Tracking Down Global Warming: Under The Microscope

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Tracking down global Healing touch

Tapan Kumar Maitra explains
the practical importance of

immunity reactions
SERA are injected in definite doses intramuscularly,
subcutaneously — sometimes intravenously — with strict
observation of all the rules of asepsis. A preliminary
desensitisation, according to Bezredka’s method, is
Sera are employed for treatment and for prophylaxis of

Evidence from natural records can clinch tetanus, gas gangrene and botulism. The earlier the
serum is injected, the more marked is its therapeutic and
prophylactic action. The length of protective action of
the case, says S Ananthanarayanan sera (passive immunity) is eight to 14 days.
At present many institutes of vaccines and sera in
Russia produce purified therapeutic and prophylactic
stuff. They are treated by precipitating globulins with
THE severe winter that the world just there was significant warming caused by ammonium sulphate and fractionation, by the method of
went through has spurred the doubters of human activity. ultracentrifugation, electrophoresis and enzymatic
global warming to another burst of denial. hydrolysis that allow the removal of up to 80 per cent of
How could you have sustained such cold Doubters non-essential proteins. These sera have the best
conditions in a warming world? It was the But there is no dearth of skeptics who therapeutic and prophylactic properties, contain the least
coldest winter in over a decade – what does believe or profess that talk of global amount of ViraBind Reagent
common sense make of that? Are things warming is an unfounded scare. They unrequired A and B are
added to the
warming up or cooling down? question and rubbish the evidence and proteins, and retrovirus
The journal Science carries a paper by present the global warming spectre as one have a less supernatant
Christian Körner and David Basler of the giving way to spring weeks earlier than they distinct toxic and
Institute of Botany in Basel, Switzerland,, that 390 did just a decade ago.” According to the allergic action. The centrifuge
collects the
describes how the flowering cycle of plants researchers, “The finding in the Arctic, where Sera thus

Carbon dioxide concentration (ppmv)

and flowers has changed in recent times as Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide the effects of global warming are expected produced are pellet

