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Gravitational waves from in-spirals

of compact objects in binary common-envelope evolution

Yonadav Barry Ginat,∗ Hagai B. Perets,† Evgeni Grishin, Vincent Desjacques, and Hila Glanz
Faculty of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 3200003, Israel

Detection of gravitational-wave (GW) sources enables the characterization of binary compact

objects and their in-spiral due to GW-emission. However, other dissipative processes can affect
the in-spiral. Here we show that the in-spiral of compact objects through a gaseous common-
envelope (CE) arising from an evolved stellar companion produces a novel type of GW-sources,
whose evolution is dominated by the dissipative gas dynamical friction effects from the CE, rather
arXiv:1903.11072v1 [astro-ph.SR] 26 Mar 2019

than the GW-emission itself. The evolution and properties of the GW-signals significantly differ from
those of isolated gas-poor mergers. We find characteristic strains of ∼ 10−23 -10−21 (10kpc/D) for
such sources - observable by next-generation space-based GW-detectors. The evolution of the GW-
signal can serve to probe the interior parts of the evolved star, and the final stages of CE-evolution,
otherwise inaccessible through any other observational means. Moreover, such CE-mergers are
frequently followed by observable explosive electromagnetic counterparts and/or the formation of
exotic stars.

As two gravitating bodies orbit each other they emit to the core, or in a final in-spiral and merger of the com-
gravitational waves (GWs), whose amplitude and fre- panion with the compact stellar core. The former occurs
quency depend on the relative acceleration of the bodies, when the evolved stellar envelope is not sufficiently mas-
which, in turn, depends on their masses and separation. sive and dense compared with the stellar companion, and
Generally larger masses and smaller separations give rise vice versa. Here we show that when the stellar compan-
to stronger accelerations and thereby to stronger GW ion is a compact-object (a WD, a NS or a BH), and the
emission. Current and upcoming GW-detectors cannot stellar-core is sufficiently compact, CE mergers give rise
detect the merger of stellar binaries whose radii – and to diverse range of possible CO-core mergers with de-
hence separation at merger – are far below their ampli- tectable GW signals (see [5, 6] for an initial study in the
tude sensitivity at the relevant frequency scale. Hence, context of NSs). Note that not all the envelope needs
only sufficiently compact (and sufficiently massive) stars to be ejected, and significant fractions of the envelope
could serve as detectable GW sources; current studies may be ejected on much longer non-dynamical timescales
typically focus on the mergers of white dwarfs (WDs) [7, 8], this, however is always preceded by the dynamical
[1], neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs) [2, 3]. phase.
However, the stellar cores of evolved stars could serve The in-spiral of a compact object may proceed on a
as a novel type of sufficiently compact objects to pro- short dynamical timescale as long as the dynamical fric-
duce GW sources, once they merge with another com- tion due to the CE is sufficiently strong and/or the tidal
pact object (CO). Such mergers can occur following the damping effects on the stellar core and CE are efficient.
common-envelope (CE) evolution of evolved stars with The closest approach accessible for a CO-core binary oc-
compact binary companions, leading to the in-spiral of curs when the compact object spirals down to the tidal
the compact object and its merger with the core of the radius of the stellar-core rt ∼ (MCO /Mcore )1/3 RCORE ,
evolved stars [4], as we discuss in the following. at which point the latter will be tidally disrupted, po-
During the evolution of stars beyond their main- tentially leading to an explosive event and/or the forma-
sequence evolutionary stage, they fuse the hydrogen in tion of an exotic star with a compact-object core and a
their cores into helium and heavier elements, that accu- gaseous envelope (e.g. a Thorne-Żytkow object; 9). In
mulate in compact cores. The stellar envelopes of the order to characterize the GW-detectability of such binary
stars then expand to large radii of tens up to hundreds of mergers, one needs to derive the strain and frequency of
Solar radii (during the red-giant branch, and asymptotic the GW emission of such binaries close to the tidal ra-
giant branch, phases of their evolution, as well as the dius. However, one now also needs to account for the
Wolf-Rayet stage for very massive stars). When such an evolution due to the interaction with the gaseous en-
evolved star has a close stellar companion the expanded velope. This process is special, in-so-far as the driving
envelope engulfs the companion and, under appropriate force behind the in-spiral is not energy-loss to gravita-
conditions gives rise to a CE of gas embedding both the tional waves, but rather interaction with an environment.
core of the evolved star and the companion [4]. The stel- As such the gravitational-wave signal should reflect the
lar companion is then thought to in-spiral inside the en- properties of the environment, and allow for potentially
velope due its gravitational interaction with the gas (see otherwise-inaccessible direct observations of the such en-
figure 1). The CE phase could result in either the ejec- vironments/processes [10, 11].
tion of the gaseous envelope before the companion arrives In order to study and characterize such GW sources

