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Mining Cost Service
Section EP
Electric Power - United States
CONTENTS Compiled by Jerry Olson

Page Page
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rate Schedule Summaries - Western U.S.
North Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Rate Schedule Summaries - Western U.S. Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Estimator’s Guide to Industrial Electric Power
Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rates - All U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


Electric Power Service Rate Schedule Adjustments in parenthesis are negative, i.e. credited
Summaries to the customer. Adjustments for varying local taxes
are not included in this summary.
The rate schedule tables contain summaries of electric Some utilities offer discounts ranging from 2% to
power schedules for companies serving the majority of 10% to customers taking delivery of power at primary
the western U.S. land area. Companies serving or transmission voltages. In these cases, the customer
municipalities only have not been included. must maintain his own transformers and related
Some companies have many different rate equipment. Where these discounts could be identified
schedules for a variety of purposes. Only those from the rate schedules provided, they are listed under
schedules considered most applicable to the mining "remarks".
industry are included here. Many of these schedules Charges sometimes vary according to time of day,
are very complex. Space limitations prevent inclusion day of week, and season of year. These are usually
of any information other than that necessary for cost listed as "on-peak", "mid-peak" and "off-peak" rates.
estimating purposes. The power company should be On-peak rates apply when the utility load is
consulted when more specific details are needed. customarily greatest. Off-peak rates apply when the
Some of these companies presently have no industrial load is customarily least. Where detailed information
customers and therefore no appropriate rate schedules is required, the power company should be consulted.
established. Often special contracts are written to
cover such circumstances. Estimator's Guide To Industrial Electric
All charges listed in these schedules are monthly Power Rates - All U.S.
unless stated otherwise. A typical monthly power bill
consists of a fixed customer charge, plus a demand Following the western U.S. rate schedule table is the
charge based on the maximum 15 minute energy draw, Estimator's Guide to Electric Power Rates. This table
and an energy charge calculated from the total KWH provides approximate prices per KWH for industrial
consumed in the billing period. Many schedules power at 3 demand levels, each with 3 monthly
provide for rate adjustments for the varying cost of consumption rates, for power companies throughout
power or fuel which must be purchased by the power the U.S. The prices are computed from data reported
company. Where these adjustments are identifiable in in "Typical Bills and Average Rates Report, Winter
the schedules provided, they have either been included 2010" published by the Edison Electric Institute.
in the energy charges or listed under "remarks". Demand charges and base or customer charges are

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc. 1
INTRODUCTION (continued)

included with energy charges in the computed dollars Energy As commonly used in the electric utility
per KWH listed in the table. For this reason the industry, energy means the amount of electric energy
values are accurate only at the stated demand and measured in kilowatt hours (KWH).
consumption levels. Use of the data for estimating
electric power costs at other demand or consumption Horsepower One horsepower (HP) is approximately
levels should be done with considerable caution. equivalent to .746 kilowatt (KW).
Fuel adjustments, commodity adjustments, and tax
adjustments where the tax is imposed on the utility and Kilovoltampere (KVA) 1,000 voltamperes
not on the customer, and other similar adjustments,
have been included in the computations where Kilowatt (KW) 1,000 watts
applicable. Not included are sales taxes not covered
by the rate schedule, which are computed separately as Megawatt (MW) 1,000 kilowatts (1,000,000 watts)
provided by law.
Reactive power The portion of apparent power that
Definitions does no work. Reactive power must be supplied to
Apparent power The mathematical product of the most types of magnetic equipment, such as motors.
volts and amperes of a circuit. The product is usually
divided by 1,000 and designated in kilovolt amperes Real power The energy or work producing part of
(KVA). It comprises both real and reactive power. apparent power. It is the rate of supply of energy,
measured commercially in kilowatts (KW). The
Connected load The sum of the capacities or ratings product of real power and length of time is energy,
of the electric power consuming equipment connected measured in kilowatt hours (KWH).
to the supplying system, usually measured in
horsepower (HP). Voltampere The basic unit of apparent power. The
voltamperes of an electric circuit are the mathematical
Demand The rate at which electrical energy is product of the volts and amperes of the circuit.
delivered, usually expressed in kilowatts (KW). For
billing purposes, the peak demand for any 15, 30, or Watt The electrical unit of power or rate of doing
60 minute interval is usually used. The peak demand work. The rate of energy transfer equivalent to one
from a previous billing period, a contract amount, or a ampere flowing under a pressure of one volt at unity
percentage of the connected load may also be used. power factor.

2 Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Alaska Electric 24 Large November - May: 13.84/KW November - May: 5.920/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $99.24/mo.
Light & Power Commercial June - October: 8.82/KW June - October: 5.540/KWH Power cost adjustment of
w/demand $(0.003759)/KWH. Regulator cost
metering adjustment $0.000552/KWH, effective

41 Manufacturing November - May: 11.04/KW November - May: 6.360/KWH Customer charge: $99.24/mo.
& Processing June - October: 8.82/KW June -October: 5.770/KWH Continuous during months of June
through October, interruptible during
November through May. Power cost
adjustment of $(0.003759)/KWH.
Regulator cost adjustment
$0.000552/KWH, effective 7/2010.

Alaska Village GS-2 Small *First 700 KWH/mo: 43.15 - 79.66/KWH Cost of fuel adjustment varies from
Electric Cooperative Commercial All additional: 33.15 - 69.66/KWH $0.1315/KWH to $0.4966/KWH.
4/2010 rate.
* Dependent on Village

Barrow Utilities & B Commercial & No charge All usage: 9.560/KWH Customer charge:
Electric Cooperative Large Power Three-Phase $89.67/mo., effective
Three-Phase 4/2005

Chugach Electric Large All demand: 11.93/KW All usage: 7.2532/KWH 20 KW Customer charge: $55.00/mo.
Association General Includes fuel & purchased power
Primary cost adjustment factor and a
Service regulatory cost charge, effective

Copper Valley Copper Large All demand: 12.00/KW 200 KW demand or less: 50 KW Customer charge: $100.00/mo.
River Commercial 0 to 10,000 KWH/mo.: 6.800/KWH Subject to cost of power adjustment
Basin Over 10,000 KWH/mo.: 2.910/KWH factor which changes quarterly,
currently $0.1724/KWH,
>200 KW demand: effective 12/2008.
0 to 10,000 KWH/mo.: 7.540/KWH
Over 10,000 KWH/mo.: 5.910/KWH

Valdez Large All demand: 12.00/KW 0 to 25,000 KWH/mo.: 5.620/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $100.00/mo.
District Commercial Over 25,000 KWH/mo.: 1.720/KWH Subject to cost of power adjustment
factor which changes quarterly,
currently $0.1724/KWH,
effective 2/2008.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Cordova Electric 800 Large Power 8.40/KW First 5,000 KWH/mo.: 20.060/KWH 20 KW Base charge: $60.00/mo.
Cooperative Next 20,000 KWH/mo.: 17.800/KWH Subject to fuel cost adjustment
All additional: 15.530/KWH factor. Minimum charge:
$100.00/mo., effective 10/2009.

Golden Valley GS-2S General All demand: 10.24/KW All usage: 13.621/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Electric Association Service Energy charges include fuel cost
Association Secondary adjustment, effective 1/2010.

Homer Electric 4 Commercial All demand: 7.5951/KW 10.949/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $150.00/mo.
Association Demand to Power cost adjustment and
Metered 5,000 KVA regulatory clauses, effective 7/2010.

Inside Passage Large All demand: 10.00/KW All usage: 29.000/KWH 10 KW Customer charge: $50.00/mo.,
Electric Cooperative, Inc. Three-Phase effective 9/2008.

Kodiak Electric LP Large Power All demand: 5.67/KW First 20,000 KWH: 12.700/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Association All additional: 11.380/KWH Subject to cost of power adjustment of
$0.025651/KWH, effective 7/2009.

Kotzebue Electric A Large All demand: 2.53/KW First 20,000 KWH: 21.240/KWH Subject to fuel cost rate adjustment
Association Commercial All additional: 19.590/KWH clause: $0.0829/KWH, effective
Power Service 8/2006.

Matanuska Electric Three-Phase All demand: 5.27/KW All usage: 6.510/KWH Facility charge: $13.37/mo.
Association Service WPCRA: 2.794/KWH Subject to monthly power cost
Regulatory charge: 0.0552/KWH adjustment. An experimental interruptible
service is available by special contract,
effective 7/2010.

WPCRA: Wholesale power cost rate

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

adjustment - changes every 3 months.

Metlakatla Small/Large All demand: 7.00/KW All usage: 9.200/KWH $10.00 minimum charge per mo.
Power and Light Commercial Subject to fuel cost adjustment.
2006 rate.

Naknek Electric LP Large Power All demand: 10.00/KW All usage: 15.000/KWH 25 KVA Consumer charge: $100.00/mo.
Association Subject to fuel cost adjustment
charge. Minimum charge: $100.00/mo.,
effective 3/2008.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Nushagak Large All demand: 8.50/KW All usage: 24.360/KWH 20 KW Customer charge: $75.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial Subject to a fuel cost adjustment
of $0.1127/KWH. 2009 rate.

Sitka City & General First 25KW: No charge First 500 KWH: 14.170/KWH Minimum charge $21.25/mo.
Borough Electric Service All additional: 3.90/KW 500 - 10,000 KWH: 9.030/KWH
Department 10,001 - 100,000 KWH: 8.500/KWH
Over 100,000 KWH: 7.500/KWH

Interruptible All usage: 0.0317 times price per gal 100 KW Basic customer charge: $100.00/mo.
Service for #2 heating oil Only applicable during off peak time.

Unalakleet Valley Commercial Over 10 KW: 4.90/KW All usage: 30.800/KWH Subject to fuel cost adjustment.
Electric Association Rate Regulatory charge: 0.0039/KWH Minimum charge: $15.32/mo.
2006 rate.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Arizona Public E-32 General Over 20 KW: First 200 KWH: >20 KW Basic charge/day:
Service Company All demand: May - October: 10.403/KWH <100 KW Self contained meter: $0.672
Secondary: November - April: 8.689/KWH Primary voltage: $3.415
First 100 KW: 9.675/KW
All additional: 5.146/KW All additional:
May - October: 6.083/KWH Subject to a purchased power and
Primary: November - April: 4.369/KWH fuel cost adjustment factor.
First 100 KW: 8.976/KW
All additional: 4.448/KW
All demand: 1.585/KW

E-34 Extra Large All demand: All usage: 4.220/KWH 3,000 KW Basic charge/day:
General Service Secondary: 17.377/KW Self contained meter: $0.395
- Bundled Primary: 16.478/KW Primary voltage: $3.088
Transmission: 12.005/KW Transmission voltage: $25.421
Subject to a purchased power
and fuel cost adjustment factor.
EP - U.S.

Unbundled service also available.

(continued next page)

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Arizona Public E-35 Extra Large All demand: All usage: 3,000 KW Daily basic charge:
Service Company General Service On-Peak: On-Peak: 4.694/KWH Self contained meter: $1.183
(continued) Time-of-Use Secondary: 15.091/KW Off-Peak: 3.530/KWH Primary voltage: $3.881
Primary: 14.343/KW Transmission voltage: $26.574
Transmission: 10.483/KW Subject to a purchased power
fuel cost adjustment.
Off Peak:
Secondary: 2.734/KW Off-Peak: Demand is only charged
Primary: 2.659/KW for off-peak demand that is
Transmission: 2.273/KW greater than on-peak demand.

Columbus Electric Small Standard rate: 8.220/KWH 1 KVA Standard rate:

Cooperative Commercial Time-of-use rate: to Customer charge: $16.25/mo.
6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.: 9.220/KWH 50 KVA
9:oo P.M. to 6:00 A.M.: 5.900/KWH Time-of-use rate:
Customer charge: $19.50/mo.

Subject to cost of fuel and purchased

power adjustment. 2010 rate.

Continental Divide LPS Large Power Utility owned All usage: 4.900/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service substation: 15.00/KVA Subject to fuel and purchased power
cost adjustment.
Consumer owned
substation: 14.75/KVA

Dixie Escalante Large All demand: 8.00/KW All usage: 2.200/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Rural Electric Commercial to Over 500KW available by special
Cooperative Service 500 KW contract. 2005 rate.

Duncan Valley TPD Three-Phase First 15KW: No charge All usage: 5.966/KWH 15 KVA System charge: $40.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Demand Additional: 10.00/KW Fuel cost adjustment applies.
Service 2006 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Garkane Power General All demand: 6.70/KW All usage: 5.810/KWH 50 KW Base rate: $30.00/mo. Subject
Association Service 2 to cost of purchased power adjustment.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Graham County B General Bundled All usage: 10.969/KWH Up to Customer charge: $15.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service & Commodity 300 KVA Subject to a fuel cost adjustment of
Small Charge $0.015/KWH, effective 6/2006.

C Large Bundled All usage: 9.876/KWH 350 KVA Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Commercial Commodity Subject to a fuel cost adjustment of
Charge $0.015/KWH, effective 6/2006.

Mohave Electric L Large All demand: 9.75/KW All usage: 4.558/KWH 100 KW Customer charge: $70.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial Subject to a cost of purchased
& Industrial power adjustment of $0.006/KWH and
environmental charge of

Morenci Water & General All demand: No charge All usage: 10.150/KWH Customer charge: $5.50/mo.
Electric Company Service Subject to a fuel cost adjustment of
$(0.019)/KWH, effective 8/06.
Environmental surcharge:
$0.000875/KWH. 2006 rate.

Industrial Customer service charge:

Special Contract $500.00/mo. Other details negotiated.

Navopache Electric B Commercial On-Peak: 7.25/KW All usage: 2.747/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: Secondary
Cooperative & Industrial Off-Peak: 7.20/KW Voltage - $155.00/mo.; Primary
Service - Voltage - $244.00/mo. 7% discount
Time-of-Use On-Peak: 6.00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. for delivery at 14.4KV and above.
Subject to a power cost adjustment.

A Commercial All demand: 8.70/KW First 300 KWH/KW: 5.197/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: Secondary
& Industrial All additional: 2.747/KWH Voltage - $120.00/mo.; Primary
Service Voltage - $244.00/mo. 7% discount
for delivery at 14.4KV and above.
Subject to a power cost adjustment.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Salt River Project E-36 General Over 5 KW: First 350 KWH/KW: Customer charge: $14.61/mo.
Service Winter: 2.46/KW Winter: 7.900/KWH Subject to a cost of fuel and
Summer: 4.21/KW Summer: 9.110/KWH purchased power adjustment,
Summer Peak: 10.980/KWH effective 3/2010.

Next 180 KWH/KW:

Winter: 7.870/KWH
Summer: 9.080/KWH
Summer Peak: 10.950/KWH

Next 155 KWH/KW:

Winter: 7.120/KWH
Summer: 8.030/KWH
Summer Peak: 9.230/KWH

All additional:
Winter: 5.290/KWH
Summer: 5.890/KWH
Summer Peak: 6.760/KWH

E-32 Time-of-use All demand All usage: Customer charge: $14.61/mo.

General On-Peak: On-Peak: Subject to a cost of fuel and
Service Winter: 2.46/KW Winter: 13.470/KWH purchased power adjustment,
Summer: 4.21/KW Summer: 14.660/KWH effective 3/2010.
Summer Peak: 16.670/KWH

Winter: 9.790/KWH Winter - May 1 to October 31.
Summer: 10.180/KWH Summer - November 1 to April 30.
Summer Peak: 10.750/KWH

Winter: 5.310/KWH
Summer: 5.330/KWH
Summer Peak: 6.010/KWH

On-Peak: Winter: 5:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Monday - Friday

Summer: 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Monday - Friday
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Shoulder-Peak: Winter: 5:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Monday - Friday

Summer: 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.; 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Sierra Southwest Wholesale producer which provides

Services, Inc. power to co-ops and other utilities.
Rates subject to purchased power
cost adjustment.

Sulphur Springs P Large All demand: 6.80/KVA All usage: 7.700/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $44.25/mo.
Valley Electric Power to Subject to a wholesale power rate
Cooperative Service 1,000 KVA adjustment, effective 9/2009.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Tohono O'odham 050 Large All demand: 6.50/KW All usage: 8.400/KWH Subject to a power cost adjustment.
Utility Authority Commercial 2006 rate.

Trico Electric GS-2 General >10KW: 4.50/KW All usage: 13.800/KWH 10 KW Customer charge: $26.00/mo.
Cooperative Service to Subject to a power cost adjustment.
Three-Phase 200 KW

GS-3 General Over 10KW: 16.65/KW All usage: 8.300/KWH 10 KW Customer charge: $26.00/mo.
Service to Subject to a power cost adjustment.
11,999 KW

Tucson Electric 10 General All demand: No charge May - October: Customer charge: $14.00/mo.
Power Company Service First 500 KWH: 5.6236/KWH Time-of-use and unbundled rates
All additional: 8.5145/KWH also available, effective 12/2008.
Base power supply: 3.115/KWH

November - April:
First 500 KWH: 5.1252/KWH
All additional: 8.0145/KWH
Base power supply: 2.4222/KWH

13 Large All demand: 10.352/KW Delivery 200 KW Monthly charge: $371.88.

General May - October: 2.5656/KWH Time-of-use and unbundled rates
Service November - April: 2.3910/KWH also available, effective 12/2008.

Base power supply:

May - October: 3.2554/KWH
November - April: 2.5054/KWH

14 Large Light All demand: 19.024/KW Base power supply: 3,000 KW Monthly charge: $500.00.
and Power May - October: 3.2577/KWH Delivered at primary voltage of 46KV
November - April: 2.5077/KWH or higher. Time-of-use and
Energy: 0.0433/KWH unbundled rates also available,
effective 12/2008.

Unisource Energy LGS Large All demand: 10.71/KW All usage: 6.7062/KWH 5 KW Customer charge: $15.50/mo.
Services General Delivery: 0.3254/KWH to 1 year contract required. Rates
Service 1,000 KW include a purchased power cost
(Formerly Citizens Utilities Co.) adjustment, effective 6/2008.
EP - U.S.

LPS Large All demand: All usage: 5.326/KWH 500 W Customer charge: for service less
Power Service Service <69 /KV 17.895/KW than 69kv, $365.00/mo., greater
Service >69 /KV 11.61/KW than or equal to 69kv, $400.00/mo.
Rates include a purchased power cost
adjustment, effective 6/2008.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Wellton-Mohawk B General All demand: 3.00/KW Over 3,000 KWH: 10 KW First 3,000 KWH: $238.92
Irrigation & Service Next 147 KWH/KW: 7.604/KWH
Drainage Company Commercial & Next 150 KWH/KW: 6.958/KWH Subject to a purchased power and
Industrial All additional: 6.499/KWH fuel cost adjustments. 2005 rate.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lassen Municipal 1020 General All usage: 14.500/KWH Customer charge: $10.00/mo.
Utility District Service Non Demand per meter, effective 2010.

1070 Industrial All demand: 7.00/KW All usage: 12.000/KWH 500 KW Service charge: $230.00/mo.
Discount for customer owned
transformers taking service at 69 KV or
higher, effective 2010.

First 1,000 KVA: $0.15/KVA

All additional: $0.10/KVA

Department of Water A-2 General June - September: 9.00/KW June - September: 3.645/KWH 30 KW Service Charge: $25.00/mo.
and Power, City of Service October - May: 5.50/KW October - May: 2.995/KWH Rate subject to energy cost and
Los Angeles Primary - Rate A Facilities charge: 5.00/KW energy subsidy adjustment, effective

A-3 Large Facilities charge: 4.00/KW June - September 500 KW Service Charge: $75.00/mo.
General June - September High Peak: 4.390/KWH Rate subject to energy cost and
Service Rate A High Peak: 9.00/KW Low Peak: 3.764/KWH energy subsidy adjustment,
(Subtrans.) Low Peak: 3.00/KW Base Period: 1.755/KWH effective 7/2009.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

October - May October - May

High Peak: 4.00/KW High Peak: 3.863/KWH
Low Peak: 3.863/KWH
Base Period: 2.197/KWH

High Peak Period: 1:00 P.M. - 4:59 P.M. Monday - Friday

Low Peak Period: 11:00 A.M. - 12:59 P.M.; 5:00 P.M. - 6:59 P.M. Monday - Friday
Base Period: All other time.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific Gas and A-10 Medium Secondary voltage: Secondary voltage: 50 KW Customer charge: $3.94251/day
Electric Company General Winter: 6.52/KW Winter: 10.652/KWH per meter. Substantial savings
Demand Summer: 10.88/KW Summer: 14.001/KWH available for interruptible options to
Metered this schedule. Rates include all
Service Primary voltage: Primary voltage: energy rate adjustments. Maximum
Winter: 6.01/KW Winter: 10.132/KWH demand 500 KW, effective 6/2010.
Summer: 10.27/KW Summer: 13.325/KWH

Transmission voltage: Transmission voltage:

Winter: 4.15/KW Winter: 9.017/KWH
Summer: 7.89/KW Summer: 11.682/KWH

E-19 Commercial Secondary voltage: Secondary voltage: 500 KW Substantial savings available for
Time-of-use Winter: Winter: interruptible options to this schedule.
Secondary Partial Peak: 1.12/KW Partial Peak: 9.397/KWH Rates include all energy rate
Voltage Maximum: 8.58/KW Off-Peak: 8.304/KWH adjustments.
Summer: Summer
Maximum Peak: 13.05/KW On-Peak: 15.257/KWH Customer base charge:
Partial Peak: 2.99/KW Partial Peak: 10.525/KWH $13.55236/meter/day plus an
Maximum: 8.58/KW Off-Peak: 8.591/KWH additional negotiated rate of
$3.97799 to $4.11992/meter/day,
Primary voltage: Primary voltage: effective 6/2010.
Winter: Winter:
Partial Peak: 0.84/KW Partial Peak: 8.898/KWH
Maximum: 7.47/KW Off-Peak: 7.823/KWH
Summer: Summer
Maximum Peak: 11.80/KW On-Peak: 15.217/KWH
Partial Peak: 2.70/KW Partial Peak: 10.319/KWH
Maximum: 7.47/KW Off-Peak: 8.205/KWH

Transmission voltage: Transmission voltage:

Winter: Winter:
Partial Peak: 0.00/KW Partial Peak: 8.301/KWH
Maximum: 5.42/KW Off-Peak: 7.391/KWH
Summer: Summer
Maximum Peak: 9.16/KW On-Peak: 11.306/KWH
Partial Peak: 2.07/KW Partial Peak: 9.101/KWH
Maximum: 5.42/KW Off-Peak: 7.783/KWH

On-Peak: 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Partial Peak: 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.; 6:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Monday - Friday
Off-Peak: 9:30 P.M. - 8:30 A.M. Monday - Friday plus Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

Partial Peak: 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. Monday - Friday
Off-Peak: 9:30 P.M. - 8:30 A.M. Monday - Friday plus Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
EP - U.S.

