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St. Mary's
County Times


Thursday, October15,

A Special The Calvert County Times

Pull Out Section

Fall Home

Hoyer & Palombi

Square Off
State's Attorney's Office Saga Continues... See Pg. 3
2 The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020


District 5, School Board candidates answer on the issues


Deaf, hard of hearing, learn to shoot “Black Jacks” get change of command




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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Local News 3

Fritz and Several Staffers Take 9 Day Ocean City

Trip to Cancelled Conference, Tax Payer Funded
Former Office Manager Speaks on State's Attorney Office Controversy
By Guy Leonard member that I should not have said immediately demoted Mrs. Sterling.”
Staff Writer anything and she was not happy that Fritz did so by exclaiming it
A recently resigned legal assis- other staff members knew about the throughout the office, Rivera claimed,
tant to State’s Attorney Richard Fritz scheme to get her salary increased and not behind closed doors.
claims that former Deputy State’s At- by $25,000,” Rivera claimed. “[The “We absolutely were in my office,”
torney Jaymi Sterling acted properly employee] then posted an image on- Fritz said of Sterling’s demotion.
when she filed personnel complaints line addressed to me and another “Things got a little loud between her
with the county’s human resources coworker that was inappropriate and and me.”
department, an act for which Fritz de- intimidating. She also claimed that Fritz told her
moted Sterling. I felt uncomfortable knowing I had and the other employee that they had
Sterling soon after announced her to go into the office the following a limited time to file their complaints
resignation from the office on Sept. day.” with him, personally.
30, claiming also that there were ques- Rivera claimed she felt she was be- Whether the complaints were filed
tionable financial and personnel prac- ing pushed out of the office. was up to him, Rivera claimed Fritz
tices occurring in the office, which Fritz denied this claim as well. said.
she said she reported to authorities. “If she claims she resigned because “I wanted my complaint filed, but
Barbara Rivera, Fritz's former of- of Rick Fritz, she’s absolutely lying,” obviously Mr. Fritz was not going to
fice manager, drew attention to a trip State's Attorney Richard Fritz Fritz said. “She and Ms. Sterling are follow the proper procedures to do
to the Eastern Shore several office cooking this up.” so,” stated Rivera. I have never said
personnel went on, that, at least in to put in for it, too.” Rivera claimed: “I was being retali- I [did] not want my complaint filed.”
part, did not happen. Fritz has gone on record stating ated against for discussing [the em- Fritz said he told Rivera and the
“I find it very perplexing that af- those funds would be used to com- ployee’s] salary increase, and it was at other employee that he would decide,
ter some attorneys, Mr. Fritz and pensate an employee who was over- that time I told Mrs. Sterling to file after his own investigation, whether
[the other employee] went on a nine worked, and who might also work to my complaint. She was the chief of complaints were founded.
day ‘conference’ to Ocean City, paid administer Project Graduation in the staff, her duties included taking staff “Then, they could appeal to [the
for by the county, that was actually coming year. complaints. She was following policy county’s Human Resources Depart-
cancelled, all the nasty behavior and “To justify giving [the employee] and protocol of county government. ment,]” said Fritz.
money schemes started to take place.” these funds, claims were made that “Mr. Fritz came into the office the
Regarding “nasty behavior and she has the caseload of two employ- day after my complaint was filed and
money schemes” Fritz said he was ees,” Rivera stated. “That is false, she
unaware of what Rivera was referring is in a position that a previous em-
to but the event, which was a state’s ployee worked, and that employee was
attorney’s conference, was cancelled. never compensated for extra work that
Fritz said he replaced it with “in- she did; in addition [the employee] is a
house training” in Ocean City and pay grade level higher than the previ-
that “the rooms were already booked.” ous employee in that position.”
“Everybody wore masks and so- Fritz reiterated his claim that the
cially distanced,” Fritz said, noting employee in question was over-
wrought with work, often coming in
the trip was open to other personnel
there. “It was not limited to anybody.” on her own time or taking work home
Rivera, who worked for the state’s to complete assignments.

attorney’s office for 21 years, sent a
statement to The County Times on
Rivera said she brought her con-
cerns to her longtime boss but was
Wednesday regarding her resignation
Sept. 24 and about money that was al- “When I brought my concerns to Member SIPC
Bessie Dr Suite 302
legedly to be taken from the Project Mr. Fritz’s attention, with examples of
Graduation Fund to be given to an- numerous employees that have worked
in our office for 15, 20 and 30 years, David McDonough
n, MD 20650
other employee with whom she was
at odds and accused of unprofessional including myself, having increased Financial Advisor Member SIPC

behavior. caseloads throughout our years of ser- 41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302

7 “First the $25,000 yearly ‘bonus’ vice his response to me was ‘So[?]’,”
Rivera wrote.
Leonardtown, MD 20650

that would be going to the ‘adminis-

trative assistant, who has only been “Then continuing with my concerns
with the office for four years,” Rivera to him, and how I held the position of
claimed. “These funds would have Office Manager, worked with his case
been taken from Project Graduation load and another attorney’s case load
funds that are donated by the public but…was never compensated for my
and used for the high school gradu- work, his response to me was ‘Maybe
ate’s graduation party held at Naval you should have bitched more.’”
Rivera said she was “taken aback”
Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River to
by Fritz’s alleged comment and left David McDonough
keep them safe on graduation night.”
Fritz told The County Times that his for the rest of the working day be- Financial Advisor e
request for the money was sent to the cause of it. M
county commissioners asking their Fritz, in his latest interview, denied 41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
using such language towards Rivera.
permission to use the money from
Rivera said Sterling acted on her
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Project Graduation for administrative
behalf in filing an employee griev- 301-997-1707
David McDonough

It was denied. ance against the other coworker.
“End of story,” Fritz said. “The oth- “Once [the employee]Financial
discovered Advisor
er employees would’ve had the right that I knew the $25,000 was going to Member SIPC
her, she made it clear to another Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Leonardtown, MD 20650
4 Local News The County Times

School Board Candidates

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Current Board of Education member Cathy Allen Board of Education challenging candidate District 2 Board of Education candidate District 2 Board of Education candidate Jim Davis
Deforest Rathbone Heather Earnhart

By Guy Leonard AT LARGE SEAT career ready but not all may choose to that working students can start classes at
Staff Writer attend college. 2p.m. and go through to 6p.m. or 7 p.m.
A debate to be held the evening of Priorities: Deforest Rathbone: Traditionally, shop And we need more money for teachers
Oct. 13 for two open school board Cathy Allen: My priorities are and vocational courses were available to to fill the ranks. We can’t recruit enough
seats was suddenly cancelled when, continuing the ongoing work to improve prepare kids who may choose that type teachers from Maryland schools, we
according to an announcement from student outcomes with emphasis of work. Agriculture and Science were have to go to Pennsylvania and elsewhere
the League of Women Voters of St. on students, staff, and programs. In combined in my 1943-44 9th grade boys’ to recruit them.
Mary’s County, one of the participants addition, ensuring that we use resources class in GMHS, and I enjoyed it so much Heather Marin Earhart: We need to
decided to withdraw. in the most effective and efficient manner I still have my workbooks from then. My work together as parents and citizens
“Unfortunately, one of the possible, safe and orderly schools, and experience in real world craft education to encourage the Commissioners to
candidates has, at the last minute, sustainability are significant priorities. could help here. support increases to the budget. We need
declined to participate,” a letter Advocating for common sense legislation Funding: The Kerwin Commission additional counselors in our schools,
written by Kathleen Werner, vice and the needs of our system is an ongoing Cathy Allen: It is concerning that the increases in teachers’ salaries, and
president of the league read. “It is our priority. Kirwan Commission went well beyond schools that can accommodate the present
policy that we cannot have an ‘empty Deforest Rathbone: Implement non- its mission and timeline and is now and future community – our schools
chair’ forum and as such we have no punitive random student health screening expecting quick passage of 172 pages are overcrowded. We need to invest in
choice but to cancel it.” for drugs as a health/safety strategy of legislation plus a 62 page fiscal note. additional programs for students.
In a later interview, Werner said, the to protect schoolchildren and teachers Members of the Commission have said College Alternatives:
league had originally planned to hold from the disorder, violence and fear that the recommendations will not work Jim Davis: I’m a very strong supporter
the forum for the school board’s at due to the malignant impact of virtually unless passed with fidelity since some of community and two-year technical
large seat and District 2, but DeForest unrestrained use of drugs and alcohol items are dependent on others to work. schools. It gives a fresh start to kids who
Rathbone, a Leonardtown resident, by some students—as documented in Cost alone is the greatest obstacle. maybe didn’t do particularly well in high
declined to participate. the Health Dept. Youth Risk Behavior Deforest Rathbone: I read the school and now they realize the need a
“He objected to it being a virtual Surveys. report and found it too theoretical skill set.
event,” Werner said. Budget: and unrealistic. Instead of focusing The Clark School of Engineering will
Plans to move ahead with a District Cathy Allen: In order to meet the on improving the good parts of our accept College of Southern Maryland
2 school board forum came to a halt growing needs of our students, we need mostly effective education system, the Students with a ‘B’ average and the new
when incumbent Jim Davis also additional staffing. Staff are needed to recommendations are massive, costly, University of Maryland at Southern
declined to participate. address class size; special education and too long-term with it mostly relying Maryland campus offers college courses
“He did not give a reason [why].” needs; student mental and behavioral on more educational bureaucracy. Gov. part time.
Werner said. health needs; increasing requests for Hogan has proclaimed it too expensive. Heather Marin Earhart: We need
Davis later said he had a personal classes at the Tech Center; transportation I agree. programs that help set our students
matter that would not allow him to needs and staff to care for our facilities up for success. In addition to learning
participate. to maintain the significant investment we DISTRICT 2 SEAT a trade, we should present and teach
Long-time District 4 incumbent have in them. students to explore their potential to
Mary Washington is running Deforest Rathbone: Currently Priorities start a small business and learn how to
unopposed. increased expenditures for Security and Jim Davis: My highest priority would run one effectively, learn how to become
The league had 30 questions to dealing with behaviorally- challenged be to ensure the kids are safe and an apprentice, or pursue a career in the
be asked of all candidates; those students should remain in place until protected from the coronavirus. I’m military.
questions would be sent to each the safer school environment is obtained also really interested in helping students Funding The Kerwin Commission:
candidate so their answers could be by the above strategy of early detection with [learning] disabilities and lower Jim Davis: I’m not a proponent of
posted on the league’s website. and treatment of drug-endangered kids. income kids and bolstering their learning the Kerwin Commission. I supported
“We were very disappointed we As fear among students and teachers abilities. everything in it but where are you going
weren’t able to move ahead with subsides, security funds can be re- Heather Marin Earhart: Helping to get the money? It sounds like a pipe
any forums this year,” Werner said. programmed for other purposes. increase extracurricular and enrichment dream. To me, it was just wishful thinking.
“It’s [the school board race] the only College Alternatives: programs in our schools. I believe we Heather Marin Earhart: We need to
locally contested race.” Cathy Allen: A robust series of need additional programs to help support communicate and share the facts. There is
Earlier this year all of the programs at our Tech Center provides our military-connected children as well misinformation and confusion regarding
candidates, save for Davis, responded options leading to a wide variety of as special need students. I also believe the Commission. We need to ensure we
to questions regarding the school industry certifications for students who in taking care of all personnel associated provide accurate information about the
board race from the league back in the wish to pursue careers outside of a four with our student’s day-to-day education impacts. I believe the other obstacle is
spring. The County Times was able to year college degree. Additional staffing – from the bus driver to the Principal. working with the County Commissioners
contact Davis and ask him the same would allow us to accommodate more Budget: and gaining their support.
questions. students in the available programs. All Jim Davis: We’d like to increase the
students need to graduate college and budget for after school programs… so
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Local News 5

Crime Decreased in
St. Mary’s Last Year
By Guy Leonard affordable housing, of jobs, the gov-
Staff Writer ernment really, and the community
Violent crime dropped in 2019 com- working together,” Cameron said.
pared to 2018, the latest data from the “It’s not just about policing, it’s so
FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) many other factors.”

Bowles Farms
shows. Instances of rape also decreased
The UCR is the compilation of all with 20 being reported last year com-
known crimes catalogued by law en- pared to 26 in 2018.
forcement throughout the nation each The number of robberies sharply
year. declined also; there were 39 reported

Bowles Farms
The report showed there were 202 last year versus 53 in 2018.
violent crimes reported here in St. Aggravated assaults remained al-
Mary’s last year with one murder, most unchanged with a slight in-
there were 221 violent crimes in 2018 crease last year with 142; there were

Bowles Farms
and two killings. 140 reported in 2018, according to the
There have already been five homi- report.
cides in St. Mary’s County this year Property crimes decreased, but
and Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron still there were more than 1,600 each year
held out hope that most crime sta- with 1,663 in 2019 versus 1,698 in
tistics, particularly violent crimes, 2018.
would continue downward. Burglaries saw a significant de-
“I’m guarded about the numbers crease in 2019, with 301 reported
when we start to compare 2020 to
2019,” Cameron told The County
Sept 28th to Oct 27th
against the 418 law officers dealt with
the year prior, the report stated.
Larcenies increased this past year,
He said he believed the overall re- however, with 1,297 being reported
corded drop was indicative of a strong versus 1,217 reported in 2018.
community that was, on the whole,
prosperous and peaceful.
“It’s a ref lection on the economy, of
Sept 28th to Oct 27th
Arsons remained the same and six
reported in both years.
Sept 28th to Oct 27th

w lleessFa
Far m
r s
m s
BBoow Fall 2020 Season
September 26 to October 31st
September 28th to October 27th
2 PhaseOCT.
Maze 5-6
Saturday –10AM to 6PM
& Custom
Fall Season
SATURDAY • 11-3 • Classic Car Show: Southern Knights Rod
• Cupcake
Car Group will have a display Shop
of classic cars.
Fall Season
• Giant Slides
No AppointmentColumbus
Truck Rides (12:00 September
SUNDAY • First Responders Appreciation
to 3:00).to
5PM Day
Fire & Rescue Members28
th to$1.00 October
Barn off Yard
th to October 27th

will receive 27
Day: Bring your kids outth
general Animals
for FREE Fire
(ID Required).

