Role Play

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Introduction:Assalamualaikum Warahmutullahi Wabarakatuh,, this is role play for subject

MPU 3022 exclusive represented to our beloved lecturer Madam Suliana binti Wan Chik

Arif:”Help,help!!. Somebody help us. We are trapped in this elevator”

Arif: This is all your fault Nissak. You are always bring problems to me.

Arif:Wan,Nissak does not even deserve to be respected. This is my right choice to divorce
her. Why I say this because, she is not good at cooking,lazy to clean the house and cheating
on other men. I was so disappointed with her.

Arif:”Ahh!!, why does not has any network in here. What about you Wan?”

Arif:Nissak calm down,relax and read a prayer asking for help from Allah,so that we can be
safe from this situation.

Arif:”Oh My God,the elevator is already opened!”

Arif:So we are already get out from the elevator. Nissak, what’s your plan after this?

Arif:Where do you want to further your studies?

Arif:Okay,I accept.

Arif:Thank you for watching,Bye bye.

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