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Lesson 1

Kinds of Sentences
A sentence tells a complete thought or idea. There are different types of sentences.
 A statement tells something. It ends in a period.
Example: My birthday is this summer.
 A question asks something. It ends in a question mark.
Example: When is your birthday?
 An exclamation shows strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation point.
Example: That sounds like fun!

Exercise 1
Read each sentence. Write the kind of sentence it is. Use the words: statement, question, or
1. What did you have for breakfast? _______________________

2. My mother made pancakes. _______________________

3. They were yummy! _______________________

4. The Ganga trip was last weekend. _______________________

5. What did you like best about it? _______________________

6. I loved swimming in the lake! _______________________

7. I saw the biggest mango! _______________________

8. We went on a boat ride down the river. _______________________

9. The boat went so fast! _______________________

Exercise 2
Write an example of each kind of sentence. Use the right punctuation marks.

1. (A statement about your family)


2. (A question about the weather)

3. (An exclamation about the zoo)


4. (A statement about a holiday)


5. (A question about a book)


6. (An exclamation about a favorite activity)


7. (A statement about your friend)


8. (A question about the sabji store)


9. (An exclamation about an adventure)


Sentences and Fragments

A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. A fragment is not a sentence.
It doesn’t express a complete thought.
Sentences: Our family moved into a new house. It is located near a large park.
Fragments: Our family.
Moved into a new house.
It is.
Located near a large park.

Exercise 3
Read each group of words. Put an X in front of the correct answer (sentence or fragment).
1. We went out for lunch. ☐sentence ☐ fragment
2. Ordered food. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment

3. Ate. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment
4. The samosa was hot and spicy. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment
5. The salad. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment
6. We talked while we ate. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment
7. Laughed and laughed. ☐ sentence ☐ fragment

Exercise 4
Pick one of the fragments from above. Add words to make it a sentence.



Exercise 5
Turn each fragment into a sentence. Write the new sentence on the line.

1. Walking in the park.


2. The kite in the sky.


3. The bicycle ride.


4. Swimming in the pond.


5. Making an ice cream sandwich.


6. The long bus ride.


7. The sunshine.


8. Rained all night.


9. Waddled back and forth.


10. Landed in a mud puddle.


Parts of a Sentence
A sentence has two parts. The subject tells who or what the sentence is about. The predicate
tells what the subject is or does.
The subject is underlined with one line in these sentences. The predicate is underlined with two
lines in these sentences.
The children were excited to go on an adventure.
The trip was to the mango orchard.
The teacher taught the children how to see which mangoes are the sweetest.

Exercise 6
Underline the subject of the sentence with one line. Underline the predicate with two lines.

1. The rainbow appeared in the sky after the rainstorm.

2. The construction worker built the garage.

3. My best friend called me on the phone.

4. The cows and bulls like to graze in the field.

5. I took a break from cleaning the pumps.

Exercise 7
Write two sentences about two of your favorite animals. Underline the subject of the sentence
with one line. Underline the predicate with two lines.




Write two sentences about two of your favourite books. Underline the subject of the sentence
with one line. Underline the predicate with two lines.





Every sentence has a subject. The complete subject includes all of the words that tell about the
Example: An interesting story about a bear was written by my aunt. (An interesting story about a
bear is the complete subject.)
The simple subject is the most important word(s) in the complete subject.
Example: An interesting story about a bear was written by my aunt. (The word “story” is the
simple subject.)

Exercise 8
Underline each complete subject with one line. Then write the simple subject on the line.

1. The zoo opens at noon on Saturday. simple subject: _____________

2. My friend wants to go with me. simple subject: _____________

3. We will bring a lunch. simple subject: _____________

4. The deities were dressed in yellow. simple subject: _____________

5. But I want to bring some extra prasadam. simple subject: _____________

6. The man on the street sells puchkas. simple subject: _____________

7. The peanuts can be tossed to the monkeys. simple subject: _____________

Write a sentence about going to the zoo. Underline the complete subject. Write the simple subject
on the line below.

My sentence: ___________________________________________________________________


simple subject: ______________________

Every sentence has a predicate. The simple predicate is the verb. It is the most important word
in the predicate. The verb is usually the first word in the predicate.
Example: Prananath Prabhu taught English at the Bhaktivedanta Academy.

The simple predicate is taught.

The complete predicate is taught English at the Bhaktivedanta Academy.

Exercise 9
Underline each complete predicate with one line. Then write the simple predicate on the line.

1. The parade starts at 2:00 p.m. simple predicate: __starts______

2. The elephants march in the procession. simple predicate: ____________

3. I ride my bicycle in the park. simple predicate: ____________

4. My friends ride with their bicycles, too. simple predicate: ____________

5. We serve prasadam to the children. simple predicate: ____________

6. They run to get the broom. simple predicate: ____________

7. Everyone has a fun time! simple predicate: ____________

Write a sentence about a parade. Underline the complete predicate. Write the simple predicate on
the line below.
My sentence: ___________________________________________________________________


simple predicate: ____________

A run-on sentence is made up of two or more sentences that run together. It is best to divide
the run-on sentence into separate sentences.
Example of a run-on sentence: Our parrot knows how to say lots of words it can even sing a song!

Example of dividing the run-on sentence into separate sentences: Our parrot knows how to say
lots of words. It can even sing a song!

Exercise 10
Divide each run-on sentence into two simple sentences. Start each sentence with a capital letter
and end with the right punctuation mark.

1. We went to the beach it was fun to make sandcastles.


2. The children flew kites high into the sky it was a really windy day.


3. My group went swimming we picked lotuses.


4. The sunset was really colorful the moon is out.


5. The alarm clock went off the sound woke me up.


6. The harvest is this weekend I want to carry a sack of rice.


Compound Sentences with “and”, “but”, or “or”

Compound sentences are two simple sentences put together by a comma. The new sentence
uses the word and, but, or “or” to combine the simple sentences.
 Hari played at the beach. He picked up seashells. (Hari played at the beach, and he picked
up seashells.)
 The sun was out today. Then it rained. (The sun was out today, but then it rained.)
 Everyone can swim. They can play baseball. (Everyone can swim, or they can play

Exercise 11
Make a compound sentence from each pair of simple sentences. Use a comma and the word and.

1. Hari jumped over the waves. He swam to shore.


2. The sun was warm. It dried him off.


3. Hari was hungry. He asked Mahasai for a snack.


Make a compound sentence from each pair of simple sentences. Use a comma and the word but.

1. I wanted to go and play. I had to clean my room first.


2. I tried to be fast. My room was just too dirty.


3. I couldn’t finish cleaning. My brother helped me.


Make a compound sentence from each pair of simple sentences. Use a comma and the word or.

1. I will walk with my friends to the temple. I will ride my bike to the temple.


2. The birthday feast might be this Saturday. It could be next Saturday.


3. We could cook ourselves. We might go to Sulab kitchen.


Compound sentences are two simple sentences put together by a comma.

The new sentence uses the word “and”, “but”, or “or” to combine the simple sentences. You
use the word “and” when you mean “also” or “then”. You use the word “but” to compare and
contrast. You use the word “or” to show choice.

Exercise 12
Make a compound sentence by joining two simple sentences with a comma and the word “and”.
Circle the comma and underline the word “and”.

Make a compound sentence by joining two simple sentences with a comma and the word “but”.
Circle the comma and underline the word “but”.


Make a compound sentence by joining two simple sentences with a comma and the word “or”.
Circle the comma and underline the word “or”.


Combining Sentences

Good writers combine sentences to make their writing better. They combine the important key
words and phrases to make short, choppy sentences into longer, smoother sentences.
The children were at the park. Their parents were at the park. (The children and their
parents were at the park.)
They could play baseball. They could shoot baskets. (They could play baseball or shoot

Exercise 13
Combine the two short sentences into a longer sentence.

1. It was time to light the fire. It was time to start the Yajna.


2. Jaganath helped make the salad. Jayantha helped make the salad.


3. Sudama set up the huts. Sudama called the boys for lunch.


4. Dad roasted potatoes. Dad made sour cream for us.


Write two short sentences about a meal. Then combine them into a longer sentence.

My two short sentences:



My longer sentence:


You can also combine two subjects with a joining word to make a compound subject.
Example: The chipmunk climbed the tree. The squirrel climbed the tree. (The chipmunk and
squirrel climbed the tree.)

You can combine two predicates with a joining word to make a compound predicate.
Example: The mother bird gathered twigs. The mother bird made a nest. (The mother bird
gathered twigs and made a nest.)

Exercise 14
Combine the shorter sentences into a longer sentence.
Write “CS” if it is a compound subject. Write “CP” if it is a compound predicate.

1. We played choo. We jumped rope.


2. The kite soared in the air. The kite fell to the ground.


3. Jaganath ate pizza for lunch. Dauji ate pizza for lunch.

4. Gopal washed the pots. Gopal took the pots upstairs.


5. The tall boy played in the park. The short boy played in the park.


6. The bird sang a song. The bird flew away.


7. Nimai learned to ride a bike. Shyam learned to ride a bike.


8. Gopal read a book. Gopal made a book report.



All sentences begin with a capital letter. They end with an end mark.
A statement ends with a period.
A question ends with a question mark.
An exclamation ends with an exclamation point.
A sentence fragment is part of a sentence.
A sentence needs to have a subject and a predicate.
The complete subject includes all the words that tell about the subject.
The simple subject is the most important word in the complete subject.
The complete predicate includes all the words in the predicate.
The simple predicate is the verb. It is the most important word in the predicate.
Run-on sentences should be divided into two or more sentences.
Compound sentences use the words “and”, “but”, or “or” to combine simple sentences.
Writers combine short, choppy sentences into longer, smoother sentences by combining
subjects and predicates.

Now it is time to review what you have learned. Read each question. Circle the correct sentence.

a. Are you going to the satguti game?
b. Are you going to the satguti game.
c. Are you going to the satguti game!

a. My grandmother has the most beautiful Jaganath!
b. My grandmother has the most beautiful Jaganath.
c. My grandmother has the most beautiful Jaganath?

a. Yikes, that snake was huge.
b. Yikes, that snake was huge,
c. Yikes, that snake was huge!

Write “S” for sentence or “F” for fragment. Hint: there are 4 fragments.

1. the man sailed on the river.

2. Hiked the mountain.
3. Vagisha Mahasai is my teacher.
4. In the morning, Gopal.
5. The sky was blue.
6. Flew up in the tree.
7. I grew three inches this year!
8. Barked and barked.
9. What part of the project don’t you understand?

Change the 4 fragments from above into sentences.









Underline the complete subject. Write the simple subject on the line.

1. The farmer rode the tractor through the field. simple subject: _____________

2. His mother likes to bake bread. simple subject: _____________

3. The little calf likes to eat apples. simple subject: _____________

Underline the complete predicate. Write the simple predicate on the line.

1. His bicycle wheel needed air. simple predicate: ________________

2. The clouds were high in the sky. simple predicate: ________________

3. The farmer harvested lots of rice. simple predicate: ________________

Divide the run-on sentences into two or more sentences.

1. I wanted to go swimming in Jalangi the water is warm this time of year.


2. The roller coaster ride was scary for my mother she screamed the entire time!


3. My family went to the festival I got a lot of maha I gave some to my friend.


4. The leaves need to be raked I have to help my group rake them.


5. The pizza feast is today I can’t wait it is going to be tasty!


Make compound sentences from simple sentences. Use a comma and the words “and”, “but”, or

1. The lion paced in the cage. The tiger slept in the cage.


2. The popcorn tasted buttery. It was too salty.


3. My friend wanted to come over to play. He had to finish his service.


4. The alarm clock went off. It was only 1:00a.m.!


5. Do you want orange juice? Would you prefer milk?


Combine the sentences into longer sentences.

1. We planted the flower garden. We watered the flower garden.


2. Tamal ran the race. His friend ran the race.


3. Krishna Das fell asleep in class. Mukunda fell asleep in class.


4. The water flowed over the rocks. The water flowed down the hill.


Write a sentence with a compound subject. Underline the compound subject.



Write a sentence with a compound predicate. Underline the compound predicate.



Lesson 2

Days of the Week
The 7 days of the week always begin with capital letters:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Sunday is the first day of the week.

Exercise 1
Write a sentence about each day of the week and what you usually do.
For example: I visit my grandmother and bring her flowers every Sunday.
Underline the day of the week. Begin with Sunday. Write your sentences in order of the days of
the week.














Months of the Year

The 12 months of the year begin with capital letters: January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
January is the first month of the year.

Exercise 2
Unscramble the words to write a sentence about the months. Remember that the first letter of a
sentence and the name of the month begin with a capital letter. Underline the month. There may
be more than one acceptable answer. You only need to write one sentence for each month.

1. is the year january month first the of

January is the first month of the year. OR The first month of the year is January._____________

2. february has fewest the days all of months the


3. is very month a fun march windy


4. in there hot many are days april


5. in flowers the colorful bloom may


6. the rainy june starts season in


7. ratha july in yatra is usually


8. in is janmasthami august srila appearance and day prabhupad


9. is beginning school the of September another year in

10. october when kartik starts month usually is


11. second november the year of last is month the


12. month is december last the of year the calendar


Names of Holidays
The names of many of the festivals/holidays begin with capital letters: New Year’s Day,
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Janmasthami, Radhasthami, Narashimha Chaturdasi, Gaura
Purnima, Srila Prabhupad’s Appearance Day, etc..

Exercise 3
Write a sentence about 4 of the festivals/holidays. You can choose from the ones listed above or
use your own. Remember to capitalize the first letter of a sentence and the specific holiday.
Underline the festival/holiday.









