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Biological diversity or “Biodiversity” is the growing awareness of how all living things are
related to each other. This idea started from the neutralists who classify organisms in the
natural world using taxonomy, the hierarchal system of classifying and naming organisms. It is
said that where several species cohabitate, there is rich biodiversity.

With this idea, there is a growing understanding that the biodiversity is now at risk since
through time, the record shows that the number of species on Earth is now declining and
becoming extinct.

This loss of biodiversity threatens the food supplies, opportunities for recreation and
tourism, and sources of wood, medicines, and energy. In this matter, the progress of modern
biotechnology which paved the way for new developments on food and agriculture was
brought to life.

In connection to modern biotechnology is the rise to what we call genetically modified

organisms (GMO). GMOs can be a plant, animal, or other organism whose genetic make up has
been modified through artificially inserting the chosen gene of an unrelated plant or animal.
The development of this type f organism aims to address issue with regard to food security,
agriculture, drug production, and nutrition.

However, GMOs are still debatable nowadays in certain countries like the Philippines for
its effects in human health. If GMOs will be offered in the country as substitute for food, I
would still rather not eat those. As long as the production of naturally processed food can still
sustain the life here on Earth, I would opt to not rely on genetically modified food.

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