Narrowcast Server Installation and Configuration Guide

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Narrowcast Server

Installation and
Configuration Guide

Ver si o n 2019
2019, Jul y 2019
C opyr i ght © 2019 by M i cr oStr ategy Incor por ated. Al l r i ghts r eser ved.
Tr adem ar k Infor m ati on
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Other pr oduct and com pany nam es m enti oned her ei n m ay be the tr adem ar ks of thei r r especti ve ow ner s.
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Book Over view and Addit ional Resour ces 5

1. Inst allat ion Pr er equisit es 6

N et w or k r eq ui r em ent s 7
Syst em har d w ar e r eq ui r em ent s 10
Syst em sof t w ar e r eq ui r em ent s 15

Dat ab ase r eq ui r em ent s 16

Syst em -w i d e p l anni ng and conf i gur at i on 22

2. Inst allat ion Pr ocedur es 23

Inst al l i ng N ar r ow cast Ser ver 24

Inst al l at i on ver i f i cat i on 33

Inst al l i ng cust om com p onent s 34
U ni nst al l i ng N ar r ow cast Ser ver 35

3. Configur ing N ar r ow cast Ser ver 38

Pr er eq ui si t es 39
Conf i gur at i on over vi ew 40
Syst em conf i gur at i on p r ocess 42

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

4. Configur ing t he Subscr ipt ion Por t al 63

Sub scr i p t i on Por t al conf i gur at i on p r er eq ui si t es 64

Sub scr i p t i on Por t al conf i gur at i on p r oced ur es 65

5. ODBCs, DSN s, and Dat abase Connect ivit y 68

ODBCs and DSN s 69

Dat ab ase connect i vi t y vi a ODBC 76

4 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

The Mi croStrategy N arrow cast Server Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on
Gui de provi des comprehensi ve i nformati on on how to i nstal l and
confi gure N arrow cast Server softw are.

To upgrade Mi croStrategy N arrow cast Server, see the N arrow cast

Server U pgrade Gui de.

The chapters of the N arrow cast Server Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on
Gui de fol l ow the recommended progressi on of steps to i nstal l and
confi gure N arrow cast Server. See C hapter 1, Instal l ati on
Prerequi si tes for i mportant i nstal l ati on prerequi si tes before you begi n
i nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server.

The l ast chapter, C hapter 5, OD BC s, D SN s, and D atabase

C onnecti vi ty, contai ns the fol l ow i ng addi ti onal reference i nformati on,
w hi ch you may requi re dependi ng on your speci fi c needs.

D etai l ed steps for al l functi onal i ty i n the Mi croStrategy system i s

avai l abl e i n the H el p.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

To upgrade Mi croStrategy N arrow cast Server, see the N arrow cast

Server U pgrade Gui de.

The i nformati on i n the Mi croStrategy R eadme fi l e represents the

l atest certi fi cati on and support i nformati on that w as avai l abl e at the
ti me the product w as rel eased. To access the Mi croStrategy R eadme
fi l es, from the Wi ndow s Sta rt menu, poi nt to Progra ms, then
MicroStra tegy Documenta tion, and then sel ect Rea dme.

Before i nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server, revi ew the secti ons i n thi s
chapter to ensure that you have the appropri ate netw ork, hardw are,
softw are, and database requi rements and confi gurati ons set up.

Network requirements
N arrow cast Server uses your netw ork envi ronment to del i ver emai l
messages and provi de Subscri pti on Portal w eb pages, so the netw ork
envi ronment must be confi gured and connected. To perform remote
admi ni strati on, N arrow cast Admi ni strator users requi re a compati bl e
securi ty confi gurati on i n pl ace.

N etw ork prerequi si tes i ncl ude:

• Wi ndow s domai n and accounts w i th Admi ni strati ve pri vi l eges

• C onnecti on to an emai l server to send emai l messages

• Web (H TTP) connecti on to use the Subscri pti on Portal

• SMS (SMPP) requi rements to send al l phone messages

D etai l s for each of these requi rements are bel ow .

Windows domain and account requirements

N arrow cast Server and N arrow cast Admi ni strator rel y on Wi ndow s
accounts to control access to system devel opment and admi ni strati on

7 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

• Windows a ccounts: To i nstal l N arrow cast Server, you must l og

i n to Wi ndow s w i th an account that has admi ni strator pri vi l eges
and permi ssi ons on every computer that you mi ght use as a
N arrow cast Server component w i thi n a gi ven system. You must
al so provi de an account w i th the same pri vi l eges and permi ssi ons
to the N arrow cast Server setup program for the N arrow cast Server
servi ce account. Before creati ng a new system, you must l og i n to
the machi ne w i th an account that al so has si mi l ar pri vi l eges and
permi ssi ons.

• Comp uter registra tion: Each computer that you use i n your
N arrow cast Server system, i ncl udi ng any machi nes used to run
N arrow cast Admi ni strator, must bel ong to the same Wi ndow s
domai n, or to another domai n that trusts the domai n used for
Wi ndow s accounts.

When i nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server, you w i l l be asked to enter an

account that w i l l be used to run certai n N arrow cast Server servi ces.
Thi s account must meet the fol l ow i ng requi rements:

• H as a passw ord that w i l l not expi re. D o not use your ow n netw ork
account for w hi ch the passw ord mi ght expi re (causi ng your system
to stop w orki ng). Your netw ork admi ni strator shoul d be abl e to
provi de a speci al account for thi s purpose.

• H as the Wi ndow s pri vi l ege "Access thi s computer from netw ork."
Thi s pri vi l ege shoul d be assi gned to the Admi ni strators group by
defaul t.

Email (SMTP) requirements

For N arrow cast Server to send emai l messages, i t must be abl e to
connect to and i nteract w i th recei vi ng emai l servers. Typi cal l y, SMTP
emai l messages are sent on TC P port 25. Thus, to transmi t to emai l
servers, any machi ne that w i l l be used as an executi on engi ne must
be abl e to connect through fi rew al l s and other securi ty systems usi ng

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

port 25. For emai l transmi ssi on testi ng and troubl eshooti ng
i nformati on, see Testi ng SMTP connecti vi ty i n the N arrow cast Server
System Admi ni strator Gui de.

• Sma rt hosts: You can sel ect to use a smart host as a message
forw ardi ng or transfer agent for N arrow cast Server. Thi s techni que
can be used to i ncrease both system throughput and system
securi ty. To use a smart host, you must know the name and target
port of the server, and ensure that N arrow cast Server can connect
to i t over the netw ork. N arrow cast Server has i ts ow n SMTP
transmi ssi on capabi l i ti es, so use of a smart host i s not requi red.

• Reverse DNS Lookup : Some emai l servers perform a reverse

D N S l ookup w hen other emai l servers attempt to send emai l
messages to them. If your N arrow cast Server system mi ght be
used to send messages to such emai l servers, you must use a
val i d Internet domai n i n the From and R epl y-to address setti ngs of
your emai l (SMTP) and w i rel ess (SMTP) i nformati on transmi tters.
You must al so regi ster each executi on engi ne as a mai l server for
that domai n. Otherw i se, your messages mi ght be rej ected by these
remote emai l servers.

Web (HTTP) requirements

The Subscri pti on Portal i s a page that al l ow s users to vi ew and
modi fy thei r N arrow cast Server Subscri pti ons.

Web brow sers runni ng on cl i ent machi nes must be abl e to connect to
and i nteract w i th your Subscri pti on Portal servers for subscri bers to
use the Subscri pti on Portal . Typi cal l y, brow ser (H TTP) requests are
sent on TC P port 80, so any machi ne that w i l l be used as a
Subscri pti on Portal cl i ent must be abl e to connect through fi rew al l s
and other securi ty systems to your Subscri pti on Portal w eb server
usi ng port 80.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

SMS (SMPP) requirements

SMSs (short message servi ces) commonl y use the peer-to-peer
protocol SMPP. The i nformati on transmi tter provi ded w i th N arrow cast
Server i s desi gned to connect to an SMSC (short message servi ce
center) usi ng SMPP.

System hardware requirements

The number of machi nes you can i nstal l N arrow cast Server on
depends on w hi ch edi ti on of N arrow cast Server you have:

• Enterpri se Edi ti on: N arrow cast Server components can be

i nstal l ed on one machi ne or di stri buted across several machi nes i n
a cl ustered confi gurati on.

• Standard Edi ti on: Supports the use of onl y one machi ne i n a

N arrow cast Server system.

You can i nstal l and confi gure N arrow cast Admi ni strator on as many
machi nes as you requi re for system devel opment, testi ng, and
admi ni strati on purposes.

Narrowc as t Serv er is lic ens ed bas ed on CPU number and c loc k s peed.
Thus , Narrowc as t Serv er c an only be ins talled on mac hines with a c loc k
s peed that is les s than or equal to the lic ens ed c loc k s peed. If y ou try to
ins tall the produc t on a mac hine that is fas ter than y our lic ens e allows ,
ins tallation fails . For ex ample, if y ou are lic ens ed only for 750 MHz
c loc k s peeds , y ou c annot ins tall the s oftware on a 1 GHz mac hine.

Hardware requirements are lis ted in the readme. To v iew the readme,
s elec t the readme c orres ponding to y our s oftware v ers ion at
https://mi crostrategyhel p.atl assi i ki .

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Minimum hardware requirements

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended for
i nstal l i ng al l N arrow cast Server components on one machi ne:

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 600 MHz P ent ium or equivalent

Memory 512 MB RA M

S t orage 1 GB f ree disk space

Each N arrow cast Server component has i ts ow n addi ti onal hardw are
requi rements.

Nar r o wcast Ad min ist r at o r h ar d war e r eq u ir emen t s

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended for
i nstal l i ng the N arrow cast Admi ni strator component on a si ngl e
machi ne:

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 266 MHz P ent ium I I

Memory 128 MB RA M

S t orage 500 MP f ree disk space

Deliver y En gin e h ar d war e r eq u ir emen t s

The Enterpri se Edi ti on of N arrow cast Server D el i very Engi ne can be
i nstal l ed on one machi ne or i t can be di stri buted across several
machi nes for i ncreased performance and fai l over protecti on. Each
machi ne i n the cl uster must have a compl ete D el i very Engi ne
i nstal l ed, regardl ess of w hether or not every component w i l l be used

11 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

on i t. Thi s secti on l i sts the mi ni mum requi rements for a si ngl e-

machi ne confi gurati on and for each component i n a di stri buted
confi gurati on. The components i ncl ude the processor, amount of
R AM, and amount of storage avai l abl e on the machi ne.

A minimum of 512 MB of v irtual memory is rec ommended on any

mac hine that is us ed as part of the Deliv ery Engine, regardles s of the
minimum amount of phy s ic al memory indic ated.

Single Delivery Engine component in a distributed system

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended for
a D el i very Engi ne confi gurati on i n w hi ch separate servers are used
for the D el i very Engi ne and Subscri pti on Portal , but al l D el i very
Engi ne components resi de on a si ngl e machi ne:

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 300 MHz P ent ium or equivalent

Memory 256 MB RA M

S t orage 1 GB f ree disk space

Single Delivery Engine component in a distributed system

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended

w hen a si ngl e D el i very Engi ne component such as D i stri buti on
Manager, Executi on Engi ne, N arrow cast Admi ni strator, or
Mi croStrategy Loggi ng Server i s used on a speci fi c machi ne i n a
di stri buted confi gurati on:

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 266 MHz P ent ium I I

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

Memory 128 MB RA M

S t orage 500 MB f ree disk space

Su b scr ip t io n Po r t al h ar d war e r eq u ir emen t s

The Enterpri se Edi ti on of Subscri pti on Portal can be i nstal l ed on one
machi ne or i t can be di stri buted across several machi nes for
i ncreased performance and fai l over protecti on. Thi s secti on l i sts the
mi ni mum requi rements for a si ngl e-machi ne confi gurati on as w el l as
for each component i n a di stri buted confi gurati on.

Single-machine Subscription Portal configuration

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended for
a Subscri pti on Portal confi gurati on i n w hi ch separate servers are
used for the D el i very Engi ne and Subscri pti on Portal , but al l
Subscri pti on Portal components resi de on a si ngl e machi ne:

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 300 MHz P ent ium or equivalent

Memory 256 MB RA M

S t orage 500 MB f ree disk space

Single Subscription Portal component in a distributed system

The fol l ow i ng mi ni mum hardw are requi rements are recommended for
i nstal l i ng a si ngl e Subscri pti on Portal component, such as the
Subscri pti on Portal , i n a di stri buted system:

13 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Hard ware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

P rocessor 300 MHz P ent ium or equivalent

Memory 128 MB RA M

S t orage 250 MB f ree disk space

Hardware requirements for other software products

The mi ni mum hardw are requi rements i n thi s chapter are for
confi gurati ons i n w hi ch N arrow cast Server or i ts components are the
onl y softw are runni ng on a machi ne, asi de from the other requi red
softw are products di scussed i n System softw are requi rements, page

Asi de from the softw are descri bed above, other softw are products
al so consume memory, C PU processi ng pow er, netw ork bandw i dth,
and di sk space, and thereby reduce the resources avai l abl e to
N arrow cast Server. For exampl e, Mi croStrategy Intel l i gence Server
and Mi croStrategy Web can each consume si gni fi cant porti ons of the
total avai l abl e system memory and C PU cycl es. Therefore, the
mi ni mum hardw are requi rements provi ded shoul d be i ncreased for
machi nes that al so run other server or cl i ent softw are.