Tues-Fri: •• 2Jumping
Phase Maze Straw Pit
9AM to 3PMBy Appointment Only • Kid 2 Phase Maze
Saturday 9AM –10AM to 3PM to 6PMGroups Cupcake Shop
Corn Boxes
2020 Season Friday- 9AM to 3PM
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups Only>
Only> Cupcake Shop
Saturday –10AMto 6PM ••• Corn
Giant Maze
Slides Express (Train(Train Ride)
Saturday- -10AM�10.00
10AMtototo per5PM
to5PM guest
6PM Giant
•• Kid
• BarnBarrel Slides Rides
Yard Animals
Saturday- -10AM
10AM 6PM Barn Yard
•• Jumping Animals
SSeSepeptpt2t.822th6 th
8th OcOO
and Under Free
Tues-Fri: By Appointment Only • Food & Straw Pit
Jumping Straw Pit

Tues-Fri: By Appointment Only
Sunday- 10AM
Group Rates Available to155PM
for 5PM
or More
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups
Groups Only>
Groups Only>

•• Large Kid
Kid Corn
Covered Boxes
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups Only> ••• Corn
Inside Maze
Corn Maze Express
Restrooms (Train
Express (Train
(Train Ride)
Admission: �10.00
Admission: �10.00 per guest per guest •• Kid
Kid Barrel
Barrel Rides
(Train Ride)

33 and
and Under Free
Only registered
registered service
service animals.
animals. Special Weekend
• •
• Inside
Food Events:
& Restrooms
Car Show, Fire Truck
Must be
be properly
properly identified.
identified. • Food & Refreshments
Group Rates Available for 15
Group Rates Available for 15 or More or More Rides, •
Large Covered Pavilion
Pulls, Covered
Big Rig Truck Show, etc.
•• Inside Restrooms
Inside Restrooms
Contact Information:
Only registered
Only registered service
registered service 301-475-2139
service animals.
animals. Special- Weekend
Events: Car Show, Fire Truck
Must be properly identified.
Location: 22880 Budds Creek RoadRides, * Clements * MD * Truck
Must be
be properly
properly identified.
Rides, Tractor Pulls,
Tractor Pulls, Big Rig
Big Rig Truck Show, etc.
Show, etc.

2020 DESIG Contact Information:

Contact Information: 301-475-2139
301-475-2139 -- email:
N Location: 22880 Budds Creek Road * Clements * MD * 20624
Location: 22880 Budds Creek Road * Clements * MD * 20624
6 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

COMMERCIAL Emergency Director: Contract

– 7.68 acres –
Investment Opportunity Medics Coming Soon
By Guy Leonard day and last for 12 hours, Walker said,
Staff Writer which were the most difficult to fill be-
The county’s Director of Emergency cause volunteers were often working dur-
Management Steve Walker said this week ing those hours.
that contract medics would soon be hired, The county’s Advanced Life Support
perhaps next week, to assist beleaguered Unit (ALS) would also get four paramed-
rescue squads throughout St. Mary’s ics to assist it, but would operate out of the
County answer calls for service during the county’s emergency management office
daytime hours. instead of the ALS unit adjacent to Med-
427 feet fronting Three Notch Road (route 5) “We hope to get people out to the rescue Star St. Mary’s Hospital.
Charlotte Hall, MD and 20 foot recorded easement to Charlotte squads as quick as we can,” Walker said. The Commissioners of St. Mary’s Coun-
“All the rescue chiefs have for assistance.” ty raised the issue last week at their regular
Hall Rd. The plans for the hiring and dispersal meeting, stating that response times for
Combination of RMX and RL of the contract medics was being finalized calls had increased significantly and the
Zoning allows for general and medical offices, daycare centers, this week, Walker said. county’s all volunteer system was relying
public buildings, multi-family residential, hotels/motels. “We hope to roll out the assistance next heavily on mutual aid from other counties.
Personnel and business services, rental and leasing establishments, week,” he said. Many volunteers are also older and at
restaurants, group homes, etc. Offered for sale by Linda Gerrie The vehicles the contract medics would greater risk of severe consequences if they
use, Walker said, would be those currently contract the virus.
with Fitzgerald Realty & Auctioneers. owned by each rescue squad. The money for hiring the medical per-
So far the Leonardtown squad had sonnel comes from CARES Act funding
“POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING” asked for two emergency medical techni- from the federal government to assist lo-
cians (EMTs) for three days a week, Val- cal jurisdictions to recover and cope with
ley Lee had asked for two EMTs five days COVID-19.
Contact: Linda Gerrie a week as did the Mechanicsville squad, Walker said the contract hires were
Text Or Call: 301.751.8941 Walker said. “temporary in nature.”
The Lexington Park rescue squad re- “When the money (about $470,000)
quested four EMTs to be divided equally runs out, hopefully we’ll have our staffing
Maryland Associate Broker, between their two stations for five days a where it needs to be,” Walker said.
Fitzgerald Realty & Auctioneers 301.884.7000 week, while Ridge, 7th District and Holly- He predicted, under the current plan for
wood all asked for two contract EMTs for hiring and deployment, the funding could
Virginia Broker, Realty Visions four days a week. be for three-to-three-and-a-half months.
301.751.8941 Each of the shifts would be during the

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Valid only at Lexington Park Location

Expires 11/15/2020
and will begin to close Nov. 10th at 7 pm
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Not Valid with Happy Hour specials.

Not Valid with Happy Hour specials.

With Coupon Only. May not be combined
with any other offer.
With Coupon Only. May not be combined
with any other offer. Valid only at Lexington Park Location
Valid only at Lexington Park Location 301.904.3402
Expires 11/15/2020 Expires 7/31/2020
Expires 11/15/2020
Expires 9/30/2020
Expires 7/31/2020
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Local News 7

Calvert Gun Shop Takes

Deaf, Hard of Hearing to St. John’s School
the Range Pull Tab Fundraiser
Every Sunday from 2-5PM
CASH Prizes!!!!

All Faith Episcopal Church

Annual Fall Dinner
By Guy Leonard needs. November 7, 2020 Mechanicsville VFD Social Hall
Staff Writer The students went through simulat- 12 – 5 p.m. 28165 Hills Club Road
They came from all over Maryland, ed shooting using the MILOS system
Virginia and even Ohio to take the Na- which involves scenarios played out on
tional Rifle Association’s pistol marks- a movie screen in which the shooter uses Drive-Thru Only - $25
manship course at J2 Defense in Prince a laser-shooting handgun and decides to
Frederick, some had some experience (no indoor seating)
either shoot or not.
shooting while others had little. The computer scores how accurate
But one thing they all shared, they they were and changes the difficulty of Pre-order your dinner now
were all either deaf or hard of hearing. scenarios.
“I was curious because it was an op- The students then moved out to an
portunity to with interpreters,” said Jen- open-air range to shoot to qualify to 301-884-3773
nifer Herzog from Arnold. “I was look- pass the basic pistol class at Level No. 1.
ing for a way to do that.” “I want to learn how to defend my-
Herzog said she was martial artist, self and my family,” said Franklyn Ash
practicing both Tae Kwon Do and Es-
krima, and was contemplating buying a
of Lanham. “I used to box and fight in
MMA (mixed martial arts) so I’m not al-
Same Great Menu!
handgun. lowed to use my hands to protect myself. Same Great Price!
“I would like to but I haven’t decided “We live in tumultuous times.”
yet,” Herzog said. Ash was interested in buying both a Stuffed Ham
Herzog would go on to shoot quite handgun and rifle and he praised the Fried Oysters
well during the range time near the end volunteer instructors and interpreters
of the one-day class. who helped teach the class. Fried Chicken
“I enjoyed it,” she said of the class. “This is a great place for the deaf Sweet Potatoes
“The instruction was great.” and hard of hearing to learn,” Ash said.
Jason and Karla Mooney, partners in “There’s a larger deaf community here Green Beans
the business at J2 Defense, took six stu- in Maryland. Beets, Applesauce
dents through the class which included Ash grew up in Detroit, and both he
hours of classroom learning on safety, and Herzog were deaf, communicating Coleslaw and Roll
types of guns, cleaning and mainte- through interpreters at the Oct. 3 class.
nance, the fundamentals of shooting and Omar Chung, an Upper Marlboro
marksmanship. resident who is hard of hearing, helped
“Having interpreters in American organize the class through social media;
Sign Language was definitely differ- he is a gun enthusiast who is an assistant
ent,” Karla said. “Some of them have NRA instructor.
been waiting to do something like this Chung said having interpreters work-
for years. ing while instructors were teaching was
“It’s a needful class; they have limita- the most effective way for the deaf and
tions that we have no idea about.” hard of hearing to learn.
Jason said that he and his wife teach “I want to be a full basic pistol in-
the course without cutting corners and structor,” Chung said, noting that the
the students who attend are often moti- class was aimed at empowering the deaf
vated to learn. and hard of hearing as much as it was
“These students seem to be just that about learning to shoot.
kind of student,” Jason said. “For the “It’s more about accessibility for the
first class [of its kind], it went really deaf and hard of hearing,” Chung said.
fine.” “I have a lot of respect for gun deal-
Jason Mooney said he wanted to ana- ers in the region, but they might not
lyze the class and ensure that it can be know about deaf culture or the deaf
replicated by other training groups in- community.”
terested in teaching those with special
8 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

Health Department
Cathy Allen Offers Drive-Thru Flu
Vaccine Clinics
• Proven leadership The St. Mary’s County Health ditional drive-thru f lu vaccine clin-
and experience Department (SMCHD) is partner- ics for both children and adults as
ing with St. Mary’s County Public outlined below:
Schools to offer free drive-thru f lu Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital
• Former critical vaccine clinics for children (ages 3 • Outpatient Pavilion in Leonar-
care nurse – 18 years) at the locations listed be- dtown: Saturday, October 17, 2020
low. Children must be residents of • East Run Center in Lexington
St. Mary’s County though they do Park: Friday, October 23, 2020
• Past president, Maryland not need to be enrolled in the public • 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Association of Boards of school system. Advance registration • Children ages 3 – 18 are free
is required at www.marylandvax. (funded through SMCHD)
Education org in order to ensure adequate vac- • Adults over the age of 18 are re-
cine supply: quested to provide a $10 donation
• Active, well-informed Great Mills High School Participants receiving vaccine
• Monday, October 26, 2020 are asked to please:
board member and 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. • Follow directional signage
tireless advocate for Leonardtown High School • Stay in your vehicle – Clinic
our students • Tuesday, October 27, 2020 staff will come to you
4:00 – 7:00 p.m. • Wear a cloth face covering or
Chopticon High School mask when interacting with clinic
• Wednesday, October 28, 2020 staff
4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Advanced registration is required
St. Mary’s County Board of Education, At-Large Spring Ridge Middle School at
“I NEED YOUR HELP TO CONTINUE WORKING ON • Thursday, October 29, 2020 For more information about the
4:00 – 7:00 p.m. f lu, including prevention tips and
BEHALF OF OUR CHILDREN AND COMMUNITY.” SMCHD is also partnering with key differences from COVID-19,
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital for ad- please visit: lu. Facebook: CathyAllen2016
By authority Cathy Allen, Candidate, Bradford J. Allen, Treasurer

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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Local News 9

New Senior exclusive shopping hours will be

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Hoyer & Palombi
10 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