Answer the questions about your favorite holiday. Use complete sentences.
1. What is your favorite festival?

2. Why is this your favorite festival?


Names of People
The names of people always begin with a capital letter. This includes the first, middle, and last
Examples: Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Maharaj
The names of pets begin with a capital letter.
Examples: Tanu (cow), Raju (horse), Matsya (fish)

Exercise 4
Answer these questions. Remember to use a capital letter for the first word in each sentence and
the names of any people and pets.
Write 2 sentences about everyone in your family.





Write 2 sentences about the pets you have. If you don’t have any pets,
write 2 sentences about the pets you wish you had.





Specific Words: Titles and Places

Some titles begin with a capital letter if the title is used before a name.
These include: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Grandma, Grandpa, King, Queen, and
If the words mister, misses, doctor, king, queen and president don’t have a name after the title,
it is usually not capitalized.
Examples: I will see the doctor today.
The king ruled the country.
The president will go to Mayapur.

However, if you use the words Grandma and Grandpa as a name, then the words are
capitalized. (Hint: If “my” comes before the title, the word is not capitalized.)
Example: Grandma is coming.
My grandma is coming.
Also, if the title belongs to something, then it is capitalized.
Example: The King of Jordan helped. The king helped.
Other specific words need to be capitalized: Tarampur Road, Bhaktivedanta Academy, Howrah
Bridge, Rose Avenue, Atlantic Ocean, Sri Dham Mayapur and Nadia.

Exercise 5
Underline the words that should start with a capital letter. Write them on the blanks. The number
(in parenthesis after the sentence) tells you how many words should be capitalized.

1. mr. and mrs. patel are my parents’ friends. (3)

______Mr.______ _________Mrs._______ _____Patel____

2. My kung fu master’s name is madhava gauranga mahasai. (3)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

3. our cow bhava went to see doctor gupta at nabadvip animal Hospital. (5)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


4. aunt priya mataji and uncle narashimha prabhu are on the plane. (6)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

5. grandpa brought cousin subal to the game. (3)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

6. The king and queen of puri had a special ceremony when the baby was born. (3)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

7. george washington was the first President of the united States. (3)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

8. My best friend moved to nabadvip, nadia, west bengal. (4)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

9. Have you ever seen the empire state building in new york? (5)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


10. I would love to swim in the indian ocean off the coast of jaganath puri. (3)

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Exercise 6
Answer the questions with a list of words. Remember to capitalize the specific places.

1. List 3 cities you would like to visit:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

2. List 3 states/territories/provinces you could like to visit:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

3. List 3 countries you would like to visit:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Names of Newspapers, Books, etc.

The names of specific newspapers, books, magazines, stories, poems, rhymes, movies, and

songs begin with capital letters. Example: The New York Times, The Jungle Book, Srila Prabhupad
Lilamrita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vikram and Vetal, Akbar and Birbal, The Lion King, Kalkata Post,
Guruvastakam, Tulasi Puja, Brahma Samhita, Back to Godhead.

Exercise 7
Name two of each. Remember to use a capital letter for the important words in the titles.

2. Books ______________________ ______________________

4. Poems/mantras ______________________ ______________________

7. Songs ______________________ ______________________

Write a sentence using one of the answers you wrote from above.



Now it is time to review what you have learned. Remember to capitalize specific words. If the

word is not specific, you do not need to begin the word with a capital letter.

Look at the words below. Underline the words that need to be capitalized. Copy them on the blank

1. monday weekend wednesday week


2. february month calendar april june


3. srila prabhupad’s appearance day birthday week


4. pragosh prabhu sister govinda das grandpa


5. bhava cow nandi crow raju tree


Now it is time to review what you have learned. Read each question. Circle the right answer.

1. Our family lives in ____________________.

a. Sri dham mayapur
b. sri dham Mayapur
c. Sri Dham Mayapur

2. The trip was planned for ____________________.

a. Sydney, australia
b. Sydney, Australia
c. sydney, Australia

3. I was given a book called ____________________.

a. Perfect question Perfect answers
b. perfect question perfect answers
c. Perfect Question Perfect Answers

4. The airplane lands in ____________________.

a. kolkata and then new delhi
b. Kolkata and then new delhi
c. Kolkata and then New Delhi

5. Did you know the ______________ is a large river in Africa?

a. Nile River
b. nile River
c. Nile river

6. The baby gorilla was born in the _________________.
a. kolkata park zoo
b. kolkata Park Zoo
c. Kolkata Park Zoo

Write a paragraph of at least 2-3 sentences. Use 3 or more specific words that need to be
capitalized (not counting the first word in each sentence). Underline the capitalized words.







1. is the year january month first the of

January is the first month of the year. OR The first month of the year is January._____________

2. february has fewest the days all of months the


3. is very month a fun march windy


4. in there hot many are days april


5. in flowers the colorful bloom may


6. the rainy june starts season in


7. ratha july in yatra is usually


8. in is janmasthami august srila appearance and day prabhupad


9. is beginning school the of September another year in


10. october when kartik starts month usually is


11. second november the year of last is month the


12. month is december last the of year the calendar


Lesson 3

Kinds of Sentences
Sentences end in punctuation marks: periods, questions marks, and exclamation marks.
Declarative sentences end in periods. Interrogative sentences end in question marks.
Exclamatory sentences end in exclamation points.

Exercise 1
Rewrite each sentence with the correct punctuation mark.

1. My brother and I take kung fu lessons


2. Do you know kung fu


3. It sure is fun

4. Someday I hope to earn a red belt


5. I have to keep practicing


6. There is a lot to learn


Write 3 sentences (one of each kind) about a favorite interest of yours. End with the correct
punctuation mark.

1. (a declarative sentence that ends with a period)



2. (an interrogative sentence that ends with a question mark)



3. (an exclamatory sentence that ends with an exclamation point)



Commas in a Series
The comma is a punctuation mark. It is used to separate 3 or more items in a series. Examples:
Tim, John, and Andrew played baseball. Our family went to the grocery store, the bank, and a
restaurant today. We bought a new grill, cooked out, and enjoyed the spring weather.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences. Use a comma to separate 3 or more items in a series.

1. My three favorite sports are



2. My three favorite foods are



3. My three favorite animals are



Exercise 3
Read the paragraph below and add commas to separate 3 or more items in a series.

My Family I live with my mother father and sister in a large farm house. We live in the country and
have a farm with horses cows and chickens. My father is a farmer and plants corn potatoes and
soybeans. My mother enjoys gardening and loves flowers, especially tulips daisies and daffodils. My
brother and I like to play with the baby animals on the farm. We feed them give them baths and help
exercise them. It is so much fun to live in the country on a farm.

Commas with Days and the Year in a Date, etc.

The comma is a punctuation mark. It is used to separate the day and the year in a date.

Example: My father’s birthday is May 5, 1980.

It is used to separate the month and a year.

Example: My father’s birthday is May, 1980.

It is used to separate a season and a year.

Example: My father’s birthday is spring, 1980.

Exercise 4
Rewrite these sentences. Use a comma between the day and year, month and year, and season
and year.

1. His birthday is March 9 2000.


2. The temple opened in November 2012.


3. The store sold more books in summer 2009.


Write 3 sentences using a comma to show different uses.

1. (one comma to separate the day and year)


2. (one comma to separate the month and year)


3. (one comma to separate the season and year)


When a date is written in the middle of a sentence, use commas before and after the year.
Example: On September 7, 2003, my brother learned to ride a bicycle
Exercise 5
Rewrite each sentence with a comma.

1. On August 17 2006 we had a flood in Mayapur.




2. It flooded so much on 18 August 2006 that school was cancelled.




3. The flood lasted until August 30 2006 two week later.




Commas in Addresses
The comma is a punctuation mark. It is used to separate a street and city. It is used to separate
a city and state. A comma is also used to separate a city and country in a sentence.
Examples: My friend moved to B6, GVN, Tarampur Road, Mayapur.
My grandparents like living in Jaganath Puri, Orissa.
Someday my father is taking us to Tokyo, Japan

Exercise 6
Rewrite these sentences. Separate the parts of each address.

1. My teacher lives in Gauranagar Mayapur.


2. The postman delivered the mail to Bhaktivedanta Academy Tarampur Road Sri Mayapur Nadia



3. A new skyscraper was built in Kolkata India.


4. The author was born in Vrindavan India.


5. The national tournament will be held in Kolkata West Bengal India.



Apostrophes – Ownership
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark. It is used to show that someone or something owns
something or that something belongs to someone or something. For singular nouns, you use an
apostrophe and then an “s” to show ownership or belonging. Singular means one.
Examples: It is Ann’s room. (The room belongs to Ann. Ann is a singular noun – a person.)
The lake’s beach is sandy. (The beach belongs to the lake. Lake is a singular noun – a place.)
The blue bike is the Govinda’s. (The stuffed mouse belongs to the cat. Cat is a singular noun – a

Exercise 7
Rewrite these sentences. Use an apostrophe between the singular noun and the letter “s”.

1. That boys bike is blue.


2. Mayapurs trees are tall.


3. The clocks hands were black.


4. The new students name is Balaram.


5. Our teacher pointed to our groups leader.


An apostrophe is a punctuation mark. It is used to show that someone or something owns

something or that something belongs to someone or something. For plural nouns, you use an
apostrophe after the “s” to show ownership or belonging. Plural means more than one.
Examples: The boys’ bedroom is painted blue. (The bedroom belongs to the boys. It is painted
blue. Boys is a plural noun – persons.)
The towns’ roads are muddy. (The roads belong to the towns. Towns is a plural noun – places.)
The shoes’ laces are tied. (The laces belong to the shoes. Shoes is a plural noun – things.)

If a plural noun does not end with “s”, add an apostrophe and “s” to form the possessive.
Examples: It was people’s choice.
The men’s basketball team had 9 players.

Exercise 8
Rewrite these sentences. Use an apostrophe with the plural noun to show possession.

1. The childrens mothers sat on the bench.


2. The mountains peaks are covered in snow.


3. The horses hut is made of bamboo.


4. The boys track teams performed well.


5. Most policemens uniforms are bright blue.


6. The childrens sports class is today.


7. Two of the Gurukuls playgrounds need repair.


Apostrophes – Contractions
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark. It is used in words that are called contractions.
Contractions use apostrophes to take the place of letters. The apostrophe is placed where the
letters are missing. Examples:
Contractions Missing Letters
I’m = I am a
he’s = he is i
she’s = she is i
it’s = it is i
you’re = you are a
we’re = we are a
they’re = they are a

Exercise 9
Write the correct contraction in the sentences: I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, you’re, we’re, and they’re.
Capitalize the first word in each sentence.

1. My mother is a good cook. ________ making my favorite preparation tonight.

2. ________ not feeling well; I have a high temperature.

3. My father’s brother is coming to town. ________ a professional writer.

4. If you keep practicing, ________ going to do well on the spelling test.

5. ________ Mohan’s turn to kick the ball.

6. His family lives next door to us. ________ really nice.

7. In fact, ________ best friends with them!

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark. It is used in words that are called contractions.

Contractions use apostrophes to take the place of letters. The apostrophe is placed where the
letters are missing. Examples:
Contractions Missing Letters
isn’t = is not o

aren’t = are not o
wasn’t = was not o
weren’t = were not o

Exercise 10
Write the correct contraction in the sentences: isn’t, aren’t, wasn’t, and weren’t.

1. my father is going to pick me up, but he ________ going to come for another 10 minutes.

2. I was going to do my English project early. I ________ going to put it off.

3. The fruits are high in the trees. The mangoes ________ ripe yet.

4. It looked like it was going to rain. So we ________ going to go.

Contractions are a short way of writing two words. Contractions use an apostrophe to take the
place of missing letters.

Exercise 11
Write the correct contraction next to the words it is made up from: I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, it’ll,
we’ll, and they’ll.

1. he will ________________

6. I will ________________

2. you will ________________

7. she will ________________

3. it will ________________

8. they will________________

4. we will ________________

Write a sentence with the contraction “I’ll”.

Write a sentence with the contraction “you’ll”.


Write a sentence with the contraction “it’ll”.


Write a sentence with the contraction “they’ll”.


Contractions are a short way of writing two words. Contractions use an apostrophe to take the
place of missing letters.

Exercise 12
Write the correct contraction on the line: didn’t, don’t, doesn’t, you’ve, you’re, you’ll, we’re, we’ll,
wouldn’t, and weren’t.

1. you have __________________

2. does not __________________

3. were not __________________

4. you are __________________

5. would not __________________

6. we are __________________

7. did not __________________

8. do not __________________

9. you will __________________

10. we will __________________

Write a sentence with the contraction “weren’t”.


Write a sentence with the contraction “didn’t”.

Write a sentence with the contraction “we’re”.


Colons – Hour and Minute

A colon is a punctuation mark. It is used when you write the time. The colon is used between
the hour and the minute.
Examples: I wake up at 3:30 a.m.
My English class is at 10:45 a.m.

A period is used after a.m. to show a morning time and after p.m. to show an evening time.

Exercise 13
Rewrite the sentences. Put the colon and periods in to show the time.

1. School starts at 5 00 a m


2. There is a morning snack at 6 25 a m


3. Philosophy begins at 6 30 a m


4. We have breakfast at 8 45 a m


5. Math class begins at 9 45 a m


6. English is at 10 45 a m


7. We eat lunch at 1 20 p m


8. A recess break follows at 2 20 p m


9. Kung Fu class is at 3 00 p m


10. Next, reading is at 4 00 p m


11. We have mantra at 5 30 p m


12. My father takes me home at 6 00 p m


Write a sentence using a morning time (a.m.).