If Narrowc as t Serv er s y s tem performanc e is a c onc ern, it is not

adv is able to ins tall other s oftware produc ts , inc luding Intelligenc e
Serv er, on any Narrowc as t Serv er s y s tem mac hines .

U se the fol l ow i ng gui del i nes to esti mate the mi ni mum hardw are
requi rements for a machi ne that w i l l host several softw are products:

• Processor: Take the sum of the mi ni mum processor requi rement

val ues for each server and cl i ent softw are product that w i l l be
runni ng concurrentl y. The resul ti ng val ue shoul d approxi mate the
mi ni mum processor requi rement for your machi ne.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

• Memory: Subtract 64 MB from the mi ni mum memory requi rement

for each pi ece of softw are that w i l l be runni ng concurrentl y. Take
the sum of these val ues, and then add 64 MB to the resul t to al l ow
for operati ng system requi rements. The resul ti ng val ue shoul d
approxi mate the mi ni mum memory requi rement for your machi ne.

• Stora ge: Because most softw are products share numerous fi l es, i t
i s di ffi cul t to esti mate the total free di sk space requi rements for a
machi ne before al l products that w i l l coexi st on that machi ne have
been i nstal l ed. It i s general l y advi sabl e to have betw een 256 MB
and 1 GB of mi ni mum free di sk space on server machi nes after al l
softw are products have been i nstal l ed, to ensure that adequate
space for temporary fi l es, l og fi l es and data fi l es i s avai l abl e.

R efer to the Mi croStrategy R eadmes for detai l ed i nformati on about

mi ni mum hardw are requi rements and recommendati ons for other
Mi croStrategy server and cl i ent products.

System software requirements

N arrow cast Server has speci fi c requi rements for addi ti onal softw are,
show n i n the fol l ow i ng tabl e, that must be i nstal l ed on N arrow cast
Server machi nes before the product can be used. If the proper
softw are products and versi ons are not i nstal l ed, N arrow cast Server
may demonstrate unpredi ctabl e or unstabl e behavi or.

So ftware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

Microsof t Windows 10

Microsof t Windows 2008 R2 S P 1

Operat ing syst em Microsof t Windows 2012

Microsof t Windows 2012 R2

Microsof t Windows 2016

15 © 2019, M icr o St r at egy In c.

Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

So ftware Min imu m Req u iremen ts

Microsof t Windows 2019

ODB C drivers suit able f or connect ing t o t he Object

Reposit ory and S ubscript ion B ook Reposit ory
ODB C sof t ware dat abases. S ee t he P lat f orm Cert if icat ions dossier in
t he MicroS t rat egy readme f or t he lat est support ed
ODB C drivers.

Web server Microsof t I nt ernet I nf ormat ion S ervices 7. 5, 7. 0, 6. 0.

Web browser Microsof t I nt ernet E xplorer 7. x, 8. x, 9. x.

Certification updates
The Mi croStrategy R eadme contai ns certi fi cati on, support, and
recommendati on i nformati on for al l requi red system softw are. Thi s
i ncl udes type, versi on, and l anguage i nformati on for operati ng
systems, Web brow sers, databases, and OD BC dri vers. The
i nformati on i n the readme represents the l atest i nformati on that w as
avai l abl e at the ti me the product w as rel eased.

Database requirements
N arrow cast Server stores i ts persi stent i nformati on i n tw o
reposi tori es, an Obj ect R eposi tory and a Subscri pti on Book
R eposi tory:

• The Obj ect R eposi tory contai ns:

▫ The admi ni strati on obj ects that defi ne the N arrow cast Server
system confi gurati on (executi on engi nes, di stri buti on
managers, and so on).

▫ The appl i cati on obj ects that defi ne the appl i cati on (servi ces,
N arrow cast documents, and so on).

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

• The Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory stores the i nformati on rel ated to
subscri pti ons, such as users, addresses, and personal i zati on
i nformati on.

These reposi tori es each requi re a sui tabl e database and a data
source name (D SN ) for connecti on, al though the same database and
D SN can be used for both reposi tori es. (If you use the Portal
R eposi tory i n addi ti on to the tw o reposi tori es above, i t i s
recommended that you use a si ngl e database to keep admi ni strati on
si mpl e.)

Thi s secti on l i st the requi rements for database permi ssi ons,
connecti vi ty, D SN s, and tabl e name prefi xes. It al so l i sts the
requi rements for speci fi c databases.

Database permissions
N arrow cast Admi ni strator requi res that the database l ogi n used for
each reposi tory database has C R EATE TABLE, D R OP TABLE,
U PD ATE, D ELETE, and IN SER T permi ssi ons on that database.

In addi ti on to the above permi ssi ons, the fol l ow i ng permi ssi ons are
al so requi red:

• For Oracl e and D B2 databases: C R EATE IN D EX

• For D B2 databases used for the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory:

• For Oracl e database used for the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory:

For the lates t information on s upported databas es for Narrowc as t

Serv er repos itories , refer to the C erti fi ed and Supported
C onfi gurati ons page of the Mi croStrategy R eadme file.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Database connectivity

Open database connecti vi ty (OD BC ) i s requi red on al l N arrow cast
Server machi nes to connect to the Obj ect, Subscri pti on Book, and
Portal reposi tori es.

For the lates t information on rec ommended ODBC driv ers for y our
databas e, refer to the N arrow cast Server s ec tion of the Mi croStrategy
R eadme .

The SequeLi nk Server servi ce, i nstal l ed by the SequeLi nk
C onnecti vi ty Softw are, provi des JD BC connecti vi ty through avai l abl e
OD BC dri vers, so that i n many i nstal l ati ons the same dri vers can be
used for both OD BC and JD BC .

Data source names

D ata source names (D SN s) provi de al l of the i nformati on needed by
OD BC -compl i ant appl i cati ons and servers to connect to databases,
w i th the excepti on of a val i d database l ogi n and passw ord.
N arrow cast Server requi res at l east one D SN to connect to a
database to create and popul ate the Obj ect R eposi tory, Subscri pti on
Book R eposi tory, and Portal R eposi tory. Because these three
reposi tori es can coexi st i n the same database (and i t i s recommended
that they do), i t i s often easi est to use a si ngl e D SN for al l three, and
col l ocate them. If requi red, a di sti nct D SN can be used for each
reposi tory.

Separating the Objec t Repos itory , Subs c ription Book Repos itory , and
Portal Repos itory is not rec ommended as it c an unnec es s arily
c omplic ate s y s tem adminis tration.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

In a cl ustered envi ronment, al l N arrow cast Server machi nes must

have D SN s w i th the same names and defi ni ti ons. N ot every
component needs a connecti on to (and hence a D SN for) each
reposi tory. The reposi tory connecti on requi rements for each
component are show n i n the fol l ow i ng tabl e:

Su b scrip tio n
Ob ject Po rtal
Co mp o n en t Bo o k
Rep o sito ry Rep o sito ry
Rep o sito ry

Requires Requires Requires

Narrowcast A dminist rat or
connect ion connect ion connect ion

Requires Requires
Dist ribut ion Manager
connect ion connect ion

Requires Requires
E xecut ion E ngine
connect ion connect ion

Requires Requires Requires

S equeLink
connect ion connect ion connect ion

S ubscript ion P ort al

Logging S erver
connect ion

For more i nformati on on creati ng data source names, see C hapter 5,

OD BC s, D SN s, and D atabase C onnecti vi ty.

Prefixes for repository table names

When creati ng obj ect reposi tori es and subscri pti on book reposi tori es,
you can speci fy a prefi x for the names of the reposi tory tabl es. For
reposi tori es i n D B2 or Oracl e you can use a prefi x consi sti ng of the
name of the ow ner of the tabl es (the database l ogi n used to create
them) fol l ow ed by a si mpl e prefi x stri ng. For exampl e, i f your
database l ogi n i s "ncadmi n" and your tabl e name prefi x i s "TEST",
you can use a reposi tory prefi x such as "ncadmi n.TEST".

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Narrowc as t Serv er does not s upport prefix es that inc lude the table
owner name for repos itories in Mic ros oft SQL Serv er, s o y ou c annot us e
this c apability with repos itories in Mic ros oft SQL Serv er.

Repository and DSN requirements for DB2

Rep o sit o r ies in DB2

Both the Obj ect R eposi tory and Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory use
doubl e-byte VAR GR APH IC col umns w hen hosted on D B2. Thi s data
type i s not enabl ed i n D B2 databases by defaul t. When the database
i s created, i t must be confi gured to use the U TF-8 code set.

This s etting c annot be c hanged on a databas e that already ex is ts ; it c an

only be s pec ified when the databas e is being c reated.

To check your database configuration for the UTF-8 code set

1 R i ght-cl i ck the database i n the D B2 C ontrol C enter, and sel ect


2 On the Envi ronment tab, the Da ta ba se Code Set parameter must

be set to U TF-8.

If you do not have access to D B2 C ontrol C enter, create a tabl e w i th

the V AR GR AP H I C data type and run a test to confi rm that the tabl e has
been successful l y created. The fol l ow i ng SQL statement can be used
to perform such a test:


To create a database that uses U TF-8, you can use the C reate
D atabase Smartgui de i n D B2 C ontrol C enter. C hange the code set to
U TF-8.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Narrowc as t Serv er does not s upport DB2 databas es that hav e been
partitioned. If only partitioned databas es are av ailable, c reate a new,
unpartitioned databas e to us e DB2 to s tore y our Narrowc as t Serv er
repos itories .

Data source names for DB2

Al l machi nes connecti ng to the database must have thei r D SN s

confi gured properl y.

To configure DSNs for DB2

1 On the OD BC control panel , sel ect the D SN .

2 C l i ck Configure.

3 At the prompt to connect, cl i ck No.

4 C l i ck Adva nced.

5 On the D ata Type tab, sel ect the IBM GRAPHIC Sup p ort

6 Sel ect the Rep ort Gra p hic da ta typ es check box.

7 C l ear the Rep ort l ength in bytes check box.

Rep o sit o r y Req u ir emen t s f o r Or acle

If an Oracl e database i s confi gured to use the U TF-8 character set,
N arrow cast Server must use a di fferent set of reposi tory creati on
scri pts than i t w oul d use for an Oracl e database that i s not confi gured
to use that character set. When you create ei ther the Obj ect
R eposi tory or the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory on an Oracl e
database, you are asked to speci fy w hether the sel ected database i s
confi gured to use the U TF-8 character set.

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If y ou s pec ify that y our databas e does not us e the UTF-8 c harac ter s et
when in fac t it does , Narrowc as t Adminis trator generates errors when
y ou attempt to s av e objec ts with long names or des c riptions that us e
many multi-by te c harac ters .

N arrow cast Server achi eves sl i ghtl y better performance as w el l as

better use of database storage space i f you can l i mi t your system to a
si ngl e-byte character set. Thi s mi ght be possi bl e i f al l of your users'
names and addresses, obj ect names, and si te and channel names can
be represented by one si ngl e-byte character set. Otherw i se, the
stri ngs that N arrow cast Server must store can onl y be represented
usi ng mul ti -byte character sets.

The us e of UTF-8 enc oding is s trongly rec ommended ov er the us e of

other multi-by te c harac ter s ets .

System-wide planning and configuration

N arrow cast Server contai ns tw o subsystems: the D el i very Engi ne and
the Subscri pti on Portal . Each of these subsystems contai ns mul ti pl e
components that can be i nstal l ed on the same machi ne or on mul ti pl e
machi nes to i ncrease throughput, provi de fai l over, or meet corporate
securi ty requi rements. For more i nformati on on system-w i de pl anni ng
and securi ty consi derati ons, see C l usteri ng i n the N arrow cast Server
System Admi ni strator Gui de.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Thi s chapter hel ps you i nstal l N arrow cast Server usi ng the
Mi croStrategy Setup Wi zard, w hi ch provi des steps to gui de you
through the i nstal l ati on process.

Installing Narrowcast Server

To i nstal l Mi croStrategy products, you must l og i n to your machi ne
usi ng a domai n account w i th Wi ndow s admi ni strati ve pri vi l eges for
the domai n or target machi ne. The domai n must i ncl ude your
database servers.

To exi t the i nstal l ati on process at any ti me, cl i ck Ca ncel .