Square Off
The candidates for the 5th Congres- essary to avoid excessive use of force were open to cyberattack. “We need
and improve the
sional District, Incumbent House Ma- and curtail certain procedures that to upgrade our grid substantially.”
jority Leader Steny Hoyer and Repub- led to tragic deaths. building infrastruc-
lican challenger Chris Palombi agreed “We need a system of account- ture there? Palombi: “There would have to be
to answer The County Times’ questions ability… and we need to outlaw re- federal funding to assist with that.
about key local and national issues. straint techniques such as choke- Hoyer: “We need to work closely There are a lot of people in the Dis-
District 5 covers all of Southern Maryland. holds. Things such as no-knock war- with the proponents of the base, in- trict who still don’t have access to the
What will you do rants can give rise to something like cluding the Navy Alliance so when internet. When my wife and I moved
what happened in the Breonna Taylor we have a challenge, we can over- here there was no access and we had
to ensure Southern incident.” come it. “We need to be making sure to have Comcast lay cable; that helped
Maryland recovers Palombi: “I don’t. [All the debate that with the expertise at Pax River our neighbors out.
over defunding the police] is lower- that we don’t have a stovepipe there. He lamented the lack of competi-
from the COVID-19 ing their manpower. That’s not go- We have the capabilities to take in a tion regionally in providing internet
pandemic both in ing to solve our problems. We need broad range of work there.” services.
to find ways to eliminate excessive Hoyer said there were often con- “It stinks when you have a lack of
terms of health and force at all costs.” cerns among U.S. Navy leadership choice.”
economically? Palombi said officers could use that varied kinds of technology work
more and better training in the use of at the base could detract from the What are your plans
Hoyer: “The two are tied together force but agencies had to work to en- main mission there of test and evalu-
closely. [Students] need to be back in sure a work/life balance for officers ation of aircraft, he believed the base or ideas to specifi-
school and people need to get back to and that they were ready to face the could accomplish both. cally help small busi-
work. I’m supportive of federal in- rigors of the job each day. “We need to reassure them that we
vestment and propping up our fami- Palombi favored “equitable polic- can get our core work done,” said nesses recover from
lies and our businesses, especially ing” and even potentially “national Hoyer. losses due to the CO-
our small businesses.” use of force guidelines.”
Hoyer said the federal government Palombi: “The buildings there are
VID-19 pandemic?
needed to find a way to provide more What are your plans quite aged. We need to ensure the
Hoyer: The PPP program provided
stimulus to avoid either a recession or quality and security of the infrastruc-
full depression in the economy. to improve regional/ ture at all our military bases.”
money to businesses when they lost
revenues due to the coronavirus shut-
“We need to make sure we get a local infrastructure Palombi said cybersecurity was
downs and the Heroes Act would do
deal to give the country another shot both a focus of work and a needed se-
in the arm.” such as the Thomas curity feature at the base as well as
much the same for local and state
governments and agencies.
Palombi: “I think that’s mostly a Johnson Bridge and the conventional security measures
“It’s [the PPP program] made all the
local and state issue. The PPP pro- there.
gram ran out so fast… a lot of big the intersection at “We need to pursue that and make
difference but it needs to be re-uped,”
Hoyer said adding that the Senate has
companies had the personnel to pro- Route 5 and Great sure that’s secure as well,” Palombi
not voted on the package and likely
cess those applications as quickly said.
as possible. [Businesses with just
Mills Road? He believed the cyber security pres-
would not.
“It’s a shame the Senate hasn’t
a few employees] missed out on the ence on base could help spark support
Hoyer: “We need to invest in the taken it up. It’s time for us to get an
program.” Great Mills/Rt. 5 area. I’m commit- technical services outside the main
agreement together.”
Palombi said programs like the ted to that. I’ll be working to get addi- gate and boost the local economy.
Palombi: “The PPP program needs
PPP should be replenished but with tional federal dollars next year in that to be modified for sure [to aid very
a focus on very small businesses and
project particularly.” Will you work to pro- small businesses]. Small businesses
Hoyer said that federal funding was thrive when dollars stay local. I’m a
“The ultimate stimulus though, is also needed for the Thomas John-
vide federal fund- big free market person.”
reopening,” Palombi said, adding that son Bridge if there was ever to be a ing to make working Palombi said he wanted to find
Congress must find a way to provide replacement. from home easier for ways to incentivize consumers to
more stimulus. “It’s infuriating that “I hope to get help there as well,” buy locally and bring back the supply
they can’t compromise.” Hoyer said. both defense sec- chain from foreign dependency.
Palombi: “Those projects have tor employees and “We rely too much on foreign sup-
Do you favor defund- been a long time coming. We need to ply lines we need to think about giv-
make sure we have funding in place everyday residents, ing tax breaks to get them [companies
ing regional police? for that.” such as increased and industries] to come back here. It
What reforms, if any, Palombi said federal funds also can help restore our vanishing middle
need to be made available for bridge broadband access? class. Just bringing that back to the
do you support for expansion and to bolster evacuation country is a win-win.”
law enforcement? routes for Southern Maryland. Hoyer: “We passed a bill July 1…
“We need to find ways to make with a very substantial investment in
Explain. broadband and it cost $500 million
tax dollars work more efficiently,” Do you favor sanc-
less than what was required by the
Hoyer: “Absolutely not, it’s a Palombi said. President.” tioning China
thoughtless sentiment. The vast ma-
jority of our police act in a proper
Hoyer said that the COVID-19 pan- for its role in the
demic has shown how important in-
way. But if they break the law they What will you do to ternet access is and that “everybody spread of the novel
need to be held accountable the same
way a politician or public official protect the flow of has the availability of broadband.” coronavirus?
“It’s a critically important invest-
would.” work opportunities ment,” Hoyer said, adding that the Hoyer: “I favor sanctioning Chi-
Hoyer said police reform was nec-
on Pax River NAS nation’s electrical and internet grids na… but not particularly for the coro-
Meet the
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times 11


U.S. Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD-5th), a Democrat, Chris Palombi, the Republican challenger, works as a hockey
has served in Congress for 40 years and is the House Majority coach at St. Mary’s Ryken High School in Leonardtown and is
Leader. Before serving in Congress he was the President of the a self-taught web developer and former officer with the U.S.
Maryland State Senate. He lives in St. Mary’s County. Capitol Police Department. He grew up in Calvert County and
resides there with his wife and three children.

navirus. I’m in favor of sanctioning D.C. knows that current immigration people to come here but they need to ums. Consumers should have choices
China because of its unfair trade police does not work. “We need im- use the proper channels.” in their health care and there needs to
practices, theft of intellectual prop- migration, especially so we have be transparency in health care costs.
erty and its belligerence in foreign the personnel we need to fill jobs. [The mandate to accept pre-existing
policy.” We need border security… but I’m What actions do you conditions] is here to stay, it’s not go-
Palombi: “Yes, they need to be against taking children away from favor in health care ing anywhere.”
held accountable, but first we need their parents,” Palombi favored options such as
to bring the supply chain back to the Hoyer has opposed President reform? health care savings plans, direct pri-
U.S. China has stolen our intellectu- Trump’s border wall project but has mary care subscriptions refundable
al property, has been caught multiple pressed for comprehensive border Hoyer: Hoyer said the Affordable health care tax credits.
times hacking our systems and steal- surveillance through technology and Care Act, also known as Obamacare,
ing data and also has a horrible hu- efficient use of law enforcement. has helped millions of Americans
man rights crisis going on with their Palombi: “It’s up to Congress to get health insurance coverage and he
treatment of their citizens, including legislate. Congress needs to act [to continues to support it.
Uighurs. provide the country] with the security “It’s at risk from the Trump
The CCP must be held accountable of our borders.” Administration.”
for this, as well as their involvement Congress had to act to reduce the He said the continued attacks, if
in the COVID-19 outbreak.” backlog of legal immigration applica- successful, would result in millions
tions, Palombi said, but allowing il- losing health insurance.
legal immigrants to earn money here Hoyer said he was in favor of con-
What would you do but not pay taxes was not sustainable, tinuing to find ways to expand ben-
especially when it concerned sanctu- efits and continue lowering health
to reform immigra- ary cities and free education. care costs.
tion policy? “We can’t continue to support pro- Palombi: “I’d like to modify it [the
grams with taxpayer dollars for peo- Affordable Care Act]. The over regu-
Hoyer: “Everybody in Washington, ple who come here illegally. We want lation has led to skyrocketing premi-
12 Cops & Courts The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020


Attempted Robbery in Robbery in California
Leonardtown Under Under Investigation
Investigation On October 8, 2020, the victim re- contact Crime Solvers at (301) 475-3333,
sponded to the St. Mary’s County Sher- or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their mes-
On October 6, 2020, at approximately County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit which iff’s Office Headquarters in Leonard- sage to “CRIMES” (274637). Through
8:50 p.m. deputies from the St. Mary’s yielded negative results. town, to report a robbery that occurred the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are
County Sheriff’s Office responded to Anyone with information on this inci- earlier in the day at the Wawa located at eligible for an award of up to $1,000
the Breton Bay subdivision in Leonar- dent is asked to contact DFC. Dale Smith 23141 Three Notch Road in California. for information about a crime in St.
dtown for an attempted robbery call. at (301) 475-4200 extension 78098 or via The victim advised at approximately Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or
The victim advised deputies she was email at 10:15 a.m. while parked at the Wawa, an indictment.
traveling on Newtowne Neck Road and Citizens may remain anonymous and unknown male opened the door to her
stopped in the roadway to turn left onto contact Crime Solvers at (301) 475-3333, vehicle and asked for money. The vic-
Bull Road. The victim was approached or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their mes- tim provided money to the suspect and
by a white male wearing a black hooded sage to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the suspect left the area on foot. The
sweatshirt. The suspect was armed with the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are suspect is described as a black male, ap-
a handgun and attempted to gain access eligible for an award of up to $1,000 proximately 5’6”, and at the time of the
to the victim’s vehicle via the passen- for information about a crime in St. robbery he was wearing a black hooded
ger door. The suspect was unsuccess- Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or jacket.
ful gaining access to the vehicle and the
victim left the scene in her vehicle and
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Anyone with information on the iden-
tity of the suspect or this incident is
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rimeter was established, and a K-9 track
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fice on Twitter @firstsheriff.
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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times 13
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14 The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times 15

DIY Projects That

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Home renovation projects can pay their annual heating and cooling MUMS, PANSIES, KALE & CABBAGE SPRING COLOR
numerous dividends. Renovations costs.
can have a positive effect on resale Project: Seal uncontrolled air
value, make homes more livable for leaks.
residents and, in some ways, make What is it? Air leaks let cool air in
homes more affordable. during winter and warm air in dur-
Renovation projects that aim to ing summer. Caulking, sealing and
conserve energy can save homeown-
ers substantial amounts of money.
weather stripping all cracks and large
openings can cut back on air leaks
Such projects don’t often require that are costing you money. The DOE Wentworth White Starter Fertilizer
considerable effort or even sizable fi- recommends hiring a contractor to House Grass Seed Good for new lawns, installing sod &
nancial investments, which can make seal any leaks on heating and cooling reseeding. Promotes rapid root growth.
homeowners skeptical as to just how ducts. 50 lb. bag ONLY
5,000 sq. ft.
much they can save after completing
the project. But the scale of a project
How much can I save? Homeown-
ers who seal uncontrolled air leaks 119
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the U.S. Department of Energy notes bills.
that a relatively effortless task like Project: Plant shade trees. Totes of Colonial Gray & Natural
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save homeowners as much as $83 per near your home, it will begin to shade The equivalent of ONLY
year. A more labor-intensive task like your windows within a year of being approximately 35 bags. $
299 00
planting shade trees saves homeown- planted. Depending on the species of ea.
$ 99 When you buy
ers an average of between $35 and the tree and the home, the shade tree ONLY
2 or more pallets
$119 per year. will begin shading the roof within
When looking for ways to conserve
energy around the house and save
money, homeowners need not neces-
five to 10 years. The DOE notes that
shading is the most cost-effective way
to reduce air conditioning costs.
sarily commit to expensive projects. How much can I save? Properly
The DOE notes that the following planted shade trees can reduce air
are some energy-saving projects and conditioning costs by anywhere from
details what homeowners can expect 15 to 50 percent.
to save after completing them. While Project: Insulate the water heater
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What is it? Low-e windows reflect water heater tank can save homeown-
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windows are coated with an ultra- nual water heating bills.
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16 The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

Prepare Your Deck For Winter

Homeowners often take steps to win- plants from the deck in the fall. The
terize the interior of their homes in the home improvement experts at HGTV
weeks before winter’s arrival, but such note that moisture can get trapped be-
efforts should extend to the outside of a tween deck boards and plastic, wood or
home as well. ceramic containers in cold weather, and
Decks make for great gathering plac- that can contribute to mildew, discolor-
es when the weather permits. Decks ation or decay.
are where many people spend their free • Store unnecessary furniture. Home-
time and eat their meals come spring owners who like to sit on their decks in
and summer, when the temperatures winter will no doubt want to leave some
climb and the sun sets well into the furniture out over the winter. But those
evening. But as summer turns to fall, with lots of furniture for entertaining
homeowners must take measures to pro- guests can likely move the majority of
tect their decks from potentially harsh that furniture into a garage or shed for
winter weather. the winter. HGTV notes that doing so
• Inspect the deck for problems. will prevent the potential formation of
Decks tend to be used more often in blemishes on the deck that can result
summer than any other time of year. from inconsistent weathering.
That makes fall and early winter an • Remove snow, but do so carefully.
ideal time to inspect for wear and tear Prolonged contact with snow and ice
and any additional issues that may have can damage a deck. As a result, home-
cropped up throughout the summer. owners should clear snow from their
Damaged boards and loose handrails decks when accumulation is signifi-
should be fixed before winter arrives, cant. HGTV recommends using a snow
especially for homeowners who plan to blower on the deck to avoid scarring. If
use their decks in winter. Fixing such is- a shovel must be used, push snow with
sues in winter and even into spring may the planks to reduce the risk of damag-
be difficult thanks to harsh conditions, ing the deck.
so make good use of the relatively calm Homeowners who take steps to pro-
autumn weather to fix any issues on the tect their decks throughout the winter
deck. months can ensure these popular areas
• Clear the deck of potted plants. Even are ready once entertaining season re-
homeowners who intend to use their turns in the spring.
decks in winter should remove potted

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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times 17

What to Know About DIY Insulation

Perhaps due in part to the that DIY insulation installation is transferred by air currents, but they provement Web® recommends the
popularity of home improvement definitely doable, though typically are not always necessary. Factors following tools:
television shows, many homeown- only when homeowners are install- such as climate, cladding type (i.e., • Safety glasses
ers now tackle an assortment of ing certain types of insulation. The brick, stucco, wood, etc.) and the • Dust mask or respirator
home projects without professional Institute notes that installing fiber- location of the wall being insulated • Stapler (electric, standard, or
assistance. These weekend warriors glass or mineral wool insulation will help homeowners determine if hammer type)
embrace the do-it-yourself philoso- can be simple. However, homeown- they need vapor diffusion retard- • 3⁄8” or 1⁄2” staples
phy to home improvement, saving ers who prefer spray foam insula- ers. Homes located in places with • Protective clothing
lots of money along the way. tion should leave installation to the mixed climates often need vapor • Work light
As rewarding as successful DIY professionals. diffusion retarders. DIYers can • Tape measure
projects can be, it’s important that What should I do before begin- visit to • Extension cord
homeowners avoid getting in over ning the project? learn more or consult with an insu- • Utility knife and extra blades
their heads. Some projects, such The Insulation Institute advises lation or watersealing professional • Stepladder(s)
as those that involve plumbing or homeowners who are going to to determine if they need vapor • Straightedge for cutting insula-
roofing, tend to be best left to the install insulation to determine if diffusion retarders. tion
professionals. But many other proj- vapor retarders, sometimes referred DIYers will need the appropriate DIYers can access any number
ects, including insulation installa- to as “vapor barriers,” will need to tools and attire before beginning an of insulation installation tutori-
tion, are very DIY-friendly. be installed before they begin the insulation installation project. In als online to determine if they can
Can I install insulation myself? project. Vapor diffusion retarders addition to the insulation itself, the install insulation without hiring
The Insulation Institute notes can reduce the amount of moisture online resource The Home Im- professionals.