clear, unmotivated proof that the climate is 380 to be most severe, offers an ‘early warning’ subdivided into The dissolved
Measured at Mauna Loa Hawaii virus/complex
changing. of things to come on the rest of the planet...” anti-toxic and pellet is applied to
the centrifugal
370 To uncover the effects of warming, the anti-microbial concentrator
Inconvenient truth researchers looked at the timing of familiar sera. Anti-toxic
Former US Vice-President Al Gore’s film signs of spring seen in plants, butterflies, sera include anti- The concentrated
provided the first collected, publicly 360 birds and other species. Shifts in phenology, diphtheritic, anti- retrovirus sample is
applied to the
presented evidence that the world was or the timing of these events, are considered tetanic sera and purification
warming. Gore relied on hard, documented 350 one of the clearest and most rapid signals of those effective
evidence of warming, its catastrophic biological response to rising temperatures, Dr against botulism, The purified
potential and, most important, that the The Keeling curve Annual Cycle
Toke T Høye, one of the researchers, anaerobic fraction is collected
and concentrated
warming was man-made. 340 explained. infections and
The case was developed using five main Using the most comprehensive data set snake bite. Ultracentrifugation removes
factual bases, namely: available for the region, the researchers Anti-microbial non-essential proteins.
■ Charles David Keeling’s formal,
330 documented that the flowering dates in six sera are used against anthrax, encephalitis and influenza
meticulous record of atmospheric carbon plant species, the median emergence dates of in the form of globulins and gamma globulins.
dioxide since 1958: while the level of carbon 320 12 arthropod species and clutch initiation The latter are used for prophylactic purposes against
dioxide varies cyclically both during the day Jan dates in three species of birds had advanced, measles, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, virus hepatitis
and during the year, Keeling’s record shows
Jan Apr Jul Oct in some cases by over 30 days during the last and smallpox. Gamma globulin is used together with
that the up-down curve itself has been 310 decade, the average across all time series vaccine against rabies. They are completely harmless
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
moving up and up these last 50 years, from being 14.5 days per decade. preparations and do not contain the virus of Hepatitis B
an average 315 parts per more horror tale concocted experience, do encourage “confidence in the The latest article, Plant science, phenology or causative agents of other diseases.
million to 385 parts per by the science community – future” and give people permission to carry under global warming, by Christian Körner Specific gamma globulins with a directed effect have
million. “… all it will do is to push on with the comfortable style of driving fast and David Basler of Basel, traces the latest been recently produced. These are obtained from donors
■ Photographs of glaciers: up the price of oil, and cars, running airconditioners and to seek findings and says, “Phenological events such immunised against the given infection. Such globulins
Gore’s film has dramatic everything else, to contain development, which pushes up the as bud burst, flowering and senescence have contain a higher titre of anti-bodies. The Cytotoxic anti-
pictures of glaciers taken a emissions…” generation and consumption of power. received increased interest in the light of reticular serum, as suggested by A Bogomolets, is now
few years apart that show a To add grist to their mill global warming. Spring events at temperate used with a favourable therapeutic effect to stimulate the
marked shrinking of the ice was the recent Glaciergate Phenology latitudes have advanced by 2.5 days per functions of organs; intensify immunogenesis and
and the retreat of glaciers to error, when UN climate The events of germination, sprouting, decade since 1971. As global warming leucocyte phagocytic activity; promote healing of
higher reaches. researchers admitted to a flowering of plants, or the growth and progresses, how will it affect the arrival of wounds, ulcers and fractures; increase resistance to
■ Ice core data to measure blunder in their findings. reproductive cycle of insects take place spring and the length of the growing malignant growth; and promote restoration of the
CO2 levels: researchers have The climate pundits had according to the change of seasons. season?” leucocyte count in leucopenia caused by irradiation. It is
studied ancient ice buried estimated that Himalayan Phenology is the study of how these life At the same time, the journal Nature also used in cases with diminished reactivity and
deep in the Antarctic to glaciers would disappear by cycle events are affected by changes in announces an international, multidisciplinary resistance due to inhibited activity of the connective
measure CO2 levels in past Charles David Keeling 2035, but they admitted that climate, from season to season or over the conference on Phenology which would bring tissue system.
periods. The study shows that the estimate was wrong, it years. Because the timings are found to be together experts on phenology from both
the present levels are the highest since would take much longer — as much as 300 very sensitive in their response, phenology is terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Dublin The writer is Associate Professor and Head, Department of
6,50,000 years ago. years. The skeptics pounced on the admission seen as a powerful resource for uncovering in June 2010. Botany, Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata
■ A section of the US department of and went on to discount the entire report. convincing evidence of environmental The mounting phenological evidence of

First fruits
commerce has collected records of land and A hard winter, doubts about the value of warming. global warming will help turn the scale in
sea temperatures since 1880 that show that scientific evidence and evidence based on In 2007, the journal Current Biology attaining results in emission limit negotiations.
1997-2008 contain the 10 hottest years. records kept by geeks in laboratories, carried a paper by researchers from
■ A survey of scientific thought to show experiments in remote Antarctic ice cores, Denmark that reported, “In the earth’s cold The writer can be contacted at
that most informed scientists did agree that which somehow seem removed from and icy far north, the harsh winters are
M Sreelata reports on an open