Before usi ng the Setup Wi zard, revi ew and compl ete the fol l ow i ng
requi red prerequi si tes:

• To i nstal l N arrow cast Server, you must l og on to the machi ne on

w hi ch you i ntend to i nstal l usi ng a netw ork account that has
admi ni strati ve pri vi l eges on every machi ne i n the N arrow cast
Server system.

• The versi on of the vbscri pt.dl l found on the machi ne must be at

l east or l ater.

• Vari ous components of N arrow cast Server requi re a di rectory to

store temporary fi l es. To ensure that the temporary path i s defi ned
w hen N arrow cast Server runs under the system account, the
Mi croStrategy Setup Wi zard checks for the exi stence of system
envi ronment vari abl es TMP and TEMP, and i f necessary, creates
them based on the user envi ronment vari abl es.

• N arrow cast Server i nstal l ati on requi res MD AC 2.61 (sp1), w hi ch i s

not i ncl uded i n the Mi croStrategy i nstal l er. Thi s i s a SequeLi nk
OD BC Socket Server requi rement. D ow nl oad and i nstal l the MD AC

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

i nstal l er from w w w . m i c r o s o f t . c o m before i nstal l i ng N arrow cast


To begin installation

1 Log on to the machi ne w here you are i nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server.

2 Exi t al l Wi ndow s appl i cati ons before starti ng the i nstal l ati on

3 You can access the Setup Wi zard i n the fol l ow i ng w ays:

• From the disk: Insert the di sk i nto he di sk dri ve and w ai t for

the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu page to di spl ay automati cal l y.

If the Mi croStrategy Mai n Menu page does not open, l ocate and
run S et u p . e x e.

• From the downl oa d site: D ow nl oad the fi l es from the

Mi croStrategy dow nl oad si te. Locate and run the S e t u p . e xe
fi l e.

Note the following:

— C ontact your Mi croStrategy sal es representati ve to

determi ne the l ocati on and l ogi n credenti al s for the
Mi croStrategy dow nl oad si te.

— You may need to extract the dow nl oaded fi l es to l ocate

the S e t u p .e x e fi l e. When extracti ng the fi l es, ensure
that the extracti on softw are mai ntai ns the fol der structure
of the compressed fi l es. Most extracti on softw are
mai ntai ns the fol der structure by defaul t, but i f you use
Wi nR AR , ensure that you sel ect the E xtra ct ful l p a ths
opti on.

4 C l i ck Insta l l Softwa re. The Mi croStrategy Softw are page opens.

5 C l i ck Insta l l MicroStra tegy Pl a tform.

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6 If thi s i s the fi rst ti me that you are runni ng thi s i nstal l , you are
prompted to choose the l anguage for the w i zard. Sel ect the
appropri ate l anguage from the drop-dow n l i st and cl i ck OK.

The Setup Wi zard opens and gui des you through the rest of the
i nstal l ati on process. The secti ons bel ow descri be the acti ons you
must take for each page i n the w i zard. After you enter the requi red
i nformati on on an i nstal l ati on page, cl i ck Next to proceed to the next
page of the Setup Wi zard.

If any Wi ndow s servi ces are runni ng for previ ousl y i nstal l ed
Mi croStrategy products, you are prompted to stop them. C l i ck Yes to
proceed. If you cl i ck No, you cannot i nstal l any Mi croStrategy
products unti l you stop al l Mi croStrategy servi ces.

Welco me
R ead the i nformati on on the Wel come page and proceed to the next
page of the w i zard, then cl i ck Next.

If you opened the Setup Wi zard usi ng the Mi crosoft C ontrol Panel
usi ng the Add/R emove Programs opti on, the w i zard opens the
Wel come page i n mai ntenance mode. For detai l s to modi fy, repai r, or
remove al l or part of your Mi croStrategy i nstal l ati on, see the
Mi croStrategy Instal l ati on and C onfi gurati on Gui de.

Licen se Agr eemen t

R ead the l i cense agreement, and accept or decl i ne the agreement by
cl i cki ng the appropri ate button. If you choose to decl i ne, you cannot
i nstal l Mi croStrategy products.

C l i ck Print to pri nt a copy of the l i cense agreement for your records.

Cu st o mer In f o r mat io n
Enter the fol l ow i ng customer i nformati on:

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

• U ser name

• C ompany name

• Li cense key

Li censed users can contact Mi croStrategy Techni cal Support to obtai n

a l i cense key.

Set u p Typ e
Sel ect a setup type:

• Typ ica l : Wi th thi s setup, al l products sel ected for i nstal l ati on are
i nstal l ed i n the same l ocati on. The system assi gns the common
fi l es to the
C: \P ro gr a m   F i l e s\ C o m m o n   F i l e s \ Mi c r o S t r a t e g y fol der.

• Adva nced: Wi th thi s setup, you can speci fy a di fferent i nstal l ati on
l ocati on for al l products sel ected for i nstal l ati on. You can al so
sel ect the i nstal l ati on l ocati on for the Mi croStrategy common fi l es.

Ch o o se Dest in at io n Lo cat io n
Type the l ocati on or cl i ck Browse to sel ect a l ocati on w here the
Mi croStrategy products are to be i nstal l ed.

Note the following:

— Wi th both Typi cal and Advanced setup types, you can

choose the di rectory for a product onl y i f that product i s not
al ready i nstal l ed on the server machi ne. Otherw i se, the
product can onl y be i nstal l ed i n the same di rectory i n w hi ch
i t al ready exi sts. In that case, thi s page i s not di spl ayed.

— Whi l e thi s setti ng determi nes the defaul t root di rectory for
the Mi croStrategy products you i nstal l , you can change the

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desti nati on of a product l ater i f you choose an Advanced

setup i n the previ ous page.

Select Co mp o n en t s
The Sel ect C omponents page di spl ays a l i st of Mi croStrategy
products. The detai l s about each Mi croStrategy product you sel ect are
di spl ayed i n the D escri pti on pane. The hard di sk space requi red to
i nstal l the sel ected product i s di spl ayed bel ow the l i st of products.

Sel ect the check box next to the Mi croStrategy product to i ncl ude that
product i n the i nstal l ati on. Al ternati vel y, you can cl ear a check box to
uni nstal l or excl ude a Mi croStrategy product from the i nstal l ati on. The
i nstal l ati on pages you see after thi s step depend on the products you
choose to i nstal l .

Narrowcast Server components

If you expand N arrow cast Server, you can choose to i nstal l i ndi vi dual
subcomponents of N arrow cast Server. For N arrow cast Server, the
fol l ow i ng subcomponents are avai l abl e:

• Mi croStrategy N arrow cast Admi ni strator

• Mi croStrategy D el i very Engi ne

• Mi croStrategy Subscri pti on Portal

• Mi croStrategy Tutori al - D el i very (a sampl e proj ect)

• SequeLi nk C onnecti vi ty Softw are

For detai l s on N arrow cast Server subcomponents, see the N arrow cast
Server Getti ng Started Gui de.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Tutorial - Delivery components

If you expand Mi croStrategy Tutori al - D el i very, you can choose

i ndi vi dual components of the Mi croStrategy sampl e Tutori al proj ect to
i nstal l . These components are:

• Mi croStrategy Tutori al - D el i very Instal l ati on

• Mi croStrategy Tutori al - D el i very C onfi gurati on

Both must be sel ected to run the Tutori al - D el i very sampl e proj ect
and the servi ces and reports w i thi n i t.

Select Components page

• N arrow cast Admi ni strator does not i ncl ude any i ndi vi dual

• If you sel ect N arrow cast Server or any of i ts components, i ncl udi ng
Tutori al - D el i very, you must al so sel ect N arrow cast Admi ni strator.

• For eval uati on users, the Mi croStrategy Tutori al - D el i very i s

automati cal l y i nstal l ed; i t does not appear as a subcomponent on
thi s page.

• If you have previ ous versi on of N arrow cast Server on your

machi ne and have not uni nstal l ed them, you are prompted to
overw ri te them.

• If you are prompted to stop your w eb server, cl i ck Yes. If you cl i ck

No, you cannot conti nue w i th the i nstal l ati on unti l you stop your
w eb server.

• If you are i nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server on a machi ne w here

Mi croStrategy Web i s i nstal l ed or w here N arrow cast Server has
previ ousl y been i nstal l ed, w hen you cl i ck Next on the Sel ect
C omponents page, a prompt appears aski ng w hether you w ant to
preserve your exi sti ng Mi croStrategy Web and/or N arrow cast
Server confi gurati on setti ngs.

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Thi s i s necessary because the N arrow cast Server Subscri pti on

Portal and Mi croStrategy Web store confi gurati on i nformati on i n
property fi l es mai ntai ned on the l ocal machi ne. One or more such
property fi l es are i nstal l ed, accessed, and updated by the di fferent
Subscri pti on Portal and Web components to store requi red
confi gurati on i nformati on.

▫ If you have al ready confi gured a Subscri pti on Portal or Web

del i very on thi s machi ne and w ant to preserve the exi sti ng
confi gurati on, cl i ck Yes. In thi s case, you can use the vi rtual
di rectory name from the earl i er i nstal l . The product then
confi gures the vi rtual di rectory for use w i th the new i nstal l .

▫ If you are i nstal l i ng for the fi rst ti me or are i nstal l i ng on a

machi ne w here previ ous product i nstal l ati ons have been
uni nstal l ed, cl i ck No to create a new confi gurati on. In thi s
case, you must choose a vi rtual di rectory name that does not
exi st.

Ans wering this ques tion c orrec tly is important. If y ou c hoos e an ans wer
that is inappropriate for y our s ituation, y our s y s tem might not work
properly .

Micr o St r at egy Su b scr ip t io n Po r t al set t in g

Thi s page i s di spl ayed onl y i f you choose to i nstal l Mi croStrategy
Subscri pti on Portal and onl y i f you do not have a previ ous versi on of
Subscri pti on Portal i nstal l ed.

Type the name of the Mi crosoft Internet Informati on Server (IIS) vi rtual
di rectory to be created for the Mi croStrategy Subscri pti on Portal . Thi s
name shoul d be the address l ocati on of the Mi croStrategy
Subscri pti on Portal .

The v irtual direc tory name mus t be unique. Eac h Mic roStrategy produc t
mus t hav e a different v irtual direc tory name.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Select Pr o gr am Fo ld er
Thi s page di spl ays the l i st of exi sti ng program fol ders i n your
Wi ndow s Start menu. A program fol der i s the fol der that you access a
softw are program from. You can type a di fferent name for the fol der
that w i l l store the Mi croStrategy products you are i nstal l i ng, or you
can accept the defaul t. It i s recommended that you accept the defaul t
program fol der name.

Micr o St r at egy Nar r o wcast Ser ver set t in g

It i s recommended that you create a N arrow cast Server servi ce
account by l eavi ng the check box cl eared. To create the N arrow cast
Server servi ce account, enter the fol l ow i ng i nformati on:

• Login: Type a Wi ndow s l ogi n (i n the format D omai n\U ser) w i th

admi ni strati ve pri vi l eges for every machi ne i n the N arrow cast
Server system cl uster. For more i nformati on on servi ce account
requi rements, see Wi ndow s domai n and account requi rements
C hapter 1, Instal l ati on Prerequi si tes.

• Pa ssword: Type a val i d passw ord for the Wi ndow s l ogi n entered
i n the Logi n fi el d above.

• Confirma tion: R etype the passw ord to confi rm that i t i s correct.

Note the following:

— D uri ng i nstal l ati on, i f the N arrow cast servi ces are set to use
the l ocal system account, and you w ant to enabl e non-
admi ni strati ve N T users to access N arrow cast Server
functi onal i ty, you need to confi gure the Identi ty setti ngs of
the D C OM servers manual l y after the i nstal l ati on i s
compl eted.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

— You must have Admi ni strati ve pri vi l eges on the N arrow cast
Server machi ne to be abl e to confi gure the N arrow cast
Server machi nes i n a cl ustered envi ronment.

— D C OM confi gurati on must be correct for the system to run

successful l y. An error i n the D C OM confi gurati on may
render the system unusabl e.

To configure the DCOM servers

1 C l i ck Sta rt and sel ect Run.

2 Type dc om c n f g and cl i ck OK.

3 Sel ect the D C OM servers to confi gure. You need to confi gure the
MC D MProxy and MC Proxy servers.

4 C l i ck Prop erties. The Properti es di al og box opens.

5 On the Identi ty tab, sel ect This user and type the requi red data i n
the User, Pa ssword, and Confirm Pa ssword fi el ds.

6 C l i ck OK.

7 R estart the system.

If y ou want to rev ert to the regular Adminis trativ e mode, s et the DCOM
identity for the s erv ers to the us er that is launc hing Narrowc as t Serv er.