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18 The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

Considerations Before Warming Up The

First Fire
A warm fire can make even the cold- appliance and the chimney connection.
est winter day more enjoyable. Fire- The CSIA recommends that homeown-
places may not get much use in spring ers who plan to use their chimneys as
or summer, but come late fall and they have in the past request a Level
throughout the winter, the fireplace can 1 inspection, which will examine the
be a great place for families to gather. soundness of the chimney structure
Before fireplace season hits full and flue as well as the basic appliance
swing, homeowners might want to installation and connections. Techni-
brush up on a few fireplace facts so cians also will verify if the chimney is
they can safely enjoy nights spent sit- free of obstruction and combustible
ting by the crackling flames. deposits.
The Chimney Safety Institute of Homeowners also should inspect
America advises homeowners with fire- their chimney dampers before lighting
places to hire a CSIA-certified chimney their first fires of the season. Damp-
sweep to clean their fireplaces. After ers should open and close smoothly. If
a lengthly period of non-use, various not, a service technician can help fix or
issues could be affecting the chimney, replace the damper.
many of which might not be notice- Firewood is another thing home-
able to an untrained eye. Professional, owners must consider before light-
certified chimney sweeps have exten- ing their first fires of the season. The
sive knowledge of fireplaces, making CSIA says that well-seasoned firewood
them valuable resources who can let works best, noting that wood that is
homeowners know if any safety issues not well-seasoned will produce more
developed since fireplaces were last smoke than heat. In addition, the
used. The National Protection Agency home improvement resource This Old
recommends that chimneys be swept at House recommends using dense wood uct of wood combustion. Creosote is should determine if there are potential-
least once per year. that’s been split and stored in a high highly flammable, and as it builds up in ly dangerous levels of creosote deposits
A full inspection of the chimney and dry place for at least six months. a chimney, the risk for a chimney fire in the chimney.
might be in order as well. Chimney Oak is an example of dense wood that, increases. Choosing the right wood, Before nestling up to a fireplace this
service technicians will conduct thor- when stored properly, can make for an making sure it’s well-seasoned and hav- winter, homeowners should consider
ough examinations of readily accessible enjoyable fireplace experience. Avoid ing a chimney professionally cleaned a host of factors and safety measures
portions of the chimney exterior and softwoods like pine. Pine can produce can reduce the risk of a creosote-relat- to ensure their fireplaces are safe and
interior and accessible portions of the a lot of creosote, which is a byprod- ed chimney fire. A Level 1 inspection ready for the season ahead.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times 19

12 Ways to Maximize Vertical Space

Who hasn’t, at one point in their lives, vertical chest of drawers.
lamented a lack of space and organiza- 5. Canvas bags hung on a towel bar on
tion at home? A lifetime’s worth of items a wall can keep dirty clothes wrangled
have to be kept somewhere, and without until it’s time to wash them. This also
the right organizational strategy, clutter eliminates clothes hampers on the floor.
can quickly take over. 6. Add a second rod or shelving to the
The home improvement site Home inside of closets to create more space for
Therapy says that, when square footage clothing and other items.
is limited, tapping vertical walls is the 7. Take kitchen cabinets all the way to
fastest way to maximize and multiply the ceiling. Store lesser used items on
the space available. Hooks, rods, shelv- the uppermost shelves and the items you
ing, built-ins … the sky is the limit when use each on the most accessible shelves.
it comes to finding additional storage 8. Install a shelf over the entryway
and adding a bit of personality to tight to a room to utilize this seldom-used
quarters. Even homes that may have ad- space. Shelves also can be custom cut
equate space can benefit from vertical and placed in oddly shaped areas, such
solutions. as in attic rooms under the eaves or on
Here are some ideas to put vertical slanted walls.
and other less-utilized areas to work for 9. Dowels or curtain rods and some
you. fabric can be used to fabricate slings to
1. Hang wire or plastic file organizers hold books or magazines.
on the inside of kitchen cabinets to eas- 10. Invest in some magnetic boards
ily store cookie sheets, trays and cutting that can hold keys or notes by the front
boards. door or store knives on a kitchen wall.
2. Save on counter or cabinet space 11. Install two towel bars parallel to
with hanging spice racks. These can be one another on the wall of a bathroom.
hung directly on walls or on the inside of These can hold extra toilet tissue or
cabinet doors. rolled hand towels.
3. Stack all the stuff you can, includ- 12. Use rope plant hangers to store
ing washers and dryers, beds (with potatoes or onions near prep areas. The
storage drawers underneath) and even same plant hangers can wrangle stuffed
stacking nesting tables. animals and small toys in kids’ rooms.
4. Choose furniture that is tall rather Utilizing vertical areas in a home is
than wide. This can mean swapping out a great way to increase storage capacity
a dresser in a bedroom for an armoire or and keep rooms more organized. Shelving can corral items and keep rooms more organized.

Did You Know?

Investing in a home renovation ductwork, plumbing or wiring must

project not only requires money, be addressed, the job may take longer.
but also time and patience. While A midline bathroom remodel may
contractors, architects and designers take two to three months. Adding a
can estimate how long a project may room to a house can take a month or
take, it is impossible to anticipate all two. The home improvement resource
of the scenarios that can affect that Renovation Junkies offers similar
estimated timeline. Information from estimates, with the average home
the real estate firm Keller Williams renovation taking between four and
indicates an average kitchen remodel eight months. Homeowners need to
involving installation of new counter- consider time when planning their
tops, cabinets, appliances, and floors home projects.
can take three to six months. But if
20 Entertianment The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

21434 Great Mills Road Lexington Park, MD 20653
Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation
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The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
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The County Times 21
Craft Guild Shop
Thursday, October 15, 2020

In Our Community
Fall Craft Show
Crafts•Food•Raffle•and More
October 17, 2020 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
October 18, 2020 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Mandatory face masks for entry to the craft show and social distancing of 6 feet apart,
per the Health Department Regulations will be enforced.
The Craft Guild is a co-op of local artists who create, display, and demonstrate their handicrafts.


Fall Craft� Vendor Show Leonardtown Wharf

October 24, 2020

9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Leonardtown Volunteer
Fire Department
Outside in the Carnival Lot
22733 Lawrence Ave Leonardtown

Gifts & Goodies 30 Plus Vendors Artist • Crafters • Makers
Handmade Crafts & Vendor Items Local Handmade Products
Saturday • October 24th • 9 AM - 3 PM
Sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department
e w s
22 PAX River The County Times

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station
“Blackjacks,” Navy’s Rotary Wing Developmental
Test Squadron, Change Command
Cdmr. Daniel Short took command of nis during the ceremony. “We’ve worked Col. Richard E. Marigliano, Commodore Test Center first established a rotary-
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) together many times over the last 12 of Naval Test Wing Atlantic, awarded wing test division. Today, HX-21 teams
21 during a ceremony at NAS Patuxent years and I can certainly say that this is Ennis the Gold Star in lieu of his third are engaged in testing six families of
River on Thursday, Oct. 9. your crowning achievement. You’ve led award to his Meritorious Service Medal. aircraft, including the CH-53E/K, the
Short took over from Lt. Col. John En- the squadron … with your characteristic Ennis also received gifts celebrating his C/MV-22, the H-1Y/Z, MH-60R/S, the
nis, who served as the squadron’s com- calm demeanor, reason, and logic. I’ve tour in command from the First Class Presidential helicopter fleet.
manding officer since April 2019 and learned much from you over the years, Petty Officers’ Association, the Chief HX-21 is a component of Naval Test
who is retiring from the U.S. Marine but maybe never as much as over the last Petty Officers’ Association, and the Wing Atlantic, test wing under Naval
Corps. six months.” wardroom. Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division.
Maj. Gen. Gregory L. Masiello, Pro- “HX-21 has always been a family and a Nicknamed the “Blackjacks,” HX-21 With facilities in Patuxent River, Mary-
gram Executive Officer for Air Anti- close-knit team,” Short said, praising the provides developmental flight test and land; Lakehurst, New Jersey; and Orlan-
Submarine Warfare, Assault & Special command for maintaining its operational evaluation of rotary-wing and tilt-rotor do, Florida NAWCAD advances capabil-
Mission Programs, presided over the tempo amid the challenges imposed by aircraft and their associated airborne ity and operational readiness for naval
change of command ceremony. the COVID-19 pandemic. “Now, we’re systems in support of U.S. Navy and aviation.
“There’s a lot going on, and we’re a well-oiled, disciplined machine that Marine Corps training, combat, and For more information about NAW-
glad you’re at the helm,” Masiello said knows how to operate in this new en- combat support missions. The squadron CAD, please go to
to Short. “To the family, you know what vironment, and do it safely, better than can trace its roots at NAS Patuxent River or follow us on Facebook at https://www.
he’s getting into. Thank you for sharing anyone in the world.” back to 1949, when the then-Naval Air
him for another lap in the pattern.” Ennis was previously the GFTD
Masiello praised Ennis for what he de- for the CH-53K test program in West
scribed as his “outstanding” leadership Palm Beach, Florida. He served as the
of the squadron and reminisced about deputy FOPSO/V-22 planner for 2d
working with Ennis during his tenure as MAW(FWD) and deployed to Camp
a V-22 test pilot, singling him out as a Leatherneck, Afghanistan in 2013. Prior
“calm, compassionate, and caring lead- to that, Ennis served as Executive Offi-
er” who was “engaged not just in the pro- cer of Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squad-
gram but in the human element.” ron (VMM) 266. The first fleet-trained
“This is important work, and it’s im- V-22 developmental test pilot, Ennis
portant for the entire nation and for conducted flight tests involving ship-
people who have no idea that you exist,” board dynamic interface, vehicle man-
Masiello said to the women and men of agement software, cold-weather hover
HX-21 present at the ceremony. “I thank performance, and defensive weapons,
you for that.” among other accomplishments.
Prior to joining HX-21 as Chief Test Of his 24 year career flying a wide
Pilot, Short served at the Pentagon on the variety of aircraft including the MV-22,
staff of the Deputy Assistant Secretary Ennis said, “I couldn’t have asked for
of the Navy for Air Programs. At HX-21, anything better.”
Short has also served the Government The 2009 MCAA John Glenn squad-
Flight Test Director (GFTD) for both the ron Test Pilot of the Year, Ennis’ per-
MH-60 and CH-53K programs. On the sonal awards include the Meritorious
former program, he led developmental Service Medal with gold star, the Navy
test efforts on the U.S. Navy MH-60R/S, and Marine Corps Commendation
HH-60H, and FMS H-60s, including the Medal with gold star, and the Navy and
helmet display and tracker system, rock- Marine Corps Achievement Medal with
et and 20 mm weapons systems, and the gold star.
first flight of the Spanish SH-60F. On the In his remarks thanking HX-21 per-
latter program, he led the structural enve- sonnel for their support and hard work
lope expansion, fly-by-wire flight control during his tenure, Ennis specifically ad-
law development, and performance flight dressed the squadron’s maintainers.
test. During this tour, Short became the “I appreciate everything you do,” En-
first Navy pilot to fly the CH-53K. nis said. “It’s not an easy job. You guys
A 2008 graduate of the U.S. Naval Test certainly have done a fantastic job, and I
Pilot School, Short has over 2,950 hours appreciate you guys.”
in 52 different types, models, and series The ceremony began with a ceremo-
of aircraft. His personal awards include nial airborne passing of command in
the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy which Short, flying an H-60, symboli-
Commendation Medal, Navy Achieve- cally passed Ennis, flying an MV-22, as
ment Medal, and Humanitarian Service they flew over the assembled friends and
Medal. families. Following his landing, Ennis
“This is the third job in a row I’ve was doused with water by his son and
Cmdr. Daniel Short delivers remarks during the change of command ceremony for Air Test and Evalua-
taken over from you,” Short said to En- squadron mates. During the ceremony, tion Squadron (HX) 21 on Oct. 9, 2020. Short, who previously served as HX-21’s chief test pilot, assumed
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times In Our Community 23

Tackle Box Fishing Report Gatton Family Celebrate

5 Generations
By Ken Lamb will be plenty to make dinners for the winter.
Contributing Writer Spot are still in both creeks and rivers and
Tropical depression Delta came into our act like they may want to take up permanent
weekend giving us rain on Sunday and both residence. The stripers eat them like candy
rain and wind on Monday. Before the storm and they will be hungry to feed up before the
arrived we had some extreme low tides that cold.
tangled up the fishing patterns and shortened White perch will take this high water to in-
the bite times. The front passing through vade the shallows of the creeks, Bait fisher-
changed all that and brought the water back to men and lure casters will be very successful.
high levels overnight. So, now the fish will be Once the water cools and the water clears, the
in some new pattern of feeding that will make perch will school up and retreat to the rivers
us all pioneers when we can get out Tuesday in 30 to 90 feet depending on the cold.
when the sun returns. Occasional sea trout and weakfish are
Rockfish are the prime target now with mixed with rockfish in the salt islands. Re-
good catches just about everywhere for troll- ports of a flounder or two are trickling in.
ers in bay, Potomac and Patuxent. They love Swimming lures like Bomber Wind Cheaters
the smaller Hard Head Custom Bait umbrella will produce plenty of strikes.
rigs, tandem bucktail rigs, bucktails, jigs. and There are still plenty of bluefish for lure
spoons. casters, trollers and shore fishermen. Surf
There was good success in the Patuxent casters at Point Lokout caught spot, perch,
from the mouth of St.Leonard Creek to Sheri- rockfish and blues this week.
dan Point for early morning trollers. The bite
was short, about twenty minutes at day break.
Late comers got skunked. The tied was low
and lower making the shallow water fisher-
men’s life miserable. The flood tide on the
storm’s back will change all that making lure (Left to right) Great, great grandmother: Margaret Gatton (Hollywood), great grandmother: Janet Gatton
Norton (White Plains), grandmother: Christina Norton Goshorn (White Plains), mother: Megan Goshorn
casters from the shore reap a bonanza of feed- Ferriter (La Plata), and son: Michael Grayson Ferriter (La Plata).
ing fish.
The Potomac has seen most of the action
on the Virginia side in about thirty feet of wa-
ter from Dolly Parton to Ragged Point. Now, % LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS
there will be good catches made on both
shorelines as the frothy water surges in with SERVING ST. MARY'S COUNTY
bait fish. This week will be some of the best
fishing all season. With the Potomac’s lenient ON NEWSSTANDS EVERY THURSDAY & ONLINE AT COUNTYTIMES.NET County TimesSt. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

two fish per day and 20 inch minimum, there


Saturday, November 21, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m.

