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Use of multispectral ASTER images for mapping debris-covered glaciers

within the GLIMS Project

Conference Paper · October 2004

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2004.1368616 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors, including:

Roberto Ranzi Giovanna Grossi

Università degli Studi di Brescia Università degli Studi di Brescia


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2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 20-24, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. II, 1144-1147

Use of multispectral ASTER images for mapping

debris-covered glaciers within the GLIMS Project
Roberto Ranzi, Giovanna Grossi, Laura Iacovelli, Stefan Taschner
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Università di Brescia
Brescia, Italy

Abstract—The problem of mapping debris-covered glaciers using mapping activity for the glaciers located in the Italian Alps.
images derived from satellite-borne optical scanners is addressed The status of the research can be browsed at
in this paper. Results using also TERRA-ASTER images on the
Belvedere and Miage Glaciers, both located in the Italian Alps,
are presented. Field measurements and energy balance modeling One of the Italian test sites for studying the physics of
indicate that for debris superimposed on ice, surface ‘black’ glaciers is the Belvedere Glacier (45.94° N; 7.91° E),
temperatures of some degrees colder than for pure debris are to located in the Anzasca watershed at the base of the Monte Rosa
be expected in the morning. This fact is also confirmed by peak (4634 m asl.), close to the Swiss border. The overall
processing satellite images taking into account the thermal band. glacierized area is 5.58 km² as reported in the World Glacier
The results of black glacier detection can be useful for the project Inventory. The glacier’s terminus reaches an altitude of only
GLIMS (Global Land Ice Monitoring from Space) when debris- 1785 m asl., quite unusual for the southern side of the
covered glaciers are to be mapped. European Alps. The Belvedere Glacier is of special interest
also from another point of view. Since 2001 every year a small
Keywords: TERRA-ASTER; debris; glaciers; GLIMS; ice epiglacial lake, named Lago Effimero, developed with greater
extension and volume than in the past on the flat glacier’s
I. INTRODUCTION tongue [4]. It was well detected by the TERRA-ASTER
Monitoring the cryosphere is an important component of scanner, as reported, for instance, in [9]. This lake was a
the Earth’s observation since glaciers are very sensitive to serious risk in terms of a possible outburst and formation of a
climate fluctuations. Their changes in size and physical flood wave and was therefore monitored in-situ with special
properties (albedo, debris cover, ice velocity,…) reflect care by civil protection authorities. To better monitor this
changes in air temperature, precipitation and geomorphology. glacier, field measurements were conducted in summer 2003
An inventory of glaciers updated on a regular basis (ten to aiming at measuring incoming and net radiation and thermal
twenty years) can provide an useful information to scientists properties of a shallow debris layer superimposed on ice, as
and policy decision makers tackling with the problems raised described in the following. The results on the use of visible and
by fluctuations, or changes, of the Earth’s climate. In this sense thermal information derived from TERRA-ASTER images for
one of the most ambitious ongoing research projects in glacier the detection of this glacier are presented together with an
monitoring is the international project GLIMS (see also application to the Miage debris-covered glacier (45° 47’ N, 6°, coordinated by the USGS. First outcomes of 52’ E), located in the Monte Bianco/Mont Blanc massif, in the
this project are described, for instance, in [5]. The main third section. In Fig.1. the location of both glaciers is reported.
objective of this project is to establish a new global inventory
of land ice based on a homogeneous source of information, i.e.
optical multispectral satellite images as LANDSAT and
TERRA-ASTER. Satellite images are particularly useful to
monitor the cryosphere, as shown in [1], [2] or [7], because
land ice is mostly located in areas where field or aerial surveys
are difficult or expensive. However the effectiveness of
glaciers-classification algorithms depends also on the specific
geomorphological features of the region to be investigated, as
discussed in [6]. For instance, monitoring glaciers using remote
sensing techniques is difficult in those areas, as the southern
European Alps, where a large number of glaciers (the so called
‘black glaciers’) are partly covered by a debris layer that
prevents an appropriate use of remote sensing data, especially
in the visible and near infrared range of the spectrum.
The research team of University of Brescia is involved in Figure 1. Geographical location, in the Italian Alps, of the two debris-
the GLIMS project, playing the role of coordinators of the covered glaciers mapped using ASTER images.

