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Solubility of salts.

The solubility of a solute is the mass of the solute that will dissolve in 100 grams of solvent to form a
saturated solution at a given temperature. For example, at 20 degrees C, the solubility of sodium
chloride is that 6 grams per 100 grams of water.

Solo billeti problems.

Number One. Calculate the mass of sodium chloride that will dissolve in the following quantities of
water at 20 degrees C to give saturated solutions. 125 grams

B 150 grams.

#2 in an experiment, a student found that 5.96 grams potassium nitrate dissolved in 16 grams towards
25 degrees C, calculated the solubility of potassium nitrate. Solution.

Solubility curves

So the ability curve is a graph that shows the manner in which the solubility of a substance varies with
changes in temperature. The figure below shows the solubility curves of several salts.

The graph shows that the solubility of potassium nitrate increases rapidly with the increase in
temperature while that of sodium chloride increases very slowly for calcium sulfate. The solubility
increases slightly at fast under them decreases with increasing temperature. The point at which any two
curves meet. Give the temperature at which both souls have the same solubility. For example, sodium
chloride and potassium chlorate have the same solubility at 78 degrees C. At this temperature, each of
them has a solubility of that nanograms band grams of water. We can use the graph to solve several
problems. Number One. A pro. A mixture wondered grams water and 70 grams per Terminator. It was
heated from 20 degrees C with stirring. What is the lowest temperature Twitch all the soul tool dissolve?
Solution. From the graph, semantic grams potassium metrics will saturate 100 grams watered for two
degrees. See, this is the lowest temperature to which all the salt will dissolve. Problem 2. A mixture of
100 grams water and 60 grams Patricia emanated was cooled slowly from 75 degrees C. At what
temperature will crystals that forming. If the solution in a was cooled to 25 degrees C and all deposited
potassium later, Chris Olds filtered out what will be the composition of the solution and what mass of
the potassium metrics will be filtered out. Solution from the graph. 60 grams potassium metrics will
saturate under the grams water. It said that 7 degrees C. Therefore crystals will start forming at that 7
degrees C. From the graph, underground’s water will dissolve a maximum of photograms potassium
nitrate at 25 degrees C. Thus the solution contained photograms potassium nitrate in 100 grams water
muscle potentiometry that is filtered out is equal to 60 – 40, which is 20 grams. Problem 3. Underground
squatter was mixed with 75 grams potassium nitrate and photograms potassium chlorate to five and
heated to 95 degrees C. The mixture was then cooled slowly. Which of the two souls will start
crystalizing out fast and at what temperature will this happen? If the mixture is cooled to 40 degrees C
and all the deposited salt filtered out, what will be the composition of the solution?
It’s five at 80 degrees C. Mulen 65 grams potassium later than 15 grams potassium chlorate 5 in 100
grams water. Really confused.

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