Write a sentence using an afternoon time (p.m.).


Quotation Marks
Quotation marks are punctuation marks. They are used when someone talks. There are two
pairs of quotation marks when someone talks. The first pair face toward the beginning word of
what was said. The last pair face the last word of what was said. The punctuation marks come
after the other punctuation marks in the sentence.
Examples: “Haribol,” Dad said. “Hare Krishna,” I replied.
“Please come with me,” Mother said. “Just a minute, Ma,” I answered. Mother smiled. “We have
a surprise for you!”

Exercise 14
Read the sentences. Rewrite the sentences. Put the quotation marks in the correct spot before
and after the exact words that someone says. The quotation marks come after any other
punctuation marks.

1. The teacher said, It is time for class.


2. Can I take out my exercise book? I asked.


3. Yes, my teacher said. But remember to write neatly.


4. I answered Yes, I’ll remember.


Comma After a Greeting and Closing in a Friendly Letter

Use a comma after the greeting in a friendly letter. Use a comma after the closing in a friendly
Example: Dear Grandpa, (greeting)
Thank you for coming to visit. It was fun swimming in ganga with you!
Love, (closing)

Exercise 15
Put commas where they belong after the greetings and closings in these friendly letters.

Dear Aunt Lila

We hope that you can come to the beach with us this summer. It will be fun to see the whales and
the dolphins.

Your nephew

- - -

Dear Uncle Devala

It was so nice to see you at my birthday. Thank you for driving all of the way from kolkata. It sure
was a fun time!

Your nephew

Write a friendly letter and include a greeting and closing:







Colon After a Greeting and Comma After a Closing in a

Business Letter

Use a colon after the greeting in a business letter. Use a comma after the closing in a business
letter. Example:
Dear GBC of Sridham Mayapur: (greeting)
Thank you for coming to our school. We learned a lot about your Service as a GBC member.
Sincerely, (closing)
Gopal Dasa

Exercise 16
Put punctuation marks where they belong in these business letters.
Dear ISKCON New Delhi
Thank you for letting us visit your temple. We are excited to visit the different historical places in
New delhi.
A student at the Bhaktivedanta Academy
Baladev Dasa
Dear Lakmi Narashimha Cloth Company Co

We really enjoyed visiting your establishment. Our class learnt so much on how cloth is made, it was
so interesting.

The Primary Class at The Bhaktivedanta Academy
Dear CPD Store

Thank you for letting me tour your store as part of a project at school. I learned more about the
different types of jobs you have at a grocery store. I go to your store all the time with my mother.

Your customer
Sri Mayapur Chandra Dasa

Write a business letter and include a greeting and closing.







Comma to Set Off Speaking to Someone

You use a comma to set off the person being spoken to from what is being said. If the person
you are speaking to comes first in the sentence, then put a comma after the name.
Example: Jaganath, the drama was funny.
If the person you are speaking to comes last in the sentence, then put a comma before the
name. Example: The Drama was funny, Jaganath.
If the person you are speaking to comes in the middle of the sentence, put a comma before and
after the person’s name.
Example: The drama, jaganath, was funny.

Exercise 17
Rewrite the sentences. Add commas before or after the person being spoken to.
1. Priti Mahasai what would you like to cook on Saturday?


2. I would like to cook to the Dalna Nitai Gaura.


3. So mahasai what time would you like to start cooking?


4. I think 10:00 niati gaura would be a okay.


5. Okay mahasai I’ll get everything ready for you.


6. That will be great Nitai Gaura!


Write 3 sentences. Use a person’s name first, the name in the middle, and the name at the end of
the sentence when speaking to them. Remember to add commas.

1. (person’s name first)


2. (person’s name in the middle)


3. (person’s name at the end)


Quotation Marks – Titles of Stories, Songs, and Poems

You use quotation marks around the titles of stories, songs, and poems.
Examples: “The killing of Denukasura” - story
“Guru Vandanam”- song
“He’s a Kind and Gentle Soul” – poem

Exercise 18
Rewrite each sentence. Use quotation marks around the story, song, and poem titles.

1. My teacher read us the story called The Syamantaka Jewel.


2. For Mangal Arti we sing Guruvastakam.


3. My favorite poem is called He’s a Kind and Gentle Soul.


Use complete sentences to answer the questions. Use quotation marks around each title.

1. What is one of your favorite stories or poems?


2. Name a song(bhajan) you like to listen to.


Now it is time to review what you have learned. Read each question. Circle the right answer.

a. Our family went to Jaganath Puri Temple.
b. Our family went to Jaganath Puri Temple,
c. Our family went to Jaganath Puri Temple?

a. Did you jump on the trampoline!
b. Did you jump on the trampoline?
c. Did you jump on the trampoline.

a. Yum! I loved the puris.
b. Yum? I loved the puris.
c. Yum. I loved the puris.

a. The children ran hopped and jumped.
b. The children ran, hopped and jumped.
c. The children ran, hopped, and jumped.

a. The first months of school are September, October and November.
b. The first months of school are September October, and November.
c. The first months of school are September, October, and November.

a. The date is June 13 2012.
b. The date is June 13, 2012.
c. The date is, June 13, 2012.

a. We will move in September 2012.
b. We will move in September, 2012.
c. We will move in, September, 2012.

a. The train went to Howrah Kolkata.
b. The train went to Howrah, Kolkata.
c. The train went to, Howrah, Kolkata.

a. The clowns hair was purple.
b. The clowns’ hair’s was purple.
c. The clown’s hair was purple.
a. The farmers’ cows were sent out to pasture.
b. The farmers’ cows’ were sent out to pasture.
c. The farmers cows were sent out to pasture.

a. The kirtan starts at 800 pm.
b. The kirtan starts at 8:00 p.m.
c. The kirtan starts at 800 p.m.

a. “Hare Krishna,” the devotee said over the loudspeaker.
b. “Hare Krishna, the devotee said over the loudspeaker.
c. Hare Krishna, “the devotee said over the loudspeaker.”

a. The children shouted, “Hare Krishna Mahasai!
b. The children shouted, “Hare Krishna Mahasai!”
c. The children shouted, Hare Krishna Mahasai!”

a. Dauji what time is it?
b. Dauji, what time is it?
c. Dauji, what, time, is it?

a. I will get the door for you, Mahasai.
b. I will get the door for you Mahasai.
c. I will get the door for you Mahasai.

a. The friendly letter began: Dear Gopal:
b. The friendly letter began: Dear, Gopal
c. The friendly letter began: Dear Gopal,

a. The friendly letter ended: Your friend,
b. The friendly letter ended: Your friend
c. The friendly letter ended: Your, friend

a. Akbar and Birbal is a fun story to read.
b. “Akbar and Birbal is a fun story to read.”
c. “Akbar and Birbal” is a fun story to read.

a. The business letter began: Dear ISKCON Tirupati –
b. The business letter began: Dear ISKCON Tirupati:
c. The business letter began: Dear ISKCON Tirupati,

Put the correct ending punctuation marks. Use a period, question mark, or exclamation mark.

1. Did you want to ride the unicycle

2. My birthday is the following Tuesday

3. Wow that sure was fun to go swimming

4. I went to the kirtan

5. Hooray, I passed my spelling test

6. Can you come to the temple with me

Put the commas in the sentences. You use a comma in a series. You use a comma to separate the
day and year, season and year, and month and year. You use a comma between the city and state.

1. Today’s date is January 25th 2015.

2. The first basketball game is planned for spring 2015.

3. The new temple opens August 2023.

4. My aunt worked in Vrindavan India.

5. Our father lived in Jaganath Puri Orissa.

Put the apostrophes in the sentences. You use an apostrophe to show ownership. You use an
apostrophe to take the place of letters in a contraction.

1. It is Amalas backpack.

2. The boys bikes were different colors.

3. We wont be able to go outside and play.

4. They hadnt seen the horse.

5. I am sure that my fathers meeting will be over soon.

6. The book wasnt in my locker.

7. The boys gamcha was washed after the game.

8. The moons light was really faint.

9. He isnt in my kung fu class.

Put a colon between the hour and minute.

1. The bus arrives at 5 15 p.m.

2. It departs at 5 30 p.m.

3. We took a taxi at 6 00 p.m.

4. We wanted to see the drama that started at 7 00 p.m.

5. I knew he would be tired and sleep until about 5 00 a.m.

Put the quotation marks in the sentences. Use quotations around what a person says.

1. Haribol, my friend shouted from across the street.

2. I yelled back, How are you?

3. It sure is a nice day, my friend said. I am glad you came to see me.

4. Yes, it is a nice day, I replied.

Put a comma after the greeting and closing in a friendly letter. Put a colon after the greeting and a
comma after the closing in a business letter.
Dear Baladev Prabhu of The Bhaktivedanata academy

I really liked the tour you gave my class.

Jayanta Dasa

Haribol Grandma

I hope you are staying warm this winter.

Hare Krishna Pundarik

You are invited to my birthday. It is this Friday at 5:00 p.m. We are going out to swim and then go to
a have prasadam. I hope you can come.

Your friend

Put commas before and after the name of whom you are speaking to.

1. Madhava mahasai could Anju come play after class?

2. Can you bake some cookies Mom?

3. The bicycle is new tamal and it didn’t cost too much.

4. Jayanta how is your brother feeling?

Put quotation marks around titles of stories, songs, and poems.

1. I just finished reading Srila Prabhupad Lilamrita.

2. We learned the song Ohe Vaishnava Thakura.

3. The poem Jaganath Astakam.

4. The Killing of Agasura is my little brother’s favorite story.

5. When we go on a bus, my little brother sings The Wheels on the Bus.

Lesson 4

What is an abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a short word of another word.
Some abbreviations end with a period.
Examples: Word Abbreviation
page 20 p. 20
chapter 5 ch. 5

Some abbreviations don’t’ use a period.

Examples: Word Abbreviation
Temple of the Vedic Planetarium TOVP
International Society for Krishna Conciousness ISKCON

Exercise 1
Match the phrases with their abbreviations.
1. Bhaktivedanta Academy a. rm. 13
2. Parent Teacher Association b. Dr.
3. emergency room c. BA
4. room 13 d. USA
5. a doctor or dentist e. PTA
6. United States of America f. P.S.
7. for Example g. FRO
8. Foreign Registration Office h. e.g.
9. Post Script i. ER
10. Commanding Officer j. Co.

Days of the Week

Abbreviations can be used for the days of the week. There is a period at the end of the
Examples: Day Abbreviation
Sunday Sun.
Monday Mon.
Tuesday Tues.
Wednesday Wed.
Thursday Thurs.
Friday Fri.
Saturday Sat.

Exercise 2
Write a sentence for these days of the week (using the abbreviation) and something someone in
your family or friend does on that day.

1. (Sunday)



2. (Monday)



3. (Friday)



4. (Saturday)



Months of the Year

Abbreviations can be used for the months of the year. There is a period at the end of the
abbreviation. May, June, and July do not have an abbreviation.
Examples: Month Abbreviation
January Jan.
February Feb.
March Mar.
April Apr.
May May
June June
July July
August Aug.
September Sept.
October Oct.
November Nov.
December Dec.

Exercise 3

Write a sentence for each month of the year (using the abbreviation) about a holiday that happens
during that month.
1. (January)



2. (February)



3. (March)



4. (April)



5. (May)



6. (June)



7. (July)



8. (August)



9. (September)



10. (October)



11. (November)



12. (December)



Streets and Highways

Names of streets and highways use abbreviations. The abbreviations are shortened words and
end with a period.
Examples: Road (Rd.) Place (Pl.) Terrace (Ter.)
Avenue (Ave.) Boulevard (Blvd.) Highway (Hwy.)
Street (St.) Parkway (Pkwy.) Lane (Ln.)

Exercise 4
Match the word with the correct abbreviation.

1. Parkway a. Pl.
2. Road b. Blvd.
3. Place c. Hwy.
4. Boulevard d. Ter.
5. Avenue e. Ln.
6. Terrace f. Rd.
7. Lane g. Pkwy.
8. Street h. Ave.
9. Drive i. St.
10. Highway j. Dr.

Write your complete address using an abbreviation. Underline the abbreviation.



The names for measurement words have abbreviations. The U.S. standard measurement
abbreviations end in a period. The metric system abbreviations do not use a period.
Examples: Metric System Measurement U.S. Standard Measurement
Centimeter- cm inch- in.
Meter- m foot- ft.
Kilometer- km yard- yd.
Gram- g mile- m. or mi.
Kilogram- kg ounce- oz.
Liter- l pound- lb.
Pint- pt.
Quart- qt.
Gallon- gal.

Exercise 5
Matching. Match the word with the correct abbreviation.
Metric System Measurement
1. liter a. kg
2. centimeter b. m
3. kilogram c. km
4. kilometer d. l
5. gram e. g
6. meter f. cm
Write 2 sentences, each one using a different abbreviation. Underline the abbreviations.

e.g: I eat 250g of rice every day





Matching. Match the word with the correct abbreviation.

U.S. Standard Measurement
1. mile a. gal.
2. inch b. ft.
3. ounce c. m. or mi.
4. pint d. qt.
5. yard e. yd.
6. gallon f. in.
7. pound g. oz.
8. quart h. pt.
9. foot i. lb.

States, Provinces, and Territories

Each state in the India has an abbreviation. The abbreviations for the states are two letters. They
do not use a period. Look at the list below and answer the questions with an abbreviation.

