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7. The results of Mongol invasion for Azerbaijan.

What did Mongols give to and

take from Azerbaijan?

In the period of the 13th – 14th centuries economy and social life of Azerbaijan was very bad.
This period is remembered as the Mongol period of Azerbaijan, which influenced our history
a lot. During the Mongol invasions, the main cities which were trade centres such as
Shamakha, Barda,, Ganja, Nakhchivan and many were destroyed. Some cities even became
villages due to bad economic state of the state. Agriculture and gardening were also highly
influenced by invasions of Mongols. The lands that very useful and major for farming
weren’t planted, cultivated and used by their purpose. At a time, in the territory of
Azerbaijan were a lot of Turkic – Mongol tribes which were nomadic. Numerous acts of
robbery took place because of these tribes. And not only robbery was the problem caused
by these tribes, the overall population was increasing. On the other hand, due to these
tribes the turkisation process accelerated, since the Turkic – Mongol nomadic tribes were in
contact with native population of Azerbaijan, number of Turks increased. The Turkish
language as well as Arabic and Persian, was used in documentary. Slavery was popular
during the reign of Mongols. Only in two gardens near Tabriz worked nearly 1200 slaves.
Besides that, very heavy taxation and land policy was established. State lands, wagf lands
and jamaat lands were confiscated; such heavy taxes as kharaj, topchur, tamgha and many
others were collected very strictly and brutally. The consequence of this destructive policy
was that a lot of people tried to immigrate to other countries, the ones who stayed were
suffering. The Mongol invasion had without any doubts had both negative and positive
influence on our nation and history.

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