St ar t Co p yin g Files
Thi s page di spl ays a summary of the choi ces you made throughout
the w i zard, i ncl udi ng the fol l ow i ng i nformati on about your i nstal l ati on:

• Products that w i l l be i nstal l ed or updated

• Target di rectori es i n w hi ch the products are i nstal l ed

• N ame of the Wi ndow s Start menu program fol der

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

• Vi rtual di rectori es for the N arrow cast Server Subscri pti on Portal

• Servi ce accounts for N arrow cast Server

• Locati on of the i nstal l ati on l og fi l e

• Li cense detai l s

C l i ck Insta l l . The process can take several mi nutes, dependi ng on

your computer's hardw are confi gurati on.

You c an print a c opy of this information for y our rec ords by c lic k ing
Print .

The SequeLi nk OD BC Socket Server Manager and the SequeLi nk

OD BC Socket Server Servi ces are i nstal l ed automati cal l y al ong w i th
the other products you chose to i nstal l .

When the i nstal l ati on process i s compl ete, sel ect Yes to vi ew the
R eadMe fi l e or sel ect No to go to the Instal l Shi el d Wi zard C ompl ete

In st allSh ield Wizar d Co mp let e

If the opti on to restart your machi ne i s di spl ayed, sel ect Yes to ensure
that the i nstal l ati on process fi ni shes correctl y. You must restart the
machi ne before usi ng N arrow cast Server.

C l i ck Finish to compl ete the i nstal l ati on. See C hapter 3, C onfi guri ng
N arrow cast Server to confi gure your new l y i nstal l ed N arrow cast
Server system.

Installation verification
D uri ng the i nstal l ati on process, the Setup Wi zard gathers and records
i nformati on about your system and your i nstal l ati on sel ecti ons. You
can veri fy i nstal l ati on setup i nformati on through the i nstal l ati on l og

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

fi l e (i ns ta ll . l o g), l ocated by defaul t i n C : \ P r o g r a m

File s\ Co mm o n F i l e s \ M i c r o S t r a t e g y.

The i nstal l ati on l og fi l e i ncl udes the fol l ow i ng i nformati on:

• Instal l ati on date

• Target di rectori es

• Program fol der name

• Operati ng system i denti fi cati on

• H ardw are speci fi cati ons

• Sel ected i nstal l ati on opti ons

• R egi stry paths

• Li st of regi stered fi l es

The ins tallation log file c an be partic ularly helpful if y ou enc ounter errors
during the ins tallation proc es s . For ex ample, the log file c an prov ide
details whether a regis try k ey or path was not added or if a c ritic al file
was not regis tered s uc c es s fully .

Installing custom components

Some N arrow cast Server system confi gurati ons i ncl ude the use of
custom components or modul es. These can i ncl ude custom
i nformati on source modul es, document formatti ng modul es,
i nformati on transmi ssi on modul es, and l oggi ng modul es. When such
custom modul es are requi red for a system, they must be i nstal l ed and
regi stered on every machi ne that i s used for N arrow cast Admi ni strator
or N arrow cast Server. If thi s i s not done, the i nterfaces necessary to
confi gure each modul e are not avai l abl e i n N arrow cast Admi ni strator,
and the functi onal i ty and procedures requi red for servi ce executi on
are not avai l abl e to N arrow cast Server.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

For more i nformati on about creati ng, i nstal l i ng, regi steri ng, and usi ng
custom modul es w i th N arrow cast Server, see the onl i ne Mi croStrategy
N arrow cast Server SD K Gui de.

Uninstalling Narrowcast Server

The N arrow cast Server uni nstal l ati on procedure performs the
fol l ow i ng acti ons:

• U nregi sters and removes sel ected fi l es, regi stry entri es, and
shortcuts l ogged i n the U n i n s t . i s u l og fi l e.

• C al l s a custom D LL to handl e unl ogged i tems, such as regi stry

entri es and fi l es.

Before uni nstal l i ng N arrow cast Server, note the fol l ow i ng:

• You shoul d make backups of fi l es that have the extensi on

"properti es" l ocated i n the Subscri pti on Portal and C ommon Fi l es
fol ders and subfol ders. These fi l es are modi fi ed w hen you
confi gure your system. When the uni nstal l ati on program del etes
them, you l ose the modi fi cati ons.

• If you have confi gured servi ces usi ng the Subscri pti on Portal
Admi ni strati on Wi zard to support dynami c subscri pti on or page-by
personal i zati on, you shoul d make backups of fi l es that begi n w i th
"D YN " and have the extensi on "xml ", l ocated i n the Subscri pti on
Portal and C ommon Fi l es fol ders. To l ocate and back up these
fi l es, you can use Wi ndow s Expl orer or the command prompt
w i ndow . Your system dri ve l etter and fol der structure may vary.

• You must uni nstal l al l N arrow cast Server components (D el i very

Engi ne and Subscri pti on Portal ) before you uni nstal l N arrow cast
Admi ni strator.

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• If you uni nstal l and rei nstal l the product, your system i s not
restored to i ts ori gi nal state. You must reconfi gure the server
confi gurati on of your system, ei ther by:

▫ C hoosi ng a new Sequel i nk machi ne usi ng the System

C onfi gurati on Wi zard i n N arrow cast Admi ni strator; or

▫ R estori ng the fi l es that you backed up before performi ng the

uni nstal l ati on procedure.

Before uni nstal l ati on begi ns, the uni nstal l program performs the
fol l ow i ng acti ons:

• C hecks for user pri vi l eges. If they are not val i d, uni nstal l ati on

• C hecks for runni ng components. If a component i s found runni ng,

uni nstal l ati on stops.

• Stops al l servi ces that are part of the N arrow cast Server system.

• D el etes fi l es created by the appl i cati on, such as *.l og, *.gi d, *.eml ,
and *.tb.

To uninstall Narrowcast Server

1 Log i n as a user w i th admi ni strator pri vi l eges on the l ocal

machi ne, and cl ose al l i nstal l ed Mi croStrategy products.

2 From the Sta rt menu, sel ect Settings, and then Control Pa nel .

3 In the C ontrol Panel , doubl e-cl i ck the Add/ Remove Progra ms

i con. The Add/R emove Programs di al og box opens.

4 Sel ect MicroStra tegy 9 and cl i ck Cha nge/ Remove (or

Add/R emove i n Wi ndow s N T). The Mi croStrategy
Setup/Mai ntenance program opens.

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5 Sel ect the appropri ate opti on dependi ng on w hat you have
i nstal l ed:

• If you have i nstal l ed N arrow cast Server and other

Mi croStrategy products, and onl y w ant to uni nstal l N arrow cast
Server, sel ect Modify and cl i ck Next.

• If you w ant to remove al l Mi croStrategy components or i f

N arrow cast Server i s the onl y component on thi s machi ne,
sel ect Remove. C l i ck Yes to any prompts that appear, then
cl i ck Finish to cl ose the mai ntenance program.

6 You must stop N arrow cast Server servi ces to perform thi s update.
C l i ck Yes i f you w ant the Setup Wi zard to stop them for you.

7 Sel ect to accept the l i cense agreement and cl i ck Next.

8 Veri fy your customer i nformati on and cl i ck Next.

9 Veri fy your setup type and cl i ck Next.

10 C l ear the check box next to the product(s) that you w ant to
uni nstal l , then cl i ck Next.

11 C l i ck Yes or No to remove or keep your vi rtual di rectory.

If y our Narrowc as t s y s tem is c urrently enabled for Mic roStrategy Web

s ubs c riptions , it is rec ommended that y ou k eep the v irtual direc tory .

12 Veri fy the setti ngs and cl i ck Next to begi n removi ng fi l es.

13 When the uni nstal l process i s compl ete, cl i ck Finish to cl ose the
mai ntenance program.

After this proc es s is c omplete, the program may dis play a mes s age
s tating that s ome c omponents c ould not be c ompletely remov ed and
that the s y s tem needs to be rebooted. Res tart the mac hine to ac hiev e a
c lean unins tall.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

Thi s chapter topic provi des confi gurati on gui del i nes for setti ng up a
N arrow cast Server system.

N arrow cast Server systems can be created usi ng the System

C onfi gurati on Wi zard. When a new N arrow cast Server system i s
created, several tabl es are created i n the speci fi ed Obj ect R eposi tory
database. If the sampl e Tutori al - D el i very proj ect i s i nstal l ed, several
sampl e servi ces are added to the N arrow cast Server system. Fi nal l y,
the system i s gi ven a name so that i t can be easi l y i denti fi ed and
recogni zed. D etai l s on the confi gurati on process are bel ow .

A N arrow cast Server system name i s used to i denti fy a system once i t

has been regi stered. Thi s name i s di spl ayed i n N arrow cast
Admi ni strator as the root i n the Locati on box and i n the Fol der Li st
pane. When regi steri ng a system duri ng system confi gurati on, i f an
exi sti ng system i s chosen, the system i s presented usi ng the system
prefi x. For thi s reason, i t i s i mportant to record N arrow cast Server
systems by both the system name and the system prefi x speci fi ed
w hen the Obj ect R eposi tory i s created. Thi s enabl es you to i denti fy
each system l ater w hen you regi ster i t usi ng the System C onfi gurati on
Wi zard.

For steps to confi gure a Subscri pti on Portal on a separate w eb server

machi ne or i n a cl uster, see C hapter 4, C onfi guri ng the Subscri pti on
Portal .

• N arrow cast Server must be i nstal l ed. See C hapter 2, Instal l ati on
Procedures for steps to i nstal l vari ous N arrow cast product

• To control Mi crosoft Wi ndow s N T and Mi crosoft Wi ndow s 2000

servi ces on a machi ne, your Wi ndow s account must have
admi ni strator pri vi l eges on that machi ne. Add your Wi ndow s

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account to the Admi ni strators group on each N arrow cast Server

machi ne usi ng the Mi crosoft U ser Manager admi ni strati ve tool . For
more i nformati on on usi ng Mi crosoft U ser Manager, see Accounts
i n the N arrow cast Server System Admi ni strator Gui de.

Configuration overview
N arrow cast Server contai ns several components that must be properl y
confi gured before a N arrow cast Server system can operate.

C onfi gurati on i ncl udes the fol l ow i ng tasks:

• Crea te a n Obj ect Rep ository: The Obj ect R eposi tory i s the
core storage faci l i ty for N arrow cast Server obj ects. N arrow cast
Server cannot store confi gurati on parameters, appl i cati on obj ects,
or other i nformati on w i thout an Obj ect R eposi tory.

• Crea te a Subscrip tion Book Rep ository: The Subscri pti on

Book R eposi tory i s the l ocati on i n w hi ch subscri bers, addresses,
subscri pti ons, and user preferences are stored. N arrow cast Server
cannot execute servi ces, and N arrow cast Admi ni strator cannot be
used to admi ni ster subscri bers, w i thout a confi gured Subscri pti on
Book R eposi tory.

• Define a cl uster configura tion: A N arrow cast Server system

can exi st w i thout any di stri buti on managers, executi on engi nes, or
other machi nes bei ng confi gured. Such systems can be used to
store archi ves or backups of N arrow cast Server obj ects. A server
i s necessary to execute servi ces and provi de a Subscri pti on Portal
w eb i nterface. A cl ustered server system can provi de better
performance, scal abi l i ty, and avai l abi l i ty than a si ngl e server.

• Configure informa tion sources: An appl i cati on desi gner can

create and execute servi ces w i thout the exi stence of an
i nformati on source. H ow ever, dynami c servi ce content can onl y be
generated through the use of an i nformati on source.

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• Configure informa tion tra nsmitters: Informati on transmi tters

provi de the del i very capabi l i ti es of N arrow cast Server. Wi thout
them, messages cannot be sent.

Configuration tools
N arrow cast Admi ni strator makes the process of confi guri ng your
system fast and easy, by provi di ng a confi gurati on tool cal l ed the
N arrow cast Server System C onfi gurati on Wi zard. The System
C onfi gurati on Wi zard opens the fi rst ti me you l aunch N arrow cast
Admi ni strator. Al ternati vel y, you can access i t from N arrow cast
Admi ni strator: from the System menu, sel ect Configure New

If y ou ins talled the Mic roStrategy Tutorial - Deliv ery s ample projec t, the
c onfiguration proc es s launc hes the firs t time that y ou open Narrowc as t
Adminis trator. This proc es s walk s y ou through how to c onfigure the
s y s tem s o that the s ample reports and doc uments c an be deliv ered
us ing the s ample s erv ic es that c ome with the Tutorial- Deliv ery projec t.
You c an later rec onfigure y our s y s tem in whatev er way s uits y our us er's
needs , us ing the Sy s tem Configuration Wiz ard. For details to c onfigure
the s y s tem to s upport the Tutorial - Deliv ery projec t, s ee the
N arrow cast Server Getti ng Started Gui de . The Tutorial c onfiguration
proc es s c onfigures a c omplete applic ation that demons trates
Narrowc as t Serv er func tionality . Editing and rev iewing the Tutorial -
Deliv ery objec ts and res ulting s ample mes s ages are a highly
rec ommended way to learn about Narrowc as t Serv er produc t
func tionality .

