Final Exam Lit

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1- Those quotations are from the 6th chapter from The Life of Lazarillo de Tormers.


Lazarillo has been working with his 6th master for 4 years who provided him a donkey

and four jugs of water, his daily routine was to go and sell water around the city.

Lazarillo would pay the priest 30 coins and the rest would go into his pocket. After 4

years of working, Lazarillo got enough money to buy some clothes and he was proud of

his accomplishment because he was doing an honest man’s work, not conning or

swindling people of their money. As his pride started swallowing him up, Lazarillo

though he could do better than this job and decided to leave the work. Also, we can see

the values of Lazarillio started changing to that of the squire’s. Lazarillo used to mock the

values of the squire and saw them nothing but rubbish only focusing on the clothes. But

now, he is the same as the squire in that aspect, he prided himself in the clothes.

2- these quotations were said by the narrator when Lancelot was having a duel with

Meleagant and the queen agreed to the king’s request of sparing his son, Lancelot stopped

immediately after hearing those word, even though it could have costed him his life. These

quotations represent courtly love, Lancelot is an ideal lover, he would do anything to his

lover. He is being compared to Pyramus who killed himself after finding out his lover died.

3- I think the Archpriest was the most corrupt master of Lazarillo. Back in the 14-15th century

adultery was a crime not tolerable and punished by death most of the times, also the Archpriest

supposed to be caring, devoted and pure without any nefarious thoughts. The Archpriest is

having an affair with the wife of Lazarillo and in exchange he gives Lazarillo lots of foods.

When the rumors started going around about Lazarillo’s wife and the Archpriest, the Archpriest

started to threaten Lazarillo indirectly and tells him not to mind the people’s word. The

Archpriest words were: “Lazarillo don’t pay attention to what anybody says just think of your
own affair. I mean what’s best for you.” We can interpret the context by saying that the

Archpriest is telling Lazarillo to turn a blind eye or he will not give him any food anymore, but

this isn’t only about food its more for Lazarillo. Lazarillo wants to remain a member of high

society which also accomplish the wishes of his mother. So for me, the Archpriest is the most

corrupt master for Lazarillo because not only is he having an affair openly and instead of

stopping and end, he confronts Lazarillo and threatens him so that he can keep going with his

indulgence at the cost of other people’s dignity but his dignity is intact because he is the

Archpriest of the church. In conclusion, the Archpriest has used the influence of the church to

maintain his honor, he used food and status to blackmail and threaten Lazarillo to turn a blind

eye and finally he lets his lust run wild at the expenses of other.

4- the concept of honor differs in The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and Lancelot, or the Knight of

the cart. In the case of Lancelot, honor is one of the “Code of chivalry”, which is kind of a sacred

code of knights. We can see that honor is very important to Lancelot, when the dwarf was

willing to tell him where the queen was only under the condition of him riding the cart for

prisoners Lancelot had some hesitation, because being seen riding in the cart that was made for

criminals is dishonorable for a knight and let’s not forget that Lancelot attempted suicide when

he heard the queen’s “death” without even blinking. It can be concurred that honor is not as

simple as it is, knights would rather die than being dishonorable. But, in the novel of Lazarillo de

Tormes, the concept of honor is interpreted in two ways. The first way is with the squire, he

thinks that honor is only about appearance, if someone is dressed in fancy clothes he is

considered honorable. But the second interpretation is most commonly seen throughout the text

and that is honor means nothing. Most of Lazarillo’s master that we have seen have not been

honorable, all of them are either stealing, coning people, scheming or treacheries. Be it the blind
man, the priest, the pardoner or the archpriest. It was even to the point that the archpriest, his

master, told him to turn a blind eye to the affair between him and his wife and told him to forget

about his and his wife’s honor. For his 5th master, the pardoner, Lazarillo chose to leave him

because the degree of his dishonor, he used to swindle people’s pocket to the point that of

making Lazarillo look at him in disgust. As for the blind man, who used to chant of a full prayer

to the people who gave him money, as time went on and he noticed that he was receiving less

money he started chanting only half of the chant and stops when the person who give money is

gone. So in conclusion, in the Knight of the cart the concept of honor is sacred and should not be

tarnished with ease, even choosing death over being dishonorable. But, in Lazarillo’s case, the

concept of honor mostly means nothing, at most honor is just dressing well but other than that,

honor is just a word that has no value unlike in the Lancelot story where honor is sacred.

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