(continued next page)

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific Gas and E-20S Commercial Maximum demand: 8.56/KW Summer: 1,000 KW Customer Charge: $24.64066/day.
Electric Company Industrial Maximum Peak: 14.606/KWH Substantial discounts available
(continued) Secondary Summer: Partial Peak: 10.168/KWH for interruptible service. Rates
Firm Partial Peak: 2.81/KW Off-Peak: 8.339/KWH include all energy rate adjustments.
On-Peak: 12.67/KW
Winter Partial Peak: 9.113/KWH
Partial Peak: 1.12/KW Off-Peak: 6.067/KWH

E20P Commercial/ Maximum demand: 7.12/KW Summer: 1,000 KW Customer Charge: $32.85421/day.
Industrial Maximum Peak: 14.958/KWH Substantial discounts available
Primary Summer: Partial Peak: 10.197/KWH for interruptible service. Rates
Firm Partial Peak: 2.78/KW Off-Peak: 8.140/KWH include all energy rate adjustments.
Maximum Peak: 12.02/KW
Winter Partial Peak: 8.794/KWH
Partial Peak: 0.72/KW Off-Peak: 7.753/KWH

On-Peak: 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Partial Peak: 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.; 6:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Monday - Friday
Off-Peak: 9:30 P.M. - 8:30 A.M. Monday - Friday plus Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

Partial Peak: 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. Monday - Friday
Off-Peak: 9:30 P.M. - 8:30 A.M. Monday - Friday plus Saturday, Sunday & Holidays

Pacific Power A-32 General All demand: All usage: 8.283/KWH 20 KW Rates include all energy rate
& Light Company Service Distribution: 1.40/KW adjustments. Basic charge:
Generation & Single -phase - $11.27/mo.;
Transmission: 0.99/KW Three-Phase - $15.48/mo.,
effective 5/2010.

AT-48 Large Generation & Transmission: All usage: 4.644/KWH 500 KW Rates Include all energy rate
General On-Peak: adjustments. Basic charge:
Service November - April: 2.34/KW $405.53/mo. Discount of 1.0%
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Metered May - October: 1.25/KW for metering at primary voltage.

Time-of-Use Distribution: 1.74/KW If delivery is at primary voltage,
distribution demand charges will be
On-Peak: 6:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday reduced by 30%., effective 5/2010.

Plumas-Sierra 300 Medium All demand: 10.22/KW All usage: 9.550/KWH 50 KW Membership fee: $5.00.
Rural Electric Power Load cannot be greater than 250KW.
Cooperative Service 2006 rate.

310 Large All demand: 10.22/KW All usage: 8.700/KWH 250 KW Membership fee: $5.00
Power 2008 rate.
Service >250 KVA
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Sacramento GS General Over 20 KW: 6.65/KW First 7,300 KWH: 21 KW Customer charge: $20.05/mo.
Municipal Utility Service Winter: 11.230/KWH to Solar surcharge of $0.02/KWH
District Demand Summer: 12.390/KWH 299 KW applies to all energy consumed,
effective 3/2010.
All additional:
Winter: 8.950/KWH
Summer: 9.550/KWH

GS - General Summer: 6.10/KW/mo. Super-Peak: 300 KW Customer charge: $94.60/mo.

TOU 3 Service Summer: 16.710/KWH to Plus facilities charge of $3.00/KW
Time-of-use 499 KW installed capacity. Solar surcharge
Primary On-Peak: of $0.0009/KWH applies, effective
Winter: 8.620/KWH 1/2010.
Summer: 11.560/KWH

Winter: 6.850/KWH
Summer: 9.080/KWH

Super-Peak: June 1 - September 30: 2:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

On-Peak: October 1 - May 31: 12:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
June 1 - September 30: 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.; 8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Off-Peak: All other times

San Diego Gas & AL-TOU General Secondary: Secondary: 20 KW Rates include all adjustments.
Electric Company Service On-Peak: On-Peak: to Service charge: $58.22/mo. per meter
Large-Time Summer: 7.06/KW Summer: 0.01369/KWH 12,000 KW for less than 500 KW demand.
Metered Winter: 4.69/KW Winter: 0.01249/KWH
Off-Peak: Semi-Peak: $232.87 per meter per month for
Summer: 13.06/KW Summer: 0.01061/KWH greater than 500 KW demand, effective
Winter: 13.06/KW Winter: 0.01061/KWH 9/2010.
Summer: 0.00974/KWH
Winter: 0.00974/KWH

Primary: Primary:
On-Peak: On-Peak:
Summer: 7.77/KW Summer: 0.01139/KWH
Winter: 4.81/KW Winter: 0.01056/KWH
Off-Peak: Semi-Peak:
Summer: 12.75/KW Summer: 0.00932/KWH
Winter: 12.75/KW Winter: 0.00932/KWH
Summer: 0.00866/KWH
Winter: 0.00866/KWH
EP - U.S.

On-Peak: Summer 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Winter 5:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
Semi-Peak: Summer 6:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. ; 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
Winter 6:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.; 8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

NV Energy A-2 Medium All demand: All usage: 50 KW Customer charge: $107.86/mo.
General Winter: 8.45/KW Summer: 12.231/KWH to Rates include all energy rate
(Formerly Sierra Pacific Power) Service Summer: 3.88/KW Winter: 7.611/KWH 200 KW adjustment. Discounts for
primary distribution or transmission
voltage delivery, effective 1/2010.

A-3 Large On-Peak On-Peak: 200 KW Customer charge: $569.52/mo.

General Winter: 5.61/KW Winter: 7.515/KWH Max Facilities charge: $3.14/mo.,
Service Summer: 13.70/KW Summer: 7.498/KWH effective 1/2010.

Mid-Peak: Mid-Peak:
Winter: 2.24/KW Winter: N/A
Summer: 0.00/KW Summer: 7.561/KWH

Winter: 6.276/KWH
Summer: 5.859/KWH

On-Peak: Summer - 5:00 P.M. -10:00 P.M.

Winter - 10:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Mid-Peak: Summer - 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Off-Peak: All other hours

Southern California GS-2 General All demand: 12.08/KW All use: Customer charge: $133.19/mo.
Edison Company Service Summer: 7.702/KWH/meter/mo. Minimum charge: $1.00 per KW
Demand Winter: 5.848/KWH/meter/mo. of contract demand. Energy rates
include all adjustment factors.
KWH per KW of max demand Discounts may apply, effective

TOU-8 General Facilities: 12.42/KW 500 KW Customer charge: $573.02/mo.,

Service- On-Peak On-Peak: effective 6/2010.
Large Summer: 18.22/KW Summer: 14.290/KWH
Winter: N/A
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Mid-Peak: Mid-Peak:
Summer: 5.13/KW Summer: 8.570/KWH
Winter: 7.394/KWH

Off-Peak Off-Peak:
Summer: 0.00/KW Summer: 4.958/KWH
Winter: 4.560/KWH

On-Peak: Summer - 12:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Winter - 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Mid-Peak: Summer - 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
Winter - 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Off-Peak: All other hours

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Surprise Valley A Large Power All demand: 5.14/KW All usage: 4.040/KWH 50 KVA Basic customer charge: $10.00/mo.
Electrification Service Subject to wholesale power cost
Corporation adjustments.

Turlock Irrigation ID Industrial Winter: 10.08/KW All usage: 35 KW Customer charge: $82.00/mo.
District Service Summer: 11.98/KW Winter: 6.010/KWH 2.5% discount applied to energy
Demand Summer: 7.920/KWH charge for delivery at 12,000 volts.
Metered 6% discount applied to energy
charge for delivery at 69,000 volts.
Power factor charge per KVA or portion
thereof $1.10, effective 2/2009.

HT Large Winter: 9.59/KW On-Peak: 500 KW Customer charge: $250.00/mo.

Industrial Summer: 10.63/KW Winter: 7.100/KWH 2.5% discount applied to energy
Service- Summer: 10.250/KWH charge for delivery at 12,000 volts.
Time-of-Use 6% discount applied to energy
Off-Peak: charge for delivery at 69,000 volts.
Winter: 4.510/KWH Power factor charge per KVA or
Summer: 6.250/KWH portion thereof $1.10, effective
On-Peak: 12:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Delta-Montrose 3 Large All demand: 10.62/KW All usage: 5.788/KWH 50 KW Basic charge: $130.00/mo.,
Electric Association Commercial effective 2008.

4&5 Industrial System Peak: All usage: Subject to cost of power adjustment.
Distribution voltage: 24.18/KVA Distribution voltage: 2.992/KWH Transmission voltage is greater
Transmission voltage: 20.56/KVA Transmission voltage: 3.290/KWH than 46KV, effective 2008.

Empire Electric LP Large Power All demand: 6.15/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.671/KWH 37.5 KVA Facilities charge: $191.25/mo.
Association Service Next 200 KWH/KW: 7.098/KWH
All additional: 3.792/KWH

Grand Valley LP-1 Large Power All demand: 5.405/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.8478/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $59.37mo.
Power Service Next 200 KWH/KW: 7.7424/KWH 2% discount for service at primary
EP - U.S.

All additional: 5.4104/KWH distribution voltage. Subject to

purchased cost adjustment.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Gunnison County 043 Commercial All demand: 18.00/KW All usage: 3.837/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $145.00/mo.
Electric Association Large Power

Highline Electric LP Large Power All demand: 17.19/KW All usage: 3.130/KWH Discount for delivery at 7.27KV
Association Service or 12.47KV. Minimum charge:
$65.00. Subject to wholesale cost of
power adjustment. Service charge:
$36.00 per meter per month,
effective 1/2010.

High West LP Large Power All demand: 14.10/KW First 50 KWH/KW: 8.869/KWH 37.5 KVA Facility charge: $35.00/mo.
Energy, Inc. Next 100 KWH/KW: 6.043/KWH 5% demand discount for delivery
Next 100 KWH/KW: 4.734/KWH at primary voltage if customer
All additional: 4.229/KWH owns and maintains transformers.
2010 rate.

Holy Cross Electric 63/64 General All demand: 6.54/KW All usage: 4.442/KWH Customer charge: $26.00/mo.,
Association Services/Large effective 6/2008.

66/67 General Maximum demand: 6.54/KW All usage: 2.972/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $162.00/mo.,
Services effective 6/2008.
Time-of-use Peak demand: 10.31/KW

Intermountain Rural P Large Power All demand: 8.40/KW All usage: 2.767/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $100.00/mo.
Electric Association Service 2006 rate.

KC Electric 0005 Small First 10,000 KWH: 11.13/KWH Three-phase monthly minimum:
Association Commercial All additional: 9.040/KWH $31.25. 2010 rate.

0006 Large All demand: 5.75/KW First 10,000 KWH: 8.150/KWH 800 KVA Facilities charge: $41.75/mo.
Commercial All additional: 7.110/KWH 2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

La Plata Electric LP-30 Commercial All demand: 13.95/KW All usage: 5.900/KWH 50 KW Effective 1/2009.
Association Large

LP-31 Commercial All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 5.000/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $450.00/mo.,
Large - Primary effective 7/2009
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Moon Lake Electric LP Large Power All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 3.720/KWH 50 KVA Minimum charge: $29.00/mo.,
Association Service effective 7/2000.

IS-2 Industrial All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 3.140/KWH Delivery at primary voltage
Service - 2 Customer charge: $2,198.00/mo.,
effective 7/2000.

Morgan County Rural Large Power All demand: 14.50/KW All usage: 4.8803/KWH 40 KW Monthly facility charge: $70.00,
Electric Association Service effective 11/2008.

Mountain Parks LP Large Power All demand: 4.57/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.100/KWH 50 KW Service charge: $88.40/mo.
Electric Association Service Next 200 KWH/KW: 6.200/KWH
All Additional: 3.600/KWH

Mountain View 60 Large Power All demand: 18.78/KVA All usage: 4.041/KWH 25 KVA Consumer charge: $26.25/mo.
Electric Association Subject to cost of purchased power
adjustment, effective 8/2010.

Poudre Valley LP-09 Large Power All demand: 18.00/KW All usage: 5.582/KWH 37.5 KW Facility charge: $66.00/mo.
Rural Electric Service Subject to cost of purchased
Association power adjustment. Minimum charge:
$1.50/KVA of installed transformer
capacity, effective 1/2009.

LPP-09 Large Power All demand: 17.10/KW All usage: 4.892/KWH 500 KW Facilities charge: $66.00/mo.
Service - Subject to cost of purchased
Primary Meter power adjustment. Minimum charge
$1.50/KVA of installed transformer

San Isabel Electric C2 Commercial All demand: 14.79/KW All usage: 8.5576/KWH 50 KW 5% discount for primary delivery.
Association & Industrial Customer charge: $100.00/mo.

C3 Large All demand: 14.66/KW All usage: 7.6590/KWH 1,500 KW For delivery at 69KV or 44KW.
Commercial Customer charge: $450.00/mo.
2009 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

San Luis Valley LP-A Large Power All demand: 6.99/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.800/KWH 45 KW Customer charge: $80.00/mo.,
Rural Electric General Service Next 200 KWH/KW: 6.800/KWH to effective 12/2009.
Association All additional: 3.800/KWH 500 KW

LP-B Large Power All demand: 9.27/KW First 200 KWH: 8.600/KWH 500 KW Customer charge: $325.00/mo.,
Service - Next 200 KWH: 5.500/KWH effective 12/2009.
Secondary All additional: 3.500/KWH

LP-B Large Power All demand: 9.00/KW First 200 KWH: 8.300/KWH 500 KW Customer charge: $330.00/mo.,
Service - Next 200 KWH: 5.200/KWH effective 12/2009.
Primary All additional: 3.200/KWH

San Miguel Power 3 General Service All demand: 19.70/KW All usage: 5.8676/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $33.00/mo.,
Association Three-Phase to effective 4/2009.
Service 1,000 KW

Sangre de Cristo 3 Three-Phase All demand: 25.00/KW All usage: 5.078/KWH 50 KVA Consumer charge: $84.26/mo.
Electric Association & Large 2008 rate.
Power Service

Southeast Colorado LP Large Power All demand: 19.30/KW All usage: 5.261/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $165.00/mo.
Power Association Service Large loads are negotiated,
effective 2/2010.

LT Large Power 20.40/KW All usage: 5.569/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $190.00/mo.
Time-of-Day 1,500KVA. Service charge based
Demand on cost of facilities, effective 1/2009.

United Power, Inc. IPDRI Industrial All demand: 14.05/KW All usage: 3.807/KWH 100 KVA Charge for Three-Phase service:
Primary $40.20/mo. Subject to wholesale
(Formerly Union REA) Voltage power cost adjustment. 2006 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

IPTDI Industrial On-Peak: 12.25/KW All usage: 2.262/KWH 100 KVA Service charge: $45.20/mo.
Time-of-Day Facility Demand: 7.20/KW Subject to wholesale power cost
Primary Voltage 2006 rate.

White River Electric LP-S Large Power All demand: No charge All usage: 9.461/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: 50.00/mo.
Association Service to Subject to purchased power
1,000 KVA adjustment. 2008 rate.

LP- Large Power All demand: 27.10/KW All usage: 3.535/KWH 1,000 KVA Service charge: 50.00/mo.
PRIM Primary Service to Subject to purchased power
5,000 KVA adjustment. 2008 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Yampa Valley 12 Large All demand: No charge All usage: 9.002/KWH 50 KVA Minimum charge: $115.00.
Electric Power effective 7/2008.

Y-W Electric 50 Commercial & All demand: 3.94/KW All usage: 10 KW Service charge: $50.00 per meter
Association 53 Industrial First 200 KWH/KW: 8.3465/KWH per month. If transformers are
Power Next 200 KWH/KW: 5.7831/KWH customer owned there is a
All additional: 4.0124/KWH $0.50/KW demand discount.
2008 rate.

XCEL Energy SG Secondary All demand: All usage: 0.473/KWH Up to Facilities charge: $40.00/mo.
General General & Transmission: 4,000 KW Includes electric cost adjustment,
Service Winter: 8.00/KW effective 6/2010.
Summer: 10.96/KW
(Formerly Public Service Company of Colorado) Distribution: 4.84/KW

PG Primary All demand: All usage: 0.461/KWH Up to Delivery at primary distribution

General General & Transmission: 4,000 KW voltage. Service charge $305.00/mo.
Service Winter: 7.03/KW Includes electric cost adjustment,
Summer: 10.04/KW effective 6/2010.
Distribution: 3.98/KW

TG Transmission All demand: All usage: 0.451/KWH Delivery at primary distribution

General Winter: 6.68/KW voltage. Service charge varies.
Service Summer: 9.68/KW Includes electric cost adjustment,
effective 6/2010.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Avista Utilities 21 Large First 50 KW: 275.00/mo. First 250,000 KWH: 5.765/KWH 50 KW $0.20/KW discount for delivery at
General All additional: 3.50/KW All additional: 4.919/KWH primary voltage of 11KV or higher.
Service Minimum charge $275.00/mo.,
effective 8/2009

25 Extra Large First 3000 KVA: 10,000.00/mo. First 500,000 KWH: 4.709/KWH 2,500 KVA $.20/KW discount for delivery at
General All additional: 3.25/KW All additional: 3.988/KWH primary voltage of 11KV or higher.
EP - U.S.

Service Minimum charge: $601,940/yr.,

effective 8/2009.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Clearwater Power 2-5 General Over 50 KW: 5.75/KW First 15,000 KWH: 5.677/KWH 15 KVA Facilities charge: $18.00/mo.
Company Service Large All additional: 4.680/KWH 2009 rate.

Fall River Rural 03 General Over 10 KW: 7.65/KW All usage: 4.383/KWH Customer charge: $58.00/mo.,
Electric Cooperative Service effective 1/2010.

Idaho County LP Large Power & First 50 KW: No charge First 100,000 KWH: 7.900/KWH Service Charge: $52.50/mo.,
Light and Power Lighting Service All additional: 5.20/KW All additional: 7.400/KWH effective 1/2010.

Idaho Power 9 Large General Summer: Summer: Up to Customer charge: Transmission

Company Service Secondary Service: 4.54/KW Secondary Service: 750 KW or primary service: $243.69/mo.
Primary Service: 4.18/KW First 2,000 KWH 8.8810/KWH Secondary service: $14.22/mo.
On-Peak: 0.78/KW All additional: 3.8074/KWH
Transmission Service: 4.00/KW Power cost adjustment
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Primary Service: $0.016407/KWH.
On-Peak: 3.7419/KWH
Mid-Peak: 3.4027/KWH Basic load demand charge of
Off-Peak: 3.1803/KWH $0.77/KW secondary service,
$1.10/KW for primary service and
Transmission Service: $0.57/KW for transmission service
On-Peak: 3.6775/KWH also apply, effective 6/2010.
Mid-Peak: 3.3520/KWH
Off-Peak: 3.1377/KWH

Non-Summer: Winter:
Secondary Service: 3.63/KW Secondary Service:
Primary Service: 3.85/KW First 2,000 KWH: 7.9237/KWH
Transmission Service: 3.71/KW All additional: 3.3959/KWH

Primary Service:
On-Peak: N/A
Mid-Peak: 2.9706/KWH
Off-Peak: 2.8489/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Transmission Service:
On-Peak: N/A
Mid-Peak: 2.9337/KWH
Off-Peak: 2.8227/KWH

(continued next page)

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Idaho Power 19 Large Power Summer: Summer On-Peak: 1,000 KW Customer charge: Transmission
Company Service Secondary Service: 3.86KW Secondary Service: 5.1105/KWH to or primary service: $243.69/mo.
(continued) Primary Service: 4.18/KW Primary Service: 4.1226/KWH 25,000 KW Secondary service: $14.17/mo.
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Transmission Service: 4.0875/KWH
Transmission Service: 4.00/KW
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Facilities charge: 1.7% x company
Summer Mid-Peak: investment in company owned
Non-Summer: Secondary Service: 3.9159/KWH facilities beyond point of delivery.
Secondary Service: 3.62/KW Primary Service: 3.1407/KWH
Primary Service: 3.85/KW Transmission Service: 3.1283/KWH Power cost adjustment
Transmission Service: 3.71/KW $0.016407/KWH.
Summer Off-Peak:
Secondary Service: 3.4047/KWH Basic load demand charge of
Primary Service: 2.7304/KWH $0.77/KW secondary service,
Transmission Service: 2.7202/KWH $1.10/KW for primary service and
$0.57/KW for transmission service
Non-Summer Mid-Peak: also apply, effective 6/2010.
Secondary Service: 3.6075/KWH
Primary Service: 2.9076/KWH
Transmission Service: 2.8914/KWH

Non-Summer Off-Peak:
Secondary Service: 3.1349/KWH
Primary Service: 2.5284/KWH
Transmission Service: 2.5140/KWH

Inland Power & Large Over 50 KW: 3.06/KW All usage: 4.976/KWH 50 KW Basic charge: $246.40/mo.
Light Company Commercial to 5% primary voltage discount.
3,000 KW Subject to power cost adjustment.
5 year contract required, effective

Kootenai Electric 6 Large First 50KW: 0.00/KW All usage: 5.550/KWH 51 KW Facility charge: $225.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 3.15/KW to Discount of $.10/KW on demand
1,000 KW charge for delivery at primary voltage.

Lost River Electric LP Large Power All demand: 5.51/KW All usage: 5.550/KWH 50 KW Facility charge: $14.56/mo.
Cooperative Service 7% discount for delivery at primary
voltage. Subject to a fuel cost
adjustment charge. 2008 rate.

Lower Valley Energy C-2 Commercial All demand: 6.48/KW All usage: 3.271/KWH 50 KW Minimum bill: $10.00/mo.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Missoula Electric Large All demand: 10.19/KW All usage: 4.100/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $42.23/mo.
Cooperative Commercial

Industrial II All demand: 13.21/KW Up to 2,190,000 KWH: 3.750/KWH Customer charge: $88.75/mo.
New Load All additional: 6.550/KWH

Northern Lights 2 Large All demand: 5.60/KVA All usage: 5.180/KWH 100 KVA Basic charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Commercial Development rate available. Voltage
Secondary rate. Subject to a power cost
adjustment of $0.00/KWH, effective

3 Large Power All demand: 5.40/KVA All usage: 4.130/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $80.00/mo.
Primary Subject to a power cost adjustment.
Voltage Rate currently $0.00/KWH,
effective 12/2009.

Rocky Mountain 9 General May - October: 7.88/KW All usage: 3.2519/KWH 80 KW Customer charge: $301.10/mo.
Power Service November - April: 5.96/KW to Delivery at 44KV or 69KV or greater,
High Voltage 15,000 KW effective 4/2009.

(Formerly Pacific Corp.)

6 General May - October: 11.34/KW All usage: 3.1380/KWH Customer charge: $92.91/mo.
Service November - April: 9.33/KW primary voltage, $30.97/mo.
secondary voltage. Voltage discount of
$0.53/KW for customer taking service
at 2,300 volts or higher; owns &
maintains all transformers & other
equipment, effective 4/2009.

Raft River Rural B Large All demand: 5.60/KW All usage: 3.150/KWH 50 KVA Minimum charge: $60.00/mo.,
Electric Coop. General Service effective 11/2009.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Salmon River Medium All demand: 1.52/KW All usage: 3.500/KWH 30 KW Customer charge:
Electric Cooperative Commercial $581.00/mo./meter. Discount
Service available for delivery at primary
voltage. Subject to fuel cost
adjustment, effective 1/2007.

