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Patrick Jayson A.

European History 8:00 – 12:00
Assignment no. 1

1. Describe man's condition before civilization began. How would you define
civilization? Give some examples of its progress. Give an example of how
inventions depend on previous ones. Mention as many things as you can which
had to be invented before an automobile could be made.

I can describe the man’s condition before civilization began was peripatetic, since
the people prior from the civilization are nomads (The Editors of Encyclopaedia
Britannica). These people have no permanent place of settlement. They roam
around from one place to another in order for them to hunt animals and search
water for themselves. Unlike today’s generation, they have no hereditary property;
they don’t even have anything unlike this modern day. However, these Nomadic
societies spread the very foundation ideas to create a civilization through these
three areas; technology, domestication and language.

Since nomads’ culture is hunting food, they used sharpened stones to form a
spear as a tool for their hunting to eat food. Also, they don’t even have a fire or
even do not know how to create it; they are actually waiting for a lightning to hit
trees or from their places nearby for them to have fire, without knowing that we
can actually create fire in many ways. However, since nomads are the foundation
of early civilization, their ideas of creating spears or any sharpened tools or
artifacts is considered as an early technology that were undergoes progress.

Nomads’ population is very small and people of society do not have agricultural or
ancestral property. Until such time, nomads are learning how to bring food such as
wild animals and later on founded domestication. This time, nomads are having
basic skills in agricultural.

On the other hand, nomads are not just the builders of civilization but the
instrument also of passing the language through generation pass to offspring.
There two ways of communication which oral and written. There so many theories
regarding with the language, one of them is a belief that the sounds is came from
the nature and their stimulus response from any unconscious they do, that later on
creates language. However, in terms of written form, Egyptian hieroglyphics was
the very foundation of language that influences the world and even nomads.
2. What remains of the Stone Age have been discovered in Europe? What forced
man to live in caves and to invent clothing? How would you be able to live without

According to my knowledge, much of what we know about life in the Stone Age
and Stone Age people comes from the stone tools and artifacts they left behind,
which people nowadays gained knowledge about the invented in as earliest form
of technology. It was used as primarily weapons or as a tool to kill an enemy or to
catch a prey. Hammerstones are some of the earliest and simplest stone tools
used to chip other stones into sharp-edged flakes (Violatti, 2014). They also used
this tool to break apart nuts, seeds and bones and to grind clay into pigment. Not
all Stone Age tools were made of stone. These people also experimented with
other raw materials including. On this era also was the emergence of distinct
cultural identities which different groups sought different ways of making tools.

However, according to my research, some experts believe that the use of stone
tools may have developed even earlier of our primitive nomadic ancestors. Hence,
these artifacts tell a lot about early human society, including how they created
things; how they lived and how human behavior evolved over time.
Moreover, during much of this period, the earth was turn in an Ice Age at the same
time which colder the global temperatures and glacial expansion. Because of this
event, the people of Stone Age have forced to live in caves and invented clothing
from the skin of animals to prevent them from the cold temperature. In addition to
that, these nomads will able to survived and lived without fire because of their own
invention of clothing. Hence, I am on this situation, I can live without fire by a skin
from animal and live in caves in order to survive.

3. What were the inventions of the Late Stone Age? Describe the condition of man
during this period in history.

Based on my research, the legacies of Late Stone Age are very important because
they developed new ways of living through domestication. People back then began
to learn taming wild animals for their own use and herd animals are easier for
them to find than hunting, this forces migration so that when the animals clear out
one place, they won’t stay there and starve. Pastoralism began on this period. In
this stage, early humans think that if you planted enough of it, there was a plenty
of food to harvest for the near future, and their family would not have to move into
another places. The advances that appeared in human culture as a result of
farming are called the Neolithic Revolution this time. Farming completely changed
the living patterns of humans from hunter to gatherers living in small groups and
migrating to settled populations that could grow and expand. Hence, there are so
many things that early humans developed on this stage such as new jobs, new
tools, and the development of civilization itself.

However, there are limitations during this period. The basic farming lifestyle had its
limits as seasonal and small amount of rain is limited to feed the valleys. Early
people overcame these limits by settling to the rivers to look for new food sources
for them to be able to survive on starving.

4. What is the importance of the civilization of Egypt to the history of Europe?

A written language is another sign of our intelligence. Aside from domestication

and technologies made by early humans, writing played a very vital role for early
humans to keep track of their plant seeds or how much they traded as they traded
and farmed. Most of all, as written language slowly developed by early people,
they move into “history” which people nowadays can study their behavior and
lifestyle before (Human Ancestors). Moreover, written language of Egypt is the
most important thing that influence the whole Europe specially the nomads.

Human Ancestors. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ancient Civilization for
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Nomadism Society. Retrieved from
Encyclopedia Britannica:
Violatti, C. (2014, July 18). Stone Age. Retrieved from Ancient History

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