India States and Abbreviations

Andhra Pradesh- AP Manipur- MN
Arunachal Pradesh- AR Meghalaya- ML
Assam- AS Mizoram- MZ
Bihar- BR Nagaland- NL
Chhattisgarh- CG Orissa- OR
Goa- GA Punjab- PB
Gujarat- GJ Rajasthan- RJ
Haryana- HR Sikkim- SK
Himachal Pradesh- HP Tamil Nadu- TN
Jammu and Kashmir- JK Tripura- TR
Jharkhand- JH Uttarakhand- UK
Karnataka- KA Uttar Pradesh- UP
Kerala- KL West Bengal- WB
Madhya Pradesh- MP Tamil Nadu- TN
Maharashtra- MH Tripura- TR

Andaman and Nicobar Islands- AN Delhi- DL
Chandigarh- CH Lakshadweep- LD
Dadra and Nagar Haveli- DH Pondicherry- PY
Daman and Diu- DD

Exercise 6
Answer in complete sentences. Use abbreviations in each sentence.

1. What state, province, or territory do you live in? _________________________________

2. What states, provinces, or territories have you visited?



Words Measuring Time

Many words that measure time have abbreviations. These are written with periods.
Examples: Unit of Time Abbreviation
second sec.
minute min.
hour hr.
before noon a.m.
after noon p.m.
week wk.
year yr.

Exercise 7
Write a sentence using the following abbreviations:

e.g. I take 25mins to wash my clothes

1. (sec.)



2. (min.)



3. (hr.)



4. (wk.)



5. (yr.)



6. (a.m. and p.m.)



An abbreviation is using a shorter word for a longer word. Abbreviations are used for many

words: • titles in front of names, days of the week, and months of the year
• names of streets and highways
• the metric system
• words to measure time
• names of states, provinces, and territories.
A period is usually used at the end of the abbreviation. However, a period is not used at the end
of abbreviations for the metric system, for the states, and for the names of provinces or

Read the story and find the 10 abbreviations. Write the abbreviations after the numbers. Then
write the longer word that the abbreviation stands for. Put a period after the abbreviations that
need one.
What I do every morning
I live in Sri Mayapur Dham, WB, India. My school is just about 2km away from the TOVP.
Every day, Mon-Sat, I wake up at 3:30am, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth take bath and get
dressed it takes me roughly 25mins. Then I chant my round for 1hr and prepare for my puja. My puja
takes around 45mins after which we have Dharshan, Gurupuja and then assembly. After assembly
we eat a quick snack, 100g of puffed rice and dried fruit, then my classes and day starts.

Write the abbreviations you found.

Abbreviation Stands for

1.____________ _____________________________

2.____________ _____________________________

3.____________ _____________________________

4.____________ _____________________________

5.____________ _____________________________

6.____________ _____________________________

7.____________ _____________________________

8.____________ _____________________________

9.____________ _____________________________

10____________ _____________________________

Now it is your turn to write a story. Use 5 different abbreviations in your story. Circle the
abbreviations. Don’t forget to use a period if the abbreviation needs one.
Add a title to your story at the top center. Your story should have at least 5 sentences.












Matching. Match the word with the correct abbreviation.

1. Parkway a. Pl.
2. Road b. Blvd.
3. Place c. Hwy.
4. Boulevard d. Ter.
5. Avenue e. Ln.
6. Terrace f. Rd.
7. Lane g. Pkwy.
8. Street h. Ave.
9. Drive i. St.
10. Highway j. Dr.
11. liter k. kg
12. centimeter l. m
13. kilogram m. km
14. kilometer n. l
15. gram o. g
16. meter p. cm

Write the abbreviations for the following words:

1. Sunday ________________

2. January________________

3. Tuesday________________

4. Friday ________________

5. October ________________

6. November________________

7. February________________

8. August________________

9. Monday________________

10. Wednesday ________________

11. March ________________

12. April ________________

13. September ________________

14. Thursday ________________

Lesson 5

Parts of Speech
Nouns are names of persons, places, or things.
Persons: girl, boy, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, and grandfather
Places: school, park, store, zoo, farm, beach, and mountain
Things: toy, bike, tree, flower, fish, river, sun, cloud, milk, pizza, and computer

Exercise 1
Underline the noun in each sentence. Then write if it is a person(s), place(s), or thing(s).
1. The dentist was kind. _____person_______
2. the boy likes swimming. __________________
3. The lake is really clean. __________________
4. The birds chirped and chirped. __________________
5. The sky was dark and cloudy. __________________
6. The teacher wanted me to do my best. __________________
7. The food was my favorite! __________________
8. The book was interesting. __________________
9. The children enjoyed it. __________________
10. The temple was brand new. __________________

People are nouns. List 5 types of workers in your community.

1. __policemen_______
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________

Places are nouns. List 5 names of places that you have visited.
1. ___forest__________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________

Things are nouns. List 5 names of things that are in your kitchen.
1. ____silverware_____
2. __________________

3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________

Singular and Plural Nouns

Nouns are names of persons, places, or things. Nouns can be singular. Singular means one.
Examples: planet, toy, and park.
Nouns can be plural. Plural means more than one.
Examples: planets, toys, and parks.

Exercise 2
Write 5 nouns under singular persons, places, and things. Write 5 nouns under plural persons,
places, and things. Use these words:

table bus grass farm town man

boys women aunts ladies shirts beds
girl pillows lady man cities box
coins museums stores towns zoo men
library closet school bottle parks locks
woman pianos pins girls driver house

Singular Persons Singular Places Singular Things

Plural Persons Plural Places Plural Things

Plural Nouns –
Add “es” to Singular Nouns that end in ch, sh, ss, s, x, or z
We learned that nouns that name more than one end with the letter “s”. These are called plural
nouns. But sometimes nouns end with “es” to make a plural noun. If the singular noun ends
with the letters “ch”, “sh”, “ss”, “s”, “x”, or “z”, then you need to add “es” to make it plural.
church -> churches
dish -> dishes
bus -> buses
pass -> passes
fox -> foxes
waltz -> waltzes

Exercise 3
Find 8 nouns that add an “es” to make them plural. Write these plural nouns. Words to choose
from: dress, tie, beach, ship, moon, klutz, crash, box, brush, mirror, rock, driveway, candle, store,
class, breakfast, lunch, slide, and watch.

1. __________________ 5. __________________

2. __________________ 6. __________________

3. __________________ 7. __________________

4. __________________ 8. __________________

Now think of 3 more words that end in any of the letters (ch, sh, ss, s, x, or z) that when the word
is plural, you add “es”. Write the plural forms of each of the words.

1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________

Plural Nouns – Change “y” to “i” and add “es"
Some nouns end in a consonant letter and “y”. You usually change the “y” to “i” and add “es” to
make these nouns plural.
Examples: country -> countries
library -> libraries

Some nouns end in a vowel letter and “y”. You usually don’t change the “y” to “i” and add “es”.
You add an “s” to make these nouns plural.
Examples: donkey -> donkeys
monkey -> monkeys

Exercise 4
Change the “y” to “i” and add “es” to make these nouns plural. Notice that these words end with a
consonant and a “y”.

1. balcony __________________ 8. bakery __________________

2. body __________________ 9. berry __________________

3. sky __________________ 10. puppy __________________

4. family __________________ 11. factory __________________

5. cherry __________________ 12. copy __________________

6. candy __________________ 13. memory __________________

7. party __________________ 14. bully __________________

Plural nouns- Irregular

We learned that nouns that name more than one end with the letters “s” or “es”. These are
called plural nouns. But sometimes there is a different way to write the plural nouns. We call
these irregular plurals.
Examples: one mouse, two mice one die, two dice one half, two halves
one loaf, two loaves one ox, two oxen one thief, two thieves
one wife, two wives one wolf, two wolves one tooth, two teeth
one foot, two feet one person, two people one child, two children
one woman, two women one man, two men

Exercise 5
Write the plural noun after each singular noun. These plural nouns don’t end with “s” or “es”.

1. mouse __________________ 8. wolf __________________

2. die __________________ 9. person __________________

3. tooth __________________ 10. ox __________________

4. wife __________________ 11. loaf __________________

5. half __________________ 12. child __________________

6. foot __________________ 13. woman __________________

7. thief __________________ 14. man __________________

Write a sentence using two of the plural nouns that do not end with “s” or “es”. Underline the
irregular plural nouns.



Singular Nouns That Don’t Change Plural Forms

Some singular nouns are also used for their plural forms. That means they do not change.
Examples: one fish, two fish one buffalo, two buffalo
one moose, two moose one sheep, two sheep
one deer, two deer one shrimp, two shrimp
one elk, two elk

Exercise 6
For each word in bold, write if it is used as a singular or plural noun in the sentence.

1. The children saw a moose on their fieldtrip to the zoo. ____________________

2. The farmer let all of the sheep graze on the field. ____________________

3. The shrimp was living in the coral reef. ____________________

4. The majestic elk lowered his head as if to bow. ____________________

5. I saw two fish in the pond. ____________________

Write sentences using the singular and plural form of the words.

1. (use buffalo as singular)


2. (use deer as plural)


3. (use sheep as singular)


4. (use fish as plural)


Proper Nouns
A proper noun (underlined) names a specific person, place, or thing. It begins with a capital
letter. A common noun (bolded) names any person, place, or thing. It does not begin with a
capital letter. Examples:
 Keshava is our neighbor.
 Vishnu Prabhu is the owner of the shop.
 Jaganath is my friend.
 Asia is a continent

Exercise 7
Underline the proper nouns. Circle the common nouns.

1. The library is named Bhaktivedanta Library.

2. The road goes by the Ganga.

3. Highway 102 goes through the mountains.

4. The Kolkata City Zoo is closed on the weekend.

5. My brother Sahadev, has a horse named Hayagriva.

6. The trip was to the Sundarbans this summer.

7. I have always wanted to climb up the steps to Tirumala.

8. New Delhi is the capital of the India.

Action Verbs

Verbs are action words that tell what someone or something is doing. In the examples, the
words hid, finished, and swim are action verbs.
 The cat hid behind the tree.
 The student finished the project.
 The boys swim in the stream.

Exercise 8
Think of an action verb that would fit in the blank.

1. We love to _______________ Prasadam.

2. I can _______________ faster than you.

3. Gopal loves to _______________.

4. Sundar needs to _______________ more water.

5. Can you _______________ the floor now.

6. Please _______________ down on the chair.

7. I ______________ the potatoes for into wedges.

8. Keshava likes to _______________ every morning.

Linking Verbs
Linking verbs are verbs that link the subject to the rest of the sentence. Some common linking
verbs include: is, are, was, were, appear, become, feel, look, seem, smell, and sound.

Exercise 9
Find the linking verb in each sentence. Circle it.

1. My locker looks really clean!

2. The science experiment is interesting.

3. There was a loud noise from forest.

4. He seems really happy with the gift.

5. The chess class sounds fun.

6. We are on vacation in July.

7. The puppies were are different colors.

8. The apple tree appears larger this winter.

9. The tadpole becomes a frog.

10. My father feels sick.

Write a sentence using a linking verb. Circle the verb.



Past Tense Verbs

Verbs are words that tell what someone or something is doing. Every sentence needs a verb.
Sometimes the action is in the past. Many times the verbs end with the letters ed to show the
action has already happened. These verbs often use the helping verbs has, had, and have.
 The boy has cleaned the garden.
 He had finished his work.
 We have cooked lunch.

Exercise 10
Read the sentences. Underline the action that is in the past. Include the helping verb. Write the
verbs on the blank line.

1. Madhava has picked the strawberries. ______________________________

2. The dog had growled at the kittens. ______________________________

3. The skateboarder had jumped off the ramp. ______________________________

4. The children have cooked lunch for us. ______________________________

5. They have worked for a long time. ______________________________

“Waited” is an action verb. The action is in the past. Write three sentences with the verb waited.
Use one of the helping verbs “has”, “had”, or “have” in each sentence. Underline the verbs.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________________


Many times the action verb is formed by adding “ed” to the verb. If the verb ends with a vowel
between two consonants, double the final consonant before adding “ed”.
Examples: stop, stopped
plan, planned

When a verb ends in silent “e”, you drop the letter e before adding “ed”.
Examples: type, typed
skate, skated

When a verb ends in a consonant followed by a “y”, change the “y” to “I” and add “ed”.
Examples: carry, carried
hurry, hurried

Exercise 11
Matching. Match the verbs.
Present Tense Verbs Past Tense Verbs
fry pushed
ship knitted
hope married
stay fried
joke hopped
push sighed
pull shipped
knit stayed
sigh carried
carry hoped
hop pulled
marry joked
Past Tense Verbs - Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not form the past tense by adding ed. They form the past tense in a different
way. These are called irregular verbs.
Examples: ride, rode wake, woke is, was
buy, bought has, had go, went
eat, ate bring, brought begin, began
make, made shake, shook hold, held
sing, sang spring, sprang break, broke
sit, sat fall, fell stick, stuck
tell, told bite, bit begin, began
build, built write, wrote come, came
choose, chose say, said think, thought
feed, fed break, broke teach, taught
swim, swam catch, caught

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense verb.
1. (ride) The man ___________ the motorcycle home.
2. (swim) The salmon ____________ upstream.
3. (shake) The earthquake ____________ the houses on the street.
4. (bring) Dad ____________ me to Ganga.
5. (eat) My brother _____________ lunch really late.
6. (break) Sahadev _____________ his new pen.
7. (feed) The farmer ______________ the cows in the morning.
8. (make) Mother _______________ pancakes for breakfast.
9. (sing) The devotee ______________ for the Lord.
10. (tell) The storyteller ______________ a wonderful story.

Write a sentence with each irregular past tense verb. Underline the verb.