Large All demand: 2.76/KW All usage: 3.710/KWH 800 KW Customer charge: $10,595.42/mo.,
Commercial effective 1/2007.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Agralite Small N/A All usage: <150 KVA Service charge: $45.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial Winter: 8.220/KWH 2010 rate.
Multi-phase Service Summer: 9.520/KWH

LP Large Power All demand: 7.25/KW All usage: 4.130/KWH 150 KVA Service charge: $70.00/mo.
Service 2010 rate.

Alexandria Light CP Large All demand: 8.02/KVA All usage: 4.700/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $25.90/mo.
and Power Commercial Rate subject to a purchased power
Power cost adjustment. $306.00 minimum.
2010 rate.

Alliant Energy Large Power All demand: All usage: 20,000 KW Customer charge: $161.20/mo.,
Winter: 10.07/KW June - September: 5.550/KWH effective 6/2010.
Summer: 17.15/KW October - May: 4.844/KWH

Arrowhead LP Large Power All demand: First 200 KWH/KW: 6.440/KWH 50 KW Minimum charge: $37.50/mo.
Electric Three-Phase June - August: 9.75/KW All additional: 4.440/KWH 2008 rate.
Cooperative, Inc. September - May: 6.75/KW

TOD-LP Large Power Peak: 10.35/KW 3.100/KWH Minimum charge: $37.50/mo.

Time-of-Day Off-Peak: 4.70/KW 2008 rate.

Peak: 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

Benco Cooperative 06 Industrial All demand: 7.50/KW All usage: 3.300/KWH 25 KVA Customer charge: $125.00/mo.
$.50/KW discount for service at
primary voltage. Subject to
purchased power cost adjustment.
2008 rate.

Beltrami Electric GS-6 General Service All demand: 9.20/KW All usage: 5.200/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $80.00/mo.
Cooperative Three-Phase Minimum charge: $160.00
2010 rate.

Brown County REA LP Large Power All demand: 7.20/KW All usage: 4.200/KWH 50 KW Service charge: $52.00/mo.
Subject to power cost adjustment.
Purchased cost adjustment
$0.00/KWH, effective 12/2008.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Clearwater-Polk 5 Large Power All demand: 6.19/KW All usage: 3.800/KWH 250 KVA Customer charge: $315.50 plus
Electric Coop. $1.25/KVA greater than 45 KVA.
Customer is given prior notification of
demand period and can reduce load to
zero to eliminate All demand: charges.
2008 rate.

Connexus 2-2 General June - September: 11.60/KW First 400 KWH/KW: 5.700/KWH 25 KVA Basic service charge: $25.00/mo.
Energy Commercial October - May : 7.40/KW All additional: 4.200/KWH $.15/KVA discount for delivery plus
Phase Service 1% discount for metering at primary
voltage, effective 4/2009.

Cooperative Light LP Large Power All demand: First 100 KWH/KW: 8.350/KWH 50 KVA $1.50 credit per KWH for all
& Power Association June - August: 7.45/KW All additional: 6.050/KWH KWH used over 62,500.
of Lake County September - May: 4.90/KW 2008 rate.

Crow Wing Coop. LP Large All demand: 8.30/KW All usage: 4.300/KWH 50 KW Subject to purchased power cost
Power & Light Power - 30 adjustment. New development credit
available, effective 1/2009.

Dakota Electric 46 General Service June - August: 11.75/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 6.637/KWH Facility charge: $28.00/mo.
Association September - May: 8.65/KW Next 200 KWH/KW: 5.637/KWH Subject to purchased power cost
All Additional: 4.637/KWH adjustment, effective 7/2010.

54 General Service Peak demand: All usage: 4.394/KWH Fixed charge: $30.00/mo.
Time-of-Day June - August: 21.70/KW $.15/KW discount for delivery
Rate December - February: 16.30/KW plus 2% discount for metering at
March - April - May: 10.95/KW primary voltage. Subject to
Maximum Demand: 4.30/KW purchased power cost adjustment,
effective 7/2010.
Peak: 4:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

East Central GS General Service All demand: First 400 KWH/KW: 4.600/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $55.00/mo.
Energy Association Service December - February: 11.00/KW All additional: 3.700/KWH to 2008 rate.
Three-Phase March - May: 8.00/KW 500 KVA
June - August: 18.00/KW
September - November: 8.00/KW

C&I Interruptible Peak: All usage: 3.600/KWH 200 KVA Facility charge: $90.00/mo.
December - February: 14.40/KW 2008 rate.
March - May: 9.90/KW
June - August: 18.80/KW
September-November: 9.90/KW
Excess demand: 5.00/KW
Base demand: 3.90/KW Peak: 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Federated REA 10 Multi-Phase All demand: 3.75/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 4.850/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Large Power All additional: 4.250/KWH to Energy charge increased by 5.5
500 KVA mills. Subject to purchased power
cost adjustment. 2008 rate.

Freeborn-Mower 5 Three-Phase All demand: 8.00/KW All usage: 5.720/KWH 125 KVA Subject to cost of purchased power
Electric Cooperative Large Service adjustment. Customer charge:
$65.00/mo. Peak alert schedule
available, effective 6/2009.

Goodhue County Large Power All demand: All usage: 6.000/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $35.00/mo.
Cooperative Electric June - August: 9.20/KW Subject to purchased power cost
Association September - May: 7.00/KW adjustment. 2006 rate.

Itasca-Mantrap LP Large Power All demand: 5.25/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 7.600/KWH 7% discount of both demand and
Cooperative All additional: 6.200/KWH energy charge at primary distribution
Electrical Association voltage.

IS Industrial Coincidental demand: All usage: 1,000 KVA Consumer charge negotiated.
Service Summer: 21.02/KW On-Peak: 5.060/KWH Summer: June - August
Winter: 15.79/KW Off-Peak: 3.403/KWH Winter: December - February
Other months: 10.56/KW Other: September - November,
March - May.
Non-coincidental demand:
First 2,000 KW/mo. 3.20/KW
All additional: 2.15/KW

Interruptible Coincidental demand: All usage: 3.403/KWH 1,000 KW Excess demand: $5.00 KW
Industrial Summer: 21.02/KW
Service Winter: 15.79/KW
Other months: 10.56/KW Summer: June - August
Winter: December - February
Non-coincidental: Other: September - November,
First 2,000 KW: 3.20/KW March - May.
All additional: 2.15/KW

Kandiyohi Cooperative 20 Commercial All demand: All usage: 6.700/KWH 50 KVA Access charge: $43.07/mo.
Electric Power Large June - August: 15.87/KW Minimum monthly charge:
Association September - May: 8.65/KW $41.00/mo. plus $0.75/KW greater
than 50KW demand. 2009 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lake Country 45 Commercial All demand: 9.75/KW All usage: 4.700/KWH 50 KVA Fixed charge: $70.00/mo.
Power Demand Service Maximum demand 1,000 KVA.
2008 rate.

46 Commercial Peak: 11.00/KVA All usage: 4.700/KWH 50 KVA Fixed charge: $70.00/mo.
Time-of-Day Off-Peak: 6.00/KVA Maximum demand 1,000 KVA. Larger
demand by contract.
2008 rate.

Lake Region Electric General All usage: 25 KVA Customer Charge: $35.00/mo.
Cooperative, Inc. Three-Phase Summer: 7.240/KWH Subject go power cost adjustment.
2008 rate.
First 800 KWH: 6.140/KWH
Over 800 KWH: 5.540/KWH

Lyon-Lincoln Electric 5 Commercial & All demand: 13.25/KW All usage: 5.000/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Cooperative, Inc. Industrial Subject to power cost adjustment,
effective 5/2009.

McLeod Cooperative 19 Large Power All demand: All usage: 5.150/KWH 75 KW Fixed charge: $120.00
Power Association June - August: 9.60/KW to 2008 rate.
September - May: 6.50/KW 500 KW

Mille Lacs Electric LP Large Power All demand: 9.50/KW All usage: 3.620/KWH 75 KW Fixed charge: $50.00/mo.
Cooperative Non-summer: 10.53/KW Subject to purchased power cost
Summer: 15.69/KW adjustment. Minimum charge:
$50.00/mo. Primary voltage
discount: $.15/KVA and 2% discount
for primary metering. 2006 rate.

Large Power Winter: All usage: 3.630/KWH 2,000 KW Fixed charge: $60.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Time-of-day December - February: 13.16/KW Peak demand is demand coincident

Shoulder: with Great River Energy’s peak
March - May: demand. Maximum demand is the
September - November: 7.00/KW highest demand in the month.
2006 rate.
June - August: 17.26/KW
Maximum: 3.42/KW
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Minnesota B Three-Phase All demand: 8.00/KW First 100 KWH: 5.700/KWH 25 KW Service charge: $38.00/mo.
Valley Cooperative Service All additional: 4.100/KWH 3% discount for delivery at primary
voltage, effective 1/2009.

Large Power Rate 1,000 KVA Negotiated on an individual basis.

North Itasca TOD Large Power All demand: 14.36/KW All usage: 5.000/KWH 350 KVA Minimum charge: $1.00/KVA
Electric LP TOD installed.

B Commercial Over 10 KW: 3.00/KW Summer: Monthly charge: $25.00/mo.

and Industrial First 700 KWH: 9.200/KWH
Lighting & Power All additional: 8.200/KWH Summer: June - August
2008 rate.
First 700 KWH: 8.200/KWH
All additional: 7.200/KWH

North Star Electric C Industrial & All demand: 9.60/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 6.300/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $74.00/mo.
Cooperative Large Power All additional: 6.300/KWH Subject to power cost adjustment.

Otter Tail Power 603 Large General Secondary service: Secondary service: 50 KW Minimum charge: $350.00/mo. plus
Company Service Summer: 6.51/KW First: 4.750/KWH facilities charge. Subject to a cost
Winter: 4.03/KW All additional: 4.513/KWH of energy adjustment.
2010 rate.

602 Primary service: Primary service:

Summer: 6.46/KW First: 4.731/KWH
Winter: 4.02/KW All additional: 4.493/KWH

632 Transmission service: Transmission service:

Summer: 4.85/KW First: 4.618/KWH
Winter: 3.75/KW All additional: 4.371/KWH

People's Cooperative C Large All demand: All usage: 6.250/KWH 70 KVA Service charge: $73.00/mo.
Power Association Commercial November - April: 8.90/KW to loads in excess of 300 KVA
and Industrial May - October: 12.10/KW negotiated individually, effective
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

P.K.M. Electric 4 Large Power All demand: No charge All usage: 6.300/KWH Over Facility charge: $27.00/mo.
Cooperative Service 150 KVA In lieu of metered demand charges,
Three-Phase a monthly capacity charge of
$2.40/KVA will be billed, effective

Red Lake Electric 2 Single & 3-Phase All demand: First 35,000 KWH: 75 KVA Facilities charge: $41.00/mo.,
Cooperative Service January - March: 9.00/KW January - March: 5.000/KWH effective 2/2009.
April - December: 6.00/KW April - December: 4.800/KWH

All additional:
January - March: 4.700/KWH
April - December: 4.500/KWH

Renville-Sibley B Three-Phase All usage: 9.000/KWH Up to Customer charge: $40.00/mo.

Cooperative Power Small 350 KVA Subject to purchased power cost
Association Commercial Service adjustment. 2009 rate.

B-1 Three-Phase All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 4.700/KWH 350 KVA Customer charge: $45.00/mo.
Large Subject to purchased power cost
Commercial Service adjustment. 2009 rate.

Roseau Electric Class Large Demand: 5.75/KW All usage: 6.000/KWH 51 KVA Industrial rates available for
Cooperative IV Commercial Plus installed KVA: 0.50/KVA to customers requiring more than
or Large Power 999 KVA 1,000 KVA. 2008 rate.

Runestone Electric LP3 Large Power All demand: All usage: 7.210/KWH 50 KVA Subject to purchased power cost
Association Service September -May: 6.10/KW adjustment. Three-Phase fixed
June - August: 9.50/KW charge: $25.00/mo. 2009 rate.

Sioux Valley - LP5 Large Power All demand: 8.30/KW First 450 KWH/KW: 3.800/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $1.20/mo.
Energy Service All additional: 3.000/KWH installed KVA.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

South Central 7 Large Power All demand: 6.00/KW All usage: 5.700/KWH 37.5 KVA Service charge: $57.50/mo.
Electric Association Service Subject to a power cost adjustment.
Multi-Phase 2008 rate.

Stearns Electric 2 General Power Demand: All usage: Fixed charge: $35.00/mo.
Association Three-Phase Summer: 10.00/KW Summer: 4.900/KWH Subject to purchased power
Other: 7.85/KW Other: 4.700/KWH adjustment clause. 2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Steele-Waseca TP-03 Large Power All demand: 12.50/KW All usage: 5.100/KWH 100 KW Service charge: $85.00/mo.
Cooperative Electric Rate Subject to wholesale market cost of
adjustment $0.01028/KWH.
2010 rate.

Todd-Wadena LP Large Power All demand: 8.09/KW All usage: 4.900/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $63.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service 2% discount available for metering at
primary voltage. Power cost
adjustment $0.00996/KWH.
2009 rate.

Traverse Electric D Multi-Phase & All demand: 14.15/KW Intermittently usage: 5.750/KWH Service charge: $47.00/mo.
Cooperative Large Single Phase

Tri County Electric Small All demand: All usage: 50 KVA Facility charge: $75.00/mo. plus
Cooperative Commercial Summer: 8.00/KW Summer: 9.050/KWH $5.50/10KVA greater than 50 KVA.
Multi-Phase Other: 6.00/KW Other: 7.100/KWH Demand based on lesser of KWH
usage/40 or actual demand,
Summer: June - September effective 5/2010.

Industrial All demand: All usage: 100 KVA Facility charge: $130.00/mo. plus
Summer: 11.00/KW Summer: 6.800/KWH $5.50/10KVA greater than 100 KVA,
Other: 9.00/KW Other: 5.100/KWH effective 5/2010.

Summer: June - September

Wild Rice Electric L-P Large Power All demand: 7.35/KW Peak: 5.600/KWH Up to Facility charge: $33.50 per 50 KVA
Cooperative Service Off-Peak: 350 KVA installed. Subject to cost of
Long Term: 4.100/KWH purchased power adjustment,
Short Term: 5.500/KWH effective 8/2010.
Intermittent non-cycled: 4.400/KWH

Wright-Hennepin CI Commercial All demand: First 400 KWH/KW: 4.200/KWH 25 KW Basic charge: $21.25/mo.
Cooperative & Industrial June - September: 9.50/KW All additional: 3.400/KWH $.15/KW discount for service at
Electric Assn. November - May: 6.50/KW primary voltage. Subject to a power
cost adjustment. 2008 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

XCEL Energy A14 General Secondary voltage: Customer charge: $25.00/mo.

Service October - May: 7.08/KW All usage: 2.295/KWH Secondary voltage 208V - 2.4KV,
June - September: 10.48/KW Energy charge credit: 0.900/KWH primary voltage 2.4KV - 69KV,
(Applies to all KWH >400 KWH/KW) transmission transformed voltage
(Formerly Northern States Power) 2.4 - 69KV with company owned
Voltage discounts: Voltage discounts: transformers.
Primary: 0.90/KW Primary: 0.087/KWH
Transmission: 1.65/KW Transmission: 0.140/KWH Rates subject to a fuel cost
charge, effective 4/2010.
Transformed transmission: 2.20/KW Transformed transmission: 0.190/KWH

A15 General Secondary voltage: All usage: 100 KW Customer charge: $28.00/mo.
Time-of-Day Winter: 7.08/KW On-Peak: 3.019/KWH
Service Summer: 10.48/KW Off-Peak: 1.776/KWH Secondary voltage: 480V or higher:
Winter: 2.20/KW Energy discounts: Primary voltage: 2.4KV or higher
Summer: 2.20/KW Primary: 0.087/KWH
Transmission: 0.190/KWH Rates subject to a fuel cost
Voltage discounts: Transformed transmission: 0.140/KWH adjustment, effective 4/2010.
Winter: 0.90/KW
Summer: 0.90/KW

Winter: 2.20/KW
Summer: 2.20/KW

Transformed transmission:
Winter: 1.65/KW
Summer: 1.65/KW

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum

Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Beartooth Electric Small All usage: 11.2670/KWH 25 KVA Monthly charge: $33.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial 2010 rate.

Large All demand: 11.95/KW All usage: 7.2106/KWH Monthly charge: $110.00/mo.
Commercial 2010 rate.

Big Flat Electric GS General First 100 KW: 9.75/KW All usage: 6.400/KWH 50 KVA Base rate: $40.00/mo.
Cooperative Service All additional: 14.00/KW 2006 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Big Horn CI Commercial All demand: 6.55/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 10.429/KWH 45 KW Basic charge: $90.00/mo. plus
Rural Electric Co. and Industrial Next 200 KWH/KW: 8.429/KWH $1.00/KVA, effective 5/2010.
All additional: 3.020/KWH

Fall River Rural 03 General Over 10 KW: 7.65/KW All usage: 4.383/KWH Customer charge: $58.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service

Fergus Electric 50 Three-Phase Over 6 KW: 13.50/KW First 2,000 KWH: 8.700/KWH Base charge: $68.00/mo.,
Cooperative Service Over 2,000 KWH: 6.700/KWH effective 4/2010.

Flathead Electric LGS51 Large All demand: 2.76/KW All usage: 7.015/KWH 100 KW Basic charge: $56.42/mo.
Cooperative General Reactive Power: 1.29/KVAR to Load size charge: $1.16/KW.
Service 400 KW Applies to southern Montana service
(Border Loads Service Area) areas.

IND51 Industrial All demand: 4.48/KW All usage: 5.967/KWH >1,000 KW Basic charge: $349.49/mo.
Service Reactive Power: 1.29/KVAR Load size charge: $1.37/KW.
1.5% discount for metering at
primary voltage. $.15/KW discount for
delivery at primary voltage.

Flathead Electric LGS01 Large General All demand: 2.76/KW All usage: 3.999/KWH 100 KW Basic charge: $56.42/mo.
Cooperative Service Reactive Power: 1.29/KVAR to Load size charge: $1.16/KW.
400 KW 1.5% discount for metering at
(Northwest Service Area) primary voltage.

IND01 Industrial All demand: 4.48/KW All usage: 3.135/KWH >1,000 KW Basic charge: $349.00/mo.
Service Reactive Power: 1.29/KVAR Load size charge: $1.37/KW.
1.5% discount for metering at
primary voltage. $.15/KW discount for
delivery at primary voltage.

Glacier Electric 3 Small All demand: 1.25/KW First 10,000 KWH: 6.300/KWH Facilities charge: $20.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 5.600/KWH Demand greater than 1,000 KW is
negotiated. 2009 rate.

Goldenwest Electric P-03 Three-Phase All demand: 12.50/KW All usage: 5.250/KWH 50 KVA 2008 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lincoln Electric D Large All demand: 5.61/KW All usage: 4.480/KWH 50 KVA Base charge: $46.25/mo.
Cooperative Commercial Energy charge includes line and
Service transmission charges, effective

E Industrial All demand: 5.61/KW All usage: 4.480/KWH 1,000 KVA Base charge: $262.50/mo.
Service Energy charge includes line and
transmission charges.

Marias River 1-09 General Over 10KW: 5.25/KW First 3,500 KWH: 6.750/KWH <350 KW Base rate: $14.50/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service All additional: 5.490/KWH

1-09 Large Power All demand: 6.25/KW All usage: 4.725/KWH 350 KW Minimum billing $1.00/demand of
Service installed transformer KVA unless
negotiated otherwise.

McCone Electric B-3 Three-Phase Over 10 KW: 14.15/KW First 15,000 KWH: 5.850/KWH Base charge: $40.00/mo.
Cooperative All additional: 4.900/KWH 5% discount for delivery at primary

Mid-Yellowstone GS-3 Three-Phase All demand: No Charge First 1,500 KWH: 9.800/KWH Minimum charge: $47.00/mo.
Electric Coop. General Service Next 3,500 KWH: 7.900/KWH 2008 rate.
All additional: 7.200/KWH

Mission Valley General All demand: 4.10/KW All usage: 3.946/KWH 25 KW Basic charge: $42.50/mo.
Power Services with 2008 rate.
Demand Three-Phase

Large All demand: 5.00/KW All usage: 3.300/KWH 3,000 KW Basic charge: $127.50/mo.
Commercial 2006 rate.
With Demand
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Missoula Electric Large Over 50 KW: 8.86/KW All usage: 3.570/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $37.10/mo.
Cooperative Commercial

Industrial II All demand: 7.77/KW Up to 2,190,000 KWH: 3.260/KWH 1,000 KVA Customer charge: $77.18/mo.
New Load All additional: 6.060/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Montana-Dakota 30 Large All demand: At primary voltage: 50 KW Base rate: $25.00/mo.

Utilities Company General At primary voltage: Summer: 5.374/KWH Primary voltage customers provide
Electric Summer: 6.00/KW Winter: 3.494/KWH own transformers at 2.4KV or
Service Winter: 5.00/KW higher. Subject to fuel cost
At secondary voltage: At secondary voltage: adjustment, effective 11/2009.
Summer: 6.15/KW Summer: 5.445/KWH
Winter: 5.15/KW Winter: 3.565/KWH

Northern Electric B-2 Three-Phase All demand: 4.68/KW All usage: 7.500/KWH Service charge: $20.00/mo.
Cooperative Service

B-3 Three-Phase All demand: 10.00/KW First 100,000 KWH: 9.000/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $30.00/mo.
Large Power Service All additional: 7.300/KWH

Northern Lights, Inc. 2 Large All demand: 5.60/KVA All usage: 5.180/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $50.00/mo.
Commercial Economic development rate
Secondary available. Subject to power cost
adjustment, effective 11/2009.

3 Large Power 5.40/KVA All usage: 4.130/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $80.00/mo.
Primary Voltage Rate Subject to a power cost adjustment,
effective 11/2009.

Northwestern 2 General Service All demand: 1.154869/KW All usage: 5.3218/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $1,410.90/mo.,
Energy Transmission Level effective 9/2010.

2 General Service All demand: 1.625187/KW All usage: 5.3540/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $218.00/mo.,
Substation Level effective 9/2010.

Park Electric Three-Phase First 3,000 KWH: 9.000/KWH Base rate: $29.00/mo.
Cooperative, Inc. Commercial and Industrial All additional: 6.000/KWH 2010 Rate.

Ravalli County Three-Phase Over 35 KW: 4.60/KW First 10,700 KWH: 5.360/KWH Fixed charge: $41.50/mo.,
Electric Cooperative Service All additional: 3.860/KWH effective 8/2006.

Southeast Electric GS Commercial & All usage: 7.900/KWH Facility charge: $30.00/mo.
Cooperative Industrial Service 2010 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Sun River Electric GS-2 Large All demand: 5.00/KW All usage: 1.809/KWH 50 KVA Base rate: $31.00/mo., effective
Cooperative Commercial PPR: 4.120/KWH 1/2010.
PPR: Purchase Power Rider

GS-3 General All demand: 8.59850/KW All usage: 0.634/KWH Base rate: $1,000.00/mo.,
Service PPR: 4.120/KWH effective 1/2010.
(Transmission) PPR: Purchase Power Rider

Tongue River LP Large Power All demand: 13.8044/KW *First 50 KWH: 5.665/KWH 30 KW Minimum charge: $385.24/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service *All additional: 2.967/KWH 2008 rate.

