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Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Environmental Guidelines for

Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

Industry Description and Practices crystallization, or evaporation to produce a
melt; solids formation by prilling or
This document addresses the production of granulating; solids cooling and screening;
ammonia, urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium coating of the solids; and bagging and/or bulk
nitrate (AN), calcium ammonium nitrate loading. The carbon dioxide for urea
(CAN), and ammonium sulfate nitrate (ASN). manufacture is produced as a byproduct from
The manufacture of nitric acid used to produce the ammonia plant reformer.
the nitrogenous fertilizers typically occurs on-
site, and is therefore, included in this document. Ammonium Sulfate (AS)

Ammonia AS is produced as a caprolactam byproduct

from the petrochemical industry, as a coke by-
The feedstock for ammonia is derived from product, and synthetically from reacting
nitrogen in the air and hydrogen from a ammonia with sulfuric acid. Only the latter is
hydrocarbon source. Natural gas is the most covered in this document. The reaction between
commonly used hydrocarbon feedstock for new ammonia and sulfuric acid produces an AS
plants, however, other feedstocks that have solution which is continuously circulated
been used include naphtha, oil, and gasified through an evaporator to thicken the solution
coal. Natural gas is favored over other and to produce ammonium sulfate crystals. The
feedstocks from an environmental perspective. crystals are separated from the liquor in a
Ammonia production from natural gas centrifuge and the liquor is returned to the
includes the following processes: evaporator. The crystals are fed to either a
desulfurization of the feedstock; primary and fluidized bed or rotary drum dryer and are
secondary reforming; carbon monoxide shift screened before bagging and/or bulk loading.
conversion and removal of carbon dioxide
which can be used for urea manufacture; Ammonium Nitrate (AN), Calcium
methanation; and ammonia synthesis. Catalysts Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), Ammonium
used in the process may include: cobalt; Sulfate Nitrate (ASN)
molybdenum; nickel; iron oxide/chromium
oxide; copper oxide/zinc oxide; and iron. AN is made by neutralizing nitric acid with
anhydrous ammonia. The resulting 80-90
Urea percent solution of AN can be sold as is or it
may be further concentrated to a 95 to 99.5
Urea fertilizers are produced by reacting liquid percent solution (melt) and converted into prills
ammonia with carbon dioxide. The process or granules. The manufacturing steps include:
steps include: solution synthesis where solution formation, solution concentration,
ammonia and carbon dioxide react to form solids formation, solids finishing, screening,
ammonium carbamate which is dehydrated to coating, bagging and/or bulk shipping. The
form urea; solution concentration by vacuum, processing steps will depend on the desired

440 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

finished product. CAN is made by adding (NH3). And process condensate discharged is
calcite or dolomite to the AN melt before about 1.5 cubic meters per metric ton (m3/t) of
prilling or granulating, while ASN is made by NH3. Ammonia tank farms can release upwards
granulating a solution of AN and AS. of 10 kg of ammonia per ton of ammonia
produced. Emissions of ammonia from the
Nitric Acid process have been reported in the range of
<0.04-2 kg/t ammonia produced.
The production stages for nitric acid In a urea plant, ammonia and particulate
manufacture include: ammonia vaporization matter are the emissions of concern. Ammonia
followed by mixing with air and burning the emissions are reported as: recovery absorption
mixture over a platinum/rhodium catalyst; vent (0.1-0.5 kg/t), concentration absorption
cooling the resultant nitric oxide (NO) and vent (0.1-0.2 kg/t), urea prilling (0.5-2.2 kg/t)
oxidizing it to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with and granulation (0.2-0.7 kg/t). The prill tower is
residual oxygen; and absorbing the (NO2) in a source of urea dust (0.5-2.2 kg/t) as is the
water in an absorption column to produce nitric granulator (0.1-0.5 kg/t).
acid (HNO3). Particulates are the principal air pollutant
Note: Because of the large quantities of emitted from ammonium sulfate plants. Most of
ammonia and other hazardous materials these are found in the gaseous exhaust of the
handled on site an Emergency Preparedness dryers. Uncontrolled discharges of particulates
and Response Plan is required. may be in the order of 23 kg/t from rotary
dryers and 109 kg/t from fluidized bed dryers.
Waste Characteristics Ammonia storage tanks can release ammonia.
In addition, there may be fugitive losses of
Air Emissions ammonia from process equipment.
The production of AN results in emissions of
Emissions to atmosphere from ammonia plants particulate matter (ammonium nitrate and
include: sulfur dioxide (SO2) nitrogen oxides coating materials), ammonia, and nitric acid.
(NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2); hydrogen The emission sources of primary importance are
sulfide; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); the prilling tower and the granulator. Total
particulates; methane; hydrogen cyanide; and quantities of nitrogen discharged would be in
ammonia. The two primary sources of the range of 0.01-18.4 kg N/t of product. Values
pollutants, with typical reported values for the reported for CAN are in the range of 0.1-3.3 kg
important pollutants, are as follows: N/t of product.
• Flue gas from primary reformer Nitric acid plants emit nitric oxide, nitrogen
CO2 – 500 kg/t NH3 dioxide (the visible emissions), and trace
NOx – 0.6-1.3 kg/t NH3 as NO2 amounts of nitric acid mist. The majority of the
SO2 - <0.1 kg/t nitrogen oxides are found in the tail gases of the
CO - <0.03 kg/t absorption tower. Depending on the process,
• CO2 removal emissions in the tail gases can range 215-4,300
CO2 – 1200 kg/t milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) for NOx.
NOx emissions depend on the process Flow may be in the order of 3,200 m3/t 100%
features—NOx is reduced, for example, when nitric acid. NOx values will be in the low range
there is low excess oxygen, with steam injection, where high pressure absorption is used;
where post combustion measures are in place, medium pressure absorption yields NOx
and where low NOx burners are in use. Other emissions in the high end of the range. These
measures will also reduce the total amount of values are prior to the addition of any
NOx emitted. The SO2 concentration in the flue- abatement hardware.
gas from the reformer can be expected to be
significantly higher if a fuel other than natural
gas is used. Energy consumption ranges 29-36
giga Joules per metric ton (GJ/t) of ammonia
441 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

