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Agno, Manelaine C.


1. What is the difference between acid fast staining and simple staining?

The simple stain can be used to determine cell shape, size, and arrangement.
True to its name, the simple stain is a very simple staining procedure involving only one
among the basic stains, such as methylene blue, Gram safranin, or Gram crystal violet
which are all useful for staining most bacteria. On the other hand, an acid-fast stain is
able to differentiate two types of gram-positive cells: those that have waxy mycolic acids
in their cell walls, and those that do not. It is used to identify acid-fast organisms such
as members of the genus Mycobacterium. The primary stain used in acid-fast staining
is the carbolfuchsin.

2. Give specific bacteria used in the videos.

1. Escherichia coli (Gram negative bacilli)

2. Staphylococcus

3. Mycobacterium

3. What is gram staining?

A Gram stain is a laboratory procedure used to detect the presence of bacteria and

sometimes fungi in a sample taken from the site of a suspected infection. The Gram
stain involves applying a sample from the infected area onto a glass slide and allowing it
to dry. The slide is then treated with a special stain and examined under a microscope
by a trained laboratorian. Any bacteria that may be present are categorized by color and
shape during the microscopic evaluation: Color — typically bacteria may be either
"Gram positive" (purple) or "Gram negative" (pink) and for the Shape — the most
common shapes include round (cocci) or rod-shaped (bacilli).

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