we first model the evolution as two point masses orbiting position r describes the relative separation between the
inside an envelope with a given constant density profile, companion and the core. The equations of motion gov-
where we neglect the back-reaction of the motion of the erning the system are
system on the envelope itself. This simplified assumption
will be relaxed in a later study where we will use detailed G(M + m) GMenv (r)
r̈ = − r− r − F (r, v)v + P.N., (1)
hydrodynamical simulations to follow the exact evolu- r3 r3
tion of the binary and the gaseous envelope. In our cur- where Menv (r) is the mass of the envelope inside a sphere
rent simplified analysis we model the in-spiral evolution of radius r (excluding the core), M = Mcore is the core
through the effects of gas dynamical friction [12] (GDF), mass, and m = MCO is the companion mass, and ‘P.N.’
rather than the approach taken previously by Nazin and denotes any post-Newtonian terms. We further define
Postnov [5], and we include 2.5 post-Newtonian correc- Mtot = M + Menv (R), where R is the radius of the giant.
tions in the calculation of the gravitational interaction F describes the effects due to GDF, for which we adopt
of the compact companion and the core. In principle the model of Ostriker [12]
the GW signal would then depend on the density profile  
of the gaseous CE, thereby enabling the use of GWs to

1+M −2M
2πG mρ(r)  ln e , M <1
probe the properties of the interior of part of the red- F (r, v) =  1−M 2  ,
v 3 ln Λ2 − 2 , Λ
giant/CE. M M > 1.
The in-spiral is driven by GDF and not aerodynamic (2)
drag, given the high ratio between the mass of the in- where M = v/cs is the Mach number, where cs is the
spiraling CO and its geometric cross-section. In partic- local speed of sound of the envelope. The Coulomb loga-
ular, Grishin and Perets [13] find that the critical ra- rithm ln Λ is given by Λ =
bmax /bmin [14, p. 835], where
dius for the transition between GDF-dominated evolu- bmin = max Gm/v 2 , rcoll , rcoll is the radius at which it
tion √and aerodynamic-drag dominated evolution is Rc ∝ collides with the core. Furthermore, we adopt bmax = 2r,
vrel / Gρm , where vrel is the relative velocity between as in Kim and Kim [15] rather than bmax = Renv , because
the body and the gas, and ρm is the density of the body. the density outsides r is a lot smaller than the density
The proportionality constant depends on the dimension- inside r.
less Reynolds and Mach numbers of the flow, and is of Wave-Forms: During the in-spiral the binary emits
order unity for most plausible situations. GWs due to changes in its quadrupole moment. As r
In our case, we assume an initial relative velocity of decreases, the orbital acceleration increases, and so does
100 km s−1 (similar to the Keplerian velocity around a the GW-amplitude, right up to the final merger. The
massive star at 1 AU). For a typical WD density of GW-strain hab (t) is given by the quadrupole formula, to
ρWD ≈ 106 g cm−3 , we get that the critical radius is a few leading order, viz.
per cent of the WD radius, Rc ≈ 0.05RWD , with RWD =
0.01R⊙ . For typical NS density of ρNS = 1014 g cm−3 , 2G T T
hTabT (t) = Q̈ (tret ), (3)
the critical radius is around 4 × 103 cm, much less than Dc4 ab
a typical NS radius. Therefore, for compact objects em- where T T denotes the transverse-traceless gauge, and an
bedded in envelopes of giant stars, GDF is considerably upper T T on Q denotes a projection on the direction of
larger than aerodynamic gas drag. observation; Qab = M ab − δab M kk /3 is the quadrupole
The paper is structured as follows. We begin by de- moment, and tret = t − D/c is the retarded time, with D
scribing the set-up of our models and the equations of being the distance between the detector and the source.
motion, which we numerically integrate to calculate the Note that even though one of the bodies is not point-like,
GW signatures of the common-envelope gravitational- it is spherical, so the mass moment is
wave (CEGW) sources, exploring various configurations
of CE-binaries and compact-objects. We then discuss 1
M ij = mxi1 (t)xj1 (t) + Mtot xi2 (t)xj2 (t) + δ ij C, (4)
the properties of such CEGW sources and possibility of 3
detecting them, and then we summarize.
where C is some higher moment of the gas density ρ, and
Set-Up: We work in the centre-of-mass frame of the
x1,2 is the position of the centre of the CO/giant. The
binary, and neglect any back-reaction of the companion
second term vanishes when calculating Qab , so we are free
on the envelope, that is, we take the density profile of
to ignore it. The contribution of the star is thus equal
the envelope to be constant in time, and ‘glued’ to the
to that of a point mass, and we may therefore use the
core of the star, which we model as a point mass 1 . This
formula for M ij of a binary system in the centre of mass
system may be described as an effective one body, whose

1 This approximation is more self-consistent for cases where the practice, the CE evolution changes the structure of the envelope
envelope is significantly more massive than the companion. In even when the envelope is significantly more massive.

