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a new urban junction

Publication Office
Faculty of Architecture
Delft University of Technology
ISBN 98-5269-320-X
©2004 Editor:
Architecture: Renovation, Restoration J . Roos (assoc. Prof.)

Publisher: Editorial assistance:

Publications Office ir. S. Leemans
Faculty of Architecture
Delft University of Technology General assistance:
Berlageweg 1 C.R.M. Appelo
2628 CR Delft
The Netherlands Production, design and lay-out:
C.R.M . Appelo
Illustrations cover: J . Tangelder
Kraankop by Huib Nederhof: B. de Beer
exposition Graansilo: De Toverdoos van Rotterdam
lIIustrations TU-Delft:
Photografische Dienst Bouwkunde

Introduction 5
Maashavensilo 6

History of Rotterdam 8

Silo Students 10

Design Proces 11

International design project: The Future Task 12

PK Kraków - Introduction 14
The designs 71

FH Münster - Introduction 72
The designs 99

TU Delft - Introduction 100

The designs 153

Participating Students 154

Introd uction
This book shows the essen ti al features of the work of students who were given a
theoretical assignment to bring new Iife to the 'Maashavensilo' as a new urban
junction in the harbour of Rotterdam. A rather complex task to fullfill. Why have we
chosen it?
First of all the area in which the Maashavensilo is located is a very dynamic one; close
to the harbour, traftic ways, an underground station and with new urban development
in the area.
In this area of rapid change this characteristic building (piece de resistance) has a
The original function of the building, the storage and handling of grain, has resulted
in a design of the present building very fixed and tight in the technical stmcture. The
architectural features of the building are very characteristic: a highrise building in an
interesting composition of concrete volumes; in terms of transition it is actually a very
'slow' building in a fast transforming area.
The programme for new use is challenging. Actually it has his roots in the need
of new and inspiring Iife in the urban web in this part of Rotterdam which has
developed strongly during the past decade and will develop further in nearby future.
The programme shows an interesting variety of 'urban' functions: Discotheque
NOW&WOW, a safe prostitute area, medical- sports- and cultural institutions.
Actually this programme means that a strong view has to be implemented in this
location on both building and site: an architectural intervention in this dense concrete
structure. This means much more than an 'infill' in the existing building envelope; a
thorough attitude is asked for, also or even especially conceming the site.

In the process of analysing and designing during the past half year, much attent ion
has been paid to methodology. The re-use and redesign of our built environment is 5
the new challenging task for the coming decades. This difficult and architectural task
has to be taken very seriously and has to be understood in terms of both research and
design. It is very important that the designer selects the right themes from historical
analysis and from the task which has to be fullfilled.
On the basis of these themes, scenarios, metaphors and mode Is are established and
eventually chosen. This besides the architectural values that have to be involved as
genius loci, resistance, imperfection, patina etc. Or, stemming from the programma,
themes like connections, routing, order and disorder etc.
It is very important that the students act in the awareness of chosen themes which are
'behind' programme and history: dealing in this respect with meanings rather than
facts, dealing with possibilities and potencies rather than limitations.
The design has to be 'on the spot', in the sense th at it depicts the essence ofhistorical
presence and will aim to be an adequate translation of the desired programme.

The different designs shown to us in the competition and exhibition by the three
universities, show a great diversity of visions and plans for this site. I hope the
reflection of them in this book will be of much interest to you.

Ass. Prof. Job Roos


Development of the Maashaven

Between 1873 and 1905 narrow harbours are dug for the transport from boat to
railway, perpendicular on the river and parallel to the railway emplacements. At the
end of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century two broad inner harbours
are developed, the Rijn- and Maashaven. These make it possible to transport goods
from a sea ship to an inland ship. However at the beginning ofthe 20th century this area
is neglected. The harbour company is concentrating on new harbour development at
the edge ofthe city. Before WO II the Waalhaven is dug, but after 1945 the enorrnous
expansion ofBotlek, Europoort and Maasvlakte are the major developments. City and
harbour are separated. In the late sixties the harbour area on the south shore of the
Nieuwe Maas is transforrning into a forgotten area, at the opposite of the energetic
rebuild citycenter on the north shore. By transforrning this forgotten area into an
attractive live, work and leisure area Rotterdam can manifest itself as a city on both
shores of the Maas at the beginning of the 21 st century.

Development of the Maashavensilo

In the late 19th century grain was stored in ordinary warehouses, on piles that were one
meter high maximum. This spread storage was very labour intensive, mainly because
grains and seeds had to be mixtured by hand to drie. Vertical storage in silos in which
a drying installation was installed saved a lot of labour. Because of that in the late 19 th
century a lot of grain silos were build in the big cities in Europe and the USA.
In order of the Rotterdam grain silo Mij; a grain silo complex was build at the
Maashaven. The now oldest part of this silo is build in 1910 and is designed by w.P.
Stok. It has a capacity of 20.000 tons and was the biggest one of its time. [n 1929-
1930 an extension of 44.000 tons was made by the design of J.A. Brinkman and L.c.
6 van der Vlugt. A second extension, designed by A.E.G. and J.D. Postma was build
in 1951 and exists of a two-part silo complex at the Brielselaan with a capacity of
22.000 tons.
The silo building now gives a complete overview of almost 50 years of silo building
in the harbor of Rotterdam. The once characteristic image of silos with flat facades
and straight cornered silo ce lis was transforrned in bend concrete walls (round silo
cells) because of the development of reinforced concrete. Besides this, there is the
importance of the silos in the oeuvre of its architects.

Silo 1
The first silo is build in reinforced concrete under a flat roof. It is build in three
stmctures that are next to each other. Above the middle four travees the east façade
is slightly lifted to a higher level. On this façade the companies name is written: NV
Graansilo Mij . At the side of the Maashaven broad entries can be found. Originaly
there was a building, inc\uding a dwelling and an office, of two layers connected to
the eastern façade of this silo. It was designed and build in the same materials as the
eastem façade. This building was demolished in order to build two round silos th at
could store oils. These silos are now also demolished.

Sil02 Origi ll al Bui/ding 19 10: Silo 1

The extension made in 1929 can be found western of the oldest silo. This silo is
about 66m long, 33-37m broad, and 42.5-48m high. This silo partly has a basement
Fitst ex t ell sion 1930: Silo 2
(machinery and transport ways) and has a flat roof. It took a very short time to build
this silo (10 months) thanks to new concrete building techniques. For the foundation
1370 Sprenger poles were used, reinforced concrete poles with an extra thick tip. Seco nd exte nsion 1951. SUo J

Figure / : difJerent ex/ensions of/h e silo.

---~ -----------------------------------------------

Silo 3
The extension of 1951 is build southem of the previous parts, parallel to the
Brielselaan. This part ofthe silo, lOOm long, 1O.75m broad, and 39.35m high, stands
on its own in order to increase the f1exibility of the building when confronted with
strong windpressure. This silo, also build in reinforced concrete has a foundation of
474 Franki poles. On top of these poles, there is a foundation plate. The silo consists
of two parts that are build over the outer railway. Just like silo 2 parts of silo 3 stretch
over the outer columns (2,80m). Because of that the building partly folds over the



Figure 2: existing building.

History of Rotterdam

Rotterdam before 1910

The modest fishing village of Rotterdam was founded on the alluvial deposit of the
river Rotte where the city's principal church (Laurenskerk) now stands. During the
thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, after the river Maas had been dyked in and the
Rotte dammed off, it grew into an urban settlement. The oldest document mentioning
the town dates from 1293.
In the mid sixteenth century Rotterdam entered a period of expansion and its
population rose to 8000. Five new docks joined the medieval Oude Haven. During the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the spatial development ofthe city and docklands
was at a standstill. It was only in the nineteenth century, after its railway link-up with
Amsterdam, Utrecht and later Antwerp, th at the city underwent further expansion.
The constmction of an open waterway to the sea (Nieuwe Waterweg) in 1872 decided
Rotterdam 's future as a major port city. Docks and quays were enlarged.
In 1842 W.N. Rose, then City Architect to Rotterdam, designed the Water Project, a
network of water courses mainly constmcted from the viewpoint ofwater management
and sewage but also laying the basis for the first public green facilities .
During the latter half of the nineteenth century the population increased dramatically;
by 1900 there were 300.000 inhabitants.