* Rates based on 9/2010 increase of 7.5%.

Vigilante Electric GS Commercial All demand: 3.00/KW First 1,000 KWH: 5.500/KWH Transformer charge at $0.90/KVA
Cooperative Three-Phase Next 19,000 KWH: 4.300/KWH but not less than $21.00/mo. or
Service All additional: 4.000/KWH greater than $90.00/mo. applies.
2010 rate.

Yellowstone Valley Large All demand: 9.90/KW First 10,000 KWH: 7.450/KWH 50 KVA Monthly base charge: $59.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Commercial Next 15,000 KWH: 6.460/KWH
All additional: 6.280/KWH

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Harney Electric Consult utility for current rates.

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.


Mt. Wheeler Power LGS Large All demand: 6.50/KW All usage: 5.344/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $45.00/mo.
General Service Peak schedule also available.
2008 rate.

LGS-OP Off-Peak All demand: No charge All usage: 5.344/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $45.00/mo.
for off peak usage. 2008 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

NV Energy GS-2 Medium All demand: 3.15/KW All usage: 8.190/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $18.00/mo.
Northern Nevada General to 1.25% - 2.5% discount for
Service 500 KW primary distribution. 5% - 10%
discount for transmission voltage

Rate includes all adjustments.

Facilities charge per KW of maximum
demand $6.03/mo., effective 7/2010.

GS-3 Large On-Peak: On-Peak: 1,000 KW Customer charge: $495.00/mo.

General Summer: 6.68/KW Summer: 11.159/KWH 1.25% - 2.5% discount for primary
Winter 2.02/KW Winter: 9.125/KWH distribution. 5% - 10% discount
For transmission voltage delivery
Mid-Peak: Mid-Peak:
Summer: 2.23/KW Summer: 9.591/KWH Facilities charge per KW of
Winter: 1.70/KW Winter: 8.390/KWH maximum demand $6.79/mo.,
effective 7/2010.
Summer: 6.014/KWH
Winter: 5.478/KWH

On-Peak: Winter: 5:01 P.M .- 10:00 P.M.

Summer: 10:01 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Mid-Peak: 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (Winter only)

NV Energy LGS-2 Large Secondary voltage: Secondary voltage: 300 KW Customer charge: $210.70/mo.
Southern Nevada General Summer On-Peak: 13.79/KW Summer On-Peak: 10.481/KWH plus facilities charge of $3.10/KW
Service Summer Mid-Peak: 1.90/KW Summer Mid-Peak: 7.829/KWH secondary, $291.90/mo. plus
Summer Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Summer Off-Peak: 5.733/KWH $2.60/KW - primary, and
Rest of year: 0.35/KW Rest of year: 6.385/KWH transmission voltage, $256.60/mo.
plus $0.51/KW. Subject to energy
Primary voltage: Primary voltage: cost adjustment, effective 7/2010.
Summer On-Peak: 14.34/KW Summer On-Peak: 9.501/KWH
Summer Mid-Peak: 2.02/KW Summer Mid-Peak: 6.831/KWH
Summer Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Summer Off-Peak: 5.733/KWH On-Peak: June - September
Rest of year: 0.34/KW Rest of year: 5.733/KWH 10:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.

Transmission voltage: Transmission voltage:

Summer On-Peak: 14.34/KW Summer On-Peak: 9.104/KWH Mid-Peak: June - September
Summer Mid-Peak: 2.02/KW Summer Mid-Peak: 6.831/KWH 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. and
Summer Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Summer Off-Peak: 5.733/KWH 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Rest of year: 0.34/KW Rest of year: 5.733/KWH

LGS-1 Large All demand: All usage: 7.591/KWH Customer charge: $14.90/mo.
EP - U.S.

General Facility charge: 3.90/KW Subject to energy cost adjustment,

Service-1 Demand charge: 3.32/KW effective 7/2010.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Overton Power 8 General All demand: 8.62/KW All usage: 6.550/KWH Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
District No. 5 Service Demand 2006 rate.

Raft River Rural B Large All demand: 5.60/KW All usage: 4.700/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $60.00/mo.,
Electric Cooperative General Service effective 11/2008.

Valley Electric SC General All demand: 2.00/KW All usage: 9.214/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $30.00/mo.
Association LC Service Power cost adjustment of
Small and Large $0.00/KWH, effective 8/2009.

Wells Rural 6 Large Power All demand: 6.00/KW All usage: 5.267/KWH 51 KVA Facility charge: $25.00/mo.
Electric Service to
Company 1,000 KVA PCA: $0.00155/KWH, effective 6/2010.

8 Commercial All demand: 5.50/KW All usage: 4.491/KWH 1,001 KVA Facility charge: $500.00/mo.
Power Service to
5,000 KVA PCA: $0.00155/KWH, effective 6/2010.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Central New Mexico 2 Commercial All demand: 18.32/KW All usage: 6.500/KWH 50 KVA System charge: $30.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service Subject to fuel and purchased
power cost adjustment, effective
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Central Valley Large All demand: 3.00/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 7.318/KWH <1,000 KW Minimum charge: $75.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Commercial All additional: 6.784/KWH Subject to a cost of fuel adjustment
of ($0.032623/KWH).

Mega All demand: 11.30/KW All usage: 5.8694/KWH 1,001 KW Minimum charge: $250.00/mo.
Subject to a cost of fuel adjustment
of ($0.032623/KWH).
Minimum charge demand: $11,300.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Columbus Electric 5 Large Power All demand: 12.00/KW All usage: 5.200/KWH 50KVA Customer charge: $45.50/mo.
Cooperative Service to Subject to cost of fuel and
350KVA purchased power adjustment, effective

Large Power Peak: 13.50/KW Peak: 5.920/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $65.00/mo.
Time-of-Use Non-Peak: No charge Non-Peak: 5.000/KWH to Subject to cost of fuel and
350 KVA purchased power adjustment,
Peak: 6:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. effective 9/2009.

6 Industrial All demand: 12.50/KW All usage: 4.410/KWH 350 KVA Customer charge: $45.50/mo.
Service Subject to cost of fuel and
purchased power adjustment,
effective 9/2009.

Continental Divide LPS Large Power Utility owned sub.: 15.00/KVA All usage: 0.049/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service Consumer owned sub: 14.75/KVA Subject to fuel and purchased
power cost adjustment.

Duncan Valley Three-Phase First 15 KW: No charge All usage: 5.966/KWH 15 KVA System charge: $40.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Demand Service All additional: 10.00/KW 2008 rate.

Farmers Electric Large Power All demand: 5.60/KW First 300 KWH: 8.3957KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $125.00/mo.
Cooperative Service All additional: 6.6295/KWH Plus power cost recovery
$0.01/HWH. 2008 rate.

Jemez Mountains 3 Large Power All demand: 11.50/KW All usage: 5.500/KWH 50 KVA Facilities charge: $85.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service Energy charge is increased 5%
for service at secondary voltage.
2006 rate.

Kit Carson Electric 4 Power Secondary service: 15.50/KW All usage: 6.764/KWH 50 KVA System charge: $30.00/mo.
Cooperative Service Primary service: 15.00/KW Subject to purchased power cost
adjustment. 2010 rate.

IP Industrial 3,000 KVA Power costs determined by

Power Service negotiated contract.

16 TOU On Peak: All usage: 3.580/KWH System charge: $46.67/mo.

EP - U.S.

Power Service Primary service: 18.92/KW 2010 rate.

Secondary service: 19.42/KW
Primary service: 5.85/KW
Secondary service: 6.35/KW
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lea County 23 Primary All demand: 4.40/KW All usage: 5.924/KWH <500 KW Customer charge: $100.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service Monthly fixed charge: $30.17/mo.
for 7.2 KV primary voltage and
$32.33/mo. for 14.4 KV primary
voltage. Primary service delivery.
Subject to a fuel and purchased power
cost adjustment. 2008 rate.

Mora-San Miguel 404 Power All demand: 14.00/KW All usage: 5.700/KWH 50 KVA System charge: $38.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service Subject to a cost of purchased
power adjustment, effective

Navopache Electric B Commercial On-Peak: 7.25/KW All usage: 2.747/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: Secondary
Cooperative & Industrial Off-Peak: 7.20/KW Voltage - $155.00/mo.; Primary
Service - Voltage - $244.00/mo. 7% discount
Time-of-Use for delivery at 14.4 KV and above.
Subject to a power cost adjustment.
2010 rate.

On-Peak: 6.00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.

A Commercial All demand: 8.70/KW First 300 KWH/KW: 5.197/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: Secondary
& Industrial All additional: 2.747/KWH Voltage - $120.00/mo.; Primary
Service Voltage - $244.00/mo. 7% discount
for delivery at 14.4 KV and above.
Subject to a power cost adjustment.
2010 rate.

Northern Rio Arriba 05 Large All demand: 17.50/KW All usage: 5.120/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Commercial Subject to a purchased power cost
adjustment. 2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Otero County Large Power All usage: Customer charge: $85.00/mo.

Electric Cooperative On-Peak: 11.00/KW On-Peak: 7.825/KWH 50 KVA Subject to a fuel purchased power
Off-Peak: 5.25/KW Off-Peak: 6.804/KWH cost adjustment clause, effective

Plains Electric Generation Sells wholesale to members only,

& Transmission Cooperative therefore has no rates.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Public Service Co. 3B General On-Peak: On-Peak: 50 KW Customer charge: $600.00/mo. or

of New Mexico Power Over 50 KW: 12.00/KW Summer - June - August: 7.7327/KWH $800.00/mo. for summer use.
Service Summer: 16.00/KW Other - September - May: 6.4059/KWH $.30/KW credit for consumer owned
Time-of-Use substation, effective 4/2010.
(Bernalillo County, Off-Peak:
Clayton, Deming, All usage: On-Peak: Monday - Friday
Las Vegas, Sandoval Summer- June - August: 3.600/KWH 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
County, Santa Fe Other - September - May: 3.600/KWH
County, Valencia
4B Large Power On-Peak: On-Peak: 500 KW Customer charge: $5,750.00/mo.
Service Over 500 KW: 11.50/KW Summer - June - August: 6.4505/KWH to or $7,250.00/mo. for summer use.
Time-of-Use Summer: 14.50/KW Other - September - May: 5.0652/KWH 10,000 KW Seven year commitment required for
mine/mill operations. Incentives
Off-Peak: available for new economic
All usage: development, effective 4/2010.
Summer - June - August: 3.350/KWH
Other - September - May: 3.350/KWH On-Peak: Monday - Friday
8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.

5B Large On-Peak: On-Peak: 8,000 KW Customer charge: $71,600.00/mo.

Service for Over 8,000 KW: 8.95/KW Summer - June - August: 7.1083/KWH or $86,000.00/mo. for summer use.
Mining Summer: 10.75/KW Other - September - May: 5.0734/KWH One year commitment required.
Customers Delivery at 12 KV or higher.
Off-Peak: Incentives available for new
All usage: economic development, effective
Summer- June - August: 3.1500/KWH 4/2010
Other - September - May: 3.1500/KWH
On-Peak: Monday - Friday
8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.

Roosevelt County 4 Demand Energy All demand: 7.75/KW All usage: 5.9476/KWH 37 KVA Subject to a fuel and purchased
Electric Cooperative Service power cost adjustment. 2010 rate.

Sierra Electric Large Power All demand: Off-Peak: 12.500/KWH Service charge: $50.00/mo.
Cooperative, Inc. Mining or Milling On-Peak: 19.500/KWH 2010 rate.

Socorro Electric LGE Large All demand: 12.00/KVA All usage: 5.560/KWH 50 KVA Subject to a fuel and purchased
Cooperative Commercial power cost adjustment. Economic
development rates available. Customer
charge: $35.00/mo. 2010 rate.

Springer Electric 3 Large All demand: 8.00/KW All usage: 7.750/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $75.00/mo.
EP - U.S.

Cooperative Commercial Subject to a purchased power cost

Service adjustment.

Large Industrial Industrial rates negotiated.

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Public Service Co. 3 Large First 50 KW: 1,256.35/mo. First 300 KWH/KW: 5.402/KWH Subject to a fuel and purchased
of New Mexico General All additional: 14.88/KW All additional: 4.658/KWH power cost adjustment. $1.25/KW
discount for primary service.
(Alamogordo, Bayard, 2009 rate.
Lordsburg, Ruidoso,
Silver City)
9 Industrial First 2,000 KVA: 13,400/mo. All usage: 7.440/KWH Delivery at 69 KV or above.
Power All additional: 5.95/KVA/mo. Subject to a power cost adjustment.

Xcel Energy 13 Primary Summer: 11.42/KW All usage: 4.4910/KWH 12.5 KV Service charge: $62.00/mo.,
General Service Winter: 9.43/KW effective 1/2010.

(Southwestern Public Service Company)

34 Large Transmission: All usage: 4.2225/KWH 69 KV Service charge: $1,404.00/mo.,

General Summer: 7.71/KW effective 1/2010.
Service Winter: 6.30/KW

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Burke-Divide B1 Commercial All demand: 12.50/KW All usage: 5.400/KWH Subject to a cost of purchased
Electric Coop. & Industrial power adjustment:
Lighting and Power
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Base rate:
Three-Phase: $65.00/mo.,
effective 9/2010.

Capital Electric UC-2 Urban Over 10 KW: 6.50/KW First 2,000 KWH: 6.000/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $23.00/mo.
Cooperative, Inc. Commercial Next 8,000 KWH: 5.000/KWH Large loads are negotiable.
All additional: 4.400/KWH 2005 rate.

Cass County 310 General All demand: 9.95/KW First 250 KWH/KW: 4.150/KWH 50 KW Subject to a cost of power
Electric Service All additional: 2.950/KWH adjustment. Facility charge:
Cooperative Three-Phase $100.00/mo. Time-of-use schedule
available. 2008 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Cavalier Rural All demand: 6.75/KW First 1,500 KWH/KW: 6.500/KWH 50 KW If load can be controlled over
Electric Cooperative Next 200 KWH/KW: 5.100/KWH the system peaks not to exceed
All additional: 4.700/KWH 400 hrs/yr, demand charge will be
eliminated. Cost of power
adjustment of $0.0016/KWH, effective

Dakota Valley 52 Three-Phase All demand: 7.23/KW First 150 KWH/KW: 5.920/KWH 51 KW 7% primary service discount.
Electric Cooperative 53 General Next 150 KWH/KW: 4.930/KWH Customer charge: $36.00/mo.
Service Rural All additional: 4.270/KWH Incentive rate available. 2010 rate.

56 Three-Phase All demand: 9.25/KW First 150 KWH/KW: 4.980/KWH 151 KW Basic charge: $36.00/mo.
Large Next 150 KWH/KW: 4.550/KWH Subject to a purchased power cost
Commercial All additional: 3.780/KWH adjustment. 2010 rate.

Goldenwest Electric P-03 Three-Phase All demand: 12.50/KW All usage: 5.250/KWH 50 KVA Minimum charge $1.00/KVA or as
Cooperative Service negotiated. 2006 rate.

KEM Electric T Multi-Phase All demand: 8.70/KW First 2,000 KWH: 7.600/KWH 50 KW 8% discount for delivery at primary
Cooperative Service Next 3,000 KWH: 6.000/KWH voltage. Customer charge:
All additional: 4.300/KWH $33.00/mo.

McLean Electric 50 General Over 15KW: 12.01/KW First 1500 KWH: 9.080/KWH Transformer capacity-over 15 KVA;
Cooperative Service Next 1000 KWH: 7.260/KWH $.75 KVA/mo. 10% discount for
All additional: 5.500/KWH delivery at primary voltage.
Customer charge: $33.00/mo.
2010 rate.

Montana-Dakota 30 Large Primary: All usage: 50 KW 5% discount for delivery and

Utilities Company General October - May: 5.254/KW Primary: 3.255/KWH metering at primary voltages of
Electric June - September: 8.254/KW Secondary: 3.336/KWH 2.4 KV or greater. Subject to a cost
Service Secondary: of fuel adjustment $0.010/KWH,
October - May: 8.224/KW effective 10/06. Base rate:
June - September: 11.224/KW primary $90.00/mo.; secondary
$35.00/mo. Subject to a fuel base
cost adjustment of $1.303/KWH,
effective 6/2010.

39 Interruptible All demand: 2.25/KW All usage: 2.900/KWH 500 KW Base rate: negotiated. Subject to a
Large Power fuel base cost adjustment of
EP - U.S.

$1.303/KWH, effective 6/2010.

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

MOR-GRAN-SOU 5 Large All demand: 7.05/KW First 3,000 KW: 6.700/KWH 50 KVA Base charge: $81.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Commercial Rate All additional: 5.000/KWH to 2008 rate.
1,000 KVA

Mountrail-Williams C2 Large All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 4.600/KWH 50 KW 2% discount on KWH for delivery at
Electric Cooperative Commercial primary voltage of 7.2 KV or above.
& Industrial Base charge: $50.00/mo. for an
investment by the Cooperative up to
$3,750.00 or 50 KVA of transformer
capacity, plus 15% per year for
additional investment. Subject to a
purchased power adjustment.
Williams and Mountrail cooperatives
merged. 2008 rate.

Nodak Rural Electric 501-2 Commercial Coincidental demand charge: Distribution Delivery: Distribution base rate: $106.25/mo.
Cooperative Industrial Winter: 16.35/KW First 360 KWH/KW: 4.600/KWH for new loads. Substation
Three-Phase Summer: 10.65/KW All additional: 3.600/KWH negotiated, effective 8/2010.

Substation Delivery:
All usage: 3.880/KWH

North Central C Large First 100 KWH: 14.000/KWH 25 KVA Discount for delivery at primary
Electric Commercial Next 900 KWH: 7.700/KWH voltage. 2006 rate.
Cooperative All additional: 6.300/KWH

Northern Plains LP Large Power First 100 KW: 9.90/KW First 360 KWH/KW: 4.353/KWH 75 KW Facility charge: $25.00/mo.
Electric Service - All additional: 8.30/KW All additional: 3.476/KWH Northern Plains Electric was formed
Three-Phase by the merger of Baker Electric and
Tri -County Electric, effective 4/2010.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Oliver-Mercer B Large Power Over 10 KW: 5.00/KW First 1,000 KWH: 5.800/KWH 50 KVA Base charge: $20.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative All additional: 4.600/KWH Discount may apply if service
furnished at primary voltage.
2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Otter Tail Power 602 Large Secondary service Secondary service: 80 KW Three year contract required.
Company 603 General First 100 KW: 8.33/KW Summer: Subject to a cost of energy
632 Service All additional: 6.80/KW First 700,000 KWH: 5.115/KWH adjustment.
All additional: 4.715/KWH
Winter: Customer charge: $40.00/mo.
First 700,000 KWH: 5.165/KWH
All additional: 4.761/KWH
Facilities charge:
Primary service: Primary service Primary:
Summer: 7.29/KW Summer: $0.11/KW annual max demand.
Winter: 5.61/KW First 700,000 KWH: 5.095/KWH Secondary:
All additional: 4.695/KWH $0.30/KW <1,000/mo.
Winter: $0.15/KW >1,000/mo.
First 700,000 KWH: 5.141/KWH
All additional: 4.737/KWH

Transmission service: Transmission service:

Summer: 5.88/KW Summer:
Winter: 4.73/KW First 700,000 KWH: 4.97/KWH
All additional: 4.574/KWH
First 700,000 KWH: 4.996/KWH
All additional: 4.592/KWH

Slope Electric LCR Large All demand: 9.00/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 5.900/KWH 25 KVA Base rate: first 75 KVA/mo.,
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 4.500/KWH $1.00/KVA, next 75 KVA/mo.,
Rural $0.50/KVA, all additional $0.25/KVA.
2008 rate.

Verendrye C1 Three-Phase All demand First 1,500 KWH: 7.100/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $15.00/mo.
Electric Coop. Service over 20KW: 8.00/KW All additional: 4.500/KWH 2006 rate.

S1 Small Industrial All demand: 8.00/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 4.500/KWH 500 KVA Service charge: $25.00/mo.
All additional: 3.000/KWH 2006 rate

West Plains Large Power Rates determined on a case by case

Electric Corp. basis.

Williams Electric Merged with Mountrail Electric

Cooperative Cooperative, see Mountrail-Williams.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Xcel Energy General Secondary voltage: All usage: 2.130/KWH Customer charge: $22.00/mo.
Service Winter: 6.86/KW Rates Subject to a fuel cost
(Northern States Power Company) Summer: 10.21/KW adjustment of $0.01720/KWH,
effective 11/2007.
Non Secondary Voltage Discount/mo.
Primary voltage: 0.85/KW Primary voltage: 0.070/KW
Transmission voltage: 1.85/KW Transmission voltage: 0.150/KW
Transmission transformed: 1.45/KW Transmission transformed: 0.100/KW

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Blachly-Lane County LP1- Industrial Distribution demand: 2.77/KW All usage: 100 KVA Service charge: $550.00/mo.
Coop. Electric Assn. 2002 101-1,000 KVA Power demand: 3.11/KW April - June: 2.350/KWH 6% discount for delivery at primary
July - March: 3.400/KWH voltage. Distribution and power
Administrative: 0.390/KWH charges are added to determine
total electricity charges, effective

LP2- Industrial Distribution demand: 3.52/KW All usage: 1,000 KVA Service charge: $2,000.00/mo.
2002 1,000 KVA Power demand: 3.11/KW April - June: 2.350/KWH 6% adjustment for delivery at
July - March: 3.400/KWH primary voltage, effective 1/2010.
Administrative: 0.380/KWH

Central Electric B General First 15 KW: No charge First 15,000 KWH: 5.630/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $78.00/mo.
Cooperative Service All additional: 4.50/KW All additional: 4.880/KWH Subject to a fuel cost adjustment
factor. Use less than 350KW,
effective 10/2010.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

F Industrial First 15 KW: No charge First 15,000 KWH: 5.520/KWH Facility charge: $78.00/mo.,
Service All additional: 3.50/KW Next 385,000 KWH: 3.950/KWH 350 KW effective 10/2010.
All additional: 3.400/KWH

Central Lincoln PUD 200 Large General Demand over 30 KW: 8.96/KW <25 KW calculated: 8.740/KWH 31 KW Basic charge: $40.01/mo.
Service Balance: 3.750/KWH 2010 rate.

KWH calculated or >.24 KW:

First 5,000: 8.740/KWH
Balance: 3.750/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Clearwater Power 2-5 General Over 50 KW 5.75/KW First 15,000 KWH: 5.677/KWH 15 KVA Facilities charge: $18.00/mo.
Company Service Over 15,000 KWH: 4.680/KWH 2010 rate.

Columbia Power Large All demand: 4.90/KW All usage: 5.600/KWH 50 KW Three-Phase power minimum
Cooperative Commercial charge: $23.50/mo. per meter.
2010 rate.