1012 1011
frame (e.g. given by equation (3.72) of Maggiore [16]). 5 1.5

The solution to equation (1) defines the wave-form, and 1

the problem of calculating the wave-form is reduced to 0.5

y (cm)

y (cm)
solving the equations of motion. 0

Numerical Calculations: In order to calculate the -1

CEGW signatures, we integrate equation (1) numerically -5


using a Runge-Kutta integrator (MATLAB’s ode113). In -6 -4 -2
x (cm)
0 2 4 6
-2 -1 0
x (cm)
1 2
our code, we added relativistic corrections to the motion 1012 1011
of the core and the companion up to 2.5PN (to account 6

for GW dissipation)2 , as given by Lincoln and Will [17]. 2

y (cm)

y (cm)
The orbit can still be described by a point particle with 0

mass µ = mMtot /(m+Mtot ), moving under the influence -2 -1

of the gravitational field of a particle with mass M + m -6

and inside a potential created by the envelope. Here we -5 0 5

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

considered a few combinations of m, M and Menv (see 10 12

x (cm) 1012
x (cm) 1011

table I and figure 1). 6 5

The density profiles of the stars were obtained from 4

2 0
detailed stellar evolution models using the MESA code,

y (cm)

y (cm)

evolved from initial masses of 15, 8 and 5 M⊙ [18–20], -2 -5

until they reached 110R⊙; the stars retained almost all -4

of their original mass. The orbital evolution is shown in -6 -10

-5 0 5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
figure 1. x (cm) 1012 x (cm) 1011
1012 1010
For each of these models we calculate the expected 6

wave-forms emitted by the binary, computed for sources 4


assumed to be at a distance of 10 kpc, with m = 0.6M⊙ 2

y (cm)

y (cm)
to represent a WD companion, and m = 1.4M⊙ – for -2
a NS. The resulting wave-forms are shown in figure 2. -4

All in-spirals show a characteristic evolution beginning -6

with regular low-amplitude oscillations during the slow- -5 0
x (cm)
-1 -0.5
x (cm)
0 0.5 1

in-spiral at the early phases, which then gradually in-

crease in frequency and amplitude down to the final FIG. 1. The separation between the companion and the core,
plunge accompanied by a high amplitude burst. for the some of the different mass combinations described in
Detectability: Let us now consider the detectabil- the text. Each combination is displayed twice, with the sec-
ond panel focusing on the central region.
ity of such CE-in-spirals. The size of the stellar core is
comparable or larger than that of WDs, and the orbital
frequency of the binary before its final merger is there- R∞
where h̃(f ) = −∞ e−2πif t h(t)dt. The characteristic
fore lower than the detection range of aLIGO. However, p
as we show in the following, such GW sources are de- strain is hc (f ) = 2f h̃(f ), and then, if hn = f Sn (f )
tectable by next-generation space-based GW-detectors, signifies the sensitivity of the detector, the area between
such as LISA or DECIGO. the characteristic strain and the sensitivity curve in log-
Whether the signal we predict could be detected or arithmic scale is the SNR. These are calculated using a
not is determined by the characteristic strain, which is discrete fast Fourier transform.
related to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). If Sn (f ) is the We model the CE using the density profile of the initial
noise power spectrum density of a detector, and h is the envelope of the evolved star and we later briefly consider
physical signal (without noise) then the signal-to-noise the implication of a more realistic CE which is inflated
ratio is given by Moore et al. [21] due to the in-spiral. The characteristic strains of the
cases we considered here are presented in the top row of
2 figure 3. Signal-to-noise ratios for the three detectors:
2 h̃(f )

h2c (f ) LISA, DECIGO and BBO, are presented in table I.