ISBN CD-ROM 0-7803-8743-0 (C) 2004 IEEE

2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 20-24, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. II, 1144-1147

II. FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND MODELLING the purpose of verifying this approach an energy-balance
In the frame of the GLIMS activities 2003 an energy model was applied to the basin monitored by the Pecceto
balance station was installed on July 29 on the main glacier hydrometric station, gauging an area of 43.5 km2, including a
tongue of the Belvedere Glacier at an altitude of 1880 m asl. total glacierized area of 10.8 km2. The model was also used to
and remained there till October 15. Besides standard simulate the runoff inflow to Lago Effimero, draining a surface
meteorological measurements of air temperature, humidity, of 9.7 km2 with 4.7 km2 of glaciers. The energy balance model
wind speed and direction, global shortwave and net all-wave used albedo estimates of snow, ice and the surrounding terrain
radiation, also the heat flux and the temperature of the debris at derived from a TERRA-ASTER image dating from July 19
the surface and at 3 different depths down to the underlying ice 2002 (see next section). The verification of the model was
were recorded on a hourly basis. Fig. 2 shows the installation conducted by comparing simulations and measurements of:
of the monitoring station. The energy supply was provided by a - temperatures and conductive heat fluxes in the debris
20 W solar panel and the quality and continuity of the data cover at the energy balance station (only for the melt
acquisition was controlled remotely on a regular basis through period 2003);
a modem connection. The debris cover depth at the station was
30 cm, quite close to the average debris layer depth for the - hourly records of simulated runoff and river levels at the
whole Belvedere Glacier, as confirmed by the extensive field Pecceto hydrometric station (melt period 2002 and
surveys conducted by [3] and by the Brescia research team. 2003);

For black glacier detection using satellite images the - cumulated inflow volumes at the Lago Effimero (melt
thermal band is important to distinguish between debris period 2002 and 2003).
superimposed on ice and pure debris or rocks. Visible or near One of the results of the comparison at the energy balance
infrared images are almost useless in this case. A shallow station is reported in Fig.3 where the cumulated ice melt
debris layer, with a depth less than 30-40 cm is such that its simulated by the model is compared with the observed one in
surface temperature is influenced by an almost constant year 2003, that was derived from the measurement of thermal
temperature boundary condition at 0°C (during the melt season, flux in the debris layer at the energy balance station. The
at least) at the underlying ice surface. As a consequence the agreement is surprisingly good confirming the correct setup of
surface temperature is colder than for debris not superimposed the key model’s parameters after field and laboratory
on ice. Field surveys conducted in summer 2003 indicated an measurements of the physical properties of the debris. Instead
average temperature 4.5°C (± 3 °C) colder for debris layers the amplitude of daily fluctuations of the debris temperature is
with depth ranging from 5 to 30 cm over ice than in the debris underestimated by a factor of 1.5÷2 during the monitoring
deposits located at the same altitude. These measurements were period. The simulated net radiation is in good agreement with
conducted in morning hours and are representative of the point measurements.
surface thermal conditions at the time of the passage of the
TERRA-ASTER and LANDSAT satellites. The resulting The cumulated inflow volumes at Lago Effimero in the
thermal signature can be detected by most of the satellite-borne snowmelt season starting with April 1st 2003 is modeled with
scanners, as the LANDSAT-ETM+ or the TERRA-ASTER. about 2.7 x106 m3 (276 mm) until June 18 2003, when the Lake
suddenly emptied after the formation of a subglacial channel
In areas where no field verification is available, energy system on its northern side. This value is in agreement with the
balance modeling can help to estimate surface temperature lake’s volume estimated on the basis of the surveys conducted
thresholds which are expected for debris-covered glaciers. For during the emergency. For the April 1st -June 30 2002 period
the simulated cumulated inflow is 3.4 x106 m3 (350 mm), a
value also in accordance with the estimates of the civil
protection authorities who started, at that time, to artificially
empty the lake with pumping stations.

Figure 3. Cumulated melt - modelled and measured for the location of the
Figure 2. Energy balance station, measuring meteorological variables and
energy balance station installed on the Belvedere Glacier from the end of July
debris-on ice thermal properties from July 29 – October 15 2003 on the main
til the end of September 2003.
glacier tongue of the Belvedere Glacier at an altitude of about 1880 m asl. On
the left the Little Ice Age lateral moraine can be seen.

ISBN CD-ROM 0-7803-8743-0 (C) 2004 IEEE

2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 20-24, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. II, 1144-1147