Both of these tool s perform the same confi gurati on tasks.

Remote access
It i s recommended that the N arrow cast Server system i s remotel y
accessed onl y through N arrow cast Admi ni strator. R emote access
usi ng Termi nal Server i s not supported or recommended.

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System configuration process

The N arrow cast Server System C onfi gurati on Wi zard gui des you
through the process of confi guri ng a new N arrow cast Server system.
The System C onfi gurati on Wi zard i s the recommended means of
changi ng the exi sti ng confi gurati on setti ngs of your N arrow cast
Server system.

You can al so confi gure the defaul t Subscri pti on Portal si te regardl ess
of w hether Subscri pti on Portal components are on the l ocal machi ne
or on other machi nes. For detai l s on usi ng the Subscri pti on Portal ,
see U ser Sel f Subscri pti on i n the N arrow cast Server Appl i cati on
D esi gner Gui de.

Thi s secti on assumes that you have revi ew ed the confi gurati on
prerequi si tes and met al l confi gurati on requi rements as descri bed i n
Subscri pti on Portal confi gurati on prerequi si tes, page 64 and
C onfi gurati on overvi ew , page 40.

You c an only c onfigure Narrowc as t Serv er s y s tem from a mac hine that
has Narrowc as t Adminis trator ins talled.

To configure the system using the System Configuration Wizard

1 From the Wi ndow s Sta rt menu, poi nt to Progra ms, then

MicroStra tegy Tool s, and sel ect Na rrowca st Administra tor.
N arrow cast Admi ni strator opens.

2 From the System menu, sel ect the name of the system you w i sh to
edi t and choose E dit System Configura tion.

• You can al so create a di fferent system by sel ecti ng Configure

New System from the System menu.

3 C onti nue w i th the confi gurati on usi ng the i nformati on that fol l ow s.
Each page of the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard i s descri bed bel ow .

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The Wel come page provi des an overvi ew of the confi gurati on process
you w i l l compl ete. C l i ck Next to conti nue.

System configuration
The System area gui des you through the process of creati ng a new
system or sel ecti ng an exi sti ng N arrow cast Server system (i f you are
confi guri ng a remote N arrow cast Admi ni strator). If you are creati ng a
new system, you are asked to sel ect an Obj ect R eposi tory database
l ocati on and create tabl es and other obj ects i n that l ocati on.

C l i ck Next to proceed.

Ch o o se Dat a So u r ce Name
Thi s page di spl ays the l i st of avai l abl e data source names (D SN s).
Sel ect the D SN to connect to your Obj ect R eposi tory.

C l i ck DSN Administra tor to open the OD BC D ata Source

Admi ni strator di al og box and create new D SN s or modi fy exi sti ng
ones. See C hapter 5, OD BC s, D SN s, and D atabase C onnecti vi ty for
steps to create a new D SN .

C l i ck Next to conti nue.

Sp ecif y Co n n ect io n In f o r mat io n

Type the l ogi n and passw ord to connect to the database i n w hi ch the
Obj ect R eposi tory i s l ocated. If needed, enter a database name
(opti onal ).

• To connect to a database vi a OD BC , you must speci fy the l ogi n

and passw ord for the database. Thi s i nformati on al l ow s
N arrow cast Server to use the sel ected data source name to
connect to the database.

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• If you are creati ng a new system usi ng a Mi crosoft Access

database, the use of thi s page depends on w hether the Access
database i s confi gured to requi re authenti cati on. If i t does requi re
authenti cati on, enter a l ogi n and passw ord as w i th any other data
source name. If i t does not, these fi el ds are opti onal and are not

• For Mi crosoft Access databases, you can use the database

l ocati on to provi de the fi l e path l ocati on of the MD B (Mi crosoft
database) fi l e.

• If you are edi ti ng the Tutori al system, no l ogi n, passw ord, or

database i nformati on appears on thi s page. Thi s i s because the
Mi crosoft Access database provi ded w i th the Tutori al does not
requi re authenti cati on.

C l i ck Next to proceed.

Ch o o se Syst em
Thi s page appears onl y i f an exi sti ng system i s found. Thi s page
di spl ays a drop-dow n l i st of al l exi sti ng system prefi xes, i ncl udi ng an
opti on to create a new system. Sel ect one of the exi sti ng system
prefi xes or sel ect Crea te New System.

Narrowc as t Serv er does not allow y ou to c onnec t to a s y s tem if y ou do

not hav e a Narrowc as t Adminis trator ac c ount on that s y s tem.
Narrowc as t Adminis trator ac c ounts are link ed to Windows ac c ounts , s o
if y ou log in to Windows with a different Windows ac c ount than the one
y ou normally us e, y ou might not be able to c onnec t to y our s y s tem. For
information to c reate and manage y our Narrowc as t Adminis trators
ac c ounts , refer to Managi ng Admi ni strator Accounts in the
N arrow cast Server System Admi ni strator Gui de .

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Cr eat e New Syst em

Thi s page appears onl y i f a new system i s bei ng defi ned. Type the
system name and system prefi x.

If you choose a prefi x that i s the same as one bei ng used by an

exi sti ng system, you have the opti on to destroy the exi sti ng system.
Thi s enabl es the prefi x to be used for the new system, and al so
cl eans up the machi ne that w as used for the ol d system so i t can be
reused. Thi s al so del etes al l servi ces and rel ated obj ects that are part
of the ol d system.

A s y s tem prefix enables the us e of multiple objec t repos itories in the

s ame databas e. Tables c an then be c reated without c onflic ting with the
names of ex is ting objec t repos itory tables .

C l i ck Next to proceed.

Su mmar y
The Summary page provi des you w i th a l i st of al l the setti ngs and
sel ecti ons you speci fi ed throughout the w i zard.

The Summary page prov ides important s y s tem c onfiguration

information. This information is required to rec onnec t (regis ter) this
s y s tem if it is dis c onnec ted (unregis tered) in Narrowc as t Adminis trator.
Rec ord this information to regis ter this s y s tem in the future.

C l i ck Next to compl ete the Obj ect R eposi tory creati on task and
proceed w i th the next confi gurati on pi ece.

Subscription Book configuration

The Subscri pti on Book confi gurati on pi ece of the w i zard gui des you
through creati ng a new Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory (SBR ), w hi ch i s
a database that stores i nformati on about reci pi ents. Thi s i nformati on

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i ncl udes names, addresses, personal i zati on setti ngs, and

subscri pti on speci fi cati ons.

You can thi nk of the SBR as a data w arehouse contai ni ng l ookup

tabl es for the reci pi ent data. When a servi ce i s run, i nformati on about
subscri bers such as names, addresses, and personal i zati on
speci fi cati ons are retri eved from the SBR . For detai l s about the SBR ,
see the N arrow cast Server System Admi ni strator Gui de.

To confi gure an SBR si te on a w eb server machi ne that w as not used

to confi gure a system w i th N arrow cast Server Admi ni strati on, use the
steps i n Subscri pti on Portal confi gurati on procedures, page 65.

Ch o o se Mo d u le
Thi s page appears onl y i f you have regi stered more than one
Subscri pti on Book Modul e (SBM). You can onl y add one SBM to a
system. On thi s page, you can sel ect w hi ch modul e you w ant to add to
your N arrow cast Server system.

• If you sel ect the Enterpri se Subscri pti on Book Modul e, w hi ch i s the
standard SBM that i s provi ded by N arrow cast Server, the C hoose
Locati on page opens.

• If you sel ect a custom Subscri pti on Book Modul e, the D efi ne
C ustom Modul e page opens.

For more i nformati on on custom Subscri pti on Book Modul es, see
C ustom Subscri pti on Book Modul e i n the N arrow cast Server
Appl i cati on D esi gner Gui de.

Def in e Cu st o m Mo d u le
Thi s page appears onl y i f you sel ected a custom Subscri pti on Book
Modul e on the C hoose Modul e page. From thi s page, cl i ck Define to
defi ne your custom Subscri pti on Book Modul e. D efi ni ng a custom

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SBM i nvol ves confi guri ng your subscri pti on book, i ncl udi ng such
thi ngs as speci fyi ng a text fi l e or other data needed by the SBM.

For more i nformati on on custom Subscri pti on Book Modul es, see
C ustom Subscri pti on Book Modul e i n the N arrow cast Server
Appl i cati on D esi gner Gui de.

Ch o o se Lo cat io n
Sel ect the check box i f you w ant to store the Obj ect R eposi tory (OR )
and Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory (SBR ) i n the same l ocati on. If thi s
opti on i s sel ected, SBR confi gurati on i s compl eted automati cal l y. If i t
i s not sel ected, you must compl ete the remai nder of the SBR
confi gurati on steps.

It is rec ommended to us e the s ame loc ation to reduc e adminis trativ e

work load.

The next page to appear depends on w hat opti on you sel ected above.

Op tio n Selected Next Pag e

S B R and OR st ored in dif f erent

Overview page (see Overview , page 48 )
locat ions

S B R and OR in t he same locat ion, and Choose E xist ing Table Opt ions page (see
a S B R already exist s in t he locat ion C hoos e Ex is ting Table Options , page 48 )

S ummary page, unless t here is an error

creat ing t he S B R; in t hat case, t he Creat e
S B R and OR in t he same locat ion, wit h
S ubscript ion B ook page opens (see
no exist ing S B R saved t here
Summary , page 49 or C reate N ew
Subs c ription Book, page 49 )

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Over view
Thi s page appears onl y i f the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory (SBR ) i s
not stored i n the same l ocati on as the Obj ect R eposi tory (OR ). Thi s
page di spl ays the overvi ew of steps i n thi s secti on.

C l i ck Next to conti nue. The C hoose D ata Source N ame page opens.

Ch o o se Exist in g Tab le Op t io n s
Thi s page appears i f a Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory (SBR ) al ready
exi sts i n the l ocati on i n w hi ch the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard i s
tryi ng to create a new one.

Sel ect an opti on and cl i ck Next to conti nue. The next page depends
on w hat opti on you sel ected.

Op tio n Selected Next Pag e

Use t he exist ing S B R S ummary page (see Summary, page 49 )

S ummary page, unless t here is an error

Overwrit e t he exist ing S B R (This creat ing t he S B R; in t hat case, t he Creat e
delet es all inf ormat ion cont ained in t he S ubscript ion B ook page opens (see
S B R) Summary , page 49 or C reate N ew
Subs c ription Book, page 49 )

Use a dif f erent locat ion or pref ix f or Choose Dat a S ource Name page (see
your S B R C hoos e D ata Source N ame , page 48 )

Ch o o se Dat a So u r ce Name
Thi s page di spl ays the l i st of avai l abl e data source names (D SN s).
C l i ck DSN Administra tor to open the OD BC D ata Source
Admi ni strator di al og box and create new D SN s or modi fy exi sti ng

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See C hapter 5, OD BC s, D SN s, and D atabase C onnecti vi ty for detai l s

to create a new D SN .

Sp ecif y Co n n ect io n In f o r mat io n

Type your l ogi n and passw ord used to connect to the Subscri pti on
Book R eposi tory. Type a database name (opti onal ).

C l i ck Next to proceed.

Ch o o se Su b scr ip t io n Bo o k
Thi s page appears onl y i f exi sti ng Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory
(SBR ) tabl es are found at the sel ected l ocati on. Sel ect one of the
exi sti ng prefi xes, or sel ect Crea te New Subscrip tion Book
Rep ository from the drop-dow n l i st to create a new prefi x.

Cr eat e New Su b scr ip t io n Bo o k

Thi s page appears onl y i f a new Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory (SBR )
i s bei ng created. Enter the SBR prefi x and cl i ck Next to conti nue.

Su mmar y
The Summary page di spl ays a l i st of al l the setti ngs and sel ecti ons
you speci fi ed above.

The Summary page prov ides important information about the

Subs c ription Book Repos itory . This information is required to rec onnec t
to this Subs c ription Book Repos itory in Narrowc as t Adminis trator if
needed. Rec ord this information to rec onnec t to this Subs c ription Book
Repos itory in the future.

C l i ck Next to compl ete the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory creati on
task and proceed w i th the next pi ece of the w i zard.

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Nar r o wcast Ser ver In st allat io n an d Co n f igu r at io n Gu id e

C l usteri ng i s a w ay of usi ng mul ti pl e machi nes to provi de a scal abl e
and robust processi ng envi ronment for a N arrow cast Server system. A
cl uster consi sts of tw o or more machi nes, each machi ne runni ng at
l east one system component. If you ow n N arrow cast Server Enterpri se
Edi ti on, you can cl uster N arrow cast Server machi nes.

The system components, at l east one of w hi ch must be runni ng on

each cl ustered machi ne, are as fol l ow s:

• Mi croStrategy Loggi ng Server (MLS): R el ays system error

messages, stati sti cs, and events from other system components to
l oggi ng consumers. The Loggi ng C onsumer provi ded can be
confi gured to record thi s i nformati on to l og fi l es, the Wi ndow s
event vi ew er, or the Wi ndow s debug messagi ng i nterface.