1910 - 1945
At the dawning of the twentieth century the town's economic growth was stimulated Figure 3: Facade Brie/se/aan
by the constmction of new docks and quays. The urban area was considerably enlarged
to accommodate the swelling number of inhabitants, many ofthem labourers who had
moved in from the southem provinces; in 1915 Rotterdam boasted a population of
8 In 1918 building began in the new districts of Spangen and Tussendijken, and plans
were drawn up to develop the annexed areas ofOverschie, Hillegersberg and Blijdorp
polder. Implemented in the thirties, these plans introduced the perimeter block with
its four stories of porch-access flats, the occasionalopen row scheme (Blijdorp,
Jaffa, Overschie) and experiments with apartment buildings up to ten stories high
(Bergpolder and Kralingen). In the inter-war years Rotterdam was the cradle of Dutch
Modemism (Nieuwe Bouwen), boasting such architects as Oud, Brinkman & Van
der Vlugt, Van Tijen and Van den Broek and such seminal buildings as the Van Nelle
Factory, Feijenoord Football Stadium and the Kiefhoek housing.
Figure 4: Historical picture ol/he silo
1945 - 1970
In Rotterdam, the rebuilding actlvltles begun immediately after World War II
consisted mainly of restoration and the expansion of the docks and quays . Work on
large-scale housing projects only began in the fifties , almost all sited south of the
river. A green zone - Zuiderpark, containing sports fields and private allotments as
weil as green space - was laid out between the nineteenth-century housing estates and
the new residential areas of Pendrecht and Zuidwijk. Taking the new ideas developed
during the war as regards the scale, substance, structure and form of new urban
development (the ' neighbourhood' concept) these new estates are marked by a low
building density, extensive green space and local services and an open row layout
featuring an assortment of housing types.
Between 1954 and 1976, the village of Hoogvliet was developed into a satellite
town bordering on a new expanse of docklands and industry came to large parts
of South Rotterdam. Major developments eastwards foll owed in the sixties. The
districts of Alexanderpolder and Ommoord reveal a tendency towards a greater scale
both in housing (high-ri se) and green space and traffic facilities .
1970 - 2001
In the seventies wholesale redevelopment of the old residential quarters round the
city center ceded to renovation and reconstruction. Rotterdam's urban renewal policy
was widely influential particularly in the council's mass acquisition of slums and a
decentralized configuration into project agencies. With renewal of the nineteenth-
century districts virtually complete by the late eighties, attention turned to the pre-
war housing. By then the post-war reconstruction areas were themselves ripe for
renovation. Here, though, it was largely a question of technical improvements, urban
compaction, the replacement of porch-access housing by mixes of dwelling types and
a broader concern for public space.
The eighties saw port activity shifting seawards to the Europoort petrochemical
complex and onto the expanse of Maasvlakte, and businesses relocating to the edge
of the city. As aresuit areas close to the city centre that were formerly claimed by
harbor and industry were freed for housing.

City center 1945 - 2001

Rotterdam 's center was devastated by bombing early on in World War Il. As soon as
the rubble had been cleared there were calls for a plan of reconstruction and the city
council made a compulsory purchase of the area. The first scheme, drafted in 1941
by W.G. Witteveen, proposed reinstating the original urban structure. It was widely
Figure 6: [nlerior Grainsilo criticized, however, and in 1946 was replaced by C. van Traa's 'Basisplan' . Rooted in
rational planning, the new scheme provided an urban structure whose layout deviated
from the original triangular configuration, with an eye to the increasingly significant
role played by vehicular traffic. When rebuilding got under way in 1950 one of
the most prominent features was the Lijnbaan, a pedestrian shopping mall running
parallel to Coolsingel, the existing central boulevard. Tall apartment buildings, 9
grouped gardens and business premises frame the new shopping precinct.
Architects like Van den Broek & Bakema, the Kraaijvangers, Maaskant, Van Tijen,
Bakker and Groosman have made key contributions to fleshing out the Basisplan,
which is still proving its worth today. However, the accents have shifted over the
years : the seventies saw attempts to inject a greater vibrancy and ambience into
the center by erecting playful small-scale houses, laying out terraces and pavilions,
laying on more green space and calling a halt to office constructions. In the eighties
and nineties cultural use forms were in the ascendancy; these included the Maritime
Museum, Museum Park flanked by the Kunsthal and the Netherlands Architecture
Figure 5: Conslruclering the Silo
Institute. Not just office buildings, but up-marked housing too has been getting a
vertical treatment, most prominently on the banks ofthe Maas. Meanwhile, with work
on the Kop van Zuid project going at full tilt, the city center has shifted to the river,
with the new Erasmus Bridge acting as an identifying landmark. This has meant a
boost for the network ofleisure and tourist facilities on the Maas.
Silo Students

Imagine a fonner industrial building with its architectural expression dictated by

its fonner function; a silo, a heavy concrete structure. Imagine a second life for
this building; a new centre where people could do shopping, party all night, visit
a prostitute or gaze at the river quay. This is the challenge the students had to deal
The issue is how to combine things; a medical centre with a prostitute centre,
preservation of a historical building with new building parts, a simple plan for a
complex and big building.
Since there are computers my experience is th at students tend to spend more time
on graphics than on thinking. Especially in this big multistructure project students
could loose their selfs and focus on a heap of nice drawings rat her than solving the
real issues.

So as a group we focussed on thinking; doing research on site, in books, in architecture,

with sketches, paper models and 3D modeis.
Every lesson we started with a workshop. I would bring in books raising an issue
and together we discussed the subject. The students were very enthousiastic in the
discussion. Especially how to combine prostitutes with other functions was a big
issue. Is the girl in the discotheque a party girl or a prostitute? Prostitutes pay tax so
is visiting a brothel nowadays socially accepted? Hopefully we found some answers
in the projects.
I invited guests to give input in the discussion; an urbanist who was involved in the
urban conditions for prostitutes in Rotterdam, an architect who designed a prostitute
centre for The Hague.
After the workshop we would discuss the designs. The students could choose to work
10 on an individual base or to work with two or three students together. All chose to work

In my opinion architecture is a mixture of struggle and pleasure. 1 have seen

my students struggling. 1 witnessed a student struggling to change graphics into
architecture; a student studying different historical garden concepts for the creation
of a green centre in his building, students getting interested by the theories of Morris
Lapidus, John Jerde, John Portman. One student used a routing to connect all the
different programs and at the same time exposed this trajectory as an urban rope, as a
bondage around the building.
Another student had the guts to imagine the metro penetrating the building. She
researched it carfully on its impact on urban scale, on architecture, on structure, on Figure 7: Maquette hall TU-Delft
It was a pleasure to be part ofthat process.

ir. Liong Lie

Figure 8: Drawing lessons allhe TU-Delft

Design Process

The international designtask is a tradition, which al ready exists for some years. It is
a cooperation between three institutions from different European countries. The aim
is to have students from different backgrounds working on the same subject with the
same task. The other international touch is the participation of Erasmusstudents who
usually come from the Mediterranean or German speaking countries. At the end of
the semester students and teachers from all three countries come together and present
their work in an exhibition combined with a book like the one you are reading now.

The type and scale of the buildings that are subject of the designtask
various each year. There is always a different kind of infrastructure,
programme, and urban situation. The Genius Loci is never the same.
This year the subject of the exercise, the redestination of a grain warehouse,
was rather special. The ground level is a forest of columns, height ± 6 m, which
supports the enormous grain silos. These grain si los served as containers for the basic
ingredient of our daily food : bread. The size of the more than 250 si los is ± 23m2 and
the height is ± 35m. Above the silos there is an upper fioor from where the si los in
former times were filled with grain. One has to realize that the core of the complex is
not accessible and this takes ± 65% of the total volume. It is a completely closed cell
structure build out of concrete.
The designtask to intervene in an existing building th at is at first sight not suited for
the programme gives the student the ever lasting dilemma: what is to be changed and
what is to be preserved? The students must analyse and descripe the historical and
cultural value of the building. What does one need to maintain in order to preserve
this value? Related to this research is the question: what has to be changed to make
an enrichment? One has to intervene to give place and space to new functions.
And last but not least: what meaning can the building have for its surroundings? 11

The programme consists of a discotheque, sportfacilities, cultural and medical

centre, nightshop and a centre for prostitution. The prostitution centre could
be considered as a controversial subject. It has a big social impact with two
sides: the joy and the pain. Sometimes it is a balance on the edge of what is
legal and what is illegal. To combine this with the other functions is achallenge.
The existing buildingstructure offers great possibilities to give an exciting
accommodation for a discotheque like Now& Wow which refiects a new lifestyle.
It is a place were people from different cultures come together and where
solidarity is created (Trouw 22 mei 2004).

