M Icrostrategy Evaluation Edition Quick Start Guide

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Evaluation Edition
Quick Start Guide

Ver si o n 2019
2019, Jul y 2019
C opyr i ght © 2019 by M i cr oStr ategy Incor por ated. Al l r i ghts r eser ved.
Tr adem ar k Infor m ati on
The fol l ow i ng ar e ei ther tr adem ar ks or r egi ster ed tr adem ar ks of M i cr oStr ategy Incor por ated or i ts affi l i ates i n the U ni ted States and cer tai n other countr i es:

MicroStrategy, MicroStrategy 2019, MicroStrategy 11, MicroStrategy 10, MicroStrategy 10 Secure Enterprise, MicroStrategy 9,
MicroStrategy 9s, MicroStrategy Analytics, MicroStrategy Analytics Platform, MicroStrategy Desktop, MicroStrategy Library,
MicroStrategy Operations Manager, MicroStrategy Analytics Enterprise, MicroStrategy Evaluation Edition, MicroStrategy
Secure Enterprise, MicroStrategy Web, MicroStrategy Mobile, MicroStrategy Server, MicroStrategy Parallel Relational In-
Memory Engine (MicroStrategy PRIME), MicroStrategy MultiSource, MicroStrategy OLAP Services, MicroStrategy Intelligence
Server, MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Universal, MicroStrategy Distribution Services, MicroStrategy Report Services,
MicroStrategy Transaction Services, MicroStrategy Visual Insight, MicroStrategy Web Reporter, MicroStrategy Web Analyst,
MicroStrategy Office, MicroStrategy Data Mining Services, MicroStrategy Geospatial Services, MicroStrategy Narrowcast
Server, MicroStrategy Health Center, MicroStrategy Analyst, MicroStrategy Developer, MicroStrategy Web Professional,
MicroStrategy Architect, MicroStrategy SDK, MicroStrategy Command Manager, MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager,
MicroStrategy Object Manager, MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, MicroStrategy System Manager, MicroStrategy Analytics App,
MicroStrategy Mobile App, MicroStrategy Tech Support App, MicroStrategy Mobile App Platform, MicroStrategy Cloud,
MicroStrategy R Integration, Dossier, Usher, MicroStrategy Usher, Usher Badge, Usher Security, Usher Security Server, Usher
Mobile, Usher Analytics, Usher Network Manager, Usher Professional, MicroStrategy Identity, MicroStrategy Badge,
MicroStrategy Identity Server, MicroStrategy Identity Analytics, MicroStrategy Identity Manager, MicroStrategy Communicator,
MicroStrategy Services, MicroStrategy Professional Services, MicroStrategy Consulting, MicroStrategy Customer Services,
MicroStrategy Education, MicroStrategy University, MicroStrategy Managed Services, BI QuickStrike, Mobile QuickStrike,
Transaction Services QuickStrike Perennial Education Pass, MicroStrategy Web Based Training (WBT), MicroStrategy World,
Best in Business Intelligence, Pixel Perfect, Global Delivery Center, Direct Connect, Enterprise Grade Security For Every
Business, Build Your Own Business Apps, Code-Free, Welcome to Ideal, Intelligent Enterprise, HyperIntelligence, HyperCard,
HyperVoice, HyperVision, HyperMobile, HyperScreen, Zero-Click Intelligence, Enterprise Semantic Graph, The World’s Most
Comprehensive Analytics Platform, The World’s Most Comprehensive Analytics Platform. Period.

Other pr oduct and com pany nam es m enti oned her ei n m ay be the tr adem ar ks of thei r r especti ve ow ner s.
Speci fi cati ons subj ect to change w i thout noti ce. M i cr oStr ategy i s not r esponsi bl e for er r or s or om i ssi ons. M i cr oStr ategy m akes no w ar r anti es or com m i tm ents
concer ni ng the avai l abi l i ty of futur e pr oducts or ver si ons that m ay be pl anned or under devel opm ent.
1. Welcom e t o M icr oSt r at egy 4

M i cr oSt r at egy eval uat i on p r od uct s 7

Eval uat i on r esour ces 8
Recom m end ed eval uat i on p r ocess 10
Revi ew i ng har d w ar e and sof t w ar e r eq ui r em ent s 12
Inst al l i ng and act i vat i ng t he M i cr oSt r at egy Pl at f or m 12