• D i stri buti on Manager (D M): One di stri buti on manager serves as the
pri mary servi ces di stri buti on manager, and any others serve as
backup di stri buti on managers. The pri mary di stri buti on manager
recei ves servi ce executi on tri ggers, di stri butes servi ce data and
executi on w orkl oad to the executi on engi nes for processi ng,
desi gnates fai l over executi on engi nes, and tracks the state of the
other components i n the system.

• Executi on Engi ne (EE): Executes servi ces and del i vers the
resul ti ng messages. Each executi on engi ne recei ves servi ce
segments from the di stri buti on manager, retri eves the content and
subscri ber i nformati on for each segment, formats thi s content, and
transmi ts the resul ti ng messages through the appropri ate
communi cati ons channel s.

• Subscri pti on Portal si te: Provi des a w ebsi te to w hi ch subscri bers

can connect and admi ni ster thei r addresses and subscri pti ons.

• SequeLi nk: Provi des a uni versal cl i ent for OD BC and JD BC . Thi s
thi rd-party component i s embedded i n N arrow cast Server.

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For more i nformati on about these components, refer to the N arrow cast
Server System Admi ni strator Gui de.

Over view
Thi s page di spl ays the overvi ew of steps i n the w i zard. C l i ck Next to
conti nue.

Select Co n f igu r at io n Op t io n s
Speci fy how you w ant to confi gure your machi nes for cl usteri ng.
Al though N arrow cast Server requi res at l east one machi ne to send
servi ces, you can confi gure a system w i th no machi nes to provi de a
backup or devel opment system. Sel ect the requi red opti on from thi s

The next page depends on the opti on that you have sel ected.

Op tio n Selected Next Pag e

Do not conf igure or modif y any machines at t his S ummary page (see
t ime Summary, page 53 )

Remove all machines f rom t he Narrowcast S erver S ummary page (see

syst em Summary, page 53 )

S pecif y Logging S erver page

S elect and conf igure mult iple machines f or a
(see Spec ify Logging Server,
clust ered Narrowcast S erver syst em
page 51 )

S elect and conf igure a single machine f or S ummary page (see

Narrowcast S erver Summary, page 53 )

Sp ecif y Lo ggin g Ser ver

Enter the IP address or machi ne name to be used as the Loggi ng
Server. C l i ck Browse to l ocate and sel ect a machi ne name. Onl y one

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Loggi ng Server can be used per cl uster.

The System C onfi gurati on Wi zard val i dates that the machi ne you
i denti fy as the Loggi ng Server i s not used as a di stri buti on manager,
executi on engi ne, or Loggi ng Server by another system. If i t i s, you
are w arned that you must resol ve thi s i n one of the fol l ow i ng w ays:

• To destroy the exi sti ng system:

a R egi ster the system by returni ng to the C hoose System page,

sel ecti ng the exi sti ng system prefi x, and cl i cki ng Next.

b C l i ck Next on the Summary page and exi t the System

C onfi gurati on Wi zard.

c In N arrow cast Admi ni strator, sel ect your system name from the
System menu and sel ect Destroy System.

d Start the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard agai n and create your
new system.

• To modi fy the exi sti ng system:

a R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the exi sti ng
system prefi x.

b C l i ck Next to di spl ay the Speci fy Loggi ng Server, Speci fy

D i stri buti on Managers, or Speci fy Executi on Engi nes page and
remove any di stri buti on manager, executi on engi ne, or Loggi ng
Server from the l ocal machi ne.

c R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the system you
w ere ori gi nal l y confi guri ng.

d C l i ck Next to return to the Speci fy Loggi ng Server page.

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Review Ad van ced Set t in gs

The R evi ew Advanced Setti ngs page i ndi cates how Loggi ng Server
and Loggi ng C l i ent components communi cate w i th each other. Thi s
page al so di spl ays a summary of the Loggi ng C l i ent and Loggi ng
Server connecti on i nformati on, i ncl udi ng machi ne names and port
numbers. The Loggi ng Servers and Loggi ng C l i ents w ork together to
l og messages to a central l ocati on i n a di stri buted envi ronment. For
more i nformati on on these tool s, see the N arrow cast Server System
Admi ni strator Gui de.


• The Loggi ng C l i ent recei ver port determi nes the port on w hi ch the
Loggi ng C l i ent recei ves messages from the N arrow cast Server

• The Loggi ng Server rel ay port determi nes the port on w hi ch the
Loggi ng Server recei ves messages from the Loggi ng C l i ent.

• The Loggi ng Server consumer port determi nes the port that l og
message consumers use to gather messages from the Loggi ng

C l i ck Modify i f you w ant to modi fy Loggi ng C l i ent or Loggi ng Server

connecti on i nformati on.

Su mmar y
You can test w hether the defaul t setti ngs w ork i n your envi ronment
w i th the Test Logging Server feature on the Summary page.

Sp ecif y Dist r ib u t io n Man ager s

Speci fy one or more machi nes to be used as servi ce di stri buti on
managers. One machi ne i s the pri mary di stri buti on manager; al l

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others serve as backup di stri buti on managers.

Thi s page di spl ays a l i st of di stri buti on managers (D M) and thei r

ranki ng.

• Enter the machi ne name or IP address of a D M, or cl i ck Browse to

l ocate a machi ne.

• C l i ck Add to add the machi ne to the l i st of di stri buti on managers.

• C l i ck Remove to remove the sel ected di stri buti on manager from

the l i st.

U se the up and dow n arrow s to rank the di stri buti on managers. R ank
numbers are used by the di stri buti on managers duri ng startup to hel p
determi ne w hi ch machi ne i s the pri mary di stri buti on manager.
N ormal l y, the fi rst di stri buti on manager started becomes the pri mary
di stri buti on manager. A speci fi c pri mary or backup machi ne i s not

The System C onfi gurati on Wi zard val i dates that none of the machi nes
you i denti fi ed as di stri buti on managers are used as part of another
system. If any are, you can resol ve thi s i n one of the fol l ow i ng w ays:

• To destroy the exi sti ng system:

a R egi ster the system by returni ng to the C hoose System page,

sel ecti ng the exi sti ng system prefi x, and cl i cki ng Next.

b C l i ck Next on the Summary page and exi t the System

C onfi gurati on Wi zard.

c In N arrow cast Admi ni strator, sel ect your system name from the
System menu and sel ect Destroy System.

d Start the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard agai n and create your
new system.

• To modi fy the exi sti ng system:

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a R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the exi sti ng
system prefi x.

b C l i ck Next to get to the Speci fy Loggi ng Server, Speci fy

D i stri buti on Managers, or Speci fy Executi on Engi nes page and
remove any di stri buti on manager, executi on engi ne, or Loggi ng
Server from the l ocal machi ne.

c R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the system you
w ere ori gi nal l y confi guri ng.

d C l i ck Next to return to the Speci fy D i stri buti on Managers page.

Sp ecif y Execu t io n En gin es

Thi s page i s w here you speci fy one or more machi nes to be used as
executi on engi nes. Thi s page di spl ays a l i st of executi on engi nes
(EE) and thei r ranki ng.

• Enter the machi ne name or IP address of an EE, or cl i ck Browse

to l ocate a machi ne.

• C l i ck Add to add a machi ne to the l i st of executi on engi nes.

• C l i ck Remove to remove the sel ected executi on engi ne from the

l i st.

U se the up and dow n arrow s to rank the executi on engi nes. The
pri mary di stri buti on manager uses the rank numbers to deci de w hi ch
executi on engi ne to use as a fai l over machi ne for another executi on
engi ne machi ne. In general , the executi on engi ne next i n rank that i s
operati onal i s used as the fai l over machi ne. The l ast executi on
engi ne general l y fai l s over to an executi on engi ne at the start of the
ranki ng.

The System C onfi gurati on Wi zard val i dates that none of the machi nes
you i denti fy as executi on engi nes are used as part of another system.
If any are, you can resol ve thi s i n one of the fol l ow i ng w ays:

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• To destroy the exi sti ng system:

a R egi ster the system by returni ng to the C hoose System page,

sel ecti ng the exi sti ng system prefi x, and cl i cki ng Next.

b C l i ck Next on the Summary page and exi t the System

C onfi gurati on Wi zard.

c In the N arrow cast Admi ni strator, sel ect your system name from
the System menu and sel ect Destroy System.

d Start the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard agai n and create your
new system.

• To modi fy the exi sti ng system (Enterpri se Edi ti on must be

i nstal l ed):

a R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the exi sti ng
system prefi x.

b C l i ck Next to get to the Speci fy Loggi ng Server, Speci fy

D i stri buti on Managers, or Speci fy Executi on Engi nes page and
remove any di stri buti on manager, executi on engi ne, or Loggi ng
Server from the l ocal machi ne.

c R eturn to the C hoose System page and sel ect the system you
w ere ori gi nal l y confi guri ng.

d C l i ck Next to return to the Speci fy Executi on Engi nes page.

Sp ecif y Su b scr ip t io n Po r t al
Thi s page di spl ays the machi ne names w here the SequeLi nk servi ces
are runni ng.

• Sel ect the Crea te a Subscrip tion Porta l site check box to
create a defaul t Subscri pti on Portal si te.

• Enter or brow se for the server machi ne names.

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If you create a Subscri pti on Portal si te, the System C onfi gurati on
Wi zard veri fi es that you provi ded val i d machi ne names or IP
addresses by checki ng for the exi stence of the SequeLi nk Server
servi ces on the speci fi ed machi nes.

• If the machi ne names are val i d, the w i zard creates the defaul t
Subscri pti on Portal si te and confi gures the fol l ow i ng data base
al i ases on the speci fi ed SequeLi nk machi ne:

▫ Portal R eposi tory: PR _SystemN ame

▫ Obj ect R eposi tory: OR _SystemN ame

▫ Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory: SBR _SystemN ame

If the Subscri pti on Portal i s i nstal l ed on the l ocal machi ne, the
w i zard al so adds a Subscri pti on Portal l i nk to the Sta rt menu
under Progra ms, then MicroStra tegy Tool s. Thi s l i nk can be
used to access the new si te w hen you compl ete the System
C onfi gurati on Wi zard.

• If si te creati on fai l s, a w arni ng appears. C l i ck OK to return to the

Speci fy Subscri pti on Portal page. To conti nue, ei ther resol ve the
probl em or cl ear the check box, and then cl i ck Next.

Su mmar y
The Summary page provi des you w i th a l i st of al l the machi nes you
sel ected w hen you defi ned your cl uster confi gurati on. You can use
thi s page to record thi s i mportant i nformati on for future reference.
C l i ck Test Logging Server to test the abi l i ty of the l oggi ng system
to send l og messages betw een components. C l i ck Next to compl ete
the cl usteri ng confi gurati on task and proceed w i th the next pi ece of
the w i zard.

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Configure sources
The C onfi gure Sources area of the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard
gui des you through the task of i denti fyi ng the proj ects your
N arrow cast Server system w i l l use and confi guri ng Informati on
Sources (IS) to connect to those proj ects.

Sp ecif y p r o ject s
N arrow cast Server can del i ver reports and enabl e subscri pti ons vi a
Mi croStrategy Web for one or more proj ects. Thi s page di spl ays the
tree structure w i th tw o root-l evel nodes: Proj ects used by thi s system,
and servers avai l abl e on the netw ork.

• Expand or doubl e-cl i ck the Proj ects used by this system fol der
to vi ew the l i st of proj ects that are al ready part of your system
confi gurati on. To remove a proj ect from the system, sel ect the
proj ect, and choose Do not use this p roj ect.

• Expand or doubl e-cl i ck the l i st of Servers Ava il a bl e on the

Network to sel ect the server w i th the proj ect you w ant to add to
your system confi gurati on. Sel ect the Intel l i gence Server, and
choose E na bl e rep ort del ivery from Na rrowca st Server.

To c onnec t to an Intelligenc e Serv er, y ou mus t prov ide a v alid login ID

and pas s word. You c annot us e trus ted s ec urity or LDAP authentic ation
for this login.

• C l i ck Refresh Servers to update the current l i st of servers on the

netw ork.

• C l i ck Add Server to manual l y l ocate an Intel l i gence Server.

The lis t of s erv ers that appear as being av ailable on the network are
identified with the help of Mic roStrategy Lis tener. This Windows s erv ic e
runs on eac h Intelligenc e Serv er mac hine. When the Sy s tem

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Configuration Wiz ard s earc hes the network for s erv ers , Lis tener replies
with the s tate of the Intelligenc e Serv er that is loc ated on the s ame
mac hine as Lis tener is .