Under the microscope

External factors
The synthetic tracks that have been source TB megaproject
developed over the years certainly help
athletes move faster. If you’re running into a A UNIQUE effort by
strong wind you’re going to be slower, while scientists to pull together
having the wind behind you would help. scattered genetic information
Temperature is also important. As you about the tuberculosis (TB)
How fast can a human run? increase the temperature of muscles they are
able to generate more speed, so most records
bug, with the goal of
developing new remedies, has
Holly Williams gets the answers from are broken on warm, still days. Altitude can
help for sprinting, as there’s less air resistance.
identified its first candidate
molecule. The Open Source
Professor Craig Williams, School of Manufactures have experimented with
clothing. Australian sprinter Cathy Freeman
Drug Discovery programme
aroused huge interest when it
Sport and Health Sciences, University had a body suit with a hood to reduce air
resistance, letting the air flow over the body
was mooted by Samir
Brahmachari, director-
The project used online
of Exeter easily. Most running shoes are custom-made
and very, very light. There have been
general of India’s Council of
Scientific and Industrial
tools to map the 4,000
genes of M. tuberculosis
advances in design, and these may continue Research, in 2007 because it
to help people improve. offered a new route to finding drugs for diseases in the
RESEARCHERS think 30 body upright. Coaches will talk about keeping developing world traditionally neglected by drug
miles per hour could be the human limit. the head steady too. Chemical and genetic advancements companies.
Most use the 100 metres to calculate how fast To improve speed, you train with a Anabolic steroids and other drugs do give The CSIR launched the programme in September
we can run. The current record for the 100 combination of sprint drills, technical drills, an advantage. There are medical and health 2008. Its research is conducted through collaboration
metres is 9.58 seconds, by Usain Bolt in 2009. weight training, rest and recovery. In diet, issues, but they could improve performance and open source information, guaranteeing, it is hoped,
That gives a speed of 23.3 mph. But there’s an accent on carbohydrates and – that’s why they’re banned! As far as I that any drug developed from the process will be
interestingly, during the 60-80 metres stretch protein, which help you to exercise and to know, there’s never been anything written affordable. Brahmachari announced recently that one of
of the race Bolt averaged a speed of 27.8 recover. Fats are less useful; it’s not the kind where an athlete experiments to see just how the first projects undertaken under the initiative —
mph. fast he/she could go with steroids, so we don’t “Connect to Decode” or C2D — to pool all available
However, as distinguished physicist Usain Bolt Craig Williams know exactly what difference they could genetic and biological information on Mycobacterium
Neils Bohr said, “Prediction is very of energy that can be converted make. tuberculosis had yielded the first tangible results.
difficult, especially if it is about the quickly. A lot of people are looking at the area of He said that for the first time TB scientists, research
future.” Many commentators genetic development to increase speed, students and five private companies had used online
previously suggested under 10 seconds Body type for speed particularly muscle development and muscle tools to combine their work to show the links between
was unbreakable; now Bolt’s coach is The importance of body shape is a recovery. But at the moment we don’t know the 4,000 genes of M. tuberculosis and the proteins for
aiming for 9.4 seconds. The 100 metres difficult one. Bolt is unusually tall, at enough about the improvements training, which they code. The work is held in a shared database
record now held by a woman would six feet and five inches, whereas technology and nutrition can have, so that the OSDD will share through its open portal.
have beaten the fastest male back in most sprinters are around five feet 11 looking at gene therapy is perhaps getting “This is the first time that a comprehensive mapping
the 1950s. inches. But we do know athletes are ahead. of the M. tuberculosis genome has been compiled,
getting taller and heavier: over the verified and made publicly available. C2D’s findings may
How to run fast last 100 years elite athletes increased Why don’t humans run faster? contain critical data to unlock previously undiscovered
A key thing is the use of the in height by 16 centimetres, Evolutionarily, humans were hunter- details of tuberculosis resulting in development
chemical energy Adenosine compared to five centimetres in the gatherers, so it wasn’t just a question of speed. opportunities for urgently needed new TB drugs in India
Triphosphate (ATP) in our muscles. general population. Compared to animals, especially with four and other developing countries,”’ Brahmachari said.
This fuels them to contract, to move Generally, sprinters will have a legs, we are quite slow. We have some speed, The project has already yielded a molecule that could
the various joints in our legs, to musculature that is fast-twitch fibre- although not much if you compare us to a form the basis for a drug to fight TB. Rajesh Gokhale,
forcefully hit the ground and turn that based. Everybody has a percentage cheetah or even dogs. But then we also have director of India’s Institute of Genomics and Integrated
energy into speed. For sprinting, having of fast and slow twitch muscles, a capacity for endurance, to hunt over days. Biology, and his team have given the molecule to
fast-twitch muscle fibres, which genetically laid down, although some Now we have more sedentary lifestyles, so pharmaceutical company Jubilant Chemsys for
quickly translate energy into force, can be promoted by training. There’s sport is what allows members of our society development. Five private pharmaceutical companies
gives you an advantage. very little data on fibres of elite to push these speed limits. In some ways, have so far joined the OSDD programme — Jubilant
Obviously it’s not just about legs. athletes because it requires a quite athletes are representing us as a species in Chemsys, TCG Lifesciences, Sugen Life Sciences,
You’re driving your arms backwards invasive procedure: a needle developing our speed. Premas Biotech and Vimta Labs.
and forwards. Your trunk area is puncture into a muscle to snip out a
important – you have to hold your bit the size of a rice grain. The Independent, London SciDev.Net


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