Vi ew i ng r ep or t s i n a Devel op er ap p l i cat i on 15
Vi ew i ng r ep or t s i n a Web b r ow ser 16
Vi ew i ng r ep or t s i n M i cr osof t Excel 17
Vi ew i ng r ep or t s i n M i cr osof t Pow er Poi nt 18

Vi ew i ng r ep or t s i n M i cr osof t Wor d 19
Vi ew i ng r ep or t s on an Ap p l e i Phone or i Pad 19
Vi ew i ng r ep or t s on an And r oi d p hone or t ab l et 20
Bui l d i ng a r ep or t i ng ap p l i cat i on 21
Vi ew i ng b usi ness i nt el l i gence ap p l i cat i ons 22
N ext st ep s 23

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© 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c. 4

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

Thank you for your i nterest i n Mi croStrategy Anal yti cs Enterpri se.

Si nce 1989, Mi croStrategy has hel ped corporati ons transform thei r
operati onal data i nto acti onabl e i nformati on. Mi croStrategy, w i th i ts
i ndustri al -strength busi ness i ntel l i gence, hel ps organi zati ons i mprove
busi ness performance by provi di ng easy-to-use technol ogy for
moni tori ng, reporti ng, and anal yzi ng al l of thei r enterpri se data. Wi th
the Mi croStrategy pl atform, you can anal yze and make deci si ons
based upon the data w i thi n your organi zati on's enterpri se data
w arehouse. You can al so bui l d anal yti cal sol uti ons across al l areas of
your organi zati on's busi ness, i ncl udi ng sal es, marketi ng, operati ons,
fi nanci al anal ysi s, customer rel ati onshi p management, and suppl y
chai n. Its i ntui ti ve user i nterfaces provi de i nteracti ve anal yses that
di spl ay ri chl y-formatted i nformati on to busi ness users w i th the abi l i ty
to sort, cross tabul ate, dri l l from summari zed data i nto transacti onal
detai l s, export the resul ts and col l aborate w i th other users, w i thout
the need to know SQL or the physi cal database structures.

As you w ork through the eval uati on process descri bed i n thi s
document, you l earn about the components of the Mi croStrategy
pl atform; queri es, reporti ng, and anal ysi s as w el l as i nformati on
del i very and al erti ng servi ces. Mi croStrategy D evel oper™,
Mi croStrategy Web™, Mi croStrategy Offi ce™, and Mi croStrategy
Mobi l e™ al l ow you to execute and mani pul ate reports i n Mi crosoft®
Wi ndow s, a Web brow ser, Mi crosoft Offi ce, and mobi l e devi ce such as
the Appl e i Pad or i Phone, or an Androi d phone or tabl et. These
products, together w i th Mi croStrategy Intel l i gence Server™, present a
comprehensi ve sol uti on to your busi ness i ntel l i gence needs by
provi di ng queri es across di verse i nterfaces, reporti ng, anal ysi s,
proacti ve i nformati on del i very, and al erti ng servi ces.

5 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

To hel p you expl ore the features of the Mi croStrategy pl atform,

sampl e reporti ng appl i cati ons cal l ed Mi croStrategy Tutori al and the
H uman R esources Anal yti cs Modul e are provi ded. The Mi croStrategy
Tutori al i s a Mi croStrategy proj ect and a set of demonstrati on
appl i cati ons desi gned to i l l ustrate the ri ch functi onal i ty of the
Mi croStrategy pl atform. For techni cal detai l s on the Mi croStrategy
Tutori al , see the Mi croStrategy Proj ect D esi gn Gui de.

After revi ew i ng these features, you can bui l d your ow n reports and
i nformati on del i very servi ces usi ng the Mi croStrategy Tutori al

Al so as a part of the eval uati on process, you can vi ew busi ness

i ntel l i gence appl i cati ons i n a Web brow ser usi ng Mi croStrategy Web.

A detailed dis c us s ion of the platform arc hitec ture and the produc ts that
c ompris e the Mic roStrategy platform c an be found in the Introducti on
to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de . You c an ac c es s this guide from
the produc t dis k us ing the s teps in Eval uati on resources, page 8 .