The designprocess of the students was rather diverse. Some students found quite
easily a concept with a strong basic idea, which enabled them to manipulate
the total structure of the complex. Even if they had difficulties working out
their idea, there was always their first concept as a reference, which helped
them to continue the designproces. Other students had more difficulties
formulating their concept, their designprocess was much more fragmented and
it demands more concentration to recognize the main elements of their design.
Sometimes a 3D model was needed to define their concept. In general the
level and capacity of students and their teachers are fixed . It depends on their
commitment if they are able to push back frontiers and find new solutions. Surely
it is the student who has to do the job and it is the student who deserves the credits.

ir. Alexander de Ridder

International Design Project: The Future Task

Nowadays there are two forces with astrong inftuence on the perception of our build
environment. One is our appraisal for existing buildings and structures and the feeling
of trust they give us. The other is the desire to change our environment forced by a
feeling of surprise, of expectation and of hope. Specially the last decades have been
an amasing dynamic experience, both socialy and culturaly, by reason of digital and
commercial growth and by globilisation, individualism, massmigration, education
etc. This leads to an enormous need for all that is new. At the same time there is a
strong need for certitude and a wish to preserve. Unfortunatly everywhere around us
we see these forces clash whereas cooperation could lead to great results.
Learning from each other is a basic feature . Therefore in 1997 the universities of
Kraków, Münster and Delft created the international Designproject 'The future task' on
an anual basis. Students contributing to this project are promised to 'see' wh at is going
on at the architectural platform in relation to redesign and renovation while bringing
in their own background and inspiration.
At the beginning and at the end of the project, students and teachers of all three uni-
versities meet. For both occassions lectures are organized. To finish the project all the
designs are combined in an exhibition accompanied by a catalogue.



T U Delft FHM(lnstër


Inte{J1ational Renovatiesn' Module


, .Ia. a new urban j~nctiqn
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Figllre 9: Former projects ofthe international
design project 1997-2004: thejiltllre task
PK Kraków

The Faculty of Architecture in Kraków is one of the seven Faculties of the Kraków
University of Technology . It was founded after the Second World War in 1945 and
currently belongs to the three largest Faculties of Architecture in Po land (among nine)
possessing full academic rights, as it can grant the titles of Doctor, Doctor of Science
and Professor. The roots of the School however reach as far as the XYlth c. - at the
Kraków Academy Chairs of Mechanics and Engineering existed at th at time. Between
the World Wars there was a Faculty of Architecture in Kraków, however Iinked to the
Academy of Fine Arts.

In the year 2000, after four years of efforts, Kraków Faculty of Architecture as the
only one school in Poland and one of the three Central and Eastern European schools
of architecture was granted the full validation (for the period of 5 years) by the Royal
Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The above means that the diplomas issued by
our Faculty are validated in Great Britain, all countries ofthe Western Europe as weil
as in Canada and Australia. Which gives great satisfaction to the academic staff of our
Faculty. This is also highly important for the professional care ers of our graduates.

Currently there are three courses at the Faculty of Architecture in Kraków:

Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. Both teaching and the
broad range of research are realized at the eleven specialized Institutes and Chairs.
16 Main areas of interest in teaching as weil as in research are: architectural design,
urban design, history of architecture and monument preservation, spatial planning,
landscape architecture, preservation of natura I and cultural environment. According
to the guidelines and recommendations of the RIBA Yalidation Board emphasis was
put on teaching of technical aspects of design: construction, statics and materiais,
structural engineering and servicing of buildings, urban infrastructure, environment

The basic curriculum is enriched by the many obligatory yet elective specialized
subjects, broadening the student's education. At the Kraków Faculty special attention
is paid to the education in fine arts; students at all levels are educated in freehand
drawing, painting, graphic design and sculpture. Computer aided design skilIs are
obviously also mandatory. Theoretical studies are enriched by summer internships in
various subjects.

The staff of the Faculty comprises many architects active in practice and renowned
among the members of profession in Poland. They are also active in the field of
research and therefore the specific characteristics of the Kraków Faculty are strict
links of scientific research and practice, of theory and creativity, which highly
positively influences teaching. Such scientific involvement is fruitful in terrns of
multiple doctoral dissertations as weil as doctors of science titles.
Creative and scientific specifics of the Faculty of Architecture in Kraków is a search
for links between the tradition and contemporaneity as weil as the identity of place,
both in respect of architectural and urban planning context. The objective is to respect
tradition and its cultural values and simultaneously to accentuate contemporaneity in
terms of aesthetics, technique and technology.
For eight years the students and professors of the Faculty of Architecture, Kraków
University ofTechnology have been participating in the international design
workshop, which were begun in 1997 in Frankfurt am Main on the initiative of
prof. Herbert Bühler, the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Fachhochschule
Münster. The motto ofthe first workshop was the "New Use of Modern architecture"
- the architecture created by outstanding European architects of Modernist period.
With time, that formula has been transformed depending on the essential conditioning.
And today, in 2004, the students are struggling with the matter of postindustrial
archi tecture.

We have already got together 3 times in Frankfurt, 3 times in Rotterdam, and 2 times
in Kraków. It is diflicult to count the number of Dutch, German and Polish students
who participated in those architectural confrontations. Altogether, there were about
540 Kraków students guided by 12 professors and lecturers.

It would be difficult to overestimate the educational and emotional value of

such contacts constituting ideological and intellectual confrontation between
representatives of different cultural areas.

The subject of this year's workshop is specially unconventional. It provided the

students, namely the designers at the 9'h semester of architectural studies in Kraków, 17
with a non-standard architectural chaUenge. Despite the uniqueness of the subject, it
was undertaken by 27 students. Displayed at the exhibition, their designs indicate that
architects face no bad or banal subjects. There is only a question ofthe authors' talents
and creative abilities.

Let us express our cordial thanks to those who organized this year 's international
design workshop DELFT 2004 for the chance ofparticipation, specially to prof. Leo
Verhoef and Job Roos.

Prof. Wojciech Buliiiski, Ph.D. Arch

Barnas Boguslaw

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Geo-Mania Silo
Doroszewska Agata

dr hab . Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch . Witold Gilewicz

Duszynska Justyna

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Wieslaw Michalek

Performer House
Dziedzic Joanna

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Dzwoniarska Anna

This building have been modified in

the center of Î~ anel exported
coffee - "silo coffee".
Some part of silos buik! in 1930 and
in 1950 have been used to store
coffee in it.
The oryginal part of this buiJdîng
1910 have beentransformed into
rOUlette. recreation aod official's
In tbe ground-Ooor ft is rrwseum,
coffee .. gallery, Iittle cafe' and cate'

In the \Vest part of this building n's

office place.
Pieee of Ihe roof over this silos it's
glass which let togive the nght
eKpOsure te tbe first Boor.
The rest part it's a garden .. pattt on
the roof.
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

ReIlMlsn this recreation's silos and

II't'lttAAmagazine it is glass
ltraloezium in 'Nhich ifs contsin
Irn1tAA rossling room.
that. on the upper store)", ifs
IrACl'ta.IM:l,"" and cafe'.

this spaat you canfreely move

this building with colfee cup
observe a proceu of pre pa ring

yoo can drink colfee cup

ng in the garden park on tbe

coffee it is the way In conned

ll"ntlrAA industry withrecrealion and
woel I to know how trns blsck
1......'VY\,""" ... drink is creste.
The Monolith
Ehrenhalt Piotr

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Silo - Gallery of Art
Fabrowicz Agnieszka

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

The Seed
Franta Julian

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

Fryczkowski Jerzy

oxygen farm

H20 (H2Q)6 H20',' Si04 02

All types of physical and
chemical processes are
here presented. The very
core of the building consist
of three different
environments that surrounds
new inverted form. This is water,
ice, steam and the purest form
of oxygen. One can eperience
34 all types of effects while
strolling inside this,so
"weird baloon~ building.
The cellar is a place
Aerodinamic Intitute is
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Marek Kozien

The Auditorium
Gierczynska Marta


alllight bllwaterfall cllglass surface d/lWater surface ellwaterwall

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz


glass box concrete box transparency cascade

Golasowska Maria

, ~ t ~

~ 't.'