III. ASTER IMAGE PROCESSING Thus a threshold value can be found that narrows the
The mutual synergy between energy-balance modeling and fraction of candidated “icecored debris” pixels. Further low
remote sensing will be briefly described in this section. pass and contextual filtering [2] is applied considering the
Radiance at sensor maps of the July 19 2002 TERRA-ASTER already detected glacierised areas.
bands VNIR1, 2 and 3, were used to estimate the albedo in the To test the procedure the algorithm was also applied to
investigated area. Point global radiation measurements at classify the Miage Glacier with a TERRA-ASTER image
different altitudes, a radiation model including the effect of dating from July 2nd 2000. The Miage Glacier is located in the
shadows, reflected radiation, terrain view factor, and a Italian Alps in the Monte Bianco/Mont Blanc group and is
simplified two-paths atmosphere attenuation scheme were used comparable to the Belvedere Glacier in terms of several
to derive the albedo map reported in Fig. 4. For the debris geomorphological characteristics. The main tongue, dividing in
cover an average value of 0.2 is estimated, that is also the lower part in two large lobes, is debris covered below an
confirmed by point measurements. The albedo map was altitude of 2500 m asl. and terminates at 1775 m asl. (Fig. 5).
resampled to the 100 m spatial resolution of the snow and ice- Near the terminus, the debris thickness exceeds in general 0.5
melt model GIS. It is one of the key input components of the m and is often more than 1 m deep [8] [10]. Moreover this zone
model, since net shortwave radiation is the dominant term of of thick debris cover is also characterized by sparse vegetation,
the energy balance in the investigated area. particularly small trees (fir and larch). Another characteristic of
The field measurements and the energy balance model interest is Lago del Miage, a small glacial lake located between
results, on the other side, were used for a better interpretation the glacier tongue and the lateral moraine. It is well known for
of remote sensing data and for interpreting the thermal its ice cliff.
signature of debris-covered glaciers. A GIS based classification The debris covered part of the Miage Glacier cannot be
algorithm for black glacier detection was developed taking into discriminated, using the visible bands only, from e.g. a debris
account the thermal band of the TERRA-ASTER or the fan. Thus the glacier’s limits classification would be difficult.
LANDSAT-ETM+ radiometers. The method is mainly based However applying the extended band ratio algorithm the
on an extended band ratio algorithm, as described in [9] where glacier’s recognition is more feasible. The debris covered part
the results achieved in the detection of the Belvedere Glacier of the Miage Glacier, in fact, exhibits surface temperatures
outlines are discussed in detail. which are correlated to the debris depth. Close to the glacier’s
For glacier ice detection with LANDSAT ETM+ data the termini (black circle), where the debris layer is often more than
band ratio TM4/TM5 is often utilized [6]. However this 1m deep, surface temperatures are warmer than those observed
method could also be applied for TERRA-ASTER images by close to the transient snowline, but in general still colder than
using the ratio VNIR3/SWIR4. Both ratios are effective in on the debris alluvial deposits on the left side of Fig. 6 (black
filtering slope, aspect and shadow effects and in discriminating oval). Colder temperatures of Lago del Miage are also evident
snow from clouds. This band ratio is however insufficient to in Fig. 6 (dark blue circle), indicating these water bodies as a
recognize debris superimposed on ice from rocks or alluvial suitable control target for the calibration of the algorithm. The
debris fans. For this purpose the use of the thermal information glaciers boundaries mapped in Fig. 6 (thin red line) are
of the ASTER sensor (3 bands in the spectral range from 8.1 - consistent with those derived after field surveys (light blue
line), apart from very near end of the termini (debris cover
9.3 µm and 2 bands from 10.2 – 11.6 µm) is introduced. After
more than 1 m)
excluding vegetated areas by the help of a derived NDVI
(Normalized Digital Vegetation Index) map, the thermal band
is applied by taking into account the fact that colder
temperatures have to be expected for debris superimposed over
glacier ice.

Figure 4. Albedo map derived from TERRA-ASTER image dating from July Figure 5. The Miage Glacier (TERR-ASTER July 2nd 2000, RGB band
19 2002. The limits of the Belvedere Glacier, as derived by [9] applying the 3,2,1). The debris-covered tongue of the glacier (right), Lago del Miage
extended band ratio algorithm are representd in red. (center), and a debris fan (left) are indicated by the white arrows.

ISBN CD-ROM 0-7803-8743-0 (C) 2004 IEEE

2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 20-24, 2004 Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. II, 1144-1147

TERRA-ASTER image, was processed, showing the capability

and limitations in discriminating the two debris-covered lobes
of the glacier from other surfaces.
These results were obtained for a glacierized region which
is quite easily accessible for field verification. They confirm
the potentials of remote sensing for mapping black glaciers
with similar geomorphological features worldwide, thus
contributing to the ongoing GLIMS project aiming at
producing an inventory of the Earth’s land ice.