Columbia Rural 3 General General First 10,000 KWH: 6.650/KWH 5% discount for delivery
Electric Assn. Service Over 30KW: 4.90/KW All additional: at primary voltage. Subject
Three-Phase Time-of-day April - May:4.220/KWH to cost of energy adjustment.
Peak: 4.90/KW June: 3.900/KWH Basic charge: $35.00/mo.
Off-Peak: 1.93/KW July: 4.000/KWH
August: 4.220/KWH For qualifying loads over 250KW
September - March: 4.320/KWH alternate Time-of-Day metering,
demand: On-Peak: 4.90/KW
Off-Peak: 1.93/KW 2008 rate.

Consumers Power 46 General Service All demand: 4.60/KW All usage: 4.948/KWH 100 KW Basic charge: $60.00/mo.
Large Discount of $.0043/KWH for all
Three-Phase KWH above 50% load factor.
All demand greater than 4,500KW
rates negotiated. 2008 rate.

Coos-Curry Electric 45-05 General All demand: 7.19/KW All usage: 4.280/KWH 30 KW Consumer charge: $83.00/mo.
Cooperative 46-07 Demand Service Minimum charge of $3.890/KVA of
48-08 Three-Phase required transformer capacity.
5% discount for primary distribution
where customer maintains and owns
facilities. 2008 rate.

Douglas Electric 2 General Service Over 30 KW: 5.75/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 7.450/KWH Multi-Phase Customer charge:
Cooperative Next 250 KWH/KW: 7.100/KWH $25.00/mo. 2008 rate.
All additional: 6.100/KWH

5 Commercial & All demand: 5.75/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 6.800/KWH 500 KVA Minimum charge: $2.20/KVA.
Industrial Power Next 275 KWH/KW: 5.550/KWH 2008 rate.
All additional: 5.400/KWH

6 Large All demand: 5.75/KW First 250 KWH/KW: 6.500/KWH 1,000 KVA Minimum charge: $2.20/KVA.
EP - U.S.

Industrial All additional: 5.500/KWH 2008 rate.

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Emerald People's 25T General All demand: 3.88/KW All usage: 6.400/KWH 50 KW Basic charge: $30.50/mo.
Utility District Service to Subject to a power cost adjustment
Poly-Phase 1,000 KW factor.

48T Industrial Demand: Energy Basic charge: $90.00/mo.

Service October: 3.95/KW October: 2.860/KWH 1,000 KW Demand is determined monthly,
November - January: 4.25/KW November - January: 2.960/KWH Energy and distribution cost vary by
February - June: 3.32/KW February - June: 2.220/KWH customer. Subject to a BPA
July - September: 3.91/KW July - September: 2.410/KWH adjustment. 2010 rate.

Eugene Water G-2 Medium Primary Service: 5.98/KW All usage: 31 KW Basic charge: 38.85/mo. for
& Electric Board General Secondary Service: 6.13/KW Primary: 4.450/KWH secondary and $2,372.00 for primary
Service Secondary: 4.524/KWH service. 2010 rate.

G-3 Large Primary Service: All usage: 501 KW Basic charge: $2,150.00/mo. for
General Service First 300 KW: 0.00/KW Primary: 3.432/KWH secondary and $2,086.00/mo. for
Over 300 KW: 6.25/KW Secondary: 3.511/KWH primary service. Energy charge
Secondary Service: includes BPA surcharge.
First 300 KW: 0.00/KW 2009 rate.
Over 300 KW: 6.45/KW

Harney Electric Cooperative Consult utility for current rates.

Hood River Electric 2 Commercial & All demand: 4.80/KW All usage: 3.540/KWH 50 KVA Energy and demand 5% discount
Cooperative Industrial Power for delivery at primary voltage.

Idaho Power 9 Large General All demand: All usage: 30 KW Customer charge:
Company Service Secondary: Secondary: Secondary service:
Summer: 4.54/KW Summer: $14.22/mo. Plus $0.77/KW
Non-Summer: 3.63/KW First 2,000 KW: 8.8100/KWH
All additional: 3.8074/KWH Primary Service:
Non-Summer: $243.69/mo. plus $1.10/KW.
First 2,000 KW: 7.9237/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

All additional: 3.3959/KWH Transmission Service:

$243.69/mo. plus $0.78/KW.

Primary: Primary: On-Peak: Mid-Peak: Off-Peak

Summer: 4.18/KW Summer: 3.7419/KWH 3.4027/KWH 3.1803/KWH
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Non-Summer -- 2.9706/KWH 2.8489/KWH
Non-Summer: 3.85/KW

Transmission: Transmission: On-Peak: Mid-Peak: Off-Peak

Summer: 4.00/KW Summer: 3.6775/KWH 3.3520/KWH 3.1377/KWH
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Non-Summer -- 2.9337/KWH 2.8227/KWH
Non-Summer: 3.71/KW

(continued next page)

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Idaho Power 19 Large General 1,000 KW Discount for service taken at 44 KV

Company Service to or above.
(continued) 25,000 KW
All demand: All usage:
Secondary: Secondary: On-Peak: Mid-Peak: Off-Peak
Summer: 3.86/KW Summer: 5.1105/KWH 3.9159/KWH 3.4047/KWH
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Winter: --- 3.6075/KWH 3.1349/KWH Customer charge:
Winter: 3.62/KW Secondary Service:
$14.17/mo. plus $0.77/KW.
Primary: Primary: On-Peak: Mid-Peak: Off-Peak
Summer: 4.18/KW Summer: 4.1226/KWH 3.1407/KWH 2.5224/KWH Primary Service:
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Winter: --- 2.9076/KWH 2.5284/KWH $243.00/mo. plus $1.10/KW.
Winter: 3.85/KW
Transmission Service:
Transmission: Transmission: On-Peak: Mid-Peak: Off-Peak $243.69/mo. plus $0.57/KW.
Summer: 4.00/KW Summer: 4.0875/KWH 3.1283/KWH 2.7202/KWH
On-Peak: 0.78/KW Winter: --- 2.8914/KWH 2.5140/KWH
Winter: 3.71/KW

Lane Electric GS-3 General Over 50 KW: 5.05/KW All usage: 50 KW Basic charge: $60.00/mo. 7%
Cooperative Service First 10,000 KWH 8.380/KWH discount for service at primary
Three-Phase Next 50,000 KWH 6.000/KWH voltage, effective 2/2010.
All additional: 4.580/KWH

Midstate Electric Commercial Over 25 KW: 5.75/KW First 5,000 KWH: 5.900/KWH 5% discount for service at primary
Cooperative Three-Phase All additional: 4.500/KWH voltage. Facility charge:
$54.00/mo.,effective 10/2009.

Northern Wasco 250 Demand All demand: 3.96/KW First 50,000 KWH: 3.724/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $50.00/mo.
County PUD Rate All additional: 3.464/KWH Primary service discount available.
2010 rate.

300 Primary All demand: 3.84/KW First 50,000 KWH: 3.624/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $50.00/mo.
All additional: 3.374/KWH 2010 rate.

Oregon Trail G2 Large All demand: 4.25/KW All usage: 4.610/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $37.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Commercial Subject to a BPA cost recovery
adjustment of $(0.00255)KWH,
effective 1/2009.

LP Large All demand: 4.25/KW All usage: 3.947/KWH 1,000 KVA Customer charge: $37.00/mo.
Power Service Subject to a BPA cost recovery
EP - U.S.

adjustment of $(0.00255)KWH,
effective 1/2009.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific Power 28 General All demand: Secondary: Up to Basic charge:

Service Secondary: 3.86/KW First 20,000 KWH: 5.357/KWH 1,000 KW Secondary:
Primary: 4.29/KW All additional: 5.232/KWH 51-100KW: $26.00/mo.
101-300KW: $62.00/mo.
Load size charge: Primary: greater than 300KW: $89.00/mo.
Secondary: First 20,000 KWH: 4.963/KWH
<50 KW: 0.90/KW All additional: 4.842/KWH
51 - 100 KW: 0.70/KW Primary:
101 - 300 KW: 0.40/KW Distribution: 51-100KW: $30.00/mo.
>300 KW: 0.30/KW Secondary: 0.300/KWH 101-300KW: $71.00/mo.
Primary: 0.039/KWH greater than 300KW: $102.00/mo.
<50 KW: 1.00/KW Reactive Power charge:
51 - 100 KW 0.80/KW Secondary: 65.00/KVAR Subject to power cost adjustment,
101 - 300 KW: 0.45/KW Primary: 60.00/KVAR effective 2/2010.
>300 KW: 0.25/KW

Secondary: 1.230/KW
Primary: 1.180/KW

48 Large General On-Peak: Secondary: 1,000 KW Basic charge:

Service All demand: On-Peak: 4.070/KWH Facility capacity less than 4,000KW
Secondary: 3.39/KW All additional: 3.970/KWH Secondary: $320.00/mo.
Primary: 3.65/KW Primary: $330.00/mo.
Transmissions: 3.32/KW Primary: Transmission: $440.00/mo.
On-Peak: 3.883/KWH
Facility charge: Off-Peak: 3.783/KWH
Capacity greater than 4,000KW Facility capacity greater than
Secondary: 1.30/KW 4,000KW
Primary: 0.65/KW Transmission: Secondary: $600.00/mo.
Transmission: 0.60/KW On-Peak: 3.751/KWH Primary: $590.00/mo.
Off-Peak: 3.651/KWH Transmission: $810.00/mo.
Capacity less than 4,000KW
Secondary: 1.20/KW Subject to power cost adjustments,
Primary: 0.70/KW effective 6/2009.
Transmission: 0.60/KW
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Reactive Power Charge

Secondary: 0.650/KVAR
Primary: 0.600/KVAR
Transmissions: 0.550/KVAR
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Portland General 89-S Large Distribution: All usage: 1,000 KW Basic charge: $150.00/mo.
Electric Company Non-residential First 1,000 KW: 1.90/KW System charge: 0.105/KWH Alternative pricing plans available
Secondary All additional: 0.57/KW On-Peak: 6.898/KWH based on daily, monthly, or annual
Voltage Off-Peak: 5.446/KWH energy costs, effective 1/2010.
Transmission: 0.70/KW
Monthly on Peak: 2.01/KW

89-P Large Distribution: All usage: 1,000 KW Customer charge: $220.00/mo.

Non-residential First 1,000 KW: 1.67/KW System charge: 0.084/KWH Alternative pricing plans available
Primary voltage All additional: 0.34/KW On-Peak: 6.660/KWH based on daily, monthly, or annual
Off-Peak: 5.274/KWH energy costs, effective 1/2010.
Transmission: 0.70/KW
Monthly on Peak: 2.01/KW

89-T Large Distribution: All usage: 1,000 KW Basic charge $1,000.00

Non-residential First 1,000 KW: 1.67/KW System charge: 0.071/KWH Alternative pricing plans available
Sub-transmission All additional: 0.34/KW On-Peak: 6.480/KWH based on daily, monthly, or annual
Off-Peak: 5.163/KWH energy costs, effective 1/2010.
Transmission: 0.70/KW
Monthly on Peak: 1.00/KW

83 Large Transmission: 0.70/KW All usage: Secondary Customer charge:

Non-residential Distribution: Energy charge: 6.363/KWH 30 KW Secondary: $25.00/mo.
Standard Secondary: System charge: 0.117/KWH Primary: $80.00/mo., effective
First 30 KW: 1.48/KW 1/2010.
All additional: 2.15/KW

Primary: Primary:
Transmission: 6.363/KW Energy charge: 6.153/KWH
Distribution: 1.46/KW System charge: 0.102/KWH
Monthly on Peak: 1.97/KW

Surprise Valley A Large Power All demand: 5.14/KW All usage: 4.040/KWH 50 KVA Subject to wholesale power cost
Electrification Service adjustments. Basic customer
Corporation charge $10.00/mo. 2010 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Tillamook G-2 General Over 50 KW: 3.80/KW First 12,000 KWH: 6.350/KWH Basic charge: $35.00/mo.
People’s Utility District Service All additional: 4.100/KWH 10% discount for months
October - April.

LP-3 Large Power Heavy Load: All usage: 1,000 KVA Minimum charge: $3,000/mo.
Service Primary: 4.70/KW Primary: 3.530/KWH 2006 rate.
Secondary: 4.90/KW Secondary: 3.590/KWH
Heavy Load:
Intermediate: Monday - Saturday
Primary: 2.70/KW 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Secondary: 2.90/KW
Intermediate Load:
Light Load: Monday - Saturday
Primary: 1.00/KW 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Secondary: 1.20/KW

Umatilla Electric 4 Large Over 20 KW: 4.95/KW All usage: 100 KW Time-of-day metering is available.
Cooperative Commercial On-Peak: 4.010/KWH Customer charge: $38.50/mo.
Night-time & Sunday: 3.310/KWH 2010 rate.

5 Industrial High Load: All usage: 1,000 KW Availability charge: $0.68/KW

Service Hour demand: 4.95/KW On-Peak: 3.710/KWH demand included.
Night-time & Sunday: 3.010/KWH Basic charge: $220.00/mo.
High load hour demand is between
7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday -
Friday. 2010 rate.

Wasco Electric Small Over 15 KW: 7.00/KW All usage: 6.860/KWH <100 KW Basic charge: $21.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial 2010 rate.

Large All demand: 6.85/KW All usage: 4.200/KWH 100 KW 2010 rate.
Commercial &
Industrial Service
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

West Oregon 3 Large 0 - 25 KW: 0.00/KW First 30,000 KWH: 10.380/KWH Facility charge: $98.00/mo.
Electrical Commercial & All additional: 6.30/KW All additional: 6.440/KWH 2010 rate.
Cooperative Industrial Service
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Black Hills Electric 2 Large All demand: 9.00/KW First 4,000 KWH: 7.500/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $45.00/mo.
Cooperative Commercial Next 4,000 KWH: 5.000/KWH Subject to cost of purchased power
All additional: 4.300/KWH adjustment factor. 5% primary service
discount. 2010 rate.

Black Hills Power GL General On-Peak: First 50,000 KWH: 5.750/KWH 125 KVA Substation ownership discount:
Service First 125 KVA: 1,184.00/mo. Next 450,000 KWH: 5.620/KWH $.25/KVA for transmission
Large All additional: 7.56/KVA All additional: 5.180/KWH voltage; $.15/KVA for primary
voltage. Subject to energy cost
Off-Peak: adjustment, effective 4/2010.
All additional: No charge

IC Industrial On-Peak: 6.87/KVA All usage: 3.98/KWH 500 KVA Transmission service charges apply
Contract when power delivered at 69 KV,
Service Off-Peak: distribution charges apply when
All additional: no charge power is delivered at less than
69 KV, effective 4/2010.

Bon Homme 50-8 Industrial Non-coincidental: 12.60/KW Standard: 4.000/KWH 350 KVA Subject to purchased power cost
Yankton Electrical adjustment. 2008 rate.

Butte Electric 50 Large All demand: 9.00/KW 100 KWH/KW: 8.800/KWH 50 KW Subject to wholesale power
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 5.400/KWH adjustment. 2008 rate.

Cam Wal Electric A-P Three-Phase 8.50/KW All usage: 4.800/KWH Basic charge: $59.20/mo.
Cooperative Service Subject to cost of purchased power
adjustment factor. 2008 rate.

Central Electric General All demand: No charge First 600 KWH: 9.900/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $12.00/mo.
Service Next 600 KWH: 8.600/KWH 2006 rate.
(Formerly Intercounty All additional: 5.410/KWH
Electric Association)

Commercial Coincidental: 12.00/KW First 600 KWH: 9.900/KWH 500 KW Basic charge: $36.00/mo.
Three-Phase Non-coincidental: 9.00/KW Next 600 KWH: 8.600/KWH 2006 rate.
All additional: 5.400/KWH

Charles Mix E-10 Three-Phase All demand: 11.00/KW First 150 KWH/KW: 6.900/KWH Non-coincident rates are available.
Electric Association Large Commercial All additional: 4.500/KWH 2010 rate.
EP - U.S.

& Industrial
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Cherry-Todd Electric GS-1 Three-Phase All demand: 7.00/KW 1st 40,000 KWH: 3.700/KWH 100 KW 6% discount for delivery at primary
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 3.600/KWH voltage. Subject to cost of
& Industrial purchased power adjustment. Minimum
charge: $32.50/mo. 2008 rate.

Clay-Union Electric L-CD Large Power Coincidental KW: 12.80/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 6.500/KWH 50 KVA 5% discount for delivery at primary
Service All additional: 2.600/KWH voltage. Facilities charge:
Coincidental $60.00/mo. 2006 rate.

Dakota Electric 46 General All demand: First 200 KWH: 6.637/KWH Fixed charge: $28.00
Association Service June - August: 11.75/KW Next 200 KWH: 5.637/KWH Discount of $0.15/KW of Billing
Other months: 8.65/KW Over 400 KWH: 4.637/KWH Demand when service taken by the
consumer at the available primary
voltage. Also additional discount for
primary metering.

Douglas Electric 2A Commercial & All demand: 9.25/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 6.000/KWH Minimum charge: $1.65/KVA
Cooperative Industrial All additional: 4.600/KWH demand/mo. 2008 rate.

Off-Peak option Peak: 9.25/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 6.000/KWH Minimum charge: $1.65/KVA
Off-Peak: 6.00/KW All additional: 4.600/KWH demand/mo. 2008 rate.

FEM Electric Assn Large Over 10 KW: 7.50/KW First 100 KWH: 19.590/KWH 10 KW Subject to purchased power
Commercial Next 900 KWH: 8.430/KWH adjustment clause. 2006 rate.
Three-Phase All additional: 5.000/KWH

Grand Electric Consult utility for current rates.


H-D Electric 4 Commercial & All demand: 8.50/KW First 2,000 KWH: 6.400/KWH Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Coop., Inc. Industrial Lighting All additional: 5.750/KWH 2006 rate.

and Power

Kingsbury Electric Commercial First 2,000 KWH: 7.100/KWH Service charge: $50.00/mo.
Cooperative & Industrial All additional: 5.900/KWH

LaCreek LP Large All above 10KW 7.00/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 7.600/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $32.50/mo.
Electric Power Next 200 KWH/KW: 6.200/KWH Subject to purchased power
Association All additional: 5.200/KWH adjustment charge of $0.0066/KWH.
2009 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lake Region Electric 3 Large All demand: 11.50/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 5.800/KWH 50 KVA Subject to purchased power
Association Three- Phase All additional: 3.750/KWH adjustment clause. Customer charge:
$36.00/mo. 2008 rate.

Southeastern Electric 6 Large Power All demand: 7.50/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 4.700/KWH 100 KW Merged with Southeast Electric.
Cooperative Service All additional: 2.900/KWH McCook has separate rate schedules
for now. 2006 rate.

Montana-Dakota 30 Large General All demand: 5.00/KW First 2,000 KWH: 6.262/KWH 50 KW Base rate: $15.00/mo.
Utilities Company Electric Next 8,000 KWH: 4.937/KWH 5% discount for primary service.
Service All additional: 4.467/KWH Fuel cost adjustment of
$0.00966/KWH, effective 10/2010.

33 Large General Primary Voltage Primary Voltage 50KW Base rate: $17.00/mo.
Electric Service On-Peak: 4.75/KW On-Peak: 6.296/KWH Purchased fuel cost adjustment
Optional Off-Peak: 1.80/KW Off-Peak: 2.032/KWH cost adjustment. $0.00966/KWH,
Time-of-Day effective 10/2010.

Secondary Voltage Secondary Voltage

On-Peak: 5.00/KW On-Peak: 7.007/KWH On-Peak:
Off-Peak: 1.90/KW Off-Peak: 2.269/KWH Monday - Friday
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.

Moreau-Grand LC Large All demand: 3.20/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 6.000/KWH 50 KW Customer charge, three-phase:
Electric Cooperative Commercial Next 200 KWH/KW: 4.000/KWH $50.00/mo. 2008 rate.
All additional: 3.000/KWH

Niobrara Electric LP Large Power All demand: 21.55/KW All usage: 4.120/KWH 50 KVA 7% discount for delivery at primary
Association Service voltage. Facilities charge: $273.00/mo.
Special contracts for interruptible
power available. 2010 rate.

Northern Electric 23C-1 Commercial All demand: 9.00/KW First 300 KWH: 6.600/KWH 30 KW Subject to cost of power adjustment.
Cooperative All additional: 3.800/KWH 2006 rate.

25C-2 Large All demand: 10.00/KW First 10,000 KWH: 3.700/KWH 100 KW Subject to cost of power adjustment.
Commercial All additional: 2.800/KWH Demand is measured during “Peak”
On-Peak: 7:00 A.M.- 9:00 P.M. hours only. 2006 rate.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Northern States E15 General All demand: All usage: 3.090/KWH Customer charge: $18.00/mo.
Power Company Service October - May: 6.86/KW A credit of $0.0065/KWH applies to
(Xcel Energy) June - September: 9.86/KW all usage greater than 360 times
demand. Fuel clause adjustment,
Voltage discounts: Discounts: effective 1/2010.
Primary: 0.80/KW Primary: 0.080/KWH
Transmission Transformed: 1.50/KW Transmission Transformed: 0.140/KWH
Transmission: 2.00/KW Transmission: 0.200/KWH

E16 General October - May: All usage: Customer charge: $21.00/mo.

Time-of-Day On-Peak: 6.86/KW On-Peak: 3.030/KWH Discounts available for receiving
Off-Peak: 2.00/KW Off-Peak: 1.894/KWH power at primary voltage. A credit
of $0.0065/KWH applies to all usage
June - September: greater than 360 times demand.
On-Peak: 9.86/KW Fuel clause adjustment, effective
Off-Peak: 2.00/KW 1/2010.
Voltage discounts: Discounts:
Primary: 0.80/KW Primary: 0.080/KWH
Transmission Transformed 1.50/KW Transmission Transformed: 0.140/KWH
Transmission: 2.00/KW Transmission: 0.200/KWH

Northwestern Energy 34 Large First 100 KW: 6.13/KW First 100 KWH/KW: 3.258/KWH 2% discount for metering at primary
Commercial Next 400 KW: 5.43/KW Next 300 KWH/KW: 1.558/KWH voltage. Rider to this schedule
& Industrial All additional: 4.73/KW Next 100 KWH/KW: 1.058/KWH available for new loads of 5KW or
Service All additional: 0.558/KWH above, giving a 30% discount on
demand plus bonus discounts of
20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% based
upon achieved load factors of 50%,
60%, 70%, and 80% respectively.

Oahe Electric C-50 Large All demand: 8.00/KW First 150 KWH/KW: 5.400/KWH 50 KVA Subject to power cost adjustment
Cooperative Commercial All additional KWH/KW: 4.300/KWH factor. Monthly minimum: $1.00/KVA.

Otter Tail Power 602 Large Secondary service: Secondary service: Customer charge: $40.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Company 603 General Summer: 7.06/KW Summer: 5.011/KWH Subject to cost of fuel adjustment.
Service Winter: 2.85/KW Winter: 5.059/KWH Facilities charge: $0.11/KW
(primary) $0.30/KW <1,000 KW plus
Primary service: Primary service: $0.15/KW >= 1,000 KW of annual
Summer: 7.01/KW Summer: 4.992/KWH maximum demand per month
Winter: 2.83/KW Winter: 5.036/KWH (min. 80 KW).