~ ~
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Marek Kozien

House of Bicycles
Golonka Konrad

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz


"Things Think"
Habrat Magdalena

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

Janik Lucja

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

Tulip Tower
Jaskowiec Rafal

) (

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46 ~

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dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Crazy Sports Center
Kramarczyk Bartosz




- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Maashavensilo Diving Club and Oceanarium
Krasodomski Maciej

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Witold Gilewicz


Schema of communical.ion

e,hibition area
. . ramps
_ oceanarium
Kucharczyk Marcin

roof level added

3) descend to the water level
4) redesign of the quay

roof level

quiet, tranquiI,
open, fullfilled with
light and greenery,
space for study
and contemplation

52 silo containers
dar!<, deep, mysterious
and unexplored
impressive collection
of books closed in a
concrete structure
symbolises the volume

ground level. basement
lively, noisy, dynamic
symbolizes, in comparison
the top level, the every-
day life

~ok delivery sysmm

1. book-shelf construction inside a silo
communication void 2. book lift - vertical transport
slot created by removing inner silo containers, acts as a 3. abook
communication space between ground level and the top one. 4. horizontal transport ofbooks
it plays important role as it is the way from one spatial quality to
another- 5. central delivery point
from Book Hive to Book Heaven
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Marek Kozien

Lisowska Aleksandra

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The building is splited functionally and sratially into 6 units- according to its original shape and a ground
floor (7) , which is free from developmen (there are only carrying columns left) and a parking (8) under it.
This units are: 1. main hall as a central transportation, 2. spherical cinema hall, with an audience included
960 seats, with a technical equifiment, 3. moving ~Iatforms for listeners of compact discs and cassettes,
4 . exhibition terraces with a top ight, 5. service 0 lees for centrum, 6, magazines and a auxiliary rooms.'
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

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This desi~n found raise a lot of worlds- spaces for peop'le using this building. Ground floor connects this worlds
and it is a s owcase , which attracts visitors. It is posslble to make different arrangements of interiors: bars,
restaurant, cafe, shops and disco.
Whole buildin~ is situated on its own square (9), with a tiling. which penetrate with floor; order of inside
and outside is a 9 ass wall, which makes possible to penetrate vlsually through the building, Glass main hall
is avertical, identlfication accent An elongated pyramld (10) is a "lighthouse", which is visible from everywhere
especially at night.
Maashavensilo Fair & Conference
Luczak Agnieska

o expoeItIon
[ ?:::::J communlcallon
o stal,. & lIft8
I I stal,. & lIft8
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Witold Gilewicz

To those at sea
Radziewanoska Agnieszka



north elevation

air picture' '

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Wieslaw Michalek

Rozborska Ewa




0- Level

Maashavensilo building
has adapted as a public
space. It consists of 3
. -
zones: A-hptel zone, . ~
• + .."

• • "

B-exhibition zone, C-en- i - . . . - t::;::===::::::;:=

tertainment zone (with
L. Gê l ... .J
restaurants and a
casino). These zones <!::Y>
are connected with each i:~)i
other by the long steel ,.~!f31:;4",;
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Witold Gilewicz



Elevation is covered by wooden

horizontal planks. It creates very
interesting play lights and shade.
The second part of the building as
weil as the first one is made of
concrete. The glass ground floor
makes an impression that the
building is floating in the air.
Guests who want to visit this public
center can also admire wonderful
yachts. A very exclusive Vacht Club
was created there because of the
Virtual Entertainment Center
Swiatek Wojciech

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski
dr arch. Marek Kozien

Globe Center
Szewczyk Anna

dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch . Marek Kozien

Wójcik Agnieszka

The 40-meters deep

crater in Maas-
haven Silo building
has become home
to thousands of
important and beau-
tiful plants.
The aim of the
project is to con-
struct a botanical
garden with space
for relaxation, swim-
ming, diving and
SPA center.
The building is
66 covered by the
great transparent
dome, and encap-
sulates vast humid
tropie and warm
Structurally the
dome is made up of
hexogonal modules
made of the highly
transparent material
to a wide spectrum
of light.
It allows maximum
daylight to filter
trought the zone
skin and to nourish
the plant life.
Stones which fill
sHos keep warm.
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

Fashion & Design Center
Zajdel Oliwia

•• •


~n""n,u~c in
are the slice
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas

The Car Exhibition Center
Zaremba Skrynska Magdalena

The old Maashavensilo, located

in the harbor of Rotterdam is su eh
a valuable building that demolishing
it or leaving it to become a ruin
would be a crime. Silo, totally built in
concrete, with its amazing structure
enables to put a new function within
the old walls.
I designed The Car Exhibition
Centre- a place where people could
watch old and new, modern cars.
The two-Ievel fully glazed storey,
located on the highest part of the
silo is destined for a big and spa-
70 cious hall containing the exhibits.
What leads from the lower to
the upper level is the ramp for
the visitors.
Particular storeys are designed
to be a car park with a system of big
lifts carrying cars to right car places.
The ground floer is going to become
a public hall, where temporary
exhibitions could take place.
Light comes not only through the
glazed walls but also from the glazed
roof over the demolished row of the
dr hab. Arch. Piotr Gajewski

dr arch. Janusz Barnas


FH Münster

Based on a tradition reaching backwards more than 100 years , the Faculty of
Architecture in Muenster was the first to introduce a five-year bachelor-master-course
meeting European standard. The course of studies qualifies worldwide, according to
the Unesco-UIA Accord. The reorganisation at the start of the new millennium came
about simultaneously with the relocation of the Faculty to a new campus, which is
acknowledged as being the intemretive centre of Muenster University 's faculties .
Here the faculty is working c10sely with the Academy of Fine Arts. Thus the profile
of a special architectural Education in Muenster emerged, th at was certified through
an expert accreditation committee.

The structure of studies with single modules that are taught and the introduction of
the European-Credit-Transfer-System allow students to integrate teaching-modules
from other European Universities into their individual course of studies. The teaching
in Muenster goes directly from the professor to the students, taught in small groups
without employing assistants or junior members of staff. This way of teaching is
intensified by tutors in their respective fields . The students choose individually from
a wide range of alternative courses according to their interests and abilities. Thus
they have the chance to develop their individual style, a master-student relationship

74 Traditionally the course was only completed by an exam after an eight-semester

course, now, in a graded course, sensibly structured units can qualify for certain jobs.
During the first six-semester bachelor-course students acquire the core qualifications,
technological-constructive and building basics are taught. This course is structured
in such a way that by the final bachelor-exam a wholly educational profile has been
taught. The following four-semester master-course focuses on a complex design-
process within a project, integrating construction and management as major subjects.
A graduate of this course should be qualified for the generally leading tasks of an
architect in team of planners.

Of special importance for the faculty's profile are a number of projects in permanent
cooperation with other universities. This has led to an active discussion-panel th at
operates intemationally. lt is ofimportance when it comes to define your own standard
of quality. In order to obtain the widest possible range of teaching, cooperation-
modules with other universities in the vicinity have been introduced - this is to be

The participation-model of the students in all parts of the studies is of exemplary

importance in the German university community. The students define themselves as
part of the School of Architecture in Muenster and shape their faculty. Their own
experience helps them to advise beginners and support them in order to prepare for
the entrance test. Students in their first year are introduced into the bachelor-course
by fellow students who organise orientation-tutorials for beginners. By organising
important tasks independently the students have become quite an essential element
of the faculty 's profile. This model becomes apparent in the structure of the structure
of the deanery (dean's office) of the faculty. One of the two "pro-deans" is a master-
course student with equal rights and responsibilities within the deanery.
A joint study-module ofthe three faculties of Architecture in Delft- Krakow- Muenster
about renovation ofbuildings is now in its eight run. Supporting seminars and lectures
are jointly organised and taught. The results were shown in NAr in Rotterdam, the
German Museum of Architecture (Frankfurt) and the gaUery Dom Plastikow of the
ZPAP (union of the Polish artists and designers) in Krakow and were discussed in

The public discussion ofthe program contributed to the preservation and refurbishment
of Mart Stam's Budge-Heim, and that the "GroBmarkthalle" in Frankfurt is not
going to be demolished as weil - instead, it became part of the planning for the new
European Central Bank.

