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TOPIC 3 Selling BOOK LESSON Little Red Book of Selling

give/add value bottom line profit

reduction in price well rested
in favor of the customer hammer sb for price
your best prospects occur
call sb out of the blue give away for free
devour every word reap the rewards
proactive mailings defy every rule/law of marketing
get leads It takes hard work.
cold calling establish rapport
sales pitch find some common ground
show up establish/gain credibility
civic organization get right down to business
Jeffrey Gitomer deliver a talk a correlation between
decision maker earn a commission
Little Red Book of make a lunch appointment earn a fortune
Selling brag about your company top performers
perceived value concentrate on the value
compelling in sth the corresponding orders
proof statement rewarding lesson
sell a commodity core of my business

 I send nothing until someone calls and asks for it.
 The more value you provide, the less price matters.
 ... which brings me to my next point.
 I have never understood the philosophy of “value added”.
 It has earned me millions of dollars.
 I’ve just given you two ideas on how to change lowest price proposals.
 I’ve been doing that for twelve years.
 If you give out the handout before you start your talk, people will read one thing while you’re
speaking about another.
 If you make a friend, you can earn a fortune.
 There’s not much competition at the top of the sales ladder.

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