Summer: June - September

Winter: October - May

Rosebud Electric Commercial All demand: All usage: 150 KVA Customer charge: $16.00/mo.
First 200 KWH: 8.800/KWH PCA $0.007/KWH. 2010 rate.
Over 200 KWH: 6.200/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Sioux Valley LP Large Power Over 50 KW: 7.30/KW First 450 KWH/KW: 3.800/KWH 50 KW Facility charge: $1.20/mo. Installed
Southwestern Service All additional: 2.800/KWH KVA. $.0005/KWH discount for
service at primary distribution
voltage. Subject to cost of
wholesale power adjustment.
2008 rate.

Southeastern Electric GS- General Service 8.50/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 3.900/KWH 40 KWFacility charge: $50.00/mo.
Cooperation, Inc. 3LP Subject to a purchased power cost
adjustment. 2006 rate.

OPS- Off-Peak Service All usage: 2.800/KWH 40 KWFacility charge: $70.00/mo

3LP Three-Phase Coincidental demand: 13.50/KW Special metering charge:$20.00/mo.
Large Power Maximum demand 1.60/KW 2006 rate.

Union County Multi-Phase 14.80/KW First 1,200 KWH: 11.000/KWH Facilities charge: $90.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service All additional: 7.000/KWH
Off-Peak credit: 2.600/KWH

West Central 3 Commercial First 150 KWH: 20.000/KWH 2006 rate.

Electric Cooperative Next 2,350 KWH: 9.200/KWH
All additional KWH: 6.000/KWH

7 Large First 150 KWH: 20.000/KWH Large loads are negotiated.

Commercial Next 2,350 KWH: 9.000/KWH 2006 rate.
Next 2,500 KWH: 7.500/KWH
All additional: 6.000/KWH

West River Electric A General Over 25 KW: 8.50/KW First 650 KWH: 10.500/KWH 50 KVA Subject to cost of purchased
Association Service Next 9,350 KWH: 8.200/KWH power adjustment. $36.00/mo.
Commercial Next 30,000 KWH: 6.500/KWH for service over 50 KVA to 250 KVA,
& Industrial All additional: 5.200/KWH effective 1/2009.

Whetstone Valley Multi-Phase Coincidental demand: 7.00/KW First 3,000 KWH: 7.000/KWH 50 KVA Base charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Next KWH; up to 2008 rate.
200 x non-coincidental 5.000/KWH
All additional: 3.700/KWH
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Bridger Valley LP Large All demand: 12.44/KW All usage: 2.926/KWH up to Customer charge: $73.50/mo.
Electric Association Power 350 KW 2009 rate.

LPS Large All demand: 13.49/KW All usage: 2.873/KWH 350 KW Customer charge: $136.50/mo.
Power to 2009 rate.
2,000 KW

LP2000 Large All demand: 10.6365/KW All usage: 2.430/KWH 2,000 KVA Customer charge: negotiated.
Power 2010 rate.

Dixie Escalante Large All demand: 8.00/KW All usage: 2.200/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Rural Electric Commercial to Over 500KW available by special
Cooperative 500 KW contract. 2005 rate.

Empire Electric Large All demand: 6.15/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.671/KWH 37.5 KW Monthly charge: $191.25/mo.,
Association Commercial Next 200 KWH/KW: 7.098/KWH effective 1/2009.
All additional: 3.792/KWH

LP Large Coincidental demand: 6.15/KW All usage: 3.614/KWH Demand charge: $24.74/KW/mo.
Commercial Peak billing demand: $243.75/mo.,
effective 1/2009.

Garkane Power General All demand: All usage: 1,000 KW Base rate: $15.00/mo.
Association Service No. 1 >3 KW 6.70/KW First 5,000 KWH: 5.980/KWH Subject to a cost of purchased
Over 5,000 KWH: 4.500/KWH power adjustment, effective 7/2009.

General Over 5 KW: 6.70/KW All usage: 5.810/KWH 50 KVA Base rate: $30.00/mo.
Service - No. 2 to Subject to a cost of purchased
1,000 KVA power adjustment, effective 7/2009.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Moon Lake Electric LP Large Power All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 3.720/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $29.00/mo.,
Association Service effective 7/2000

IS-2 Industrial All demand: 11.00/KW All usage: 3.140/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $2,198/mo.
Service Delivery at primary voltage of
4.16 KV, 12.5 KV, or 24.9 KV,
effective 7/2000.

Mt. Wheeler Power LGS-C Large All demand: 6.50/KW All usage: 5.344/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $45.00
General per meter per month. 2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific Corp. 6 General All demand: All usage: Up to Customer charge: $45.00/mo.
Service May - September: 15.16/KW May - September: 3.1907/KWH 1,000 KW $0.77/KW discount for service at
(Rocky Mountain Power) Distribution October - April: 12.17/KW October - April: 2.9416/KWH 2.3 KV or higher if customer owns
Voltage transformers, effective 6/2010.

8 Large Facilities charge: 3.77/KW On-Peak: 1,000 KW Customer charge: $55.00/mo.

General On-Peak: May - September: 4.0021/KWH Voltage discount $0.88/KW for
Service May - September: 12.33/KW October - April: 3.1328/KWH service at 2,350 KV through customer
transformers, effective 6/2010.
October - April: 8.88/KW Off-Peak: 2.6987/KWH

Off Peak:
May - September: 0.00/KW
October - April: 0.00/KW

On-Peak: May - September 1:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Off-Peak: October - April 7:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

9 General Service Facility charge: 1.71/KW On-Peak: Customer charge: $200.00/mo.

High Voltage Demand: May - September: 3.5858/KWH
On-Peak: October - April: 2.6963/KWH
May - September: 10.76/KW
October - April: 7.30/KW Off-Peak: 2.2518/KWH
Off Peak: 0.00/KW

On-Peak: May - September 1:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Off-Peak: October - April 7:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Raft River Rural B Large General All demand: 5.60/KW All usage: 3.150/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $60.00/mo.,
Electric Coop. Service effective 11/2009.

Wells Rural 6 Large Power All demand: 6.00/KW All usage: 5.267/KWH 51 KVA Facility charge: $25.00/mo.
Electric Service 50 to to Power cost adjustment of
Company 1,000 KVA 1,000 KVA $0.0015/KWH.

8 Industrial All demand: 5.50/KW All usage: 4.491/KWH 1,001 KVA Facility charge: $500.00/mo.
Power Service to Power cost adjustment of
5,000 KVA $0.0015/KWH.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Avista Utilities 21 Large First 50 KW: 275.00/mo. First 250,000 KWH: 7.223/KWH $.20/KW discount for delivery at
General All additional: 3.30/KW Over 250,000 KWH: 6.560/KWH primary voltage of 11 KV or higher.

25 Extra Large First 3,000 KVA: 10,000.00/mo. All usage: 3,000 KVA $0.80/KW at 60 KV and $1.00/KW
General All additional: 3.00/KVA First 500,000 KWH: 5.473/KWH at 115 KV. $.20/KW discount
Service Next 550,000 KWH: 4.988/KWH for delivery at primary voltage of
Over 6,000,000 KWH: 4.757/KWH 11 KV or higher. Annual minimum
charge: $627,380.00, effective

Benton County 22 Medium General First 50 KW: 0.00/KW First 20,000 KWH: Monthly charge:
PUD #1 Service Over 50 KW: 7.13/KW April - August: 4.450/KWH Single-Phase: $14.25/mo.
Sept. - March: 5.290/KWH Multi-Phase: $21.40/mo.

All additional:
April - August: 3.550/KWH
Sept. - March: 4.190/KWH

On-Peak: 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Saturday

23 Large General First 50 KW: 0.00/KW All usage: Monthly customer charge:
Service Over 50 KW: 5.99/KW April - August: 3.310/KWH $18.60/mo.
Sept. - March: 3.970/KWH

Benton Rural 80 Large Industrial All demand: All usage: 1,000 KW BPA cost adjustment applies to all
Electric Association Power January: 4.14/KW January: 3.090/KWH energy used, effective 1/2009.
February: 4.01/KW February: 3.650/KWH
March: 3.80/KW March: 3.480/KWH
April: 3.43/KW April: 3.160/KWH
May: 3.41/KW May: 3.090/KWH
June: 3.77/KW June: 3.350/KWH
July: 4.29/KW July: 3.900/KWH
August: 4.29/KW August: 4.650/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

September: 4.29/KW September: 4.140/KWH

October: 3.74/KW October: 3.460/KWH
November: 4.29/KW November: 4.040/KWH
December: 4.29/KW December: 4.070/KWH
Plus BPA cost adjustment: 0.000/KWH

Chelan County PUD 2 General Over 40 KW: 2.31/KW All usage: 2.440/KWH 40 KW Customer charge: $15.25/mo.
Three-Phase service. Minimum
monthly charge: $26.95.

3 Industrial All demand: 3.23/KW All usage: 1.260/KWH 1,000 KW Customer charge: $62.10/mo.
Service to Applies only to new loads. Existing
50,000 KW loads serviced at lower rates.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Clallam County E-5 Large Power All demand: 4.86/KW All usage: 3.610/KWH 100 KW Basic charge: $6.00 per day,
PUD #1 Service effective 9/2009.

Clark Public 34 General All demand: 30 KW Customer charge: $48.00/mo.

Utilities Secondary: 6.69/KW September - March: 4.890/KWH Discount available for off-peak
Primary: 5.88/KW April - August: 4.340/KWH demand, effective 9/2010.

85 Industrial All demand: 1,500 KW Customer charge: $155.00/mo.

Service Primary: 5.88/KW September - March: 4.890/KWH Discount available for off-peak
Secondary: 6.69/KW April - August: 4.340/KWH demand, effective 9/2010.
Transmission 4.54/KW

On-Peak: 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Saturday

Clearwater Power 2-5 Large Over 50 KW: 5.75/KW First 15,000 KWH: 5.677/KWH 15 KVA Facilities charge: $18.00/mo.,
Company Commercial Over 15,000 KWH: 4.680/KWH effective 12/2009.

Cowlitz County 5 General All demand: 5.52/KW All usage: 4.410/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $27.50/mo.
Public Utility Service -
District Primary Voltage

8/9 Large All demand: All usage: 1,000 KW Customer charge: $55.00/mo.
Commercial Primary voltage: 5.79/KW Primary voltage: 4.400/KWH Customer owned transformers.
& Industrial Transmission voltage: 5.07/KW Transmission voltage: 3.900/KWH Schedule 8 is for primary service
Service and schedule 9 is for transmission
level delivery service, effective

Douglas County 1 General Over 50 KW: 1.10/KW All usage: 1.960/KWH Up to Customer charge: $0.279/day.
Public Utility Service 2,500 KW Contractual service is available
District #1 to new power loads over 3,000KW.
Minimum charge: $7.00/mo. plus
$3.00/KW of demand in excess of
30KW. 2010 rate.

Ferry County 400 Large Power Up to 50 KW: $250.00/mo. All usage: 5.510/KWH 50 KW Minimum charge: $250.00/mo.
Public Utility Service Over 50 KW: 3.57/KW to 2010 rate.
District #1 500 KW
EP - U.S.

500 Primary Up to 500 KW: $2,500.00/mo. All usage: 4.649/KWH 500 KW Minimum charge: $2,500.00/mo.
Industrial All additional: 3.53/KW 2010 rate.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Franklin County 2.1 Medium All demand: 7.15/KW All usage: 50 KW Customer charge: $44.96/mo.
Public Utility General Service April - August: 3.160/KWH Primary service discount:$0.25/KW.
District Sept. - March: 3.990/KWH 2008 rate.

2.2 Large All demand: 7.31/KW All usage: 300 KW Customer charge: $161.78/mo.
General Service April - August: 3.070/KWH Primary service discount $0.25/KW
Sept. - March: 3.830/KWH demand. 2008 rate.

2.3 Industrial All demand: 7.51/KW All usage: 3,000 KW Customer charge: $421.68/mo.
Service April - August: 3.150/KWH Primary service discount $0.25/KW
Sept. - March: 3.960/KWH demand. 2008 rate.

Grant County PUD 2 General First 8,000 KWH: 4.0155/KWH Up to Basic charge: $0.62/day for Three-
Public Utility District Service All additional: 2.4555/KWH 500 KW Phase service, effective 4/2010.

7 Large All demand: 4.10/KW First 50,000 KWH: 1.9505/KWH 200 KW Basic minimum charge:$110.00/mo.,
General Service All additional: 1.1153/KWH to effective 4/2010.
5,000 KW

14 Industrial All demand: 4.00/KW First 7,300,000 KWH: 1.1295/KWH 5,000 KW Basic charge: $200.00/mo.,
Service All additional: 2.6155/KWH to effective 4/2010.
15,000 KW

Grays Harbor County 55 Medium All demand: 8.52/KW All usage: 4.280/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $23.19/mo.
Public Utility General Service <600 KV Subject to power cost adjustment.
District Minimum charge: $62.50/mo.,
effective 2/2010.

82 Large All demand: 8.37/KW All usage: 4.060/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $62.61/mo.
General 600 V - 50 KV Minimum 5 year contract required.
Service Subject to power cost adjustment.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Minimum charge: $1.25/KW of

capacity/mo., effective 2/2010.

84 Industrial All demand: 7.02/KW All usage: 4.090/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $74.50/mo.
Rate >50 KV Minimum 5 year contract required.
Service Subject to power cost adjustment.
Minimum charge: $1.10/KW of
capacity/mo., effective 2/2010.

Inland Power and C2 Large Over 50 KW: 3.06/KW All demand: 4.976/KWH 50 KW Basic charge: $246.40/hp/mo.
Light Company Commercial to 5% primary voltage discount,
3,000 KW effective 4/2010.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Kittitas County General Over 50 KW: First 5,000 KWH: 7.900/KWH Three-Phase facility charge:
Public Utility Three-Phase Primary: 4.00/KW Next 15,000 KWH: 7.200/KWH $21.00/mo. Over 20,000 KWH
District #1 Service Secondary: 5.10/KW All additional: 4.000/KWH available to primary service only.
2010 rate.

Klickitat County 3A7 Large General All demand: All usage: Basic charge: $38.00/mo.
Public Utility Service March - June: 4.06/KW March - June: 2.320/KWH Use must exceed 180,000KWH/A,
District July - February: 5.51/KW July - February: 4.180/KWH effective 4/2009.

3A8 Industrial All demand: All usage: 2,500 KW Basic charge: $110.00/mo. plus
Off-Peak: $0.50/KW. Service at primary
January: 5.67/KW January: 2.640/KWH voltage, effective 4/2009.
February: 5.45/KW February: 2.480/KWH
March: 5.10/KW March: 2.190/KWH
April: 4.48/KW April: 1.750/KWH
May: 4.44/KW May: 1.480/KWH
June: 5.05/KW June: 1.750/KWH
July: 5.93/KW July: 2.750/KWH
August: 5.93/KW August: 3.290/KWH
September: 5.93/KW September: 3.430/KWH
October: 5.00/KW October: 2.250/KWH
November: 5.93/KW November: 3.260/KWH
December: 5.93/KW December: 3.200/KWH

On-Peak: On-Peak:
Daily: 6:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. January: 3.510/KWH
February: 3.400/KWH
March: 3.110/KWH
April: 2.480/KWH
May: 2.480/KWH
June: 3.040/KWH
July: 3.920/KWH
August: 5.680/KWH
September: 4.140/KWH
October: 3.020/KWH
November: 3.980/KWH
December: 4.090/KWH

Lewis County 20 Lighting & Over 50 KW: 4.84/KW First 15,000 KWH: 4.550/KWH Basic charge: $0.94/day for
Public Utility Power Service All additional: 3.044/KWH Three-Phase service.
District #1

31 Primary On-Peak: 4.60/KW All usage: 2.877/KWH 1,000 KW Minimum charge: $500.00/mo.
Power Service Off-Peak: 2.70/KW to
EP - U.S.

On-Peak: 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Saturday

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Lincoln Electric See Inland Power & Light


Mason County General All usage: 6.930/KWH Customer charge: $32.14/mo.

Public Utility Three-Phase service. 2010 rate.
District #1

Mason County 21 General All demand: 6.56/KW All usage: 4.130/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $1.94/day.
Public Utility Service $0.40/KW of demand discount
District #3 with Demand customers who receive power at
primary voltage and furnish own
transformer, effective 3/2009.

Northern Lights 2 Large Power All demand: 5.60/KVA All usage: 5.180/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $50.00/mo.
Secondary Economic development rate
Voltage Rate available. Power cost adjustment
$0.00/KWH, effective 11/2009.

3 Large Power All demand: 5.40/KVA All usage: 4.130/KWH 300 KVA Basic charge: $80.00/mo.
Primary Power cost adjustment of
Voltage Rate $0.00/KWH, effective 11/2009.

Okanogan County L Large Commercial 2.70/KW All usage: 3.840/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $155.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Service 3% primary voltage discount of
energy costs, effective 1/2010.

Okanogan County 3B Large Over 50 KW: 4.00/KW All usage: 4.221/KWH 50 KW Basic charge: $12.00/mo.
Public Utility General 2010 rate.
District #1 Service

4 Primary All demand: 4.50/KW All usage: 3.394/KWH 1,000 KW Basic charge: $75.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Industrial 2010 rate.


Orcas Power & Light CS-10 Commercial All over 20KW 2.30/KW First 5,000 KWH: 7.400/KWH Basic minimum charge: $34.10/mo.
Company Service All additional: 6.550/KWH Subject to power cost adjustment.
2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific County Primary All demand: 5.90/KW All usage: 4.630/KWH 50 KW Basic minimum charge: $28.00/mo.
Public Utility Metered Subject to a 3% power cost
District #2 Commercial adjustment, effective 1/2010.

Large All demand: 5.50/KW All usage: 3.010/KWH 5,000 KW Basic minimum charge: $50.00/mo.
Industrial Rate Subject to a 3% power cost
adjustment, effective 1/2010.

Pacific Power and 36 Large All demand: 3.88/KW First 40,000 KWH: 4.634/KWH Up to Basic charge: Up to 100 KW,
Light Company General All additional: 4.247/KWH 999 KW $227.00/mo.; 101 KW - 300 KW,
Service - Optional $84.00 + $1.47/KW; Over ,
(Pacific Corp) 300 KW $168.00 + $1.20/KW.
Service Area Discounts: 1% for primary metering;
$.30/KW for delivery, effective 1/2010.

48T Large On-Peak: All usage: 3.718/KWH 1,000 KW Basic charge: Up to 3,000 KW,
General All demand: 6.22/KW $1,245.00 + $0.92/KW; Over
Service 3,000 KW, $1,465.00 + $0.84/KW.
Metered Discounts: 1% for primary
Time-of-Use On-Peak: 6:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday metering; $.30/KW for delivery
Primary at primary voltage.

Reactive Power charge:


Pend Oreille County Industrial All demand: 2.50/KW All usage: 2.500/KWH 500 KW
Public Utility District Service

Commercial All demand: 2.50/KW All usage: 3.100/KWH <500 KW Basic charge: $35.00/mo.
Service Three-Phase Service.
Usage can not exceed 500KW.

Peninsula Light General All usage: 6.869/KWH Three-Phase service.

Company Service Customer charge: $22.24/mo.,
effective 4/2010.

Commercial All demand: 7.30/KW All usage: 4.386/KWH Basic charge: $30.42/mo.,
Three-Phase effective 4/2010.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Puget Sound Energy 25 Small Over 50 KW: First 20,000 KWH: 50 KW Basic charge: $50.41/mo.,
Demand October - March: 8.79/KW October - March: 8.9007/KWH effective 5/2010.
General April - September: 5.86/KW April - September: 8.1068/KWH
Service All additional:
October - March: 6.4116/KWH
April - September 6.4116/KWH

26 Large October - March: 8.65/KW All usage: 6.1609/KWH 350 KW Subject to energy cost adjustment
Demand April - September: 5.76/KW clause. Basic charge: $101.10/mo.
General Reactive power charge:
Service $0.120/KVARH, effective 5/2010.

Skamania County Industrial Rate Over 35 KW: 4.36/KW First 15,000 KWH: 4.700/KWH Facilities charge: $25.00/mo.
Public Utility (Demand meter) Next 85,000 KWH: 2.870/KWH BPA adjustment of $0.0112/KWH.
District All additional: 2.810/KWH

Snohomish County 20 General Over 100 KW: 3.82/KW First 30,000 KWH: Up to Customer minimum charge:
Public Utility Service 0.31/day Winter: 7.920/KWH 10,000 KW $0.48/day plus $0.02104/day in
District #1 Medium Summer: 7.090/KWH excess of 10 KW connected load.
Load All additional: 5% discount for customer owned
Winter: 6.370/KWH distribution system, metered at
Summer: 5.450/KWH primary voltage, effective 1/2010.

36 Large Primary All demand: 2.84/KW Winter: 4.980/KWH 5,000 KW Minimum charge: $7,530.00/mo.,
Service Summer: 5.100/KWH effective 1/2010.

Tanner Electric A-15C Commercial Over 40 KW: 6.00/KW First 20,000 KWH: 7.940/KWH 150 KW Customer charge: $29.50/mo.
Cooperative Rate All additional: 6.860/KWH Industrial accounts over 300 KW
Three-Phase require special contracts.

Wahkiakum County 3 General All demand: 3.25/KW All usage: 6.500/KWH 20 KW Basic charge: $16.00/mo.
PUD #1 Service Contract required for voltages
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

over 1,000 KVA. 2006 rate.

Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Alliant Cp-1 Industrial Maximum demand 14 hr: June - September 200 KW Customer charge: $7.6700/day.
Power at June - September: 11.53KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 6.745/KWH 2.5% discount on KWH and On-
Primary or October - May: 10.12/KW 14hr option - Off-Peak: 3.942/KWH Peak KW, and $0.22/KW of
Secondary Customer demand: 2.00/KW 12hr option - On-Peak: 7.082/KWH customer demand discount at
Voltage 12hr option - Off-Peak: 3.942/KWH primary voltage. An interruptible
Maximum demand 12hr: rider is also available. Subject to
June - September: 12.11/KW October - May Cost of fuel adjustment. Customer
October - May: 10.63/KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 5.785/KWH demand is greatest demand in the
Customer demand: 2.00/KW 14hr option - Off-Peak: 3.942/KWH previous month period, effective
12hr option - On-Peak: 6.074/KWH 1/2010.
12hr option - Off-Peak: 3.942/KWH
Maximum charge: 14.650/KWH

Cg-2 Commercial Maximum demand 14 hr: June - September 75 KW Customer charge: $0.9205/day.
TOD Service June - September: 10.00KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 7.582/KWH 2.5% discount on KWH and On-
Time-of-Day October - May: 8.53/KW 14hr option - Off-Peak: 4.453/KWH Peak KW, and $0.22/KW of
Customer demand: 2.00/KW 12hr option - On-Peak: 7.885/KWH customer demand discount at
12hr option - Off-Peak: 4.453/KWH primary voltage. An interruptible
Maximum demand 12hr: rider is also available. Subject to
June - September: 10.40/KW October - May Cost of fuel adjustment. Customer
October - May: 8.87/KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 6.496/KWH demand is greatest demand in the
Customer demand: 2.00/KW 14hr option - Off-Peak: 4.453/KWH previous month period, effective
12hr option - On-Peak: 6.756/KWH 1/2010.
12hr option - Off-Peak: 4.453/KWH

Cp-2 Industrial On-Peak demand: 5,000 KW Customer charge: $18.4110/day.

