVID-19 pandemic. Which is
the primary objective of the humanitarian donation project and donating this money to you.

This humanitarian donation project has been entrusted and registered with a LAW FIRM in the United States to oversee this project and ensure
that the selected beneficiaries receive this donation without any interruption. In this regard, I will advise you to provide me with the information
below to register you as a beneficiary with the LAW FIRM and process the necessary Legal document for claims on your name.

•Your Name in full,

•Residential address,
•Mobile number,

Kindly provide the information requested above so that I can get to know you better and register you as a beneficiary, and I will provide you with
the registered reference number which you will send to the LAW FIRM overseeing this donation project in order to register you as the
beneficiary and process the claims Legal document in your name which you will have to send to the paying bank for the fund claims. I have
already paid the LAW FIRM for processing the Legal document required for claims.

I will send you the contact details of the LAW FIRM in my next mail as soon as I receive the above information to register you as a beneficiary.

Make sure to email the needed information above to my private Official e-mail:

I am happy to make this donation to you in good faith because I know that it will be of great support to you and your dearest family.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Serge Godin
Chairman CGI Group.

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