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Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

We would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the possibility to
complete this report. A special gratitude we give to our lecturer’s Madam Siti Aishah binti
Mohamad, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us to
coordinate our case study especially in writing this report.

Furthermore we would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
manager of Samerin Legacy Enterprise, Mr. Ahmad Samerin bin Dzulkifli who gave the permission
to us all for the interviews and the necessary materials to complete the task “Fundamentals of

Last but not least, many thanks go to the all team mates of the project, whose have invested on
their full effort in managing the team in achieving the goal. We also have to appreciate the
guidance given by our classmates in our project report, it has improved our skills thanks to their
comment and advices.









1.1 Background Of The Study

1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Purpose Of The Study


2.1 Background
2.2 Organizational Structure
2.3 Products/Services
2.4 Technology
2.5 Business, marketing, operational strategy
2.6 Financial achievements


3.1 SWOT






1.1 Background Of The Study

The entrepreneurship brings means the act of setting up a business or businesses,

taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Entrepreneurship is strongly
encouraged in Islam where the prophet Muhammad S.A.W states that 9 out of 10 of
the source found in business. From the case study that has been done at one of
entrepreneur premises have been chosen by the student at Bandar Pusat Jengka is
a step of learning about the business world. From that, students will gain
entrepreneurial knowledge shared by successful entrepreneurs and able to initiate
own business someday.

1.2 Problem Statement

Samerin Legacy Enterprise is an electrical store that has become the choice of
residents around the Bandar Pusat Jengka and has been in the business world for a
long time. However, there are some weaknesses in the business that have been
identified through observation. First, the signboard in front of the store is in a less
attractive and obsolete state. This will cause the people cannot recognize the store
as the electrical store and less attract people to come. Next, the business layout in
the store is not suitable with sales items which are narrow place may cause worker
difficult to transfer items and the customer cannot reach the items. If no change is
made by the owner, it may risk the business in the future as often quoted in
business is: “Failure to plan is planning to fail”.

1.3 Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of the case study on Samerin Legacy Enterprise is one of the
opportunities for the student to learn about entrepreneurship. A student will be
exposed to how a business is carried out and its challenges. If the student wants to
run a business in the future, they know the step to start the business in the
appropriate channels and able to manage the business properly. Furthermore, they
can survive in the business world by upgrading the operation of the business from
time to time become more efficient and organized. Next, enhance the sales
promotion strategy of the company to become more attractive toward the customer
and able to compete with the other competitor.


2.1 Background

Figure 1.0 : Company Logo

Company’s Name Samerin Legacy Enterprise

No 10, Lorong Jed 2 Nadi Kota, 26400, Bandar Jengka,
Pahang Darul Makmur.
Address The company is isolated from the main road of Bandar
Jengka also the buildings is old and do not have any
attraction on its appearance.
Registered CT 0048887 - W
Business Action Provide the electronic device and spare part.
Mr. Ahmad Samerin bin Dzulkifli
Business Hp
09 - 466 1907
Date of Starting
Open in Jengka since 1995 (23 years)
Monday – Saturday (9.00 am – 6.00 pm).
Operation Hours Close on Sunday & Public Holiday (Raya Puasa & Raya
Established in Bandar Jengka since the 1995. The
General company provided the best electrical equipment,
Information repairing some equipment and Astro services for the
community especially in the area around Jengka.
Number of
9 workers
Table 1.0 : Company Background
2.2 Organizational Structure



Nora Mohamad
Hezwan Faiz

Assistant Manager Assistant Manager

Nor Akmar


Mohd Ahmad
Abdul Muiz Amin Razak Mat Daus
Fadilah Nazmi

Supplier Driver Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant Sales Assistant
Figure 1.0 : Organizational Structure
2.3 Products/Services

 The Samerinn Legacy Enterprise provide the electrical device

for the daily used in house or office and also the spare part of
electronic device. The example of electrical equipment sold
are washing machine, fan, lamp, television, rice cooker,
Type of
refrigerator, oven, gas stove and other.
 The spare part that can be found at the store such as wiring
and small item in fan or any type of electrical device. The hot
items that always have high market are fan, washing machine
and refrigerator.
 As one of the old company in Bandar Jengka, they also give
consultation about the electrical equipment that maybe
Services suitable or not at the place on surrounding of their customer.
 They also provide the Astro channel service to their customer
around Jengka and repairing simple electrical device.
The company have sold many type of brands of electrical device.
Brand of
Example of the brand are Panasonic, Pensonic, Khind, LG,
Samsung and Sharp.
For the new information about their product, they have salesmen
that come every month to give news about new type of product of
the product that have an upgrade.