© 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c. 6

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

MicroStrategy evaluation products

Al l Mi croStrategy eval uati on products provi de access to ful l y
functi onal versi ons of the aw ard-w i nni ng Mi croStrategy busi ness
i ntel l i gence reporti ng features. The eval uati ons provi de a speci al
i nterface that w al ks you through a step-by-step experi ence. The
eval uati ons make use of the speci al l y desi gned Mi croStrategy
Tutori al BI appl i cati on and i ts sampl e data, sampl e reports, and other
sampl e reporti ng obj ects.

Mi croStrategy offers the fol l ow i ng eval uati on products:

• MicroStra tegy E va l ua tion E dition softwa re: Thi s eval uati on

softw are provi des an eval uati on of Mi croStrategy functi onal i ty i n a
Mi crosoft Wi ndow s envi ronment.

▫ Thi s eval uati on softw are i s avai l abl e from Mi croStrategy, Inc.
and can be dow nl oaded free from:


▫ Thi s eval uati on softw are i s desi gned to be used i n a Wi ndow s

envi ronment.

▫ For detai l ed i nstructi ons for thi s eval uati on softw are, use the
Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de.

• MicroStra tegy SDK E va l ua tion for SIs, VARs, a nd OE Ms:

Many Mi croStrategy customers w ant the pow er and sophi sti cati on
of the Mi croStrategy pl atform but have speci fi c requi rements that
requi re a customi zed sol uti on. For exampl e, you may w ant to
create an appl i cati on that i s consi stent w i th your corporate
standards, or you may w ant to embed Mi croStrategy functi onal i ty
i nto your exi sti ng systems. You may even w ant to bui l d and resel l
Mi croStrategy-based products or appl i cati ons sui ted to parti cul ar
i ndustri es. Al l of these types of customi zati ons are possi bl e usi ng
the Mi croStrategy Softw are D evel opment Ki t (SD K).

7 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

To experi ence the SD K eval uati on, see the Mi croStrategy

D evel oper Li brary (MSD L) secti on cal l ed What C an You D o Wi th
The Mi croStrategy SD K. The MSD L i s part of the SD K product.

Evaluation resources
The fol l ow i ng resources are avai l abl e to you to assi st w i th your
eval uati on of the Mi croStrategy pl atform:

• Free techni cal support for 30 days w i th 24 x 7 access to the

Mi croStrategy Know l edge Base. To access the Know l edge Base,
regi ster your copy of the Eval uati on Edi ti on to recei ve a user name
and passw ord. Then go to
ht tp :/ /w w w . m i c r os t r a t e g y . c o m / s up p o r t and cl i ck
Knowl edge Ba se to l og i n.

If you need to conti nue your eval uati on beyond 30 days, you can
renew your eval uati on l i cense. To do thi s, contact Mi croStrategy
vi a tel ephone at 1-888-537-8135 (U S) or 44(0) 208 396 0000
(w orl dw i de) or vi a e-mai l at i n f o @ m i c r o st r a t e g y . c o m.

• Free onl i ne semi nars coveri ng vari ous aspects of the

Mi croStrategy busi ness i ntel l i gence pl atform. To regi ster, vi si t
ht tp :/ /w w w . m i c r os t r a t e g y . c o m / and cl i ck View
Webca sts.

• Free Mi croStrategy Educati on i nstructor-l ed cl ass for those w ho

qual i fy. To regi ster, vi si t h t t p : / / w w w . m i c r o s t r a t e g y . c o m/
and cl i ck Attend Free BI Cl a ss.

• C omprehensi ve onl i ne documentati on, compl ete w i th a set of

product manual s. The fol l ow i ng steps descri be how to access
product documentati on.

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

To access the product documentation

1 You can access the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu i n the fol l ow i ng

w ays:

• From the disk: Insert the di sk i nto your di sk dri ve and w ai t

for the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu w i ndow to di spl ay
automati cal l y.

If the Mic roStrategy Main Menu does not dis play , loc ate and run the
Mi cr oS t r a t e g y . ex e file.

• From the downl oa d site: D ow nl oad the fi l es from the

Mi croStrategy dow nl oad si te. Locate and run the
Mi cr oS t r a t e g y . e x e fi l e.

• Contac t y our Mic roStrategy s ales repres entativ e to determine

the loc ation and login c redentials for the Mic roStrategy download
s ite.

• You may hav e to ex trac t the downloaded files to loc ate the
Mi c r o S t r a t e g y . e x e file.

2 On the Mai n Menu screen, cl i ck Documenta tion.

3 D o the fol l ow i ng:

• C l i ck Rea d Quick Sta rt Guide to revi ew the Mi croStrategy

Eval uati on Qui ck Start Gui de.