The basis for the ongoing success of the program for eight years is the personal
commitment of Prof. W. Bulinski from the PK Krakow, and Prof. L. Verhoef from
the TU Delft since the start of the program, as weil as their outs tanding qualities as
teachers. Without their friendship r would not have been able to start the first project
on the endangered Mart-Stam-building - in cooperation with the German Museum of
Architecture at that time.

prof. dipl.-ing. Herbert Bühler

"Exploring Urban Sky"
Jelto Caplan, Björn Krüger, Tim Roth

I 76
prof. Dipl. -ing. Herbert Buhler

Torsten Düing, Frank Döking

prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing

Night'n Day
Sabrina Fienemann, Kirsten Reichelt


prof dipl ing V. Mani


cultural center



prostitution livin9 area '" - .

prostitut1on workspace

social work
Maashavensilo - Impulse for coming future
Carmen Grana Sánchez, Judith Klaas, Marc Masseck

prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing

Maashavensilo I
Heiko Heinemann, Erik Schäfer, Sebastian Schröder

84 living
fitness area

,_~_ ..~den

climbing hall

service floor for disco

~~~~~~~L-____~~_ _ _squashrourts

car tower
queens of the night

late night store


. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .~~P~.~I!l!~ . (lt.~l!lpl.(ly.I!lE!~!
rolumned hall
prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing


rooffloor 4th f100r

top floor 2nd 1Ioor

Maashaven Gallery
Oliver Hofmann, Rudolf Honke

!eOQOC ui
!aocce ai
.f-;- - - - -_ _
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east north


86 Gallery
Three inner court yards are cut
into the silo building. Several
openings in the otherwise
closed building lead from
these courtyards to the
By this, an adequate lighting of
the inner courtyards, as weil section
as of the adjacent rooms is
A showcase effect of
Maashaven's surrounding is
generated. At the same time, a
view into the building is achie-
ved. , I I t fe e .. .... '." ".' •
The courtyards are intercon- . . . ...... . . . . :. & .

nected by a wide hallway.

In the upper levels, galleries
à::.lm :···. :~
;. .. . .. .. .....
run along their sides.

level 1 level 6
prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

I prostitution ~
zone ~--.v

D office

south west center

CCDO D d sport
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1000DO l 87

I" [


!oococ Q
'00 Se:: q gallery


Microcosm City
Anika Janocha , Sandra Kiene

I Rotterdam-second largest city of
the Netherlands, tndustrially
...- --- -- - - - - _ 4 _.. _
concentrated conurbation with
a variety of attractîve facilities
and institutions. Universities,
academies, museums. theatres.
Rotterdam is also a cultural
meltîng pot. The area around the
À Maashavensilo formerly used as
a place where goods are
UNDERGROUND exchanged hos nowadays
ground-floor pion OVERPASS become a social focus. The city
level 3
emerges from a densely built-up
area to a resldential and
industrlal area.
We combine attractive and
necessary funcnons of a whole--
city to the Maashavensilo.
88 doctors. departments. sports
facilities. theatres. cinemas.
shopping. The visitors of the
Maashavensilo are faced with a
microcosm existing of
autonomous zones. spaces and
passes combined . . to one
section b housing complex. A safe place is
created. in which a whole district
is combined.
To carry out the idea of a
microcosm, the single silos have
fo be hollowed. After the
reconstruction the hollow spaces
consist of iron and glass badies.
Excitîng views into existing silos
and new are the
result The

view Irom south eesl vÎew (rom north eest

prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing

~t. of emPJo~ment
I .
I • :~>Üi{'


lift- - iI
. I main entrance


mainentranc.e Jt
Urban intersection - avertical connection
Manuel Kortenjan, Diane Löwe, Christian Meyer

prof. Dipl. -ing. Herbert Buhler

Katrin Leferink, Tore ter Heide, Ruud Vink

the design of the art -archive is based on

a synaptic structure which conneets the
various rooms in the former storage -
the building contains a large art-archive
and offers the opportunity for artists to
install different performances and exhi-
bitions. further it is possible to offer a
cinema and lor theatre.
by keeping the ground level open, the
buildjng reminds the visitor of the former
use and underlines the industrial charcter.
the tram is not directly connected to the
building which keeps the monohthic
92 appearance upright.
prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing

"Silo Update"
René Lippek, Malte Ziegier

concept groundfloor

Main idea is to re-use the ~-:------~-:-- --L "' - ; . :r--------"""'"t--~
existing structure without _ . 1 -.C _. "' ;: •

changing the character of the

maashavensilo. , ~ "'_ ~ - _ "': " . ~. ,. , .":=C' :':'].ê'Tj
We regard the complex in
reference to its three buildings.
1 ' 2 '0 ", ]1
The first and the second
-. - -I .. :_-, ,
building is home of different
kinds of function.
a. :-,, -''''--- ~'- -- f~-~A-;·~~---;'''---v--
, : 5 " 1 ~,
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,u a

On the ground f100r we create ~, .J. ,<') '_ _ _ _ ,.-.''' _ '- _ _" . _ _ _. ,-", • " . ,....:

94 a wide-spread lounge, b
characterized by the column
wood as the carrying structure
of the si los.

The basement acts as a

connection and transit to the section ala program
functions in the upper layers.

While in the first building the

sitos stay untouched and the
existing levels are used, in the
second building the silo-ma ss is
partly cut out for movie halls. café&restaurant areal
On the top of the second
building we put a transparent nOW&WOW discothequel
storey which enables a view
" I II
over the environment of the ~

~r[QSltlitIUlJt[i e_a I movlenalll
maashaven. It also acts as a
wide seen attraction and n J1
invitation especially by night. J ,t ,
The third building is co red, moviehal13 movlenal121
added by levels and used as a
gateway (on the ground) and
idoctor ... ' .' '- ~"A,AI t... ... l..l..1.)" ÁÁJ•.)
development for the two other lIate njg}t ltor~ • c: :.. • • • - )IC --.
-_. _ _. _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

prof. Dipl. Ing. Johannes Schilling


1 golteway
1. lounge
3 bar
4 late night storE'
S tafé

section bib perspective

"Drop In"
Christine Maschlanka, Kerstin Jolk, Elisabeth Teipel

"drop in" 2 - - - + -______
3 - - - l - .0;;:::-"11_"'-:: 10
4 11
5 --"""""""1 12
6 ·----+ 13
7 ~---'1 14


• Rotterdam
• Maashavensilo 1 cinema studios 8
2 theatre foyerhall 9
96 • near waterways and 3 art gallery cat, \Pdisco 10
traffle lanes 4 doctor sports 11
• new urban 5 employment work prostitution 12
developement along 6 sos;!aJi.~Q~ w 24h shop 13
7 phannacy 14
the harbour


- reuse and redesign

• transformation In a
dynamie urban
junetlon with
.. drop ins of new

eultural offerings
- preservation of the
origlnal eharaeter
and most of the
ex.stlng elements

dipl ing M. Thesing


"[Liv'in _ Culture]"
Oliver Worms, Ronny Meessen

horizontal projection

. ..
----~u·-n---U~e;!:;t l -=II'~
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... . .. • • • •
·· .. .. ..
. . . ... ••6.

.. .~_ • . • _ . • . • - ..., . •
F. :.1 7
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1 industrial culture :
exhebition of the old
conveyor technique

2 working
3 medical care

4 living in old silo - structure

5 sport - recreation

6 multifunctio

( cabaret ... )

7 public space
communication t~:-::{
CI~ .K.
24 h - shop ,9, ) I[
principle of function
r prof dr dipl ing E. Menneman

dipl ing M. Thesing

sea - side

st reet - side
score of planing :
open the buildingcover in parts of old and interesting
silo - structure. this combination of former function .
openings and necessary illumination is the general
point of view. wherever new elements were added,
they can be clearly distinguished from the old subtance
due to the selection of glass and steel as materials
TU Delft

Quo vadis?

Master of science in architecture at TU Delft

The Master ofScience course in architecture at the TU Delft is an architectural design
programme at an advanced graduate level. The Master of Science diploma which
can be obtained entitles students to be registered with the Dutch register of architects
the Architectenregister. The MSc Course therefore seeks to provide a profound
knowledge ofthe practice of design and develop a deep understanding ofthe cultural,
social and historic context in which architects operate.

At the same time the course programme reftects the increased importance of original
and independent research of new and innovative designconcepts for architectural
practice. In the MSc course students become acquainted with the fundamental issues
of contemporary architectural design, the history and theory of architecture as an
academic discipline and new opportunities provided by new technologies.

Tt is the aim of the MSc course to provide the student with a high level of design
ability and in particular with regard to designing buildings in the historically and
culturally intricate urban setting of the Netherlands and Europe. Students will work
on integrated designs for complex buildings and develop knowledge of specific
102 aspects of the history and theory of architecture and understanding of the role of the
designer in society and in the building process. The analysis of the buildings and