Table 2.0 : Company Product and Service

2.4 Technology

The Samerin Legacy Enterprise use several machines for daily tasks. This
technology was mostly used for the service in installing the “All-Asian Satellite
Television and Radio Operator” or also known as Astro channel to customer
home or office. The Astro component did not have a specific brand because
the Astro Company itself provide the device. The device for installing the
Astro channel are decoder, satellite dish accepter, remote control and
connection cable. The company using computer to doing the monthly
computerized financial report and also filling the systems with the stock
quantity, brands and price value.
2.5 Business, marketing, operational strategy

2.5.1 Business

The Samerin Legacy Enterprise with capacity of 9 workers have shown that
this company does not have a straight rule or a certain type of qualification to
hire their worker. By referring to the manager itself, he say that anyone can
works at his company and there is no an interview or any qualification
needed. If they do not have experience, they still can be teach by other
experience workers.

The workers have to work for 9 hours per day starting with 9.00 a.m until 6
p.m every except for Sunday and public holiday. There is no specific lunch
time for the company, the worker can take turn to rest with other workers. If
the is no customer at that time, works a free to rest and having their lunch. On
certain public holidays the workers was given a choice whether they want to
take a leave or continue to work on that day.

Job Scope
Manager  Monitor the worker.
 Make sure everything was in good condition.
 Salary : RM 5000
Assistant  Monitor the workers.
Manager  Update and renew the stock of the items.
 Record all the in and out flow of profit.
 Manage the worker’s salary and lunch.
 Handling the meeting with salesman or supplier.
 Promote the company online through Facebook.
 Salary : RM 3000 per month
Clerk  Assist the assistant manager.
 Doing the monthly financial report.
 Salary : RM 1200 per month
Supplier  Bring supply of electric equipment to the shop.
Driver  Deliver the sold equipment to the customer.
 Handling in Astro Service.
 Salary : RM 2000 per month
Sales  Selling the electrical item to the customer.
Assistant  Consult the customer on finding the best equipment.
 Repairing the electrical equipment.
 Salary : RM 1000 per month

Table 3.0 : Company Job Scope

2.5.2 Marketing

Offline Marketing Strategy

Business Card

This company used a simple business card as their marketing. The business
card provided with a simple information about the company such as the name
of company, address, phone number and Companies Commission of
Malaysia register number. By the information on the business card, customer
can know the company details and with a good design card can attract more
customer. Business card is a small tool that can be carried anywhere and
anytime. It easy to use by giving it to the customer not only at the shop but
also anywhere that is suitable. Besides, the company also using a stamp that
have their company information that stamped on the customer receipt. Its acts
given an approval towards the receipt and also company information.


Samerin Legacy Enterprise use a signboard as their one of the marketing

strategy. This company use building-mounted signboard which placed at the
top of the shop. Business’ logo that mostly presented brand logo on the
signboard can act as a tool in promoting the company and its services. The
signboard can be beneficial for the company as it can draw attention of
customers and be a landmark for customer to locate the shop. Signboard can
gives potential customers continued exposure to the services provide and
items that are can be found in the shop.

Word of Mouth
Other than that, word of mouth is an important marketing strategy for this
company. Word of mouth is define as an action that influencing and
encouraging organic discussion about a business. It creates an opportunity
for people to talk about. People nowadays can be easily influenced by
referrals from other people, especially someone that they trust. This create a
trusted word and opinion that tend to trust the opinions of their friends when
making purchasing decisions. Customer satisfaction and good feedback from
the services that they get in the Samerin Legacy Enterprise make them to talk
to the others. For examples, the family that had services in this company
already in second generations since 1995. Quality and good services in the
company had been gossip in the community make people trust the skill of the

Online Marketing Strategy

Social Media

A social media was used as a medium for promoting and attracting customer
such as a Facebook. Their Facebook is known as “Samerin Legacy
Enterprise” with easy to in spreading the news to the people they used
Facebook as their main social media. Inside the Facebook they give
information on the item that they sold and also a service on installing the
Astro channel with an affordable price. When they having a promotion or to
clear the stock, they will inform to the people inside the Facebook with a
suitable discounts.


Samerin Legacy Enterprise is the biggest electrical shop in Bandar Jengka.