• C l i ck Rea d E va l ua tion Guide to revi ew the Introducti on to

Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de.

• C l i ck Rea d Insta l l a tion a nd Configura tion Guide to

revi ew the Mi croStrategy Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on Gui de.

• C l i ck Rea d Ba sic Rep orting Guide to revi ew the

Mi croStrategy Basi c R eporti ng Gui de.

9 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

• C l i ck View Rea dMe Fil e to revi ew the readme fi l es that

contai n the most recent i nformati on about the products si nce
the pri nti ng of thi s document.

To revi ew the product documentati on, you must have Adobe® R eader
i nstal l ed on your machi ne. You can cl i ck Insta l l Adobe Rea der to
vi si t the Adobe w ebsi te and i nstal l Adobe R eader, i f necessary.

To access the product documentation from your local machine

1 Instal l the Mi croStrategy Eval uati on Edi ti on.

2 On the Wi ndow s Sta rt menu, poi nt to Progra ms, then

MicroStra tegy Documenta tion, and then choose Product
Ma nua l s.

Recommended evaluation process

Thi s secti on descri bes the recommended steps to gui de you through
your eval uati on of the Mi croStrategy pl atform. U se the Introducti on to
Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de as a reference duri ng the eval uati on
process. The Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de contai ns
steps to i nstal l and confi gure your Mi croStrategy Eval uati on Edi ti on,
navi gate the product demonstrati ons, and create a si mpl e reporti ng
appl i cati on usi ng the Mi croStrategy pl atform.

The fol l ow i ng secti ons i n thi s Qui ck Start Gui de outl i ne the
recommended steps that w i l l be useful i n your eval uati on of the
Mi croStrategy pl atform. These steps are as fol l ow s:

1 R egi steri ng the eval uati on softw are, page 11.

2 R evi ew i ng hardw are and softw are requi rements, page 12.

3 Instal l i ng and acti vati ng the Mi croStrategy Pl atform, page 12.

Be aware of the following:

© 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c. 10

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

— The l i cense key for the Eval uati on Edi ti on expi res 30 days
from the ti me you i nstal l Mi croStrategy softw are.

— After your Mi croStrategy i nstal l ati on i s compl ete, you have

seven days to acti vate your i nstal l ati on.

4 Vi ew i ng reports i n a D evel oper appl i cati on, page 15 (usi ng

Mi croStrategy D evel oper).

5 Vi ew i ng reports i n a Web brow ser, page 16 (usi ng Mi croStrategy


6 Vi ew i ng reports i n Mi crosoft Excel , page 17 (usi ng Mi croStrategy

Offi ce).

7 Vi ew i ng reports i n Mi crosoft Pow erPoi nt, page 18 (usi ng

Mi croStrategy Offi ce).

8 Vi ew i ng reports i n Mi crosoft Word, page 19 (usi ng Mi croStrategy

Offi ce).

9 Vi ew i ng reports on an Appl e i Phone or i Pad, page 19 (usi ng

Mi croStrategy Mobi l e)

10 Bui l di ng a reporti ng appl i cati on, page 21 (usi ng Archi tect).

11 Vi ew i ng busi ness i ntel l i gence appl i cati ons, page 22 (usi ng

Mi croStrategy Web and the H uman R esources Anal yti cs Modul e).

Registering the evaluation software

You need a l i cense key to i nstal l the Mi croStrategy pl atform products.
Pl ease regi ster your copy of the Mi croStrategy Eval uati on Edi ti on by
vi si ti ng h tt p: / / w w w . mi c r o s t r a t e g y . c o m/ L i c e n s e K e y.

At the onl i ne regi strati on si te, you are asked to enter the e-mai l
address you used to request thi s eval uati on softw are. If your e-mai l
address cannot be found i n the records, you may be asked to fi l l out a
short form. You al so need a promoti on code to compl ete the
regi strati on process. Thi s promoti on code can be found on the i nsi de

11 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

of the eval uati on di sk mai l er. If you dow nl oaded the Eval uati on
Edi ti on, you shoul d have recei ved the promoti on code i n the w el come
communi cati on from Mi croStrategy.

If y ou do not hav e a promotion c ode, c ontac t Mic roStrategy Tec hnic al

Support. You c an find c ontac t information for Mic roStrategy Tec hnic al
Support at the end of this guide.