interiors as they have developed over centuries provides knowledge which is essential
for producing an architectural proposition in the context of accelerated change and
increased density. It is the intention of the programme to examine architectural and
functional concepts for new types of urban architectures. Special attention will be
paid to the different architectural responses to the complex and often contradictory
factors which affect current practice.

General outline of the structure.

Within the programme of the MSc in architecture students are offered a range of
choice between four integrated courses and elective courses which are organized
around specific themes:
Hybrid buildings (Urban Architecture); the architecture of the Dutch city
Interior Architecture; knowledge and experience of space
Renovation and Restoration; interventions in existing buildings
Architecture and modemity; dwellings and public building

Each of these integrated thematic courses is linked to one of the research projects
of the departement of architecure and will focus on related issues of the history and
contemporary reality of design.
Renovation, Restoration
The programma of Renovation, Restoration is positioned at the heart of the current
debate on continuity and change in architecture and building. The preservation of
the existing and its transformation is increasingly becoming a necessity given its
social, economical and cultural relevance. The conservation of existing buildings,
their restoration and renovation, accounts for almost two thirds of the total activities
of architects. lt is aspecific characteristic of this type of design tasks that architects
face existing ideas and values and their effect on the current use, material form and
perception of the building. This wiU always have an influence on future use. While
intervening in existing structures, architects have the task to develop new ideas with
respect for what is valuable. They have to invent solutions for the contemporary use,
somewhere between continuity and change.

During the master course students wiU be taught how to recognise and describe the
architectural and cultural values of an existing building or ensemble of buildings
both in the context of their surrouding area. Students wiU leam how to de vel op
preconditions for re-use. And they wiUlearn how to make a design for transformation
or interventions which correctly anwers to aU the current aesthetic, technical and
functional demands. Crucial questions are:

Why preservation or transformation? 103

What is to be preserved or transformed?
How to preserve or transforme?
Insight in results and consequences of preservations and transformations.

The Masters course is c10sely connected to the researchprogramme 'Continuity

and change' which focuses on the preservation and transformation of the cultural
and building heritage. In this research programme the analysis of precedents of
redesigned and re-used buildings wil be used to create awareness and design tools for
the redesign of buildings. One of the targets of the programme is the development of
a databank of the building heritage with its interventions and of the methods for the
maintenance of this heritage.

ass. prof. Job Roos

Fragments of Life
Hieke Bakker


Hieke Bakker 1029738, teacher Liong

Lie , TU Delft The Netherlands
ir Liong Lie

The Fragments of life

In this project there is tried to

make an environment for the differ-
ent gathering of tasks enfolded
this building. Therefore a st reet is
created to combine the functions,
which revolves in a big square
where the magic happens. The
confrontation between the prosti-
tution zone and the rest of the ordi-

Inside Out
Jurjen van Beek

ir Liong Lie

Different Identities, Different Routes
Bart de Beer

Within this specific intervention exercise it is important to notice the variety of program en the difference between the
identities of the public for whom this program is meant. A division can be made between visitors from all of the city and
people from the neighborhood. A part of the given program is focused on the visitors trom the city and even beyond.
Other functions are more concentrating on the people trom the neighborhood.

The identity of the city is one of high rise, modern lifestyles and fast move-
ment. The identity of the neighborhood is totally different. Many of these
people are born in another country with a different culture. They have a low
income and often deal with problems of criminality and violation. These two
108 identities wil! be mixed in one building. But will this lead to a success?
Today's society shows many examples in which this mixture does not work, level-1
unfortunately. The success for one identity can mean the failure for another.
How to deal with this social problem?

i H
level 0
ir Wouter Willers

The concept of my design is to make two different routes inside the Maashavensilo. 0
from the city and a second route is meant for the people from the neighborhood. Each
program, depending on the aimed visitor. The routes never cross each other, but on
connections. At certain points in the building they wil! pass each other very close .


Living the Memory
Luigi BoUuri



ir Alexander de Ridder


The project is based on a big central core The basic idea of the project is to preserve the
from which you can access the most important memory of the si/os to not forget what was in
function (except the disco which is a function the past.
that needs a special threatment). The value of the memory is real/y important, at
an architectural and sociallevel
The first problem was how to let the light arrive
to the central core; the solution is to use the "No house is built, no architecture designed in
si/os cel/s, over the core, as a "light's pipe" in a which the ruin is not implicit, placed as a
way to show how the si/os worked. foundation stone; that which lives on, immortal,
inside us cannot be at peace in our works"
The second problem was how to put al/ the Ernst Junger
shops in the big space of the ground floor; so I
decided to create two axes in the bui/ding
. connected to the extemal one in order to
create an intemal journey.
Maashaven as a Prolongation of the City
Ruben 8raakhuis


Ground floor


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Section B Second floor

ir Wouter Willers

The different new axes that have

been incorporated in the building
are related to different points
aiming at some of the
a rchitectu ral pOints of the city of
Rotterdam. There are three
different horizontal ones: the
main axis crosses the whole
building, cutting the whole height.
It is related to the waterfront and
thereby to the promenade along
the water. The second one iS also
ground floor related but doesn't
go up to the roof. It is related to
the Erasmus Bridge and
symbolizes movement. The third


The disco and the prostitution

zone are not directly connected to
the 3 horizonta l axes. But start at
the vertical axe in the middle of
the building where the original
vertical transports taak place.
On the promenade axe ground
floor you can Fjnd different shops.
Higher on the lower roof you have
a restaurant, on the higher roof
connected to the homes of the
prostitutes you have a public
garden with swimmîng pool. On
the second axe you can find the Fifth floor
sport Centrum and the cultural
Centrum. The third axe gives
access to different office facîlities.
D. Crain, T. Evers, A.E. de Vries

I 114

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ir Jack Huyskens


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Tie it Up!!
Saskia Dorrestijn


ir Liong Lie

Maashaven: Boxes & Columns
Jano van Gils


Student Jano van Güs My project is abou t interieur landshaping of a disused monumental industrial transshipment
Teacher Liong Lie building at one of the docks of Rotterdam . A tew functional boxes are ereded along a
Delft University of Technology dense grid of hu ge columns. The programm of the right side of the groundfloor wilt be
Facul ty of Architecture concentrated on the conceptplans tor a buisness area along the Maashaven. The facade
Photography Lotte Stekelenburg opens up completly by large half transparant roll-down doors so these boxes are easy
to acces . The celtar floor will be the main f l oor . Some columns wilt be removed in contrast
with the wood of concreet pil ars to create open spots for social, cul tural or individual
actions. I want to make a rough and silent scenery as a industrial inner landscape with
uncontrolled areas in it and boxes with spec if ic ru led functions. This part of the building
should commemora t e the dismissed primair industry in this part icul air area of Rotterdam
and shake hands with the new international buisnesses.

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

ir Liong Lie

Dave Groenewegen

ir Alexander de Ridder

Maashaven PLAZA
Gebina Harren

The concept of the new Maashaven Silo followes

the use of the building in the past. The huge
concrete block consists of a groundfloor with a
forrest of collums and of the vertical silostructure.
According to the viewlines inside the building
(horizontal in the groundfloor I vertical in the silo
part) the traffic has been in past times. The grain
was filled in the silos on the top and taken out
from the bottom. Lorries, waggons, trucks and the
workers themselfes were busy in the ground floor