Power at June - September June - September Subject to cost of fuel adjustment.
Transmission 14hr - On-Peak: 10.95/KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 6.408/KWH An interruptible rider is available.
Voltage 12hr - On-Peak: 11.50/KW 14hr option - Off-Peak: 3.745/KWH Customer demand is based on
12hr option - On-Peak: 6.728/KWH previous months high, effective
12hr option - Off-Peak: 3.745/KWH 1/2010.
October - May
14hr - On-Peak: 9.60/KW October - May
14hr - On-Peak: 10.08/KW 14hr option - On-Peak: 5.495/KWH
14hr option - Off-Peak: 3.475/KWH
Customer charge: 1.00/KW 12hr option - On-Peak: 5.771/KWH
12hr option - Off-Peak: 3.745/KWH

Adams-Columbia LP1 Large All demand: 14.62/KW All usage: 4.700/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $65.00/mo.
Electric Power Service to Previously Adams/Marquette.
Cooperative Three-Phase 1,000 KVA 2% discount for delivery at primary
voltage of 12.5 KV & co-op owned
transformers. 5% discount for
primary voltage delivery. Subject to
cost of fuel and purchased power
EP - U.S.

adjustment, effective 1/2010.

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Bayfield Electric 5 General All demand: 0.00/KW All usage: 10.300/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $55.00/mo.
Cooperative Three-Phase Subject to cost of fuel and
Service purchased power adjustment.
2009 rate.

Central Wisconsin P Large All demand: 14.50/KW All usage: 4.200/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $55.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative General Service Subject to a power cost adjustment.
2010 rate.

Chippewa Valley X Large Power All demand: 9.50/KW All usage: 75 KVA Facility charge: $65.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Three-Phase Summer: 8.400/KWH Subject to a power cost adjustment,
Winter: 7.700/KWH effective 5/2010.

Z Peak Alert On-Peak: All usage: 150 KVA Facility charge: $95.00/mo.
Time-of-Day Winter: 29.00/KW Peak: 6.100/KWH Subject to a power cost adjustment,
Summer: 63.80/KW Off-Peak: 5.100/KWH effective 5/2010.
Plus monthly
Maximum demand: 5.00/KW

Clark Electric LP Larger Power On-Peak: 8.50/KW All usage: 5.350/KWH 25 KW Fixed charge: $70.00/mo.
Cooperative Service Off-Peak: 1.30/KW Five year contract is required.
Three-Phase Subject to a purchased power
cost adjustment. 2010 rate.
On-Peak: 5:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Dahlberg Light & CP-1 Small Power All demand: 7.50/KW All usage: 5.590/KWH 50 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Power Company Service plus $1.50/KVA demand. Subject to
power cost adjustment clause.
2010 rate.

Dunn Energy 12,22 Large Power All demand: 6.75/KW First 150 KWH times 50 KW Facility charge: $50.00/mo., for
Cooperative Service KW demand: 5.400/KWH >500 KVA, $60.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

All additional: 4.000/KWH Fixed charge: $1.00/KVA of installed

For demand >500 KVA 3.000/KWH transformer capacity for the first
500 KVA. Subject to power cost
adjustment Interruptible rate subject to
10 minute notice. 2002 rate.
Consult utility for current rates.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

East Central GS General All demand: First 400 KWH/KW: 4.600/KWH Service charge: $55.00/mo.
Energy Service December - February: 11.00/KW All additional: 3.700/KWH 2010 rate.
March - May: 8.00/KW
June - August: 18.00/KW
September - November: 8.00/KW

C&I Commercial & On-Peak: All usage: 3.600/KWH Facility charge: $90.00/mo.
Interruptible December - February: 14.40/KW 2010 rate.
March - May: 9.90/KW
June - August: 18.80/KW
September - November: 9.90/KW
Base demand: 3.90/KW

On-Peak: 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Daily

Eau Claire Q Large Power On-Peak: All usage: 6.530/KWH 50 KVA Service charge: $50.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Time-of-Use Winter 5.85/KW Administrative Credit: 0.750/KWH Installed load must be <500 KVA.
Summer: 8.65/KW Subject to energy cost adjustment.
Administrative credit applies to all
Off-Peak: 3.70/KW usage greater than 400 hours of the
Customer demand: 1.67/KW billing demand.
Transmission charge: 2.20/KW

On-Peak: 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

Head of Lakes Electric See East Central Energy

Association Cooperative

Jackson Electric LP Large Power All demand: All usage: 5.100/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $70.00/mo.
Cooperative September - May: 7.50/KW to Subject to purchased power cost
June - August: 9.50/KW 500 KVA adjustment. 2006 rate.

Contact Jackson Electric Cooperative

for current rates.

Jump River 04 Large Power Peak demand: 4.50/KW All usage: 5.300/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $100.00/mo.,
Electric Cooperative Peak Alert June - August: 63.80/KW effective 5/2010.
Three-Phase September - May: 29.00/KW
Maximum: 6.20/KW
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Madison Gas & Cg-2 Commercial Winter: 0.29590/KW/day Off-Peak: 4.879/KWH 200 KW Customer charge: $5.2274/day.
Electric Company & Industrial Summer: 0.36160/KW/day On-Peak: 2010 rate.
Lighting & Power Distribution: 0.10680/KW/day Winter: 8.176/KWH
Time-of-Use Summer: 9.034/KWH

On-Peak: 10:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

North Central Cp-1 Small Power All demand: 5.25/KW All usage: 8.700/KWH 20 KW Customer charge: $35.00/mo.
Power Company Service Distribution: 1.00/KW Subject to cost of power adjustment
factor. 2008 rate.

Cp-3 Large Power All usage: 150KW Customer charge: $70.00/mo.

Service On-Peak: 5.40/KW On-Peak: 7.660/KWH Subject to cost of power adjustment
Time-of-Day Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Off-Peak: 6.260/KWH factor. 2008 rate.
Option 1 Distribution: 1.00/KW

Northwestern Cp-1 Small Power All demand: 6.00/KW All usage: 7.650/KWH 20 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.
Wisconsin Electric Co. Service Distribution: 1.50/KW to Subject to cost of purchased
200 KW and produced power adjustment.
2008 rate.

Cp-3 Large Power On-Peak: 6.00/KW On-Peak: 7.900/KWH 200 KW Customer charge: $60.00/mo.
Time-of-Day Distribution: 1.50/KW Off-Peak: 5.810/KWH Subject to cost of purchased
and produced power adjustment.
On-Peak: Determined by customer options. 2008 rate.
9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.; 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Oakdale Electric Commercial All demand: 13.50/KW All usage: 6.500/KWH 60 KW Facility charge: $38.00/mo.
Cooperative Power Purchased power adjustment
Three-Phase applies. 2010 rate.

Oconto Electric 0003 Large All demand: 25.66/KW On-Peak: 5.200/KWH 50 KW Facility charge: $45.00/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Cooperative & Commercial Off-Peak: 3.500/KWH

0103 Time-of-Use
On-Peak: 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Pierce-Pepin Large Power Summer/year: 61.60/KW All usage: 6.000/KWH Facility charge: $105.00/mo.
Electric Cooperative Peak Alert Winter/year: 28.00/KW Primary metering discount 2%,
Monthly Maximum: 6.50/KW effective 5/2009.
Reactive demand: 2.40/KW
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pioneer Power P-1 Large Power Monthly demand: 6.00/KW All usage: 4.410/KW 15 KW Subject to power cost adjustment.
& Light Company Service Annual Peak demand: 0.90/KW $(0.0239)/KWH, effective 8/2006.
$0.20/KW discount for customers who
maintain own transformers. Primary
service discount: 1.25%. 2006 rate.

Consult utility for current rates.

Polk-Burnett Three-Phase All usage: Up to Customer charge: $57.50/mo.

Electric Cooperative Service Winter: 10.970/KWH 500 KVA Subject to cost of power adjustment.
Summer: 12.430/KWH Demand coincidental to peak periods
of the co-op, effective 7/2010.

Price Electric Commercial All demand: 12.00/KW All usage: 5.600/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $60.00/mo.
Cooperative With Demand Large loads negotiated, effective

Richland Electric 30 Large All demand: 9.00/KW First 5,000 KWH: 5.600/KWH 50 KVA Facility charge: $.50/KVA/mo.
Cooperative Commercial All additional: 4.400/KWH 2006 rate.

Riverland Q Large Power All demand: 11.34/KW All usage: 5.454/KWH 50 KVA Facilities charge: $45.50/mo.
Energy Coop. Three-Phase 2010 rate.

(Formerly Trempealeau Electric Cooperative)

Rock County Medium All demand: 16.00/KW All usage: 75 KW Customer charge: $34.00/mo.
Electric Commercial On-Peak: 5.270/KWH Subject to power cost adjustment
Cooperative Off-Peak: 3.640/KWH factor, effective 6/2010.

Large All demand: 16.00/KW All usage: 250 KW Customer charge: $100.00/mo.
Commercial On-Peak: 5.250/KWH Time-of-day option available,
TOD Off-Peak: 3.640/KWH effective 6/2010.

Scenic Rivers Commercial Non Summer: Non Summer: 75 KVA Fixed charge: $30.00/mo, plus $0.60
Cooperative On-Peak: 6.00/KW On-Peak: 6.360/KWH per KVA over 75 KVA. Subject to
Off-Peak: 4.20/KW On-Peak: 4.200/KWH power cost adjustment.
Summer: Summer:
On-Peak: 6.00/KW On-Peak: 7.430/KWH
Off-Peak: 5.60/KW On-Peak: 4.200/KWH
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

St. Croix Electric Three-Phase All demand: All usage: 4.800/KWH 50 KW Service charge: $35.00/mo. plus
Cooperative Summer: 7.00/KW $1.00 per each extra meter. Rate
Winter: 9.75/KW for customers who can shed their loads
On-Peak control days. 2006
rate. Consult utility for current rates.

Superior Water EP-1 Large Current month: 6.86/KW All usage: 4.570/KWH 10 KW Customer charge: $50.00/mo.
Light and Power Power Highest annual demand in Subject to power cost adjustment,
Company excess of current month: 1.76/KW effective 1/2009.

(Formerly Allete) EP-3 Large November - February 8.250/KW November - February: 500 KW Customer charge: $140.00/mo.
Power March - October: 7.750/KW On-Peak: 5.560/KWH Subject to power cost adjustment,
Time-of-day Off-Peak: 3.040/KWH effective 1/2009.
Annual demand March - October:
>current month: 1.60/KW On-Peak: 5.200/KWH On-Peak: Monday - Friday
Off-Peak: 3.040/KWH 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.

Taylor Electric R-9 Three-Phase All demand: 8.00/KW All usage: 5.300/KWH 25 KVA Facility charge: $45.00/mo.
Cooperative Power Subject to fuel adjustment clause.
Service 2006 rate.

Consult utility for current rates.

Vernon Electric Peak Alert Maximum demand: 7.00/KW First 25,000 KWH: 5.500/KWH 50 KW Facilities charge: $95.00/mo. plus
Rate All demand: All additional: 5.200/KWH $0.50/KVA in excess of 50 KVA,
Summer: 63.80/KW/yr effective 5/2010.
Winter: 29.00/KW/yr

WE Energies Cg-1 General All usage: 12.611/KWH 40 KW Facilities charge: $0.5000/day

Secondary Fuel adjustment charge:
$0.00469/KWH. 2010 rate.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Cp 1 General On-Peak: On-Peak: 300 KW Facilities charge: $17.26027/day

Primary Less than 12,470 volts: 11.054/KW Less than 12,470 volts: 7.095/KWH Fuel adjustment charge:
Time-of-use 12,470 - 138,000 volts: 10.882/KW 12,470 - 138,000 volts: 6.985/KWH $0.00251/KWH. 2010 rate.
Over 138,000 volts: 10.736/KW More than 138,000 volts: 6.891/KWH

Maximum demand: Off-Peak:

Less than 12,470 volts: 1.023/KW Less than 12,470 volts: 5.053/KWH
12,470 - 138,000 volts: 1.007/KW 12,470 - 138,000 volts: 4.974/KWH
More than 138,000 volts: 0.00/KW More than 138,000 volts: 4.818/KWH

On-Peak: 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.; 10:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Wisconsin Public CP Large Secondary: Secondary: 1,000 KW Customer charge per day:
Service Corporation Commercial Customer demand: 1.957/KW On-Peak 6.233/KWH Secondary: $10.5863
& Industrial Summer: Off-Peak: 3.344/KWH Primary: $12.3288
Service On-Peak: 10.758/KW Primary: Transmission: $28.2082
Intermediate: 8.069/KW On-Peak: 6.608/KWH Subject to a fuel cost adjustment
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Off-Peak: 3.255/KWH ($0.00165)/KWH, effective 1/2010.
Winter: Transmission:
On-Peak: 5.918/KW On-Peak: 5.985/KWH Discounts:
Intermediate: 4.439/KW Off-Peak: 3.211/KWH Primary metering:
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW 1.1% for 6 KV to15 KV, 2% for
over 15 KV.
Customer demand: 1.722/KW Peak Energy:
Summer: Winter: 7:00 A.M. 0 10:00 P.M. Monday - Friday Winter: October - May:
On-Peak: 10.484/KW Summer: 7:00 A.M. 0 11:00 P.M. Monday - Friday Summer: June - September
Intermediate: 7.863/KW
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW
On-Peak: 5.768/KW
Intermediate: 4.326/KW
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW

Customer demand: 0.00/KW
On-Peak: 10.295/KW
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW
On-Peak: 5.663/KW
Intermediate: 4.247/KW
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW

Peak Demand:
Winter: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
5:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
Summer: 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Monday - Friday

Cg20 Small Customer demand: 1.407/KW On-Peak: 7.220/KWH 100 KW Customer charge per day:
Commercial On-Peak: Off-Peak: 4.338/KWH Under 6,000 Volts: $1.0027
& Industrial Winter: 7.312KW 6,000 - 15,000 Volts: $1.9167
Service Summer: 10.670/KW
Off-Peak: 0.00/KW Discounts: Primary metering -1.1% for
6 KV to 15 KV, 2% for over
15 KV; Primary delivery - $.36/KW
for 6 KV to 15 KV, $.55/KW for over 15
KV. Subject to a fuel cost adjustment
EP - U.S.

($0.00165)/KWH, effective 1/2010.

EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Xcel Energy Cg-5 General Secondary: Secondary: 25 KW Customer charge: $30.00/mo.

Service Summer: 10.65/mo. Summer: 5.6827/KWH Subject to energy cost adjustment.
Winter: 8.65/mo. Winter: 5.1712/KWH Energy charge credit for all KWH in
Primary: Primary: 2% discount excess of 400 times billing demand
Summer: 10.15/mo. $0.0007/KWH. 2009 rate.
Winter: 8.20/mo.

Cg-9 Large On-Peak: On-Peak: 200 KW Customer charge: $155.00/mo.

General Secondary: Secondary: Merged with Lake Superior District
Time-of-day Summer: 9.20/KW/mo. Summer: 7.2581/KWH Power Company, effective January
Service Winter: 7.20/KW/mo. Winter: 6.5480/KWH 1, 1987. Subject to energy cost
adjustment. Energy charge credit for
all KWH in excess of 400 times
Primary: Off-Peak: billing demand $0.007/KWH.
Summer: 9.02/KW/mo. Secondary: 2010 rate.
Winter: 7.06/KW/mo. Summer: 4.2782/KWH
Winter: 4.2782/KWH

Transmission Transformed: Discount: On-Peak:

Summer: 8.69/KW/mo. Primary: 2.0% 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Winter: 6.80/KW/mo. Transmission Transformed: 5.5% Monday - Friday
Transmission Untransformed: 6.0%
Transmission Untransformed:
Summer: 8.65/KW/mo.
Winter: 6.77/KW/mo.

Distribution Demand:
Summer: 0.072581/KW/mo.
Winter: 0.065480/KW/mo.
Secondary: 0.042782/KW/mo.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Beartooth Electric Industrial All demand: 11.95/KW All usage: 7.2016/KWH Customer charge: $215.00/mo.
Cooperative 2010 rate.

Big Horn Rural CI Commercial All demand: 5.25/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 9.4260/KWH 50 KVA Customer charge: $90.00/mo.
Electric Company & Industrial Next 200 KWH/KW: 7.4260/KWH plus $1.00/KVA, effective 5/2010.
All additional: 2.9090/KWH
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Black Hills Power GS General First 5 KW: No charge First 3,000 KWH: 8.200/KWH Customer charge: $22.00/mo.
& Light Company Service All additional: 5.50/KW All additional: 7.750/KWH Energy cost adjustment applies,
effective 6/2010.

GL General On-Peak: First 50,000 KWH: 6.100/KWH 125 KVA Substation ownership discount:
Service First 125 KVA: 1,500.00/mo. All additional: 5.600/KWH $.33/KVA for transmission service;
Large All additional: 8.75/KVA $.20/KVA for primary distribution
Off-Peak: service, effective 6/2010.
1.5 x On-Peak: No charge
All additional: 8.75/KVA

IC Industrial On-Peak: 7.25/KVA First 450 KWH/KVA 5,500 KVA No less than a five year contract
Contract Off-Peak: of billing capacity: 4.900/KWH required, effective 6/2010.
Service 1.5 x On-Peak: No charge
All additional: 7.75/KVA All additional: 3.950/KWH

Bridger Valley LP Large Power All demand: 12.44/KW All usage: 2.926/KWH <350 KVA Customer charge: $73.50/mo.
Electric Association Demand must be less than
350 KVA. 2010 rate.

LPS Large Power All demand: 13.49/KW All usage: 2.873/KWH 350 KVA Customer charge: $136.50/mo.
to 2010 rate.
2,000 KVA

Large All demand: 10.6365/KW All usage: 2.430/KWH 2,000 KVA Customer charge: negotiated.
Power 2010 rate.

Carbon Power and LP Large Power All demand: 23.50/KW All usage: 4.140/KWH 50 KW Facility charge: $75.00/mo.
Light, Inc. 5% discount for delivery at primary
Transformer Discounts: voltage. Minimum charge:
Service: Company owned: Customer owned: $1,250.00/mo., effective 12/2008.
>30 KV -- $6.00/KW
2-30 KV $4.00/KW $2.00/KW

Cheyenne Light General System Capacity Charge: All usage: Basic charge:
Fuel & Power Company Service Secondary: 18.65/KW Secondary: 3.968/KWH Secondary: $16.00/mo.
Primary: 17.15/KW Primary: 3.762/KWH Primary: $230.00/mo.

Fall River Rural 3 General Over 10 KW: 7.65/KW All usage: 4.383/KWH Customer charge: $58.00/mo.,
Electric Coop. Service effective 1/2010.
EP - U.S.
EP - U.S.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Garland Light C General All demand: 5.25/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 10.6885/KWH 25 KVA Subject to power cost adjustment.
& Power Service Next 200 KWH/KW: 7.1085/KWH Facilities charge: $67.50/mo.
All additional: 3.4341/KWH 2008 rate.

High Plains Power B-3 Commercial All demand: 18.85/KW All usage: 2.6195/KWH Subject to power cost adjustment.
(All districts) Large Minimum charge: $85.00/mo.,
effective 1/2007.

B-4 Large Power NCP demand: 2.00/KWH All usage: 2.508/KWH 1,000 KW Facilities charge: $225.00/mo.
Transmission Subject to power cost adjustment.
Level Service MCP demand: 18.60/KWH Schedule for transmission voltage
delivery, effective 1/2007.

B-1 Large Power All demand: 5.75/KW First 150 WH/KW: 11.480/KWH 45 KVA Facilities charge: $85.00/mo.,
B-2 Three-Phase All additional: 3.310/KWH effective 1/2007.
Secondary Service

High West LP Large Power 14.10/KW First 50 KWH/KW: 8.869/KWH 375 KVA 5% demand discount for delivery
Energy, Inc. Next 100 KWH/KW: 6.043/KWH at primary voltage if customer owns
Next 100 KWH/KW: 4.734/KWH and maintains transformers. Facility
All additional: 4.229/KWH charge: $35.00/mo. Rate includes all
adjustments. 2009 rate.

Lower Valley Energy C-2 Large Power All demand: 6.480/KW All usage: 3.271/KWH 20 KW Minimum charge: $10.00/mo.

Montana-Dakota 39 Large General Demand: Primary: 2.332/KWH 50 KW Base rate $155.00/mo.

Utilities Company Electric Service Primary: 10.50/KW Secondary: 2.521/KWH Subject to a primary base fuel cost
Secondary: 11.00/KW adjustment of $0.00614/KWH and
secondary cost of $0.00620,
effective 5/2010.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Niobrara Electric LP Large Power All demand: 21.55/KW All usage: 4.120/KWH 50 KVA 7% discount for delivery at primary
Association Service voltage. Facilities charge: $273.00/mo.
Special contracts for interruptible
power available, effective 1/2009.
Copyright © 2010 InfoMine USA, Inc.

Sched Schedule Minimum
Power Company No. Name Demand Charge (dollars) Energy Charge (cents) Demand Remarks

Pacific Power 28 General All demand: Secondary: 1.062/KWH Basic charge:

and Light Company Service Secondary: 14.05/KW Primary: 1.021/KWH Secondary delivery: $28.00/mo.
Three-Phase Primary: 13.66/KW Primary delivery: $30.00/mo.,
effective 8/2010.

(Rocky Mtn. Power)

48T Large Power 12.13/KW All usage: 6.310/KWH 1,000 KW Basic charge: $4,649.00/mo.,
Service-Transmission effective 8/2010.
Voltage TOU

Powder River LP Large Power First 50 KW: 2.65/KW First 200 KWH/KW: 3.987/KWH 50 KVA Basic charge: $75.00/mo.
Energy Corporation All additional: 5.35/KW All additional: 1.987/KWH Discount for delivery at primary
Western Division voltage. $0.40/KVA of contract
(Formerly, Sheridan-Johnson Rural Electric Assn.)

LPT Large Power Basic demand: 0.95/KW All usage: 1.587/KWH 1,000 KW Basic charge: $600.00/mo.
Transmission Wholesale demand: 6.77/KW Available only at 69 KV or greater
Level for coal mining and processing.

Wheatland Rural LP Large Power All demand: 24.58/KW First 50,000 KWH: 6.210/KWH 50 KVA Any loads over 1,000 KVA are
Electric Association All additional: 3.990/KWH negotiable. Facilities charge:
$65.00/mo., effective 1/2010.

Wyrulec Company GS-3 General Service All usage: 10.920/KWH 50 KVA Basic charge: $42.00/mo.
Three-Phase Special rates available for service
over 350 KVA, effective 1/2009.