The l i cense key to i nstal l the Mi croStrategy pl atform i s sent to you at

the e-mai l address you speci fy at the regi strati on si te.

Reviewing hardware and software requirements

For eval uati on purposes, i nstal l the enti re Mi croStrategy pl atform on a
si ngl e computer usi ng the Express i nstal l ati on opti on.

For the most up-to-date requi rements, vi ew the R eadMe fi l e. To

access thi s fi l e, from the Wi ndow s Sta rt menu poi nt to Progra ms,
then MicroStra tegy Documenta tion, then cl i ck Rea dme.
Opti onal l y, vi si t the Mi croStrategy onl i ne documentati on w ebsi te and
sel ect the l atest R eadme.

Installing and activating the MicroStrategy

For compl ete detai l s to i nstal l Mi croStrategy softw are, see the
Mi croStrategy Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on Gui de.

To install the MicroStrategy platform

1 Log i n to your computer usi ng an account w i th admi ni strator

pri vi l eges.

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

2 You can access the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu i n the fol l ow i ng

w ays:

• From the disk: Insert the di sk i nto your di sk dri ve and w ai t

for the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu w i ndow to di spl ay
automati cal l y.

If the Mic roStrategy Main Menu does not dis play , loc ate and run the
Mi cr oS t r a t e g y . ex e file.

• From the downl oa d site: D ow nl oad the fi l es from the

Mi croStrategy dow nl oad si te. Locate and run the
Mi cr oS t r a t e g y . e x e fi l e.

• Contac t y our Mic roStrategy s ales repres entativ e to determine

the loc ation and login c redentials for the Mic roStrategy download
s ite.

• You may hav e to ex trac t the downloaded files to loc ate the
Mi c r o S t r a t e g y . e x e file.

3 On the Mai n Menu screen, cl i ck E va l ua te Softwa re.

4 C l i ck Insta l l MicroStra tegy Pl a tform and fol l ow the

i nstal l ati on w i zard, usi ng the fol l ow i ng gui del i nes:

• You need the l i cense key you recei ved upon regi steri ng the
Eval uati on Edi ti on to i nstal l the products. The l i cense key for
the Eval uati on Edi ti on expi res 30 days from the ti me you i nstal l
Mi croStrategy softw are.

• Accept the defaul t opti ons presented by the i nstal l ati on w i zard.
D etai l ed i nstal l ati on and confi gurati on i nstructi ons can be
found i n the chapter Instal l i ng the Mi croStrategy Eval uati on
Edi ti on i n the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de.

5 R estart the computer after compl eti ng the i nstal l ati on.

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

After y our Mic roStrategy ins tallation is c omplete, y ou hav e s ev en day s

to ac tiv ate y our ins tallation. Before y ou ac tiv ate y our ins tallation y ou
mus t reques t an Ac tiv ation Code from Mic roStrategy . You c an c omplete
this reques t at either of the following times :

• When you i nstal l Mi croStrategy, usi ng the Mi croStrategy

Instal l ati on Wi zard. For detai l s to acti vate your i nstal l ati on
usi ng the Instal l ati on Wi zard, see Instal l the Mi croStrategy
Eval uati on Edi ti on i n the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy:
Eval uati on Gui de.

• After the i nstal l ati on, usi ng Mi croStrategy Li cense Manager.

For detai l s to acti vate your i nstal l ati on usi ng Li cense Manager,
from your machi ne's Sta rt menu, sel ect MicroStra tegy
Tool s, then sel ect License Ma na ger. On the License
Administra tion tab, cl i ck Hel p for steps to compl ete the
acti vati on.

When you restart the computer w here the eval uati on softw are i s
i nstal l ed, the Wel come screen opens. Thi s screen i s desi gned to
gui de you through the eval uati on process.

The Welc ome s c reen appears only onc e after the s oftware is ins talled.
You c an ac c es s the Welc ome s c reen at any time from the Start menu by
pointing to Progra ms , then to MicroStra tegy Tool s , and then
c hoos ing Wel come Screen .

Your Mi croStrategy Eval uati on Edi ti on i nstal l ati on creates three

defaul t user accounts, each w i th a speci fi c l evel of access to the
Mi croStrategy pl atform. The user names and access l evel s are:

• User - If you l og i n as U ser, you can perform most functi ons i n

Mi croStrategy; these functi ons i ncl ude creati ng and executi ng

• Devel op er - If you l og i n as D eveloper, you can vi ew obj ects that

are requi red to devel op reports.