When a proj ect i s enabl ed for report del i very from N arrow cast Server,
the appl i cati on desi gner can i ncl ude gri d and graph reports from that
proj ect i n the content of servi ces created i n N arrow cast Admi ni strator.
The appl i cati on desi gner can create dynami c subscri pti on sets usi ng
subscri pti on i nformati on avai l abl e i n the proj ect.

When a proj ect i s enabl ed for report del i very from N arrow cast Server,
the appl i cati on desi gner can i ncl ude gri d and graph reports i n servi ce
content and create dynami c subscri pti ons. In addi ti on to thi s,
Mi croStrategy Web users can create del i very (emai l ) subscri pti ons to
reports and documents from the Mi croStrategy Web i nterface. Thi s
feature must al so be confi gured i n Mi croStrategy Web usi ng Web
Admi ni strator before i t i s avai l abl e to Web users.

For more i nformati on on w orki ng w i th gri d and graph reports, refer to

the N arrow cast Server Appl i cati on D esi gner Gui de.

Information Transmitters
The Informati on Transmi tters area of the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard
gui des you through the task of setti ng up i nformati on transmi tters for
your system. An i nformati on transmi tter recei ves compl eted, formatted
message content from an executi on engi ne, and performs the task of
packagi ng the message content fi l es i nto a standard encodi ng format
(such as mul ti -part MIME, U U encodi ng, and so on) and del i veri ng the
packaged message to the reci pi ent's address.

Each i nformati on transmi tter has a di fferent set of features and

capabi l i ti es. By defaul t, the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard creates the
fol l ow i ng i nformati on transmi tters automati cal l y w hen i t creates an
Obj ect R eposi tory:

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• Emai l (SMTP): D el i vers emai l messages w i th ri ch H TML content to

emai l cl i ents. It uses SMTP for transmi ssi on.

• Wi rel ess (SMTP): D el i vers text messages to mobi l e devi ces such
as cel l phones and pagers. It uses SMTP for transmi ssi on.

• SMS (SMPP): D el i vers text messages to cel l phones. It uses

SMPP for transmi ssi on, w hi ch requi res an account w i th an SMSC .

• Fi l e: Saves fi l es to netw orked computers and remote servers. It

uses the Wi ndow s fi l e system to del i ver fi l es to mul ti pl e netw ork
l ocati ons.

• Pri nt: Pri nts mul ti pl e fi l es to personal i zed netw ork l ocati ons. It
enabl es admi ni strators and users to defi ne, sel ect, and schedul e
batch pri nti ng requests from N arrow cast Admi ni strator, the
Subscri pti on Portal , and Mi croStrategy Web.

• Web (Portal ): D el i vers documents and Excel w orkbooks to the

Subscri pti on Portal for l ater vi ew i ng by subscri bers. It uses OD BC
to transmi t these fi l es to the Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory.

The Web (Portal) information trans mitter is not v is ible from the Sy s tem
Configuration Wiz ard. This is bec aus e, in ty pic al c onfigurations , y ou do
not need to c onfigure the Web (Portal) information trans mitter.

For more i nformati on about the usage of Informati on Transmi tters

w hi l e confi guri ng a system, see Informati on transmi ssi on modul es
(ITMs) and i nformati on transmi tters (ITs) i n the N arrow cast Server
System Admi ni strator Gui de.

Co n f igu r at io n
Thi s page l i sts the avai l abl e i nformati on transmi tters, some of w hi ch
requi re addi ti onal confi gurati on before they can be used. C heck the
D efi ni ti on Status col umn to ensure that an i nformati on transmi tter i s
w orki ng.

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To confi gure an i nformati on transmi tter, sel ect the i nformati on

transmi tter, then cl i ck Define.

You do not need to c onfigure ev ery information trans mitter that is in the
s y s tem; y ou c an remov e any by deleting them and the dev ic es that us e
them from the Narrowc as t Adminis trator objec t brows er after y ou
c omplete the c onfiguration of y our s y s tem.

For steps to confi gure the Informati on Transmi tters i n a system, see
Informati on Transmi ssi on Modul e D i al og Set i n the N arrow cast
System Admi ni strators Gui de.

The summary page i ndi cates that you have successful l y confi gured
your N arrow cast Server system.

Once your system i s confi gured, you are ready to begi n usi ng
N arrow cast Server. There are several w ays to begi n expl ori ng
N arrow cast Server:

• If you i nstal l ed the Tutori al - D el i very sampl e proj ect, you can
access i ts H ome page and be gui ded through the product. You can
edi t and del i ver sampl e Tutori al servi ces w i thi n N arrow cast
Admi ni strator. For steps, see the N arrow cast Server Getti ng
Started Gui de.

• You can create a servi ce usi ng the Servi ce Wi zard. U se the

Servi ce Wi zard to create functi onal servi ces of your ow n and
del i ver your ow n emai l messages. For more i nformati on on the
Servi ce Wi zard, see the N arrow cast Server Appl i cati on D esi gner
Gui de.

• If you have i nstal l ed the Subscri pti on Portal , you can use the
Subscri pti on Portal defaul t si te to vi ew publ i shed content or
change user subscri pti ons and preferences. You can expl ore how

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thi s si te w orks and execute other servi ces w i thi n N arrow cast
Admi ni strator to publ i sh content to thi s si te.

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Thi s chapter provi des i nstal l ati on and confi gurati on gui del i nes for
setti ng up a Subscri pti on Portal on a separate w eb server machi ne or
cl uster. It onl y appl i es to N arrow cast Server Enterpri se Edi ti on.

Subscription Portal configuration prerequisites

Before you can confi gure a Subscri pti on Portal si te, you must ensure
the fol l ow i ng:

• You must have N arrow cast Server Enterpri se Edi ti on.

• You must ful fi l l the C hapter 1, Instal l ati on Prerequi si tes.

• You must i nstal l the Subscri pti on Portal and SequeLi nk

components of N arrow cast Server. Al l N arrow cast Server
components are i nstal l ed by defaul t w hen you i nstal l N arrow cast
Server, but you can sel ect to i nstal l onl y these components on the
machi nes you i ntend to use for the Subscri pti on Portal to conserve
space. These components do not need to resi de on the same
machi ne. Thi s procedure i s i n C hapter 2, Instal l ati on Procedures.

• You must confi gure a N arrow cast Server system. Other N arrow cast
Server components such as di stri buti on managers and executi on
engi nes do not need to be on the same machi ne. For detai l s, see
C hapter 3, C onfi guri ng N arrow cast Server.

• You must ensure that the SequeLi nk Server servi ce i s runni ng on a

machi ne on your netw ork. From the Sta rt menu, sel ect Settings,
then Control Pa nel . Open Services and l ocate the SequeLi nk
servi ce. Ensure that i t i s started.

• The Worl d Wi de Web Publ i shi ng servi ce must be runni ng on the

Subscri pti on Portal machi ne. From the Sta rt menu, sel ect
Settings, and then Control Pa nel . Open Services and l ocate the
Worl d Wi de Web Publ i shi ng servi ce. Ensure that i t i s started.

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Subscription Portal configuration procedures

To confi gure a Subscri pti on Portal si te on a w eb server machi ne that
w as not used to confi gure a system w i th N arrow cast Admi ni strator,
you perform the procedures bel ow . The fol l ow i ng i s a hi gh-l evel
checkl i st of the procedures you must perform:

1 Establ i sh connecti ons, page 65: D efi ne the connecti on from your
Subscri pti on Portal pages to SequeLi nk, and ul ti matel y to the
Portal R eposi tory.

2 C reate a portal , page 66: C reate a vi rtual di rectory on your w eb

server to serve Subscri pti on Portal pages to subscri bers.

3 (Opti onal ) R epeat for each w eb server, page 67: C onfi gure
mul ti pl e w eb servers to provi de the same content to subscri bers.
You can use thi s procedure to add addi ti onal w eb server machi nes
to your N arrow cast Server system cl uster, or to veri fy the
confi gurati on of exi sti ng Subscri pti on Portal w eb servers.

Establish connections
Thi s procedure establ i shes the connecti on betw een the Subscri pti on
Portal pages on your w eb server and the Portal R eposi tory.

To establish a connection

1 Launch the Portal Admi ni strator Wi zard from the machi ne you w i sh
to confi gure. To do thi s, from the Sta rt menu, sel ect Progra ms,
then MicroStra tegy Tool s, then Porta l Administra tor.

2 C l i ck System Configura tion i n the upper l eft corner of the page.

3 C l i ck Next.

4 C reate or sel ect a database connecti on (al so cal l ed a D B Al i as) for

the Portal R eposi tory. If you sel ected the check box to confi gure

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the Subscri pti on Portal duri ng the confi gurati on of your N arrow cast
Server system, a val i d database connecti on for the Portal
R eposi tory mi ght al ready be avai l abl e for use. Sel ect i t, or i f
necessary, create a new one.

If y ou want to publis h the s ame s ite c ontents on s ev eral different

Subs c ription Portal mac hines in a c lus ter, ens ure that y ou c hoos e the
s ame Portal Repos itory loc ation on eac h Subs c ription Portal mac hine.

5 C l i ck Next.

6 The Summary page revi ew s the steps you compl eted for your
Portal . The Portal Admi ni strator Wi zard can now use thi s database
to store confi gurati on i nformati on for your Subscri pti on Portal si te.

Create a portal
Thi s procedure l i nks a vi rtual di rectory on your w eb server to a
speci fi c si te that i s defi ned i n your Portal R eposi tory.

1 C l i ck Site Ma na gement at the top of the page.

2 C l i ck Next.

3 By defaul t, the vi rtual di rectory that w as created w hen you

i nstal l ed Subscri pti on Portal i s sel ected. To create a new vi rtual
di rectory or choose a di fferent di rectory, cl i ck Cl ick here.

If y ou want to publis h the s ame s ite c ontents on s ev eral different

Subs c ription Portal mac hines in a c lus ter, ens ure that y ou us e the s ame
v irtual direc tory name on eac h Subs c ription Portal mac hine.

4 C l i ck Next.

5 If you created the defaul t Subscri pti on Portal si te w hen you

confi gured your N arrow cast Server system, i t w i l l be sel ected by
defaul t.

• To defi ne a new si te, cl i ck Add a new site definition.

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• To edi t an exi sti ng si te, cl i ck E dit.

• To sel ect a si te, cl i ck the button next to the si te name, then

cl i ck Next.

If y ou want to publis h the s ame s ite c ontents on s ev eral different

Subs c ription Portal mac hines in a c lus ter, ens ure that y ou c hoos e the
s ame s ite on eac h Subs c ription Portal mac hine.

Repeat for each web server

You can repeat the tw o procedures above on each Subscri pti on Portal
w eb server i n a cl uster, to confi gure mul ti pl e w eb servers that w i l l
provi de the same content to subscri bers.

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A data w arehouse stores the data that users need to anal yze, to track
and respond to busi ness trends and faci l i tate forecasti ng and
pl anni ng efforts. OD BC (open database connecti vi ty) i s the standard
method of communi cati ng w i th database servers. N arrow cast Server
uses OD BC to connect to and communi cate w i th al l database servers
i n the system.

An OD BC data source name (D SN ) i s the name for a poi nter used by

a cl i ent appl i cati on to fi nd and connect to a data source. Mul ti pl e
D SN s can poi nt to the same data source; one D SN can be used by
di fferent appl i cati ons. Thi s chapter show s you how to create D SN s,
and expl ai ns how database connecti vi ty w orks vi a OD BC .

ODBCs and DSNs

An OD BC connecti on contai ns these pi eces:

• A data source name (D SN ) stores al l of the necessary i nformati on

for l ocati ng and l oggi ng i nto a database. A D SN general l y i ncl udes
such i nformati on as host computer name or IP address, i nstance
name, and database name. The exact i nformati on i ncl uded i n a
D SN vari es dependi ng on the type of database server.

• An OD BC dri ver i s a type of softw are that transl ates i nformati on

betw een the cl i ent appl i cati on (N arrow cast Server) and the
database server API. D atabase servers communi cate through
di fferent APIs; for exampl e, Oracl e database servers use a
di fferent API (Oracl e SQL*N et).

• The OD BC dri ver manager coordi nates communi cati on betw een a
cl i ent appl i cati on and a database server. The cl i ent appl i cati on
tel l s the dri ver manager that i t needs to connect usi ng a parti cul ar
connecti on stri ng. The D SN found i n thi s connecti on stri ng
provi des the dri ver manager w i th the type of database server to
w hi ch the appl i cati on needs access. From thi s i nformati on, the

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dri ver manager deci des w hat dri ver to use and i ni ti ates the
communi cati on.

Creating new data source names

If a data source name (D SN ) does not al ready exi st for your empty
Obj ect R eposi tory or Subscri pti on Book R eposi tory, you can add or
create a new one.

To add a DSN

1 From the Wi ndow s Sta rt menu, sel ect Progra ms, sel ect
MicroStra tegy Tool s, and sel ect Na rrowca st Administra tor.