in horizontal directions.
This will also be the
organisation of functions
in the future. The different
entertainment functions
will be orientated in a
vertical way and located
in the old silo strucure.
122 The whole ground floor
will remain empty like it
is now and be used as a
PLAZA only for traffic
ground floor and temporary events.
PLAZA The entrances of the
different functions
influence the at mosph ere
of the PLAZA and will be
visibel as glowing spots in
the darkness of the
The PLAZA is the most
important part of the
design. It's all entrance,
orientation, feeling
protected and meeting friends.

in the
ground floor
ir Alexander de Ridder

( During the last century, different parts

of the Maashaven Silo have been added.
Every part has his own characteristics,
,~ which should be kept.
- - - - < - To bring some daylight and the feeling
of wideness into the building these
parts are going to be seperated from
each ot her. The remaining parts of the
silos wUI be filled with functions
(see section below).
Walking along the plaza, the visitor will
experience a sequence of high open
spaces in opposite to dark areas with
foyes and entrances to the functions.



ground level


Haraid Helmholdt, Paul Scholte, Dennis Vermeulen

ir Jack Huyskens

Martijn Hoenderdos

To reuse the Maashaven Silo in Rotterdam, it needs

to be reconnected to the city. To accomplish this
goal the building itself needs some strong func-
tions and has to be very accessible. Therefore the
connection with the subway station and the water
and some breakthroughs in the building are made.
These breakthroughs are made in the facade
towards the city. The facade to the quarter is left
intact and shows minimal intervention. There are 5
main functions in the building. These functions are
newly created places within the structure of the
building. The existing structure of the grain silo is
used to ac ce ss the functions and for transport
between functions and within functions. This way it
will still be visible this building used to be a large

ir Liong Lie

Structural Interference
Jeroen Keuvelaar

The Maashavensi!o is a massive building th at eonsists of over

300 vertieal square tubes. This is the main eharacteristic. To
make useful spaces in a building of this kind, we must demolish
great parts of the structure. By taking special attention to the way
of demolishing the silo·s. we can create a space, which has na
limits of farm.


The great diversity of the program prohibits us to create a single building. From a social point of
view it is nearly impossible to put a prostitution zone and a eultural centre in one and the same
Therefore the building is spit up into the appearance of multiple smaller buildings, based on the
original structure of the building.
ir Alexander de Ridder

On the waterfront, we have the combined office functions , which are house in part one. A
series of silo's is demolished to bring sunlight into these offices. The second part houses
the cultural centre. It is carved out of the silo structure. The silo's remain intact, except 129
tor some spots where rooms intersect with the silo's.

Very different in
structure and
appearance is the
prositutionzone. It is
situated in the ground
floor of the fourth part
and faces the street side
of the building , instead
of the waterfront like the
rest of the entrances
Eileen Lee

ir Liong Lie

Jeroen Markusse

This is a my project.
It's most importand characteristics are the central dividing hall created by demolishing a part
ofthe 1930 building, in a way that two entrances . ' .' ",
- one at te sitEf (under the tw0 parts
of the 195 ····::1




ir Wouter Willers




Preserve the Essential
Bert van Maurik

In my design for the Maashavensilo in which, inevi-

tably to fit in new functions, a lot would have to be
demolished I looked at the parts I would like to pre-
serve. In time several parts have been added until
its current size, about five times as its original one.
Those parts have al been constructed following the
new possibilities of there time. This way the build-
ing shows us the history of concrete silo building
Preserved struclures and facades from beginning to end . There fore I have preserved
a line of silos along the north façade which holds al
the different constructions types. Also I wanted to
preserve a line that shows use the whole route of
the grain from the doek to the top floor and into the
si los. There fore I preserved the part behind the

To malntain the closed and industrial character of

the building I have kept the facades intact and
have only changed It where there had already
134 been glass as by the tower and the east façade.
With al the preserved parts one should be able to
reconstruct the entire building.

The now available space in each of the two wings I

have filled up with a new function. In the lower
eastern part this is the sport centre and in the
western a cinema. The volumes needed tor these
functlons could be freely fit in the open space and
are organised around an open space through
which light can penetrate into the building without
having to ruin the exterior.
Below these functions till onto the ground f100r no
daylight can enter which is preferred for the disco
ir Alexander de Ridder

On the ground f100r at the north side of the

building along the water there is a promenade
that has been raised to the ground floor level.
Along this there are the shops, the entrance of
the new metro station from which the track has
been put underground, the entrance of the
sports centre and the cinema and the entrance
afthe parking garage underground. This
parking garage is accessible by car by using
the entrance in the east façade that used to be
for the grain tra ins.
Future entrance parking garage
The most eastern and oldest part of the build-
ing, the only part in which ther~where floors, I
have fiUed up as the red light zone. These six
floors have been divided between two clubs.

The entrance of the building is primarîly focused

on the north. You can draw a line between the
disco and the shops and everything at the north 135
side is entered from the nor;th and only the
disco On the south of this line is entered from
the south between the two silo parts that
already seem to stress the entrance like a huge

The entrances for the cinema and the sport

centre are both in the tower in the north façade
in which also the original vertical transport took
placè. Besides the eye catching height of the
tower which comes outeasily above the highest
silos the entrance function is further more
expressed bya new glass façade, allowing light
in the tówer, whiçh is in great èontrast with the
C10sed character of the rest of the concrete
northem façade.

, Like th is I have fitted in the funetions there

where the building had the possibility and
created the possibility in the buîlding where
needed with out destroying the character of the
building and remaining its historie value.

Future disco entrance Red Light Zone

Erik Nederlof

ir Jack Huyskens

Hand in Hand
Egbert Pruim

The past en the present goes

hand in hand together in my building.
The Maashavensilo is for me and many
other citizens of Rotterdam a symbol.
It shows the growth of the worlds large st
harbor en symbolizes also the desire of
the citizens of Rotterdam to work hard.
That's why i want to show the visitors
and the people who pass by how the
building have functioned and how it
functions now with new supplies on
district and town level.
ir Wouter Wiliers

Sanne Shepherd

r ir Liong Lie

Location: a former grain storage building on the

banks of one of RoUerdam's many former har-
bours . This concrete monument of RoUerdam 's
industrial past is turned inside out to form a
container for an all-new multifunctional epicen-
~:~~;~~~~t-= tre where people and functions meet. After
~ having been kept out of sight for over one
_ -+-_ hundred years , the vitalorgans ofthe building
==1.....0.-+-= are now made visible to the public, and the
_.J--=~~~~~-:-..:l-~~~:::::=~~~~~±::::::::=::j--= public can even become an active part of them!
The monolith, which in the past was tilled with
I I I I I I I the people's primal need , is now overflowing
I i I H ~ ~I- with buzzing activity. Still breathing the indus-

re. .
~ lA trial atmosphere of long ago , it is turned into a
.Ilr2< !!Xi modem building th at meets all the high stan-
~ !f{ l><

I\Fo- -
dards of today. It is now a place where people

I. .
...., ~
,0< 1 meet, drink, laugh , have fun and show them-
A. OOUI lUI lUI lUI selves off in the Restaurant, Bar, Casino and
- ~ . ~ Sports Centre. But it is also a high-quality office
__ -Á-U
llîl l lîl llîl ~ bu ilding , with office units on a unique, first-
class location , onsite roof-top parking and an 141
overwhelming view over the city. At night the
building's characteristic illumination makes it a
landmark tor the night-crawlers ot the region.
They can watch a movie in our 4-screen movie
theatre, or visit the SOOO-peopie club where
they can dance, see and be seen until the early
The building can truly tultil everyone's wildest
dreams by offering its public a wide variety of
intimate pleasure. V\i11ether you seek a quick,
anonymous visit by cart or a longer stay in the
luxurious relax-club with its beautiful ladies.
champagne. Jacuzzis and a swimming pool
overlooking the river, you wil! all find it here. In
addition and in contrast, there is a medical
