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Oil Based Homemade Toothpaste

CourseDIY products by JoyDeb.

Toothpaste is a essential member of a family.But somany chemicals are being used in these
commercial toothpaste are available in market.We are being motivated to buy it through
attractive advertisements.
But you can make healthy toothpaste in your home with out chemicals and which would be
pocket friendly too.

 silicone tube
 bamboo toothbrush
 electric toothbrush
 2 Tbsp. coconut oil more or less, depending on the desired consistency (can use other
 1 Tbsp. bentonite clay or Multani mitti
 2 tsp. cacao unsweetened,cofee powder, cinnamon powder,cardamom powder etc
 1 tsp. honey,optional to make it sweet.
 1 tsp. baking soda
 peppermint essential oil optional, or else cloves oil, cinnamon powder etc. for taste
1. Mix together all of the dry ingredients. If you are using cacao nibs, or you find that the
ingredients are too abrasive for you because you have sensitive teeth or gums, you can
pulverize them in a coffee grinder. (I normally use cocoa powder, and don't grind the
ingredients further, but it is an option.)
2. Add coconut oil, little by little, until you reach the desired consistency. If using a silicone
travel tube for storage, you may want to add a bit more to make it flow easily when
dispensing. In the winter, you may use fractionated coconut oil or a different liquid oil to
keep the toothpaste from solidifying.
3. Fill your silicone tube or storage containers with the toothpaste. It's now ready to use!
Olive oil is a good substitute for coconut oil as it has healing properties of its own. 
The cacao/cocoa powder (or nibs) is completely optional. It may make the toothpaste more
appealing to kids. It also may leave dark marks on the sink if not fully rinsed. Choose whether or
not to add it accordingly.
Theobromine in cacao may help with remineralization.
For foam you can mix 1-2 drop of castile soap too.

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