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Novel Dystopian

Author Year Published Original Language
George Orwell 1949 English


Big Brother is After the world has been ravaged by war, fearful citizens must pledge
allegiance to a paranoid regime that keeps them ignorant through
Watching You misinformation. Considered a novel of political prophecy, with the rise
of technology and an increasingly divided and partisan media, 1984
may be more relevant today than when it was initially published.

Ministry of Truth

Misinforms and Ministry of Love

revises history
Tortures, creates fear,
and brainwashes
Ministry of Plenty

Perpetuates scarcity
and famine

Ministry of Peace

Maintains a state of war,

turmoil, and violence


Political Freedom Friendship Free Thought

vs. vs. vs.
Oppression Betrayal Control
Orwell warned against Betrayal is encouraged by Party policies like Newspeak
governments like Soviet Russia, the Party, making friendship are designed to limit original
where enemies of the state impossible. thinking and control behavior.
were dealt with harshly.

Symbols Author

Revisions in word meaning GEORGE ORWELL
Big Brother and reductions in the
The inaccessible face of number of words
the Party represents lack represent the way the Born Eric Arthur Blair in India, he
Lorem ipsum
of concern for individuals. Party controls thought. worked in Burma (now Myanmar)
and fought in Spain's Civil War,
where he had experiences that led
him to write about oppressive
Telescreens societies. He used the pen name
Two-way telescreens George Orwell because it sounded
represent the continual English. His first commercial
surveillance and control by success was Animal Farm (1945).
the Party.

1984 Main Characters

by the Numbers

Oppression Intrigue Opposition Romance

Orwell uses to
underscore false Big Brother
dogmas people Emblem of the Party
are forced
to accept Thought Police
Party branch that reports

Modern Library
Board's ranking
of 1984 in its
100 Best Novels Winston Smith Charrington
Secret rebel against Antique shop owner who
the Party encourages Winston's

Room number of
torture chamber
where prisoners
are exposed to
their worst fears O’Brien
Julia Member of the ruling Inner
Winston's lover and Party whom Winston admires
fellow rebel

ho controls the past...controls the future: who

controls the present controls the past.
Winston, Part 1, Chapter 3

Sources: The Guardian, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature,

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