LP-TS Large Power All demand: All usage: 2.900/KWH 350 KVA Basic charge: $600.00/mo.
Service Retail demand: 1.93/KW Available only to customers who
Transmission Generation: 21.82/KW own their substations, effective

Yampa Valley Q Large Power All demand: No charge All usage: 6.6912/KWH 50 KVA Consumer charge: $50.00/mo.
Service Primary
EP - U.S.
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Estimator's Guide to Industrial Power Rates - 2010 (U.S. Dollars/KWH)
Billing Demand (kW) and Consumption (MWh)

75 KW 1,000 KW 50,000 KW

15 MWh 30 MWh 50 MWh 200 MWh 400 MWh 650 MWh 15,000 MWh 25,000 MWh 32,500 MWh

Alabama Power Company 0.123 0.104 0.094 0.086 0.069 0.060 0.073 0.062 0.059

Arizona Public Service Company 0.157 0.103 0.081 0.123 0.085 0.070 0.098 0.074 0.066
Tucson Electric Power Company 0.130 0.092 0.077 0.107 0.080 0.070 0.093 0.067 0.059

Empire District Electric Company 0.089 0.072 0.063 0.087 0.070 0.063 0.075 0.062 0.057
Entergy Arkansas, Inc. 0.089 0.077 0.069 0.089 0.073 0.058 0.076 0.064 0.059
OG&E Electric Services 0.074 0.052 0.043 0.063 0.046 0.039 0.051 0.042 0.039
Southwestern Electric Power Company 0.066 0.052 0.046 0.066 0.052 0.046 0.052 0.045 0.043

Pacific Gas & Electric Company 0.174 0.150 0.140 0.180 0.138 0.121 0.111 0.098 0.094
PacifiCorp 0.113 0.107 0.105 0.081 0.073 0.069 0.074 0.070 0.069
San Diego Gas & Electric Company 0.199 0.147 0.126 0.194 0.143 0.124 0.114 0.104 0.101
Southern California Edison 0.169 0.121 0.102 0.170 0.119 0.099 0.097 0.082 0.077

Black Hills/Colorado Electric (formerly Aquila Networks) 0.115 0.076 0.060 0.112 0.074 0.060 0.082 0.063 0.057
Public Service Company of Colorado 0.122 0.078 0.060 0.110 0.072 0.057 0.084 0.064 0.057

United Illuminating Company 0.193 0.176 0.164 0.173 0.152 0.144 0.158 0.147 0.143

Delmarva Power 0.154 0.114 0.098 0.171 0.127 0.110 0.116 0.093 0.085

District of Columbia
Potomac Electric Power Company 0.213 0.197 0.190 0.161 0.148 0.144 0.152 0.146 0.143

Florida Power & Light Company 0.110 0.090 0.082 0.111 0.089 0.078 0.069 0.064 0.062
Gulf Power Company 0.119 0.104 0.098 0.125 0.102 0.093 0.109 0.097 0.087
Progress Energy Florida 0.134 0.124 0.092 0.093 0.083 0.090 0.086 0.092 0.090
Tampa Electric Company 0.128 0.098 0.086 0.124 0.096 0.085 0.105 0.090 0.085

Georgia Power Company 0.129 0.089 0.072 0.130 0.090 0.074 0.088 0.072 0.066

Hawaii Electric Light Company 0.342 0.309 0.291 0.339 0.305 0.284 0.317 0.293 0.283
Hawaiian Electric Company 0.235 0.202 0.184 0.247 0.202 0.183 0.211 0.189 0.181
Maui Electric Company (Lanai) 0.400 0.377 0.355 0.392 0.361 0.343 0.370 0.351 0.342
Maui Electric Company (Maui) 0.302 0.280 0.258 0.298 0.267 0.248 0.276 0.256 0.247
Maui Electric Company (Molokai) 0.371 0.326 0.300 0.337 0.312 0.273 0.319 0.291 0.272

Avista Corp. 0.088 0.075 0.071 0.081 0.069 0.064 0.057 0.052 0.051
Idaho Power Company 0.072 0.060 0.055 0.071 0.057 0.051
PacifiCorp 0.088 0.059 0.048 0.082 0.058 0.048 0.058 0.048 0.045

AmerenCILCO 0.086 0.084 0.084
AmerenCIPS 0.084 0.082 0.081
AmerenIP 0.093 0.091 0.090
Commonwealth Edison Company 0.100 0.086 0.080
MidAmerican Energy 0.072 0.055 0.045 0.064 0.047 0.041 0.046 0.038 0.035

AEP (Indiana Michigan Power) 0.085 0.074 0.069 0.092 0.071 0.056 0.064 0.057 0.049
Duke Energy Indiana 0.085 0.071 0.056 0.080 0.069 0.056 0.069 0.059 0.051
Indianapolis Power & Light Company 0.100 0.070 0.058 0.092 0.063 0.052 0.069 0.055 0.050
Northern Indiana Public Service Company 0.114 0.090 0.081 0.106 0.082 0.072 0.082 0.071 0.067
Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company 0.119 0.108 0.095 0.102 0.082 0.074 0.088 0.078 0.074

Adapted from Typical Bills and Rates Report - Winter 2010. Published by Edison Electric Institute.

EP 77
Estimator's Guide to Industrial Power Rates - 2010 (U.S. Dollars/KWH)
Billing Demand (kW) and Consumption (MWh)

75 KW 1,000 KW 50,000 KW

15 MWh 30 MWh 50 MWh 200 MWh 400 MWh 650 MWh 15,000 MWh 25,000 MWh 32,500 MWh

Interstate Power & Light (North Zone) 0.100 0.070 0.058 0.098 0.069 0.057 0.074 0.060 0.055
Interstate Power & Light (Northeast Zone) 0.100 0.070 0.058 0.098 0.069 0.057 0.074 0.060 0.055
Interstate Power & Light (South Zone) 0.100 0.070 0.058 0.098 0.069 0.057 0.074 0.060 0.055
MidAmerican Energy - East System 0.087 0.061 0.050 0.075 0.055 0.047 0.054 0.044 0.040
MidAmerican Energy-North System 0.058 0.047 0.037 0.052 0.041 0.033 0.044 0.036 0.033
MidAmerican Energy-South System 0.074 0.058 0.043 0.065 0.048 0.037 0.054 0.042 0.037

Empire District Electric Company 0.104 0.078 0.066 0.090 0.069 0.061 0.059 0.053 0.051
Kansas City Power & Light Company 0.103 0.078 0.066 0.096 0.073 0.059 0.071 0.057 0.051
Westar Energy-KGE 0.085 0.072 0.067 0.087 0.059 0.049 0.068 0.054 0.049
Westar Energy-KPL 0.082 0.071 0.066 0.097 0.068 0.056 0.078 0.061 0.056

AEP (Kentucky Power Rate Area) 0.088 0.078 0.074 0.090 0.060 0.048 0.059 0.045 0.041
Duke Energy Kentucky 0.094 0.071 0.059 0.104 0.073 0.061 0.064 0.055 0.052
Kentucky Utilities Company 0.084 0.061 0.051 0.082 0.059 0.051 0.059 0.050 0.047
Louisville Gas & Electric Company 0.090 0.058 0.045 0.083 0.054 0.043 0.055 0.044 0.039

CLECO Power LLC 0.106 0.086 0.078 0.105 0.086 0.078 0.085 0.074 0.069
Entergy Gulf States, Inc. 0.091 0.075 0.068 0.085 0.072 0.066 0.069 0.059 0.055
Entergy Louisiana, Inc. 0.113 0.101 0.089 0.093 0.079 0.076 0.080 0.078 0.071
Entergy New Orleans, Inc. 0.101 0.083 0.070 0.097 0.075 0.065 0.081 0.069 0.064
Southwestern Electric Power Company 0.068 0.054 0.048 0.068 0.054 0.064 0.051 0.043 0.041

Bangor Hydro-Electric Company 0.147 0.116 0.104 0.140 0.117 0.108 0.124 0.112 0.108
Maine Public Service Company 0.170 0.140 0.129 0.172 0.146 0.137

Delmarva Power 0.124 0.114 0.111 0.085 0.068 0.062 0.072 0.065 0.063
Potomac Edison Company 0.106 0.082 0.078 0.058 0.056 0.055 0.049 0.058 0.058
Potomac Electric Power (Montgomery County) 0.129 0.122 0.120 0.100 0.094 0.092 0.095 0.092 0.091
Potomac Electric Power (Prince George's County) 0.115 0.108 0.105 0.086 0.080 0.078 0.081 0.078 0.077

Boston Edison Company 0.209 0.162 0.144 0.199 0.149 0.130 0.165 0.139 0.130
Cambridge Electric Company 0.168 0.139 0.127 0.149 0.120 0.109 0.131 0.115 0.110
Commonwealth Electric Company 0.163 0.150 0.145 0.170 0.142 0.130 0.148 0.134 0.129
Massachusetts Electric Company 0.136 0.122 0.116 0.127 0.117 0.113 0.120 0.115 0.113

AEP (Indiana Michigan Power St. Jos. Rate Area) 0.089 0.082 0.079 0.093 0.063 0.051 0.060 0.048 0.043
AEP (Indiana Michigan Power, Three Rivers Rate Area) 0.086 0.075 0.071 0.080 0.066 0.058 0.058 0.051 0.046
Consumers Energy 0.113 0.098 0.082 0.110 0.079 0.068 0.086 0.071 0.066
Detroit Edison Company 0.110 0.095 0.073 0.108 0.084 0.069 0.087 0.069 0.059
Edison Sault Electric Company 0.103 0.103 0.093 0.102 0.093 0.087
Northern States Power Company (WI) 0.098 0.080 0.072 0.099 0.080 0.072 0.083 0.072 0.068
Upper Peninsula Power Company 0.159 0.131 0.120 0.148 0.113 0.100 0.124 0.106 0.100
We Energies (formerly Wisconsin Electric) 0.113 0.092 0.078 0.110 0.080 0.068 0.088 0.073 0.067
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 0.090 0.092 0.073 0.104 0.075 0.064 0.083 0.068 0.063

Interstate Power & Light 0.085 0.073 0.062 0.093 0.069 0.060 0.077 0.064 0.060
Northern States Power Company (MN) 0.096 0.075 0.062 0.095 0.074 0.062 0.081 0.068 0.062
Otter Tail Power Company 0.069 0.057 0.053 0.068 0.057 0.053 0.061 0.055 0.053

Entergy Mississippi, Inc. 0.093 0.077 0.070 0.069 0.059 0.050 0.057 0.047 0.043
Mississippi Power Company 0.106 0.087 0.079 0.107 0.085 0.075 0.086 0.076 0.071

AmerenUE 0.068 0.059 0.049 0.065 0.053 0.045 0.056 0.043 0.039
Empire District Electric Company 0.095 0.073 0.063 0.092 0.071 0.063 0.080 0.061 0.054
Kansas City Power & Light - L&P (formerly Aquila) 0.076 0.060 0.054 0.071 0.054 0.046 0.059 0.056 0.052
Kansas City Power & Light - MPS (formerly Aquila) 0.116 0.092 0.079 0.095 0.081 0.072 0.087 0.077 0.072
Kansas City Power & Light Company 0.094 0.069 0.057 0.093 0.069 0.052 0.065 0.050 0.045

Adapted from Typical Bills and Rates Report - Winter 2010. Published by Edison Electric Institute.

EP 78
Estimator's Guide to Industrial Power Rates - 2010 (U.S. Dollars/KWH)
Billing Demand (kW) and Consumption (MWh)

75 KW 1,000 KW 50,000 KW

15 MWh 30 MWh 50 MWh 200 MWh 400 MWh 650 MWh 15,000 MWh 25,000 MWh 32,500 MWh

Black Hills Power 0.097 0.081 0.063 0.076 0.059 0.053
Montana-Dakota Utilites Company 0.071 0.057 0.051 0.069 0.055 0.050 0.060 0.052 0.050
NorthWestern Energy (formerly Montana Power) 0.104 0.082 0.074 0.082 0.068 0.063 0.065 0.061 0.059

Nevada Power Company 0.091 0.085 0.083 0.104 0.088 0.081 0.092 0.084 0.081
Sierra Pacific Power Company 0.146 0.122 0.113 0.149 0.119 0.107 0.128 0.112 0.107

New Hampshire
Granite State Electric Company 0.125 0.114 0.110 0.121 0.111 0.108 0.114 0.109 0.108
Public Service Company of New Hampshire 0.165 0.138 0.127 0.153 0.130 0.121 0.139 0.125 0.121
Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. 0.153 0.133 0.125 0.139 0.128 0.125

New Jersey
Atlantic Electric 0.170 0.150 0.141 0.131 0.096 0.092 0.098 0.094 0.092
Jersey Central Power & Light Company 0.164 0.149 0.143
Public Service Electric & Gas Company 0.182 0.152 0.140 0.149 0.114 0.100 0.114 0.099 0.093
Rockland Electric Company 0.201 0.177 0.167 0.200 0.173 0.160 0.149 0.132 0.126

New Mexico
El Paso Electric Company 0.152 0.106 0.087 0.138 0.096 0.080 0.110 0.088 0.080
Southwestern Public Service 0.085 0.058 0.046 0.069 0.048 0.040 0.050 0.041 0.038

New York
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation 0.116 0.095 0.086 0.107 0.083 0.074 0.073 0.067 0.065
Consolidated Edison Company of New York 0.222 0.176 0.158 0.221 0.175 0.158 0.187 0.159 0.149
LIPA 0.182 0.159 0.111 0.184 0.163 0.154 0.165 0.154 0.150
National Grid (Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation) 0.143 0.114 0.102 0.157 0.117 0.099 0.082 0.073 0.070
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 0.094 0.081 0.067 0.083 0.074 0.071 0.064 0.063 0.063
Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc. 0.172 0.151 0.135 0.149 0.129 0.120 0.100 0.091 0.089
Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation 0.140 0.111 0.097 0.115 0.093 0.085 0.085 0.079 0.077

North Carolina
Dominion North Carolina Power 0.080 0.073 0.066 0.087 0.072 0.063 0.080 0.067 0.063
Duke Energy Carolinas 0.070 0.059 0.051 0.068 0.058 0.047 0.059 0.048 0.044
Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. 0.098 0.075 0.065 0.113 0.084 0.070 0.091 0.076 0.069

North Dakota
Montana-Dakota Utilities Company 0.087 0.063 0.053 0.085 0.062 0.053 0.069 0.057 0.053
Northern States Power Company (MN) 0.082 0.064 0.053 0.081 0.063 0.053 0.069 0.058 0.053
Otter Tail Power Company 0.086 0.069 0.062 0.081 0.066 0.060 0.067 0.059 0.056

AEP (Columbus Southern Power Rate Area) 0.114 0.086 0.069 0.106 0.078 0.064 0.063 0.051 0.047
AEP (Ohio Power Rate Area) 0.084 0.072 0.055 0.077 0.068 0.053 0.062 0.046 0.040
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 0.109 0.067 0.069 0.089 0.085 0.084 0.089 0.077 0.072
Dayton Power & Light Company 0.132 0.087 0.069 0.119 0.076 0.060 0.084 0.063 0.056
Duke Energy Ohio 0.161 0.114 0.092 0.158 0.112 0.092 0.105 0.086 0.079
Ohio Edison Company 0.090 0.055 0.056 0.072 0.068 0.066 0.079 0.066 0.061
Toledo Edison Company 0.094 0.060 0.059 0.068 0.067 0.066 0.077 0.065 0.060

Empire District Electric Company 0.087 0.069 0.061 0.077 0.063 0.058 0.059 0.054 0.052
OG&E Electric Services 0.095 0.070 0.060 0.081 0.061 0.053 0.047 0.041 0.039
Public Service Company of Oklahoma 0.060 0.049 0.042 0.054 0.038 0.032 0.033 0.027 0.025

Idaho Power Company 0.074 0.061 0.056 0.064 0.051 0.046
PacifiCorp 0.079 0.067 0.063 0.064 0.054 0.050 0.052 0.047 0.046
Portland General Electric Company 0.093 0.080 0.075 0.087 0.075 0.070 0.068 0.065 0.064

Duquesne Light Company 0.109 0.094 0.088 0.109 0.084 0.074 0.070 0.065 0.063
Metropolitan Edison Company 0.117 0.092 0.082 0.103 0.085 0.078 0.087 0.078 0.074
PECO Energy 0.181 0.113 0.080 0.163 0.105 0.076 0.128 0.089 0.076
Pennsylvania Electric Company 0.097 0.071 0.061 0.079 0.062 0.055 0.068 0.058 0.054
Pennsylvania Power Company 0.053 0.048 0.046 0.053 0.048 0.046 0.056 0.055 0.055
Pike County Light & Power Company 0.134 0.124 0.120 0.131 0.118 0.113 0.122 0.115 0.113
PPL Utilities Corp. 0.129 0.117 0.113 0.110 0.100 0.097 0.093 0.091 0.090
UGI Utilities, Inc. 0.135 0.126 0.122

Adapted from Typical Bills and Rates Report - Winter 2010. Published by Edison Electric Institute.

EP 79
Estimator's Guide to Industrial Power Rates - 2010 (U.S. Dollars/KWH)
Billing Demand (kW) and Consumption (MWh)

75 KW 1,000 KW 50,000 KW

15 MWh 30 MWh 50 MWh 200 MWh 400 MWh 650 MWh 15,000 MWh 25,000 MWh 32,500 MWh

Rhode Island
Narragansett Electric Company 0.147 0.134 0.129 0.138 0.130 0.127 0.125 0.120 0.119

South Carolina
Duke Energy Carolinas 0.077 0.061 0.048 0.071 0.060 0.048 0.061 0.048 0.043
Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. 0.094 0.074 0.064 0.106 0.078 0.066 0.086 0.072 0.066
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company 0.109 0.099 0.079 0.112 0.080 0.067 0.087 0.070 0.065

South Dakota
Black Hills Power 0.103 0.082 0.070 0.086 0.068 0.060 0.061 0.052 0.049
MidAmerican Energy 0.064 0.050 0.038 0.063 0.046 0.035 0.052 0.040 0.035
Montana-Dakota Utilities Company 0.078 0.063 0.057 0.073 0.060 0.055 0.064 0.057 0.055
Northern States Power Company (MN) 0.081 0.063 0.054 0.080 0.062 0.054 0.069 0.058 0.054
Northwestern Energy 0.104 0.070 0.055 0.083 0.060 0.047 0.066 0.053 0.047
Otter Tail Power Company 0.072 0.062 0.058 0.067 0.060 0.057 0.062 0.058 0.057

AEP (Kingsport Power Rate Area) 0.101 0.082 0.075 0.090 0.071 0.063 0.074 0.060 0.055

El Paso Electric Company 0.144 0.105 0.086 0.154 0.104 0.078 0.109 0.081 0.071
Entergy Texas 0.092 0.080 0.075 0.086 0.072 0.065 0.073 0.064 0.061
Southwestern Electric Power Company 0.066 0.053 0.047 0.066 0.053 0.048 0.052 0.046 0.044
Southwestern Public Service 0.086 0.059 0.048 0.068 0.049 0.042 0.051 0.042 0.039

PacifiCorp 0.103 0.067 0.053 0.099 0.065 0.052 0.061 0.047 0.042

Central Vermont Public Service Corporation 0.172 0.119 0.098 0.149 0.103 0.085 0.094 0.078 0.072
Green Mountain Power Company 0.144 0.109 0.095 0.139 0.107 0.094 0.117 0.100 0.094

AEP (Appalachian Power Rate Area) 0.108 0.085 0.072 0.101 0.081 0.065 0.082 0.064 0.058
Dominion Virginia Power 0.107 0.080 0.060 0.112 0.073 0.057 0.085 0.064 0.057
Old Dominion Power Company 0.110 0.073 0.058 0.101 0.068 0.056

Avista Corp. 0.099 0.086 0.081 0.093 0.081 0.075 0.062 0.057 0.055
PacifiCorp 0.076 0.065 0.061 0.079 0.059 0.051 0.060 0.051 0.048
Puget Sound Energy 0.103 0.088 0.079 0.096 0.074 0.072 0.066 0.060 0.058

West Virginia
AEP (Appalachian Power Rate Area) 0.081 0.066 0.055 0.075 0.061 0.050 0.060 0.048 0.044
AEP (Wheeling Power Rate Area) 0.081 0.066 0.055 0.075 0.061 0.050 0.060 0.048 0.044
Monongahela Power Company 0.101 0.073 0.062 0.098 0.072 0.059 0.072 0.059 0.054
Potomac Edison Company 0.101 0.073 0.062 0.098 0.072 0.059 0.072 0.059 0.054

Madison Gas & Electric Company 0.134 0.103 0.090 0.126 0.094 0.082 0.105 0.083 0.048
Northern States Power Company (WI) 0.100 0.076 0.066 0.097 0.074 0.065 0.075 0.063 0.058
Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company 0.122 0.103 0.095 0.113 0.094 0.087 0.100 0.090 0.087
Superior Water, Light & Power Company 0.081 0.062 0.055 0.084 0.064 0.056 0.057 0.046 0.043
We Energies (formerly Wisconsin Electric) 0.125 0.088 0.075 0.110 0.079 0.067 0.088 0.072 0.066
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 0.099 0.075 0.065 0.091 0.067 0.058 0.074 0.062 0.057
WP&L 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.115 0.083 0.070 0.083 0.068 0.063

Black Hills Power 0.083 0.071 0.063 0.080 0.062 0.055 0.052 0.043 0.040
Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power Company 0.144 0.094 0.074 0.130 0.087 0.070 0.089 0.071 0.064
Montana-Dakota Utilities Company 0.070 0.048 0.038 0.067 0.046 0.038 0.053 0.042 0.038
PacifiCorp 0.103 0.067 0.053 0.107 0.067 0.052 0.065 0.048 0.042

Adapted from Typical Bills and Rates Report - Winter 2010. Published by Edison Electric Institute.

EP 80
Estimator's Guide to Industrial Power Rates - 2010 (U.S. Dollars/KWH)
Billing Demand (kW) and Consumption (MWh)

75 KW 1,000 KW 50,000 KW

15 MWh 30 MWh 50 MWh 200 MWh 400 MWh 650 MWh 15,000 MWh 25,000 MWh 32,500 MWh


Epcor Energy Services, Inc. 0.088 0.071 0.066 0.103 0.091 0.086 0.064 0.060 0.058

British Columbia
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 0.085 0.060 0.051 0.070 0.053 0.046 0.047 0.040 0.038
Epcor Energy Services, Inc. 0.088 0.071 0.066 0.103 0.091 0.086 0.064 0.060 0.058

Hydro-Quebec 0.107 0.078 0.065 0.107 0.069 0.054 0.059 0.047 0.043

Manitoba Hydro 0.080 0.056 0.045 0.075 0.052 0.042 0.042 0.035 0.032

New Brunswick
New Brunswick Power 0.117 0.086 0.073 0.108 0.076 0.064 0.087 0.070 0.064

Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Power, Inc. 0.115 0.089 0.077 0.114 0.085 0.073 0.093 0.078 0.073

Adapted from Typical Bills and Rates Report - Winter 2010. Published by Edison Electric Institute.

EP 81

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