Liquid Effluents The following pollution prevention measures

are recommended:
Ammonia plant effluents may contain up to 1 • prill tower—reduce microprill formation
kg of ammonia and up to 1 kg of methanol per and reduce carryover of fines through
m3 prior to stripping. Effluent from urea plants entrainment.
may discharge< 0.1-2.6 kg N/t product. • granulators—reduce dust emissions from
Effluents from ammonium nitrate plants have the disintegration of granules.
been reported to discharge 0.7-6.5 kg N/t • material handling—where feasible use
production while. Comparable values for CAN covers and hoods on conveyors and transition
plants are 0-10 kg N/t production. Nitric acid points. Good clean-up practices are required to
plants may have nitrogen in the effluent in the be in place in order to minimize contamination
order of 0.1-1.7 kg N/t acid. of storm water run-off from the plant property.

Solid Wastes Note: Hot ammonium nitrate, either solid or in

concentrated form, carries the risk of decomposition
Solid wastes are principally spent catalysts and may even detonate under certain circumstances.
which originate in ammonia production and in Suitable precautions are therefore required in its
the nitric acid plant. Other solid wastes are not manufacture.
normally of environmental concern.
Ammonium Sulfate Plant
Pollution Prevention and Control
Ammonium sulfate plants normally are fitted
Ammonia Plant with fabric filters or scrubbers as part of the
• Where possible, natural gas should be the process.
feedstock for the ammonia plant to minimize
air emissions. Target Pollution Loads
• Use hot process gas from the secondary
reformer to heat the primary reformer tubes Implementation of cleaner production processes
(exchanger-reformer concept), thus reducing the and pollution prevention measures can provide
need for natural gas both economic and environmental benefits. The
• Direct hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas in a following production-related targets can be
fuel oil gasification plant to a combustion unit achieved by measures such as those detailed in
to prevent its release. the previous section. The numbers relate to the
• Consider using purge gases from the production processes before the addition of
synthesis process to fire the reformer, and strip pollution control measures.
condensates to reduce ammonia and methanol.
• Use CO2 removal processes which do not Ammonia Plant
release toxics to the environment. Where
monoethanolamine (MEA) or other processes New ammonia plants should target on
(such as hot potassium carbonate) are used in achieving NOx emissions of not more than 0.5
the CO2 removal, proper operation and kg/t of product (expressed as NO2 at 3% O2).
maintenance procedures should be followed to Ammonia releases in liquid effluents can be
minimize releases to the environment. controlled to 0.1 kg/t of product. Condensates
from ammonia production should be reused.
Urea Plant
Nitric Acid Plant
Use total recycle processes in the synthesis
process; reduce microprill formation and carry Nitrogen oxide levels should be controlled to a
over of fines in prilling towers. maximum of 1.6 kg/t of 100% nitric acid.