The Commemorative is an immersive art experience that honors the story

of resilience, persistence, and creative problem solving that defined the
lives of the enslaved individuals that lived in St. Mary’s City between 1750
and 1815. Constructed on the St. Mary’s College of Maryland campus, the
Commemorative provides visitors with the space to acknowledge and learn
from the lives of those who once toiled there, while providing a place for
reflection and introspection about the nature of slavery and its connections
to modern society.

This virtual dedication will feature a keynote message by nationally-known

writer Jelani Cobb. This artistic construction being erected near the Jamie
L. Roberts Stadium features commissioned work by artists Norman Lee and
Shane Allbritton of RE:Site and poet Quenton Baker.


24 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020

Bernice “Berni” Owens body Street Leonardtown, MD 20650. ington, DC to be a Candy Striper for Quade, and Benjamin Quade.
All Funeral Services will be private Blue Cross Blue Shield, generously He was a lifelong resident of St.
Bernice “Berni” at this time taking care of the sick. Her final job Mary’s County. Thomas was a Ser-
Owens, 91, of Me- was as a baker for St. Mary’s College vice Technician for Suburban Pro-
chanicsville, MD Patricia Ann “Patsy” of Maryland’s Cafeteria. She found pane for 45 years he was a member
passed away on Oc- happiness in making countless tasty of the Mechanicsville Moose Lodge,
tober 8, 2020 in Graves Lorence sweets and treats for the college’s and Loved fishing, gardening, play-
Leonardtown, MD. hardworking students. ing cards, dancing and spending time
Patricia Ann “Pat-
She was born on May Patsy married the love of her life, with the family and grandkids.
sy” Graves Lorence,
29, 1929 in St. Ini- Jacob Robert Lorence on February 14, The family will receive friends on
80, of Hollywood,
goes, MD and was 1959 at St. Mary’s Church in New- Thursday, October 15, 2020 from
MD, gained her angel
the daughter of the late Howard R. port, MD. They happily resided in 9:00AM to 10:00AM in the Matting-
wings on Wednesday,
Britton, Sr. and Gertrude B. Bouw- St. Inigoes, MD and then moved to ley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.,
October 7, 2020.
mans Britton. Berni was the loving Hollywood, MD in 2001 after build- Leonardtown, MD where a Service
Patsy was born
wife of the late Harold N. “Shorty” ing a perfect forever home in their will be held at 10:00AM with Father
January 1, 1940
Owens whom she married on January own piece of woodsy paradise. Here, Michael Tietjen officiating. Inter-
by a midwife in
16, 1962 in Lexington Park, MD and they spent time together feeding loved ment will follow in Trinity Memorial
Mount Victoria to the late James Ed-
who preceded her in death on May 12, ones, enjoying the outdoor wildlife, Gardens, Waldorf, MD.
win Graves and Bessie Marie Ryce
2020. Berni is survived by her chil- and worshiping God. Pallbearers will be Timothy Quade,
Graves. She was the sixth born of nine
dren Nicholas Boszko (Linda) of Wes- Patsy loved God and was very active Jr., Justin Quade, Daniel Connelly,
children and spent her childhood liv-
ley Chapel, FL, Dave Boszko (Karen) in the Catholic Church. She especially William Connelly, David Collins and
ing on the family tobacco farm with
of Mechanicsville, MD and Victoria loved her family and her dog, Anna- Patrick Hill.
her siblings. She would proudly tell
“Vikki” Owens of Mechanicsville, belle. She was known for being giv- In lieu of flowers contributions may
you that her morning chore was to
MD, 4 grandchildren, 9 great-grand- ing and selfless. Her favorite things to be made to Immaculate Conception
collect the eggs from the chickens and
children, and her brother Howard R. do were to laugh, make others laugh, Catholic Church P.O. box 166 Me-
make the giant stove pot of breakfast
Britton, Jr. of Valley Lee, MD. She go crabbing with chicken necks, and chanicsville, MD 20659, Hospice of
was preceded in death by her siblings scope out the best yard sales around St. Mary’s P.O. Box 625 Leonardtown,
Patsy graduated from Archbish-
Doris Miles, Joan Porter, and Gerard St. Mary’s County. She enjoyed MD 20650 and ACTS ( A Commu-
op Neale School in 1957 in LaPlata,
Britton. cooking large meals that could feed nity That Shares) P.O. Box 54 Bush-
MD. In her earlier years, Patsy spent
Berni graduated from Great Mills an army, which always consisted of wood, MD 20618.
many hours volunteering at St. Mi-
High School in 1948. She was a life- homemade stuffed ham and all kinds Arrangements provided by the Mat-
chael’s School and was a member of
long St. Mary’s County resident. of delicious crab dishes. tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.
both The Ridge Volunteer Fire De-
Berni was a homemaker. She loved to She is preceded in death by her Leonardtown, MD. .
partment Auxiliary and The Children
cook and bake, some of her specialties husband, Jacob Robert Lorence, and
and Youth of Leonardtown, MD. Her Mark Floyd Eversberg
included spaghetti, pizza, chicken and her siblings; James W. Graves, Doris
first job was working for Physicians
dumplings, and various cakes. E. Williams, Alvin L. Graves, John
Memorial Hospital in LaPlata, MD, Mark Floyd Ever-
Contributions may be made to St. E. Graves, Theresa L. Milbrook, and
where she gained experience for pa- sberg, 65, of Leon-
Mary’s Nursing Center 21585 Pea- Vernon R. Graves. She is survived by
tient care. She later moved to Wash- ardtown, MD passed
her daughters, Cindy Michele Dooley
(Bill) and Elizabeth Gail Johnson away on October 8,
(Bill) in addition to her grandchil- 2020 at his home in
dren Brittney Dooley, Jarrett Dooley, Leonardtown, MD.
and Julie Call. She is also survived by Born on September
twenty-five nieces and nephews, as 2, 1955 in Washing-
well as her sisters, Mary E. Still and ton, DC. Mark was
Sandra L. Lawson. the loving son of the
Contributions can be made to St. late Doris Elsie Dawson Eversberg
Mary’s Hospice, P.O. Box 625, Leon- and Frederick Alfred Eversberg. Mark
ardtown, MD 20650. was the loving husband of Rita Mary
Eversberg, whom he married on No-
Thomas Floyd Quade, Sr. vember 7, 1976 in Leonardtown, MD.
He is survived by his daughter Bev-
Thomas Floyd erly Newman (Mark) of Leonardtown,
Quade, Sr., 82 of MD, and grandchildren Joshua Mark
Charlotte Hall, MD Newman and Jenna Katheryn New-
passed away at his man, his siblings Michael Eversberg
residence on October of Hollywood, MD, Matthew Evers-
7, 2020, surrounded berg of Leonardtown, MD, Michelle
by his loving family. Cutler of Chaptico, MD, Daniel Ever-
Born February 11, sberg of La Plata, MD, and Denise
1938 in Clements, Rau of Waldorf, MD.
MD. He was the son of the late Eliza- Mark graduated from Chopticon
beth Ann Pilkerton Quade and Philip High School in 1974 and earned an
C. Quade. Associate’s Degree from the College
Thomas was the devoted husband of of Sothern Maryland. He enlisted into
Margaret Ann Quade, whom he mar- the United States Marine Corps on
ried on June 25, 1960 in Immaculate June 16, 1974 and was honorably dis-
Conception Church, Mechanicsville, charged on December 28, 1976. While
MD. in the USMC, Mark earned a Rifle
He is also survived by his children: Marksman Badge, National Defense
Thomas (Melissa) Quade, Jr. of King Service Medal, and the Meritorious
George, VA, Timmy (Debbie) Quade Mast Award. Mark is a lifelong mem-
of Mechanicsville, MD and Tammy ber of DAV. He then became a copier
(Paul) Connelly of Hollywood, MD, technician for Konica.
8 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchil- The family will receive friends on
dren and brother Everett Quade. Friday, October 16, 2020 from 9:30
Thomas was preceded in death by AM to 10:30 AM in the Mattingley-
his siblings: Dorothy Knott, Rhodie Gardiner Funeral Home Chapel in
Quade, Richard Quade, Mary Es- Leonardtown, MD. A Funeral Service
ther Pilkerton, Calvin Quade, Cecil will follow at 10:30 AM in the Funeral
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Obituaries 25
Home Chapel with Charlie Wharton 1979. While enlisted he was stationed ten. A community smile that will be Family will receive friends for
officiating. Interment will be private. in San Diego, CA, Hutchinson, KS, truly missed. No words can express Fuzzy’s Life Celebration on Thurs-
Whidbey Island, WA, Moffett Field, the heart break this man leaves. No day, October 15, 2020 from 5:00 to
Catherine Susan Pielmeier CA, Oceana, VA, Miramar, Ca, Rota, words can express what we will miss. 8:00 p.m., with a prayer service and
Spain, and Pax River, MD. As a young man Fuzzy started his Firemen’s prayers at 7:00 p.m., at Val-
Catherine Susan carpentry career at Harry Lundeberg ley Lee Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Pielmeier (nee Han- Lola Mae Shoemake School of Seamanship. Then went on Department, 45245 Drayden Road,
lein), 68, passed to being a member of the Carpenters Valley Lee, MD 20692. A Mass of
away on October 7, Lola Mae Shoe- Local Union 132 for 35 years. Later Christian Burial will be celebrated by
2020 after fighting a make, 78, of Lexing- on Fuzzy pursued his own adventures Reverend Paul Nguyen at 11:00 a.m. at
valiant battle against ton Park, MD former- as a carpenter. He spent many years St. George’s Catholic Church, 19199
esophageal cancer. ly from Whitacre, building, fixing, and constructing in St. George’s Church Road, Valley
Cathy died peaceful- VA passed away on our county. He quickly became a well- Lee, MD 20692. Interment will fol-
ly in her sleep at home October 4, 2020. She known man for his talent and desire to low at St. George’s Episcopal Church,
with family at her side. was born on Septem- help anyone he came in contact with. Valley Lee, MD 20692.
Cathy graduated from St. Mary’s ber 9, 1942 in Whita- A man of many treasures; if you Serving as pallbearers will be: Matt
College and began a 32-year career cre, VA and was the needed it he had it, if he had it you Bowes Jr., Connor Ford, Trevor Bow-
teaching elementary art in St. Mary’s daughter of the late were welcome to it. He always loved a es, Steven Guy , Nathan Guy, Owen
County Public Schools, primarily at Goldie Virginia Holliday, and Theo- good sale, whether a yard sale or auc- Norris, Justin Guy, Austin Ulry, and
Piney Point Elementary School. She dore Holliday of Whitacre, Va. Lola tion you would see him there. On most Wesley Patterson. Honorary pall-
took great pride in designing art proj- was the loving wife of the late Otho Saturdays his girls knew he was going bearers will be members of the Sec-
ects that were original, educational, “Bud” Shoemake whom she married to show up with a great deal he found ond District Volunteer Fire, Rescue,
and enjoyable to her students. on December 10, 1964 in Hattiesburg, them. Auxiliary.
An avid outdoors person, Cathy en- MS and who preceded her in death on Gardening was a huge part of his Memorial contributions may be
joyed spending time bicycling, hik- November 22, 2009. Lola is survived life. To call the gardens a garden was made to Second District Volunteer
ing, skiing, swimming, boating, and by her daughters Natalie Shauberger a mere understatement. To have only 1 Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad, P.O. Box
wind-surfing. She was an adventur- of Jefferson, OH, and Sheila Shoe- garden was unheard of. Many lessons 1, Valley Lee, MD 20692.
ist at heart that delighted doing zip- make of California, MD, 4 grand- taught to the grandkids in the dirt Condolences to the family may be
lining, parasailing, and taking rides children, and 1 great-grandchild. and on a tractor. Monday night oys- made at
in helicopters. Cathy went on many Along with her sister Faye Holliday ter club was his favorite winter time Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu-
ocean cruises and loved vacationing of Winchester, VA. She was preceded get together. He greatly enjoyed get- neral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
at the beach and collecting sea shells in death by her siblings; Janie Dick, ting together with those dear friends
and sea glass. Herbert Holliday, Evelyn Stotler, and for cards and oysters. He loved a good Alice Marie Schulte
Cathy is survived by her husband Earl Holliday all of Winchester, VA. card game. Whether it was his Sat-
Mark Pielmeier, her mother Mary She graduated from James Wood urday nights with family and friends Alice Marie Schul-
Jane Hanlein of Silver Spring, MD, High School and moved from Nor- or his Sunday afternoon card games, te, 83, of Mechanic-
her brother Alvin Hanlein II of Silver folk, VA to St. Mary’s County, MD in he enjoyed all of them. He loved to sville, MD, passed
Spring, MD, her sisters Carole Han- 1968. Lola was a supervisor for Direct socialize and had a very kind heart. away peacefully on
lein of Asheville, NC, and Claire Han- Mail, retiring in May, 2000. He wasn’t the guy that sat home, he October 5, 2020 at
lein of Silver Spring, MD. She is also Lola enjoyed attending auctions, needed all his family and friends. MedStar Washing-
survived by her sister-in-law Adele collecting and working in the garden. Fuzzy loved to dance. Let him find ton Hospital Center,
Biancareli of Silver Spring, MD, five you standing idol during a dance and Washington, DC,
nephews, and her step-daughter Sara you were swept up and swung around surrounded by her
Piddington of Midland, VA. Cathy Joseph Earl “Fuzzy” Knott the dance floor. He dearly treasured loving family.
is pre-deceased by her father Alvin a good time, and he absolutely had Born on June 15, 1937 in Redwood
Hanlein and her brothers Christopher Joseph Earl many of them. He loved being on the Falls, MN, she was the daughter of
Hanlein and Charles Hanlein. “Fuzzy” Knott, 73, water. Whether it was trot lining or the late Dr. Lloyd Dale Cherry and B.
Funeral services will be private of Valley Lee MD trying for the big rockfish. And when Irene (Lord) Cherry Torrance.
with a Life Celebration to be sched- passed away on Oc- not summertime you could always Alice married her forever love,
uled at a later date. tober 9 th, 2020 at find him in a snow plow. At the hint Christian Raymond Schulte in
MedStar St. Marys of snow in the forecast he was getting 1959. They celebrated over thirty-six
Thomas Gene Dillon Hospital surrounded his plows ready. (36) years of marriage before his pass-
