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The focus of this chapter is the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of the data gathered by the researchers. The total number of respondents is

One Hundred (100) HUMSS Strand of Senior High in AMA Computer College

Caloocan. All the questions stated in the statement of the problem were

answered and supported by the following graphs and table:

Sub-Problem No.1:What are the percentage of the students’ preferred learning

style in terms of:

- Visual

- Auditory

- Kinesthetic

1.1 Percentage of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic of Grade 11


Grade 11 HUMSS

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
Out of 100 respondents, 66 of them are Grade 11. In 66 Grade 11

HUMSS students 29 or 81% are Visual learners, 17 or 8% are Auditory

learners, and 20 or 11% are Kinesthetic learners.

1.2 Percentage of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic of Grade 12


Grade 12 HUMSS


Out of 100 respondents, Thirty-four (34) of them are Grade 12. In 34

Grade 12 HUMSS students 29 or 81% are Visual learners, Seven (7) or

6% are Auditory learners, and Eight (8) or 7% are Kinesthetic learners.

No.2 What are the students’ academic performance in terms of:

2.1 Grade 11 respondents (S.Y. 2018-2019)

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on 21st CLPW of Grade 11


70 and below 71-80 81-90 91 and above

Academic Performance on 21st CLPW of Grade 11 HUMSS.

Twenty-one (21) or 70% of the overall respondents got 91 and above, twelve

(12) or 20% got 81-90 and,Ten (10) or 10% got 71-80 and has no percentage

grades in 70 and below in total of Sixty-six (66) Grade 11 HUMSS respondents.

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on Reading and Writing of

Grade 11 HUMSS.

Academic performance on Reading and

Writing of Grade 11 HUMSS

Academic performance on Reading and Writing of Grade 11 HUMSS

70 below 71-80 81-90 91 above
Seven (7)or 45% of the overall respondents got 71-80,Six (6) or 35% got 70

and below, four (4) or 18% got 81-90 and has no percentage in 91 and above in

Grade 11 HUMSS respondents.

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on Physical Education of Grade 11


Academic performance on Physical

Education in Grade 11 HUMSS
Academic performance on Physical Education in Grade 11 HUMSS



70 and below 71-80 81-90 91 and above

Five (5) or 45% of the overall respondents got 71-80, Four(4) or 30% got 81-

90, Three(3) or 24% got 91 and above only One (1) or 1% had grades 70 and below

in total of Sixty-six (66) Grade 11 HUMSS respondents.

2.1 Grade 12 HUMSS respondents.

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on Contemporary Arts of

Grade 12 HUMSS.
Academic performance on Contemporary
Arts of Grade 12 Humss
Academic performance on Contemporary Arts of Grade 12 Humss

0% 0%
70 and below 71-80 81-90 91 and above

Nineteen (19) or 95% of the overall respondents got 91 and above , Five (5)

or 5% got 81-90 in Grade 12 HUMSS respondents.

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on Creative Non-fiction of

Grade 12 HUMSS.

Academic Performance on Creative non-

fiction of Grade 12 HUMSS
Academic Performance on Creative non-fiction of Grade 12 HUMSS


0 0 5
70 and below 71-80 81-90 91 and above

Seven (7) or 95% of the overall respondents got 81-90 , Five (5) or 5% got 91

above Grade 12 HUMSS respondents.

2.1. Percentage of Academic performance on Physical Education of

Grade 12 HUMSS.

Academic performance on Physical Education

of Grade 12 HUMSS
Academic performance on Physical Education of Grade 12 HUMSS


2 1
70 and below 71-80 81-90 91-100

Eight (8) or 97% of the overall respondents got 91 and above , Two (2) or 2%

got 71-80 ,One (1) or 1% got in total of Thirty-four(34) Grade 12 HUMSS


3. Is there any significant relationship between students’ learning style

and academic performance?

Table 1.