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

• Administra tor - If you use the A dministrator l ogi n ID , you are

granted "super user" access, w hi ch i ncl udes the abi l i ty to
mani pul ate schema obj ects such as attri butes. H ow ever, be careful
i f you l og i n as A dministrator; you bypass the fol l ow i ng tutori al
steps and permanentl y l ose any obj ects you del ete.

There is no pas s word required for any of the default us er ac c ounts . If

y ou would lik e to as s ign pas s words to thes e ac c ounts s ee the
Impl ementi ng standard authenti cati on s ec tion of the System
Admi ni strati on Gui de .

For compl ete detai l s to i nstal l Mi croStrategy softw are, see the
Mi croStrategy Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on Gui de.

Viewing reports in a Developer application

In thi s step, you use Mi croStrategy D evel oper to execute reports
agai nst Mi croStrategy Tutori al (a Mi crosoft Access database).

To use MicroStrategy Developer

1 C l i ck View rep orts in a Devel op er a p p l ica tion on the

Wel come screen. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start
menu, poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then
choose Wel come Screen.

2 You are requi red to l og i n to access the Mi croStrategy Tutori al . A

di al og box opens advi si ng you about thi s authenti cati on
i nformati on. C l i ck Continue to proceed. To fol l ow al ong w i th thi s
tutori al , use the User l ogi n ID to l og i n. Leave the passw ord bl ank
and cl i ck OK.

3 The U ser H omepage opens, w here you can l earn how to access
and mani pul ate reports, and create new reports usi ng

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

Mi croStrategy D evel oper. Fol l ow the recommended steps on the

U ser H omepage.

For detailed doc umentation of eac h s tep, refer to Vi ew i ng R eports i n a

D evel oper Appl i cati on in the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy:
Eval uati on Gui de .

Viewing reports in a Web browser

In thi s step, you use a Web brow ser to execute reports agai nst the
Tutori al database usi ng Mi croStrategy Web. Most of the reports you
execute i n thi s step are the same reports you saw i n the Wi ndow s
i nterface.

To access reports using a Web browser

1 Ensure that the Worl d Wi de Web Publ i shi ng servi ce and

Mi croStrategy Intel l i gence Server servi ces are runni ng on your
system. For more i nformati on about checki ng the status of these
servi ces, see Troubl eshooti ng the Eval uati on Edi ti on i n the
Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de.

2 On the Wel come screen, cl i ck View rep orts in a Web

browser. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start menu,
poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

3 You are requi red to l og i n to access the Mi croStrategy Tutori al .

Log i n usi ng the l ogi n ID User and l eave the passw ord bl ank.

4 The U ser H omepage opens w i th i nstructi ons on how to proceed

w i th the eval uati on. These steps are si mi l ar to the ones you saw i n
the Wi ndow s i nterface.

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to Vi ew i ng R eports i n a Web Brow ser in the Introducti on to
Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

Viewing reports in Microsoft Excel

In thi s step, you l earn about Mi croStrategy Offi ce, w hi ch al l ow s you to
i ntegrate Mi croStrategy functi onal i ty w i th Mi crosoft® Offi ce products
l i ke Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word. You can execute Mi croStrategy
reports di rectl y from the Mi crosoft Offi ce appl i cati ons, refresh thei r
data, format the resul ts, and save them for offl i ne anal ysi s.

To l earn how to use Mi croStrategy Offi ce w i th Mi crosoft Excel ,

perform the fol l ow i ng steps.

To access reports in Microsoft Excel

1 Ensure that the appropri ate versi on of Mi crosoft Excel i s i nstal l ed

on your computer. For detai l ed versi on requi rement i nformati on,
see R evi ew i ng hardw are and softw are requi rements, page 12.

2 C l i ck View rep orts in Microsoft E xcel on the Wel come

screen. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start menu,
poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

3 An Excel w orkbook opens. You can l earn how to perform a one-

cl i ck refresh of Mi croStrategy reports i n Excel and how to add
reports to Excel w orksheets by fol l ow i ng the detai l ed i nstructi ons
di spl ayed on the w orksheets.