by his family. His daughters were his biggest ing in 1996. Alice carried on know-
Thomas Gene Dil- He was born on ing she would eventually be reunited
lon, “Matt”, 87, of pride. He knew they could help with
December 17th. 1946 in Valley Lee, just about anything he needed and with her husband and now they are
Hollywood, MD MD to the late James Harvey Knott Sr celebrating her homecoming.
passed away on Oc- he in turn was their biggest hero. He
and Donnie Marie Slade. made a lot of days brighter, a lot of A classy woman with a heart of
tober 6, 2020 in Survived by his loving wife, Patri- gold, Alice was a bright light in her
Leonardtown, MD. days happier and knew what to do for
cia Ann of 50 years whom he married us on the not so bright days. family. She was the matriarch that
He was born on May on June 20, 1970 at Holy Face Church, everyone reached out to for comfort,
1, 1933 in Nebraska. He was a very proud Pop Pop of 10
Great Mills MD. He is also survived grandchildren. He loved nothing more love and advice. A Godly woman, she
Thomas was the lov- by his three daughters: Cindy Bowes was an active member of Mt. Zion
ing son of the late Veva Carson Dillon than having them around to play, work
(Matt) of Valley Lee, MD; Lori Norris or just give a hard time. He was a role United Methodist Church in Me-
and Thomas Dillon. Thomas was the (Mike) of Valley Lee, MD; and Tina chanicsville, MD, and was proud of
loving husband of Judy Dillon whom model and great teacher to his grand-
“Lee Lee” Guy (Steve) of Leonard- children; they have many fond memo- her fifty (50) plus years of devotion.
he married on January 20, 1998 in town, MD; 10 grandchildren: Matt She was a long-time usher and offer-
Leonardtown, MD. He is survived by ries and laughs to treasure.
Bowes Jr. (Molly), Laci Patterson He gave his heart and soul to being ing counter during Church services.
his children, Dawn Roe, Chris Cox, (Wesley), Olivia Ford, Carly Bowes, As a member of Sarah’s Circle at the
FL, Clay Cox, MD, Nathan (Debbie) a lifetime member of the 2nd District
Connor Ford, Trevor Bowes, Steven Volunteer Fire Dept & Rescue Squad. Church, Alice enjoyed supporting the
Cox, Port Republic, MD, and Crys- Guy, Nathan Guy, Owen Norris, and Church community through volun-
tal (Steve) Swaney, California, MD, He joined in 1964 and til his last days
Justin Guy; and his siblings: Charles held it close to his heart. He was in- teering in the Church kitchen, provid-
grandchildren, Shawn Wood, Jessica Irving Knott and Thomas Frederick ing many funeral luncheons, taking
Wood, and Alex Cox, niece, Roxy ducted into the Southern Maryland
Knott of Valley Lee, MD. In addition Fire Association Hall of Fame in 2014. part in the Church dinners and annual
Case and nephew, Steve (Carolyn) to his parents, he was also preceded dinner theater productions. Many pa-
Lorensen. He was preceded in death He was always a top responder for the
in death by his siblings: James Harvey SDVFDRS. He spent many days and rishioners, family and friends have
by his siblings Darleen Case and De- Knott Jr, John Gonzie Knott, Arthy fond memories of her delicious cin-
maris Odland. many nights running calls no matter
Guetter, Lucy Perkins, and Mary Lu- what he was doing. namon rolls she would contribute to
Thomas graduated from Pilger cille Ulry. every Church event, especially at the
High School in 1950. He served in the Fuzzy was a “Everything’s fine”
A husband, dad, pop pop, brother kinda man and our hearts and com- yearly Christmas Bazaar! She enjoyed
United States Navy for 27 years, retir- and friend that will never be forgot- quilting, sewing, reading and play-
ing as a Senior Chief on November 15, munity will truly miss him.
26 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020
ing the piano and especially cooking. er City, OR, and Sister-In-Law Anita clining years.  included crabbing, picking crabs for
Her homemade rolls were the best and Schulte Faulhaber, of Wisconsin. She Perla was blessed with the gift of crab cakes, going to yard sales, and
were at every family Holiday gath- was preceded in death by her husband, good humor.  According to her eldest refinishing antiques. She enjoyed get-
ering. She loved collecting various Christian Raymond Schulte and par- daughter, taking care of her Mom was togethers with friends playing PITCH.
things including bells, Santa orna- ents, Lloyd Dale Cherry and B. Irene a delight because she always had some She loved her pet dogs, especially An-
ments, coins. If you were blessed to (Lord) Cherry. hilarious remark to say about every- gel and Oliver. She was a devout Cath-
spend any time with Alice, you know At this time all services are life.  She was incredibly coura- olic and was a long time member of
she was always ready for the next Donations may be made in Alice’s geous, she fought a good fight, trust- St. Georges Catholic Church in Valley
adventure - camping, traveling and name to Mt. Zion United Methodist ing and resting in God throughout her Lee, MD. She volunteered at many of
volunteering. Church, 27108 Mt. Zion Church Road, illness.  She was confident in God’s the church dinners and the Valley Lee
Nothing meant more to Alice than Mechanicsville, MD 20659 or by love and never lost faith in His healing Volunteer Fire Department dinners.
family. She was proud of being a PayPal: power.  Perla’s kind and giving heart, A private graveside service will be
homemaker and providing a wonderful for-you/transfer-money/send-money her deep love for God, rich sense of celebrated by Reverend Kenneth J.
life and home for her family. She felt Condolences to the family may be humor, enduring strength, and pa- Gill at Our Lady’s Catholic Church
blessed to spend her children’s youth made at tience are a legacy that her family will Cemetery, 41410 Medleys Neck Road,
with them and then when she became All arrangements have been made treasure forever.  Jesus truly devel- Leonardtown, MD 20650.
a grandmother and great-grandmother by Brinsfield Funeral Home & Cre- oped the fruit of the Holy Spirit in her.  Memorial contributions may be
she was over the moon with love. Her matory, P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD. Her family consider it a privilege made to Valley Lee Volunteer Rescue
favorite place to be was surrounded by to have known a beautiful soul such Squad, P.O. Box 1 , Valley Lee, MD
her family and friends. She especially Perla Johnson Manalo as hers.  She will always live in their 20692.
enjoyed her 80 th birthday celebration hearts.  She will be missed by them Betty is survived by her children,
at the Church with over 100 family Perla Johnson immensely, but they know that she is Laura Stone Barnhart (Thomas) of
and friends in attendance. Manalo, 85, of Great well taken care of now, dancing and California, MD and Joseph Vernon
Outside of Church and family, Alice Mills, MD passed laughing in God’s heaven without the Stone, Jr. (Mary Lynn) of California,
was an active volunteer of many or- away on October 4, need of a wheel chair or walker.  This MD; her granddaughter, Devin Stone
ganizations including: Lifetime Mem- 2020 at her home sur- world was never meant to be a final Fox (Kevin) of Wayne, PA; her great
ber of the Girl Scouts of the USA, St. rounded by her lov- home for one so beautiful as Perla.  grandson, Jack Joseph Fox; her sister-
Mary’s County Girl Scout Leader and ing family.  By faith, because of Jesus’s wondrous in-law, Anne Gorman Mattingly of
Cookie Depot Coordinator; life-time She was born in love, they will be reunited with her Annapolis, MD; and extended family
member of the National Parks Conser- Lubao Pampanga, again. and friends. In addition to her parents
vation Association; as well as volun- Philippines to the late Peter Johnson Perla is survived by her children: and husband she is also preceded in
teer and past President of the Ladies and Tranquilina Morales.  She arrived Terry Curry (Jim) of Lexington Park, death by her granddaughter, Jenna
Auxiliary for Benedict Volunteer Fire in Maryland in April 1989. MD, Ron Manalo of Falls Church, Stone and her brother, Bernard Fran-
Department, where she learned how Perla married her husband, Sev- MD, Bernie Manalo of Great Mills, cis Mattingly.
to cook fried oysters during the an- erino Manalo on July 15, 1955.  They MD, Gerry Manalo of Great Mills, Condolences to the family may be
nual fire house oyster dinners. This were married for 56 years before his MD, Leni Manalo of Great Mills, made at
recipe became a long time Christmas passing in January 2012. MD and Noemi Manalo of Lexington Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu-
Eve tradition and family favorite. She was the first grandchild of Park, MD. In addition to her parents neral Home, P.A.
Later in life Alice and her husband George and Rufina Johnson.  She was and husband, she is also preceded in
Chris enjoyed taking summer long the apple of her Grandma Rufina’s death by her son, Noel Manalo and Luz Aldave Frias
trips out West, camping and volun- eye.  She was raised by her mother grandson, Patrick Manalo.
teering at several National Parks in- and grandmother.    Perla was an obe- In lieu of flowers, donations can Luz Aldave Frias,
cluding: Smokey the Bear National dient granddaughter, virtuous daugh- be made to St. Mary’s Hospice, P.O. 87, of California,
Park in Capitan, New Mexico and ter, good wife, and an excellent moth- Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 MD, passed away on
Lewis and Clark National Park at Lolo er to her 7 children.  One of Perla’s or the Cancer Care Infusion Services October 8, 2020 at
Pass, in Missoula, Montana. best qualities was her generous heart.  (CCIS), P.O. Box 527, Leonardtown, her home surrounded
A mother, sister, grandmother, Perla was also an excellent cook.  She MD 20650. by her loving family.
great-grandmother, friend and amaz- enjoyed making her family happy by Condolences to the family may be She was born in Ton-
ing woman has left a beautiful gift cooking their favorite dishes.  made to do Manila, Philip-
of happiness and love. Her fam- She was a remarkable woman and Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- pines to the late Gre-
ily will miss her deeply. As you look an exquisite beauty.  In her youth, she neral Home, P.A. gorio Aldave and Estrella De Guzman
into the eyes of her family, you will often turned a lot of heads.  She had Aldave.
see the spirit of a strong woman who the most beautiful hands.  She loved Betty Lou Stone Luz was happily married to her
has passed on a legacy of kindness, her children unconditionally.  During late husband, Leandro Banaag Frias
courage and beauty. May you hold periods of financial hardship when Betty Lou Stone, for over 68 years before his passing
your family tight and know that Al- food was scarce, though breastfeeding 89, of California, MD in 2018. She was vivacious and a so-
ice would have encouraged you to be or pregnant, she would willingly give passed away on Oc- cialite. She enjoyed spending time
happy and follow your dreams.  her children the last morsel of bread tober 5, 2020 at As- with family and friends, especially
A bell has been rung; an angel given meant for her.  She was a skilled self- bury Nursing Center her grandchildren. She also enjoyed
her wings. taught seamstress that sewed clothes in Solomons, MD. watching action movies.
Alice is survived by her children, of her own design for her children, She was born on Luz is survived by her children:
Julia Ann Dent (Mark) of Prince and often completed alterations and July 18, 1931 in Ferdinand Frias (Cathy) of Virginia
Frederick, MD, Jeffrey Lance Schul- repairs.  No matter the weather, Perla Leonardtown, MD Beach, VA, Margarita Dela Rosa (Ro-
te (LeeAnn) of Wetumpka, AL, Jay would walk quite a distance beneath to the late Bernard Mattingly and gelio) of the Philippines, Veronica
Preston Schulte (Christina) of Goose her worn-out umbrella to the open Veronica Goldsborough Mattingly Manuel (Ismael) of California, MD,
Creek, SC and Justin Durand Schulte market and purchase fresh food for Hutchins. Her father passed away Dion Frias (Rochelle) of San Di-
(Trish) of Phoenix City, AL; ten (10) her family.  She loved bright colors shortly after her birth and she was ego, CA, Nenita Vinluan Rodolfo of
grandchildren, Cole Milton Major, and created her own recipes.   raised by her mother and step-father, the Philippines, Maria Luisa Frias
Donald Schulte (Brandie), Victo- God must have known her delight Webster Hutchins. (Sonny) of the Philippines, Filipinas
ria Alice Major (Matthew), Tupelo was in her family and graced her with Betty was a lifelong resident of St. Manalo (Gener) of the Philippines and
Schulte (Karla), Dale Schulte, Cam- seven beautiful children, eight grand- Mary’s County and attended Leonar- Janine Frias of California, MD; her
eron Alexander Dent, Ruth Irene Dent children, and ten great grandchildren.  dtown and Great Mills High School. siblings Corazon Aldave and Marivic
(Nicholas), Sean Schulte, Allen Schul- Even when she was sick towards the She spent most of her life in Tall Aldave; her 20 grandchildren: Lucy
te and Jacob Rea Dent; and five (5) end of her life, the evidence of her Timbers, MD from 1959 to 2015. On Robinson, Kris Manuel, Roi Frias,
great-grandchildren, Brandon, Oliver, considerable character was exhib- September 6, 1952 she married her be- Dianne Jones, Dean Manuel, Char-
Charlotte, Kyle and Kalynn. She is ited by her humble and gentle spirit.  loved husband, Joseph Vernon Stone, lene Frias, Kimberly Wilkerson, Ryan
also survived by her siblings, Darlene Very seldom did she complain about Sr., in Piney Point, MD. Together they Vinluan, Ralph Vinluan, Raymart
Rompa (Bill) of Corvallis, OR, Viv- her pain.  Her genuine love, her kind- celebrated over 45 wonderful years of Vinluan, Denise Vinluan, Danette
ian Clevenger (David) of Highland, hearted spirit, and sense of humor marriage before his passing in October Vinluan, Mikka Manalo-Quintana,
MD and David Cherry (Suzie) of Bak- made it easy for her daughters and 1997. She was a loving wife, mother, Madel Manalo-Gueco, Jules Bote,
family to care for her during her de- sister and grandmother. Her hobbies July Bote, Jude Boa, El John Val-
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Obituaries 27


