Physics Progress 10

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Progress in Science LEARNER’S BOOK _ PLYSON MUZUMARA Ae) PAU) Pega) hes pet S Pros? cous : Progressin ... Science LEARNER’S BOOK PLYSON MUZUMARA LAISON ZULU with HUGH JAMES OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research;, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in Zambia by Oxford University Press ORBIS (Pty) Limited ‘Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, NI City, PO Box 12119, Cape Town South Africa Oxford University Press ORBIS (Pty) Ltd 2014, ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a rettieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press ORBIS (Pty) Ltd, or as expressly permitted by law. by licence, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographic rights organisation. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press ORBIS (Pty) Ltd, at the above address. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. Progress In Science Grade 10 Learner’s Book ISBN 978 0 19 904738 3 Second impression 2015 Acknowledgements Publisher / Commissioning editor: Marie-Louise Kriel « Editor: Ellen Cameron Designer: Sandi Hall Ilustrators: See acknowledgements page ‘Typesetter: Lizette Watkiss Printed and bound by: ABC Press, Cape Town ‘The authors and publisher gratefully acknowledge permission to reproduce copyright material in this book. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders, but if any copyright infringements have been made, the publisher would be grateful for information that would enable any omissions or errors to be corrected in subsequent impressions. Sce page 186 for acknowledgements Cover photograph: Andrey Armyagov/ General physics.. Mechanics. Introduction to chemistry The particulate nature of matter Experimental techniques. a mena DS Atoms, elements, compounds and molecule: 149 Study and exam skills. 181 G1O88AFY oo soonenee 183 eS || How to use this book Welcome to the Progress in Science series for Grades 10-12! ‘This series is based on the Senior Secondary Syllabus for Science issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education. All the knowledge, skills and values expressed in the document are addressed in the Progress in Science Grade 10 Learner’s Book, so that you can feel confident about your success in this subject. The book is divided into topics so that you can easily see what content will be covered in your Science class. On the first page of every topic, you will find: A box that shows you which Sub-topics and Specific Outcomes will be covered during the topic. ‘Assessment exercises-that At the end of each topic, you will find the following: help you prepare for A topic Ea Siete eeeree omen tests and exams. summary that Loney will help you to | quickly revise Bloom's taxonos categories are | | key learnis referred to in all points trom the Revision and topic. Assessment Exercises. Revision | ercises. : ‘The taxonomy questions that a « aelpaon to categories used ee ict this book are: ik andie WF K = Knowledge workandto | | C = Comprehens check your | rales derstandi A= Application Ps me S = Synthesis. iv You will see the following throughout the book: 7 | a Starter activity: This prepares Teh you for the topic you are about to start. | | New words boxes: These give you the definitions of key words or explain what a certain new word means. These words and the definitions are also in the Glossary at the back of the book. ‘—— Did you know? boxes: These give you more and new knowledge about what you are leaming. the ‘ewieie and skills you have learnt in that section. Note: We use the term “activity” to refer to both written work and practical activities, Experiments: These practical activities —1 give step-by-step instructions for doing experiments and also indicate what the aim of the experiment is. Physics Detailed contents Sub-topic 1_ International system of units. Di Sub-topic 2 Length and time. 7 Sub-topic 3. Mass and weight. 15 Sub-topic 4 Density. 20 Summary 28 | Revision exercises 29 Assessment exercises ae a | Sea S) Topic 2 Mechanics EI Sub-topic 1 Linear motio 33 Sub-topic 2 Forces... a DIG. erates | Sub-topic 3 Moment vo forces. Ati 67 { Sub-topic 4 Work, energy and power. m2 | Sub-topic 5 Simple machines 86 | Summary 96 | Revision exercises 97 Assessment exercises. 98 What is physics? Physics is the study of matter and energy. It is all about understanding the world around us and the way it works. Look at the photos and think about how the hot air balloons stay up in the air, or what forces created the mountain range, or how a bolt of lightning is created. In studying physics, we become more conscious of the physical world around us. vi Physics: General physics Sub-topic "International system of units Specific Outcomes | \guish between basic and derived quantities. | * Identify basic units and derived units. _* Recognize prefixes, multiples and sub-muttiples of | | fundamental and derived units. _» Use scientific notation and significant figures in | numerical problems. Length and time Demonstrate the use of various measuring instruments to determine length. * Demonstrate the use of clocks and devices for measuring an interval of time. © Identify factors that affect the period of a simple | pendulum. Mass and weight * Distinguish between mass and weight. | * Demonstrate how to measure mass and weight. _* Demonstrate how to locate the centre of mass of an object. | Describe qualitatively the effect of the position of ___ the centre of mass on the stability of an object. Determine the density of floating objects. Determine the density of a mixture of liquids. Describe what relative density is. Calculate the relative density of air. Starter activity Answer the following questions in pairs: 1. Which instrument would you use to measure the length and width of your Science book? 2. Name an instrument to measure length that would not be appropriate to use for this task. 3. Which instrument would you use to measure the mass of a pencil accurately: a kitchen scale, a bathroom scale or a science laboratory scale? 