1. (held)___________________________________________________________________________


2. (stuck) __________________________________________________________________________


3. (chose) __________________________________________________________________________

4. (sat) __________________________________________________________________________


5. (told) _________________________________________________________________________


Present Tense Verbs

Verbs tell what someone or something is doing. Every sentence needs a verb. Sometimes the
action is in the present. That means the action is happening now. Often the verbs end with the
letter “s”. Examples:
 He walks to the temple every morning.
 Mohan picks flowers on the hillside.
 The principal announces the daily activities.

Exercise 13
Read the sentences. Underline the action that is in the present. Write the verb on the line.

1. The supplier delivers the groceries. ____________________

2. The camera snaps a picture. ____________________
3. The trench fills with water. ____________________
4. The little boy blows out his birthday candles. ____________________
5. My neighbor drives a scooter to the temple. ____________________

Write three sentences using the present tense verbs lifts, dives, and imagines. Underline the
present tense verbs.

1. (lifts) __________________________________________________________________________


2. (dives) __________________________________________________________________________

3. (imagines) _______________________________________________________________________


Verbs tell what someone or something is doing. Every sentence needs a verb. Sometimes the
action is in the present that ends with the letter “s”. Sometimes the verb is written with “ing”.
These “ing” verbs need the helping verb “is” or “are”. The helping verb “is” is used for singular
nouns. The helping verb “are” is used for plural nouns.
 The frog is jumping onto the lily pad. (There is one frog. You use “is”.)
 They are jumping onto the lily pads. (There is more than one frog. You use “are”.)

Exercise 14
Read the sentences. Underline the action that is in the present. Write the verbs on the line. (Each
verb has a helping verb with the word “is” or “are”. Write that verb, too.)

1. My father is waiting for me. ___________________________

2. Gopal is raking the leaves. ___________________________

3. The lion is roaring in his cage. ___________________________

4. The telephone is ringing. ___________________________

Write three sentences using the present tense verbs carrying, jumping, and listening. Use the
helping verb “is” or “are” with the present tense verb.

1.(carrying) ________________________________________________________________________


2.(jumping) ________________________________________________________________________


3.(listening) ________________________________________________________________________


Future Tense Verbs

Verbs tell what someone or something is doing. Every sentence needs a verb. Sometimes the
action happens in the future. These verbs need a helping verb “will” or “shall”.
 The boys will swim in Ganga.
 My friend shall build a new fort.

Exercise 15
Read the sentences. Underline the action that is in the future. Write the verbs on the line. (Each
verb has a helping verb with the words “will” or “shall”. Write that verb, too.)

1. My friend will ride his bike to school. ___________________________

2. Sundar shall sleep after dinner. ___________________________

3. Dad will run in the race. ___________________________

4. Darshan shall start at 5:55 a.m. ___________________________

5. The sun will shine brightly. ___________________________

6. The abhishek will start at 10:00 a.m. ___________________________

7. Bhagavatam class shall begin in 30mins. ___________________________

8. I will run to the Goshala. ___________________________

Write a sentence using three of the future tense verbs return, perform, and bounce. Use the
helping verb “will” or “shall” with the future tense verb.

1. (return) ________________________________________________________________________


2. (perform) ________________________________________________________________________


3. (bounce) ________________________________________________________________________


Verb Agreement

The verb you use in a sentence must match the subject. If there is a singular subject, then you
would add “s” or “es” to the verb.
 The devotee cooks for the lord. (There is one devotee.)
 The car crosses the street. (There is one car.)

If there is a plural subject, then you would not add “s” or “es” to the verb.
 The devotees cook for the lord. (There is more than one devotee.)
 The cars cross the street. (There is more than one car.)

When the subject is the pronoun “I” or “you”, then you would not add “s” or “es” to the verb.
 You look for a book to read.
 I cross a busy street on the way to the restaurant.

Exercise 16
Complete the sentences using the correct verb agreement.

1. I (want) ______________ to learn how to ride a unicycle.

2. You (balance) _____________ on one wheel.

3. The instructor (teach) _____________ people how to ride.

4. Unicycles (is) _______________ really challenging to ride.

5. Soon I (hope) _______________ to be on the elephant.

6. I (run) _____________ twice a week.

7. The students (play) _____________ in the front field.

Write a sentence using the correct subject and verb agreement. Use the given words and
underline them in each sentence.

1. (I, run) ________________________________________________________________________


2. (Amala, runs) _____________________________________________________________________

3. (You, clean) ______________________________________________________________________


4. (Jaganath, cleans) _________________________________________________________________


Changing Verbs
Some verbs change in irregular ways from the present to the past tense.
Present Tense: I am the youngest in my family. Teddy is my brother. We are best friends.

Past Tense: I was the youngest in my family until my parents had my brother, Jagi.
The three of us were friends!

Exercise 17
Use the correct verb (am, is, are, was, were) in the sentences.

1. Last summer harvest ________ really good.

2. We ________ all excited about going to swim in Ganga.

3. The Ganga ________ is so fresh all year around.

4. I ________ very excited to see how the bulls plough the field.

5. You ________ going swim all the way across?

6. My brother ________ planning to eat 20 mangoes this season.

Write sentences using the given verbs. Underline the verbs.

1. (am) ____________________________________________________________________________


2. (is) _____________________________________________________________________________


3. (are) ___________________________________________________________________________


4. (was) ___________________________________________________________________________


5. (were) __________________________________________________________________________


Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns.
Sentence with noun Sentence with pronoun
The girl made garlands. -She made garlands. Pronoun “she” takes the place of “the girl”.
The boy did the offering. -He did the offering. Pronoun “he” takes the place of “the boy”.
The ball bounced on the floor. -It bounced on the floor. Pronoun “it” takes the place of “the

Exercise 18
Use a pronoun in the sentence. Words to use: she, he, and it. Use a capital letter.

1. My brother was cooking. _____ made the kheer.

2. Mom is doing puja. _____ will be done in 30mins.

3. My dad teaches mridanga. _____ is the teacher of my brothers school.

4. My aunt lives in Vrindavan. _____wants us to visit her this summer.

5. My uncle likes to carve wood. _____will take me to his work shop this Friday.

6. Our boat ride was really fun! _____was fun for the whole family.

7. Soon spring will be here. _____ is my favorite season of the year!

Write three sentences using each of the pronouns: she, he, or it.

1. (she) ___________________________________________________________________________

2. (he) ___________________________________________________________________________


3. (it) ___________________________________________________________________________


Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns.
Sentence with noun(s) Sentence with pronoun
Jagi and Sundar are brothers. -They are brothers. Pronoun “they” takes the place of
“Jagi and Sundar”.

Me and my friends went to swim. -We went to swim. Pronoun “we” takes the place of “me,
my friends”.

Exercise 19
Use a pronoun in the sentence. Words to use: we and they. Use a capital letter.

1. My friend and I like run. ____ race every Saturday.

2. Their group and our group are going for mahacleaning. ____ are cleaning the kitchen.

3. My grandparents came to our house. ____ enjoy hearing their stories.

4. The cows were tired. ____ were grazing all day.

5. Mom and I cleaned the house. ____ even cleaned the ceiling.

6. My brothers are learning bengali. ____ are learning Sanskrit, too.

7. My family has a house on The banks of the Ganga. ____ are going there tomorrow.

8. Tulsi Das and Danavir are in class now. ____ will be free in 45mins.

Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns.
My brother and I were playing outside. Mother said, “You need to come inside!”
 The pronoun “you” takes the place of “my brother and I”.
Madhava called his best friend. Madhava said, “I want you to come over.”
 The pronoun “you” takes the place of “his best friend”.

The pronoun “you” can take the place of one person or more than one person.

Exercise 20
Read these sentences. Does the word “you” take the place of one person or more than one
person? Circle the right answer.

1. Mahasai said, “Boys, you need to finish your math test.” one person more than one

2. Mahasai asked, “Balaram, do you have any questions?” one person more than one

3. Our coach told the team, “You have tried really hard today.” one person more than one

4. Our teacher told Sahadev, “You sure tried hard today.” one person more than one

Write a sentence with the pronoun “you” meaning one person.



Write a sentence with the pronoun “you” meaning more than one person.



Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns.
Use the pronoun “I” when you are doing the action.
 I threw the ball to my friend.
 I gave 5 rasagulas to gopal

Use the pronoun “me” when someone does the action.

 My friend threw the ball to me.
 Gopal gave 5 rasagulas to me

Exercise 21
Use the pronoun I or me in the sentences. The pronoun I is always written with a capital letter.

1. _____ went to the Vivek Shop with Mom. She gave the grocery bag to _____.

2. Mohan and ___ rode our bike. He drove way behind _____.

3. My brother and ___ went to the park. He helped ___ learn how to climb trees.

4. ___ am taking kartal lessons. My teacher gave me new kartals.

Write a sentence with the pronoun “I”. Tell about something you want to do this weekend.


Write a sentence with the pronoun “me”. Tell about something someone gave you.


Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns.
The family lived in a large city. They moved to the country.
 The pronoun “they” takes the place of “the family”.

I saw the children baking cookies. I saw them baking cookies.

 The pronoun “them” takes the place of “the children”.

Exercise 22
Use the pronoun “they” or “them” in the sentences. Capitalize the first word of the sentence.

1. ____ are in mridanga class at my school.

2. Their teacher helped ____ find a book to read.
3. ____ sat down to eat lunch in the hut.
4. The boys took apples with ____ to eat.
5. You won’t believe what happened to _____!

Write a sentence with the pronoun “they”.



Write a sentence with the pronoun “them”.


The pronouns “he” and “she” are subject pronouns. They take the place of the noun that is the
subject of the sentence. The pronouns “him” and “her” are object pronouns. The object
pronoun follows the verb. It also follows words about, at, for, of, to, and with.

Exercise 23
Use the pronouns he, she, him, and her in the sentences. Capitalize the first word of the sentence.

1. My mother has ____ birthday on Sunday. We are planning a surprise party.

2. My brother has his own mridanga. ____ practices every day.

3. My friend Prahlad has a new bicycle. ____ rides it to school.

4. Jayanta has a compound bow. The compound bow must belong to ____.

Write a sentence with the pronoun “he”.



Write a sentence with the pronoun “she”.



Write a sentence with the pronoun “him”.



Write a sentence with the pronoun “her”.



Possessive Pronouns

Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns. Some pronouns show that
something belongs to them. These are called possessive pronouns. Singular pronouns take the
place of singular nouns: my, your, his, her, its

Plural pronouns take the place of plural nouns: our, their

Exercise 24
Use the correct possessive pronoun in each sentence. Capitalize the first word of the sentence.

1. Our family has a horse. ____ name is Surariha.

2. I borrowed my grandmother’s Krishna Book. I gave it back to ____ yesterday

3. Today it was ____ turn to wipe the veranda. I did it yesterday.

4. Tomorrow is mahacleaning, ____ group is going to clean the pumps. _____ going to have fun.

5. My brother and I are going to the temple. We are going to take _____ bikes.

6. Do they have a service? What was _____ responsibility?

Write a sentence using two of the possessive pronouns: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.
Underline the possessive pronouns.



Some words take the place of nouns. These are called pronouns. Some pronouns show that
something belongs to them. These are called possessive pronouns. Singular pronouns take the
place of singular nouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its

Plural pronouns take the place of plural nouns: ours, theirs

Exercise 25
Use the correct possessive pronoun in each sentence.

1. I have my own bedroom. The room is ______________.

2. My mother has her own book. The book is ______________.

3. My brother has his own bike. The bike is ______________.

4. My parents have their own room. The room is ______________.

5. The house belongs to our family. The house is ______________.

6. The boys have a tire swing yard. The swing is ______________.

7. You have a tree fort. The tree fort is ______________.

8. The water pot has ______ own lid.

Write a sentence using two of the possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.
Underline the possessive pronouns.



An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Adjectives describe how a noun looks, feels,
sounds, smells, or tastes. They can also tell size, how many, or how much.
Examples: old tree large forest smooth bark
many friends crackling fire several jokes
burnt leaves first gullab yummy apples

Exercise 26
Write the adjective that describes the noun. Write it after the sentence.

1. The boy wore a long-sleeve kurta. ________________

2. The dark clouds covered the moonlight. ________________

3. The fire was next to the mango tree. ________________

4. The children liked gathering the small twigs. ________________

5. They dragged large branches. ________________

6. Mahasai helped start the warm campfire. ________________

7. We listened to the faint sounds coming from the night. ________________

8. Some little jackals came by looking at us. ________________

9. Maybe it could smell the roasting potatoes. ________________

10. Or it wanted to stay warm next to this crackling fire! ________________

Now it’s your turn. Think of two adjectives that describe these nouns.
Adjectives nouns

1. _______________________________________ seashell

2. _______________________________________ river

3. _______________________________________ day

4. _______________________________________ lion

5. _______________________________________ earthworm

6. _______________________________________ sandals

7. _______________________________________ wig

8. _______________________________________ baseball

9. _______________________________________ Book

10. ______________________________________ Sun

Adjectives can come before a noun or after a noun in a sentence. They describe how a noun
looks, feels, sounds, smells, or tastes. They can also tell size, how many, or how much.

Exercise 27
Find the adjective in each sentence. Underline the adjective and the noun it describes. Write the
adjective in the column “Before noun” or “After noun” as it is written in the sentence.
Sentence Before Noun After Noun
1. My grandpa has a gray beard. ___gray_______ ______________

2. The deities wear colorful dresses. ______________ ______________

3. The bread was fresh. ______________ ______________

4. My karams are tall. ______________ ______________

5. The milkshake is sweet. ______________ ______________

6. Jaganath kicked the big ball. ______________ ______________

7. The fluffy clouds filled the sky. ______________ ______________

8. The elephant had floppy ears. ______________ ______________

9. His pen was tiny! ______________ ______________

10. It was the first race of the season. ______________ ______________

Write two sentences with an adjective “before the noun”. Underline the adjective.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


Write two sentences with an adjective “after the noun”. Underline the adjective.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


Write 1 sentences to describe your favorite toy. Underline the adjectives. Try to use 3 or more

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


Write 1-2 sentences to describe yourself. Underline the adjectives. Try to use 3 or more adjectives.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


Adjectives – More than one

There can be more than one adjective that describes a noun in a sentence.
 The crunchy red apple is healthy.
 The tiny striped seashell was found on the beach.

