10/09/2020 Letter To Congresswoman Shalala For Alina Lopez

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Courthouse Square

510 King Street, Suite 340

Alexandria, Virginia 22314
P 703.566.3041

7 Global Liberty ALLIANCE F 703.566.3972

October 10, 2020

Honorable Donna Shalala

U . S . H O U S E O F R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S
1320 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congresswoman Shalala,

I am writing again on behalf of your constituent, Ms. Alina Lopez, a U.S. citizen
unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba since October 2017.1 first contacted your District Office
on or about January 28, 2019. Ms. Lopez's mother has made various attempts to meet
with you and your staff. In February 2019,1 sent a letter to your team for your
consideration to secure additional information to help us in our efforts to secure the
release of Ms. Lopez.

On October 2, 2020, you and 17 other members of the U.S. House of

Representatives introduced House Resolution 1172. The Resolution calls for the release
of Portal Contreras, a Cuba-based resistance activist who was unlawfully imprisoned in
socialist Cuba in June 2016, approximately three months after President Barack Obama
visited the island. Mr. Contreras was unjustly sentenced to four years in prison, as have
countless other dissident and resistance leaders who have languished in prisons
throughout the island. There has not been a similar legislative effort concerning Ms.
Lopez, a fellow American from your Congressional District, or the 20 other American
citizens reportedly held in Cuban prisons.

The Portal Contreras resolution would have been an excellent opportunity to

highlight not only his tragic situation but that of other dissident and resistance leaders
and Americans unlawfully imprisoned or held hostage in Communist Cuba. The Global
Liberty Alliance has advised Congressional members and staff on the resolutions for
other cases, including several matters involving American citizens and U.S. legal
permanent residents held hostage in Iran's notorious Evin Prison and in other nations.
We have highlighted the plight of American citizens unlawfully imprisoned in places
such as Iran, Cuba, or Venezuela, which greatly contributes towards securing positive

A part of The Giobai Rule of Law & Liberty Legal Defense Fund

The defense of human rights in repressive nations should transcend partisan

politics. I am writing to you again to secure your assistance on behalf of your
constituent, Ms. Alina Lopez, and schedule a meeting as soon as possible with you or
your staff to discuss Ms. Lopez's situation. Securing the release of Americans
unlawfully imprisoned or held hostage in foreign lands is an American issue, not a
Republican or Democratic issue, and must remain a priority for all U.S. elected officials.

Thank you for your consideration of this request and I look forward to working
together, with the entire Florida delegation, to assist Ms. Lopez, a Florida resident and
constituent of your Congressional District.


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