derama, Erika Bonafe and Janarra TX; her sister, Laurie Kuwazaki, of
Anderson. 13 great grandchildren: Wasilla, AK; and her partner of seven
Camden Robinson, Samantha Rob- years, Michael Hallett. She is preced-


inson, Amaya Jones, Trayvell Jones, ed in death by her parents.
Brynlee Dempsey, Kellen Dempsey, Mary will be will be laid to rest at
Madison Wilkerson, Ryleigh Wilker- Charles Memorial Gardens. 
son, Arie Anderson, Malia Anderson, Condolences to the family may be
Dante Anderson II, Clyde Bonafe, made at Contributing Writer:
Claire Bonafe and extended family Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- Lynda J. Striegel
and friends.  She is preceded in death neral Home, P.A.
by her husband, Leandro Banaag Frias If you have created a living should do that work for the clients.
and her parents, Gregorio Aldave and Olivia Ann “Libby” Wood trust, you have already taken Don’t let this be your reality. If
Estrella De Guzman Aldave. steps to avoid the probate process. you already have a living trust,
Condolences to the family may be Olivia Ann “Lib- The concept of the living trust is make sure all your assets have
made to by” Wood, 61, of to re-title all of a person’s assets been re-titled into the name of
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- Lexington Park, MD into the name of their trust so that your living trust. And, don’t for-
neral Home, P.A. passed away on Oc- when they die they are not holding get. If you acquire a new piece
tober 5, 2020, at her any assets into their sole name and of real property, acquire it in the
Mary Margellen Howard home, with her fam- therefore there is no probate. But, name of the trust so that you do
ily at her side.   beware. A living trust is just what not need to file a separate deed
Moran She was born on
it says—a living document. If you to re-title it. Most attorneys will
March 2, 1959 in
Mary Margel- have a living trust you must make provide you with an affidavit of
Leonardtown, MD
len Howard Moran, to the late Robert Wathen and Olivia
sure you have (1) placed all your trust to enable you to provide a
65 of Leonardtown, Ann Somervell Camalier.  assets into the name of your trust; document to the title company so
MD, formerly Libby was a lifelong resident of St. and (2) kept your trust and benefi- that they can title the property in
of Alexandria, Mary’s County and graduated from St. ciary designations up to date. the name of your trust.
VA passed away on Mary’s Academy. On March 17, 1980 1. Placing your assets into 2. Keep Your Living Trust Up
October 1, 2020 after she married her beloved husband, your living trust. to Date
a battle with cancer James Kent Wood.  Together, they So many times clients have In our practice, we meet with
with her family by celebrated over 40 wonderful years come to see me proudly hold- clients every few years to update
her side. of marriage.  Libby lived for her chil- ing their binders for their living their trusts. Why? We want to
Mary was born on May 4, 1955 in dren and grandchildren.  She loved trusts. Upon review, I have found make sure that the clients have
North Hollywood, CA to the late John being a daughter, wife, mother, sister that the client’s assets are not in not purchased an asset (like a
Wayne “Jack” Howard and Gloria and grandmother.  When her children the trust and, without that, the as- house, for example) in their sole
Ruth Parker Koehler. were growing up she was very ac- sets must go through the probate name. If they have, we will take
Mary moved to St. Mary’s County, tive in the school’s PTA. She made process to get to loved ones. steps to prepare a deed to transfer
MD in 2000, and she called Leonard- sure her kids attended all of the major Unfortunately, many people the house into the name of their
town her home for the past 15 years. events taking place around the coun- who have living trusts die with- trust. Often, clients’ wishes will
She was an avid gardener and loved ty; including fairs, carnivals, parades, out realizing that they have not change over time. Clients that
spending time creating beauty out- PRAD, Christmas in the Square, etc. funded their trusts and their loved have named certain beneficia-
doors during her free time. Mary had She loved the holidays and spending ones then have to go through ries for their estates may wish to
an insatiable passion for learning. She time with her family.  She especially the probate process—something change the names of beneficiaries.
was a frequent patron of used book- enjoyed Christmas and all the family their living trusts are intended to Beneficiaries may die and precipi-
stores, and she earned a Bachelor’s traditions they celebrated. She was an prevent. tate a change. Investments and
degree and double Master’s degree excellent cook and was known for her For example, you must re-title brokers may change. Retirement
from University of Maryland. Mary lasagna and her spaghetti meatloaf. your house into the name of your funds may change, etc. Whatever
retired in June from the General Ser- Once her children were grown, she
vices Administration (GSA) as a Con- living trust through filing a new it is, you must keep on top of the
was employed by Linda’s Café until deed to the house. The house will changes in your life by including
tracting Officer after a remarkable she was no longer able to work. Some
career in the Federal Government that not technically be moved into the the changes in your living trust
of her favorite pastimes included put-
ultimately led to her receiving with an trust by simply saying so in the package. If you do not, there may
ting together puzzles, doing cross-
unlimited warrant.  trust document. The same holds be terrible consequences.
word puzzles, and watching episodes
Mary served as Regent and Trea- of Judge Judy.  true for your other assets. Each For example, one married cou-
surer of the Major William Thom- In addition to her beloved husband, asset is different, but the approach ple prepared a living trust and the
as Chapter of the Daughters of the Libby is also survived by her chil- must be the same—fill out all wife died leaving her share to the
American Revolution (DAR). She was dren: Kent Wood (Shannon) of Lex- required forms to technically re- husband. The husband remarried
indefatigable genealogist, discovering ington Park, MD, Ben Wood (Jenn) title the asset. but the trust was never changed to
she had ancestors in the Mayflower of Hollywood, MD, and Leslie Wood How does it happen that some ref lect this. On the death of the
colonists, patriots of the American of Lexington Park, MD; her siblings: clients have no assets in their husband, part of the estate went to
Revolution, Union Army Civil War Leslie Roberts (Shawn) of Leonard- trusts? Some attorneys that cre- the relatives of the first wife.
Veterans. She shared this passion for town, MD, Wade Wathen of Lexing- ate living trusts require that their It isn’t difficult to amend a trust
history as a member of many Histori- ton Park, MD, Faith Wathen (Mike) clients take all the steps necessary to make changes. The concept of a
cal Societies.  of California, MD and Colin Wathen to re-title the assets into the name living trust is to avoid the hassles
Mary lived a spiritual life, finding (April) of California, MD; her grand- of the trust. I recommend you do of the probate process and create a
heaven on earth through her travels children: Lily Wood, Aiden Wood, not obtain a living trust without very easy transition for loved ones
and time in nature. She was baptized Tyson Wood, Sydney Wood, Hope assurances that the attorney will when you die. But the transition is
in 2005 at Christ Church in Chaptico, Honsowitz, Jax Honsowitz, and Sum- prepare all transfers of your assets only going to be an easy one if the
Md.  mer Honsowitz.  In addition to her into the trust. This is not some- trust is up to date. If you have not
Mary is survived by her children, parents, she is also preceded in death thing you should try to do your- reviewed your living trust in more
Patrick Moran of Alexandria, VA, by her grandson, Blake Honsowitz. self. First, life often intervenes in than three or four years, do it now.
Dorothy Moran of Leonardtown, MD, All Services will be private. plans and clients do not have the If you would like to learn more
Michael Howard of Corpus Christi, Condolences to the family may be time or knowledge to figure out about living trusts and other estate
TX; her grandchildren, Mariella Mo- made at how to re-title their assets. Sec- planning matters, join me at 11am
ran of Alexandria, VA, Keira How- Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- ond, moving assets can be com- on the third Wednesday of each
ard, of Corpus Christi, TX, and Kort- neral Home, P.A. plicated with various forms to fill month at our office at 8906 Bay
lynn Jo Howard, of Corpus Christi,
out that are confusing. The cli- Avenue, North Beach. Call 301-
ents should not have to do work to 855-2246 to reserve your spot.
fund their trusts. Their attorneys
28 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020