Exercise 28
Underline the two adjectives in each sentence. Put a box around the noun they describe.

1. The noisy gray geese flew in the sky.

2. The colorful dry leaves blew all over the field

3. The hot wood oven was ready to bake the bread.

4. The ocean was salty and blue.

5. Grandfather picked a large sweet mango.

6. The pizza was thin and cheesy.

7. The bull is strong and regal.

8. Maharaj told us a long funny story.

9. My brother got a new stylish bike.

Write a sentence with two adjectives that describe the same noun. Underline the adjectives. Put a
box around the noun they describe.


Adjectives – Adding “er” to compare

You add “er” to an adjective to compare two people, places, or things. You add “est” to an
adjective to compare three or more people, places, or things.
 My grandfather is older than my grandmother.
 The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the five oceans.
 The bookcase is wider than the desk.
 It is the prettiest sunset I have ever seen!

Exercise 29
Underline the adjective spelled with “er” or “est” used to compare.

1. This goldfish is smaller than that goldfish.

2. Today is the coldest day of the year.

3. the eucalyptus tree is taller than the mango tree.

4. Prahlad was the tallest boy in my group.

5. The yellow flowers smell sweeter than the purple ones.

6. The night sky is darker tonight than usual.

7. The moonlight is the brightest I have seen this month.

8. This hut is the smallest in the school.

Write a sentence that uses an adjective spelled with “er” to compare.



Write a sentence that uses an adjective spelled with “est” to compare.



Adjectives – Good, Better, Best, Bad, Worse, Worst

There are some adjectives that do not use er or est to compare 2 or 3 (or more) things. You use
the words: good, better, or best and bad, worse, or worst.
 The samosa was good.
The kachori was better than the samosa. (when you compare 2 things)
The puri sabji was the best thing on the menu. (when you compare 3 or more things)

 The hailstorm this year was bad.

Last year’s hailstorm was worse than this year’s. (when you compare 2 things)
The hailstorm five years ago was the worst. (when you compare 3 or more things)

Exercise 30
Use the adjectives good, better, or best.

1. I play basketball ________________ than I did last year.

2. My father is the ________________ cook in the family.

3. The teacher said that I did a ________________ job.

4. The weather is ________________ today than yesterday.

5. It was the ________________ present ever!

6. My handwriting is the ________________ .

7. Jayanta is a ________________ student.

Use the adjectives bad, worse, or worst.

1. Today my friend was sick with a ________________ cold.

2. The storm was the ________________ one I had ever seen.

3. My math grade was ________________ this semester than last semester.

4. It was ________________ that I didn’t help wash the pots.

5. The doctor asked me if my headache was ________________.

Write sentences and underline the adjective used in the sentence.

Use the adjective “good” in a sentence.


Use the adjective “better” in a sentence.



Use the adjective “best” in a sentence.



Use the adjective “bad” in a sentence.



Use the adjective “worse” in a sentence.



Use the adjective “worst” in a sentence.



Proper Adjectives from Proper Nouns

Adjectives that are made from proper nouns are called proper adjectives. They begin with a
capital letter just like proper nouns.
Examples: Proper Noun Proper Adjective
America American
Canada Canadian
Rome Roman
China Chinese
India Indian

Exercise 31
Look at the sentences. Underline the proper adjective.

Put a box around the proper noun it comes from.

1. Do French fries come from France?

2. Many English people from England speak with an accent.

3. Can you name some Australian animals that live in Australia?

4. China is the largest Asian country in Asia.

5. Swiss chocolate that is made in Switzerland is my favorite.

6. My family has an Irish setter from Ireland.

7. The Johnson family has Swedish relatives who live in Sweden.

8. The Scottish kilt was handmade in Scotland.

9. Do you think the Italian ice in Italy is sweet?

10. His German ancestors owned a large house in Germany.

Adjectives – A, An, and The

“A”, “an”, and “the” are adjectives that come before nouns. You use “a” before a noun that
begins with a consonant sound. You use “an” before a noun that begins with a vowel sound.
The word “the” comes before certain nouns. It is used to describe a specific “person”, “place”,
or “thing”. The words “that” and “this” are also adjectives.
 A cat crawled up the tree. (Cat begins with a consonant sound.)
 I need an umbrella in the rain. (Umbrella begins with a vowel sound.)
 The story was enjoyable to read. (The describes story.)
 That house is mine. (That describes house.)
 This pencil is yours. (This describes pencil.)

Exercise 32
Write “a”, “an”, or “the” in the blank.

1. There was ______ apple in the fruit bowl.

2. The eagle flew down towards ______ lake.

3. I was looking for ______ banana to mix in my porridge.

4. Our family took ______ trip to Vrindavan.

5. We swung on ______ tire swing.

6. It was ______ amazing time to see the Dieties!

7. He doesn’t hear ___ alarm clock ring.

8. I gave him ___ little help.

Adjectives – A, An, The, This, and That

Write a sentence using each of the adjectives: a, an, the, this, and that.
Underline the adjective that is used in each sentence.

1. (a) ___________________________________________________________________________


2. (an) ___________________________________________________________________________


3. (the) ___________________________________________________________________________


4. (this) ___________________________________________________________________________


5. (that) ___________________________________________________________________________



Adverbs are words that describe verbs. An adverb can tell when, where, or how.
 We can run really fast. (“fast” is an adverb that describes how “we can run”.)
 The prasad was inside the hut. (“Inside” is an adverb that describes where the prasad
 The puppy ran quickly after the kitten. (“Quickly” is an adverb that describes how “the
puppy ran”.)

Exercise 33
Find the adverb that describes the underlined verb. Write the adverb after the sentence.

1. He ate prasad after me. _____after______

2. It was almost bedtime. _______________

3. My friend ran really fast. _______________

4. I dressed the deities really beautifully. _______________

5. I often bake cookies. _______________

6. Mother cheerfully woke me up. _______________

7. The boy looked everywhere for its japa bag. _______________

8. Mother excitedly opened her Mother’s Day gifts. _______________

9. He could read fast! _______________

10. My friends and I were last. _______________

11. The owner gently combed the horse’s main. _______________

12. Later it rained. _______________

Adverbs are words that describe verbs. An adverb can tell when, where, or how.
Adverbs often end with the letters “ly”.

Exercise 34
Write a sentence using an adverb that ends in “ly”. Underline the adverb.

1. (nearly) _________________________________________________________________________


2. (politely) ________________________________________________________________________


3. (quietly) _________________________________________________________________________


4. (sadly) __________________________________________________________________________


5. (swiftly) _________________________________________________________________________


6. (thankfully) ______________________________________________________________________


7. (wisely) _________________________________________________________________________


8. (yearly)


Write a sentence using an adverb that does not end in “ly”. Underline the adverb.

1. (often) __________________________________________________________________________


2. (soon) __________________________________________________________________________


3. (while) __________________________________________________________________________


4. (yesterday) ______________________________________________________________________


Underline the nouns in the sentences. And write if they are persons, places, or things.

1. The dentist was kind. _____person_______

2. the boy likes swimming. __________________
3. The lake is really clean. __________________
4. The birds chirped and chirped. __________________
5. The sky was dark and cloudy. __________________
6. The teacher wanted me to do my best. __________________
7. The food was my favorite! __________________
8. The book was interesting. __________________
9. The children enjoyed it. __________________
10. The temple was brand new. __________________

Make these singular nouns plural by adding an “s” or “es”.

1. wish ________________ 8. bus ________________

6. lamp ________________ 4. stove ________________

2. thermos ________________ 9. holiday ________________

7. fox ________________ 5. church ________________

3. chicken ________________ 10. ox ________________

Make these plural nouns singular by taking away an “s” or “es”.

1. horses ________________ 8. couches ________________

6. waxes ________________ 4. roosters ________________

2. homes ________________ 9. friends ________________

7. zoos ________________ 5. messes ________________

3. watches ________________ 10. queens ________________

Change the “y” to “i” and add “es” to make these words plural.

1. sky ________________ 6. party ________________

2. lady ________________ 7. city ________________

3. fly ________________ 8. pony ________________

4. story ________________ 9. body ________________

5. baby ________________ 10. century ________________

Write the irregular plural for these words.

1. man ________________ 3. mouse ________________

5. goose ________________ 7. sheep ________________

2. tooth ________________ 4. woman ________________

6. foot ________________ 8. ox ________________

Write one proper noun for each category. Remember to capitalize the proper noun.

1. school _________________________________________________

2. store _________________________________________________

3. relative _________________________________________________

4. friend _________________________________________________

5. animal’s name _________________________________________________

6. city _________________________________________________

7. ocean _________________________________________________

8. country _________________________________________________

9. continent _________________________________________________

Put a box around the action verbs.

1. The farmer milked the cows.

2. The dancer performed at the temple.

3. The boy fell into the pukur.

4. The rooster woke me up this morning.

5. The children climbed the tree in the front field.

Put a box around the linking verbs.

1. The prasadam smells delicious!

2. My mother looks happy.

3. The violin sounds off key.

4. It seems like a warm day.

5. I feel the rain on my head.

Write if the verb is “past”, “present”, or “future” tense.

1. Mukunda jumped on the trampoline. ________________

2. My aunt and uncle are travelling on the train. ________________

3. The boys will be tired after the 5km run. ________________

4. The water is dripping from the leaves. ________________

5. The gardener planted the flowers. ________________

6. My brother shall play basketball with us. ________________

Write the correct verb to show verb agreement.

Use the verbs: is, are, was, were.

1. Last summer harvest ________ really good.

2. We ________ all excited about going to swim in Ganga.

3. The Ganga ________ is so fresh all year around.

4. I ________ very excited to see how the bulls plough the field.

5. You ________ going swim all the way across?

6. My brother ________ planning to eat 20 mangoes this season.

Match the present tense verbs to their irregular past tense verbs.
Present Tense Verbs Past Tense Verbs
come began
bring caught
write rode
make drank
say won
think fell
fall wrote
break thought
catch taught
take made
teach chose
begin came
choose said
drink rang
ride brought
ring broke
win took

Put a box around the pronouns in each sentence.

1. She will come with me to the store.

2. They gave us a surprise present!

3. It was my turn to swing with them.

4. We are going to the temple in their car.

5. The book is his, but you can read it.

6. I want to go for a bike ride with him.

7. That bicycle is mine. Where’s yours?

Fill in the blank with a pronoun. Use each pronoun once: “he”, “she”, “we”, “they”, “him”, “her”,
“us”, “them”, and “our”. Remember to capitalize the pronoun if it is the first word in a sentence.

1. My brother was cooking. _____ made the kheer.

2. Mom is doing puja. _____ will be done in 30mins.

3. My family is going to Ganga. _____ are going to swim all day.

4. My friends made fruit juices for abhishek. _____ made mango, pomegranate, and orange juice.

5. I borrowed my mothers Krishna book. I gave it back to _____ yesterday.

6. I got my brother a new bike. I gave it to _____ for his birthday.

7. Mahasai said he will take _____ to Ganga. We are so excited

8. I used my friends’ books for a school project. I have to give _____ to _____.

9. Mahasai said _____ group did a good job. We are proud.

Write a sentence with two adjectives that describe the sky. Underline the adjectives.



Write a sentence with two adjectives that describe a favorite food. Underline the adjectives.



Find the adjective in each sentence. Underline the adjective and the noun it describes. Write the
adjective in the column “Before noun” or “After noun” as it is written in the sentence.
Sentence Before Noun After Noun
1. My grandpa has a gray beard. ___gray_______ ______________

2. The deities wear colorful dresses. ______________ ______________

3. The bread was fresh. ______________ ______________

4. My karams are tall. ______________ ______________

5. The milkshake is sweet. ______________ ______________

6. Jaganath kicked the big ball. ______________ ______________

Use the adjectives good, better, or best.

1. I play basketball ________________ than I did last year.

2. My father is the ________________ cook in the family.

3. The teacher said that I did a ________________ job.

4. The weather is ________________ today than yesterday.

5. It was the ________________ present ever!

6. My handwriting is the ________________ .

7. Jayanta is a ________________ student.

Use the adjectives bad, worse, or worst.

1. Today my friend was sick with a ________________ cold.

2. The storm was the ________________ one I had ever seen.

3. My math grade was ________________ this semester than last semester.

4. It was ________________ that I didn’t help wash the pots.

5. The doctor asked me if my headache was ________________.

Match the proper adjectives to the proper nouns.

1. Canadian Japan
2. African Canada
3. American India
4. Russian Russia
5. Korean Asia
6. Japanese Africa
7. Mexican Korea
8. Indian America
9. Asian Mexico

Write a sentence using one of the proper nouns and one of the proper adjectives. Underline both



Write “a”, “an”, or “the” in the blank.

1. There was ______ apple in the fruit bowl.

2. The eagle flew down towards ______ lake.

3. I was looking for ______ banana to mix in my porridge.

4. Our family took ______ trip to Vrindavan.

5. We swung on ______ tire swing.

6. It was ______ amazing time to see the Dieties!

7. He doesn’t hear ___ alarm clock ring.

8. I gave him ___ little help.

Write a sentence using the adjective “a”. Underline the adjective.



