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What I Know
Direction: Identify the following procedures of using the facilities and equipment. Put (/)
if it is right, (X) if it is wrong.
1. Wipe wet spots caused by drinks /
2. Slam or drop weights X
3. Monopolize the use of equipment X
4. Leave the room cleaned and well-aranged /
5. Louder the music when exercising in the gym X

What I Can Do 1
Direction: Below are some facilities and equipment use in physical activities. Identify
some proper etiquette of using it with at least 2 proper ways. Write your answer in the
table provided.

Physical Facilities and Equipment Proper Etiquette

1. Basketball Court 1. Wear appropriate footwear.
2. Wipe wet spots caused by drinks.
2. Dance Studio 1. Dress appropriately.
2. Don’t take photos or videos without
3. Track oval 1. Run in the correct lane and right
2. Don’t stop on the track.
4. Gym studio 1. Put equipment back where it goes.
2. Clean up after yourself.
5. Swimming Pool 1. Use the shower first before
entering the pool.
2. Wear proper swimwear.
What I Can Do 2
What I Can Do 3
Answer the following question in an essay form. Write it in an A4-sized bond paper.

As a student, how could you give importance to the proper use of facilities and
equipment specially in doing physical activities?
Simply by following and respecting the proper etiquettes of different facilities and
equipment. These etiquettes, guidelines, are safety practices are significant for every
facility and for every person because of the fact the these could help us from preventing
some damages and failures that are possibly will happen when someone or a group
couldn’t determine the proper ways of doing physical activities within a facility. It is a job
of a person like me to carefully read and recognize the etiquettes when using the facility
or equipment for me to avoid some accidents, and also to teach other people who didn’t
know the safety practices of the facility.
Injuries can be caused in many ways and occur for a variety of reasons and on of
them is not using the equipment properly, that’s why it is also good to continuously
follow the proper way that a facility could demonstrate. Accidents such as getting
wounds because of sharp jewelries and accidental slides are also an example of
outcomes of refusing to follow the proper etiquette. We can be affected of different
consequences of not following the etiquettes based from the results mentioned earlier,
therefore everyone must apply the correct etiquettes so we can avoid the possible
To answer the main question which is how could I give importance to the proper
use of facilities and equipment specially in doing physical activities as a student is to
recognize that before doing anything else of before stepping in, I should make sure that
every etiquette is followed and to remind myself that it can harm me or someone around
me if I will refuse to follow it, and also to share it to other people before they engage, so
they are safe with doing some physical activities inside the facility.
What I Have Learned
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A.
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. D

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