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to Vi ew i ng R eports i n Mi crosoft Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word in
the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

17 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

Viewing reports in Microsoft PowerPoint

In thi s step, you l earn about Mi croStrategy Offi ce, w hi ch al l ow s you to
i ntegrate Mi croStrategy functi onal i ty w i th Mi crosoft Offi ce products
l i ke Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word. You can execute Mi croStrategy
reports di rectl y from the Mi crosoft Offi ce appl i cati ons, refresh thei r
data, format the resul ts, and save them to be used for offl i ne anal ysi s.

To l earn how to use Mi croStrategy Offi ce w i th Mi crosoft Pow erPoi nt,

perform the fol l ow i ng steps.

To access reports in Microsoft PowerPoint

1 Ensure that the appropri ate versi on of Mi crosoft Pow erPoi nt i s

i nstal l ed on your computer. For detai l ed versi on requi rement
i nformati on, see R evi ew i ng hardw are and softw are requi rements,
page 12.

2 C l i ck View rep orts in Microsoft PowerPoint on the Wel come

screen. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start menu,
poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

3 A Pow erPoi nt presentati on opens. You can l earn how to perform a

one-cl i ck refresh of Mi croStrategy reports i n Pow erPoi nt and how
to add reports to Pow erPoi nt sl i des by fol l ow i ng the detai l ed
i nstructi ons di spl ayed on the sl i des.

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to Vi ew i ng R eports i n Mi crosoft Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word in
the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

Viewing reports in Microsoft Word

In thi s step, you l earn about Mi croStrategy Offi ce, w hi ch al l ow s you to
i ntegrate Mi croStrategy functi onal i ty w i th Mi crosoft Offi ce products
l i ke Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word. You can execute Mi croStrategy
reports di rectl y from the Mi crosoft Offi ce appl i cati ons, refresh thei r
data, format the resul ts, and save them to be used for offl i ne anal ysi s.

To l earn how to use Mi croStrategy Offi ce w i th Mi crosoft Word, perform

the fol l ow i ng steps.

To access reports in Microsoft Word

1 Ensure that the appropri ate versi on of Mi crosoft Word i s i nstal l ed

on your computer. For detai l ed versi on requi rement i nformati on,
see R evi ew i ng hardw are and softw are requi rements, page 12.

2 C l i ck View rep orts in Microsoft Word on the Wel come

screen. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start menu,
poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

3 A Word document opens. You can l earn how to perform a one-cl i ck

refresh of Mi croStrategy reports i n Word and how to add reports to
Word documents by fol l ow i ng the detai l ed i nstructi ons di spl ayed
on the document.

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to Vi ew i ng R eports i n Mi crosoft Excel , Pow erPoi nt, and Word in
the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

Viewing reports on an Apple iPhone or iPad

You can l earn about Mi croStrategy Mobi l e for the i Phone and i Pad,
w hi ch al l ow s you to recei ve reports and documents on your Appl e

19 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

i Phone and i Pad and anal yze the data i n the reports and documents
i n a vari ety of w ays.

Wi th Mi croStrategy Mobi l e, you and other busi ness users recei ve the
same reports and documents on your Appl e i Phones and i Pads as you
do i n Mi croStrategy Web, Mi croStrategy Offi ce, or Mi croStrategy
D evel oper. You can then anal yze the reports and documents on your
mobi l e devi ce by sorti ng data, reposi ti oni ng obj ects, groupi ng data by
page, and more.

To l earn how to use Mi croStrategy Mobi l e, perform the fol l ow i ng


To view reports in MicroStrategy Mobile for iPhone and iPad

1 On the Wel come screen, cl i ck View rep orts on iPhone a nd

iPa d. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Sta rt menu,
poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

2 The H ome page opens w i th i nstructi ons on how to proceed.

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to the Vi ew i ng R eports on a Mobi l e D evi ce c hapter in the
Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

Viewing reports on an Android phone or tablet

You can l earn about Mi croStrategy Mobi l e for the Androi d, w hi ch
al l ow s you to recei ve reports and documents on your Androi d phone
or tabl et and anal yze the data i n the reports and documents i n a
vari ety of w ays.

Wi th Mi croStrategy Mobi l e, you and other busi ness users recei ve the
same reports and documents on your Androi d devi ce as you do i n
Mi croStrategy Web, Mi croStrategy Offi ce, or Mi croStrategy D evel oper.

© 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c. 20

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

You can then anal yze the reports and documents on your mobi l e
devi ce by sorti ng data, reposi ti oni ng obj ects, groupi ng data by page,
and more.