The company have bought the two shop side by side and not like it
competitors that have to rented the buildings and pay it monthly. This
company have more than one competitors of electrical shop in Bandar
Jengka such as Kedai Elektrik Z & R, Tanjong Electric Sales & Service, and
Kedai Electrik Hj. Ibrahim that smaller and only able to rent only one shop.
This make it small and not able to provide good enough items and less
equipment are provided.
Customer Loyalty

The company marketing strategy was based on the customer service and
getting the customer feedback and customer recommendation that mainly
was residents around Bandar Jengka and Felda settler. Based on customer
to customer talk about the company, the other community can know the
building of the company that served the good quality of electrical equipment.
It can be shown by the people that come to make the shop already in second
generations up till 23 years after established. This company have make
customer loyalty to their company as one of the mechanism in marketing. Mr.
Ahmad Samerin also have a great connection and network with the people in
the electrical industry and people all over Jengka. This connection make the
company always have the customer for every season and year

2.5.3 Operational Strategy

Business Hours

Operational strategies refers to the methods companies use to reach their

objectives. The company operate for 9 hours per day starting from 9 o’clock in
the morning until 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Its open from Monday to Saturday
and closed on Sunday or public holiday such as Raya Puasa and Raya

Astro Installation and Flow of Service

This company is more toward selling product than given service such as
repairing and installing Astro Channel. So, they have a supply that high
enough to go on the business for almost a week. Electrical device also a long
term items that do not have expired date and can be store for a longer time.
Usually the items will be at display at the shop and the customer is freely to
look and touch the equipment also can demonstrate the device function
whether it can operate smoothly. The sale assistant will consult them and
advice which is better depend on the customer requirement. In installing Astro
channel, the driver supplier was the man for the job. He will go to the
customer house or office for installing the Astro.
Besides, the service counter that can be seen clearly on the front of the shop
is also effecting customer number. The customer can directly go to the
counter to ask for information or service. Although there was also customer
that prefer to walk around first before consulting with the workers.

Stock Supply

Samerin Legacy Enterprise have a store on the second floor their shop. This
floor is used to store their supply. This can make the company to last without
new stock of supply for a month. The stock supplying was be managed by the
driver and also assistant manager. They will survey and update the list of the
number of stock available and what item needs to be resupply. Then, the
assistant manager will contact the supplier to update their item. The supplier
are mostly from Panasonic Company and LG Company bust also come from
other company based on their brands. This supplier are come from all around
Malaysia such as Selangor, Penang and Johor. For clearing the old stock,
the company will make a clearance by offering a discount or a gift to their
customer. The promotion was promote by using social media such as
Facebook and banner in front of the company.


Items Cabinet Stair Back Door

Files Desk

Items Cabinet

Service Counter
Item Cabinet Door Front Door

 The arrangement of the product is too compact no suitable with the space
 The display of electrical equipment is be categorized by the type of product
at the item cabinet and on the floor.
 The files desk is too open and there are no privacy for the worker when
handling the important files.
 The service counter and cashier counter should be separated to smooth the
customer flow.

2.6 Financial achievements

Samerin Legacy Enterprise survive at Bandar Jengka for 23 years with the
stable financial achievement. Starting with RM 100,000.00 as a capital, the
company can achieve the margin profit one year after and survive till now.
Each of the product make in this company, the price of the apparel will be
divide into 4 category; network, workers, purchases and utility. Then, the
profit for the company is high with customer more than 50 peoples per day for
normal day. The business financial had a great profit during the season
festival such as Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya Aidiladha where the sale can
reach over the normal day with twice the number of customer than normal
day such as more than 100 customer per day. The number of days is high
because most the customers come to the shop to buy spare part of their
electrical device. Introduction of Government Service Tax, GST on 2015 was
effected to the company by dropping their sales. By having the taxes, people
in area of Jengka have lost their purchasing power because they do not have
high income and need to save money for the future.


 Offer delivery services

This company offers the delivery of goods to customers' homes. The company is
also ready to take damaged items from home to shop for repair.

 The owner of the enterprise owned the business premise

The building has been bought by the entrepreneur and not to rent the building.

 The largest electrical equipment stable in Jengka

The company's buildings are two floors where the upper floors are used as
storages for storing electrical items from suppliers.

 Skilled and friendly workers

Although employees in these companies do not have high eligibility in the field of
electronics, but they quickly learn and are well versed in electrical equipment.
They also serve their customers very well.

 Adequate parking

This makes it easy for customers to come to buy electrical items.


 Product arrangement is too compact

Electronic items in the store are too much and are not systematically arranged to
limit the movement of customers within the company.

 The appearance of the old company building

Old-looking buildings and paints have been shattered causing less attention to
new customers.

 The company's location is no longer strategic

Initially, this company is easy to identify. But with the construction of new
buildings has caused the company to be obscured from view.

 The system of organization is unorganized

The boss does not have a special place or room to deal with. All transactions
take place at the counter.