Write a sentence using the adjective “an”. Underline the adjective.



Write a sentence using the adjective “the”. Underline the adjective.



Underline the adverb in the sentence. Write the verb that the adverb describes next to the
sentence. Then write if the adverb tells “when”, “where”, or “how”.

1. He ate prasad after me. _____when______

2. It was almost bedtime. _______________

3. My friend ran really fast. _______________

4. I dressed the deities really beautifully. _______________

5. I often bake cookies. _______________

6. Mother cheerfully woke me up. _______________

7. The boy looked everywhere for its japa bag. _______________

8. Mother excitedly opened her Mother’s Day gifts. _______________

9. He could read fast! _______________

10. My friends and I were last. _______________

11. The owner gently combed the horse’s main. _______________

12. Later it rained. _______________

Write a sentence using the adverb “quietly”. Underline the verb that the adverb describes.


Write a sentence using the adverb “first”. Underline the verb that the adverb “first” describes.



Lesson 6

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.
 Words for tell: say, explain, describe, answer, inform, order, instruct, notify
 Words for kind: nice, pleasant, sweet, agreeable, enjoyable, good, delightful, likable

Exercise 1
Write the sentences using a synonym for the underlined words.

1. Raju was afraid of the lightning.


2. Nandi lost weight and was quite thin.


3. He will like the outdoor swimming pool.


4. The firecrackers were very noisy.


5. My mother was glad when I won the spelling Bee.


6. The police siren was loud.


7. The rainy weather was gloomy.


8. The referee will yell out the score.


9. The deities’ flower garden has pretty flowers with a lovely scent.

Antonyms are words that mean the opposite.
 dirty and clean
 most and least
 full and empty

Exercise 2
Think of an antonym for each word listed. Write a sentence using the antonym. Underline it.

1. wild __________________________________________________________________________


2. light __________________________________________________________________________


3. whole __________________________________________________________________________


4. pretty __________________________________________________________________________


5. shiny __________________________________________________________________________


6. new __________________________________________________________________________


7. narrow __________________________________________________________________________


Homophones are words that sound alike. They have different spellings. They have different
meanings. Examples:
I can hear the music.
I called to my dog to come over here.

Exercise 3
Write the correct homophone on the blank.

1. (one, won) We __________ first place. We are number __________!

2. (bee, be) The bumble __________ will __________ near the flowers.

3. (eight, ate) I can’t believe that I __________ __________ pieces of cheesecake.

4. (threw, through) The teacher read __________ the directions written on the paper, but Amala
__________ his paper away.

5. (sea, see) It is important to __________ that the weather on the __________ is safe for sailing.

6. (blue, blew) The __________ sail __________ in the wind.

7. (by, buy) They drove __________ the store that they planned to __________ veggies from.

8. (for, four) It was __________ o’clock in the morning and time __________ going to the temple.

9. (right, write) The writing teacher taught us to __________ the __________ way.

10. (peace, piece) I had a __________ of pie and sat outside in __________.

11. (pair, pear) The __________ was shared by the __________ of twins.

12. (hour, our) __________ clock chimes every __________.

13. (read, red) The teacher __________ the __________- colored book to us.

14. (eye, I) __________ need to see an __________ doctor to get new glasses.

Write sentences with the following words:

1. (your) __________________________________________________________________________


2. (you’re) _________________________________________________________________________


3. (their) __________________________________________________________________________


4. (there) __________________________________________________________________________


5. (they’re)


6. (were) __________________________________________________________________________


7. (we’re) __________________________________________________________________________


Compound Words
A compound word is made up of two smaller words.
 shoe + laces = shoelaces
 skate + board = skateboard
 pony + tail = ponytail

Exercise 4
Write the compound word made from the two words.
1. cross + walk _____________________________________________
2. moon + light _____________________________________________
3. eye + ball _____________________________________________
4. fire + place _____________________________________________

5. slow + poke _____________________________________________
6. tea + spoon _____________________________________________
7. thunder + storm _____________________________________________
8. snap + shot _____________________________________________
9. rail + road _____________________________________________
10. down + pour _____________________________________________

Matching. Match the two smaller words to make a compound word. Then list the compound
words on the blanks below.
1. hail a. rise
2. over b. time
3. sun c. bone
4. water d. snake
5. wind e. coat
6. fire f. storm
7. life g. fly
8. foot h. spout
9. back i. sock
10. rattle j. print

1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________

4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________

7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________

10. _______________________

Use the compound word in a sentence. Circle the compound word.

1. raindrop


2. tightrope ________________________________________________________________________


3. jawbone

4. sandpaper _______________________________________________________________________


5. watermelon ______________________________________________________________________


6. passport


7. dishwasher ______________________________________________________________________


8. seaweed ________________________________________________________________________


9. shipwreck _______________________________________________________________________


A prefix is a word part that is added to the base word to make a new word. Prefixes are added
to the beginning of words. The meaning of the base word changes.
Examples: The prefix “re” means “to do again”.
 redo (to do again)
 reuse (to use again)

Exercise 5
Underline the word with the prefix “re”. Write the meaning of the word.
1. The house was rebuilt after the fire. to be built again______________

2. My grandmother misdialed. She will recall the number. ___________________________

3. Tamal will refold his clothes in his locker. __________________________

4. I want to rejoin my group. __________________________

5. It is a good idea to reread the text. __________________________

6. It was his turn to retell his experience during of the parikram. __________________________

7. Balaram needed to repay his neighbor for the broken window. __________________________

8. The mahashop will rewarm the rolls before serving them. __________________________

A prefix is a word part that is added to the base word to make a new word. Prefixes are added
to the beginning of words. The meaning of the base word changes.
Examples: The prefixes “un” and “dis” mean “not” or “the opposite of”.
 unclear (not clear)
 unclean (not clean)
 dislike (not like)
 disappear (the opposite of appear)

Exercise 6
Underline the word with a prefix. Write the meaning of the word.

1. My brother will unwrap his present. the opposite of wrap________

2. He was unable to come to the festival. __________________________

3. Nandi is unafraid of anything. __________________________

4. The picture looks unbalanced. __________________________

5. The sickness was untreatable. __________________________

6. Can you unbend the paperclip? __________________________

7. It was hard to unbutton the kurta. __________________________

8. Her first name is very uncommon. __________________________

9. The drapes in the living room were uneven. __________________________

10. Mother will unfreeze the fish for dinner. __________________________

11. It is unkind not to help your group. __________________________

12. It was so warm that Mohan unzipped his jacket. __________________________

13. The man was dishonest with the police. __________________________

14. The boys disagree over what game to play. __________________________

15. I will disconnect the fridge when we go to parikram. __________________________

16. The airline will disallow more than one carry-on per person. __________________________

17. The teacher disapproved of the children’s manners. __________________________

18. The books were disordered on the shelf. __________________________

A suffix is a word part that is added to the base word to make a new word. Suffixes are added
to the ending of words. The meaning of the base word changes.
Examples: The suffix “er” or “or” means “someone who”.
 singer (someone who sings)
 actor (someone who acts)

Exercise 7
Underline the word with a suffix. Write the meaning of the word.

1. The sailor enjoyed his new boat. someone who sails__________

2. The child is a good listener in class. _________________________

3. The teacher taught the small boys. _________________________

4. We hired a painter to paint the entire house. _________________________

5. The writer finished the book about Bhishmadeva. _________________________

6. My son is a good dancer in kirtans. _________________________

7. The translator told the story in Chinese. _________________________

8. the headboy is a good surveyor. _________________________

9. The driver took us all the way to Jaganath Puri. _________________________

10. The early conquerors helped gain land and resources. _________________________

11. The goalkeeper tries hard to get to the ball. _________________________

12. The lawmaker was elected to the city government. _________________________

13. My youngest brother is a good imitator. _________________________

14. Danavir Prabhu was an active contributor to the class. _________________________

A suffix is a word part that is added to the base word to make a new word. Suffixes are added
to the ending of words. The meaning of the base word changes.
The suffix “ful” means “full of” or “with a lot of”.
 careful (full of care) The doctor was careful not to hurt the patient.

The suffix “less” means “without”.

 careless (without care) The student was careless and made many mistakes in math.

Exercise 8
Underline the word with a suffix. Write the meaning of the word.

1. The costume was frightful. with a lot of fright__________

2. The kitten was homeless. __________________________

3. His father was helpful with the science project. __________________________

4. The peas were tasteless. __________________________

5. I was doubtful that he was telling the truth. __________________________

6. My grandmother is always cheerful. __________________________

7. The quilt is very colorful. __________________________

8. The tornado made the people feel helpless. __________________________

9. They smaller bull felt powerless. __________________________

10. The headboy was successful with his new service. __________________________

11. It was useless to argue with him. __________________________

Multi-meaning Words
Multi-meaning words are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. You can
tell the meaning of the word by the other words in the sentence. These are called sentence
clues. Examples:

 The bird’s bill is large enough to get worms. (A bill is a bird’s beak.)
 The man will pay with a hundred rupee bill. (A bill is paper money.)
 Blue is my favorite color. (Blue is a color.)
 My grandfather was feeling blue. (Blue means to feel sick or sad.)

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with the word that fits both meanings. Words to use:

bear leaves kid

pound mold kind
pool mind stable
racket log steer
pupil handle squash

1. The ______________ likes to ______________ around and play practical jokes.

2. The rancher had to ______________ the ______________ from the field into the pen.

3. Jaganath was making a ______________ with his new tennis ______________.

4. The ______________ had a piece of dust in the ______________ of his eye.

5. Do you ______________ if I rest my ______________ from all of this thinking?

6. I will ______________ onto the computer and find out how a tree is cut into a ______________.

7. The guest house had a ______________ table and also a swimming ______________.

8. The sick horses in the ______________ were seen by the vet and they are now in a

9. It was ______________ of the nurse to bring me that ______________ of blanket.

10. I will ______________ the ______________ of clay and make a pot.

11. The carpenter said he could ______________ the job of fixing the ______________ on the
cupboard door.

12. We didn’t mean to ______________ the flowers in the garden when we picked the
______________ to have for dinner.

13. That ______________ just the two of us to rake up all of the ______________!

14. The mother ______________ couldn’t ______________ to see her cubs get lost in the woods.

15. we found _______________ in the cake _______________.

Sentence Clues
There are a lot of words in the English language. No one knows what every word means. To
help you know the meaning of a word, you can use sentence clues. This means that the other
words in the sentence can help you understand what the word means.

Example: The daytime temperature was warm and then it took a plunge during the night.

Ask yourself what the word “plunge” could mean.

In this sentence, it says that the temperature took a plunge at night. It also says the “daytime
temperature was warm”. So the word “plunge” probably means the temperature changed
somehow. Would it make more sense for the temperature to get warmer (a rising temperature)
or to get colder (a falling or dropping temperature) at night? Probably colder (a falling or dropping
temperature) as temperatures fall or drop when the sun goes down.
So in this sentence, the word “plunge” probably means to fall or drop and get colder.

Exercise 10
See if you can figure out these word meanings by using sentence clues. Underline the word that
means the same as the bolded word in the sentence.

1. The paper towel will absorb the water spill.

push over take in or draw in keep as is

2. The judge will accuse the man of the crime.

blame arrest admit

3. His advantage in doing well in school is that he loves learning!

good example good luck good quality

4. The scientist examined the germs under the microscope.

admired studied carefully shook

5. It is a privilege to be able to take sitar lessons.

opportunity fun time chore

6. My brother put the car in reverse and went down the driveway.
a backwards movement a sideways movement a neutral position

7. I wanted to capture the image of the ocean in my watercolor painting.

paint take or hold lock up

8. The squirrels scatter about the yard.
hang together climb a tree separate and go different directions

9. The janitor crumpled up the recycled paper.

flattened organized wrinkled

10. The word origin of Hindu is the Sindu River.

where it began what it means where it is used

11. I must confess that I ate 4 cookies before dinner.

argue agree admit

Use the word synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and compounds to tell the type of words these
are. Write the correct type after each pair of words.

1. handlebars, aircraft _________________________

2. fair, fare _________________________

3. helpful, helpless _________________________

4. gentle, kind _________________________

5. asleep, nobody _________________________

6. quiet, shy _________________________

7. round, square _________________________

8. waist, waste _________________________

9. scent, sent_________________________

Now it’s your turn to think of words.

1. Name 3 things that you can find in a school that are compound words.


2. Name a synonym for careful.


3. Name an antonym for sick.


4. Name a homophone for flower.


5. Name an antonym for truth.


6. Name a synonym for peaceful.


7. Name a homophone for ferry.


Matching. Draw a line to its meaning.

Prefix “re” not or opposite of
Prefix “un”, “dis” someone who
Suffix “er”, “or” to do again
Suffix “ful” without
Suffix “less” full of; with a lot of

Write a sentence using a word with the prefix or suffix listed. Try to think of words that have not
been already used in this lesson. Underline the word.

1. (the prefix “re”)



2. (the prefix “un”)



3. (the prefix “dis”)



4. (the suffix “er”)



5. (the suffix “or”)



6. (the suffix “ful”)



7. (the suffix “less”)



1. What are multi-meaning words? Why are they tricky?





2. What are context clues? Why are they important?





3. Write a sentence using a pair of multi-meaning words. Underline the words and tell what they





4. Write a sentence using a “more challenging” vocabulary word. Explain how the reader can
figure out the meaning of this word from the other words in the sentence.





Lesson 7

Kinds of Writing
There are many kinds of writing.
Opinion writing is where writers share their thoughts about something. It might be to tell what
they like and what they don’t like about something. They need to have reasons. Opinion writing
uses the words because, and, and also.