Tabul Interpret
Grade 11 Mea Pearso Decisio
N ar ed at L=
HUMSS n n-r n
Value 0.05
Learning Style-
29 29 There is Accept
Visual 0.1550
.367 significa the null
Academic 97
88.5 nt hypothe
Performance 29
5 relation sis
on 21st CLPW
Table 2.11

Tabul Interprete
Grade 11 Mea Pearso
N ar d at L= Decision
HUMSS n n-r
Value 0.05
Learning Style- 20.8
17 Accept
auditory 8 - There is
.482 the null
Academic 0.26171 significant
74.7 hypothes
Performance on 17 relation
6 is

Table 3.11

Tabula Interprete
Grade 11 Mea Pearson
N r d at L= Decision
HUMSS n -r
Value 0.05
the null
0.01951 There is
Learning Style- 21.8 hypothes
29 4 significant
kinestetic 5 is
.367 relation
Table 1. 12

Grade 12 Pearson Tabula Interpreted

N Mean Decision
HUMSS -r r Value at L= 0.05

Learning Style-
visual Accept
- .367 There is
Academic the null
0.03051 significant
Performance on hypothesi
92.25 relation
Contemporary s

Table 2.

Tabular Interpreted
Grade 12 HUMSS N Mean Pearson-r Decision
Value at L= 0.05
Learning Style-
auditory .367 There is Accept the
Academic significant null
Performance on 90.5 relation hypothesis
Creative Non-fiction
Table 3.

Tabular Interpreted
Grade 12 HUMSS N Mean Pearson-r Decision
Value at L= 0.05

Learning Style- 22.87

kinesthetic 5 -0.15285 There is Accept the
significant null
Academic .367 relation hypothesis
Performance on
Physical Education
Statement WM VI Rank
1.I enjoy doodling and even 1.97 Never applies to 8
my notes have lots of pictures
and arrows in them. me.
2.I remember something 2.48 Often applies to 3
better if I write it down
3.I get lost or am late if 2.06 Sometimes 7
someone tells me how to get applies to me.
to a new place, and I don’t
write down the directions.
4.When trying to remember 1.97 Never applies to 9
someone’s telephone number,
or something new like that, it me.
helps me to get a picture of it
in my mind.

5.If I am taking a test, I can 2.24 Sometimes 6

“see” the textbook page and applies to me.
where the answer is located
6.It helps me to look at the 2.51 Often applies to 2
person while listening; it
keeps me focused. me.
7.Using flashcards helps me 2.57 Often applies to
to retain material for tests
me. 1
8.It’s hard for me to 2.38 Sometimes 5
understand what a person is applies to me.
saying when there are people
talking or music playing.

9.It’s hard for me to 1.93 Never applies to 10

understand a joke when
someone tells me. me.
10.It is better for me to get 2.45 Often applies to 4
work done in a quiet place.
Distinguishing Different Learning Styles of Selected HUMSS Students
of AMA Computer College- Caloocan and Its Effect on their Academic

I.Visual Learners.

The highest rank with a weighted mean of 22.57% it simply says that they Using
flashcards helps to retain material for tests. And the lowest rank with the weighted
mean of 1.93% says that .It’s hard for them to understand a joke when someone

Perception of Distinguishing Different Learning Styles of Selected

HUMSS Students of AMA Computer College- Caloocan and Its Effect on their

Academic Performance

II.Auditory Learners.

Statement WM VI Ranking
1.My written work doesn’t Never applies to 9
look neat to me. My papers me.
have crossed-out words and 1.94
2.It helps to use my finger as 2.18 Sometimes applies 4
a pointer when reading to to me.
keep my place.
3.Papers with very small 1.70 Never applies to 10
print, blotchy dittos or poor me.
copies are tough on me.

4.I understand how to do 2.24 Often applies to 2

something if someone tells me.
me, rather than having to
read the same thing to

5.I remember things that I 2.11 Sometimes applies 5

hear, rather than things that I to me.
see or read.

6.Writing is tiring. I press 2.11 Sometimes applies 6

down too hard with my pen or to me.