cent re and a 2417 store to serve the local
neighbourhood .
This incredible mix of functions in one struc-
ture, entangled and secluded . serving both the
neighbours and the city as a who Ie, makes it a
place that is never boring . always different .
always exciting ! We invite you to co me over tor
a stroll along the waterside, a drive-in movie, a
bite, a drink, and maybe more .. .
Welcome to Sin-Silo!
Maaike Thijssen

Catering industry

Residence for

attic 1930


142 Distribution-
attic 1910 I
f' Cu1tural
," ,

Sports function
V Health practice
Social work &
employement office

The concept of this plan is the ;route of the grain'
trans lated into the 'transporta tion of people' in the building.

There are two routes. one route starting down at the elevationtower and goes up la the
distribution-attics. Frorn there the route goes down , through the different functions in the building.

The other route , leading through the NOW & WOW and the club-prostitution , can only be entered
at the towers on the 'Maashaven ' side.
ir Wouter Willers

Transportation of the people

; !

The atrium to the elevationtower 143

The entrance of the cultural centre

at the distribution-attic 1930


The route down the

cultural centre
Judith Ungru

For the reuse of the Maashavensilo in Rotterdam I designed an interior complex of all the requested functions.
Each of them is positioned in the existing structures where it fitted best conceming function, users, volume
and interaction with each other.
As different as all the parts of the new complex are, it was my aim, to connect them as far as possible
to create a unity of diversities.
Thus I designed the routing through the building as a strong, independent element. It does not only connect
aU the functions as highlights on ifs way, but also lets experienéè-thgcvi~itor the special atrnosphere of

this old indUStria.1area and the silo itself. '~

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Tbis is achieved by designing four types of ways, which lead the visitor across the silo:

of the building located,which is situa1ed at the North-side of the
. m the visitor experients the enormous hight ofthe
me. The Atrium also serves as a kind of crosspoint
ir Alexander de Ridder

3. The ramps: Leaving the panoramaway one enters the ramps after a 160' turn. The ramp leads up 10
,..-------...... the inside of Ihe silo. It makes its way partly through the Cultural Center and offers
viewcontact into il.
The ramps surprise the visilor with expositions. For this some of the silocells are used as
expositionroom. After crossing the Atrium on a footbridge one arrives at the Horeca.
From here one can either follow the second ramp down and arrive al the cityway or go up
to the Sporlcenter.

4. The citywëly: Tflis way is sîhlated on th"t:!,., 'cityside' of the building. lt leads trom the cinema to the
Red ' theAtritim 8gain. lt passes by the lafe-night-store and two smaller ,shops.
massive tharl#)epanoramaway on Ihe,opposite side. 145
Serena Vizioli

ir Alexander de Ridder

. .
.' ....

Change of Heart
André Vader, Ron Vendrig

ir Jack Huyskens

Hans Wiersma

f-~~~--'·::~~---· --'-----,
'I • • •• • • • • • i

••••••••• !
I• • • • • • • • •

ir Alexander de Ridder

Urban Invasion
Jeroen Zomers

Urban Invasion
The Maashavensilo is one of a few remnants of the early and mid 20th century when there was lots of harbour activity in
this area. Now it stands there, with its big massive character and closed clearly defined volume, as a landmark without a
function. The new program for the Maashavensilo exists out of a range of functions, which differ in the type of people they
attract according to the distance from which they will come. For instance there is the Now&Wow disco and the prostituted
zone, which wil! attract people out of a large region , and there are also the smaller functions such as the stores and sport
facilities , which wil! attract the more local population.
First there was the analysis;
What we discover after analysing the location of the "Maashavensilo" is a poor neighbourhood with a lot of criminal activity
and empty buildings. Thè activity level in de public area of the multicultural region is high; there are lots of people on the
street, much of the ground floor building area is used for commerce and service functions such as shops, schools,
playgrounds and yought care. But these are only functions to support the people of the neighbourhood itself. There isn't
much influencefrom other parts of the city that could work positively on the location. To revitalise and stimulate the
location in a positive sense I think the area has to be more of the whole city of Rotterdam instead of only being there for
the locals. A new trendy location with has name that is commonly known in Rotterdam and surroundings will help to attract
people trom different parts of Rotterdam. These new people will use the public spa ce in an other way in which crimina I
activity is not an ordinary thing. In the end the Maashavensilo has to create functions to support the local community and
people of other regions of the city, the building wil! be a meeting point for them both and has to give a positive name to the
location. The geographicallocation itself has great potential for the Maashavensilo. The building stands on point where
152 many different transport types (subway, tram, bus, car, pedestrians, bicycle and even water cab) come together and it is
easily accessible from the centre of Rotterdam. Further the MHS stands on a prominent sight point and with its large
clearly defined volume it works as a land mark.
The concept flows out of these facts. The MHS
wil! be used to give good name and influence
to the local regions by making it a public area
where there is more interaction between the
local population and the people who wilt come
trom Rotterdam and surroundings (the so called
visitors). Because these visitors have no need Here the land mark function and the massive character of the
to go into the district ot the MHS the district has Maashavensilo is visible
to come into the building. To enlarge the
relationship between the building and the district district
the south façade wil! open itselt to reveal the
contents of the building towards the
neighbourhood and letting the visitors be more
aware of the neighbourhood Iying behind the
big building. The fragmentation of the building N
towards the south will enhance the feeling that
the building is part of the neighbourhood. The
concept can be summarised as; the neighbourhood
invading the Maashavensilo.
ir Wouter Willers

The design wil! make use of the massive character of the MHS to enlarge its function as a
landmark to attract attention from the north (the centre, the direction were most visitors wil!
arrive from)

Opening the south facade wil!

examples of mass being enlarge the relation between
emphasised by lifting it. the surrounding area and the
building, and give opportunity
From the north the ground level wil! fall back, revealing the tor daylight to come into the
columns. The new functions under de building wil! shine building.
trough transparent materiais. This and leaving further the
northfacade intact wil! attract attention and wil! emphasise
the mass of the building by making use of the unnatural
phenomenon of raising mass by light.

By raising the public area one level the relation with the All the public area wil! have
surrounding area will be enlarged view to the south, giving the
local people the knowiegde
second floor is the prostiue that the city continues into
zone and on top the disco the building
and bar
higher functions wil! be
accesabie with escalators
• located in sight in the
1 south part.
first f100r contains a lot
of different functions to
support mainly the local
• / the building is accesable
\?- by tour point, three from
ground floor and one trom
the subway
List of Participating Students

PKKraków FH Münster TU Delft

Barnas Boguslaw Jelto Caplan & Evers T. &

Doroszewska Agata Björn Krüger & Vries de A.E.
Duszyilska Justyna Tim Roth Dorrestijn Saskia
Dziedzic Joanna Torsten Düing & Gils van Jano
Dzwoniarska Anna Frank Döking Groenewegen Dave
Ehrenhalt Piotr Sabrina Fienemann & Harren Gebina
Fabrowicz Agnieszka Kirsten Reichelt Helmholdt Harold &
Franta Julian Carmen Grana Sánchez & Scholte Paul &
Fryczkowski Jerzy Judith Klaas & Vermeulen Dennis
Gierczynska Marta Marc Masseck Hoenderdos Martijn
Golasowska Maria Heiko Heinemann & Keuvelaar Jeroen
Golonka Konrad Erik Schäfer & Lee Eileen
Habrat Magdalena Sebastian Schröder Markusse Jeroen
Janik Lucja Oliver Hofmann & Mourik van Bert
Jaskowiec Rafal Rudolf Honke Nederlof Erik
Kramarczyk Bartosz Anika Janocha & Pruim Egbert
Krasodomski Maciej Sandra Kiene Shepherd Sanne
Kucharczyk Marcin Manuel Kortenjan & Thijssen Maaike
Lisowska Aleksandra Diane Löwe & Ungru Judith
Luczak Agnieska Christian Meyer Vizioli Serena
Radziewanoska Agnieszka Katrin Leferink & Vader André &
Rozborska Ewa Tore ter Heide & Vendrig Ron
Swiatek Wojciech Ruud Vink Wiersma Hans
154 Szewczyk Anna René Lippek & Zomer Jeroen
Wójcik Agnieszka Malte Ziegier
Zajdel Oliwia Christine Maschlanka &
Zaremba Skryilska Magdalena Kerstin Jolk &
Elisabeth Teipel
Oliver Worms &
Ronny Meessen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -


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