This study was funded by the MURST 60% - Glaciers
monitoring grant and the research contract CNR/ASI ARS
1/R/192/02 sponsored by the Italian Space Agency through
CNR-IREA, under the supervision of Anna Rampini. Claudio
Smiraglia is thanked for having shared his experience during
the field surveys on the Belvedere Glacier. USGS, NSIDC and
the EDC are thanked for having made the TERRA-ASTER
images available within the Project GLIMS-Global Land Ice
Figure 6. Thermal signature of the Miage Glacier as measured by TERRA- Measurements from Space. Part of the meteorological data
ASTER band 14 (July 2nd 2000). Indicated in light blue are the glacier’s were provided by Regione Piemonte.
outlines due to field surveys while the thin red line represents the result of the
glacier classification by means of remote sensing. Shown in dark blue is the
location of Lago del Miage and in black the debirs coverd glacier (right) and
an alluvial fan (left). [1] K.J., Bayr, D.K., Hall, and W.M, Kovalick, “Observation on glaciers in
the Eastern Austria Alps using satellite data”. International Journal of
Remote Sensing, 1994, 15, pp. 1733-1742.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [2] E., Binaghi, P., Madella, M. P., Montesano and A. Rampini, “Fuzzy
contextual classification of multisource remote sensing images”, IEEE
Field measurements and energy balance modeling simulating Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1997, GE - 35 (2), pp. 326 -
the 2002 and 2003 melt seasons for the Belvedere Glacier show 339.
that around 10-12 UTC the surface temperatures of a debris [3] G. Diolaiuti, C. D'Agata and C. Smiraglia, ”Variations in Belvedere
layer, some tens of centimeters deep, superimposed on a Glacier (Monte Rosa, Italian Alps) tongue thickness and volume in the
glacier’s ice are 4.5° C colder, on average, than for other debris second half of the 20th century,” Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research,
deposits. This enables the identification of “black” glaciers by vol. 35 (2), 2003, pp. 255-263.
satellite-borne thermal radiometers, at least when the debris [4] W., Haeberli, A., Kääb, F., Paul, G., Mortara, M., Chiarle and A.,
Mazza, “A surge-type movement at Ghiacciaio del Belvedere and a
layer is less thick than 40-50 cm. developing slope instability at the east face of Monte Rosa,” Norsk
Geografisk Tidskrift, vol. 56 (2), 2002, pp.104-111.
For the Belvedere Glacier albedo maps were derived from a
TERRA-ASTER image, useful to simulate the cumulated [5] J. S. Kargel, H. Kieffer, R. Barry, M. Bishop, D. MacKinnon, K.
Mullins, B. Raup, G. Scharfen, J. Shroder, and R. Wessels, "Initial
inflow to the “Lago Effimero” epiglacial lake which caused Glacier Images from ASTER and Test Analysis for GLIMS," Eos
alert to the civil protection authorities in summer 2002 and Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 81, no. 48, 2000,
2003 for the possible formation of a dangerous flood wave. The supplement.
cumulated melt estimated for the basin upstream the lake from [6] F. Paul, C. Huggel, and A. Kääb “Combining satellite multispectral
April 1st was 350 and 276 mm, respectively, until June 30 2002 image data and a digital elevation model for mapping of debris-covered
and June 18 2003, a value in agreement, for both years, with glaciers,” Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 89 (4), 2004, pp. 510-
the volumes of the lake measured after surveys.
[7] A. Rampini, P. A. Brivio, F. Rota Nodari and E. Binaghi, “Mapping
A further verification of the energy-balance model Alpine Glacier Changes from Space,” Proc. IGARSS 2002, IEEE, ISBN
implemented confirmed a very close agreement between 0-7803-7537-8, Toronto, 2002, 3 pp.
simulated and measured cumulated melt (320 mm for the [8] C. Smiraglia, G. Diolaiuti, D. Casati and M.P. Kirkbride, “Recent areal
and altimetric variations of Miage Glacier (Monte Bianco massif, Italian
August to September 2003 months) at an energy balance Alps),” IAHS Pub. 264, 2000, pp. 227-233.
station installed on the debris-covered glacier. [9] S. Taschner and R. Ranzi, “Comparing the Opportunities of LANDSAT-
After these encouraging results the surface temperature TM and ASTER Data for Monitoring a Debris Covered Glacier in the
Italian Alps within the GLIMS Project,” Proc. IGARSS 2002, IEEE,
differences for debris deposits superimposed over ice and over ISBN 0-7803-7537-8, Toronto, 2002,, 3 pp.
ground were used for mapping the glacier’s margins of the [10] M.H. Thomson, M. Kirkbride and B.W. Brock, “Twentieth century
Belvedere and the Miage Glacier, in the Italian Alps. For the surface elevation change of the Miage Glacier, Italian Alps,” IAHS Pub.
Miage Glacier one of the very first images acquired over the 264, 2000, pp. 219-225.
Alps and useful for glaciological purposes, the July 2nd 2000

ISBN CD-ROM 0-7803-8743-0 (C) 2004 IEEE

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