7.My eyes get tired fast, even 2 Sometimes applies 8

though the eye doctor says to me.
that my eyes are ok.
8.When I read, I mix up 2.29 Often applies to 1
words that look alike, such as me.
“them” and “then,” “bad” and
9.It’s hard for me to read 2.18 Often applies to 3
other people’s handwriting me.
10.If I had the choice to learn Often applies to 7
new information through a 2.11 me.
lecture or textbook, I would
choose to hear it rather than
read it.

The highest rank with a weighted mean of 2.29% says that When they read,

they mix up words that look alike, such as “them” and “then,” “bad” and “dad.”. And

the lowest rank with the weighted mean of 1.70% simply says that Papers with very

small print, blotchy dittos or poor copies are tough on them.

Perception of Distinguishing Different Learning Styles of Selected

HUMSS Students of AMA Computer College- Caloocan and Its Effect on their

Academic Performance

III.Kinesthetic Learners.
2. It helps to use my 2.5 Sometimes 6
finger as a pointer when applies to me.
reading to keep my
3.Papers with very small 2.5 Sometimes 7
print, blotchy dittos or applies to me.
poor copies are tough on

4.I understand how to do 2.57 Often applies to 1

something if someone me
tells me, rather than
having to read the same
thing to myself.

5. I remember things that 2.33 Often applies to 3

I hear, rather than things me
that I see or read.

6. Writing is tiring. I 2 Never applies to 9

press down too hard with me
my pen or pencil. Ranking
Statement WM VI
7. My eyes get tired fast, 1.67 Never applies to 10
evendon’t like to
though theread
eye 2.12 Sometimes
me 6
directions; I’d rather
doctor says that my eyes just applies to me.
start doing.
are ok.
8. When I read, I mix up 2.16 Sometimes 4
words that look alike, applies to me.
such as “them” and
“then,” “bad” and “dad.”
9. It’s hard for me to 2 Sometimes 8
read other people’s applies to me.
10. If I had the choice to 5
learn new information Sometimes
through a lecture or 2.16 applies to me.
textbook, I would choose
to hear it rather than read
The highest rank with a weighted mean of 2.57% simply says that they understand
how to do something someone tells , rather than having to read the same thing to
themself. And the lowest rank with the weighted mean of 1.67% says that Their eyes
get tired fast, even though the eye doctor says that the eyes are ok.

Distinguishing Different Learning Styles of Selected HUMSS Students of AMA

Computer College- Caloocan and Its Effect on their Academic Performance.

Grade 12. Kinesthetic Learners

Statement WM VI

1.I don’t like to read directions; Never applies to me. 9

I’d rather just start doing. 1.95

2.I learn best when I am shown 2.35 Often applies to me. 1

how to do something, and I
have the opportunity to do it
3.Studying at a desk is not for Never applies to me. 8
me 1.95
4.I tend to solve problems 2.2 Sometimes applies 5
through a more trial-and-error to me.
approach, rather than from a
step-by-step method.
5.Before I follow directions, it 2.35 Often applies to me. 2
helps me to see someone else
do it first.
6.I find myself needing frequent 2.1 Sometimes applies 7
breaks while studying. to me.

7.I am not skilled in giving 2.1 Sometimes applies 6

verbal explanations or to me.
8.I do not become easily lost, 2.2 Sometimes applies 4
even in strange surroundings. to me.

9.I think better when I have the 2.27 Often applies to me. 3
freedom to move around.

10.When I can’t think of a 1.95 Never applies to me. 10

specific word, I’ll use my hands
a lot and call something a
“what-cha-ma-call-it” or a

The highest rank with a weighted mean of 2.35% Simply says that They learn
best when they show how to do something, and have the opportunity to do it. And
the lowest rank with the weighted mean of 1.95% shows that When They can’t think
of a specific word, they use their hands a lot and call something a “what-cha-ma-
call-it” or a “thing-a-ma-jig.”

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