4. Discuss why a wooden stick floats in water but a stone sinks. Density Topic 1 Physics: General physics 1 SUB-TOPIC1 [International system of units Units of measurement In physics experiments, we take accurate measurements to measure physical quantities such as length and time. A physical quantity is a measurable feature or property of an object such as its length. In the past, a number of different units were used to measure the same quantity. To avoid confusion, scientists now use one set of units ~ the SI units. Base units Scientists chose a set of base quantities that they could use to describe other quantities. By international agreement, they then defined the size of the base unit of measurement of each quantity. In the case of length, the base unit of measurement is the metre. So, wherever we are in the world, a length of one metre is the same. The seven base units of measurement Dc Ug “kilogram ‘These units are named SI units from the French “Le Systeme International d’Unités”. New words physical quantity: a measurable feature or property of an object base quantities: the set of basic physical quantities that can be used to describe other quantities j base unit of measurement: | the unit of measurement of a base quantity that was defined by international agreement Figure 1 A standard candle emits about one candela of luminous intensity. The candela is one of second 5 _ time L See the base units of kelvin K thermodynamic measurements. ‘temperature Figure 2. An at ' ammeter mole mol maint of miéeeuica | substance: electric current ; in amperes. ‘ampere A_ electric current Pt candela cd_—_luminous intensity a | J 2 ‘Topic 1 Physics: General physics The ampere is also one of the base units of measurement. Base units of measurement Answer the following questions on your own: 1, Refer to the table on the previous page and write down a list of the base quantities and their SI units that you have used before in your Science classes. 2, Identify some practical examples of situations where you have used the base units you listed in question 1. 3. List units for length, other than the metre, that are commonly used. How are these units related to the base unit for length? Derived units A derived unit of measurement is one which we New words obtain by multiplying or dividing two or more base units. This allows us to measure quantities derived unit of measurement: that are not base quantities. For example, speed is a. unit obtained by multiplying or measured in metres per second (m/s). dividing two or more base units Some quantities that are measured in derived units Sean us Se Area | square metre m - “Volume : mn - “Velocity __ metre per second ms - Acceleration metre per second squared ms - Density kilogram per cubic metre kgm Force jlogram metre per second squared _——=kg-m/s®._ newton (N) "Pressure _ Kilogram per metre per second squared _kg/(m/s)_pascal (Pa) | Energy __ kilogram metre squared per second squared _kgim’/s* joule (J) Power kilogram metre squared per second cubed _kgm/s? watt (W) Some derived units have been given names: the newton, pascal, joule and watt are named after famous scientists. When we write the name of a unit of measurement, we do not write it with a capital letter, However, we do write a symbol that is named after a person with a capital letter. For example, the symbol for the unit newton is N. Derived units Answer the following questions in pairs: 1. Identify whether the following are base units or derived units: a)m b) cd © m d) mol e) Pa. 2. Write down the derived units for: a) area b) the newton ©) the watt — d) the joule. Sub-topic 1 Integgtional system of units 3 Multiples and sub-multiples of units Multiples and sub-multiples of units often make them easier to use. For example, a kilometre is a thousand metres and a millimetre is a thousandth of a metre. See the table below for the accepted prefixes and symbols. Multiples and sub-mul Prefix _| Symbol Pomc gige GG pe ee mega- M___ million 1.000 000 1 = millionth 0 fi in billionth ~ 0.000 000001 | Pp trillionth 0.000 000 000 001 Scientific notation and significant figures Scientific notation It is easy to make a mistake when you write a number such as 0.0000205 or 5 360 000. Scientific notation overcomes this. It expresses a number as a product of two numbers: N x 10" Nis called the coefficient. nis called the exponent. It is an It is a number that is equal integer (a positive or negative to or greater than 1, but a Whole number) or zero. We say smaller than 10, Nx 10” 10 is raised to the power of n. e.g. 3.15 x 10° =3 150 New word: * Nis called the coefficient. Itisa number that is scientific notation: expresses. equal to or greater than 1, but smallerthan 10. a number as a product of two * nis called the exponent. It is an integer (a numbers: N x 10" positive or negative whole number) or zero. ee ei soe eae =: We say 10 is raised to the power of n. SAA ener CReatRy e exponent: the power to which For example: another quantity is raised 2000=2x 10x 10x 10=2 x 10° He X= 