Informative writing is when writers explain or share some information. They use facts and
definitions so others understand the information that is shared.

Narrative writing is telling a story. When writers write a narrative, they describe characters. They
tell about their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Sometimes, there is a problem and resolution in
the story. The story is told in order of the events that happen. The words after, following, and
later are often used. The story has an ending.

Exercise 1
Write O – Opinion, I – Informative, and N – Narrative on the blanks to tell the kind of writing.
1. Why I Like cooking __O__
2. My First Day doing puja _____
3. A rainy day in Mayapur _____
3. How to Play Choo _____
4. All about India _____
5. Grandmother’s Trip to Tirupati _____
6. How to Build a grass hut _____
7. Health and Nutrition _____
8. Why I think Saturdays are the best! _____

Now it’s your turn. Write an imaginary title for each kind of writing. Capitalize the first word and
the important words in the title.

Opinion _______________________________________________________________________

Informative ______________________________________________________________________

Narrative _______________________________________________________________________

Main Idea
Every kind of writing needs a main idea. The main idea is the most important idea of what the
writing is about.
For example:
Srila Prabhupada- The Founder of ISKCON
Srila Prabhipad was a disciple of Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati. Following the order of his spiritual
master he came to America to spread Krishna consciousness. He arrived on 17 th September 1965,
at the age of 69. His preaching and unconditional love for everyone moved hundreds of people to
follow him, and under his guidance they opened temples all over the world. One year after his
arrival in America Srila Prabhupad established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
or ISKCON on 13th July 1966. Even now through his books and instructions he is still inspiring so
many devotees to continue with the preaching of Krishna consciousness.

This informational text is about Srila Prabhupad as the Founder of ISKCON. This is the main idea. The
sentences in the text are details that add information to the main idea. We learn that Srila
Prabhupad was the disciple of Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati. We are told that he established ISKCON.
Everything in the paragraph talks about Srila Prabhupad and ISKCON. So this is the main idea.

Exercise 2
What do you think is the main idea of these texts? Circle the main idea. Write it on the blank.

Zebras are members of the horse family. They can hear sounds from far away. They can see things
that are far away, too. Did you know the zebra can run up to 35 miles per hour? That is really fast!
Zebras have stripes, but they are different from each other. Some stripes are narrow. Some
stripes are wide. Zebras like to make sounds to talk to each other. They also move their ears and
eyes and show their teeth to tell you what they are feeling.

 Zebras Have Different Stripes

 Zebras Can Run Fast
 All About Zebras

Main Idea of this Informational Text (choose the best option from above):


I think cooking is one of the most useful skills we can learn. You can please so many devotees and

cook wonderful preparations for the Lord. Everyone needs to eat not once, not twice but three
times a day! So, your skills will always be in demand. Knowing how to cook also makes you more
self-sufficient and saves you a lot of money in the long run. And is so fun to cook. Anyway, this is
my opinion, because I know how much cooking as helped me.

 Cooking is fun
 Cooking is the most useful skill
 You can cook amazing preparations

Main Idea of this Opinion Text (choose the best option from above):


Madhushyam woke up on a Saturday morning. It was time for him to go to kung fu class. First, he
got dressed in his uniform. Then he ate a healthy breakfast. He needed to pack a water bottle. He
said good-bye to his parents and brother. Then Madhushyam ran out the door to join his friend,
Jayanta. Madhushyam and Jayanta walked to kung fu class every Saturday.
They liked to talk all the way to class.

 Saturday’s Kung fu Class

 Eating a Healthy Breakfast
 Walking to Class

Main Idea of this Narrative Text (choose the best option from above):


Details help explain what the main idea is all about. In the informative text, the details are

The details tell about Srila Prabhupada who was The Founder of ISKCON.

Srila Prabhipad was a disciple of Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati. Following the order of his spiritual
master he came to America to spread Krishna consciousness. He arrived on 17th September 1965,
at the age of 69. His preaching and unconditional love for everyone moved hundreds of people to
follow him, and under his guidance they opened temples all over the world. One year after his
arrival in America Srila Prabhupad established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
or ISKCON on 13th July 1966. Even now through his books and instructions he is still inspiring so
many devotees to continue with the preaching of Krishna consciousness.

The details tell us that Srila Prabhipad was a disciple of Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati. They tell us that
He arrived on 17th September 1965, at the age of 69. and that under his guidance they opened
temples all over the world. And lastly that Even now through his books and instructions he is still
inspiring so many devotees to continue with the preaching of Krishna consciousness.

The other information in the text tells details, too. The sentence about how he followed the
order of his spiritual master to come to America. The other 3 sentences 1. Following the order of
his spiritual master he came to America. 2. His preaching and unconditional love for everyone
moved hundreds of people to follow him. 3. He established ISKCON on 13 th July 1966. These
sentences help the reader understand how and when Srila Prabhupad founded ISKCON

Exercise 3
1. Underline the details in the opinion writing about cooking:

I think cooking is one of the most useful skills we can learn. You can please so
many devotees and cook wonderful preparations for the Lord. Everyone needs
to eat not once, not twice but three times a day! So, your skills will always be
in demand. Knowing how to cook also makes you more self-sufficient and
saves you a lot of money in the long run. And is so fun to cook. Anyway, this is
my opinion, because I know how much cooking as helped me.

2. Underline the details in the narrative writing about Madhushyam and the Kung fu class:

Madhushyam woke up on a Saturday morning. It was time for him to go to

kung fu class. First, he got dressed in his uniform. Then he ate a healthy
breakfast. He needed to pack a water bottle. He said good-bye to his parents
and brother. Then Madhushyam ran out the door to join his friend, Jayanta.
Madhushyam and Jayanta walked to kung fu class every Saturday.
They liked to talk all the way to class.

Facts and Opinions

Facts are things that are true. Opinions are what you think and feel.
Opinions are not based on facts.
 Fact: It is snowing.
 Opinion: I think it is going to snow.
 Fact: The book is about Krishna.
 Opinion: I liked that book about Krishna.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with facts and opinions about Farming.

1. Topic: Farming

Fact 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Fact 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks with facts and opinions about winter.

2. Topic: Winter

Fact 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Fact 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks with facts and opinions about reading.

3. Topic: Reading

Fact 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Fact 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks with facts and opinions about your family.
4. Topic: My Family

Fact 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Fact 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 1: ___________________________________________________________________

Opinion 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Main Idea and Details – Informational Text
Pick a topic you would like to write about. Put that in the middle circle of the graphic organizer.
Then write details about the topic in the other circles.

feathers fly

looks moves
beak swim

Eats house
worms nests

fish Bird- houses

You can see how this one was done. Birds is the main topic. The details are Looks, Moves, Food,
and Houses. Then for each detail, there are descriptions.
For example: feathers and beak help describe how birds look.

Exercise 5
Now it is your turn to write an informational text. First think of a topic. This is your main idea. It
could be a bird, sport, animals, season, cooking, etc. Write the main idea in the middle circle of
your graphic organizer. Then write details about the topic in the next ring of circles. Now you need
to describe the details. Put the descriptions in the smallest circles. You don’t need to fill in all of

When your graphic organizer is complete, it is time to write your informational text. Make sure
you have a beginning. Then share information. You should plan to write one sentence or more
about each of your details. Later, have an ending. Add a title that talks about the main idea.



















Write a “How to Piece” – Informational Text

A “how to piece” tells how to do something in a step-by-step sequence. This type of writing
might also be called a set of directions or instructions. Recipes are good examples of “how to
pieces” that people use every day. Other “how to pieces” share things someone knows how to
do with others so they can learn to do these things themselves. Usually, the steps to follow are
numbered. The first word in each sentence begins with a verb.

Example: How to Write a “How to Piece”
1. Pick something that you know how to do well or something you think other people would
like to know about.
2. Think about what you need to do what you selected and how you do it.
3. Make a list of the order and include all of the ingredients.
4. Review your list so the order is correct and you did not leave anything out.
5. Number your list.
6. Have someone read your list and follow the steps.
7. Make any changes to improve the wording or sequence.

Example: How to Blow Bubbles

1. Make up a bubble mixture in a dish pan.
2. Fill the pan with 1 liter water.
3. Add 8 tablespoons of dish detergent.
4. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin (from the drugstore).
5. Use a plastic wand to dip in.
6. Wave the wand or blow through it to make bubbles.

Exercise 6
Now it is your turn to write a “How to Piece”. Think of something you do well. Number the steps in
order. Have at least 5 steps. Include all of your ingredients. Give your informational text a title.








Narrative Writing
Narrative writing has a beginning, middle, and ending. It tells a story. The events are in order.
For example: The Mouse and the Sage
 Beginning: You meet the Sage and the mouse; the mouse is having problems because he
is the smallest and weakest of the forest animals.
 Middle: The sage helps the mouse by first making him into a cat, then a dog, then a wolf,

and then a lion.
 End: The mouse becomes too proud and thinks that he can eat the sage, so the sage turns
him back into a mouse.

The Sage and the Mouse

Beginning: You meet the Sage and the mouse; the mouse is having

Middle: The sage helps the mouse by first making him into a cat,
then a dog, then a wolf, and then a lion.

End: The mouse becomes too proud and thinks that he can eat
the sage, so the sage turns him back into a mouse.

Exercise 7
Now think of your own story. Use the beginning, middle, and ending graphic organizer to help you
write a story. Fill in the graphic organizer.







Now write your story on the blank lines. And give your story a title.

















Using Words to Tell What You Mean

Opinion writing – uses the word “because”
 I like puris because they taste good.
 I like puris because they remind me of mayapur and the maha plate. Yummy!

Informative writing – uses facts and definitions
 Birds are feathered, winged, two-legged, warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates.
There are around 10,000 different species of birds worldwide.
20% of birds migrate long distances every year.

Narrative writing – uses sentence order and words that describe this order
(after, following, later, etc.)
 After school, I went to swim in Jalangi. Later, we had a dinner with my good friends.

Exercise 8
Write an opinion sentence about cookies. Use the word “because”.



Write an informative sentence about a pig. Use a fact or definition.



Write a narrative sentence about a little boy who finds a puppy. Use words that tell order (after,
following, later, etc.).



Now, choose one of the sentences you wrote from the previous page and write a paragraph. Add
details to your writing. Make sure you have a beginning, an ending, and a title.




















Write the letter O – Opinion, I – Informative, and N – Narrative on the blanks after the titles to tell
the kind of writing the text is.

1. My School Trip to Jaganath Puri. ___N___

2. What is Latitude? ______
3. Fun Things to Do on a Saturday ______
4. The Olympics ______
5. How to Play satguti ______
6. The Churning of the Milk Ocean ______
7. How to Make a Tree House ______
8. My First Day of School ______
9. Why I am learning how to cook ______
10. Why I Think choo is better than satguti ______

Text: Why I Like Summer! – Opinion writing

I like summer better than the other seasons. I like summer because of the warm weather. I like to
swim and go to the Ganga. I like to play outside and ride my bike. I like summer the best because my
favourite festival of the year is Narasimha Chaturdasi, it happens in may.

Write the main idea:


Write 2 details:

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


Text: Spacesuits – Informational writing

Spacesuits are worn by astronauts. Astronauts wear spacesuits to keep them cool from the sun. They
wear the suits to keep them warm when it is cold. The spacesuits have backpacks to hold food and
water for the astronauts. Astronauts wear a helmet. They have a camera on their helmet because
then they can take pictures of what they see. Astronauts have a control stick that helps them move
around in space. It helps them move up and down, and back and forth. Spacesuits are important to
wear for the astronauts because they keep them safe.

Write the main idea:


Write 2 details:

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


Text: The Hunter and the Sage – Narrative writing

The sage Narada can go anywhere he likes. So, after he saw the lord in the Spiritual Sky, he went to
earth. While he was there, he walked in a lush forest. Narada first saw a deer with an arrow in it’s
side, then a pig, then a rabbit, all had arrows in them and were all in so much pain. Narada thought
there must be hunter nearby. As Narada walked toward a tree he saw the hunter. he asked “who are
you and why do you hurt these animals?” “My name is Mrigari which means animal killer.” Said the
proud hunter. Narada Explained to the hunter that whatever pain and suffering he gives other living
entities, he would have to suffer in either this life or the next. Upon hearing this, the fearfull hunter
asked Narada what he could do to fix his past mistakes. Narada taught him the Maha Mantra and
told him to give up his life of cruelty and worship the Lord. Leaving the hunter Narada went on with
his travels. After some time Narada returned to visit the hunter. Upon seeing Narada the hunter ran
to offer his obeisances, but in his path he saw a line of ants making there way across the road.
Mrigari bent down, and ever so gently moved them with his upper cloth so that they wouldn’t be
harmed. Just see the power of the holy name and the instruction from a pure devotee of the lord!

Write the main idea:


Write 3 details:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________________________________


Write “F” for fact and “O” for opinion.

1. I think it was the coldest day ever. (O)

2. The temperature was below zero.

3. I think I am very lucky!

4. I picked 5 mangoes.

5. It was the first day of summer.

Tell about your favorite animal.

My favorite animal is __________________________________________________

Write 2 details about your favorite animal. Use complete sentences.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________


Narrative writing.
Now think of your own story. Use the beginning, middle, and ending graphic organizer to help you
write a story. Fill in the graphic organizer.







Now write your story on the blank lines. And give your story a title. Remember to write your
narrative in the order on how it happened.

















Write an opinion sentence about your favorite class in school. Use the word “because”.



Write an informational sentence about the weather. Use a fact or definition.



Write a narrative about your day. Write at least 3 sentences. Use at least 3 words that tell the
order of events.








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