2 Open the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard. To do thi s, from the

System menu, sel ect E dit System Configura tion. The
Wel come page opens.

• When N arrow cast Server i s opened for the fi rst ti me, the
System C onfi gurati on Wi zard opens automati cal l y.

3 C l i ck Next. The Overvi ew page opens.

4 C l i ck Next. The C hoose D ata Source N ame page opens.

5 C l i ck DSN Administra tor. The OD BC D ata Source Admi ni strator

di al og box opens.

6 Sel ect the System DSN tab and cl i ck Add.

7 Sel ect the al ready i nstal l ed OD BC dri ver or sel ect the appropri ate
versi on of the Mi croStrategy OD BC dri ver.

Only c ertain databas es c an c ontain Objec t or Subs c ription Book

Repos itories . Only DSNs c reated to c onnec t to thes e databas es c an be
us ed to c onnec t to the Objec t or Subs c ription Book Repos itory .

8 C l i ck Finish.

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9 D ependi ng on w hi ch Mi croStrategy OD BC dri ver w as sel ected, you

must enter speci fi c server-rel ated i nformati on i n the OD BC D ri ver
Setup di al og box. See C reati ng D SN s for each OD BC dri ver, page
71 for OD BC dri ver vendor requi rements.

Once server connecti on i nformati on i s entered and your D SN i s

created, you are returned to the System C onfi gurati on Wi zard.

10 Sel ect the D SN from the Da ta Source Na me drop-dow n l i st and

cl i ck Next. If the D SN i s not l i sted, ensure that the Mi croStrategy
OD BC dri ver used to create the D SN i s one of the certi fi ed
metadata reposi tory vendors.

11 Enter your Login ID and Pa ssword.

12 C l i ck Next. The System C onfi gurati on Wi zard connects to the


Cr eat in g DSNs f o r each ODBC d r iver

Thi s secti on i ncl udes i nformati on for creati ng a D SN for each of the
fol l ow i ng OD BC dri vers:

• Oracl e 8: Oracl e8 C l i ent Softw are (N et8) must be i nstal l ed pri or to

creati ng a D SN .

• Mi crosoft SQL Server

The c lient s oftware is not inc luded in the Mic roStrategy produc t s uite
ins tallation. It mus t be obtained through the databas e v endor or another
third party .

To create a DSN for Oracle

1 C l i ck Sta rt, sel ect Settings, and sel ect Control Pa nel . Then
doubl e-cl i ck ei ther Da ta Sources (ODBC) or ODBC Da ta

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2 C l i ck the System DSN tab.

3 C l i ck Add. The C reate N ew D ata Source di al og box opens.

4 Sel ect MicroStra tegy ODBC Driver for Ora cl e and cl i ck

Finish. The OD BC Oracl e D ri ver Setup di al og box opens.

5 Type the fol l ow i ng detai l s:

• Da ta Source Na me (Genera l ta b): Type a stri ng that

i denti fi es thi s Oracl e data source confi gurati on i n the system
i nformati on. Exampl es i ncl ude "Accounti ng" or "Oracl e-Serv1".

• Server Na me (Genera l ta b): Type the cl i ent connecti on

stri ng desi gnati ng the server and database to be accessed. The
requi red i nformati on vari es dependi ng on the cl i ent dri ver you
are usi ng. The server name (Local N et Servi ce N ame) i s
created w hen you confi gure the N et8 C l i ent Softw are.

• Defa ul t User Na me (Adva nced ta b): Type the defaul t user

name used to connect to your Oracl e database. A defaul t user
name i s requi red onl y i f securi ty i s enabl ed on your database.
Your OD BC appl i cati on may overri de thi s val ue, or you may
overri de thi s val ue i n the Logon di al og box or connecti on
stri ng.

• Al l other setti ngs are defaul t or opti onal . If you have any
questi ons about setti ngs for D SN creati on, cl i ck Hel p .

6 C l i ck Test Connect to ensure that the D SN connects properl y to

the database. If the D SN does not connect properl y, veri fy that the
requi red fi el ds are properl y compl eted.

7 Once a connecti on i s establ i shed, cl i ck Ap p l y and then OK to exi t

the D SN setup.

8 C l i ck OK i n the OD BC D ata Source Admi ni strator di al og box to

exi t.

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To create a DSN for Microsoft SQL Server

1 C l i ck Sta rt, sel ect Settings, and sel ect Control Pa nel . Then
doubl e-cl i ck ei ther Da ta Sources (ODBC) or ODBC Da ta

2 C l i ck the System DSN tab.

3 C l i ck Add. The C reate N ew D ata Source di al og box opens.

4 Sel ect SQL Server and cl i ck Finish. The C reate a N ew D ata

Source to SQL Server w i zard opens.

5 Enter the fol l ow i ng detai l s on the fi rst page:

• Na me: Enter the data source name to be used by an OD BC

appl i cati on w hen i t requests a connecti on to the data source.
An exampl e i s Personnel . The data source name i s di spl ayed
i n the OD BC D ata Source Admi ni strator di al og box.

• Server: Enter or sel ect the name of a SQL Server on your

netw ork.

— If you sel ect a server name from the l i st, no further

confi gurati on i s needed.

— If you enter the name of a server that does not exi st as an

entry i n the SQL Server C l i ent N etw ork U ti l i ty, you can
create a server al i as for the new name on the next page of
the w i zard. You can enter (l ocal ) i n the Server fi el d w hen
you use the same computer as SQL Server. The user can
then connect to the l ocal copy of SQL Server, even w hen
runni ng a non-netw orked versi on of SQL Server.

6 C l i ck Next. Sel ect one of the fol l ow i ng authenti cati on opti ons:

• With Windows a uthentica tion using the network l ogin

ID: Thi s opti on speci fi es that the SQL Server OD BC dri ver

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request a secure (or trusted) connecti on to a SQL Server

runni ng on Wi ndow s N T or Wi ndow s 2000. When sel ected, SQL
Server uses i ntegrated l ogi n securi ty to establ i sh connecti ons
usi ng thi s data source, regardl ess of the current l ogi n securi ty
mode at the server. Any l ogi n ID or passw ord suppl i ed i s
i gnored. The SQL Server system admi ni strator must have
associ ated your Wi ndow s l ogi n w i th a SQL Server l ogi n ID .

• With SQL Server a uthentica tion using a l ogin ID a nd

p a ssword entered by the user: Thi s opti on speci fi es that
the SQL Server OD BC dri ver not request a secure (or trusted)
connecti on to SQL Server. When sel ected, SQL Server uses
standard l ogi n securi ty to establ i sh connecti ons usi ng thi s data
source. You must speci fy a SQL Server l ogi n ID and passw ord
for al l connecti on requests.

For more i nformati on about server names for di fferent types of

netw orks, see the SQL Server i nstal l ati on documentati on i n SQL
Server Books Onl i ne.

7 Sel ect or cl ear the Connect to SQL Server to obta in defa ul t

settings for the a dditiona l configura tion op tions check
box. When sel ected, the SQL Server dri ver obtai ns i ni ti al setti ngs
from the SQL Server for the opti ons on the fol l ow i ng pages of the
w i zard. The SQL Server dri ver connects to the SQL Server named
i n the Server fi el d on the fi rst page. When cl eared, the dri ver uses
standard defaul ts as the i ni ti al setti ngs for the opti ons on the
fol l ow i ng w i zard pages.

8 C ompl ete the fol l ow i ng:

• Login ID: Thi s fi el d speci fi es the l ogi n ID that the SQL Server
dri ver uses w hen connecti ng to SQL Server i f With SQL
Server a uthentica tion using a l ogin ID a nd p a ssword
entered by the user i s sel ected. Thi s appl i es onl y to the
connecti on made to determi ne the server defaul t setti ngs; i t

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does not appl y to subsequent connecti ons made usi ng the data
source after i t has been created.

• Pa ssword: Thi s fi el d speci fi es the passw ord the SQL Server

uses w hen connecti ng to SQL Server i f With SQL Server
a uthentica tion using a l ogin ID a nd p a ssword entered
by the user i s sel ected. Thi s appl i es onl y to the connecti on
made to determi ne the server defaul t setti ngs; i t does not appl y
to subsequent connecti ons made usi ng the new data source.

Both the Login ID and Pa ssword fi el ds are di sabl ed i f With

Windows a uthentica tion using the network l ogin ID i s
sel ected, or i f Connect to SQL Server to obta in defa ul t
settings for the a dditiona l configura tion op tions i s not
sel ected.

9 C l i ck Next. C ompl ete the fol l ow i ng:

• Cha nge the defa ul t da ta ba se to: Thi s fi el d speci fi es the

name of the defaul t database for any connecti on made usi ng
thi s data source. When cl eared, connecti ons use the defaul t
database defi ned for the l ogi n ID on the server. When
compl eted, the database entered i n the fi el d overri des the
defaul t database defi ned for the l ogi n ID . If the Atta ch
da ta ba se fil e na me fi el d has the name of a pri mary fi l e, the
database descri bed by the pri mary fi l e i s attached as a
database usi ng the database name speci fi ed i n the Cha nge
the defa ul t da ta ba se to fi el d.

• U si ng the defaul t database for the l ogi n ID i s more effi ci ent

than speci fyi ng a defaul t database i n the OD BC data source.

10 Al l other setti ngs are defaul t or opti onal . For detai l s on any
setti ngs i n the D SN creati on, cl i ck Hel p .

11 C l i ck Next.

12 C l i ck Finish.

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13 To test the D SN connecti on, cl i ck Test Da ta Source. If the

connecti on i s successful , cl i ck OK. If the connecti on i s not
successful , return to D SN confi gurati on and ensure that al l entri es
are correct.

14 C l i ck OK on the OD BC Mi crosoft SQL Server Setup w i ndow to

return to the OD BC D ata Source Admi ni strator.

15 C l i ck OK on the OD BC D ata Source Admi ni strator to exi t.

Database connectivity via ODBC

When a data source name i s defi ned, a defaul t database or database
context i s speci fi ed. To connect to a di fferent database i n N arrow cast
Server and overri de thi s defaul t, you can speci fy a di fferent database
name i n the Speci fy C onnecti on Informati on page of the System
C onfi gurati on Wi zard. Thi s causes N arrow cast Server to connect to
the database chosen duri ng confi gurati on i nstead of the defaul t
speci fi ed i n the data source name.

To understand how thi s w orks, consi der the fol l ow i ng. When a SQL
statement i s executed vi a an OD BC connecti on, the i nformati on
requi red to i denti fy the tabl es i n the statement can come from tw o
sources: (1) the defaul t val ues speci fi ed i n the data source name, or
(2) the statement i tsel f.

When speci fyi ng a database tabl e, i nformati on si mi l ar to the fol l ow i ng

i s used by most R D BMS systems to uni quel y i denti fy a tabl e:

• Server

• Instance (Some databases, such as SQL Server, support mul ti pl e

i nstances of the same R D BMS runni ng si mul taneousl y on a si ngl e
machi ne.)

• D atabase

• Tabl espace (For exampl e, Oracl e and D B2 support thi s feature.)

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• Ow ner

• Tabl e

The data source typi cal l y speci fi es the server, the i nstance, and the
database. Si nce thi s i nformati on i s contai ned i n the data source, SQL
queri es often speci fy onl y tabl e names by usi ng expressi ons such as
the fol l ow i ng:


w here tabl e i s the name of a tabl e i n a database.

H ow ever, i f an OD BC connecti on i s made w i th a gi ven database

context (the defaul t database speci fi ed i n the data source name), and
a query i s run w i th the structure show n above, the query fai l s i f the
tabl e speci fi ed i s i n a di fferent database. Thi s occurs because the ful l
i denti fi cati on of the tabl e has not been provi ded. The R D BMS l ooks
for a tabl e w i th the name tabl e i n the w rong database l ocati on. When
the R D BMS fai l s to fi nd such a tabl e, i t returns an error.

In addi ti on, i f the ow ner of the tabl e has not made the tabl e vi si bl e to
other users, the query fai l s. The R D BMS engi ne searches for a tabl e
named tabl e and ow ned by the connected user, rather than ow ned by
the tabl e creator. For exampl e, an Oracl e database admi ni strator
mi ght create tabl e synonyms so that database users w i th di fferent
l ogi ns (other than the one that ow ns the tabl e) can "see" that tabl e.

The i nformati on requi red to uni quel y i denti fy a tabl e and the syntax
requi red to provi de thi s i nformati on i n a SQL statement vari es
somew hat from one R D BMS to another. For exampl e, i n SQL Server,
the fol l ow i ng syntax i s used:


If the S e rv er , d a t a b a s e, or o w n e r val ues are l eft out, the defaul ts

for the OD BC connecti on are used. An exampl e of such an excl usi on
w oul d be:

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Wi th thi s constructi on, the R D BMS uses the connected l ogi n as the
ow ner w hen searchi ng for tabl es i n the defaul t database.

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