2 ang ese you have multiply N by 10 three times to get 2 000. To find N, look for the first 0.04=4+10411 4x10? non-zero digit in the number. If Here, N and n 2 because you have to there are more non-zero digits divide N by 10 two times to get 0.04. after this, they go after the decimal point in N. 4 Topic 1 Physi General physics < Instead of counting the number of times you ERC) multiply or divide by 10 to find n, count the A waeneale number of places that you move the decimal point has a length of eo so that it is on the right of the first digit of N. less than one Hoe nanometre, or a If the original number is equal to or greater than __illionth of ametre. : sei But, a human hair is about 1, then nt will be a positive number. (an Gcor a aanevetuiaes If the original number is smaller than 1, then nwill be a negative number. Worked example Write the following numbers in scientific notation: 1. 5 360.000 2. 0.0000205 Answer 1. In 5 360 000, N = 5.36 and the decimal point moves 6 places to the left. Therefore, 5 360 000 = 5.36 x 10° 2. In 0.000205, N = 2.05 and the decimal point moves 5 places to the right. Therefore, 0.000205 = 2.05 x 105 Significant figures The number of digits in a measurement shows New words how precise the measurement is. We call these : significant figures, significant figures: the digits in a measurement that indicate A measurement of 5 mm is less precise than a eae how precise it is measurement of 5.13 mm. The measurement of 5 mm is precise to the nearest millimetre and we can make such a measurement with an ordinary ruler. But a measurement of 5.13 mm is precise to two decimal places. This means it is precise to the nearest hundredth of a millimetre. To determine the number of significant figures in a measurement, write it in scientific notation and then count the number of digits in N. The more significant figures Example: 0.0032 m = 3.2 x 10° m there are, the more precise Therefore, the number of significant figures is *"® Measurement. two, because N contains two digits. As a rule, the number of significant figures of the answer should be the same as the smallest number of significant figurés in the calculation. But, if one of the numbers in a calculation is an exact number, ignore how many digits it has. Sub-topic 1 International system of units 5 ee cee oe ee i ek 00 Calculations with numbers in scientific notation Addition and subtraction without a calculator Provided the numbers have the same exponent (which means that the numbers are to the same power of ten), you can add or subtract the coefficients (N) of the numbers: Examples: 2.5 x 10° + 1.3 x 10° = (2.5 + 1.3) x 10° = 3.8 x 10° 2.5 x 10°— 1.3 x 10° = (2.5 ~ 1.3) x 10° = 1.2 x 10° If the numbers are not to the same power of ten, change them back to ordinary numbers first and then add or subtract.s Example: 1.8 x 10° + 5.4 x 10®= 1 800 + 540 = 2 340 Multiplication and division without a calculator To multiply two numbers multiply the coefficients (N) and add the exponents (1). Example: (3 x 102) x (5 x 103) = (3 x 5) x (10? x 108) = (3 x 5) x 10%*9 = 15 x 105 = 1.5 x 10° To divide two numbers, divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents (n). Calculations with a scientific calculator A calculator does all the work for you, but you must enter the numbers correctly. Example: Enter 3.25 x 10 into a calculator as follows: NOC EXP) (@)) or (= )(6) Notice that you press the (EXP) key instead of entering 10. Press the |) ) key only if the exponent is negative. Scientific notation and signi Answer the following questions on your own: 1. Write the following numbers in scientific notation and state the number of significant figures in each case. a) 32300 b) 400 000 ©) 0.00042 ) 0.002763 2. Convert: a) 20 cm to metres b) 0.5 m to millimetres ©) 2mm to metres 4) 3 km to metres. 3. Carry out the following calculations, first without and then with a calculator: a) (Bx 104) + (5 x 104) b) (2.1 x 104) + (9.5 x 103) ©) (8.6 x 10°) ~ (5.7 x 10) d) (7.4 x 10°) - (6.2 x 10°) ©) (Sx 10°) x (6 x 10%) £) (2.2 x 10%) x (3 x 10%) g) (7x 10) = B.S x 102) h) (7.5 x 10°) = (2.5 x 10°) 4. Carry out the following calculations and give the answers to the correct number of, ificant figures: a) 3.14 +21.30mm+43.1mm_ b) 21.3mx42.5m 6 Topic 1 Physics: General physics B-TOPIG2 Length and time Measuring length Before you make a measurement, first estimate what you think the reading should be, then use a measuring instrument to confirm your estimate and record the measured value. The table below shows some instruments that are used to measure length, and the degree to which these instruments are precise. Instruments for measuring length and their precision | micrometer screw _very short diameter of thin wire aoe | 0.01 mm | short diameter of coin vernier calipers 0.1 mm to 0.02 mm medium length of pendulum = metrerule = 1 mm - long length of classroom _ tape measure /10 mm (1 om) Tape measure A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible form of a ruler. Its design allows it to be carried in a pocket or toolkit and to measure over uneven surfaces and even around corners. Figure 3 A tape measure Figure 4 For accuracy, keep your eyes perpendicular to the scale to avoid the P error of parallax. Metre rule # ‘The scale on a metre rule is divided in millimetres and so it has an accuracy of 1 mm, Use a metre rule to measure in millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm), up to a metre. Figure 5 One end of a metre rule Sub-topic 2 Length and time 7

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