=4 df = df, (5)
N 0 Sn (f ) 0 h2n (f ) Extended envelopes: As mentioned above, the mod-
els described here are simplified and neglect the evolu-
tion of the stellar envelope itself due to the in-spiral.
In reality, a considerable amount of gravitational en-
2 These have significant contributions only when they are ex- ergy is deposited into the envelope of the star. The en-
tremely close to each other, so the post-Newtonian terms do not ergy/momentum input inflates the envelope and results
include the gravity of the gas in the envelope. in its partial or full unbinding [4]. The in-spiral is there-

TABLE I. Signal-to-noise ratios for the binary in-spirals discussed in the text for LISA, DECIGO and BBO. Mtot is defined as
M + Menv . Cf. figure 3.
Mtot = 15 M⊙ Mtot = 8 M⊙ Mtot = 5 M⊙
Compact 0.6 0.57 68 214 0.42 32 100 6 690 2200
Compact 1.4 1.3 180 560 1.4 260 840 19 3500 11000
Extended 0.6 0.54 58 180 2.3 29 93 1.2 450 1400
Extended 1.4 1.2 140 450 11 34 100 20 3700 12000

10-22 10-22
10-15 10-15
2 h+ + 10-22
1.5 -22
h - 10

Characteristic Strain

Characteristic Strain


0.5 h+ + 10-22
h - 10 -22 10-20 10-20
-1.5 BBO BBO
3.8 4 4.2 4.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 10-25 10-25
t (sec) 107 t (sec) 107 10-6 10-4 10-2 10-6 10-4 10-2
10-22 10-22 f (Hz) f (Hz)
4 h+ + 2 10-22 10-15
h - 2 10-22 10-15
2 5

Characteristic Strain

Characteristic Strain
h+ + 2 10-22


0 h - 2 10-22 0
-20 -20
10 10

8.55 8.6 8.65 6 6.05 6.1 BBO 10-25 BBO

t (sec) 106 t (sec) 106 10-25
10-21 10-20 10-6 10-4 10-2 10-6 10-4 10-2
1 f (Hz) f (Hz)
3 h+ + 10-2 h+ + 10-21
h - 10 -2 h - 10 -21
2 0.5
FIG. 3. Lower bounds (see text) on the characteristic strain
of the in-spirals considered in this paper, together with the



LISA, DECIGO and BBO sensitivity curves, in black. The
blue curves correspond to Mtot = 15M⊙ , the red ones to
-3 -1 Mtot = 8M⊙ , and the green ones – to Mtot = 5M⊙ . As a
8.8 9 9.2 9.4 9.6 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6
reference, the violet curve shows a binary white-dwarf merger
t (sec) 106 t (sec) 106 without any envelope at all, with m1 = 1M⊙ , m2 = 0.6m⊙ .
The left panels show the case of m = 0.6 M⊙ , and the right
FIG. 2. The expected wave-forms (for both polarizations) – a neutron star companion of 1.4 M⊙ . The top row displays
of the GW produced through a CE-in-spiral, shown for the envelopes that remain compact, while the bottom row shows
different combinations of compact-objects and evolved star envelopes dilated by a factor of 10. All quantities are calcu-
binaries, computed at a distance of 10kpc. lated at a distance D = 10 kpc. The Fourier Transforms are
calculated by sampling the signal at a rate of 1 Hz. Sampling
it at higher rates (which is necessary for DECIGO and BBO)
should not decrease the SNRs.
fore expected to occur in more extended density profiles
than the initial more compact one assumed here, and
therefore the density close to the core is expected to be line in the figure 3). In a follow-up paper we intend
lower relative to the initial density. In this scenario the to study the effect of the extended envelope in detailed
amplitude of the GDF force on the companion is there- hydrodynamical simulations, that take the back-reaction
fore expected to be smaller, and the amount of time the on the envelope into account. As a simplified approach
CO spends very close to the core, emitting the strongest we gauge the magnitude of the extended-envelope effect
GWs, is increased. In other words, our SNR calculations using a simple inflated envelope model, where we again
serve as a lower-limit to the expected GW signatures for integrate the equations of motion, but we now consider
such CE-in-spirals, while they are bounded by an upper- a density profile for the envelope which is a linearly di-
limit which is the expected signal from a completely gas- lated, with ρ′ (r) = ρ((r − Rcore )/λ + Rcore )λ−3 , c′s (r) =
free in-spiral of two compact objects of similar masses as cs ((r − Rcore )/λ + Rcore )λ−1/2 , etc. A plausible scale-
modeled here for the NS/WD and the compact stellar factor given results from hydrodynamical simulations of
core, whose typical mass and size would be comparable CE-evolution from the literature [4] is λ = 10; the char-
to that of a WD of some 0.6 − 1 M⊙ (see upper violet acteristic strains we find for the simplified extended en-

velopes are shown in the second row of figure 3 and the by the Israel Science Foundation (grant no. 1395/16)
final SNRs are given in table I.
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