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SY: 2019-2020
NAME:____________________________________________ SCHEDULE/TIME:_______________SCORE:___________________
1. _____________________________________it involves the study and description of one’s countries, criminal procedure,
or justice process.
2. _____________________________________a researcher visits another country.
3. _____________________________________the researcher communicates with foreign researcher.
4. _____________________________________the science and art of investigating and comparing the police system of
5. _____________________________________the most often employed by researchers.
6. _____________________________________used to describe the countries being used as topics of discussion.
7. ______________________________________it suggest that progressive lifestyle and norms result in the disintegration of
older norms that once held people together.
8. _____________________________________it sees the problem as society becoming too complex.
9. _____________________________________it holds that progress comes along with rising expectations.
10. _____________________________________it based on the event when a greater number of children are being born.
11. ______________________________________it that long with higher standards of living, victims become more careless of
their belongings and opportunities for committing crime multiply.
12. _____________________________________that crime everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and over
population in urban areas such as ghettes and slums.
13. _____________________________________a nation develops people’s alertness to crime is heightened.
14. _____________________________________ the 4 th largest continent of the worl although it contains less than 12% of the
world’s population.
15. _____________________________________The largest of the continents covers around 1/3 of the world’s total land area.
16. _____________________________________ The second largest of the continents, covers around 22% of the world’s land
17. _____________________________________The word Phoenician word for sunset.
18. _____________________________________Is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and
government of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
19. _____________________________________Simply means on police force operating in a country.
20. _____________________________________Refers to a system where police administration and operations are
independent from one state to another.
21. _____________________________________Common law systems are also known?
22. _____________________________________Socialist system also known as?
23. _____________________________________Civil laws are also known as?
24. _____________________________________Islamic system is also known as?
25. _____________________________________Where the accused is innocent until proven guilty.


1-3: What are the basic reasons why we compare but the basic reason are?
4-6: three basic functions of criminal justice system.
7-9: Reason why we compare systems and issues in criminal justice.
10-17: Types of police in the world.
18-20: Gather data related to his jurisdiction for city police officer like list of people who are; (Give me at least 3).

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