Ammonium Nitrate Plant

442 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

Treatment Technologies Modern plants using good industrial

practices are able to achieve the following in
In urea plants, wet scrubbers or fabric filters are terms of pollutant loads:
used to control fugitive emissions from prilling
towers; fabric filters are used to control dust Emissions Guidelines
emissions from bagging operations. These
devices are an integral part of the operations to Emission levels for the design and operation of
retain product. New urea plants should achieve each project must be established through the
levels of particulate matter in air emissions of Environmental Assessment (EA) process, based
less than 0.5 kg/t of product for both urea and on country legislation and the Pollution
ammonia. Prevention and Abatement Handbook as applied to
In the ammonium sulfate plant, fabric filters local conditions. The emission levels selected
with injection of absorbent as necessary is the must be justified in the EA and acceptable to
preferred means of control. Discharges of not MIGA.
more than 0.1 kg/t of product should be The following guidelines present emission
attainable for particulate matter. levels normally acceptable to the World Bank
In ammonium nitrate plants, wet scrubbers can Group in making decisions regarding provision
be considered for prill towers and the of World Bank Group assistance, including
granulation plant. Particulate emissions of 0.5 MIGA guarantees; any deviations from these
kg/t of product for the prill tower and 0.25 kg/t levels must be described in the project
of product for granulation should be the target. documentation.
Similar loads for ammonia are appropriate. The guidelines are expressed as
In the nitric acid plant extended absorption concentrations to facilitate monitoring. Dilution
and the use of technologies such as non- of air emissions or effluents to achieve these
selective catalytic reduction (NSCR) and guidelines is unacceptable.
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) are used to All of the maximum levels should be
control NOx in tail gases. To attain a level of 150 achieved for at least 95% of the time that the
parts per million parts by volume (ppmv) of plant or unit is operating, to be calculated as a
NOx in the tail gases the following approaches proportion of annual operating hours.
should be considered:
• High pressure single pressure process Air Emissions
with absorbing efficiency high enough to avoid
additional abatement facilities The following emissions levels should be
• Dual absorption process with an achieved:
absorption efficiency high enough to avoid
additional treatment facilities Air Emissions from Nitrogenous Fertilizer
• Dual pressure process with SCR Complexes
• Medium pressure, single pressure with Parameter Maximum value
SCR in milligrams per
normal cubic meter
Other effluents originate in a nitrogenous (mg/Nm3)
fertilizer complex. These include: boiler
blowdown, water treatment plant backwash NOx (as NO2) 300
and cooling tower blowdown from the Urea 50
ammonia and nitric acid plants. They may NH3 50
require pH adjustment and settling. These Particulates 50
effluents should preferably be recycled/reused.
Spent catalysts are sent for regeneration or
disposed in a secure landfill.
443 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

Monitoring and Reporting

Liquid Effluents
Frequent sampling may be required during
The following effluent levels should be start-up and upset conditions. Once a record of
achieved: consistent performance has been established,
sampling for the parameters listed above should
Effluents from Nitrogenous Fertilizer be as detailed below.
Complexes Air emissions should be monitored annually,
Parameter Maximum value except for nitrate acid plants where NOx should
milligrams per liter be monitored continuously. Effluents should be
(mg/L) monitored continuously for pH and monthly for
other parameters.
pH 6-9
Monitoring data should be analyzed and
Total suspended solids 50 reviewed at regular intervals and compared
Ammonia (as nitrogen) 10 with the operating standards so that any
Urea 1 necessary corrective actions can be taken.
Temperature increase less than 3oC1 Records of monitoring results should be kept in
an acceptable format. These should be reported
1The effluent should result in a temperature increase of no
to the responsible authorities and relevant
more than 3 degrees Celsius at the edge of the zone where
initial mixing and dilution takes place. Where the zone is not
parties, as required, and provided to MIGA if
defined, use 100 meters from the point of discharge. requested.

Note: Effluent requirements are for direct Key Issues

discharge to surface waters.
The following box summarizes the key
Ambient Noise production and control practices that will lead
to compliance with emission requirements:
Noise abatement measures should achieve
either the following levels or a maximum • Choose natural gas, where possible, as
increase in background levels of 3 dB(A). feedstock for the ammonia plant.
Measurements are to be taken at noise receptors • Give preference to high pressure processes
located outside the project property boundary. or absorption process in combination with
catalytic reduction units
Ambient Noise
• Use low dust forming processes for solids
Maximum Allowable Leq formation
(hourly), in dB(A)
• Reuse condensates and other waste waters
Receptor Daytime Nightime
07:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 07:00 • Maximize product recovery and minimize
air emissions by appropriate maintenance
Residential; 55 45 and operation of scrubbers and baghouses.
educational Further Information
Industrial; 70 70 The following are suggested as sources of
commercial additional information (these sources are
provided for guidance and are not intended to
The emission requirements given here can be be comprehensive):
consistently achieved by well-designed, well-
operated and well-maintained pollution control
444 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

Bounicore, A.J. and W.T. Davis. 1992. Air

Pollution Engineering Manual. New York: Van European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association,
Nostrand Reinhold. 1995. "Production of Nitric Acid". Booklet 2 of 8.

Sauchelli, Vincent. 1960. Chemistry and European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association,

Technology of Fertilizers. New York: Reinhold 1995. "Production of Urea and Urea Ammonium
Publishing Corporation. Nitrate". Booklet 5 of 8.

Sittig, Marshall. 1979. Fertilizer Industry: European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association,

Processes, Pollution Control and Energy 1995. "Production of Ammonium Nitrate and
Conservation. New Jersey: Noyes Data Calcium Ammonium Nitrate". Booklet 6 of 8.
Technical note on Best Available Technologies
United Nations Industrial Development Not Entailing Excessive Costs for Ammonia
Organization (UNIDO). 1978. Process Production, 1990, European Union
Technologies for Nitrogen Fertilizers. New York:
United Nations.

World Bank. 1995. “Industrial Pollution

Prevention and Abatement: Nitrogenous
Fertilizer Plants.” Draft document.

European Fertilizer Manufacturers' Association,

1995. "Production of Ammonia". Booklet 1 of 8.

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