To l earn how to use Mi croStrategy Mobi l e, perform the fol l ow i ng


To view reports in MicroStrategy Mobile for Android

1 On the Wel come screen, cl i ck View rep orts on Android. If the

Wel come screen i s not open, from the Sta rt menu, poi nt to
Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

2 The H ome page opens w i th i nstructi ons on how to proceed.

For a detailed ex planation of eac h s tep in the ev aluation proc es s , refer

to the Vi ew i ng R eports on a Mobi l e D evi ce c hapter in the
Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

Building a reporting application

In thi s step, you l earn how to access Mi croStrategy Archi tect, a tool
you can use to create your ow n reporti ng appl i cati on usi ng
Mi croStrategy Tutori al data.

To launch Architect

1 C l i ck Buil d a rep orting a p p l ica tion on the Wel come screen. If

the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start menu, poi nt to
Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then choose
Wel come Screen.

2 In the Fol der Li st on the l eft, expand My First Proj ect.

21 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

3 R i ght-cl i ck My First Proj ect and sel ect Architect. Archi tect
opens. You can l earn how to bui l d a reporti ng appl i cati on by
fol l ow i ng the recommended steps on the U ser H omepage.

For detailed information, refer to Bui l di ng a R eporti ng Appl i cati on in

the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de .

Viewing business intelligence applications

In thi s step, you can vi ew a vari ety of busi ness i ntel l i gence
appl i cati ons i n a Web brow ser usi ng Mi croStrategy Web. You can
vi ew the H uman R esources Anal ysi s Modul e, w hi ch i s a sampl e
busi ness appl i cati on w i th sampl e data, reports, dashboards, and
other reporti ng obj ects. See Vi ew i ng Busi ness Intel l i gence
Appl i cati ons i n the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de to
l earn more.

To view business intelligence applications

1 C l i ck View business intel l igence a p p l ica tions on the

Wel come screen. If the Wel come screen i s not open, from the Start
menu, poi nt to Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s, and then
choose Wel come Screen.

2 Log i n as U ser w i th no passw ord and cl i ck Login.

3 The U ser homepage opens. You can vi ew the H uman R esources

Anal yti cs Modul e appl i cati on by fol l ow i ng the recommended steps
on the U ser H omepage.

For detailed information, refer to Vi ew i ng Busi ness Intel l i gence

Appl i cati ons in the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on
Gui de .

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M icr o St r at egy Evalu at io n Ed it io n Qu ick St ar t Gu id e

Next steps
If you have compl eted the steps i n the recommended eval uati on
process, you have l earned qui te a bi t about the query, reporti ng,
anal ysi s, i nformati on del i very and al erti ng functi onal i ty avai l abl e
through the Mi croStrategy pl atform.

From here, you can vi ew a busi ness i ntel l i gence appl i cati on i n a
Wi ndow s i nterface usi ng Mi croStrategy D evel oper. The H uman
R esources Anal yti cs Modul e busi ness i ntel l i gence appl i cati on i s the
same one you expl ored i n Vi ew i ng busi ness i ntel l i gence appl i cati ons,
page 22. To l earn more see Vi ew i ng Busi ness Intel l i gence
Appl i cati ons i n the Introducti on to Mi croStrategy: Eval uati on Gui de to
l earn more.

Mi croStrategy C onsul ti ng Servi ces provi des proven methods for
del i veri ng l eadi ng-edge technol ogy sol uti ons. Offeri ngs i ncl ude
compl ex securi ty archi tecture desi gns, performance and tuni ng,
proj ect and testi ng strategi es and recommendati ons, strategi c
pl anni ng, and more. For a detai l ed descri pti on of consul ti ng offeri ngs,
vi si t http://w w w .mi crostrategy.com/servi ces-support/consul ti ng.

Technical Support
If you have questi ons about a speci fi c Mi croStrategy product, you
shoul d:

1 C onsul t the product gui des, H el p, and readme fi l es. Locati ons to
access each are descri bed above.

2 C onsul t the Mi croStrategy Know l edge Base onl i ne at

https://resource.mi crostrategy.com/support.

A tec hnic al adminis trator in y our organiz ation may be able to help y ou
res olv e y our is s ues immediately .

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3 Addi ti onal resources and support pol i cy i nformati on are avai l abl e
at http://w w w .mi crostrategy.com/free/devel opers/#eval uati on-
edi ti on.

© 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c. 24

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