Edward Patrick Good friends are such a treasure. I
have been blessed to have many good
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. drive of rare intensity. Passed over
Contributing Writer many times on draft day, he still friends, though some friends become
Edward Patrick, Eddie for short, scratched and clawed his way onto more than that; they are the friends
hails from the San Francisco Bay an NFL roster. In a modern-day who are there for you in your hours,
Area. Growing up in the 1980s and Wally Pipp-Lou Gehrig moment, weeks, and months of need. Those
early 1990s, Eddie had the good injury offered Eddie a shot to start that make a commitment to share
fortune of experiencing the heyday in the league, an opportunity he your good times in life as well as the
of 49ers teams coached by Hall of seized and never relinquished. He most painful.
Famer Bill Walsh and, his succes- won a bunch of Super Bowls him- This morning, I heard of the pass-
sor, George Seifert. self, defied father Time and grew ing of Sandra Christensen from her
Walsh was the mastermind be- into an icon of the sport. daughter Christine. Sandra was one visit her in all the different hospitals
hind the then innovative West Coast Eddie’s legacy is a complicated of my dearest friends. We first met she was in from Clinton, to Cheverly,
offense and built the 49ers into an one, though. He never completely when we were selling our art and and to two in DC, Sandra and Chris
absolute juggernaut. Between 1981 harnessed the competitive drive that crafting wares at The Christmas would make sure I had a hot dinner
and 1994, the 49ers won five Su- buoyed his success. Eddie was de- Country Store (now known as The every night that was possible at their
per Bowls and were NFL darlings. monstrative on the field, frequently Craft Guild Shop of St. Mary’s) in house before going to my mother’s.
Aside from the strike-shortened berated teammates, would bend the old Cecil’s General Store in Great No, not make sure, they insisted I
1982 season, San Francisco never the truth about his shortcomings Mills. Sandra did pencil drawings stop by each night out of their love
won less than ten games between and spin stories about the tricks he of all the Southern Maryland land- and caring. I also had to call them
1981 and 1998. That is…ridiculous. would pull to maintain a competi- marks, schools, and businesses you every night when I got home to my
The Washington Football Team tive edge. Suggesting that he was still see everywhere. At that time, mother’s house. I am not a phone-
hasn’t won more than 10 games in a bad teammate or compromised Sandra and her husband Chris lived calling or checking-in type of person,
any season since 1991! the integrity of the sport might be a in Clinton (my hometown as well). so it was something I had to learn
The 49ers players from that era stretch, but the accusation wouldn’t Sandra and Chris were quite a selling quickly. They were upset if I didn’t
are an embarrassment of talent – be completely unfounded. team. You could always see the pride call, and would be calling me if they
Ronnie Lott, Steve Young, Dwight There is an argument that Eddie in Chris’s eyes when he spoke of San- didn’t hear from me by 10 p.m. It was
Clarke, John Taylor, Ricky Watters, is the best ever; the back of his foot- dra’s artwork. They set-up, sold, and strange at first since I was 39 at the
Roger Craig, Fred Dean, Charles ball card would almost certainly broke down at all the craft shows in time, but I understood that they cared
Haley, Brent Jones, Randy Cross, lead to the conclusion that his ac- the Southern Maryland region to- about me as much as I cared about
Deion Sanders and, maybe the best complishments have surpassed that gether – always together. Chris was them.
overall player in NFL history, Jerry his idol, Joe Montana. But there are a retired navy ship commander who Sandra beat cancer twice but had
freaking Rice. off-flavors to his bowl of chili. Nei- enjoyed his years of supervising men been going through other health is-
The trained eye likely caught an ther he nor his organization always in the navy but was perfectly happy sues since spring. Several years ago,
omission. Eddie’s favorite all-time did things the right way, and once helping and following Sandra’s art she moved back to Indiana where she
49er was QB Joe Montana. How doubt is created, questions seep career in his retirement. Chris passed was originally from. It meant that
could a kid not love number 16? into character and integrity cracks. many years ago. Sandra would only be 30 minutes
Montana was elegant and a cold- The sports sleuths have likely We always signed up for arts and from her daughter and other relatives,
blooded slayer under pressure. No identified Edward Patrick. He is crafts shows together, with my two and a few hours from her son. When
ordinary Joe, Montana was 4-0 in Thomas Edward Patrick Brady. Or sons helping both of us with every- Sandra called me earlier this year to
Super Bowls and never threw an just Tom Brady. He has won six Su- thing at all shows. My oldest son even say she was again having health prob-
interception on the game’s big- per Bowls and might be the great- did one of their shows by himself lems, I wanted to go out to Indiana
gest stage. He outdueled Dan Ma- est player of all time. But equally from set-up to break down. My sons and stay. Of course, with the pan-
rino in San Francisco’s Super Bowl as real as the Super Bowls are his knew all there was to know about the demic, and especially at that time,
XIX win over Miami, authored a frequent, theatric lashings of fail- craft show circuit and life from the travel was nonexistent. My husband
last minute, game-winning touch- ing teammates, “Deflategate” and three of us. The main rule was, ‘we and I thought it through and realized
down drive to beat the Cincinnati his mysteriously destroyed cell only eat at a show if we make money if I was able to get a plane out there,
Bengals in Super Bowl XXIII and phone, and his curious relationship over and above the cost to be there.” I would still have a 14 day quarantine
routed an over-matched Denver with trainer Alex Guerrero and his But I am pretty sure Sandra and Chris once I got there, then probably not
Broncos team 55-10 in a signature unprecedented longevity. made sure the boys always had some- even be able to see Sandra at all dur-
performance in Super Bowl XIV. Which is okay, I think. Short thing to eat. ing her hospital stays, and then would
Eddie proudly rocked a number of blatant cheating or some other Sandra and Chris were about 20 have a 14 day quarantine upon arriv-
16 49ers jersey in the 80s and likely egregious personal transgression, years older than me, and gradually ing back in Maryland due to my own
re-enacted Montana’s most amaz- athletes, especially football players, became my second set of parents. My health things. The “what ifs and why
ing plays in his backyard, as did are ultimately judged on wins and mother wasn’t the easiest to get along didn’t I’s” start then. Now, of course,
most Bay Area kids. But for Eddie losses. But it is good Eddie…errr… with, so it was always nice to have I wish I had gone, even if it were just
this was no transient childhood fas- Brady found his way in sports and Sandra as someone whom I could to see her through a window. We all
cination. He so idolized Montana in football, particularly. Deflecting share anything with at any time. I lose so many friends and family as
that he became a youth quarterback blame, random petulance, a lack of believe Sandra was one of only two the years go by and it is heartbreak-
of some consequence himself. Ed- transparency, occasional dishones- people that my mother ever let hug ing, but yet it is something we all
die made it way all the way to big- ty and bullying tendencies are un- her. Sandra just had that gentle, com- know is inevitable. I will treasure all
time college football, carving out a acceptable leadership traits in most passionate way about her that people my friends even more now.
solid, if not spectacular career at a other walks of life. could not resist. To each new day and it’s treasures,
blueblood program. Or at least they used to be. When my mother was dying and I Shelby
Eddie wasn’t athletically gifted, Send comments to Ronald- moved from Lexington Park to Clin- Please send your comments or
but he had a mind for the game and, ton in order to stay at my mother’s ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.
most importantly, a competitive house to care for all her dogs, and com or find me on Facebook
Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Calendar 29

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to
our Thursday publication.

Thursday, October 15 sions). Participants learn behavioral

modifications, stress management,
ship, Student Life Department and
Equity and Inclusive Diversity Of-
below. Children must be residents of
St. Mary’s County though they do
One Village: A Samaritian Vil- and other techniques to help them fice, and St. Mary’s College of Mary- not need to be enrolled in the public
lage Fundraiser to Raise Support quit using tobacco products. Learn land (SMCM) Center for the Study school system. Advance registration
for Local Sex Trafficking Survivors more or register at of Democracy and SMCM’s Student is required at
Online; 7 p.m. tobacco. Activities Department, registration in order to ensure adequate vaccine
Bringing a community of lead- Grief Support Group is required for this free Zoom event. supply:
ers and survivors in a one-time, live Calvary Chapel; 7 p.m. Register here: Great Mills High School
streaming event and uniting our vil- Help and encouragement after the meeting/register/tJAsce6rpzktHtYA- Monday, October 26, 2020
lage around the fight against traf- death of a spouse, child, family mem- Bah3xjbVCaSaaE0f Xl9L 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
ficking. Our first-ever virtual fun- ber, or friend. The support group Leonardtown High School
draiser, One Village, is an hour-long, meets weekly. You are welcome to Ongoing Tuesday, October 27, 2020
docu-style presentation where you’ll begin attending at any point. You’ll 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Scott Verbic Golf Tournament
hear from survivors, local govern- find it to be a warm, caring environ- Chopticon High School
October 15- 16
ment officials, healthcare workers, ment and will come to see your group Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Normally the Scott Verbic Golf
and advocates on how human traf- as an “oasis” on your long journey 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Tournament is held annually to sup-
ficking is affecting our Central Flor- through grief. For more informa- Spring Ridge Middle School
port the St. Mary's County Recre-
ida community. This event is focused tion call the church office and leave a Thursday, October 29, 2020
ation & Parks Scholarship Fund. Due
on shedding light on the horrific re- message 301-645-0660 or email us at 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
to COVID-19 restrictions and chal-
alities of sex trafficking, and to raise SMCHD is also partnering with
lenges, the department and Verbic
support for local sex trafficking sur- Science for Citizens Seminar. MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital for ad-
family felt it would be best to return
vivors. More at https://www.samari- Online; 7 p.m. ditional drive-thru f lu vaccine clin-
better than ever in 2021 with the The Patuxent River estuary has ics for both children and adults as
25th Anniversary celebratory tour-
Resources for Non-Profits Dur- been changing for centuries, but we outlined below:
nament. Instead for this year, we are
ing COVID-19 have relatively detailed information Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital
dedicating an entire week to golfing
Online; 1:30 p.m. on the ecology of the river for only Outpatient Pavilion in Leonard-
and bringing awareness to the Schol-
The Nonprofit Institute is here for the most recent decades. In annual town: Saturday, October 17, 2020
arship Fund which allows children
nonprofit leaders and staff should you reports of the overall ‘health’ of the East Run Center in Lexington
and families to attend recreation pro-
need assistance no matter how big or River, the Patuxent consistently re- Park: Friday, October 23, 2020
grams and summer camps at a dis-
small. We are working remotely and ceives poor grades, despite extensive 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
counted rate. Join us during the week
available for consultation. We’ve cu- restoration efforts. During this semi- Children ages 3 – 18 are free (fund-
to donate to this fund and learn how
rated a list of free webinars, tools, ar- nar, discover how recent monitoring ed through SMCHD)
you can participate and support next
ticles, links to helpful websites, and in the Patuxent and its many small Adults over the age of 18 are re-
year's tournament through sponsor-
more. These resources offer immedi- tributary companions has helped to quested to provide a $10 donation
ship, team registration and commu-
ate assistance to nonprofits. Learn reveal some of the mysteries of this Participants receiving vaccine are
nity support.
more at river estuary to better inform its asked to please:
Stuffed Ham Sale
tuteCOVID19Resources. restoration. Follow directional signage
Hollywood Volunteer Fire Depart-
scienceforcitizens/ Stay in your vehicle – Clinic staff
Friday, October 16 ment; Until Sold Out
will come to you
Beth Israel Synagogue Shabbat
Wednesday, October 21 Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary.
Get your Thanksgiving ham for $13
Wear a cloth face covering or mask
when interacting with clinic staff
Services Online Wayback Wednesdays per pound. Only selling 200 pounds
Advanced registration is required
7 p.m. - 8 p.m. We hope you're loving our weekly total, so place your order. Must pre-
Shabbat evening services are be- video series showing some of the sto- order by calling Elaine Quade at
COVID-19 Appointment-Free
ing held online due to COVID19. ries that make St. Mary’s County’s 301-373-2695. Pick up will be No-
Beginning July 17, 2020 Beth Israel history so unique and interesting. vember 23 from 4-7 p.m. at the main
Lexington Park Office:
Synagogue will hold online services We thought this would be a fun way entrance.
Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00
EVERY FRIDAY at 7PM. Check to bring our closed museums to you Virtual Gift Basket and Contain-
a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
our website calendar (bethisraelmd. while we all keep our social distance. ers Auction
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for event Join us every week for short videos Bidding starts October 22 at 6 p.m.
from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
details. featuring everything from the quirky and ends October 24 at 1 p.m.
46035 Signature Lane, Lexington
to the fascinating - tune in! We have Join the Auxiliary on their Face-
Saturday, October 17 several episodes in the playlist! Face- book page for a live auction preview
Park (co-located with U-Haul Mov-
ing & Storage) of great items at 5:00 pm on Thurs-
Community Yard Sale For assistance or accommodations,
day, October 22 nd and bidding will
Golden Beach/Patuxent Knolls; 7
a.m. - 12 p.m.
Thursday, October 22 start at 6:00 pm at $25.00 per item
call ahead to (301) 862-1680
Leonardtown Office:
with increments of $5.00. Bids can be
Multi-family yard sales; Do all Liberty and Justice for All? Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. –
placed in “Comment” under the pic-
your yard sale shopping in one morn- The History of Voting Rights in 12:00 p.m.
ture of items. Bidding will end Satur-
ing.Various items: books, kitchen America 21580 Peabody Street, Leonardtown
day, October 24 at 1:00 pm. Winners
items, china, appliances, games, Online; 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. For assistance or accommodations,
will be notified by Facebook, and
toys, videos, exercise equipment, College of Southern Maryland Pro- call ahead to (301) 475-4330
items can be picked up at the fire-
garden items, and much more. Maps fessor of History and Humanities and SMCHD COVID-19 Testing:
house on Saturday, October 24, from
available at the Golden Beach/Patux- Social Sciences Department Chair Walk up for testing, parking is
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
ent Knolls sign. Questions: 301-643- Dr. Christine Arnold-Lourie travel available
5471 or through history to discover the evo- Appointment-free
Health Department Drive-Thru
lution of American voting rights: No doctor’s order needed
Tuesday, October 20 How certain populations were denied
Flu Vaccine Clinics
The St. Mary’s County Health
Free of Charge (no out-of-pocket
the right to vote, the hard-fought bat- cost, co-payment, co-insurance, etc.)
Tobacco Cessation Program Department (SMCHD) is partner-
tles to gain suffrage and discrimina- Bring health insurance informa-
Online; 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ing with St. Mary's County Public
tory voting practices that still exist tion and identification, if possible –
The Tobacco Cessation Program Schools to offer free drive-thru f lu
today. Hosted by CSM's Thomas V. Uninsured community members are
is free and that takes place over the vaccine clinics for children (ages
Mike Miller Jr. Center for Leader- welcome
course of 8 weeks (weekly 1 hour ses- 3 – 18 years) at the locations listed
30 BusinessDIRECTORY The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020


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Thursday, October 15, 2020 The County Times Fun & Games 31

CLUES ACROSS 46. Important in 18. Long division of time

1. Battered corners: respiration and other 22. Atomic #73
dog-_ _ biochemical reactions 23. Make a bleating sound
6. _ _ Mater: one’s (abbr.) 24. The kids love him
school 47. Belgian city 25. Female condition prior
10. National capital 49. “The Joy Luck Club” to menstrual period
14. Frogs and toads author 27. Founder of Sikhism
order 50. Essence of “Aloha” 28. Sudanese swamp
15. Bathrooms (French) 53. Suggestions 29. He/she can help with
17. Praise 57. One who overindulges your finances
19. Witch 58. Expression 30. Part of the human
20. Consume 59. Maize dough body
21. Pork and lamb are 60. Make into leather 31. Mortar trough
two types 61. British noblemen 33. Greek island
22. Rocky peak CLUES DOWN 35. Change pagination
23. Women’s 1. One of two or more 36. Queens hip hop group
undergarments people or things 37. Precursor to the EU
24. From end to end 2. Small, deerlike water 39. A way to go on
26. Bed sheets buffalo 42. Slender marine fish
29. South Sudanese 3. Part of a ladder 43. Georgetown’s mascot
king 4. Unit of work 44. Farm state
31. Dislike immensely 5. Patriotic women 46. Military leader (abbr.)
32. Diving seabird 6. Fragrant essential oil 47. Russian river
34. Breathe noisily 7. Aggressive, uncouth 48. Teams’ best pitchers
35. Full of roots man 49. In a more positive way
37. Inside 8. One thousandth of an 50. Long French river
38. Small island in a inch 51. Reactive structures in
river 9. Brisk and cheerful organic chemistry
39. Tear into pieces readiness 52. Distinctive practices
40. “CSI” actor George 10. Serving no practical 53. Male gypsy
41. Make less dense purpose 54. When you hope to get
43. Derogatory term 11. Prevent from going there
for a country native forward 55. Men’s fashion
45. Pike and pickerel 12. Camera part accessory
genus 13. Former CIA 56. Journalist Tarbell
16. Colorless, odorless gas


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
32 The County Times Thursday, October 15, 2020


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