 Too many signboards

The customers are confused about the company.

 No interview or qualification required to work

This company does not select employees based on qualifications or certificates

because the skills can be taught by experienced workers.

 Weather effects

UiTM students will buy a fan for themselves because of the hot room condition.

 Unpowered competition

There are competitors, but they do not sell various branded electronics. Some
also do not provide the delivery service of the purchased goods.

 Loyal customers

This company is the first to operate in the region until now and has successfully
acquired many loyal customers.

 Latest electrical items

This premise sells the latest items in the market where the other premises are
slightly slower to get the latest items from the supplier.

 Local governments want to promote local businesses.

Government provides help and advice to local businesses to expand their


 The emergence of online business

Online Shopping like Lazada always make cheap sales in conjunction with
festive days

 Changes of life style

People nowadays like to send clothes to laundry rather than buying a washing

 Economic factor

Downturn in economy may mean people are spending less.

 Emergence of new competition in Jengka

There are also many promotions made in conjunction with the opening of new
stores like DIY

 New government system

A new tax system introduced, namely SST which raises a slight price for electric

4.1 Inconvenience Company Layout (Weakness)

During our interview session at Samerin Lagecy Enterprise, we observed that the
company had problem due to the arrangement of products are too compact which is
limiting the movement of the customers in the shop. We also noticed the repairing
service section and rest room for their workers are located closely at the product
display section causing crowded inside premise while in front of the company are
too much signs that confusing the customers.

The inconvenience premise layout will lower the customer’s attraction as the
customer feel uncomfortable walking for looking their wanted item in the premise
because unsuitable arrangement of the sections that block the movement of
customer. This problem can cause the customers did not visit the premise again.
The advantage of this premise is had a large upstairs store that can be used to
move the items while renovate the premise to rearrange systematically the sections.
However, the disadvantage of this solution there are no sale for particular period of
time due to renovation process.

4.2 The Position Of The Company Building (Weakness)

The history that were told by the company’s owner where the premise is the first
electrical shop at Bandar Jengka Pusat. For the beginning Bandar Jengka Pusat
growing, the position of this premise is very strategic due to this only an electrical
shop no other building. With the changes of times, the position of the premise no
longer strategic when the other shop and building growing fast and cause the
customers difficult to locate the shop. The premise should place a signboard to bring
customer to this premise. The advantage of rise the signboard can increase the
customer visiting the shop. However, the disadvantage of this solution is signboard
need up to date due to rising another shop and building.
4.3 Online Shopping Offers Lower Price (Threat)

For the second problem faced by this company is no cheap sales than normal prices
compared with online shop that always offer the cheap sales at the end year or
clearing stocks. So, the customer will tend to buy the cheapest one. Nowadays, the
evolution of technology causing the people to use the online shopping with one click
that can save their time rather than go to this premise directly. This problem can
cause decreasing number of customer due to cheap sales on online shopping. To
increase the selling, the company need to make promotion and a cheap sales to
compete with online shopping. The advantage of cheap sale promotion will cause
the premise equivalent with online shopping. However, the disadvantage of this
solution is too much cheap sales promotion will cause the premise not gain profit.


In conclusion, we have been able to identify the problems faced by the Samerin Lagecy
Enterprise. We give some ides to solve the problems they faced. We hope with our help by
giving some ideas to solve the problems and they could accept with sincere and assist
them in managing their business to be more success in the future.


From this case study, the biggest problem faced by this company is related to the layout.
The compact layout makes the premise of the premises look cramped and makes it difficult
for customers to search for electrical items. So, the company need to store their goods
somewhere else and the store available on the top floor of the building can be used as a
place of sale as well. This will reduce the bottom density of the items. This will make sure
the premise looks neat and tidy. Plus, there will be a lot more space and comfort for
customers to wonder around the premise.

During online shopping competition, the premises should be more active in social media to
promote selling goods. In today's modern world, customers prefer to buy online rather than
go sales centres because it can save you time and cost. Customers also prefer to make
online surveys before buying something. Instead of going to the premises, they prefer to
survey online as it saves more time and energy.


Figure 3.0 : Owner and Student

Figure 4.0 : View in front of the company

Figure 5.0 : Items that be showed

Figure 6.0 : Service counter

Figure 7.0 : Friendly sales assistant with his goods

Figure 8.0 : Others competitors

Figure 9.0 : Company Certificate (SSM)
Figure 10.0 : Company Certificate (SSM)
Figure 11.0 : Company Certificate (SSM)
Figure 12.0 : Company Certificate (Licence)
Figure 13.0 : Company Business Card

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